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INTEGRATED PADDY-CUM-FISH CULTURE 1. Perennial system of paddy-fish farming. 2. Synchronous refuge pond system of paddy-fish farming. 3.

Enclosure system of paddy-fish farming. 1. PERENNIAL SYSTEM OF PADDY-FISH FARMING. In this system of integration single crop of fish is raised along with 2 crops of paddy, viz. Ahu and Sali covering both the seasons. Merits: i. Conversion of very low-lying unproductive land into productive units through proper land shaping and introduction of a fish crop. ii. Raising of fish crop up to table size. iii. All the species of carps used in composite fish culture excluding the herbivores like grass carp, java puthi, etc. can be reared in this system. iv. Water of the trench/ pond can be used as a source of irrigation during dry months. SITE SELECTION : Low-lying fields with high rainfall and poor drainage can be brought under this system. Area: Minimum: Maximum: 0.27 ha. No limit.

Topography : Paddy field having almost uniform topography is preferred. Soil characteristics: Soil having high water retention capacity/ characteristics is suitable. Nature of soil varies with biological, chemical and physical properties. Among the physical properties of the soil, water retention capacity, PH and productivity of the soil are very important. A selected sites soil in its every 100 gm should contain 50- 75 mg nitrogen, 6-12 mg phosphorous and 1.5- 2.5 gm organic carbon. For good production from cultured fish soil PH should be in between 7.5- 8.5. Source of water : Precipitation, direct run-off, ground water, water from irrigation canals, etc. Maximum flood level : Plot should be preferably flood free. Legal matters: Legal aspects of the possible site should be evaluated. Legal aspects in respects of land ownership, withdrawal of surface and ground water, sale of fish, protection provided against poaching, pollution, etc. must be considered. If the plot is taken on lease the lease period of the plot must be equal or more than 10 years. Other requirements: Inputs for fish farming like- feed, fertilizer, etc. nearest to the site must be available. Again inputs for paddy like- seeds of Ahu and Sali paddy, fertilizer, pesticides, other utensils, etc. also should be available nearest to the site. Skilled labour for both paddy and fish cultivation at economic rate should be locally available. Power supply and road infrastructure should be good. There should be market facility nearest to the site to sale the products of fish and paddy cultivation. Storage facility for products of paddy cultivation is highly essential at the farm itself. DESIGN OF PADY PLOT AND FISH POND : Paddy plot: 61- 67% of the total plot area is developed for paddy cultivation.

Fish pond: 21- 33% of the total plot area is developed in the form of trench or pond for fish farming activities, which serves as a shelter for fish during dry period. Dyke: Surrounding the plot a peripheral dyke is constructed which create a confinement for fish, which prevents entry of water and unwanted organisms from out side also helps in preventing the escaping of cultured fish from the area. Construction of the trench or the pond and allocation of area for paddy field, fish pond/ trench etc are depends on the topography f the area. Fish pond/ trench design: 1. Perimeter trench type: Fish pond/ trench of this type is dug out when the plot is centrally elevated. The trench size should be 1/5th of the total area. Normally depth of the trench is kept at 1.2 m but it may be more based on the topography of the land. The area of the perimeter dyke is kept within a range of 1/9th 1/8th of the plot area. The height of the dyke should be minimum 1 m, but it may be more based on the Flood level of the area. Normally 0.5 m more height above the high flood level of the locality is suitable for the perimeter dyke. A general design for a fishpond and a paddy plot is given below: Total area of the plot (100 m X 100 m) Trench/ fish pond: Total length of the perimeter trench Top width Bottom width Depth of trench Total trench area (6 m X 352 m) Dyke: Total length of the dyke Base width Crest width Average height Total dyke area (388 m X 3 m) Paddy plot: Length of the paddy plot Breadth of the paddy plot Total paddy area (82 m X 82 m) : 82 m : 82 m : 0.67 ha. : 388 m :3m :1m :1m : 0.12 ha. : 1 ha : 352 m :6m : 3.6 m : 1.2 m : 0.21 ha.

2. Lateral trench type: Fish pond/ trench of this type is dug out when the plot is having gradient towards the lateral sides. In such condition 2 trenches are dug on the sloping lateral sides. If the site is sloping towards the corner coinciding trenches are dug in lower sides, while in case of slope on both lateral sides, parallel trenches are dug on each lateral side. Normally depth of the trench is kept at 1.5 m but it may be more based on the topography of the land. The area of the perimeter dyke is kept within a range of 1/9th 1/8th of the plot area. The height of the dyke should be minimum 1 m, but it may be more based on the Flood level of the area. Normally 0.5 m more height above the high flood level of the locality is suitable for the perimeter dyke. A general design for a fishpond and a paddy plot is given below: Total area of the plot (125 m X 80 m) Trench/ fish pond: Total length of the perimeter trench Top width Bottom width Depth of trench Total trench area (2 X 18 m X 74 m) : 1 ha : 74 m : 18 m : 15 m : 1.5 m : 0.27 ha.

Dyke: Total length of the dyke Base width Crest width Average height Total dyke area (398 m X 3 m) Paddy plot: Length of the paddy plot Breadth of the paddy plot Total paddy area (83 m X 74 m) : 83 m : 74 m : 0.61 ha. : 398 m :3m :1m :1m : 0.12 ha.

3. Central pond type: Fishpond of this type is dug out when the plot is having gradient towards the middle portion. The area of the pond should be 1/3rd of the total area. Normally depth of the pond is kept at 1 m. Pond embankment should not be constructed. but it may be more based on the topography of the land. The area of the perimeter dyke is kept at 1/5th of the total plot area but this area may be increased depending on the flood situation of the area. The height of the dyke should be minimum 30 cm, but it may be more based on the Flood level of the area. Normally 0.5 m more height above the high flood level of the locality is suitable for the perimeter dyke. A general design for a fishpond and a paddy plot is given below: Total area of the plot (100 m X 100 m) Fish pond: Length of the pond Breadth of the pond Depth of pond Total pond area (58 m X 58 m) Dyke: Total length of the dyke Breadth of the dyke Total dyke area (398 m X 0.5 m) Paddy plot: Length of the paddy plot Avg. breadth of the paddy plot Total paddy area (41.5 m X 234 m) CONSTRUCTION : Trench/ fishpond: For construction of fish pond/trench of all the aforesaid 3 types, the topsoil is deposited in the area selected for paddy cultivation to elevate the bed of the paddy plot. The rest-excavated soil is used for construction of perimeter dyke. During construction of the perimeter and lateral trenches a side slope of 1:1 (horizontal: vertical) is to be maintained, on the other hand for the construction of the central pond 1.5:1 (horizontal: vertical) side slope is to be maintained. Inner pond embankment is not constructed to give free access to the cultured fish to the paddy field from the pond/trench. Dyke: The perimeter dyke is to be constructed in such a way that it can resist the water current, withstand weather conditions and can give protection to the cultured fish stock. To maintain desired water level in the pond water inlet and out let may be constructed with : 1 ha : 58 m : 58 m :1m : 0.33 ha. : 398 m : 0.5 m : 0.02 ha. : 234 m : 41.5 m : 0.65 ha.

provision for preventing the escaping of cultured fish and also preventing the entry of unwanted organisms to the fishpond from the out side. PADDY CULTIVATION : Cultivation of Ahu followed by Sali crop is the normal practice followed in Assam. The package of practices as recommended by the Assam Agricultural University for both the crops may be followed. Ahu crop: Varieties: Culture-1, Rongadoria, Fapori, Govind, Lachit and CH-63. Plot preparation: To be started during February- March by ploughing 3- 4 times. Manuring is give in the table belowTable: 1: Manuring schedule for Ahu crop. Instalment Compost or SSP Urea (Kg/ha) FYM (Kg/ha) (Kg/ha) First 10,000 62 14.6 Second Third ----14.6 14.6 MOP (Kg/ha) 16 --Time of application During land preparation Top dressing during active tillering stage Top dressing during panicle initiation stage

Sowing/ transplantation: For direct seeded varieties seeds to be sown in lines at 20 cm inter lines distance during March- April at the rate of 75 Kg/ ha (10 Kg/ bigha). For transplanted varieties, well germinated seeds to be sown during March- April at the bed of 10 m length and 1.25 m breadth. For 1 ha paddy plot 40- 45 Kg seed is required. Transplanting is done during April- May in lines with 2- 3 seedlings per hill. Spacing should be 20 X 20 cm for tall varieties of paddy. Weeding: it is done during the whole cultivation period of paddy. Deweeding is done during the cultivation period as when it becomes necessary. Periodical manuring: It is done as mentioned in the manuring schedule table-1 above. Water management: The level of water for the entire paddy cultivation period should be maintained at below the half height of the paddy plant. If it is not possible to maintain the desired depth of water throughout the entire cultivation period then it is required to maintain the optimum level of water depth for 20- 25 days after sowing of seeds for direct seeded variety and up to 15- 20 days for transplanted variety after transplanting. Plant protection measures: To control pests like- Hispa, Nuvacron, an organophosphate pesticide ca be applied at the rate of 1.25 litre (diluted with 400 litres of water) per ha. However it is always good to take expert advice in this regard. Harvesting: Harvesting of paddy is done during June- July. During harvesting water depth is reduced in the plot by opening the outlet (if necessary). Plant protection measures at seedbed: To protect the paddy seed at the seed bed carbofuran (Furadon) granules at the rate of 3 gm/ m2 , 5- 7 days after sowing in the seed bed and 5- 7 days before uprooting for transplantation is applied. Sali crop:

Variety: Pankaj, Manohar Sali, Sial Sali, Ranga Sali, Gudmoni, Bora, Joha, Badshah bhog and Gejep Sali. Plot preparation: After Ahu crop by reducing the water level in the paddy plot fishes are forced to take shelter in the pond/ trench and then paddy plot is ploughed for 3- 4 times. After ploughing manuring is done as given belowTable: 2: Manuring schedule for Sali crop. Rate of application (Kg/ ha) Sl. Manure/ No. Fertilizr Plot preparation Top dressing* 1 Compost 10,000 -FYM 2 Urea 22 11+11 3 SSP 62 -4 Mop 16 -Remarks *once during tillering stage, another during panicle initiation stage.

Seed sowing: It is done during July- August and 650- 1000 gm seed per bed of 10 m length and 1.25 m breadth is required. For 1 ha plot area 40- 45 kg seed is required. Transplantation: During August- September, 30- 35 days seedlings transplanted at the inter line interval of 15- 20 cm for medium duration varieties (120- 130 days, like- Pankaj) and 20- 25 cm for long duration varieties (grown for more than 130 days, like- Manohar sali). While sowing taken that there is 2- 3 nos. of seedling in a hill. of paddy are growing period growing period care should be

Periodical manuring: It is done as mentioned in the manuring schedule table-2 above. Water management: The level of water for the entire paddy cultivation period should be maintained at below the half height of the paddy plant. If it is not possible to maintain the desired depth of water throughout the entire cultivation period then it is required to maintain the optimum level of water depth for 20- 25 days after sowing of seeds for direct seeded variety and up to 15- 20 days for transplanted variety after transplanting. Plant protection measures at seedbed: To protect the paddy seed at the seedbed carbofuran (Furadon) granules at the rate of 3 gm/ m2, 5- 7 days after sowing in the seedbed and 5- 7 days before uprooting for transplantation is applied. Weeding: It is not necessary in this paddy cultivation practice. This is because fish cultured along with paddy crop helps in deweeding the weeds of the paddy plot. Harvesting: It is done during November- December. FISH CULTURE : Selection criteria for fish species: 1. Fast growth rate. 2. Good food conversion efficiency. 3. Acceptability of supplementary and natural food. 4. Adaptability to crowded conditions and resistance to diseases. 5. Ability to withstand changing physico-chemical and biological conditions of the pond/trench and paddy plot water. 6. Should not feed on paddy crops along which they are to be cultured. 7. Good market value. Fish species can be cultured: Three species of Indian Major Carps i.e. rohu, catla and mrigal and two species of exotic carps i.e. silver carp and common carp can be reared in this system.

Species combination and stocking density: Fish seed of 10- 15 cm length (fingerling) is stocked at the rate of 7000- 8000 nos. / ha. (900- 1000 nos. / bigha). Species combination can be followed in the culture of 5 species of fish as mentioned earlier are as follows: % of 5 species composition (numbers/ bigha) 1. Catla or bahu or dhekera 15 (150) or bhakua. 2. Rohu. 20 (200) 3. Mirika. 20(200) 4. Common carp. 20 (200) 5. Silver carp. 25 (250) Preparation of pond/ trench: The fish pond/trench preparation is done during the preparation of paddy plot for Ahu crop i.e. during February- March. The pond/ trench should be cleared of predatory fishes, aquatic weed and excess organic deposit by manual or mechanical methods. Liming, manuring and fertilization: Liming schedule is given in the table-3. Liming depends upon the pond area and the water level in the pond. Mnuring and fertilization is not done till one month after transplantation of paddy in the plot, but after one month of plantation of paddy it is done regularly on monthly installment basis as give in the table- 3. Table: 3: Liming and fertilization schedule for fish crop in perennial system of ricefish farming. Sl.No. 1 2 3 4 Item Lime Cowdung Urea SSP Rate 10 mg/ lit. of water initially 5 mg/ lit. of water monthly 50- 60 kg/ bigha/ month 1.7 Kg/ bigha/ month 1.3 Kg/ bigha/ month Time pf application When water level raises. 7 days after liming. 7 days after application of cowdung. 7 days after application of cowdung. Fish species

Stocking: Stocking of fish is done when the water depth in the fish pond/trench reaches about 1 m. There should be a 15 days gap in between application of 1st installment of inorganic fertilizer and stocking of fish seed in the pond/ trench. Supplementary feeding: Cultured fishes in this integration are fed with mustard oil cake and rice bran mixed at 1:1 ratio daily at the rate of 2- 3% of body weight of stocked fishes. Harvesting: Harvesting of fishes are done during November- December at the time of harvesting of Sali paddy. During the harvesting of Sali paddy water in the paddy plot is dries up and fishes take shelter in the fishpond/ trench. During that time the water level in the pond/ trench is also get reduced. If there is a provision of supplying water into the pond/ trench then by supplying water to the fishpond/ trench desired 1 m water depth in the pond/

trench is maintained. But bigger size fishes i.e. more than 500 gm are harvested and rest are allowed to grow for another period of 2 months i.e. till starting land preparation of Ahu crop. Complete harvesting of cultured fish during the harvesting of Sali crop is suggested if there is no provision of water supply into the fishpond. Production: In this type of integration from a plot of 0.28 ha 1000- 1100 Kg Paddy, 12001300 Kg Hay and 400- 450 Kg fish can be produced in one year culture period. 2. SYNCHRONOUS REFUGE SYSTEM OF PADDY- FISH FARMING In this system of paddy cum fish farming the fish crop is raised synchronously with Sali paddy during the monsoon period. MERITS: i. This type of integration developed a multicroping area from a monocrop plot. ii. Lesser permanent conversion of land in comparison to perennial paddy- fish farming system. iii. More economic to perennial rice- fish farming system. SITE SELECTION: Any medium low lying area suitable for Sali paddy with good water retention capacity is suitable for this type of integration. Area: Minimum: Maximum: 0.05 ha. 0.1 ha.

Topography: Paddy field having almost uniform topography is preferred. Soil characteristics: Soil having high water retention capacity/ characteristics is suitable. Nature of soil varies with biological, chemical and physical properties. Among the physical properties of the soil, water retention capacity, PH and productivity of the soil are very important. A selected sites soil in its every 100 gm should contain 50- 75 mg nitrogen, 6-12 mg phosphorous and 1.5- 2.5 gm organic carbon. For good production from cultured fish soil PH should be in between 7.5- 8.5. Source of water: Precipitation, direct run-off, ground water, water from irrigation canals, etc. Maximum flood level: Plot should be preferably flood free. Legal matters: Legal aspects of the possible site should be evaluated. Legal aspects in respects of land ownership, withdrawal of surface and ground water, sale of fish, protection provided against poaching, pollution, etc. must be considered. If the plot is taken on lease the lease period of the plot must be equal or more than 10 years. Other requirements: Inputs for fish farming like- feed, fertilizer, etc. nearest to the site must be available. Again inputs for paddy like- seeds of Ahu and Sali paddy, fertilizer, pesticides, other utensils, etc. also should be available nearest to the site. Skilled labour for both paddy and fish cultivation at economic rate should be locally available. Power supply and road infrastructure should be good. There should be market facility nearest to the site to sale the products of fish and paddy cultivation. Storage facility for products of paddy cultivation is highly essential at the farm itself. DESIGN OF PADY PLOT AND FISH POND Paddy plot: 78- 88% of the total plot area is used for paddy cultivation.

Fishpond: 10- 20% of the total plot area is used for fishpond construction. Dyke: Surrounding the plot a peripheral dyke is constructed depending on the topography of the area, which create a confinement for fish and prevents entry of water and unwanted organisms from out side and also helps in preventing the escaping of cultured fish from the area. A modal design of this system: Total area of the plot Refuge pond: Length of the pond Breadth of the pond Area of the pond Area of the paddy plot Area used for dyke CONSTRUCTION Pond: During the pond construction an inner slope 1:1 (horizontal: vertical) should be maintained. It helps in giving the free access of the cultured fish to the paddy-cultivated area. Perimeter dyke: The perimeter dyke is to be constructed in such a way that it can resist the water current, withstand weather conditions and can give protection to the cultured fish stock. To maintain desired water level in the pond water inlet and out let may be constructed with provision for preventing the escaping of cultured fish and also preventing the entry of unwanted organisms to the fishpond from the out side. FARMING TECHNOLOGY : PADDY CULTIVATION : Cultivation of Ahu followed by Sali crop is the normal practice followed in Assam. The package of practices as recommended by the Assam Agricultural University for both the crops may be followed. Ahu crop: Varieties: Culture-1, Rongadoria, Fapori, Govind, Lachit and CH-63. Plot preparation: To be started during February- March by ploughing 3- 4 times. Manuring is give in the table belowManuring schedule for Ahu crop. Installment First Second Third Compost or SSP FYM (Kg/ha) (Kg/ha) 10,000 62 ----Urea (Kg/ha) 14.6 14.6 14.6 MOP (Kg/ha) 16 --Time of application During land preparation Top dressing during active tillering stage Top dressing during panicle initiation stage : 0.1 ha. :5m :4m : 20 m2 : 0.078 ha. : 0.02 ha.

Sowing/ transplantation: For direct seeded varieties seeds to be sown in lines at 20 cm inter lines distance during March- April at the rate of 75 Kg/ ha (10 Kg/ bigha). For transplanted varieties, well germinated seeds to be sown during March- April at the bed of 10 m length and 1.25 m breadth. For 1 ha paddy plot 40- 45 Kg seed is required. Transplanting is done during April- May in lines with 2- 3 seedlings per hill. Spacing should be 20 X 20 cm for tall varieties of paddy. Weeding: it is done during the whole cultivation period of paddy. Deweeding is done during the cultivation period as when it becomes necessary.

Periodical manuring: It is done as mentioned in the manuring schedule table-1 above. Water management: The level of water for the entire paddy cultivation period should be maintained at below the half height of the paddy plant. If it is not possible to maintain the desired depth of water throughout the entire cultivation period then it is required to maintain the optimum level of water depth for 20- 25 days after sowing of seeds for direct seeded variety and up to 15- 20 days for transplanted variety after transplanting. Plant protection measures: To control pests like- hispa, Nuvacron, an organophosphate pesticide ca be applied at the rate of 1.25 litre (diluted with 400 litres of water) per ha. However it is always good to take expert advice in this regard. Harvesting: Harvesting of paddy is done during June- July. During harvesting water depth is reduced in the plot by opening the outlet (if necessary). Plant protection measures at seedbed: To protect the paddy seed at the seed bed carbofuran (Furadon) granules at the rate of 3 gm/ m2 , 5- 7 days after sowing in the seed bed and 5- 7 days before uprooting for transplantation is applied. Sali crop: Variety: Pankaj, Manohar Sali, Sial Sali, Ranga Sali, Gudmoni, Bora, Joha, Badshah bhog and Gejep Sali. Plot preparation: After Ahu crop by reducing the water level in the paddy plot fishes are forced to take shelter in the pond/ trench and then paddy plot is ploughed for 3- 4 times. After ploughing manuring is done as given belowManuring schedule for Sali crop. Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 Manure/ Fertilizr Compost FYM Urea SSP Mop Rate of application (Kg/ ha) Plot preparation Top dressing* 10,000 -22 62 16 11+11 --Remarks *once during tillering stage, another during panicle initiation stage.

Seed sowing: It is done during July- August and 650- 1000 gm seed per bed of 10 m length and 1.25 m breadth is required. For 1 ha plot area 40- 45 kg seed is required. Transplantation: During August- September, 30- 35 days seedlings transplanted at the inter line interval of 15- 20 cm for medium duration varieties (120- 130 days, like- Pankaj) and 20- 25 cm for long duration varieties (grown for more than 130 days, like- Manohar sali). While sowing taken that there is 2- 3 nos. of seedling in a hill. of paddy are growing period growing period care should be

Periodical manuring: It is done as mentioned in the manuring schedule table-2 above. Water management: The level of water for the entire paddy cultivation period should be maintained at below the half height of the paddy plant. If it is not possible to maintain the desired depth of water throughout the entire cultivation period then it is required to maintain the optimum level of water depth for 20- 25 days after sowing of seeds for direct seeded variety and up to 15- 20 days for transplanted variety after transplanting. Plant protection measures at seedbed: To protect the paddy seed at the seedbed carbofuran (Furadon) granules at the rate of 3 gm/ m2, 5- 7 days after sowing in the seedbed and 5- 7 days before uprooting for transplantation is applied. Weeding: It is not necessary in this paddy cultivation practice. This is because fish cultured along with paddy crop helps in deweeding the weeds of the paddy plot. Harvesting: It is done during November- December. FISH CULTIVATION:

When the pond area is in between the 1/6th to 1/5th of the total plot area then stocking of fish should be restricted to only common carp. But if the pond area is in between 1/7th to 1/5th of the total plot area then the five species- rohu, catla, mirika, silver carp and common carp can be cultured. Species combination and stocking density: Fish seed of 10- 15 cm length (fingerling) is stocked at the rate of 7000- 8000 nos. / ha. (900- 1000 nos. / bigha). Species combination can be followed in the culture of 5 species of fish as mentioned earlier are as follows: Fish species 1. Catla or bahu or dhekera or bhakua. 2. Rohu. 3. Mirika. 4. Common carp. 5. Silver carp. Preparation of pond: The fishpond preparation is started in April- May. The pond should be cleared of predatory fishes, aquatic weed and excess organic deposit by manual or mechanical methods. Liming: Liming schedule is given in the table-4. Liming depends upon the pond area and the water level in the pond. Liming schedule for fish crop in synchronous system of rice- fish farming. Sl.No. 1 Item Lime Rate 10 mg/ lit. of water initially 5 mg/ lit. of water monthly Time pf application When water level raises. % of 5 species composition (numbers/ bigha) 15 (150) 20 (200) 20(200) 20 (200) 25 (250)

Manuring: No manuring is required for this type of fish farming. Stocking: Stocking of fish is done when the water depth in the fish pond reaches about 80 cm and also when the water depth in the paddy plot reaches about 15 cm. There should be a 15 days gap in between application of 1st installment of inorganic fertilizer and stocking of fish seed in the pond/ trench. Supplementary feeding: Cultured fishes in this integration are fed with mustard oil cake and rice bran mixed at 1:1 ratio daily at the rate of 2- 3% of body weight of stocked fishes. Harvesting: Harvesting of fishes is done before or after harvesting of Sali paddy when water in the paddy plot is dries up and fishes take shelter in the fishpond. During that time the water level in the pond is also get reduced. If there is a provision of supplying water into the pond then by supplying water to the fishpond desired 80 cm water depth in the pond is maintained. But bigger size fishes i.e. more than 500 gm are harvested and rest are allowed to grow further. The small size fish can also be used for culture in perennial ponds. Production: In this type of integration from a plot of 1 ha 2900- 3000 Kg Paddy, 4250- 5000 Kg Hay and 900- 1000 Kg fish can be produced in one year culture period. 3. ENCLOSURE SYSTEM OF PADDY-FISH FARMING In this system fish culture is practiced along with deepwater variety of rice i.e. Bao paddy by enclosing the plot with pig get screens. The screen is usually made up of bamboo and it must be strong enough to withstand water current. ADVANTAGES : i. This system converted the monocrop Bao paddy areas to multi crop production unit. ii. There is no loss of permanent land for construction of fishpond/ trench.

SITE SELECTION : Deepwater rice growing areas where water depth remains at 1.5 m throughout the paddy cultivation period is suitable for this type of integration. Area Minimum Maximum : 0.05 ha : No upper limit.

Topography Uniform contour having plot. Soil characteristics : Soil having high water retention capacity/ characteristics is suitable. Nature of soil varies with biological, chemical and physical properties. Among the physical properties of the soil, water retention capacity, PH and productivity of the soil are very important. A selected sites soil in its every 100 gm should contain 50- 75 mg nitrogen, 6-12 mg phosphorous and 1.5- 2.5 gm organic carbon. For good production from cultured fish soil PH should be in between 7.5- 8.5. Maximum flood level : Highest flood level of the area should not be more than 3 m. Legal matters: Legal aspects of the possible site should be evaluated. Legal aspects in respects of land ownership, withdrawal of surface and ground water, sale of fish, protection provided against poaching, pollution, etc. must be considered. If the plot is taken on lease the lease period of the plot must be equal or more than 10 years. Other requirements: Inputs for fish farming like- feed, fertilizer, etc. nearest to the site must be available. Again inputs for paddy like- seeds of Bao paddy, fertilizer, pesticides, other utensils, etc. also should be available nearest to the site. Skilled labour for both paddy and fish cultivation at economic rate should be locally available. Power supply and road infrastructure should be good. There should be market facility nearest to the site to sale the products of fish and paddy cultivation. Storage facility for products of paddy cultivation is highly essential at the farm itself. DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION : The selected area is enclosed with screens. The heights of screens are kept at 1 m above the high flood level of that locality. Bamboo is used to prepare screens. The screen should strong enough to resist strong water current and adverse weather condition. The screens are erected when the plot is in semi-dry condition. Supporting bamboo poles to the erected screens are provided at 2 m distance. The screen should be well pegged. FARMING TECHNOLOGY : Paddy : Variety: Deep water Bao paddy variety like- PJNB-95-2, PJNB-96-10, Nagheri bao, Padmapani, Kekowa, Panikekowa, Rupahi, aguri, Tara bao, etc. Land preparation: Stubbles of the previous crops should be burnt thoroughly to minimize nematode and other pest infestation in February- March. The plot is ploughed and crossploughed for 3- 4 times. Sowing: Sowing is done during March- April at the rate of 75 Kg/ ha. in lines with 20-25 cm spacing between lines. Weeding: As and when necessary. Fertilization: The plot is fertilized by top dressing with 4% urea at the time of tillering. Plant protection: For plant protection purpose 3-5 days after sowing carbofuran is used at the rate of 30 Kg/ ha.

Harvesting: It is done before the harvesting of fish.

Fish species can be cultured: Three species of Indian Major Carps i.e. rohu, catla and mrigal and two species of exotic carps i.e. silver carp and common carp can be reared in this system. Species combination and stocking density: Fish seed of 10- 15 cm length (fingerling) is stocked at the rate of 7000- 8000 nos. / ha. (900- 1000 nos. / bigha). Species combination can be followed in the culture of 5 species of fish as mentioned earlier are as follows: % of 5 species composition (numbers/ bigha) 1. Catla or bahu or dhekera or 15 (150) bhakua. 2. Rohu. 20 (200) 3. Mirika. 20(200) 4. Common carp. 20 (200) 5. Silver carp. 25 (250) Stocking: Stocking of fish in the enclosure is done during April- May when the plot is having a water depth of at least 50 cm. In the plot stocking of fish should be done after 10 days of application of carbofuran for paddy protection. Supplementary feeding: Cultured fishes in this integration are fed with mustard oil cake and rice bran mixed at 1:1 ratio daily at the rate of 2- 3% of body weight of stocked fishes. Harvesting: Cultured fishes are harvested after harvesting of paddy when the water level in the plot reduced to 80 cm. Production: In this type of integration from a plot of 1 ha 3500- 3600 Kg Paddy, 2300- 3500 Kg Hay and 700- 800 Kg fish can be produced in one year culture period. Fish species

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