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The attached is a Public Service Announcement poster designed to promote care for the environment. It is based on the K.I.S.S.

Principle, Keep it Simple, Stupid. The photo of newborn baby Sean is used as a hook to get immediate attention (who can resist a picture of a baby?). This is followed by a simple, optimistic statement telling us that Sean can expect a long life. The second photo is of an Irish landscape. It shows the situation when Sean was born. The sky was clear, the grass was green, there were leaves on the trees. It is just an average landscape, there are some ugly buildings in it. The second written statement asks a rhetorical question. Do we want Sean to live in as good a world as we do and enjoy the things we take pleasure in? The poster is designed to appeal to the observer in line with the rhetorical concepts of Ethos, Pathos, Logos and Kairos. Ethos; The pictures portray two simple and basically genuine concepts. A newborn, innocent child and a relatively unspoilt landscape. The wording is clear and unambiguous. Pathos; The pictures appeal to the emotions of the observer, to alter their behaviour, to preserve something worthwhile for a good reason. There is a connection with the audience, what person cannot relate to a newborn baby and a landscape worth preserving? Logos; The use of reasoning. It is reasonable to suggest that a newborn baby will have a long life. Although no statistics are quoted it is reasonable to assume that todays child will live for up to one hundred years. It is reasonable to suggest that this baby is entitled to have the same quality of environment as we already enjoy. Kairos; has been described as "a passing instant when an opening appears which must be driven through with force if success is to be achieved. The poster is designed to have immediate effect. The message is subtle and says We have a duty to preserve our planet for future generations but not in those exact words. , The philosopher Isocrates wrote that educated people are those who manage well the circumstances which they encounter day by day, and who possess a judgment which is accurate in meeting occasions as they arise and rarely misses the expedient course of action". The poster is an appeal to the observer to judge and manage their surroundings.

Baby Sean Culkin can expect to live well into the Next Century

DO YOU WANT BABY SEAN TO SEE THE WORLD AS YOU DO, WHEN HE IS YOUR AGE? Please, take care of the environment, and some day, Baby Sean will say THANK YOU

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