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of pupils Subject Topic Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes : : : : : : : 4th of March 2008 8.15 9.25am Form 1 Bukhari 42 persons Science Cell as a unit of life : At the end of the lessons the students will be able to understanding cells a) Students identify that cell is the basic unit of living things, b) Students prepare slides following the proper procedure, c) Students use a microscope properly, identify the general structures of animal cells and plant cells Pre-requisites knowledge Scientific Skills Science Process Skills : : : Observing, communicating, use and handle science apparatus and materials accurately Manipulative Skills Thinking Skills Creative Thinking Skills Critical Thinking skills Scientific Attitudes and noble values : Draw a figure of cells Clean and store apparatus correctly : : : : i. Being cooperative with others in group work ii. Obey instructions and follow the procedure Teaching and learning resources Apparatus : Microscope, glass slide, cover slip, dropper Materials : Onions, cheek cells, iodine, needle Making inferences on size of animals cells and plant cells Students have knowledge of cells

Safety precaution

Carefully in handling the toothpick to get cheek cells

Phase /Time Orientation (10 minutes)

Content The pieces of polystyrene look alike small room This small room we called as a cells

Teaching and Learning Activities / Scientific Skills i. Showing the pieces of polystyrene ii. Students are given the pieces of polystyrene and observe it using microscope iii. Through discussion and questioning, students are able identify how the cells look alike Questions: a) What you can see or observe through magnifying glass? b) Can anybody try to draw roughly a diagram on the whiteboard about what you can see?

Remarks Thinking skills Generating ideas

Elicitation of ideas (10 minutes)

i. Animals cell have, cell membrane, protoplasm (cytoplasm and nucleus),plant cells have nucleus chloroplast and vacuole, cell wall, cytoplasm

In a groups, students discuss the structure of plants cell and animal cells inside the textbook Gather information on living organisms and identify the smallest living unit that makes up the Organisms. Making comparison between animals cells and plant cell Based on shape and size


Thinking skills: Generating ideas. Comparing and contrasting animals cell and plant cells


Questions: a) What you can compare between animal cell and

plant cell? b) Can you tell me the shape and size of both cells Restructuring Of ideas (40 minutes) i. Students are preparing slides of cheek cells and onion cells Students discuss in a groups for carrying out an experiment In group of 6 students carrying out an experiment Science Process Skills Observing. Investigating Manipulative skills: Use and handle science apparatus, draw apparatus and laboratory substances, clean and store science apparatus Attitudes and values: Being honest and objective in recording data Being cooperative Teaching and learning aids: Apparatus: microscope, glass slide, cover slip, Toothpick, knife Materials: onion cheek cells, iodine solution

ii. iii.

Preparing a slides of cheek cells Method: i. Using the blunt end of clean toothpick, carefully scrape some cells from the inside of your cheek ii. Spread the scrapings onto clean slide iii. Add a drop of iodine solution to the smear iv. Place a cover slip at an angle to the solution on the slide. Slowly slide the cover slip to cover the specimen without trapping any air bubble v. Clear and dry up any solution on the slide and around the cover slip with a filter paper vi. Examine the cheek cells under the microscope, first on low magnification, then on high magnification. Draw the structure of the cheek cells in the space provided Preparing slides of onion cells Observations: i. Peel off an epidermal layer of leaf from an

ii. iii. iv.



onion with a razor blade and forceps Place 5mm piece of the epidermal onion leaf on a clean slide Add two drops of iodine solution to the epidermal onion leaf Place a cover slip at an angle to the solution on the slide. Slowly slide the cover slip to cover the specimen without trapping any air bubble. Clean and dry up any solution on the slide and around the cover slip with a filter paper Examine the onion cell under the microscope, first on low magnification, then on high magnification. Draw the structure of the onion cell in the square provided

Application of ideas (10 minutes)

nucleus nucleus

We can see the i. Cell wall structure of cheek Cell membrane cells and onion cells Cell membrane through microscope cytoplasm by using low objective Task:
vacuole cytoplasm

In pairs, students buzz by the following task

Thinking skills Analyzing Attitude and noble values Cooperative

lenses The diagram was drawn to show how the cheek cells and onion cells look a like. The part of animal cells and plant cells are labeled, so that we can compare the differences between both cells Students are given the chart of similarity and the differences between plant cells and animal cells. They need to complete the chart given

Reflection (10 minutes)

The structure of plant cells and animal cells

1. Students make a 3-2-1 summary 3 things I learnt today 2 things I found interesting 1 thing I can apply almost immediately 2. Students reflect on their learning and compare what they know before and after the lesson

Thinking skills: Making conclusions

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