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Lesson Planning Sheet Title: Fractions, Decimals and Percentages Learning Objectives: By the end of the lesson: All

students should be able to convert between fractions, decimals and percentages using the place value grid. Most students should be able to convert between fractions, decimals and percentages using equivalent fractions Some students should be able to order and compare fractions, decimals and percentages by choosing a common representation. Key words: Fraction, Percentage, Decimal, Place Value, Equivalent Learning Activities Starter/Introduction Pose the spider diagram on the first slide for students to recap multiplying and dividing by powers of ten as well as writing numbers into the place value table. Emphasise that the decimal point is the point of reference for the digits position in the table and that by multiplying or dividing by powers of ten greater than one the numbers move to the left and right respectively. Development The scale at the top of the second slide is intended for the students to label the quarter marks with different representations, such as, 0.25, 25% and . Pose the question to the class Label the four quarter marks with as many representation as you know. Ideally students will have some understanding of equivalences between fractions, decimals and percentages. Use the place value table to write 3/10 as 0.3 and so on. Recap the definition for a percent (out of 100) so that 34% becomes understood as 34/100. Simplify fractions when ever possible. Students could work through some problems independently on a mini-whiteboard for the teacher to assess progress. The class could work through the third slide independently. Have students come to the front of the class to demonstrate the solutions. Plenary Present the two problems on the final slide with little guidance. Hopefully the students will see the need for a common representation and will apply the skill that has been learnt. Assess through the use of mini-whiteboards and have the students compare solutions when different representations have been used. Differentiation More able: Pose fractions such as 1/8 where students need to half . Including decimal percentages (54.5%) will encourage the student to use equivalent fractions at a deeper level. Less Able Students could stick to fractions where the denominator is a factor is 10 or 50. Ensure that students have secure understanding of how to use the place value table and multiply by powers of ten. Resources: Place Value Table Mini-Whiteboards

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