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Name: Sharon Hudson Date: May 10, 2013 Subject: Science Grade: K Signature of Classroom Teacher:__________________________________

I.Standards: SC(K) 6. Compare size, shape, structure, and basic needs of living things. ELA(K) 2. Demonstrate letter-sound association, including matching letters to corresponding spoken sounds and blending letter sounds into one-syllable words, using printed materials. ELA(K) 4. Use words that describe and represent real-life objects and actions. ELA(K) 5. Demonstrate listening comprehension of passages, including retelling stories and answering questions. ELA(K) 6. Identify various forms of narrative texts, including nursery rhymes, poetry, and stories. ELA(K) 8. Use brainstorming, drawing, and discussion as elements of prewriting in the writing process. ELA(K) 11. Follow one- and two-part oral directions. ELA(K) 12. Select appropriate voice level when interacting with others. AED(K) Visual Arts 1. Use selected materials to produce works of art. AED(K) Visual Arts 2. Use line, shape, color, texture, and repetition to produce works of art. AED(K) Visual Arts 3. Create works of art to communicate ideas and moods. AED(K) Visual Arts 4. Identify line, shape, color, texture, and repetition in works of art. AED(K) Visual Arts 5. Identify moods, feelings, and emotions generated by a work of art. AED(K) Visual Arts 8. Identify works of art viewed by using digital media tools and products. AED(K) Visual Arts 9. Identify similarities among the visual arts and other disciplines

II. Objectives: The student will demonstrate a knowlege of the metamorphsis of a butterfly by recreating the stages in art projects, writing journals and observations.

III. Introductory Activities: Today boys and girls you are going to be learning about size, shape, structure, and basic needs of living through metamorphsis. I am going to read The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. Make a sock puppet and large tagboard food cutouts for dramatization. Each student will take turns with the sock puppet and food cutouts to retell the story in sequence.

IV. Developmental Activity: After reading the story, Using picture food cards(from the book) and letter cards, ask students to match initial sounds to the pictures. The students will cut a large leaf from construction paper and glue a cotton ball(egg).The students will make a caterpillar from an egg carton and pipe cleaners (Use four connected egg carton cups. For antennae, make two holes incup at one end and thread pipe cleaner through holes. Add facial features with felt tip markers.The students will make cocoon (chrysalis)by taking a toliet tissue tube and wrap it with crepe paper.Students will make clothes pin butterflies. Cut wings from colored tissue paper. Gather wings at center. Clip clothes pin to center of tissue paper wings. Open clothespin slightly and insert pipe cleaner for antennae.

V. Culminating Activities: I will bring in a chrysalis in a butterfly box. I will assist the students in making a butterfly shaped journals for each student. Every few days the students will record the chrysalis and the happenings inside the box by drawing and writing complete sentences.

VI. Assessment: To assess students knowledge of the sequence of the metamorphosis of a butterfly, I will provide a long piece of yarn and patterns of different foods(foods which appear in the story). Students will color cut and punch holes in each food. Then they may sequence the story by putting the food cutouts on the yarn in order that it happens in the story.

VII. Modifications for Special Needs: The slower students will be allowed extra time as possible to finish. The student with moderate vision problem will be seated near the board and reminded to wear glasses.

VIII. Resources: The book "The Very Hungry Caterpillar caterpillar sock puppet drawing of foods (listed in book) art supplies (construction paper, cotton balls, toliet tissue tube, crepe paper, egg cartons, wiggly eyes, tissue paper and clothes pins Writing journals

IX. Alternate Activities: Students who finish early will be allowed center time. Students will be allowed to draw shapes with markers & paper. Students will use yarn to measure different items in room.

X. Self-Reflection: Did the students enjoy the lesson? Did I reach the students in the lesson? Do the lesson need improvement? Did the lesson seem difficult?

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