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;#include <Array.au3> #include <_XMLDomWrapper.au3> #region Load XML $xml_file="cd_catalog.

xls" $xml_string=FileRead($xml_file) _XMLLoadXML($xml_string) If @error Then MsgBox(16,"Erro",_XMLError("")) Exit EndIf #endregion Load XML $path = "/MAIN_PARENT/CATALOG" $kids = _XMLGetChildNodes($path&"/*") ;_ArrayDisplay($kids) $rows_total=_XMLGetNodeCount($path&"/CD") ConsoleWrite("Total rows: "[email="&$rows_total&@CRLF"]&$rows_total&@CRLF[/email ]) If $rows_total<=0 Then MsgBox(16,"Error","The selected XML file doesn't contain any useful data.") __ExitError() EndIf ;Exit __ReadXMLtoSQLite()

Func __ExitError() ;_SQLite_Close() ;_SQLite_Shutdown() Exit EndFunc Func __ReadXMLtoSQLite() $rows_progress=0 ; ir contabilizar a evoluo do processamento do ficheiro ;_SQLite_Exec(-1,"BEGIN IMMEDIATE;") ; inicia o transact SQL - vai escrevendo os dados em memoria $progress=0 $progress_lastupdate=0 $timer=TimerInit() ; inicia o cronmetro For $h = 1 To _XMLGetNodeCount($path) ; for each CATALOG ConsoleWrite("-> CATALOG "[email="&$h&@CRLF"]&$h&@CRLF[/email]) For $i = 1 To _XMLGetNodeCount($path&"[" & $h & "]/CD") ; for each CD in each C ATALOG $rows_progress += 1 $progress=Floor(($rows_progress/$rows_total)*100) If @error Then $progress=0 #region show progress If $progress>$progress_lastupdate Then

ConsoleWrite("Progress: "&$progress&" %"[email="&@CRLF"]&@CRLF[/email]) $progress_lastupdate=$progress EndIf #endregion show progress #region Count Checking $aValues = "" $sValue = "" $aValues = _XMLGetValue($path & "[" & $h & "]/CD[" & $i & "]/" & $kids[1]) If IsArray($aValues) Then $sValue=$aValues[1] If $sValue<>1 Then ; this doesn't apply to this XML file, but it's something I have to check with my XML reports. EndIf #endregion Count Checking $aValues = "" $sValues = "" ;#cs #region field checking ; the following verification is essential, ; of having a node which doesn't contain a the same order as expected ; This requires around 50% more processing 'll take 30) $aValues = _XMLGetChildNodes($path & "[" & ;_ArrayDisplay($aValues) because there's the possibility certain field, or the field isn't in time (e.g. instead of 20 seconds, it $h & "]/*[" & $i & "]")

If IsArray($aValues) Then If $aValues[0]<>6 Then MsgBox(16,"Erro","O registo n " & $rows_progress & "contm " & $aValues[0] & " campos, quando devia conter 6."[email="&@CRLF"]&@CRLF[/email]& _ "O ficheiro XML no est correcto. O programa vai sair.") __ExitError() ElseIf $aValues[1]<>"TITLE" Or $aValues[2]<>"ARTIST" Or $aValues[3]<>"COUNTRY" Or $aValues[4]<>"COMPANY" Or _ $aValues[5]<>"PRICE" Or $aValues[6]<>"YEAR" Then MsgBox(16,"Error","The headers don't match. We're in trouble. I'm gonna run now.") __ExitError() EndIf EndIf #endregion field checking ;#ce #region get values $aValues = _XMLGetValue($path & "[" & $h & "]/*[" & $i & "]/*") ;_ArrayDisplay($aValues) If Not IsArray($aValues) Then MsgBox(16,"Erro","O registo n " & $rows_progress & "no foi lido correctamente. O programa vai sair.") __ExitError() EndIf If $aValues[3]=="" Then ; if this is blank (it should always be 1 or 2), then t he whole row would be blank. avoid writing blank lines

ConsoleWrite("-> Line " & $rows_progress & " is blank." & @CRLF) $write=False ; linha invlida / sem contedo ContinueLoop Else $sValues &= $aValues[3] & "," EndIf $sValues &= '"'&StringReplace($aValues[4],'"',"'")&'"'&"," If $aValues[5]=="" Then $sValues &="NULL," Else $sValues &= $aValues[5] & "," EndIf $sValues &= $aValues[6] & "," #endregion get values #region insert in SQL ;_SQLite_Exec(-1, "INSERT INTO tblPicagens VALUES (" & $sValues & ");") ; remov e as virgulas e substitui ';' por ',' ;If $iRval <> $SQLITE_OK Then ConsoleWrite("SQLite Error: "&_SQLite_ErrMsg ()&@ CRLF) #endregion insert in SQL Next Next ConsoleWrite("-> It took "&TimerDiff($timer)&" milisseconds."[email="&@CRLF"]&@C RLF[/email]) Return EndFunc

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