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Conference "Competencies and Capabilities in Education" Oradea 2009 PROFESOR I ELEV N EDUCAIA ADULILOR TEACHER AND STUDENT IN ADULT

EDUCATION Valentin Costinescu1 Abstract This paper wants to be itself enlightenment on adult education. The text presents aspects of the Education for Adults concept and characteristics, of teaching methods and areas in adult education, the study tourism and general features of adult educational services market. They are presented the particularities of adult as a student and, appropriately, the teachers necessary abilities in adult education. 1. Adults education specific aspects of actuality Adult education as a social and cultural field of preoccupation represent the assembly of educative activities deployed for adult population benefiting. Those cover a vast area of practices and methods. The adult education includes processes of education which continue or replace the initial education. It pursue the compensation of insufficient initial education, the completion of general knowledge or the continue formation of the individual. The adult education presents a series of particularities; Malcolm Shepherd Knowles (1970) exposes the fallowing theses regarding the adult education: Adults must know why they have to learn a certain thing. The adult person must consider important the attainment of new competence, knowledge or attitude. Adults want to be autodidacts and to take themselves decisions regarding the formation programs that they wish to attend. Adults have experiences more numerous and valuable then the young, so that the correlation between the new learning process and past experience can enhance the signification of the learning situations and can help the participant in acquiring the new knowledge. Adults are prepared to learn again when are confronted with a life situation for which they need more information. Adults are engaging in the learning process pursuing the solving of some duties in the learning process. Adults are motivated to learn extrinsic as intrinsic. Research still performed in the sixties of last century have show specific requires of adult education processes. So, in adult case the student is totally involved the learning process and he feels he is in control over the learning type and direction. The learning process in adult persons it is based principally on direct confrontation with practical, social, personal and research problems; self evaluation must be the principal method of evaluation of progress and success. C.R. Rogers underlines, also, that it is important to learn how to learn and to be open to change. He exposes a series of factors which lead to adult education success: learning is significant when the studied discipline answers the personal interest of student, learning which represents threaten to himself( ex. New attitudes or perspectives) it is assimilated easier when extern threats are reduce to minimal, learning is realized faster when the self threat it is reduced, and self initiated learning is more durable and convincing. Recent research (Mitrofan, N., 1969) indicates other conditions which must be taken in consideration in adult education processes:

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Conference "Competencies and Capabilities in Education" Oradea 2009 The educational programs for adults must take into account the participants experience. The educational programs for adults must adapt to the participants age limit. Adults must be stimulated to progress in self developing Adults must benefit of a lot of options regarding learning programs availability and organization. Modern psychology researches disprove the idea that entering the adult stage leads to stagnation and obsolesce of training and education capacities. Contra, investigation show even the presence of a legitimate in development, which can be so formulated: continue learning leads to continue developing until agedness. That underlies that the essential role in adult education is the learning capacities anterior realized, the learning type and reasons, and not the age. Not until 70-75 years old, the age starts to have a decisive role. But even here are differences from individual to individual. The principal methods that are suited in adult education, taking in account the request particularities presented anterior can be the fallowing: The expositive method, ( Presentation, Popularization Conference, The magisterial course), The interrogative method (Debate, Symposium, Colloquium, The Interview , The Round Table), Practical and demonstrative methods( The Industrial Formation Method, Carrard Method, Projects Method, Workgroup Method, Exchange Experience Method). The pedagogic dictionaries give, usually, the fallowing meaning to the expositive method: modality of oral presentation of a theme in a logical organization, characterized through ideas density, fluent and pregnant presentation of them. As the term reveals it, through expositive method it is aimed the supply of unknown ideas, of explicative models, laws or fact of knowledge which can not be discovered or internalized, usually, through personal intellectual experience. The expositive method is provided under more forms, which can be one and the same educational situation. The analysis of concrete different ways to which it assures the oral transmission of information or are internalized different knowledge, skills and habits in activities cadre with adults, lead as to constitution of the logical and psychological structure of this method. It is presented often under the form of presentation or lecture, with which a person A (specialist, well known of a field, possessor of a valuable experience in given field) transmits to auditor B, interested in the idea content, that emitter A presents it. The interrogative method it is not met in a pure form as the expositive method. Her name derives from the fact that the essential structure of the educative situation relies in question-response. Other wise said in an activity performed with the help of a modality where we can distinguish a problematic parte and a solving parte of that problem. The oldness of the method is certain; it is met in all the debates which the Greek thinkers (Socrate, Platon) were having in the intellectual circles of the time. In the context of adult education activities modernization, practical demonstrative method take a special importance, due to utilizing heuristic principal of discovering ideas, significations or major interest habits. The active participation constitute the principal seam of them, which explains so the powerful extension that have known in the last years as the specialists paper remark, as the organization wish to know and to use preponderate this methods. As formation field methods in adult education we can meet accredited programs in the educational politics cadre from our county a very diversification gamma of preoccupations from Base Programs, Literacy and arithmetic calculations habits as far as Education, Literature and Arts, Social science, commerce and law, Sciences, Engineering, transformation and production industry, Agriculture, Health and social protection or Services. o o o o 228

Conference "Competencies and Capabilities in Education" Oradea 2009 The politic of bringing product and services to consumer oppose to the one expecting the consumer to the supplier center is present more and more in developing politics adult education, regarding the comportment of state learning institution as in the manner of approach of educational marketing in the private learning institutions including the ones that administrate short term training programs. Organizing courses even for a couple of days for two or three participant at the beneficiary center or any other location agreed by him, it is not for a long time a problem for the adult education suppliers. Here until study tourism was just a step. Even in a country as Romania in which population revenues are far from the level of developed countries of the European union, we can see that for some good years it is annually registered an important number of employs, so from the public sector as from the private sector, which are doing their holiday in tourist location not really modest, in cadre of training sessions or other forms, incurred by their employs. The phenomena of bringing adult education service to the beneficiaries center as the explosion of study tourism phenomenon have given an enthusiasm without precedent to the adult education developing The structure of real demand for adult education services includes principally: Literacy services; Services of obtaining certain scholar level according to the European qualification cadre; Complementary calcifications services; Professional perfection services in continuum training programs cadre; Human developing services in psychological and emotional plan with the aim of bettering performance in career or extraprofessional performance; To such a request are demand to assure an adequate offer of services of adult education the next categories of institution: o The state learning system afferent to the eight levels of qualification provided in European Qualification Cadre; o The private learning system afferent to the eight levels of qualification provided in European Qualification Cadre; o Specialized institutions of central public administration destined for a continuous preparing of personal; o Specialize institution of big international concierge with activity in our country which develop self professional forming system; o Non governmental companies and organization specialized in personal training for different levels approve by the National Counsel of Adult Professional Training and after case the Ministry of Education, Research and Innovation; o Nongovernmental companies and organizations specialized in human developing services and in psychological and emotional plan with the aim to better performance in career or extraprofessional performance. After a discussion about request and offer on the adult education services market appears as inevitable the approach of these services cost. Not long ago the burden of education services finance from our country was taken by the state, in the base of a political philosophy which seem natural for any member of the society which have been taken into discussion such a problem. As in other activity fields the practice demonstrate that the state it is not yet, in measure to administrate in an efficient way the allocated founds, allocated directly from the state budget. On an other hand the private system show that without state money, can be created a real educational service empire, and the market not only that sustains the organizations, but assures them all the condition to develop in a explosive way, even in competition conditions with the state learning system. In 229

Conference "Competencies and Capabilities in Education" Oradea 2009 time, the state learning system was put in the situation to obtain co financing from private sources. Now, we can find a very complex resources blending of all kinds, between the state and private system learning at all levels but with difference of those levels where educational services are addressed par excellence to adults. 2. Teacher characteristics in adult education. Adult training through teaching it is not necessarily as children teaching or adolescent in high schools, or student in universities. Where differences exist, must be kept under control. There are lots of differences between these two learning groups. - If we are referring only at the student category we can observe that student from a school or university are in generally young and have little knowledge and short experience even though they say otherwise. Actually they have no professional experience, no reference that can be compared with the one acquired by the professor. Even though the professor intent to apply methods and techniques of modern and attractive learning, this act lead to teaching restrains. - On another hand, adult professionals in training or retraining context are much older, with life experience and with more or less professional experience. When they think and train for their professional knowledge and skill, they have in automat way reminiscences that come to their mind. They can compare critically what they believe with what they know or have experimented already in their professional life. When they are asked about their anterior experience of training given in an academic context, executants or professionals manifest their disapproval. They say that the course was too much theoretical far from their occupation and day to day experience, and that it is not helping solving their problems that there are confronted with. The adult learning process present particularities from the children learning The differences, in which people learn, have been studied starting with 1920. Although adult and children show certain similarities as student but there are different in learning preferences and in necessities and have different answers at learning processes: - Adults want to know the concrete ways in which they benefit from what they learn. They often request and wish to be told what is the added value and self results before they are presented with concepts and ideas. They want to see how is found in the real world what they learn. On another hand children can accept I will need it someday as a reason to listen. - Adults expect to participate to learning. Often they can tie anterior knowledge and experience to the program content and with references to what they already know. Meanwhile, children have limited life experience, they depend more from the teacher knowledge and guidance. - Adults are motivated by intrinsic need or wishes. Generally adult students participate in training program because they need or they will need the informational content in order to exert they profession or to personally develop. Children fallow because they are lead by others. - Adult training is in a normal way base on competence. Generally training program of adult help them to exert better their professional. Children learning tends to be short, orientated on a immediate earning, orientate on a exam passing. - The adult training environments are varied depending on the program content planed activities, the trainer, and the hall configuration often differs. The children training environments tent to be rows of offices faced to the teacher who lectures, with slight differences. 230

Conference "Competencies and Capabilities in Education" Oradea 2009 In order to exceed such request teachers must present a series of professional capacities. Bedsides the multiple classification and modalities of presentation of pedagogical capacities which we can meet in specialist literature, we consider that some have special relevance. So, Nicolae Mitrofan (1988) shows the next component of pedagogical competencies: scientific competence, psycho and pedagogic competence and psycho and social competence. The three types of competence act integrated. The scientific competence involves good specialty training. The psycho and pedagogical competencies are assured by the assembly the necessity capacities for building different component in student personality. It includes: - capability to determine the difficult grade of learning; - capacity of making the learning material accessible through adequate methods and means; - capability to understand student, to penetrate his interior world; - creativity in psycho and pedagogic work; - Capability to create new methods of instructive and educative influence, different from every educational situation request. - The psycho and social component which is represented by the assembly of necessary capacities for optimizing inter human relations, such as: - capability to adopt a different role; - capability to easy and adequate establish relations with others; - capability to influence students group, as isolated individuals; - capability to easily and efficiently communicate with students; - capability to use adequate power and authority; - Capability to adopting different styles of leading. Pantelimon Golu (1974,1985) appreciates, referring to pedagogical aptitude that, it involves more aspects: erudition and specialty knowledge, practical knowledge of individual study psychology, skill to transmit knowledge but also the capacity to relationate with students or a group of students; spontaneous intelligence and moment inspiration in decision making, consciousness handling of mechanisms capable to optimize the educational act. In the pedagogical field it takes shape other ability classification systems among which the one that hold account of other aspects: knowledge, attitudes and personality characteristics. A model of training program of teachers took place in U.S.A., operates with didactic competence in five specific categories (Gherghinescu, 1999): 1. Cognitive competence- including intellectual ability and knowledge expected from a teacher; 2. Affective competence- represented through expected attitudes from the teacher and considerate specific for didactic profession, because it is the hardest to obtain; 3. Exploratory competence- regarding the level of pedagogical practice offering the chance to the future professors to exert didactic abilities; 4. Performance competence- through which teachers prove not only that they know, but can also use that knowledge; 5. The competence to produce observable modifications of student in a pedagogic relation. Taking in account the intern psychic structure of pedagogical skills, it can be appreciated the existence of special pedagogic skill, such as: The capacity to know and understand the psychic of the subject of educative actionintuitive capacity, the penetration and rapid observation of individual psychic particularities. Permanent contact with students, compensated by a continuous training, develops and perfects this capacity; 231

Conference "Competencies and Capabilities in Education" Oradea 2009 The empathic capacity offers the teacher the possibility to see all the influences through the people that addresses, and to predict, not only the eventual problem, but also the possible results; The organizational capacity it is manifested in the hole activity preformed by the teacher: planning of the his work, preparation and performing lections, leading the activities of the student collectivity; The observational spirit capacity that permits to observe of the finest aspect and manifestations educative action. With its help the teacher can detect and infers the state of mind of students intentions, by their face expression and certain moves (F. N. Gonblin, 1963) The pedagogic tact the capacity to find, at the proper time, the most adequate form of attitude and treat of the students (Gonoblin, 1963); we can appreciate that tact is the teachers capacity to maintain and consolidate the positive psychic states and to dominate and inhibit the negative ones, so offering prompt answers and solutions for all solicitation from the instructive educative process. In the concerns aria regarding the determination of which qualities of the teacher can influence and modelate the student personality we find the research of Josef Stefanovic (1979). The author identifies positioning of the pedagogic tact in the educational process. He concludes, after doing research, the fact that pedagogic tact is the qualitative grade of social interaction between teacher and student. In this case the critters of this quality are: a. the adequate grade of teacher comportment toward student b. positive motivation grade of study results and student comportment c. the grade of personality development of the student d. the compliance grade of psychic particularities of the student and the assures of a optimal psychic climate of instructive- educative activities e. The results obtained in attaining the proposed objectives in instructive-educative activity (Stefanovic, 1979). - The pedagogical mastery the plenary developing of all personality components of the teacher, concomitant with the integration in a unitary. The pedagogic mastery it is confused with the didactic technique. A teacher that posses pedagogical mastery is more then a professional, it is an artist in his profession. So, we consider necessary to show that significant for this, is the beliving of a great man with vocation in pedagogic field: the pedagogic art, which is before all, the art to put yourself at the students disposal, to sympathize with them, to understand their universe, to observe their interest, it is founder in a great measure on a gift, the pedagogical vocation (M.A.Bloch, 1973) References: Anghel, F. (coord) 1998, Educaia pentru toi n Romnia, Bucureti, Editura Alternative;
Bloch, Marc-Andr, (1973), Philosophie de l'ducation nouvelle, Paris, PUF; Cross, K.P. (1981). Adults as Learners. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass; Dave, R. H. (coord) 1991, Fundamentele educaiei permanente, Bucureti, Editura Didactica si Pedagogica R.A.; Gherghinescu R., (1999), Conceptul de competenta didactica, in: Marcus, S. (coord.), Competenta didactica: perspectiva psihologica, Bucureti, All, p. 11-24; Golu, P.(1974), Psihologie sociala, Bucureti, Ed. Didactic i Pedagogic; Golu, P. .(1985), nvare i dezvoltare, Bucureti, Editura Enciclopedic; Gonobolin F.N. (1963). Cu privire la aptitudinile pedagogice ale profesorului. n Probleme de psihologia personalitii., Bucureti, Ed. Didactic i Pedagogic,; Hubert, Ren, (1965), Trait de pdagogie gnrale, Paris, PUF; Knowles, Malcolm Shepherd (1970). The Modern Practise of Adult Education: Andragogy Versus pedagogy, New York, Association Press;


Conference "Competencies and Capabilities in Education" Oradea 2009

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