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Youth Devotional: Week 8,

©Tad Wychopen 2009

Day 1
Daily Reading: John 18:1-27; Psalm 28
The account of the hours before Christ’s death is amazing to read. Jesus loved and cared for His disciples. He
also remained sinless despite intense hostility. The example and testimony of Christ in John chapters 18-21
should give believers a sense of love, respect, and adoration for such and awesome Savior!

1.) Read verses 1-11. Did Jesus protect his disciples? How?

2.) Who sent the troops and officers to arrest Jesus? (18:3)

3.) Christ’s powers was on display in verses 5-6. What happen when He said, “I am He”?

4.) Did Peter seem read to do battle and fight? Why do you think that?

5.) Read verses 12-23. What Jewish person gave Jesus Christ the first trial?

6.) Did Peter stand up for Jesus or did he lie to the servant girl?

7.) Was Jesus doctrine and teachings well known to people? (18:20-21)

Explanation: Verses 22-23 are very interesting. The officer told Jesus not to talk to the high priest in such a
way; however, Jesus had the true authority over the high priest and over the officer. The officer was talking to
Jesus Christ, the Son of God!
8.) Read verses 24-27. After the trial, whom did Annas send Jesus?

9.) Did Peter stand of for Jesus Christ or did he deny Him?

10.)Read John 13:36. Did Jesus’ word come true?

Explanation: Jesus Christ, the only sinless person; was unjustly arrested, tried, and beaten. He did NOT
deserve that, yet He endured it for us! What does that tell you about the love of Jesus?! Jesus’ words always
come true and He always keeps his promises. Think about Peter. Although he had good intentions, he was not
able to keep his promise made in John 13:36-38. He denied Jesus Christ! Our hope for salvation from sin and
eternal life in Heaven must be in Jesus Christ. He will never leave us, forsake us, or lie to us!

Application: Thank God for sending His Son, Jesus Christ to earth. Ask God to help you stand strong and not
deny Him. Pray for boldness to tell others about Jesus Christ and His wonderful love for you!
~Are you willing to die for Christ? He died for you!
~Are you willing to live for Christ? He gave His life for you!

Day 2
Daily Reading: John 18:27-40; Proverbs 28
These verses talk about Christ’s first trial before Pilate. The Jews brought Jesus before Pilate so that the
Romans could try him. The Jews and the Romans both had a part in condemning an innocent man to death.

1.) Why did the Jewish leaders not want to go into the Praetorium? (18:28)

Explanation: This is very ironic! The Jews were bringing and innocent man to Pilate so that he could try Jesus
Christ and kill Him. However, the Jews were concerned about not defiling themselves by entering the place of a
Gentile. They didn’t want to defile themselves even though they were crucifying the Messiah; the very person
that could purify them!
2.) Do you see a clear accusation against Jesus in verses 29-32?
3.) The Jews called Jesus a criminal, but couldn’t name a specific crime that Jesus did. Why did they want
the Romans to prosecute Jesus Christ? (18:31-32)

4.) Pilate asks Jesus if He is a king. Where is Jesus’ kingdom? (18:36)

5.) Does the kingdom of Jesus Christ operate as an earthly, temporal, and political kingdom?

6.) Why did Jesus come into the world? (18:37)

7.) What is truth? Look up John 1:14, 8:31-32, 14:6; 16:3; 17:17. Write down who and what truth is.

8.) Whom did the Jews want Pilate to release? (18:29-40)

Explanation: Pilate did not know the truth, but he did realize that Jesus Christ was an innocent man.
Unfortunately, Pilate did not trust Jesus, but instead denied the truth that Jesus is God! He did not hear and
obey the voice of the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords- Jesus Christ.

Application: You have read the truth: Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life! Have you trusted him for eternal
life? There can only be one King in your life. Too many people want to make themselves the king instead of
letting Jesus Christ be the king of their life. Christ wants to be the Lord of your life; will you let him?
~Praise the Lord right now for being unjustly tried and convicted for your sake!

Day 3
Scripture Reading: John 18:39-19:42; Psalm 29
Today’s reading covers the second trial that Pilate gave, the crucifixion, and the burial of Christ. As you read
this passage, remember that Jesus Christ was completely innocent, and remember that he died for you!

1.) Why did the Jews want to kill Jesus? (19:7)

2.) Did Pilate really have the power to kill Jesus Christ? (19:11)

Explanation: The Jews hated Jesus so much that they were willing to call Caesar king! That is unheard of for
the Jews! They didn’t want Pilate to release Jesus; they were willing to do anything to kill Jesus!

3.) By what method was Jesus killed? (19:18)

Explanation: Jesus was made to lie down on the ground over a large beam that went horizontally across his
body. Then His arms were stretched across the beam and his hands were nailed to the beam. His feet were
nailed to a vertical beam. Jesus was then put on display as a criminal. He would be bloody, naked, and
completely humiliated. Every breath that Jesus would take would cause excruciating pain! His whole body
would be in pain because of this humiliating torture. It was a terrible way to die!
4.) Look at John 19:24, 28, 36, and 37. Compare Psalm 22:18, Psalm 69:21, Exodus 12:46, and Zechariah
12:10. Were the prophecies of the Old Testament fulfilled through the death of Jesus Christ? What does
that make you realize about Jesus Christ?

5.) Why did the Jews want to break the legs of the crucified? (19:31-33

6.) Did they break Jesus’ legs? Why or why not?

7.) What happened when the soldier pierced Jesus’ side?

8.) John was an eyewitness to these events. According to verse 35, why did John tell these things?

9.) Where did they bury Jesus?

Explanation: Jesus really died. It was not a fake death; he did not just fall asleep. Jesus died a terrible, cruel
death because of our sin. It is important for us to believe what John said! Jesus Christ actually died!

Application: Consider all that Christ did for us at the cross. He endured pain, torture, suffering, humiliation,
and even died – for all men! Unfortunately, some reject Christ and never trust Him as Savior. If you don’t
believe in Jesus to forgive you from your sin, then what is stopping you from doing that? Every person that
rejects the Son of God will face the terrible wrath of God! If you have believed in Jesus Christ, then praise Him
right now for what He did for you.

Day 4
Daily Reading: John 20:1-31; Proverbs 29
Have you ever been sad because something bad happened? What could make your sadness and grief turn into
joy? The disciples were devastated after the death of Jesus Christ. Their leader, their hope, their God just died
on a cross in humiliating fashion. The disciple’s attitude had to be at an all time low! What a loss. Everything
that they believed in and hoped for was fading away. Imagine how excited they had to be when they realized
that Jesus Christ had risen from the dead!
1.) Who was the first one to realize that the stone in front of the tomb had been rolled away?

2.) When Peter and John went into the tomb, was Jesus Christ inside?

3.) Did Mary believe that Jesus Christ had risen from the dead? (20:11)

4.) Did Mary immediately know that Jesus Christ was the one talking to her? (20:14-15)

Explanation: It is very interesting that Mary didn’t immediately recognize Jesus Christ. She probably
remembered how He looked on the cross and would not have immediately recognized the risen Lord. As soon
as He said her name, she realized to whom she was talking! Can you imagine the immediate joy, excitement,
hope, and exuberance that she had in that instance! Mary was one of Jesus’ sheep and she knew His voice!
(John 10:27) It is so exciting when a person recognizes their Lord and Savior! A true sheep loves and longs to
hear from the voice of the Shepherd!
5.) Read John 20:19-20. Do you think the disciples were excited to see the Lord?

6.) Read John 20:21 and then Matthew 28:19-20. What did Jesus command the disciples to do?

7.) Did Thomas initially believe that Jesus Christ had risen from the grave? (20:25)

8.) How did Thomas finally come to believe? (20:26-29)

9.) In verse 29, whom does Jesus Christ promise to bless?

10.)Did John record ALL of Jesus’ miracles?

11.)Why did John write the book of John? (20:31)

Explanation: Jesus Christ’s resurrection is the greatest event in the history of the world! Nothing greater has
happened; Jesus Christ conquered sin, death, and hell by rising from the dead! He graciously showed himself to
Mary, the disciples, and many other believers. Christ’s resurrection cannot be denied!

Application: Are you excited that Jesus Christ rose from the grave? If you are a Christian, you should be
thrilled when you read this passage! It so exciting to see what Jesus Christ did for us! What an awesome
sacrifice. It should be hard to contain such a great event. Please tell someone about Christ’s resurrection.
~Praise the Lord for conquering death, hell, and sin.
~Make a commitment to tell others about this awesome truth.

Day 5
Daily Reading: John ; Psalm 30
The disciples were overjoyed about Jesus’ resurrection, but they were not exactly sure what to do. In this last
chapter of John, Jesus Christ helps Peter and others realize their responsibility. Christ wants His disciples to be
completely committed to Him!

1.) What did Peter say he would go do? (21:3)

2.) Did Peter catch any fish?

3.) What made John (the disciple whom Jesus loved) realize that it was Jesus Christ talking to them? (21:5-

4.) Did the disciples know whom they were talking to? (21:12)

5.) What question did Jesus Christ ask Peter? (21:15) Why do you think Jesus asked Peter this question?

Explanation: The meaning of John 21:15-17 are based upon two synonyms for the word love. In the Greek
language, the two verbs for “love” are distinctly different; however, in translation, the meaning and emphasis is
lost. When Jesus was asking Peter if he loved Him, He was using a word for total commitment. However, Peter
responded with a word for love that signified a deep love for Jesus, but not a total commitment to Christ. Jesus
was pushing Peter to make a statement of total, complete commitment to Christ. He wanted John to be a fisher
of Men and not just a fisherman (Matthew 4:19) Total, committed love is what Christ wants from people that
believe in Him!
6.) In verse 17, what did Jesus Christ tell Peter to do?

7.) Read verses 17-22. Peter was wondering what would happen to John. If John died or if he lived until the
return of Christ, what was Peter responsibility?

8.) John wrote the book of John. Do you believe what he wrote? (21:24)

9.) Did John write down everything that Christ did while on earth?

Application: Jesus wanted the disciples to realize the level of commitment that they needed to have! Peter was
to be the leader and shepherd for them. Christ wanted Peter to display this great level of commitment. It is clear
from the book of Acts and Peter’s Epistles that he had that complete commitment to Christ.
~Are you completely committed to Jesus Christ?
~What are the things in your life that are keeping you from being completely committed to Jesus Christ?
~If Jesus were talking to you face to face as He did with Peter, what would Jesus ask you about loving “more
than Him?” In your life, what do you consider more important than Jesus Christ?

Day 6
Daily Reading: Genesis 1-2; Proverbs 30
Read Genesis 1-2. Write down any observations that you make about God’s character. Write down what God
made on each of the seven days.

Day 7
Daily Reading: Proverbs 31; Psalm 31
~From Psalm 31, write down a few things that David says about God’s protection and goodness.

-Write out Psalm 31:3 and memorize it.

~From Proverbs 31, write down three facts about the virtuous wife.

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