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The term referred to a group of countries that were formerly colonies of Britain and have a shared history of British

imperialism, enslavement, indentureship and independence. These countries are sometimes called the Anglophone Caribbean, and are part of the larger group of countries known as the Commonwealth.

Caribbean sub-regions Greater Antilles, Lesser Antilles, Gulf of Mexico, Southern Caribbean, Eastern Caribbean, Southwestern Caribbean, and Western Caribbean, and Bahamian, Bermuda

Guadeloupe, Martinique and French Guiana are Departments of France. This is a status which requires them to be officially part of France, and not part of the political Caribbean, even though they are geographically located in the region. Bonaire, Saba and St. Eustatius experienced a change in their political status in 2010. Though presently in the process of being determined, what has resulted is a much closer political union with the Netherlands for these territories than for the other former Dutch colonies in the region.

The relationship between people and their environment, or habitat, and the ways in which their perceptions, values and beliefs guide that relationship. This relationship is also known as the man-land relationship.

The indigenous peoples/Amerindians groups viewed nature as sacred, and so demonstrated great respect in their usage of it


The Europeans who viewed nature as an entity to be exploited, as a source for the mass production of crops and extraction of minerals for economic gain.

A hazard is a situation that poses a level of threat to life, health, property, or environment. Hazards are risks that have the potential to develop into disasters. Environmental hazards are entities in the physical environment that are harmful to humans.

Geographical hazards are risks that are generated on the surface of the earth such as rock falls, floods and hurricanes. Geological hazards are generated within the core or crust of the earth such as volcanic eruptions and earthquakes.

Adult suffrage was the term that evolved to mean that all adults over 18 years of age have the right to vote, regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender, class, colour or capital. The term also refers to the rights granted to adults the right to contest parliamentary seats in the general elections.

Reasons for the agitation for adult suffrage in the Caribbean during the early twentieth century: planter class, merchants could vote and be members of the House of Assembly. Access to parliament via elections was based on land ownership as against citizenship. conditions which they saw as directly linked to a lack of representation in colonial government. ing to negotiate with representatives of labour on matters of representation and the right to vote. and working conditions for the majority of the population were poor and it was felt that if the masses could vote they would obtain better conditions by electing to government persons empathetic to their cause.

Members of the House of Assembly were elected by the voice of the majority, and/or by majority of the citizens or local populace of the country.

Santeria, Voodoo, Hoodoo, Palo Mayombe, Candomble, Shango, Pocomania

Features such as recognizing the Imperial Majesty as divine, their forms of worship, for example, Nyabingi and their adoption of the Old Testament for guidance in such practices as not eating pork or unclean food, or taking the Nazarite vow, helped to identify Rastafari as a religion. Their rituals such as the use of incense for meditation, and/or their belief in the notion of hell and heaven, of Babylon versus Zion, are other identifying features.

Sustainable development refers to a mode of human development in which resource use aims to meet human needs while ensuring the sustainability of natural systems and the environment, so that these needs can be met not only in the present, but also for generations to come.

Challenges to development in the Caribbean - The challenge is the regions dependence on foreign imports. This causes a drain on foreign resources. have a negative impact on economic development. cause citizens not to be as inventive and innovative as they could be.

Definitions of gender: and women. term used to differentiate between the activities of men and women, for example, gendered division of labour and gendered relations in religious institutions. a patriarchal order. men and women to two spheres men to the public realm and women to the private realm or the domestic space.

*jokes about their gender that imply inferiority, offensive jokes of a suggestive or sexual nature and jokes implying that an employees work is sub-par due to his or her gender * pass over women for promotion due to preconceived notions about their roles and abilities. *Women are also more likely to be judged by their looks and how they dress than are their male counterparts. *The "glass ceiling"/old boy network -the invisible barriers that prevent women from climbing the ranks of management because upper level and executive positions are given to men.

Feminist groups facilitated public discussion, the publications of papers, state policy, for example Professor Rhoda Reddock has worked alongside other gender advocates and activists over the years in establishing the Caribbean Association for Feminist Research and Action (CAFRA) . She also played a part in bringing about legislation related to sexual offences in the Sexual Offences Act and the implementation of the Domestic Violence Act in T&T.

There was a desire to create a political union that would eventually become independent of Britain (as one state). regional development by establishing federal institutions and supporting regional structures. Federation was among the measures by the British government for better administration of the colonies and saving costs of administration. they could gain this status only through the collective approach as a group.

A popular movement is one developed for the masses or is dictated by the ideas from the masses. It can become a part of a momentum that serves as a pressure group or even a revolutionary force.

Garvey was able to gain mass support and had tremendous appeal via: Pagents and parades. Garvey convictions of black pride, political and economic improvement for blacks and repatriation of blacks to Africa lead to black consciousness Garvey created the largest mass organization of blacks around the world (UNIAV He was concerned about the way blacks were perceived and projected in ('white) history books. He was convinced that historical distortion was a major dehumanizing weapon against the blacks. This idea was later to be echoed by people like Frantz Fanon and Malcolm X.

Indo-Caribbeans are Caribbean people with roots in India or the Indian subcontinent. The individuals and groups who came to the region as indentured immigrants after emancipation to settle in territories such as Guyana, Trinidad and Tobago and Jamaica Contributions, including providing labour for the sugar plantations and the rice industry; introducing new religionsHinduism, festivals Divali and Hosay; musical instruments the sitar; and the work of outstanding Caribbean scholars such as Samuel Selvon and David Dabydeen.

To determine the validity of the statement care ct access to health care needed

A literature review is a discussion of what the researcher has read or what was previously written on the issue. It indicates the main findings of the issue and provides insight to the lacunae or gaps in the knowledge base.

The literature review serves to explain the topic of the research and to build a rationale for the problem that is studied and the need for additional research. Use of the literature review to plan and conduct a study requires that a critical evaluatation of the research read. This critical analysis can form the basis for the rationale or for a choice of data collection procedures.

Carnival is adversely affected by increased violence in the society. idence of violence negatively impacts on carnival in Trinidad and Tobago.

To avoid doing anything that would cause physical or emotional harm to respondents. This could be something as simple as being careful how to word sensitive or difficult questions during interviews. Giving credit to the sources

Respect for privacy as the research is based on the sensitive issue of teenage pregnancy

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