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pelicon gdel
Msil fo, Renee'iilcWho*er.F.TTN:
PO &sx 7O9,Arle. IX 760?8
fi;H ni3fr$H
ilAM E_-_*___
Cily_--____.* TX zip_______**____

Howmo n y l s s u a s ( c i r e l o ) l 2 g 4 S 6

Bus ines s r i r a c o r d s 9 4 . 00 p e r lssu e

{6 is s ue s f o r $ 2 0 . 0 0 }
?0 word s o r l e E e9 5 . 0 0 p et issu c
(6 irrua s t o r 9 2 5 . 0 0 )
Arqc c o d a + p h o n e # : o n e wo r d
Cqrh or l ! 1 o n e y o r d e r s on ly.n o p e r so n n e l ch e cks-
e i: t iHi! i


Reqs esl m o y b e d r o p p cd o ff o l Cify Ha ll. Plo cc lo r m wilh pcymenl i nl o envel opc ond *ri fe
A I T I {: P e l i c s n E r i r l A D . R cn o e ' iVicWh o r le r o n fr o n l. Rcq u r sf cra dus by l hc, Fri doy ol l er C i ty
c ounc il m e o f i n g s . A d c re ce ive d clfe r d e q d lin c will o p p e or i n l he fol l oyri ng i ssuo.
(Polic < r n E r i o f l s n o l r o s p o n sib le fo t lsr slo r m itsin g o d s. An d doos nol prol i l from ssl e
i l cms.l
t {

Msilfo: Renee'ItAeWhorler,
PO Box 7Sg.AzlE,TX 76098
Ailn: PeliconBrlsf $
g { d Pl * 7'
o li, F $E3fi,,_d

Pilo N E*_._-_..__* __-_________ __{opt}

qnd enc l o s e w i t h 9 3 . 0 0 lo ccve r lh e e o sl o lm o ilin g fo r 5

i ssues.
Yau wi l l b o r e m i n d e d o *e m o n lh b e lo r e yo u r la sl issu e ^

Adis las e i l d i n f o r m o f i o n cr e o b lq in e d ttr r o u g h m sn y so u tc cs. C ammenfs cra l he opi ni 6ns

lhe ldllo t s n d o r e : r o l me o n ! io in fiu e n a e lh e o p in io n e a l ol hers. l f you hove ony eomml nl s
f ho! y ou w o u l d l i k o { o e xp r a ss in lh e p e licsn Br ie t co n d ii fo l hc o4dress obove. pl eors be
briel. on d n o f o u l l o r r g u ag e . yo { r r co m m e n l* r n o y b e e d iled.
O-& F,@uI tl trt 4
cr?Y srgPct osERfo PFrC[rNfC
Offers o e omplete
RFCF'YFS City har
pcckoge of
reqched s tenfslive deal
GRANT with TorrqnlRegionslWoter Distrlcf.
fletr treotmenl, worming
for round, hook, whips,snd
of $250,0001o linsnce two new Ihis deslpsves fhe woy lowsrdr our
wells. l{hich will lrlple fhe city"s qwqitthe topar"
beoch oreo. we opprovol
woter supply. Dislemper/Porvocornbo rhofs
from the disfrict'sraslestote boord.
ll is eslimoted to lqke obaut thrae ond onE worming ore $3.50
Gity should know resullsby firslof pups/kitlons,ond $6.00dogc/ccfr"
rnonlhs to hove the new wells Seplember.
drilled. City hoper lo hove lhe wells trontline fles fuestmantrlosfing
The Clty hoper hqve lhe beoch
reody by ihe end of Jonuory 2006. up lo three monlhs ore $3.00-$10.00.
completed by nexl summer.
TheCity ls cwoiling opprovclfrom Houseond yord fleo/tick
lhe TexssCommissionon tteslmentsore slro qvsilable.
EnvlronmentolQuolity lo pul s well Cffnic is open every $olurdoy. 3:00
on line lhol wos cornpleled rnonlhs NAT'ONALNIGHTOUT io 5:00,(exceptlor holidsy
eErlier. o good lime for qll. flenly of
r,vcr$ weekends): locctad of Clty
Wolar sompleshove been senl for food. drink ond gornes. A BIG Meeling Holl.
THANKS to OfficerO'Donelyfor all
terting. REMEIfBER to hoveyourpefs
TXIQ hsr requlredthe ciiy to "odd his work in coordNnoting fhe ovenl.
reglsteredwlth Animul Confrol.This
concrele" to the bcse of the well . Chief Clqrk did o demonstrolion
must be dona every Oclober.
olso lo have ogreemenls wilh with K? Luhrs.Ofllcer Litfle(the
Only 3 dogr/cofs ore allowed
landowncrr concernlnglho suspecf)didn'f glsnd o chonce
by the clty.
properly eorements. ogolnsl tuhrs.
Once opproved,the cify will odd John & ReneeBrookgwon lha REPORf ony rlshtlnssof
fhis well to our w<rlersystern. grond prizeof o wcekcnd Ewoy. onimolc being dumped in our city.
We currenllyhave l2 qcllve wells Wrlfedown vehicle type, fog
produclng woter, bul mogt cre v6ry FIELDTRA'N'NG number,dofe qnd time, whot lype
ghollowond do noi produce of onimal(s),ondlocotlon.Cqll 817-
anough woier for our glowing city. COIuIPLETED 27A^241A, Afler lrour err ergancier,
OfficersKepleyond O'Donelyhove Collpollce dispoich of 817.626"
A^ compleled their required field 1922,and requestthot Pelicqn8oy
_ V,i,,. CITY ,MPOSFS lroinlng ond ore polrolllng fhe city, Anlm ql C onfrol Otflcer be notifled,
";i;,ffi,1.:1 MORATANUM
if "/ "An ordinonce imposing PEACEOFF'CERS
s morEloriumon oll new wqler Chief Clork ond Ll.Fronkumsre io {,tNtrFD
customen in the City of PeliconBoy receive lheir Advonced PeccE
ond imposing o morotoriumon Oflicer license.
outside wsler use until lhs walel o nd
supply ls Increosedor ropciredlo
lha poinf thsl there ls sufllcienl crry's coDE
woler fo serve exlsting cuslomeru; ENFORC
eslabllrhlnEo penolty;ond will ba worklng togalher to hrlng
cuthorlzing publlcotion"
mollboxesup lo specsrequlredby
-- no new homes lo move into lhe ENFORCEMENT ihe Posl Offlce .
city. unlessihe property olreody hos
n wtrler meter sl lhot locsfion.
CAR Thecity willbe dlvided into
Husbeen reliredthissummer.The seclionr ond Code Enforcamentwlll
No building permilsfor new nollfy PosfolServicewhich boxes
polrol cqr hss no oir condltioner
residencesr commercisl need to be reploced" The poslol
erlablishmenf,except os o ond needg o muffler.With the stop
ond go drivlng,lf wqs no longer dapcrtrnent will isgueo "flx or your
replacementfor qn exisllng mqil willbe held" form lo fhot
sfruclure. odequole lor the need.
Mrs.Knighfhas been drlvlngher oddress. At which time you'll be
NCICUTS|DE IIVATERING, wcrhing of given s deodline to repoir ond/or
person<rllruck. The cily hos been
outomobiler & trucks,lillingof replace your box.
swimmlng pools or ofher oulgide reimbursingher for gor.
The deporlmenl would like lo sell Thiswill be done over severql
wcler usrrge. monltlc. No stsrf dsle hos been lei.
Violslorswill be lined $500.00for the vehicle ond purchore o ulility
vqn wifh sida door, two seofr & a buf we do recommend thot if your
:::gJi""g'inf:;ffJffi bsck door.,Thevon would be used
for code enforcemenlond animol
k nol up lo stondords,
lhem now.
Yard$ervlces?Advertisein contral dulies.
the Peliccrn

Plc'F I
communicqliongbetween tire REDR'BBON
fi* B|KFHELMETS Deporlmentsnd donorssnd /sr
ffi ctre businesreg. HOMES
W MANDAToRr 1533L<rrkAve.
le*ot sttrle low requirasfhot otl
- youlh }VORKgHOP "IVTV
lesslhon l8 yeors of cge
ara requlred lo weor o protective held with 1500Gsle Dr.
*r * *d.1.{c*rF **{.t*:* * l.:
halmef when rldlngtheir bikes on PBVFD
public sireelsor pork properly.
Psrenlccf youth who tide without and
helmefuwillrecelve o cifolion. City Council Hqve ilems for Sole?$ell
Troumo stqlisllccindicqte that
On Augusl ?, o workshopwos held them in your Pellcon Brlef.
weorlng o protectlvehelmei con
ssve livesond reduce Injuriesof
to discursopenly lhe problernslhcl Formson bqck......,.,.
exisl with our FlreDepsrlmenl. :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
blcyclfstsby 85%.
The depcrlmenl ir in dire need of
equlpmenl for the firefightetsond
flretruckr. OCIOSERis
Th deporfmenl't budgef is very
scHoor.HAs smollond not oble lo finonce lhe BREASICANCER
STARTFD needed mslerials. ,T4ONTH
PIEASE use caullon Some iternshave been donoted, A l l femul e,s need l o bo qwqr e of
but Mony ilsms ore needed. the rirlng rqte of breosf concar
while driving through lhe
Bunkergeor ls out doted ond deol hs. C heck w i l h your locol
City. Young people ore
worn. Oxygen mork ore in ghort doctor concerni ng exqm s ond
wolklng lo ond lrom bus
supply. $chedul e o
slops.TheCify'sSPEED tlMlT
Suppllelond equipmenfto furnith mommogrdms.
r$ 20 MPHllllll
our:econd firetruck,
Therewos diccusslons on applying
for gronb ond holding fundrqisers lo ,SSUEDA
help fund some ol fhe cocl of CITATION??
NFW equlpmeni.Butlt wlll toke olol of You mur| cont<rcllhe Munlcipol
evenls fo come close lo fhe lolol Courl either in person or by moil
RUI,FS fhqt is needed.. withln l0 dqyc from ihe dofe of lhe
ChildrenenrolledIn chlld core Theseflrefighlersore hera to help cltqflon.A ielephone coll does nof
cenlers & pre-klndergorten ore In timas of emergency, ond lhey conslifule on qppeorsnce.
requlredlo new vocclnolionr. now need our help. Stop by the fire lf you foil lo meet fhe l0 doys from
Effacflve$oplember 1, 20O5,oll house ond osk whof you con do. lhe da*e of lhe cllcflon lo eilher poy
chlldrencges 2 monthslo 59 Voluntsercore welcome to opply. or drrrlngo poymenlr ; the cifolion
monthr mugt hqve c The depcrfmenl is occepling will be pul on the courl dockei.
pneumococcol vocclne, lo guord opplicollons for o Junior Firefighter Ftrilurelo oppeor In courl, will rerult
cgoinsf bocleriql infecflonsof lhe Progrom.Theyhove 6 so far. A greot inio o worroni.
middle eqr, clnus& bloodrlreom, laornlngtoolfor young odulfg.
ond bocferlol pneumonio & ( recenlly stiendcd o meellng cl
meningllls. the flre house. I wos given o lour of
Schoolage chlldrencre requlred Engine34 ond war showed lhe 4 4 4 4 4 44 + 4 #4* 44 # g # # # * 4 * #
t+ i+ tt ti t+ l+ l+ fr ti tt i+ ++ tt ii ]t l, # ri n ff ti ?r f

lo hsve nsw vcccinstions. deportmenf'r squlpmenl. lf wss on

Formore informotlon,conlocl your informollve meetlng.) JR'sIAKE$IDE SIORE
tomily doclor, or cllnic. NOW Deliversto your home,
NEWEMT'sfor HOTsandwiches, COID
I reporled lost monlh concerning Jim Nold and iltqtlhew iilercer CALL8t7-270-5786
two evants lhqf were io benefif fhe h o v e j o i ned the P B V FDos quol i fi ed hrs:M-THctm-gpm
FBVFD. EMTs"They hsva olreody rtarled Fr-$sf $am-l0pm
I'rn sod lo reporl fhsl bolh hove l l c i n i n g our yol unl eers i n medi col
iqllen lhrough. Sundoy9am-9pm
e me rg encl es-
I re q uer led o c omme n f l ro m C h l e f #######################
Mi tch ell , bui dld no i re c a l v e o n e b y
this printlng.
$ e e m s t o hs v e bee n p o o r

iAeelinghollhog new look ond we YOURWATER
A,BOUT UTftfTY. lhe Jsmbqree in Azle,second
would like la continue the from Wofer Smort ( Solurdoy in September.Go by ond
improvemenis.DonollonCup ol Ineerfr from informslion flyer, dunk o flrefighter,buy rolfle tickelc
City holl. "Woler utililleslqka raw wsfer but morlly, rhow your support.
###*#*######*##*# from lskes, rlYeri,or underground
aquifersond lresl if lo humsn MAKESONiEONE'S
consumplion llondqrds sel by the Treol offierswilh kindneos.courtesy,
NOLCF of PUBLIC federol government"" ond politeners.
HEAfING an TAX "Oufsidewoler uso con csuse Thlnksboul what mokes you feel
signiliconi strsin on a ulllify'sobilify encourctgedond do the rqme
,trlCREASg. fo produce encugh treqfed wofer to lhingr for othars.
Therewill be lwo publlc hearingsto keap up with fhe demond, Slored Soy "lhcnk you" lo s coworkel,
considar the propased tax raseryescsn be depleled quickly if friend,or fomily mamber,
increose. Flrslhearlng vlll be held we oll woler our lowngof lhe ssme Send o "thinking ol you" cord lo
on luesdoy, $epfember6,2A05at fime. Thenthe ryrfem hos lo work Jomeone who'gfaeling down.
qt Pellcan Boy Ctty Holl.
7:04 P.tu1. oyertime lo lleqt more rsw wolel". Include q nole or cornpllmenl,
1300 Pelican Clrcle. Also fo be "hle con oll ba WATER SMART. Treal everyone the some no motler
discussed"is the adopllon of a Toke shortershowers,furn off fqucef whstlheir roce, gender. !ize, oge,
budget for the 2A05/2006ftscat while brushinglaeth, run dishwosher leval ol educqfion, counlry of orlgin,
Ye(rr. & worhlng mochlneswlth full losdg or religion.
A proposed bvdget will be only, londrcope wifh drought-cnd Never inrull people, colllhem
ovallable for public vlevlng heot-loleronl plonls." nomas, or pui lhem down cr fheir
Monday September5, 2005from "All communilies con slrelch bolh ides:.
9 I P.M.andtrom 2P.M.ta thelr finonclol resourcesond lheir Let olhers know you love tham,
6 P.M. at Ctty lldll. wster re$ourcesby lmplemenfing Be pofient wilh olhers.
Ihe second hearing will be held common-senseleqhniqueslo ovoid Give o hug fo someon6 whci needs
on Tvesdoy,Sepfember | 3, 2005ot worllng wqter.' 0n6,
The UfilityDeporlmenf will hnve It' s never too l E te l o m end f encar
6:30 P.M. at Pellcan &ay Ctty Hall.
copies of the lull inlormolion flyer w i th fomi l y" tri endg or love onel.
YAU have a right lo altend ond
make comrnenfs.YOUare
encounrged to dltend and make
corn rn gn ls. rf f r rr r.+** arar I r*f *r+r |*r' RgMEMBFfr fo Advertisein TASORDAYWEEKEND..
the PelicanBrief, RememberNO FIREWORKS
low cosl qds wlll help wllh priniing qre allowed in the Cfty. lt is q
CHF'STMASiN cost for newgletler. $252.00fine.
l f y ou w oul d l l ke the P el i can B rl of
AUGUST????? m q i l e d fo your home, msi l the form
life you sove could be your
Wanderinglf we aro o n b a ck of poge ol ong w i l h cogf for
crozy?? No, it's lime lo clqrt mo i l i n g . own.
plonning the PeliconBoy Chrislmos Usecoufion on the
BoskelProgrcm.Plonsore In lhe your boqls ond
works fo orgonize lhe progrom fo City Council meefs fhe
of swimmlng oreos.
help lomillel during lhe Chrlstrnoc second TuesdayOf eoch Keep bor-be-gue grllls
A$ plons develop, The Peliccn Brief month at 7:A0P.M. swqy from buildings ond be
will Keep you informed.We con corefulwith fhe burn b<rnslil!
only hope our residenlswill be ss in effect.
generour o* lhey ware lost yeor. YO I"UNtrEER$sna donslionc
trllewould like fo dressup lha o re o l w ays w el come l or l he oni mol Hove a sofe holidoy !l!!!!!
sheller snd Fire Deporlmenl.
me ellng holl for the holidcys.When
tire Deparlmenl is sllll osking for
unpocking ihose Christmos
d o n c l i o ns fo do the H ounfed H ouse
decr:rofions,ond you hove loo
lhis October"
mony. donaie lhem to the Cify.
*' l *{ . ****r*a *a *l ta a r*a *+ta ***f tt**attta+ We ore o City lhqt sfonds olone
o n d w e musl depend on one
TO REST another fo keep our cify slive. Gel
Thedrillingcompsny is NOTusing inyolyed in your community, atland
our wcter ryclems"They crc gettlng m e e l i n g s, vol unfeer your fi me.
lheir wsler supplyfrom Eogle
ilounlain [ske.


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