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By: Jenn Heibein, B.Sc

Cardiovascular Disease refers to any group of symptoms health issues including arteriosclerosis, or heart disease.
that generally affect the cardiovascular system, mainly the heart and blood vessels, but it can also affect the kidneys and the brain. In North America, heart disease is the number one killer and a huge player in physical disability. In some cases, individuals are affected due to birth defects or other related health issues that are beyond their control. However, in many cases, symptoms can be prevented or stopped in their tracks from simple lifestyle changes such as exercising, change in diet, quitting smoking and reducing stress.
In This Issue: Natural Hormone Rejuvenation: 4 What Every Woman Needs to Know

Inflammatory Response

Todays society has become one where sitting at a desk all day is the norm. We often rush through our MRIs Reveal Cannabis 6 Pain Killing Components days, stopping for fast food on the way home, spending Vitamin D With Calcium 7 our evenings on the couch Could Add Years to Your Life channel surfing and our nights with too little sleep Edemame Hummus 12 because we are worrying Herb: Mulberry 12 about finances, or the ! d ing Prepare business deal that e B e ip c e R r needs to take place the WATCH Ou Channel next day. All of these r ou Subscribe to behaviors add up to " "DHHLLC a complex mix of lack of nutrition, lack of sleep and increased stress. These three things often contribute to severe inflammation in the body, which leads to chronic

We usually associate inflammation with the by-product of an injury, such as a torn muscle or twisted knee. However, inflammation can also be the result of too many toxic activities, such as smoking or alcohol intake; as well as the ingestion of toxic food substances such as the myriad of processed and fast foods that tend to make up a large portion of the typical North American diet. Most of these foods are actually foreign substances to the human body and our systems do not know how to process them properly. Because of this, our bodies are depleted of vital minerals, vitamins and especially essential fats that are required to keep our metabolism running smoothly and our cells and joints well oiled. Once this occurs, our body produces prostaglandins in an inflammatory response. This inflammatory response is the key to cardiovascular disease. Once an inflammatory response is triggered in the body, the liver is asked to make an increased amount of cholesterol. Cholesterol is a natural product of our liver and it plays a protective role in our body by acting as a patch or band aid. Cholesterol floats around our body

Volume 17, Issue 2 February 2013

With a healthy heart..the beat goes on. ~ Anonymous

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developing healthy habits

Published by: Developing Healthy Habits, LLC. 3275 S. John Young Parkway Suite 152, Kissimmee, FL 34746 1-800-713-2802

and finds the sites that are inflamed and lays itself down to try to relieve the inflammation. This is the reason individuals with high inflammatory response tend to have increased cholesterol levels.

We Need Real Foods

Our diet is a huge player in our heart health. As mentioned previously, processed foods can cause a host of health problems. They often are a source of acidity to the body which contributes to the inflammatory response so often seen with chronic health issues. In order to counteract their effects, we must change our diets to include more alkaline foods. In a nutshell, these will be whole or real foods such as vegetables, fruits and some whole grains. These tend to be foods that are nutrient dense and that will supply our body with the building blocks it requires to increase immunity, decrease inflammation and decrease disease.

These EFAs are used by the body to produce prostaglandins; hormone like substances used to regulate various functions such as inflammation, pain and swelling and aid in regulating blood pressure. All of which are definitely important to cardiovascular health.

Executive Editor Mark A. Carroll Managing Editor Sandra Michalski Graphic Design Nicholas A. Carroll
Contributors : Sara Carroll Jenn Heibein, B Sc Dr. Sherrill Sellman, ND

Change is Good!
Lifestyle changes, such as quitting smoking and reducing or eliminating alcohol intake can also be of huge benefit. These again are toxic substances that rob the body of vital nutrients, which leads to the inflammatory response. Exercise is a major factor that helps reduce c a rd iov a s c u l a r issues because it has an effect on several of the risk factors. For example, a regular exercise routine can reduce blood pressure, help maintain a healthy body weight and increase oxygen levels to all areas of the body. Exercise also helps the body to eliminate toxins through sweat, as well as regulate the digestive system. The removal of toxin buildup is essential to reducing inflammation. Since the heart is a muscle, regular cardiovascular exercise, such as walking, jogging or riding a bike can help to strengthen it in the same manner as one would build their bicep.
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"In North America, heart disease is the number one killer and a huge player in physical disability."
We also want to reduce saturated fats which are found in animal products such as dairy, meats. These fats are also found in some vegetable products such as cottonseed oil and palm kernel oil. In turn we want to increase healthy fats, such as the essential fatty acids (EFAs) omega-6 and omega-3. Most people are already getting enough omega-6 from their diet, but are often omega-3 deficient. Great sources of omega-3s are fish oils like salmon oil, or plant oils like flax seed oil.
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* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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Natural Hormone Rejuvenation:

What Every Woman Needs to Know

By: Dr. Sherrill Sellman, ND At best of times, understanding the ebb and flow of womens hormones through the various stages of their life can seem like a daunting task. To make matters even more challenging, the Allopathic medicine perspective tends to medicalize and pathologize womens hormonal issues. All too often, the first approach is prescribing hormones either as some form of the Pill, Bio-Identical hormones or HRT, all of which come with serious health risks. So What Is A Woman To Do? The ancient wisdom of the East offers the profound insight not just about how to balance hormones naturally, but the very regenerative forces found within the female body. This is knowledge rarely understood in the western medical model, but empowering information for women. Its time that this ancient knowledge was available to provide safe and effective choices to women. From the perspective of Chinese Medicne, what do women really need to know regarding their hormones? And, what are the basic principles that are generating the essences that make our hormones? There are, in fact, essences in the human body from which all hormones are made. As we age, those essences become depleted. At a certain point women begin to notice hormonal irregularities. The allopathic model will then prescribe some form of hormone replacement. However, from an Oriental medical perspective, the first step in hormone balance should really be to replenish the essences. This is a concept that is not well understood in the Wests. The law of aging, as its enunciated in classic Oriental medicine, is as follows. They say that the yang consumes the yin. In other words, the energy and activity of living dries up the deep, moist essences in the body. Replenish Those Essences So how do you counteract aging? According to the law of aging, you must actively, effectively and directly replenish those essences. People understand this principle in relation to their automobile. The spark plugs make fire and explode to create energy. That allows the car to go. People also know it is important to keep the coolant full or else the engine will overheat and be damaged. But when we start thinking about the human body, we fail to understand that the same principle applies. We need to keep these cooling essences in the body so that the body is not damaged by the fire, by the heat. In addition, these essences are the very stuff from which the hormones are being made. This cooling essence is know as the yin essence. As this essence deiminshes with the aging process, it is described as a yin deficiency i.e., a drying up of vital essences in the body. When Does it Begin? Most woman are dealing with a yin deficiency after the age of forty. Perimenopause is a stage of a womans life when some of these essences are becoming deficient. From an Oriental gynecological perspective, the hormonal changes are actually deficiencies in these yin essences. A symptom of waning yin essence is an overheating. Women begin to get hot. They begin to have hot flashes. They begin to have night sweats which actually are a sign that the yin levels are getting quite low. Sleep disorders from that heat rising up in the body, is another clue. A yin deficiency affects the heart and the liver, and that can begin to affect getting a good nights sleep. Heat disorders, vaginal dryness, dryness of the skin and hair, even anxiety and irritability, are being caused by this overheating. All these classic menopausal signs are rooted in a yin deficiency. Even a lack of libido could be a sign that theres just not enough yin for the body to make the levels of testosterone that are necessary to have a robust libido. If you nourish the deeper essences in the body, you can notice in just a matter of days that the hot flashes get less and less frequent. Typically, in the highest percentage of cases, women no longer report any symptoms. Also, other secondary symptoms such as compromised deep sleep and vaginal dryness will improve. So many of these imbalances are rooted in yin deficiency. Fortunately, yin deficiency can be directly addressed through natural plants. These natural herbal formulas, available as
Continued on page 9...




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MRIs Reveal Cannabis Pain Killing Components

Health N
A series of MRI scans were conducted on 12 of the volunteers involved in the study. Participants were given a 15mg tablet of THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol) or a placebo before a scan. THC is the active psychotropic compound in cannabis that is responsible for the high that drives recreational use of the drug. The volunteers had to rub a cream containing 1% capsaicin (ingredient in chilis that causes a painful burning sensation) or a dummy cream to induce a certain level of pain. Participants then received 4 MRI scans to study each combination of THC or placebo, and chili pain-inducing cream or dummy cream. The participants were asked to report the intensity and unpleasantness of the pain: how much it burned and how much it bothered them. We found that with THC, on average people didnt report any change in the burn, but the pain bothered them less, Dr. Lee said. Only six out of 12 participants reported a clear change in how much the pain bothered them. The MRI results substantiate the reports of the participants. The change in discomforting

The psychoactive ingredient found in cannabis tends to make the experience of pain more tolerable instead of actually reducing the intensity of pain, according to a recent study at Oxford University. We have revealed new information about the neural basis of cannabisinduced pain relief. Our small-scale study, in a controlled setting, involved 12 healthy men and only one of many compounds that can be derived from cannabis. Thats quite different from doing a study with patients. My view is the findings are of interest scientifically but it remains to see how they impact the debate about use of cannabis-based medicines. Understanding cannabis effects on clinical outcomes, or the quality of life of those suffering chronic pain, would need research in patients over long time periods, Dr. Michael Lee at Oxford Universitys Centre for Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain, was quoted as saying. Long-term pain is a complex healthcare problem. Treatment can include medications, physical therapy, psychological support, and physiotherapy. For some patients, cannabis or cannabis related medications are effective when other drugs fail. However, on the other side of the debate, people report very little effect of the drug on pain but experience side-effects.
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h News:
Provided by Ivanhoe Broadcast News, Inc. 2012

pain was matched with a suppression of activity in the part of the brain called the anterior mid-cingulate cortex. This part of the brain is involved in many functions and has previously been implicated in the emotional aspects of pain. The most interesting aspect of the experiment for researchers was the strength of the connection in people between their right amydala (the part of the brain known to be primed by pain) and a part of the cortex called the primary sensorimotor area. The connection in individual participants correlated well with THCs different effects on the pain, suggesting that there may be a way of predicting who would see benefits from taking cannabis for pain relief. We may in future be able to predict who will respond to cannabis, but we would need to do studies in patients with chronic pain over longer time periods, Dr. Lee concluded. SOURCE:Pain, December 2012

Vitamin D With Calcium Could Add Years to Your Life

In 2008, 39 million people in the U.S. were 65 or older. How much longer will they live? A new study could help them tack on a few more years! It suggests that a specific combination of supplements can reduce the rate of mortality in seniors, therefore providing a possible means of increasing life expectancy. The study assessed mortality among patients randomized to either vitamin D alone or vitamin D with calcium. In this study, researchers used pooled data from eight randomized controlled trials with more than 1,000 participants each. The patient data set was comprised of nearly 90 percent women, with a median age of 70 years. During the three-year study, death was reduced by 9 percent in those treated with vitamin D and calcium.
Continued on page 10...

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The High-ORAC antioxidants in Camu Kaze boost energy without stimulants by working at the cellular level, neutralizing free radicals and providing important nutrients such as Calcium, Potassium, and B Vitamins required for proper metabolism, energy production, and mood support. The key ingredient in Camu Kaze is CamuPure, Amazon Origins proprietary Brazilian Camu Berry. CamuPure is organically-grown and wild-harvested by hand by local farmers along the Amazons Rio Negro River, meticulously cleaned and carefully processed to preserve nutrients.
Available in: Boxes of 9 energy shots, 4 fl. oz. each

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...Continued from page 2

Natural Products a Must

In addition to the lifestyle factors mentioned above, there are many natural health products that can be used to help prevent or reverse the effects of cardiovascular disease. Natural chelation can be accomplished with the correct combination of vitamins and minerals. This method helps remove heavy metals in the bloodstream that are part of the plaque that causes blockage leading to heart attack and stroke. Heavy metals enter our bodies when we eat foods, drink water and breathe air that is contaminated with chemicals such as fertilizers and water treatment chemicals. Several herbs can also be used to help increase blood flow to the extremities as well as increase the strength of the heart. These include hawthorn, cayenne, bilberry and garlic, to name a few. In the case of garlic, studies presented at the

2011 American College of Cardiology Convention have shown that aged garlic extract (AGE) reduces inflammation in the body, thus reducing the risk factors associated with arteriosclerosis. This can result in a reduction of blood pressure, platelet aggregation, total cholesterol levels as well as oxidative damage caused by smoking. However, it must be noted that if taking any heart medications or blood thinners these herbs should only be utilized under the supervision of a health practitioner.

"In many cases, symptoms can be prevented or stopped in their tracks from simple lifestyle changes such as exercising, change in diet, quitting smoking and reducing stress."
With this information, an individual with a healthy heart can maintain excellent health by following good lifestyle practices, while many individuals experiencing symptoms or risk factors can reverse or prevent heart disease with some simple changes.


Born and raised in Ontario, Jenn earned her Bachelor of Science in Biology at the University of Guelph. A student of holistic nutrition, Jenn has been the Quality Assurance Supervisor for an international plant breeding company, a planner for a major international agricultural corporation, and today she is the Education Coordinator and part of the Research and Development team for Sangster's Health Centres.

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...Continued from page 4

tinctures of capsules, support the bodys ability to make proper quantities of the essential hormonal essences. Women can feel balanced, healthy during their menopausal journey and beyond. This is what Chinese herbal wisdom is all about; working with nature to support a natural process with the power of herbal medicine. Rejuvenate and Reverse These Tendencies Chinese medicine really excels in helping menopausal women rejuvenate and reverse these tendencies to get more depleted, to get drier, to have more heat, to have more of the tendency to lose their energy, their libido and the drying out of tissues, etc. Oriental medicine has had a gynecological specialty for thousands of years. This knowledge and treatments were successfully used long before the Pill or Bioidentical homones came on the scene. From the perspective of Orinetal medicne, nine out of ten women do not need to use any form of hormone replacement

therapy if they were to choose this approach, which includes a nutrient-rich diet, exercise, meditation and the appropriate Chinese herbal formulas. The more a woman relies on some kind of hormone replacement, the lazier her own endocrine system becomes The truth is that our ovaries continue to function the entire length of our lives. When a woman is prescribed bio-identical hormones or HRT, she is actually further reducing the capacity of the body, not to mention impairing other functions and affecting the communication that is occurring through the whole endocrine system. In addition, she is no longer rejuvenating and replenishing the bodys essences at the core level. Oritental Medicne understood the wisdom of the female body and created herbal formulas that are able to replenish the deep yin essences from which hormones are made. All women are born with the ability to safely and effectively rejuvenate their essences, especially during menopause and beyond. I should know, now into my sixth decade, these herbal formulas have bestowed homronal health and balamce to my life. This is the key to natural homrone rejuvenation.


Dr. Sherrill, ND is a naturoapthic doctor, best-selling author, radio host, lecturer, psychotheapist and womens health advocate. She offers phone consultations, herbal fomrulations and free special reports when you subscribe to Visit her at for the latest updates.

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...Continued from page 7

Our research showed reduced mortality in elderly patients using vitamin D supplements in combination with calcium, but these results were not found in patients on vitamin D alone. Lars Rejnmark, PhD, of Aarhus University Hospital in Denmark was quoted saying. SOURCE:Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism The Low-Glycemic Index Diet: A Better Way to Lose Weight? A new study challenges the notion that a calorie is just a calorie by finding that diets reducing the surge in blood sugar after a meal are preferable for weight loss, ultimately praising the low-glycemic index diet. Many people are emotionally distressed after regaining weight that took so long to lose in the first place; only one in six overweight people will maintain even 10-percent of their weight loss long-term. Regaining weight has often been attributed to a decline in motivation and maintaining an exercise and diet regimen. After people lose weight, the rate at which people burn calories (energy expenditure) decreases, reflecting a slower metabolism. This explains why people tend to regain lost weight. In order to keep energy expenditure at a high rate, the study researchers suggest a low-glycemic load diet as a more effective way to burn calories at a higher rate after weight loss. "We've found that, contrary to nutritional dogma, all calories are not created equal," David Ludwig, MD, director of both the New Balance Foundation Obesity Prevention Center and the Optimal Weight for Life Clinic at Boston Children's Hospital, was quoted as saying. "Total calories burned plummeted by 300 calories on the low fat diet compared to the low carbohydrate diet, which would equal the number of calories typically burned in an hour of moderate-intensity physical activity," he was quoted as saying. The study recruited 21 adult participants ages 18-40 years old who were first directed to lose 10 to 15 percent of their body weight. After weight stabilization, each

participant completed all three of the following diets in random order, each for four weeks at a time. The randomized crossover design allowed for rigorous observation of how each diet affected all participants, regardless of the order in which they were consumed: A low-fat diet: reduces dietary fat and emphasizes whole grain products and a variety of fruits and vegetables. Comprised of 60% of daily calories from carbohydrates, 20% from fat, and 20% from protein A low-glycemic index diet: made up of minimally processed grains, vegetables, healthy fats, legumes and fruits. Comprised of 40% of daily calories from carbohydrates, 40% from fat, and 20% from protein. Low-glycemic index carbohydrates digest slowly, keeping blood sugar and hormones stable after a meal A low-carbohydrate diet: modeled after the Atkins diet, this diet was comprised of 10% of daily calories from carbohydrates, 60% from fat and 30% from protein Each participant was measured with state-of-the-art methods, including stable isotopes to measure participants total energy expenditure as they followed each diet. Additionally, each of the three diets fell within the normal healthy range of 10-35% of daily calories from protein. The study found that the low-carbohydrate diet showed the greatest improvement of metabolism, but adversely increased patients cortisol levels, which can lead to insulin resistance and cardiovascular disease. It also raised C-reactive protein levels, which also increases risk of cardiovascular disease. Additionally, although recommended by the U.S. Government and Heart Association, a low-fat diet caused the greatest decrease in energy expenditure, an unhealthy lipid pattern, and insulin resistance. "In addition to the benefits noted in this study, we believe that low-glycemic-index diets are easier to stick to on a dayto-day basis, compared to low-carb and low-fat diets, which many people find limiting," Cara Ebbeling, PhD, study leader and associate director of the New Balance Foundation Obesity Prevention Center, was quoted as saying. "Unlike low-fat and low-carbohydrate diets, a low-glycemic-index diet doesn't eliminate entire classes of food, likely making it easier to follow and more sustainable." Some examples of foods that rank low on the glycemic index are raw carrots, peanuts, raw apple, grapefruit, peas, skim milk, kidney beans and lentils. Source:JAMA, June 2012




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Your Natural Healing Arsenal...

Folic Acid:
By: Dr. Linda Page

(Folacin): a B vitamin that plays an important role in the synthesis of DNA, enzyme production and blood formation. Essential for division and growth of new cells, it is a good choice during pregnancy (400mcg daily) to guard against spina bifida and neural tube defects. It prevents anemia, helps control leukemia and pernicious anemia, is effective against alcoholism, even some precancerous lesions. It is critical in overcoming immune depression following chemotherapy with MTX. Folic acid reduces high homocysteine levels, which thicken the blood and facilitate the conversion of LDL (bad cholesterol) into free radical particles. New estimates are that 1 in 5 cardiac cases can be attributed to high homocysteine levels. A high intake of folic acid and B6 lowers heart disease risk 45% for women by keeping homocysteine levels in check (February 1998 JAMA). Aluminum antacids, oral contraceptives, some HRT drugs, alcohol, long-term antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs increase need for folic acid. Food sources: leafy greens, organ meats, peas, nutritional yeast, broccoli, fruits, soy foods, chicken, brown rice, eggs and whole grains.


Dr. Page is a member of The American Naturopathic Medical Association, The California Naturopathic Association, The American Herbalist Guild, The American Botanical Council and The Herb Research Foundation.

WATCH Our Rec ipe Bein Edemame Hummus Subscribe to g Prepar our ed! Serves 6-8 Channel - "DHH LLC"

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Part Used: Berries, leaves, branch and twigs, root bark.. Effective Forms: Tincture, infusion, mouthwash/gargle. Therapeutic Profile: Berries are tonic and laxative; leaves are anti-bacterial, promote sweating and expectoration; branch is antirheumatic, reduces high blood pressure and is analgesic; root bark is sedative, diuretic, expectorant, and lowers high blood pressure. Primary Uses: berries are used as a tonic for weakness; In China as a tonic to nourish the blood and chi. Black mulberry leaves, in Europe are used to stimulate insulin production in diabetes. White mulberry leaves in China are used for colds with fevers, headaches and sore throats and to cool liver heat, which can lead to sore eyes and irritability, and to cool the blood. Branch and twigs are analgesic and can reduce high blood pressure. Root bark is a good expectorant for coughs associated with hot conditions typified by thick, sticky yellow phlegm.
The statements and products in this newsletter have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.


1 bag (12 ounces) frozen shelled edamame 3 whole-wheat pocket pitas, cut into 8 triangles each

2 cloves garlic 2 tablespoons tahini 3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice 3/4 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon black pepper


Bring edamame to a boil in a medium saucepan with enough water to cover; cook, stirring occasionally, about 3 minutes. Drain in a colander and run under cold water. Pulse edamame, garlic, tahini, lemon juice, salt and pepper in a food processor until mixture is the consistency of guacamole; add water 1 tablespoon at a time if too thick. Cover; refrigerate until snack time. Serve with pita chips and fresh veggies for dipping.
Sara Carroll is an active mother of two boys, conscientious vegetarian & star of our new DHH Recipe series. Watch her prepare this recipe at our channel, "DHHLLC"

Please direct questions and comments to our website:

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