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Committee Sensitive

Wash Center R17 Transcript

Tape provided by FAA on Sep 25, 2003

Transcribed by Miles Kara Sep 25-26 2003

Quit 25 flight

1347-1430 GMT

021 R17: 17

UNK: I'm going to give you a hand off right now coming out of Patuxent
restricted area, Quite 25 scrambled on his own, headed towards Baltimore, stay at
23 , flight of 3 , about 1 0 in trail -. ,

R17: OK

UNK: Squawking 7777

R17: Landing Baltimore or what

UNK: No, they are staying up there, they, because

R17: Whatever

029 UNK: Yeah because it's a military command

044 Wash Dep: 91 line: 10 code, Venus 77 going to be holding south of

Washington\60 miles climbing to 19 wants to go higher

OK what's his code again


OK, I see him, what is he, what size

's a heavy 757

where's he want to go

He wanted to hold at 25, he's 60 miles south

What's tne call sign again


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Committee Sensitive

R17: \, a 757, eh

055 Wash Dep:

R17: machine on him is there

Wash Dep No, he's a priority missl

064 Quit 25: with you at 230

R17: Quit 25, Washington Center

Quit 25: Sir we're getting some instructions here, we may need to proceed

R17: OK, just keep me posted

085 Quit 25: Washington Center

R17: Go ahead

Quit 25: Yes sir, we've been ordered to proceed to our CAP

R17: You've been ordered to proceed to where

Quite 25: We have a CAP, national security 3925 7702, priority one

R17: Quit 25, say that again please

Quite 25: Yes sir, we are proceeding to a CAP point 3925 7702

R17: Roger

R17: Quit 25, what are your intentions once you arrive there

102 Quit 25 We are to set up a CAP over Washington

R17: Roger

115 Background: Did they stop all flights now

Female voice: Yes sir

Unk: Andrews, I was just told that I could

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Committee Sensitive

R17: Well, uh, I'll check, I just talked to Andrews and they don't want
to take any traffic including military

R17: Are you still watching that Quit 2 5

UNK: Yeah

132 Quit 25: Washington Center

R17: Go ahead

Quit 25: Sir, we've been ordered to set up a CAP here at a point 18 miles
off the nose, what we would like to do is run on an NE-SW CAP, ten mile legs, possibly
20 if we can get it.

138 R17: OK, Quit 25, you're cleared as requested

Quit 25: Copy

144 R17: toUNK, hey can you see the code 7777 south of national, he's
hovering there, obviously, the sector south of you, who do I need to call, 23

UNK: South of that is Iron 23, then Montebello is next to me

160 UNK: You see the point out Quit 25 South of Nottingham

UNK: It's a flight of three

UNK: I see all three

UNK: Flight of three F-16s, FL 230 going to Richmond

R17: No, he's not going to Richmond, he's actually hovering about 40
miles south of National

UNK: OK, he's point out approved

171 Quit 25: Washington Center

R17: Go ahead

Quit 25: We've got a new CAP point, its ah north of our present position 20

R17: OK, that's approved

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Committee Sensitive

Quit 25: Thanks we'd still like to hold west of the CAP point, 20 mile legs

R17: OK, that's also approved sir

Quit 25: Thank you

182 R17: This is sector 17, you see the point out Quit 25, SW of Washington
<yes> flight of 3 F-16s that are going to be hovering out of there at 23

UNK: There's three of them out there, OK, thanks

R17: Swan, Swan 91 you still watching that 7777, he's going to be
hovering out there again

SWAN: Yeah, we're watching him

192 Quit 25: Washington, any change of getting a block altitude 230-250

R17: Standby one moment

R17: Sector 12 and 09, Quit 25 on the point out S of Washington

UNK: Yeah, I'm watching him, is he climbing

R17: He wants to go 23 to 25

UNK: And he's going to go 25 to 23, 23 to 25, blocking altitude

R17: That's correct

UNK: Quit 25 I will watch

205 R17: Quit 25 maintain block altitude 230 through FL 250

Quit 25: Copy that, 230 through 250, thank you

R17: Roger

251 R17: Potomac, the point out Quit 25, SW of Washington, flight of 3 F-
16s wants to block 23 to 25

Potomac: OK, point out

274 UNK: Point out west of Washington, Quit 25, 3 F-16s that are hovering
out there

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Committee Sensitive

R17: [that's] Quit 25

288 SWAN: Point out west of Washington, Quit 25, 3 F-16s

R17: Point out approved

311 R17: Quit 25 Ident

313 UNK: Affirm

Quit 25: with the flash

R17: OK, I've got you now

344 R17: Quit 25 are you aware of an aircraft about 6 miles now, basically
over the White House

Quit 25: No we're not, stand by

362 R17: Quit 25 Ident again please

Quit 25: With the flash, any history on the plane over the White House

R17: Yeah, there's a target there indicating 22400 blocking 5426—

westbound now

Quit 25: Affirm

350 R17: Is that one of your aircraft, one of your formation

R17: Center

Quit 25: I intercepted [?am intercepting?] aircraft over White House

370 R17: Quit 25, the traffic is 9 o'clock about 3 miles west, indicating 23
thousand 800

375 SWAN: That Quit 25 you are watching, he's down about 12 I guess he's on
a mission of some sort

R17: Oh yeah, yeah

378 Quit 25: Washington, give me information on the aircraft over the White
House, coming over the White House

R17: Quit 25, say that again

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Committee Sensitive

Quit 25: Where is that bogey over the White House, I am currently over the
White House

380 R17: Okay, the aircraft now, that I was referring to, is at your 7 o'clock
position, westbound indicating 24 thousand

Quit 25: I'm not [hearing] the altitude, say the altitude

R17: Altitude, flight level 240, westbound, code is 5426

Quit 25: OK, Washington, that is one of our aircraft

R17: Roger

New Voice: Quit 25, Center

Quit 25: Center, Quit 25 apparently that aircraft is one of ours that's over
the White House

New Voice: OK, sir, we see a code down there we also see somebody now
orbiting over Dulles airport at FL 240, might be a flight of two, could you have him
contact us on this frequency so we can make radar identification with him.

Quit 25: OK, that is my remaining number two and number three wingmen
in a CAP from 330 to 250

New Voice: OK, and you're verifying that they are squawking 5426

Quit 25: Affirmative

394 New Voice: Thank you very much sir

399 Quit 25: I need to ID aircraft by the Pentagon

R17: Quit 25, say again

Quit 25: [breaking up]

Quit 25: ?? your squawk over the White House?? [not clear]

Quit 25: Center, Quit 25 is climbing back to 230

414 R17: Roger

431 Quit 25: Center

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Committee Sensitive

R17: Go ahead

Quit 25: My wingman squawk is 5426 and 5427, I'm squawking quad 7

R17: Roger, and who's squawking 7014 [Note: this is probably Andrews
first fighter up]

Quit 25: I have no idea

R17: I have a 7014 code right in between you and the 5427 code there of
twenty five thousand, one of your guys

Quite 25: Negative, not one of my guys, we're squawking 5426, 5427, that's
my number 2 and my number 3, and I'm squawking quad 7

441 Quite 25: Do you have a point out where he'sat

R17: Right to your 6 o'clock of your number two guy at 25 thousand

heading east bound right back towards the White House at FL250, intermittent but I'm
getting a 7014 squawk also

Quit 25: [brief, unintelligible]

458 R17: OK Quit 25 we just got, your tanker is [cut off]

Quit 25: Copy that

Quit 25: Washington, can you put the tanker at 260 if possible

R17: You talking about your tanker aircraft

Quit 25: Yeah we've got a block at 230 to 250 that we have the three
fighters at

R17: Yeah he's at block 26 to 27 thousand currently circling just South

of Nottingham

Quit 25: OK, copy that

496 End of re-recording

Committee Sensitive

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