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A. General Information
Subject School Grade Semester Year : English : SMP : VII : II : 2011-2012

B. Graduate Competence Standard

Listening : Understanding the meaning of the verbal discourse and transactional interpersonal simple, formally or informally, in the form of recount, narrative, procedure, descriptive, and report, in the context of everyday life Speaking : To express the meaning orally in interpersonal discourse and transactional simple, formally or informally, in the form of recount, narrative, procedure, descriptive, and report, in the context of everyday life Reading : Understanding the meaning of the discourse of interpersonal and transactional writing is simple, formally or informally, in a recount, narrative, procedure, descriptive, and report, in the context of everyday life Writing : Disclose in writing within the meaning of interpersonal discourse and transactional simple, formally or informally, in a recount, narrative, procedure, descriptive, and report, in the context of everyday life

Listening : Understanding the functional significance in a short spoken text is very simple to interact with the immediate environment Speaking Reading Writing : Reveal the functional meaning in a short spoken text is very simple to interact with the immediate environment : Understanding the meaning of a text written in a very short simple functional related to the immediate environment : Reveal the functional meaning in a short written text is very simple to interact with the immediate environment

D. .
No. Session 1. 1-4 Theme/ Sub Theme Functional text Topic Basic Competence Materials Time 1x40 Method Audiolingual Media Teachers voice Evaluation Feel in the Blank Announcement Listening: Announcement Respond to the in School meaning contained in the text is very simple oral short functional accurately, fluently and thank to interact in the topic of Announcement The Speaking: To express the Extracurricular meaning contained in the text is very simple oral short functional by using a variety of oral language accurately, fluently, and thankful to interact in the topic of Announcement Reading: Read aloud the text meaningful functional and simple vignettes descriptive form and procedure with speech, and intonation The Students Association


Genrebased approach

Text and Interview Picture about Announcement


Gram-mar Text translation method


Greeting Card

acceptable pressure associated in the topic of Announcement Indonesian Writing: Reveal the meaning Independence and rhetorical steps Day in a short essay is very simple by using a variety of written language accurately, fluently and thankful to interact with the immediate environment in the topic of Announcement Listening: Happy Respond to the Birdsdays meaning contained in the text is very simple oral short functional accurately, fluently and thank to interact in the topic of Greeting Card. Speaking: Lebaran days To express the meaning contained in the text is very simple oral short functional by using a variety of oral language accurately,


Genrebased approach





Teachers voice

Feel in the Blank


Genrebased approach

Text and Picture about Strategy in Playing Basketball


fluently, and thankful to interact in the topic of Greeting Card Reading: Read aloud the text meaningful functional and simple vignettes descriptive form and procedure with speech, and intonation acceptable pressure associated in the topic of Greeting Card Writing: Reveal the meaning and rhetorical steps in a short essay is very simple by using a variety of written language accurately, fluently and thankful to interact with the immediate environment in the topic of Greeting Card Wedding 1x40 Gram-mar Text translation method Observation



Genrebased approach



E. Refferences:
1. Kumalarini,th, dkk.2008.CTL Bahasa Inggris Menengah Pertama kelas VII. Jakarta: Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional 2. Wardiman, artono, dkk.2008.English In Focus Bahasa Inggris Menengah Pertama kelas VII. Jakarta: Pusat PerbukuanDepartemen Pendidikan Nasional 3. Priyana, Joko, dkk.2008.Scaffolding Bahasa Inggris Menengah Pertama kelas VII. Jakarta: Pusat PerbukuanDepartemen Pendidikan Nasional 4. Mukarto, dkk. 2007.English on Sky 1 for Junior High School Students Year VII. Jakarta: Erlangga 5. WWW. Wiki 6. Teaching online in you tube 7.

Head Master


Drs. Adzanil Prima Septi, M.Pd.,Ph.D.

Sitti Zahara

Yulia Wardani Hsb

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