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Circadian Flow -- presented by Thomas Meade

Circadian Flow -- Heart Channel (Shao Yin- Arm)

presented by: Thomas Meade Source: Yitian Ni O.M.D. 1996 Navigating the Channels of Traditional Chinese Medicine Complementary Medical Press

to change content, click on below Lung Channel (LU) Large Intestine Channel (LI) Stomach Channel (ST) Spleen Channel (SP) Heart Channel (HT) Small Intestine Channel (SI) Urinary Bladder Channel (UB) Kidney Channel (KI) Pericardium Channel (PC) San Jiao Channel (SJ) Gallbladder Channel (GB) Liver Channel (LV) Ren Mai Du Mai Chong Mai Dai Mai Yang Qiao Mai Yin Qiao Mai Yang Wei Mai Yin Wei Mai

Channel Description

Organs Entered
LU -- The Lung is connected/associated with: LU primary and divergent channels; LI primary and divergent channels; ST great luo channel; HT primary channel; KI primary channel; LV primary channel; Ren Mai, and Chong Mai HT -- The HT is connected/associated with: ST divergent channel; SP primary and divergent channels; HT primary, luo, and divergent channels; SI primary and divergent channel; UB divergent channel; KI primary channel; PC luo channel; GB divergent channel; LV divergent channel; Ren Mai; Du Mai; and Chong Mai SI -- The Small Intestine is connected/associated with: ST primary channel; SP luo channel; HT primary channel; SI primary and divegent channels; and Ren Mai PC -- The Pericardium is connected/associated with:HT luo channel; KI primary channel; PC primary and luo channels; and SJ primary channel. eye system -- The External Genitalia are connected/associated with: ST tendinomuscular channel; SP tendinomuscular channel; KI tendinomuscular channel; GB divergent channel; LV channel; Ren Mai, Du Mai; and Yin Qiao Mai. inner -- The Inner Canthus is canthus connected/associated with: ST primary, luo, and divergent channels: HT divergent channel; SI primary channel; UB primary channel; Du Mai; Yin Qiao Mai; and Yang Qiao Mai tongue -- The Tongue is connected/associated with: SP primary and divergent channels; HT luo channel; UB tendinomuscualr channel; KI primary and divergent channels; SJ tendinomuscular channel; and Yin Wei Mai. throat -- The Throat is connected/associated with: LU primary and divergent channels; LI primary and divergent channels; ST primary, luo, and divergent channels; SP divergent channel; HT primary and divergent channels; KI primary channel; PC divergent channel; LV primary channel; Ren Mai; Du Mai; Chong Mai; Yin Qiao Ma; and Yin Wei Mai

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14/02/2013 06:29 p.m.

Circadian Flow -- presented by Thomas Meade

breast -- The Breasts are connected/associated with: LI divergent channel; ST primary, tendinomuscular, and great luo channels; HT tendinomuscular channels; PC primary and tendinomuscular channels; and GB tendinomuscular channel. umbilicus -- The Umbilicus is connected/associated with: SP tendinomuscular channel; HT tendinomuscular channel; Ren Mai; Du Mai;Chong Mai; and Dai Mai.. esophagus -- The Esophagus is connected/associated with: ST primary, divergent, and tendinomuscular channel; SP divergent channel; HT primary channel; SI primary channel; KI primary channel; GB divergent channel; and LV divergent channel. diaphragm -- The Diaphragm is connected/associated with: LU primary and tendinomuscular channels; LI primary channel; ST primary and great luo channels; SP primary channel; HT primary and tendinomuscular channels; SI primary channel; PC primary and tendinomuscular channels; SJ primary channel; GB primary channel; LV primary channel; and Yin Wei Mai.

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14/02/2013 06:29 p.m.

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