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Fruitfullness,Multiplication and dominion blessing.

In the beginning, before sin came in, before all turmoil, wars and all manner of troubles invaded mans world, God gave two things to mankind. With these two, man was to fight his wars and bring order to his world. With these two you can bring order to your troubled life, hurting family, collapsing business, deteriorating health and any troubled area of your life. Blessing and dominion are two gifts and weapons God gave from the very beginning. I will share with you today, how you can rule in your world, subdue and be fruitful despite all the difficulties and challenges around you. Read on. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth Genesis 1:27-28. What many people do not understand is that what the world is like is not what it was like in the beginning; what their lives are like Is not what it was originally meant from the beginning. Anything in life its use and original plan is not known is bound to be abused, manipulated or taken advantage of. The same with human life; when we do not know how it was meant to be like, the devil always takes advantage. My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge Hosea 4:6. Sickness, failure, bad-luck, bewitchment and all manner of afflictions wielded at humanity where never in the plan of God. In our key text above we learn how God created man and gave him two things in the garden for his life. Man was given blessing and dominion. He was not given a curse, neither made inferior for in his own image, in the image of God created he . . . male and female Genesis 1:27. Everything contrary to this in your life is a foreigner and a parasite. Its not allowed. Those terrible, frightening and haunting dreams that torment you every night were never a part of your life or Gods plan its foreign and therefore not allowed in your life. That enchantment against your life that causes you to work hard, earn money, make a budget and but nothing to come out as though you

never worked is not a part of Gods plan for your life. You were meant to be blessed, fruitful, productive and touching things that flourish. The blessing of God is and was upon your hands from the very beginning. Before charms came, before they went to the witchdoctors to curse your family and your children for example declaring So and sos children will never amount to anything in life, they will produce nothing! I have a good word for you, your children will amount to something and they will make it in life in Jesus name. Yours is the blessing and not the curse! Hallelujah. You could be asking by now and saying to yourself eeeh Pastor if you say I am blessed why then am I struggling with poverty, lack and failure in my life; why is my family and marriage in chaos right now? You have asked well. It brings in my next point to you. When man was created and given blessing and dominion, there is one guy who was there who didnt like it at all and hoped he would usurp the authority and rule instead. That guy is Satan, the devil and old serpent who is against man and all good, peace, unity, love and progress in life. He is against your being promoted at work; against your being happy with your spouse in the home; against your children amounting up to something in life; against all the works of your hands and all your dreams the devil. Friend we have an enemy and wrestle not against flesh and blood. We have a real enemy. People are not our enemies. Relatives, bosses, neighbours, workmates and church members are not our enemies. All the attacks in our lives are wielded from the camp of the devil. Have you been under attack in your life and family wondering whats going on and how you would handle it? I have a good word for you; Cheer up for Gods blessing and dominion are knocking at your doorstep right now! The devil will have to march out in Jesus name! Enough is enough! You were meant to rule, to be above, to take authority and have dominion over all creation, circumstances and situations including the devil. You are above what they say you are. You are beyond the level of the plots being made to take your husband away from you through charms and black magic. I challenge you today, stand on the Word of God and say to yourself, No, No, No, No, Enough is enough! That hold of the devil and negativity spoken against my life get out of my way, house, family, health, job and all my life right now in Jesus name! Receive the portion of the Lord upon your life, success, peace, joy, good health, good sleep

and the blessing of God upon your life. To directly deal and handle your circumstance you need to have an understanding of how you are attacked by the enemy then you will have knowledge of not only how to defend yourself but also how to stay on the offensive and level above your circumstances and enemy. When man was blessed by God and given dominion the devil was not happy and usurped authority. How did he do it? It was through deception and words. Man fell. The enemy uses words against you. For example many people struggling with fruitfulness have at one point or the other been told You will be barren, you will never be fruitful all your life. Its the voice of the enemy when you hear in you or someone say to you, you will never stay on that job, you will never have a baby, you will never drive a car, you will never be happy with that husband or wife of yours, you will never . . . you will never! Thats the voice of the serpent. Let it be silenced as you read this article by faith in Gods Word. How then do you deal with situations when they come? One day alone walking in town, I felt as if certain people were laughing at me since prior to that the roof of our church had fallen down and it was aired on television. It troubled me for a moment and was about to say O God, see whats happening? They are laughing at me. In that moment, in a flash of a second the Holy Spirit spoke to me and encouraged me. He said to me, They are laughing at you? Dont you also have a mouth? Laugh also! I had never had that before. Alone I said aaahahaha laughing! That did it. I got relieved and have never given the devil room to oppress, depress or discourage me on anything from that day! Friend understand this, the Bible says you shall have whatsoever you say and not you shall have whatsoever they say. Its what you yourself say that counts. Here is the wisdom of God, have you been told you are nobody? Dont repeat what they said, O God they said I am a nobody No, No, No. Repeat the Word of God and say to yourself I am somebody and not only am I somebody I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I am the apple of Gods eye and no weapon formed against me shall prosper! When you talk like this, the devil will flee. Hallelujah! Stand on the Word. Blessing and dominion are yours today, in your family, marriage, relationships, finances, at your workplace and even in your spiritual life in Jesus name.

This is a message from the sermons by our powerful man of God Bishop Dr. Bartholomew Manjoro, who is the President & founder of Faith World Ministries and Bible College. Come join us to hear these life changing messages every Sunday at the Cathedral of Faith opposite city sports centre at 10:00hrs and every working day for Lunch Hour Services 1-2PM at Manica House, Corner First and R. Mugabe. The following are upcoming events; Ladies Conference a powerful Conference where the life of a woman is addressed in its totality through Gods Word and various home-based programs, and projects meant to equip the woman. Dates: 23-25 May 2013 Theme: How to overcome when you have been overtaken. Venue: Cathedral of Faith, Opposite City Sports Centre.

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