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Tratados y monografas
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Arenas, J.J. y Aparicio, A.C., "Pilas de puentes de tramo recto ", Publicacin TE-3-1981, E.T.S.I.C.C.P. Santander (1981) Arenas, J.J. y Aparicio, A.C., "Estribos de puente de tramo recto ", Dpto. de Tecnologa de las Estructuras, E.T.S.I.C.C.P. Santander (1984) Bakht, B. y Jaeger, L.G., "Bridge analysis simplified", Mc Graw-Hill (1983) Beckett, D., "Concrete bridges", Surrey University Press (1973) Calgaro, J.A. y Virlogeux, M., "Projet et construction des ponts. Analyse structurale des tabliers de ponts." , Presses d'E.N.P.C. (1988) Clark, L.A., "Concrete bridge design to BS5400 ", Construction Press (1983) Cremer, L., Heckl M. y Petersson, B.A.T., "Structure-Borne Sound", Springer (2005) Cusens, A.R. y Pama, R.P., "Bridge deck analysis", Wiley (1975) Gimsing, N.J., "Cable supported bridges", John Wiley (1983) Grattesat, G., "Concepcin de puentes", Editores Tcnicos Asociados (1981) Hambly, E.C., "Bridge deck behaviour", Chapman and Hall (1976) Hewson, N.R., Prestressed concrete bridges: design and construction , Thomas Telford (2003) Jaeger, L.G. y Bakht, B., "Bridge analysis by microcomputer" , Mc Graw-Hill Book Company (1989) Leonhardt, F., "Bridges, aesthetics and design", The Architectural Press (1982) Menn, C., "Prestressed concrete bridges", Birkhuser (1990) Meseguer,J., Sanz, A., Perales, J.M. y Pindado, S., Aerodinmica civil, Mc Graw-Hill (2001) Monlen, S., "Curso de puentes", Volumen 2, SPUPV (1990) Monlen, S., "Ingeniera de puentes: anlisis estructural", SPUPV-97-067, Universidad Politcnica de Valencia (1997) OConnor, C., "Design of bridge superstructures ", John Wiley (1971) Podolny Jr., W. y Muller, J., "Construction and design of prestressed concrete segmental bridges", John Wiley (1982) Podolny Jr., W. y Scalzy, J.B., "Construction and design of cable-stayed bridges ", 2nd Ed., John Wiley (1986)

22. Rowe, R.E., "Concrete bridge design", Applied Science (1962) 23. Ryall, M.J., Parke, G.A.R. y Harding, J.E., The manual of bridge engineering, Thomas Telford (2000) 24. Samartn, A.F., "Aplicacin del mtodo de los elementos finitos al anlisis estructural de tableros de puentes", Universidad de Santander (1979) 25. Samartn, A.F., "Clculo de estructuras de puentes de hormign ", Editorial Rueda (1983) 26. Troitsky, M.S., "Cable-stayed bridges", Crosby Lockwood Staples (1977) 27. Vlassov, B.Z., "Pices longues en voiles minces", Eyrolles (1962) 28. Walther, R., "Ponts Haubans", Presses Polytechniques Romandes (1985) 29. Wittfoht, H., "Puentes, ejemplos internacionales", Gustavo Gili (1975)

26. Arenas, J.J., "Anlisis por microordenador de tableros continuos de puente ", Hormign y acero, N 115 (1975) 27. Astiz, M.A., "Aplicacin del mtodo de los elementos finitos al clculo de puentes ", Aplicaciones del M.E.F. en Ingeniera, pp. 1-16 (1982) 28. Bond, D., "An examination of the automated design of prestressed concrete bridge decks by computer ", I.C.E., Vol.61, paper 7830 (1976) 29. Bullo, S. y Di Marco, "The Role of Vibration Analysis in the Design of the Pedestrian Walkway Extension of the Principe Umberto Bridge in Legnago, Italy", Structural Engineering International, Vol. 18, N 4 (2008) 30. Casas, J.R., "Consideraciones respecto a la modelizacin dinmica de los puentes" , Hormign y acero, N 191 (1994) 31. Chaikes, S., "Puentes, carreteras elevadas y viaductos en hormign parcialmente pretensado (Clase II). Mtodo de clculo, proyecto y ejecucin ", Hormign y acero, N 116 (1975) 32. Kanok-Nukulchai, W., Yiu, P.K.A. y Brotton, D.M., "Mathematical modelling of cable stayed bridges", Structural Engineering International, Vol. 2 n 2 (1992) 33. Lpez Rodrguez, A. y Aparicio, A.C., "Estudio de la evolucin de la respuesta hasta la rotura de tableros de puentes de hormign pretensado de planta curva o esviada" , Hormign y acero, N 169 (1988) 34. Llombart, J.A. y Antn, V., "Pasos superiores realizados. Planteamiento estructural frente a acciones horizontales en proyectos de puentes" , Hormign y acero, N 169 (1988) 35. Millanes, F., "Modelo para el anlisis no-lineal de estructuras de hormign por el mtodo de los elementos finitos", Hormign y acero, N 137 (1980) 36. Palmisano, F., Vitone, A. y Vitone, C., "A First Approach to Optimum Design of CableSupported Bridges Using Load path Method" , Structural Engineering International, Vol. 18, N 4 (2008) 37. Rnnquist, A., Strommen, E. y Wollebaek, L., "Dynamic Properties from Full Scale Recordings and FE-Modelling of a Slender Footbridge with Flexible Connections", Structural Engineering International, Vol. 18, N 4 (2008) 38. Samartn, A., "Clculo de estructuras espacialmente peridicas. Aplicacin a tableros de

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Tratados y monografas
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Tratados y monografas
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23. Oden, J.T. y Ripperger, E.A., "Mechanics of elastic structures ", Mc Graw-Hill, 2 nd Ed. (1981) 24. Prandtl, L., "Zur torsion von prismatischen stben", Phys. Z., 4 (1903) 25. Saint-Venant, B. de, "De la torsion des prismes", Tome XIV de lAcadmie des Sciences (1855) 26. Samartin, A.F., "Clculo de estructuras de puentes de hormign ", Editorial Rueda (1983) 27. Samartn, A.F., "Curso de elasticidad", Librera Editorial BELLISCO (1990) 28. S.E.T.R.A., "Appareils dappui en lastomre frett ", Ministre de lquipement, Direction des routes et de la circulation routire (1974) 29. Timoshenko, S. y Goodier, J.N., "Theory of elasticity", Mc Graw-Hill (1951) 30. Torroja, E., "Elasticidad", 4 Ed., Dossat (1967) 31. Viuela, L., "Recomendaciones para el proyecto de puentes de acero ", ENSIDESA Tomo 4 (1992) 32. Vlassov, B.Z., "Pices longues en voiles minces", Eyrolles (1962) 33. Wolfram, S., "Mathematica: a system for doing mathematics by computer ", AddisonWesley, 2nd Ed. (1991) 34. Yitzhaki, D., "The design of prismatic and cylindrical shell roofs ", North Holland Publishing Co. (1959)

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Tratados y monografas
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Arenas, J.J., "Anlisis de tableros rectos de puente mediante el modelo de losa orttropa", ETSICCP Santander, Ctedra de Puentes, Publicacin TE- 2 (1981) Beckett, D., "Concrete bridges", Surrey University Press (1973) Cusens, A.R. y Pama, R.P., "Bridge deck analysis", Wiley (1975) Hambly, E.C., "Bridge deck behaviour", Chapman & Hall (1976) Hendry, A.W. y Jaeger, L.G., "The analysis of grid frameworks and related structures ", Chatto and Windus (1958) Livesley, R.K., "Matrix methods of structural analysis", 2nd Ed., Pergamon Press (1975) Martnez Villamarn, F. y Samartn, A.F., "Un programa de generacin automtica de datos para el clculo de emparrillados (GEDE) ", Universidad de Santander, E.T.S.I.C.C.P., Ctedra de Clculo de Estructuras, monografa AE-4 (1979) Ministerio de Obras Pblicas, "Instruccin relativa a las acciones a considerar en el proyecto de puentes de carretera ", M.O.P. (1972) Monlen, S., "Ingeniera de puentes: anlisis estructural", SPUPV-97-067, Universidad Politcnica de Valencia (1997) Samartn, A., "Clculo de estructuras de puentes de hormign", Editorial Rueda (1983) S.E.T.R.A., "Conseils por lutilisation des programmes de rseaux de poutres ", Division des Ouvrages dArt du S.E.T.R.A. (1975) West, R., "Recommendations on the use of grillage analysis for slab and pseudo-slab bridge decks", C. & C.A./C.I.R.I.A. publication 46.017 (1973) West, R., "The use of grillage analogy for the analysis of slab and pseudo-slab bridge decks", C. & C.A. research report 21 (1973)

8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

14. Aparicio, A.C. y Estradera, J.M., "Aplicacin del mtodo de los elementos finitos al estudio de la distorsin de tableros de puente de seccin losa aligerada ", Revista Internacional de Mtodos Numricos para Clculo y Diseo en Ingeniera, Vol. 1/3 (1985) 15. Armer, G.S.T., "Discussion about the ref. . . .", Concrete, Vol. 2, N8 (1968) 16. Da Cunha, F., "Reparto transversal en puentes curvos ", Hormign y acero, N 126 (1978)

17. Da Cunha, F., "Programa de clculo de estructuras, desarrolladas para el proyecto de algunos puentes de la autopista del Atlntico", Hormign y acero, N 130/131/132 (1979) 18. Da Cunha, F., "Discretizacin de rigideces a torsin de emparrillados", Hormign y acero, N 145 (1982) 19. Dongzhou Huang, "Dynamic Loading of Curved Steel Girder Bridges due to Moving Vehicles", Structural Engineering International, Vol. 18, N 4 (2008) 20. Lazarides, T.O., "The design and analysis of open work prestressed beam grillages ", Civil Engineering and Public Work review, Vol. 47&48 (1952) 21. Lightfoot, E. y Sawko, F., "Structural frame analysis by electronic computer. Grid frameworks resolved by generalised slope deflections ", Engineering, Vol. 187, N4843 (1959) 22. Manzanares, J.L. y Gil, M.A., "Clculo de placas mediante asimilacin a emparrillados. Una revisn", Hormign y acero, N 181 (1991) 23. Manterola, J., "Clculo de tableros por el mtodo del emparrillado ", Hormign y acero, N122 (1977) 24. Mrquez, R., "Puente de San Vicente de Trasmao. Aplicacin al diseo de los programas de clculo desarrollados por I.D.A.S.A. ", Hormign y acero, N 130/131/132 (1979) 25. Medwadowski, S.J. y Samartn, A., Design o reinforcement in concrete shells: a unified approach, IASS Jounal, Vol. 45, N 1 (2004) 26. Molins, C. y Roca, P., "Incorporacin del efecto de difusin de fuerzas de membrana en el mtodo del emparrillado.", Hormign y acero, N 195 (1995) 27. Recuero, A., Ro, O. y Tinao, J.A., "Diseo, asistido por ordenador, de tableros de puentes losa", Hormign y acero, N 168 (1988) 28. Samartn, A.F. y Gonzlez de Cangas, J.R., "Una expresin simplificada de la matriz de rigidez de la barra prismtica de directriz circular", Hormign y acero, N133 (1979) 29. Sawko, F., "Computer analysis of grillages curved in plane", IABSE, Vol. 27 (1967) 30. Wood, R.H., "The reinforcement of slab in accordance with a pre-determined field of moments", Concrete, Vol. 2, N2 (1968)


Tratados y monografas
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Arenas, J.J., "Anlisis de tableros rectos de puente mediante el modelo de losa orttropa", ETSICCP Santander, Ctedra de Puentes, Publicacin TE- 2 (1981) Balas, J. y Hanuska, A., "Influence surfaces of skew plates ", Vydavatelstvo Slovenskej akadmie vied, Bratislava (1964) Bares, R. y Massonnet, C., "Le calcul des grillages de poutres et dalles orthotropes ", Dunod (1966) Beckett, D., "Concrete bridges", Surrey University Press (1973) Clark, L.A., "Comparisons of various methods of calculating the torsional inertia of right voided slab bridges", C. & C.A. (1975) Clark, L.A. y White, I.G., "Test to determinate the torsional stiffness of flexurally cracked slab elements", C. & C.A. Technical Report 42.517 (1978) Clark, L.A., "Concrete bridge design to BS5400 ", Construction Press (1983) Cusens, A.R., "Load distribution in concrete bridge decks ", C.I.R.I.A., Report 53 (1974) Cusens, A.R. y Pama, R.P., "Bridge deck analysis", Wiley (1975) Edo, J., "Anlisis de tableros de puentes curvos continuos por el mtodo de la banda finita", EFC, ETSICCP, Universidad Politcnica de Valencia (1987) Eliott, G., "Partial loading on orthotropic plates ", C. & C.A. Technical Report 42.519 (1978) Huber, M.T., "Teorie plyt prostokatnie rznokierunkawych ", Lww (1921) Huber, M.T., "Einige anwendungen der biegungstheorie orthotroper platten ", Z. angew. Math. Mech., p.229 (1926) Jensen, V.P., "Analyses of skew slabs", University of Illinois, Engineering experimental station, Bulletin N 332 (1941) Loo, Y.C. y Cusens, A.R., "The finite strip method in bridge analysis", Viewpoint (1978) Manterola, J., "Anlisis de tableros rectos de puentes por mtodos armnicos ", I.E.T.C.C., Monografa 343 (1977) Monlen, S., "Ingeniera de puentes: anlisis estructural", 2 Ed., Ref.: 2001-067, Universidad Politcnica de Valencia (2002) Morice, P.B. y Little, G., "The analysis of right bridge decks subjected to normal loading", C. & C.A., Publication 46.002 (1956) Oate, E., "Comparisons of the finite strip method for the analysis of box-girder bridges ",

MSc. Thesis, Civil Engineering Dep., University of Swansea (1976) 20. Oate, E., "Clculo de estructuras por el mtodo de los elementos finitos. Anlisis elstico lineal", CIMNE (1992) 21. Pelikan, W. y Esslinger, H., " Die Stahlfahrbahn berechnung und konstruktion ", M.A.N. Forschungsceft (1957) 22. Robinson, K.E., "The behaviour of simply supported skew bridgeslabs under concentrated loads", Research Report N 8, C.A.C.A., Londres (1959) 23. Rowe, R.E., "Concrete bridge design", Applied Science (1962) 24. Samartn, A.F., "Clculo de estructuras de puentes de hormign ", Editorial Rueda (1983) 25. Schleicher, C. y Wegener, B., "Plaques biaises traves solidaires", Dunod (1970) 26. Thorpe, J., PhD. Thesis, University of Dundee (19676) 27. Zienkiewicz, O.C. y Taylor, R.L., "El mtodo de los elementos finitos ", 4 Ed. Vol. 2, CIMNE Mc Graw-Hill (1994)

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Tratados y monografas
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Arroyo, V., "Una aportacin al anlisis elastoplstico de lminas plegadas no prismticas", Tesis Doctoral, E.T.S.I.C.C.P. Santander (1983) Billington, D.P., "Thin shell concrete structures ", Mc Graw-Hill, 2nd Ed. (1982) Calgaro, J.A. y Virlogeux, M., "Projet et construction des ponts. Analyse structurale des tabliers de ponts." , Presses d'E.N.P.C. (1988) Cheung, Y.K., "Finite strip method in structural analysis", Pergamon Press (1976) Cusens, A.R. y Pama, R.P., "Bridge deck analysis", Wiley (1975) Dhatt, G. y Touzot, G., "Une prsentation de la mthode des lments finis ", Maloine (1981) Edo, J., "Anlisis de tableros de puentes curvos continuos por el mtodo de la banda finita", EFC, ETSICCP, Universidad Politcnica de Valencia (1987) Gonzlez Esteban, J.I., "Anlisis de puentes de planta curva por el mtodo de la lmina plegada", Tesis Doctoral, E.T.S.I.C.C.P. Santander (1985) Krstek, V., "Theory of box girders", Wiley (1979) Kabir, A.F. y Scordelis, A.C., "Computer program for curved bridges on flexible bents ", Report SESM 74-10, Berkeley, University of California (1974) Lin, C.S. y Scordelis, A.C., "Computer program for bridges on flexible bents ", Berkeley (1971) Loo, Y.C. y Cusens, A.R., FISBOB: A finite strip program for the analysis of box-girder bridges: users manual"", CIRIA Report 127/7, Civil Engineering Dep., University of Dundee (1972) Loo, Y.C. y Cusens, A.R., "The finite strip method in bridge analysis", Viewpoint (1978) Manterola, J., "Anlisis de tableros rectos de puentes por mtodos armnicos ", I.E.T.C.C., Monografa 343 (1977) Meyer, C., "Analysis and design of curved box girder bridges ", Berkeley, University of California (1970) Meyer, C. y Scordelis, A.C., "Analysis of curved folded plate structures ", Report SESM 70-8, Berkeley, University of California (1970) Monlen, S., "Ingeniera de puentes: anlisis estructural", 2Ed., Ref. 2001-067, Universidad Politcnica de Valencia (2002) Oate, E., "Comparisons of the finite strip method for the analysis of box-girder bridges ", MSc. Thesis, Civil Engineering Dep., University of Swansea (1976)

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