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q. adj!

Jstment mlxtJJre
c. Chol:e not
P. .
Oioggd fve:l Ii:qe.

Slgnition coil defective.
h ... lSrtitiort module or sensor.defective.
L Loose or defectiv.e ignition circuit wire.
Jt ShQrt. circuh'frofu
k .. LQose baJtelj
t . ca.rn timhtg
J11., lntakemanifdld. or air cleaner air .leak.
Carburetor incorrectly adjusted;
o;erheatin_g; ..
c. timrn.g inco;rrectdue .. t.ofaulty lgnit:ion
d ... Jl'lcorrectly gapped plugs ..
e. Obsthtcted iin.tffieri
f. I}riiggingbr;fike($).
Ert3ine Lacks Acctleratlon
a .. Carburetor mixture too lean.
b, Clogged
c. {gnition timitlg jgl'lltion
Front or Rear Cylinder Spark Plug F()pls
a.; Worn gviqe(s).
b .. Pamagedyalve guide($).
V(oqi valve oil_

. pist<lP.#li:gS.
f. lncotrect spark plug heat tang e.
g; lncottectfuelmixrure.
h. lncori'ecten.rlchener (choke)
$)'$tfU: qftJ:iE!
me.chani$trt and related wirirtg.:
Whentheigl'litionswitch isturne-dondthe start
b9t1on . ct.Jtrent i$ front
to. . ls
it. in ttrm .. m. wl1ich
Starting system problemsare relatively easy to
find,Jn most cases, th trouhleis.a loose or corroded
electricaL conne.dion.
TrQUblesbQotiog P.-eparfltion
Before troublesgqoting.,the starting ...
a. the battery is
b. caples are proper. size and length.
Replace cables that .are .. daroage:d, .seve:rely
c. All
d .. is iingqod Po'hditiqn, with
:O.pWorn.tkfrayed hamess
e. '111e fbelta!)k is t1Uetl w)th axt adequate supply

f. The. sp;ark . plugs are in . good condition . and
g! Tllc. ignition. sysiem is c:qnectly tigted an<J
i$.#ttendec). a
functioii to a. tertai.n . cotrtponenc lfJuft.her bench
ls xequired; temove.the .suspeet.<compo.nertt
and test it further.
Perform the steps li$ted un.der.
Ptepar()tion. When making,thefollowing voltage
testresutts.tnustbwithin 1/2 volt of:battecy

Neve:r c;perqte mator for
Pnore thah 30 secands ttt a Allow
the_ ... ....
ii. fi':c;ilinl.tO>al-
low thstar:t'!rm()far to Ct:Jtf?l <tflt:r
tittttbtis. stctttii]"g. _attempts can.
the /;t:art't!r;
1.9 .. 4.a_ ..... l ....a .._ ....t ... mo. d_ i!l .. s ... :
... . . ',' ;:'."'. _ ...... -. .. .......... .
',.herr mal<ir1_g {1I{_gIZ1v_xc1tests,. )IOU
will 1~1cI1X1. i:qdii4lJaJ. compqne.n.ts .to

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