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Dear Mr.


I came across your stimulous plan on the internet and was intrigued by it as I
have longed believed that the basic premise/concept upon which it is based could
serve as the foundation for a 'venue' that has the potential to change the world
if you believe as I do in the following premise: the singularly largest,and
yet,for the most part,virtually untapped source of human potential existing in the
world today(as well as the source for the potential solutions to almost every
problem facing society today)is in the form of the limitless supply of GOOD IDEAS
IN EVERY REALM IMAGINABLE that exists in the hearts,minds,souls and imaginations
of millions of normal,average,'everyday' people in this country(and indeed, in the
whole world)--a valuable human resource whose full potential will never be
realized without the proper 'venue' in place to help them bring these ideas to

I am a 67 year old man who has tried his entire adult life to become a successful
entrepreneur but haven't as yet received that success. One of the biggest reasons
that I haven't succeeded as yet is in no small part due to the fact that I am a
'member' of a sizeable but unrecognized segment of the entrepreneurial community
that possess the entrepreneurial spirit/mindset,but who,like myself,for LEGITIMATE
REASONS beyond their control,lack many of the other key entrepreneurial
traits/characteristics needed for success,AND/OR are possibly being forced to
face,encounter or endure any number of possible negative situations,circumstances
or obstacles that may hinder their entrepreneurial endeavors. There are many
people who will say that these 'reasons' are simply excuses for failure,but the
SUCCESS LIMITING power/influence of these LEGITIMATE REASONS can definitively be
proven to be an absolute fact of life to anybody with an open mind.

Although I have many business 'ideas' that I believe have great

potential(including one whose virtually unlimited benefits to every segment of
society I have been trying to extol to the world for over 3 decades,but
which,unfortunately has fallen upon unseeing eyes,unhearing ears and unthinking
minds),most of them won't fit the criteria that you have set forth for this
stimulous plan. I do have one business 'idea'however,that I believe might fit all
of your criteria,and upon whose worth I will stake the worth of all of my other
'ideas',as well as the worth of everything else that I've ever believed in my
life--which will include the validity of several dozen truths,principles,values
and observations that I have painstakingly culled over my lifetime from the
thousands of them that have come down through antiquity,and are timeless and
eternal in the messages that they impart.

The following then is an 'executive summary' type of business plan for my proposed
business venture. A more detailed explanation of it as well as a little bit more
about myself and my proposed involvement in it can be seen at my simple,'no-
frills' websitse at

As for your equity share or percentage of this venture should you care to
invest,I'll leave that up to you to decide what is a fair share depending on how
much time,effort &/or money,if any,that you decide that you may want to invest in
this venture. I'll split whatever my share of this venture may turn out to be with
my friend and the guy who conceived and 'pioneered' this concept (even though he
didn't want any part in it).. If you decide to invest you can be assured that I am
ready ,willing and able to work 18 hours a day,7 days a week for minimum wage for
however long it takes to get this venture on a solid course to success.

Even if it turns out that I don't benefit from this venture in any way whatsoever,
I would still like to see it reach maximum success for the knowledge,satisfaction
and vindication that it will provide me with, AS WELL AS,possibly being the key to
opening up the door to endless new &/or unexplored entrepreneurial worlds for me
to conquer and to win those entrepreneurial victories for mankind that I honestly
feel that I was destined to win.


A very wise proverb from antiquity succinctly says: "NO POWER ON EARTH CAN STOP AN
IDEA WHOSE TIME HAS COME". Without exception,all of the current revelant economic
indicators point to the fact that our society is on the verge of ushering in the
birth of a new GLOBAL ECONOMIC MODEL,whose direct,indirect and 'ripple-down'
effects,ramification,.manifestations,repurcussions,consequences and
implications,will,by necessity,mandate that the American people will have to make
certain changes in their current lifestyles,as well as make other concessions in
areas of their lives that, up till now,they have simply taken for granted.

Every once in a while,FATE-as fickle and unpredictable as it can be at times-will

sometimes crack a smile and bring to the attention of those who have the wisdom
and insight to see it for the ground floor investment opportunity that it is,a
business venture whose potentially possible magnitude puts it in the exclusive
catagory of being one of those 'proverbial' EXCEPTIONS TO THE RULE as far as it
possibly being well worth spending a little extra time,effort and money to
carefully discern whether or not any possible obstacles or other negative aspects
related too or associated with it,can be feasibly resolved or overcome in order to
succcessfully pave the way for it to reach maximum success in the marketplace.

Having said that, never in modern history have the TIME,OPPORTUNITY AND ECONOMIC
CONDITIONS ever concurrently come together in such perfect alignment as to
based on the concept/premise of a single retail store located in Rockford,
Illinois. Dispite mediocre management and providing only 70% of the total amount
of possible products and services that it could, this store, which goes by the
name of NOBLES, has been so successful in the last 7 years selling NAME BRAND
convenience store type products and services at prices 10-50% cheaper than they
can be purchased anywhere else, that they can't seem to have a slow/bad day EVEN
BY ACCIDENT, thereby, not only proving beyond the shadow of any reasonable doubt
that it is an idea whose time has definitely come, but also one that well may be
modern low-tech retailing!!!!

Although NOBLES, which is offering easily providable products and services, is the
kind of store that, obviously, almost anybody in the world would welcome, the
concept/premise upon which it is based has appearently eluded the best corporate
minds in the world, as an extensive search of the internet has conclusively shown
that there are NO OTHER STORES LIKE IN ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH!!! The complete
abscence of a retail chain of stores like this one leaves a big empty void in this
segment of the retail market that can be successfully exploited by someone with
the wisdom and foresight to see it for the virtually unlimited ground floor
opportunity that it is. Conservatively,there is a potential market worldwide to
support 30-50 thousand stores of this kind with each doing in the vacinity of 2
million dollars a year in gross sales,thereby making this a potentially 50-100
billion dollar a year business!!!

Along with all of the other positive points/reasons for this being the right
business concept at the exact perfect moment in time,there is a surge in a segment
of the population possibly wanting to own/operate one of these stores in the
thousands of people who have been offered 'buy-outs' in return for retiring early.
Most of these people are too young to retire and are going to be looking for other
avenues of employment until they get to retirement age--with their 'buy-out' money
they could buy one of these stores and have a family owned business without the
worries of being layed-off from a regular job.

Many new business ventures that are funded by outside investors(many of which are
based on new&/or unproven ideas/concepts)can, in the end, for a host of different
reasons, end up costing millions of dollars in funding in order for them to have a
reasonable chance to become successful. I project that this one(taking into
consideration the fact that the 7 YEAR SUCCESS of NOBLES proves beyond the the
shadow of a reasonable doubt it's viability as a profitable enterprise)will cost
in the vacinity of a relatively modest $300,000 to give it that same
realistic/reasonable chance to become successful!!!!

Because I don't have all of the necessary business expertise to be the one in
charge of taking these stores to a national/international level,some of this money
will have to be used to acquire someone who is qualified,while another portion of
this investment money will go toward setting up the required 'infrastructure'
necessary to be able to franchise these stores nationally/internationally(although
these stores could be 'company-owned',franchising them would be a much
better,quicker and more efficient method in order to get a 'jump' on any
competition that might enter the market when they see how successful we are). The
rest of the money will go toward building(remodeling), equipping and stocking a
single 'model store' on which all of the other units in the chain will be modeled
after(the cost of remodeling these stores could cost an extra 50 thousand or more
dollars per unit,depending on how modern,efficient and high tech you want this
chain of stores to be). Having this 'model store' is an ABSOLUTE NECESSITY in
order for perspective franchisees to be able to come from all over the
country(and,indeed,from all over the world)to observe an actual existing store in
operation in order to be able to properly decide/ascertain for themselves whether
or not this might be the kind of business that they would like to become a part
of. This is the relatively inexpensive,BUT VERY EFFECTIVE, route/approach that Ray
Kroc took way back in the mid 1950's when he was just in the beginning stages of
getting the McDonalds Corporation off the ground

Having said the above, with,once again, the number of people at an all time high
who are getting a 'buy-out' package of some kind from their former employers, but
are still too young to quit working and still need a way to support their
families, I believe in my heart, mind, body and soul, that, with the PROPER
LEADERSHIP, NOBLES, VIA THE FRANCHISE METHOD,can achieve, in less than a decade,
the same kind of phenomenal success in their sector of the retail market, as it
has taken WAL-MART 40 years to achieve in theirs --which in the light of our new
GLOBAL ECONOMY will be a store that the public WON'T BE ABLE TO AFFORD NOT TO SHOP

If you think that this investment opportunity might be something that you &/or you
company might be interested in, you can get a bettter idea of it, as well as just
exactly what my involvement in it is at:

Thank you.

Sincerely Yours,

Frederick D. Scanlin

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