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1.1. BACKGROUND Many aspects and functions of the animals that we have learned so far can be viewed in a broader context, it is the result or form of reproduction. One individual is temporary, a population also can usually enjoy unlimited life span exceeded only by means of reproduction, which is the process of creating new individuals from individuals who have been there before. As with frogs or animals ampibhi to be discussed in this paper. Frog (English: frog) and frog or Kuhl (b. England: toad) is the best known amphibian animal people in Indonesia. Almost everyone in this world know the frog, it's just a different name. Usually many small children who love frogs to play, from a funny shape, and can jump, and not harmful to toys, but most adults do not like it because of disgust or fear of unwarranted Both kinds of animal looks like. Frog was a short, stocky or thin, slightly hunched-backed, four-legged and tailless (Anura: a no, ura tail). Toads generally smoothskinned, moist, with long hind legs. Instead frog or berbintil rough-skinned Kuhl until berbingkul-bingkul nodule, often dry, and the hind legs are short, so most dull jump away. However, these two terms are often interchangeable use. Frog experienced sexual reproduksia, where reproduction itself is divided into two: 1. Sexual Reproduction The creation of offspring through the fusion of haploid gametes to form a zygote (fertilized eggs) are diploid, gametes formed by meiosis. Sexual reproduction increases genetic diversity among offspring by generating a combination unit diwariskandari two individual genes. By producing offspring that have diverse phenotypes, sexual reproduction also increases the reproductive success of the parent when pathogens or other environmental factors change relatively quickly. (Campbell 2004:149) 2. Asexual reproduction The creation of a new individual that all genes from one parent, without melting and seperma eggs and fertilization occurs outside the body, without involving the sex cells of male and female sex cells. (Campbell 2004:149)

Frog or amphibian is an animal ovipar. Frog fertilization occurs outside the body, the male or female frogs do not have external genitalia. Usually during mating, the male and female frogs do ampleksus. Ampleksus itself is usually the male will stick to the back of the female frog, and then the male will push the female frog stomach and stimulate, to secrete the female frog eggs. At the same time the male will release sperm to fertilize an egg that has been released by the female frog in water. So in a bersaan have external fertilization, the water environment. Frogs usually live in places damp, like disawah fields, and swamps or mountain mediating dirawa mountainous and jungle-forests. From a variety of habitats frog, the frog will automatically have physical differences. The different types of amphibians based habitats or life, amphibians are divided into several groups: a. Kuhl horned (Megophrys montana), in the mountains b. Kuhl litter (Leptobrachium hasseltii), in the forest c. Kuhl river (Bufo asper), around the river d. Kuhl under (B. melanostictus), in the home environment e. belentung (Kaloula baleata) f. kongkang pool (Rana chalconota), around ponds, canals and rivers g. kongkang ivory (Rana erythraea), in ponds and lakes h. bancet green (Occidozyga five), in paddy fields i. moor frog (Fejervarya limnocharis), in the fields and moor j. paddy frogs (Fejervarya cancrivora), in the fields and embankment k. stone frog (Limnonectes macrodon), around rivers and waterways in the garden l. frog-striped tree (Polypedates leucomystax), near ponds and puddles in the garden m. precil Java (Microhyla Achatina) 1.2. PURPOSE The purpose of writing this paper "Reproductive frog" is 1) to find out more details about animal reproduction 2) learn how reproduction in frogs 3) to be able to distinguish between sexual and asexual reproduction

4) to be able to know the benefits of amphibians or frogs that are often found in the environment around, especially in Indonesia. 1.3. USE This paper is useful for prospective student teachers, as well as their caregivers SCIENCE particular the development of veterinary education, the paper also DAPT usefull as a reference in the process of learning about the biology of reproduction.


2.1. DEFINITIONS REPRODUCTION Reproduction is a biological process in which an individual or a new organism produced. Reproduction is also the basic way to defend against a form of life, which will produce a new individual, as a result of previous individual offspring. The mechanism of fertilization is a process of fusion of sperm with eggs, in which the process plays an important role in sexual reproduction. While the process is usually external fertilization of eggs released by a female and the eggs are fertilized by the males in the surrounding environment. (Campbell 2004:153) How reproductions of two ways: Sexual Reproduction The creation of offspring through fusion gamethaploid to form a zygote (fertilized eggs) are diploid, gametes formed by meiosis. Sexual reproduction increases genetic diversity among offspring by generating unit combinations of genes inherited from the two individuals. By producing offspring that have diverse phenotypes, sexual reproduction also increases the reproductive success of the parent when pathogens or other environmental factors change relatively quickly. For example, the amphibians. At the time of reproduction of frogs usually ampleksus activities, the activities of the male and female frogs abdominal massage to stimulate the female frogs secrete their eggs in water, and frogs secrete male sperm, so the sperm can later fertilize an egg that had been issued at the same time tadi.pada hence external fertilization has occurred diair surroundings. (Campbell: 153) Asexual reproduction The creation of a new individual that all genes from one parent, without melting and seperma eggs and fertilization occurs outside the body, without involving the sex cells of male and female sex cells. (Campbell: 52)

2.2. MECHANISM asexual reproduction Many invertebrates can reproduce asexually by means division (fission) is a separation of a parent into two or more individuals with a size roughly equal. sprouting (budding) is a separation process of a new individual from an existing individual. Fragmentation is a process of breaking the body into parts or all of them develop into mature individuals complete. For animals to be able to reproduce in this way must be accompanied by the growth of regenerating missing body parts back. parthenogenetic development process without having fertilized eggs. Adult animals are often produced through parthenogenesis haploid and the cells do not undergo meiosis in the formation of new eggs. (Campbell 2004:150-151) Asexual reproduction has several potential advantages. For example, animals that live in isolation can produce offspring without having to search and find a mating partner. Asexual reproduction can also create a lot of offspring in a short time, this is the most ideal habitat for a rapidly mengkolonisai. Theoretically asexual reproduction most profitable and stable environment suitable for producing genotypes that worked so precise. Among some vertebrates, several genera of fish, amphibians, and lizards reproduce exclusively through a form of parthenogenesis complex involving chromosome doubling after meiosis to create a "zygote" diploid. (Campbell 2004: 151) 2.3. SEXUAL REPRODUCTIVE MECHANISM Internal Ferilisasi require cooperative behavior that leads kekopulasi. Internal fertilization also requires sophisticated reproductive systems, including copulation organ that sends sperm and reseptakel or buffer for the storage and transportation into a mature egg. Pheromones are chemical signals produced by one organism that influence the behavior of other individuals of the same species. Pheromones are small molecules that easily evaporate or dissolve in water, which can be dispersed easily and as active hormones in very small amounts. Pheromones serve as towing a mating partner. Both external and internal fertilization depends on the mechanism that ensures that the sperm to find the egg to fertile adults of the same species. Species that internal

fertilization usually produce fewer zygotes but provide more parental protection than species that external fertilization. Frogs reproduce internally, but the external fertilization, frogs do not have external genitalia, means of reproduction of frogs, frogs usually will issue kelingkungan gametes and fertilization occurs outside the female's body. In this activity the frogs would discriminate ampleksus dipunggung male frogs will embrace female frog and toad stomach massage to stimulate the female and the female frog release an egg, into the water and with it the male will release sperm to fertilize an egg cell that has been issued by the female frog, then at the same time fertilization occurs within the water 2.4. FROGS LIFE AND THE FROG Frogs and toads, which began life as an egg placed diair parent, or other wet in places. Usually the type of mountain frog lay her eggs between the wet moss. Meanwhile, another type of forest frogs deposit their eggs on the back of the male frog moist, which sijantan will always keep and bring it to hatch, even a little frog. Usually frog spawn in one will produce 5000-20000 eggs. Lasts 3 times a year. Mating frogs and toads occur at certain times, for example at the time of death or before the rainy months. By the time the frog will perform marriages, male frogs that moment will ring to summon a female, from the shore or water. Loud noise is generated from the floating frog sounds located around the neck, which will be used when a large swell. Usually frogs and toads will live widespread, especially in areas of temperate tropical heat. Colder place the less found a frog. One is a cold-blooded frogs, which require heat to sustain life and maintain metabolism. While Kuhl often found under the house or in the yard dipojokan, especially behind the pot. And tree frogs will inhabit low trees and shrubs, especially in areas waterways. Toads also frequently encountered under the streetlights or park, for mengkapi insects attracted by the light. Kodonk will try to protect itself from prey by jumping away, and mucus or toxins from glands dikulitnya, even some that would produce such a thick mucus which is very sticky, so the predators mouth will become embedded and difficult to open.

2.6. REPRODUCTION Amphibian

Reproductive system in amphibians, fertilization occurs sexually, meaning Creation descent through the fusion of haploid gametes to form a zygote (fertilized eggs) are diploid, gametes formed by meiosis. amphibians issued kelingkungan gametes and fertilization occurs outside the female's body. (Campbell: 153) In external fertilization ovum usually formed in large quantities, because the likelihood of fertilization is less than the internal fertilization. In female frogs produce many ova, as in the frog fertilization occurs externally. if we dissect frogs are laying females, we will see the formation of a black hole nearly filled the stomach, it is full of ovarian eggs, number in the thousands. In female frogs also found a sort of indentation in the neck, which serves as a "handle" for the male frogs when held fertilization. This was offset by the male with the special structure of the front legs, which form a more rugged soles. Its function is to hold tight to the female frogs during fertilization. The process begins when the sperm fertilization actually attached to the egg, the sperm will release digestive enzymes to make a hole in the lining of complement proteins can menyelelubungi eggs. Then the sperm to enter the egg. Eggs in this process a very important role because the sperm will be attracted into, and the entry of sperm followed

by a rapid change in the egg itself. Elements on the surface of the egg cytoplasm in a band called the gray crescent. (Kimball.john W: 365) External fertilization requires an environment in which an egg can develop without drought or heat stress, the fertilization of this type will occur exclusively in the humid habitat. Amphibians exhibit external fertilization specific mating behavior that ends with a male fertilize the eggs of a female. Courtship behavior is the trigger for males and females to release gametes with two effects, fertilization will increase the chances of success and the choice of partner will be more selective. (Campbell 2004:152) Almost all Indonesian people to know what it is called frog or amphibian, from its cute, distinctive voice, are not harmful to children's toys, or can also be used to serve the surrounding community as food. Not only in Indonesia, even nearly all the world to know what is called amphibians. Frog in the English language: Kuhl frog and the frog or toad in the English language is. Between looks like a frog with a frog, the frog is usually short, stocky or lanky, has a slightly hunched back, and four legs and no tail, smooth-skinned, moist, with less long hind legs. frogs usually live in areas such as disawah damp fields, swamps, mountains or on Mt. While frogs or Kuhl have rough skin, pimples and dry berbintil, and have short legs, but between the two, a lot of people who either use or perceptions. Amphibians are classified into types of animals ovipar. Frogs also fertilization outside the body, so the male and female frogs do not have external genitalia, when the male and female frogs do marry, they are doing ampleksus, the activities in which the male will stick to the back of the female frog and toad stomach pressing females and stimulate the female frogs to release an egg or ovum secrete into the water. From each ovum comes out it is coated or membrane diselaputi vitelin. At first ova of frogs that have been matured and amounted to a pair of these will be accommodated in a funnel, and then moved through the oviduct ovum, and near the base of the oviduct in the adult female frogs also are channels that bubble is usually called the egg pouch (uterus). Female frog has had oviduct that is located separate from the ureter, with ovidunya meandering and empties into the cloaca, the female frog will issue ovum. Usually once a frog spawn, eggs will be issued with the very large range of 5000-20000 eggs, depending on the quality of the parent. After issuing the female frog eggs, the male will also soon issue a sperm, and the

sperm produced by the testes and numbered pair will be channeled into the vas deferens, which united with the vas deferens ureter. And from the vas deferens will lead dikloaka, and out of the male sperm cell. And after external fertilization, the ovum will be enveloped in a thick liquid, so that the eggs in the form of clumps of eggs. And clumps fertilized egg develops into a tadpole. Usually the tadpoles breathe with gills, is at the water plant by means of suction. Tadpoles normally eat phytoplankton, so at this stage, said to be herbivorous tadpoles. Tadpoles were then developed from the former plant eaters, insect eaters now. Along with this development the tadpoles begin to form nostrils and lungs, gills and gaps are closing. After 3 months of fertilization and gill slits have been replaced with the front limbs, so at this stage there was a metamorphosis. Front limbs becoming perfect. At that time, young frogs breathe with two organs, the gills and lungs. Eventually the function of gills reduced and disappeared, and the tail began to shorten and eventually disappear. At that moment the frog metamorphosis is complete. Frogs have endocrine system. Endocrine system is a control system without the gland duct (ductles) were yielding tersilkurasi hormones in your body to affect other organs. Hormone acting as a messenger and carried by the bloodstream to different cells in the body, which selanjutnnya will translate the message into a tundakan. Frogs have some endocrine glands that produce internal secretions called hormones. Its function is to control the functions set-fingsi dam body, stimulating both activate or the brakes on growth, activate beracam kinds of networks and the influence on human behavior. In the pituitary gland in the brain there daar, this anterior larvamenghasilkan growth hormone. This hormone controls the growth of the body especially the long bones. In the adult frog anterior pituitary gland produces hormones that stimulate the gonads to produce sex cells. The middle section will produce will produce a hormone that has pebufon intermedine kromotofora setting in the skin. The posterior pituitary produces a hormone that regulates water paengambilan. Glandulae piroydea located behind the hyoid cartilage thyroid produces hormones that regulate metabolism in general. Pancreas gland produces the hormone insulin that regulates the metabolism (conversion of glucose into glycogen spur) on the surface of the kidney is suprarenalis gland or glands adrenalis who works opposite to insulin (convert glycogen to glucose). The nervous system consists of nerves in the frog nerve center and edge. Central nervous system is composed

of the brain and spinal cord. While peripheral nerve consists of cranial nerves, spinal nerves. The brain and spinal cord that is wrapped by two thick membrane that is adjacent to the bone durameter and pipiameter which limits the neural network. male genetalia System Testes in male amphibians are a couple, yellowish white, hung by the mesorsium, and the next caudal corpus adiposum there, which is located at the posterior abdominal cavity. Renal tubular reproductive tract which will be afferent ducts carry sperm from the testicles and into duct mesonefrus. Near the cloaca, duct mesonefrus of some species will grow to form vasikula seminal (sperm temporary storage). The seminal vesicles will grow only in the breeding season only. Afferent Vasa is smooth channels that leave the testis, walk to go to the cranial medial kidney. Duct wolf out of the dorsolateral kidney, he runs lateral to the kidney. Cloaca is sometimes still clearly met. In urodela longer than salientia oval to round and more compact. In caecilians, long structures like strings of beads. In salamander testis appear shorter with an uneven surface. Body fat seen in the male gonads System Amphibious female genitalia In females, the ovaries numbered pair, the next kranialnya found yellow fatty tissue (corpus adiposum). Both ovaries maupum adiposum corpus comes from plica gametalis, respectively gonalis, and pars progonalis. Ovary reproduction mesovarium.Saluran be suspended by the oviduct which is winding channel. Oviduct begins with building a similar funnel (infundibulum) with holes called abdominal oskum. Held next caudal oviduct dilation called dutus mesonefrus. And finally empties into the cloaca. 2.7. BENEFITS amphibians It has long been known to man frog, a cute animal with bentunya and harmless, and can be used as a side dish for some. They consider frog legs are white, fleshy much can substitute chicken thighs. In addition to his thighs, apparently kodokpun eggs can be consumed, used as a side dish with a way dipepes, called Pepes frog eggs, spiced frog eggs are consumed mostly by the East Java. Another benefit of toads As with the material


is that it can be used for educational research. Frog meat is a high source of protein nutritional content. Waste toads are not used as human food ingredients may be used to ration the animals, such as ducks and chickens. Frog skin that has been detached from the body can be processed into crackers frog skin. Frog head that had to be taken apart and used hipofisanya gland to stimulate the frog in artificial insemination. Frog meat is believed to cure several diseases



3.1. CONCLUSION Of the various explanations concerning reproduction in Chapter II, so that the authors can conclude that: i. Reproduction is a biological process in which an individual or a new organism produced. Reproduction is also the basic way to defend against a form of life, which will produce a new individual, as a result of previous individual offspring. ii. The mechanism of fertilization is a process of fusion of sperm with eggs, in which the process plays an important role in sexual reproduction. iii. External prosesfertilisasi usually eggs released by a female and the eggs are fertilized by the male in the neighborhood iv. Reproduction there are two Sexual Reproduction The creation of offspring through fusion gamethaploid to form a zygote (fertilized eggs) are diploid, gametes formed by meiosis. Sexual reproduction increases genetic diversity among offspring by generating a combination unit diwariskandari two individual genes. By producing offspring that have diverse phenotypes, sexual reproduction also increases the reproductive success of the parent when pathogens or other environmental factors change relatively quickly. asexual reproduction The creation of a new individual that all genes from one parent, without melting and seperma eggs and fertilization occurs outside the body, without involving the sex cells of male and female sex cells. v. Reproduction in amphibians, occurs outside of the body, whereas they do not have genitals outside the body. At the time of reproduction of frogs usually ampleksus activities, the activities of the male and female frogs abdominal massage to stimulate the female frogs secrete their eggs in water, and frogs secrete male sperm, so the sperm can later fertilize an egg that had been issued earlier.


3.2. ADVICE a) As a good citizen, you should always keep the environment and identify natural resources, so it will be able to utilize the maximum toad b) For those students, who often conducts research using frog, just treat the frog, because frogs can add and provide insight into the broader knowledge about reproduction, anatomy, etc. oergan form. c) Once we learned about how reproductive hope to increase knowledge, which is more useful.


SIGN PUTAKA Campbell, et al. , 2004. Jilid3 Biology Fifth Edition. Jakarta. Erlangga Djuhanda, Tatang.1981. Comparative Embryology. Bandung. Armico Kimbal, John. 1983. Jilid2 Biology Fifth Edition. Jakarta. Erlangga Http / /: www.mariaarditirayolandari+ organ + in + body +


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