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What does the future hold?

-The good and the bad-

The bad: -global warming

Sea levels are expected to rise between 18 and 59 centimeters by the end of the century, and continued melting at the poles could add between 10 to 20 centimeters. Hurricanes and other storms are likely to become stronger. Species that depend on one another may become out of sync. For example, plants could bloom earlier than their insects become active. Floods and droughts will become more common. Rainfall in Ethiopia, where droughts are already common, could decline by 10 percent over the next 50 years. Less fresh water will be available. If the Quelccaya ice cap in Peru continues to melt at its current rate, it will be gone by 2100, leaving thousands of people who rely on it for drinking water and electricity without a source of either. Some diseases will spread such as malaria carried by mosquitoes. Ecosystems will changesome species will move farther north or become more successful; others wont be able to move and could become extinct. With less ice on which to live and fish for food, polar bears have gotten considerably skinnier. If sea ice disappears, the polar bears will as well. How to stop global warming Reduce Fossil Fuel Use

Burning fossil fuels increases the levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. There are two ways to reduce fossil fuel use: Use less energy, or use alternative, nonpolluting energy sources like solar and wind power. Plant Trees Because carbon dioxide is the most important greenhouse gas, planting trees and other plants can slow or stop global warming. Reduce Waste The production of garbage contributes to global warming. Decomposing waste in landfills produces methane and other greenhouse gases. Recycling metal, plastic, glass and paper lowers greenhouse gas emissions. -Oil Today oil supplies about 40% of the worlds energy and 96% of its transportation energy. Since the shift from coal to oil, the world has consumed over 875 billion barrels. Another 1,000 billion barrels of proved and probable reserves remain to be recovered. From now to 2020, world oil consumption will rise by about 60%. Transportation will be the fastest growing oil-consuming sector. By 2025, the number of cars will increase to well over 1.25 billion from approximately 700 million today. Scientists think that there is enough oil for our lifetime but future generations will have enormous problems if we dont find another energy source. It is in our best interest to preemptively embark on a revolutionary change that will lead us away from oil dependency .If we dont do stop our dependency, wars will be fought for oil, countries will bankrupt, people will lose jobs in oil companies and so

on. We must stop our addiction with oil!!! A good idea is to use wind and water power instead of oil. -Nuclear war More and more countries are getting their hands on nuclear weapons, like China, Korea, in the mid-east and others. Many scientist think that its only a matter of time when a nuclear war will happen. We all know what a nuclear bomb is capable of. Its not just the explosion that does the damage. After the bomb you have decades of radiation. That means no fertile land, which means no food for the survivors. Just imagine all you need to destroy a howl countries is a few nuclear bombs. So If that happens it could mean the end of the human race as we know it. the good -technology Nobody questions that robots will be an everyday thing to us in the future. We are witnessing a revolution in robotics. Even today we have robots that can read human emotions and play ping-pong so imagined what will they be able to do in the future! Robot friends People will have robot-friends, but not like real human friends, but more like puppies that can talk. Robots could never really replace humans, humans are just too complicated. Robot jobs Robots will replace some jobs. They will be waiters, cooks and cleaners for example. It is estimated then in just a few years their would be restaurants where the staff is completely made of robots. Their is even a plan to open one in America next year!

Robot performers Most of the songs today are auto tune, so it is no surprise that robots will be performers in the near future. You could walk in to a bar and see a robot singing. Cell phones nokia morph This cell phones will really change the way we look on this devices today. Besides that the nokia morph can solar charge its self so your battery life never dies, it can even detect any smell.

-medical innovations cancer Our growing understanding of the workings of the human genome is posing a new challenge: How to use that data to change the course of disease. Consider cancer. As seen through a genesequencing machine, some cancers can appear as at least a dozen different genetic diseases, some of which have been shown to respond uniquely to a specific drug. But how do cancer doctors quickly match a patient's tumor with a drug that targets it? There's a good chance that you already own one of the healthcare innovations: a smartphone. Last month a new iPhone add-on was released that lets doctors take an electrocardiogram just about anywhere. Imagine losing a finger and then with the help of stem cells you can grow that finger back. Stem cellsprogenitor cells that can give rise to a variety of tissuesthey play an important role in this endeavor. Scientists are learning how to mix sugar molecules,

proteins and fibers to create an environment in which the stem cells can develop into replacement tissue. There will also probably be a cure for AIDS. That means the million of lives will be saved. Humans visiting Mars. It has long been a dream of astronauts to visit Mars. NASA planned to have people on Mars a long time ago. But their are problems like radiation. The levels in space are huge and humans could not stay in space for long because they would get cancer. Another major problem is that the trip would take to long. About a year just to get to Mars! Humans will visit Mars in the future and even start colonies there, but nobody has an idea when it will happen. Everyday living House of the future Your refrigerator will send you a text when you need some new groceries. You will probably have a robot that cooks for you. You would also be informed when your plants need to be water or when you need to take your dog for a walk. Cars Driverless cars will be a conmen thing. They will reduce the number of car accidents. Also because people will run out of oil the cars of the future will probably run on electricity. The cars will be made of new and chipper materials like fiberglass. Vacations in space In the near future people will spend a summer vacation in space. According to preliminary market surveys, there are 10,000 wouldbe space tourists willing to spend $1 million each to visit the final frontier. The beaches and other exotic destination are becoming boring to people, so a vacation in space will present a breath of

fresh air.

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