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For Want of Glycerine!

For want of a nail a kingdom was lost. For want of glycerine, our boys may lose a battle That glycerine comes principally from the fat you save for your butcher!

The Weather
For Salt Lake City and vicinity Warmer Thursday. Maximum temperature in Salt Lake City Wednesday. 68 degrees; minimum temperature, 35 degrees. (Issued by permission of military authorities.)

Vol. 147, No. 36

Salt Lake Cily, Utah, Thursday Morning, May 20, 1943

Price Five Cents

100,000 Fire Takes 3 Lives

Churchill Vows British Aid in War on yps:Flames Destroy
Congress Hear Plan to Bomb Axis Out of War
Lawmakers Cheer Declaration Of Britain's Unflinching o Goalto Lay Nippon in Ruins
By Associated Press WASHINGTON, May 19Prime Minister Churchill Wednesday promised that Britain would stick with the United States in an unrelenting campaign to pulverize Japan, and disclosed that the allies are now embarked on the greatest military experiment in historyto determine whether air bombardment can bring Germany and Italy to their knees.
In a momentous war review before a joint meeting of the senate and house. Britain's war leader took note of the outcry in this country that Japan is the No. 1 enemy .ind told the cheering legisla tors:

^' ' Nine Men Hurt

Balcony Cave-in Traps Firemen; Investigators Probe Ruins For Cause of Destructive Blaze
Trapped under failing debris during the height of one Of Salt Lake City's most devastating downtown fires, three firemen were killed and at least nine others injured Wednesday morning when names reduced the Victory theater, 48 East Broadway, to a charred shell of teetering walls. Damage was estimated at between $75,000 and $100,000 from the holocaust, which brought every available piece of equipment from the local fire department to the scene and resulted in auxiliary firemen and police being called to nssist in extinguishing the flames and holding the crowds away from the building. First alarm was received at the fire alarm office at 8:24 a. m. The dead: Lieutenant Melvin L. Hutch, 2259 Highland drive. First Grade Fireman Harry Christenson, 245 Coatsville avenue.
Third Grade Fireman Thcron D. Johnson, 2248 Lake street.

L Theater;

Attu Fighting

' t h e entrance to the auditorium. Tiie balcony n n d second floor of "Let no one suggest that the .structure caved, trapping the British have not as least as great men. * U. S. (Official) an micros! as the United States Fire Chief LaVcre M. Hanson, in the u n f l i n c h i n g and relentless By Associated Press who also was in the foyer at the waging of war against Japan. I WASHINGTON, May 19 Adlime, sBld: "We heard their groans, am here to tell you that we will but we were unable to reach them wage that war side by side with vancing United States troops and mnke a rescue." vou in accordance with the best appeared Wednesday to be drlv*tr;ttcpic employment of our forces I ing hard-pressed Japanese forces Ah.slsdmt Cliliif Hurt while there is breath in our bodies on Attu Island Into a pocket By Associated Press Assistant Fire Chief Lloyd B. and while blood flows in our around Chichagof harbor, where An army of troops and workmen Egan and Captain A. R. Ward veins." labored Wednesday to bulwark also were taken from the buildThe cities and munitions centers they can only surrender or fight levees and protect plants menaced ing- after the cave-in. Chief Egan, of Nippon must lie "in ashes," he | to the death. by rampant rivers in a 500-milc- overcome by smoke, and his eyes said, before peace comes back to The A i eu tj a ns trap set up last gravely irritated, was rushed to wide flood zone in the midwest. the world. weck by lwo Amer jcan landing Engineers, coast guardsmen and the Salt Lake police emergency Predicts Third Gamble parties, one of which drove into policemen joined hundreds of sol- hospital, while Captain Ward, who diers in patrolling and strengthen- was burned on the hands and face, On the point of bombing the Attu from the north and the other ing sea walls in the five-state area was taken to the L D S hospital. European axis members into col- from the south, has been closed, where a dozen swollen streams Fireman Luther A, Stroud, 755 lapse. Churchill did not rule out a navy communique reported Wed halted operations in 50 mines, Post street, was struck by a fallthe possibility of an early land inncsday. Forward patrols of the threatened factories and power ing pipe and other debris while vasion also. In fact, he indicated u n i t s , broke through dikes and attempting to extricate the three that this would come by predicting two units met south of Holtz bay. swished across thousands of acres fatally injured firemen. that Hitler is reserving "his suTlic Japanese positions on the of furm land. One of the most seriously Inpreme gambler's throw" for a buy's southeastern arm have been About 22,000 persons were jured was Lieutenant Wiillam A. third offensive Russia, and virtually untenable and homeless. Roads and bridges were Limb, who suffered a back injury B.sscrting that the nllics will act rendered while the exact course of the batclosed and rail traffic was inter- ! when he fell from a ladder. Others to "tultt more of the weight off tle r was not clear on the -basis of "Pted. I injured included Acting LieutenRussia" this year. reports made public by the navy, The floods were the most serious jan t Evan H. Hansen, 1616 Edison But ne said the use of air power it in a generation or longer in some street, first and second degree was considered probable that by itself to bring about collapse the Japanese would dravv most of sections, but the loss of life was burns.on his right hand and left of Germany and Italy is an "ex- their comparatively small. Nine persons ankle, and overcome by fumes strength back to Chichagof periment . . . well worth trying if they - five in Indiana, three in Mis- while attempting to free the trio; have not already done so. so long as other measures arc- not souri, n n d one in Oklahomawere Fireman F. E, McKlnnon, 953 A navy communique reporting excluded." reported drowned. the latest details of the fighting Denver street, overcome by fumes "There is certainly no harm In Warnings that the worst floods and irritated eyes. Firemcr. George Collapse of a balcony inside the building caused the death This spectacular picture was snapped as a huge section of the the westernmost of the Aleufinding out." he added. in Oklahoma's history were imtian islands disclosed three develof three firemen. (Photo by Salt Lake district office, army R. Kilpatrick, S58 Montague averear wall of the Victory theater building collapsed Wednesise, some of the major pending drove hundreds from their nue, right shoulder bruised by fallcorps of engineers.) day morning, when the structure was gutted by flames. points of the 50-minute address houses in Arkansas and Verdigris ing debris: Fireman Glen D. CrowTuesday morning the Ameriwhich was broadcast to all parts can northern force which had river valleys. Manager Douglas G. thcr, 1027 West North Temple of the world, were: Wright of the Grand River dam, landed a week earlier on the north1. The "supreme objective" of western rim of Holtz bay "were in gigantic . federal hydro - electric street, severely sprained left ankle, all allied planning is to come to possession" of a high ridge southproject in northeastern Oklahoma, and Fireman Elmer H. Hansen. grips with the enemy on the larg- cast of the bay. commented: "The greatest flood 1763 South Second East street, of all known records is pouring bruises and eye irritation. est possible scale at the earliest 2. The southern force which had Chief Hanson said the fire startthe reservoir." possible moment "wherever that is landed on the shores of Massacre! WASHINGTON, May is (.-PI into An unprecedented rush of water ed near the orchestra pit in the profitable andI may saywhen- bay advanced northward during; LONDON, Thursday, May 20 (/Pi The mailman Thursday morning descended upon the tri-state min- main auditorium and flashed into ever it is possible." will deliver 40.000.000 application ing region of Missouri, Kansas and a major conflagration within a of one the Iast Promise V.'ar Parleys Allies (Official) t E planes over Kiel, blanks for ration book No. 3. Oklahoma, and 50 lead and zinc very few minutes. patrols from the Holtz and Mas- after midnight Thursday as the Ration book three is intended, mines were closed. enemy came over the city for the 2. He and President Roosevelt sacre units ioined. By United Press !said: Probe Under Way Troops, police and volunteers hope for a meeting with Premier LONDON, Thursday, May. 20 "When we got there, there were the office of price administration 3. Wednesday afternoon the fourth consecutive night. The origin was not immediately During a second alert of the (UP)A powerful fleet of Ameri- jso many fires raging we couldn't said, merely as a replacement for sandbagged levees at Peru, Terre Stalin of Russia and with Gen- pass was finally cleared of enemy determined, but Chief Hanson anbooks ore and two when they run Houte, Vincennes, Anderson and eralissimo C h i a n g Kai-shek of troops which withdrew toward night, the raiders, few in number, can Flying Fortresses battered the j Pick out the individual targets, out of stamps. other points along the Wabash and nounced that "there definitely is China in the near future. Chichagof harbor, leaving only dropped bombs in two places near The application cards will have White rivers and their tributaries no sign of incendiarism or ar3. The allied air forces vastly snipers behind to retard the Amer- the Thames estuary. From one sprawling U-boat yards at Kiel | There were so many bombsjn^the Before the embers had three sectionsone to be retained in Indiana, where the Red Cross son." point there was a report that sev- and Flensburg Wednesday, filling i outnumber Lhose of Germany, Italy ican advance. by the householder to help him estimated more than 10,000 per- stopped smoldering Wednesday and Japan. Considerable significance was eral persons were trapped under the air with so many high explo- bcfore saw so many clusters fall- get his books if his application sons were homeless in 20 counties. afternoon an official three-man 4. "While the U-boat danger is attached here to the fact that the debris. Two companies of engineer investigating- committee had been gets lost: another a return address Before the first alert was sound-! s i v e and incendiary bombs that ing." still the greatest we face, I have retirement was in the direction Antiaircraft fire was light at card to be used by O P A in mail- troops from Camp Attcrbury, Ind., appointed from the police and fire confidence it will be met, contained of Chichagof harbor rather than ed shortly after midnight there a pilot reported they hindered his the books, and the third to were ordered to Vincennes 'to bol- departments and the national both Kiel and Flcnsburg, but the and overcome." toward Holtz bay. Secretary Knox was an unexplained explosion in vision of the target. the n a m e and age of each ster the levee. A detachment of board of fire underwriters to Germans sent some 50 fighters 5- American and British air at- had said Tuesday that the enemy's one London area. Rounding out the U. S. Eighth member of the family for whom a engineer soldiers, with several doc- make a. complete investigation.. into the air at each place. The tacks on Germany have forced installations were in the! The first alert apparently was air force's greatest week of the Chief of Police Reed E. Vetterli tors and medical corps men was that country to withdraw "more Holtz bay area obviously the! caused by a few planes which war, in which an even dozen tar- enemy planes attacked persistent- new book is requested. Householders are not to mail the sent from Camp Ellis, 111., to as- appointed Detective W. E. Eggleand more" planes from the fight- j place where they would make a swung back at the outskirts of the gets were blasted throughout nazi- ly, especially at Kiel, where they (Con'.intierJ on Pace Three) ston to work with Investigator (Continued on Pane Six) (Column Three) * occupied Europe, the big Boeing attempted to slip into the tight cards back to O P A u n t i l June 1. city. stand if possible. James O. Carver of the fire de< Column One t bombers flew through heavy Ger- Fortress formations. partment and S. R. Waugh. speAn American c o m m u n i q u e snid m a n f i g h t e r opposition a n d cial investigator of the national dropped hundreds of tons of ex- "many of the enemy were deboard of fire underwriters. plosives on the twin targets in stroyed." By the time nil equipment had Kiel and Flcnstmrg wore the northwest Germany. rolled up'to the scone, flames were A m e r i c a.n headquarters an- eleventh and twelfth targets atshooting nearly 100 feet skyward, nounced that the target at Kiel tacked during the week. Observand billows of smoke could be was the Deutsche Werke, which ers estimated that the nllicd air seen for miles. WASHINGTON, May 19 f U P ) Tdrawn, to return and for unity and fatter March 21when the Marethtroared over to Trapani despite employs several thousand workers forces had showered bombs on nazi The American Federation of Labor solidarity H- Allies(Official) A guard of police officers, miliwithin the ranks of Europe at the rate of more than campaign beganwere listed as heavy cloud formations and rained and builds long-range submarines. executive council announced Wed- labor." tary police, state highway patrolBy United Press 267,000 captives, 30,000 killed and bombs on the harbor and railroad The plant also has the largest 1000 tons a day. nesday night that John L. Lewis The big week of American dayPresident William Green of the men and guards from the UtaJi A L L I E D HEADQUARTERS, 27,000 seriously wounded. yards area. One ship exploded floating drydocks in Germany. and the United Mine Workers have A F L said he would appoint a ordnance plant i m m e d i a t e l y North Africa. May 19The axis German planes struck back at light attacks opened last Thurs- applied In the final offensive, which be- from a direct hit and five others for rcaffiliation with the lost more than 3*24.000 men as gan May 5, the allies took the were believed damaged. Fires Britain last night for the fourth d a y when Fortresses attacked A F L. committee to consider the appli- blocked off traffic and held early workers from crowding casualties or prisoners in the vain astounding total of 224,000 pris- started along the railroad yards i straight night. An air alert sound- Meaulte and St. Omer, France. cation and meet with officials of morning too near the theater. struggle to hold t Tunisian oners | ed in London about midnight and On Friday, medium bombers hit | The miners withdrew in 1936 to the U M W. The committee will and in the town. Firemen played streams of wa' exceeding by some 25,000 bridgehead, it was announcd As they left their targets the antiaircraft guns went into action Velsen, northern Holland, while I head the formation of the Congress report back to the council which ter into the fire from all direcannounced iithg higjjcst estimate of the numFortresses a n d Liberators at- ! of Industrial Organizations. Sub- will rule on the application. Wednesday as allied planes pushed on the capital's outskirts. The allFortresses were attacked by uptacked Kiel and Fortresses alone sequently they also withdrew from . The warmth with which the tions, including from the tops of a relentless offensive against the ber of men the enemy had in wards of 45 MesserSChmitts and clear came within a half hour. neighboring buildings. Mediterranean s t e p p i n g -stone Africa before the showdown drive Focke-Wulf fighters and in a 140The hard-hitting Fortresses flew battered Antwerp and Courtrai, the C J 'O. A F L received t h e application on Tunis and Bizerte. For nearly an hour it appeared The council "welcomed receipt islands to Europe. mile running battle their P-38 about 400 miles to Schleswig Hol- Belgium. indicated a favorable response if j that the flames might spread to Pantelleria took its heaviest Lightning escorts shot down five stein and found perfect visibility [ Fortresses made their biggest of the application" and said: More than 25 enemv vessels and "The executive council inter- jurisdictions! questions are settled. ncar-hy buildings, but firemen 12 planes were reported destroyed pounding yet when for the fifth enemy planes and the bombers' over the vital submarine yards. ! raid on Germany Saturday, conGreen indicated that most of the able to keep them confined or damaged in the latest raids on time in recent d a y s the rocky own guns accounted for another. The targets lay about 40 miles j centrating on Emden and on Mon- prets the application of the United | jurisdiction;)] questions revolve were to the theater. island was assailed by two powthe enemy strongholds. American Josses in this battle apart, with Flcnsburg on the Dan-! day. Liberators made their first Mine Workers for rcaffiliation as I around U M W district 50, the Residents of the St. George The axis losses inflicted by the erful waves of allied planes which wore not stated, but from all the ish border and Kiel to the south- | attack as a unit, hitting Bordeaux, a response to its repeated appeals J "catch-all" union which had been I France, while Fortresses raided to those organizations originally reported to be Lewis' move to'es- hotel, 40 East Broadway, which British First army, the American dropped a total of 200,000 pounds day's operations s e v e n allied east. occupies the front portion of the First Lieutenant Olan Hubbard j Lonent and its suburb of Kero- chartered by the American Fcder- j Socond corps and the French from of bombs. planes were missing, an allied (Continued on Pasc Seven) (Contlmicd on P.icc Three) ation of Labor, which had with- j of Dallas, Texas, the bombardier | man. November S and the Eighth army Flying Fortresses, meanwhile. communique said. (Column Two I (.Column One)

Pockets Japs Harbor we AIoii

The three firemen were trapped while playing a hose into ihe binzing interior of the building from inside the foyer near

Troops Battle Midwestern Flood Waters

Nazi Raiders Visit London


Fly ing Forts Blast Two Large [/-Boat Yards

No. 3 Ration Blank Goes Into Mail

Allies Declare Axis Casu allies in North Africa Reach 324,000, With 30,000 Listed as Killed

VMW Request, Made by Lewis, Seeks Return to AFL Unit

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