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In order to work on the programming assignments, you need to have the following tools installed on your machine:

JDK, the Java Development Kit, version 1.6 or 1.7 Sbt, a build tool for Scala, version 0.12.2 The Scala IDE for Eclipse

Please follow the instructions on this page carefully. You can also watch one of the following videos that explain how to set up your machine: Setup Video for Linux Setup Video for Mac OS X Setup Video for Windows

Installing the JDK


Ubuntu,Debian : To install the JDK using apt-get, execute the following command in a terminal sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk

Fedora,Oracle,RedHad : To install the JDK using yum, execute the following command in a terminal su -c "yum install java-1.7.0-openjdk-devel"

ManualInstallation : To install the JDK manually on a Linux system, follow these steps:


Download the .tar.gz archive from


Unpack the downloaded archive to a directory of your choice Add the bin/ directory of the extracted JDK to the PATH environment variable. Open the file ~/.bashrc in an editor (create it if it doesnt exist) and add the following line export PATH=/PATH/TO/YOUR/jdk1.7.0-VERSION/bin:


Verifyyoursetup : Open a new terminal (to apply the changed .bashrc in case you did the manual installation) and type java -version. If you have problems installing the JDK, ask for help on the forums.

Mac OS X
Mac OS X either comes with a pre-installed JDK, or installs it automatically. To verify your JDK installation, open the Terminal application in /Applications/Utilities/ and type java -version. If the JDK is not yet installed, the system will ask you if you would like to download and install it.


Download the JDK installer for Windows from

Run the installer Add the bin\ directory of the installed JDK to the PATH environment variable, as described here:

To verify the JDK installation, open the Command Prompt and type java -version. If you have problems installing the JDK, ask for help on the forums.

Installing sbt

Download sbt from here: Unpack the archive to a directory of your choice Add the bin/ directory to the PATH environment variable. Open the file ~/.bashrc in an editor (create it if it doesnt exist) and add the following line export PATH=/PATH/TO/YOUR/sbt/bin:$PATH

Verify that sbt is installed correctly: Open a new terminal (to apply the changed .bashrc) and type sbt -h, you should see a help message from sbt. If you have problems installing sbt, ask for help on the forums.

Mac OS X
If you use the homebrew package manager, simply type brew update and then brew install sbt in a Terminal prompt.

Otherwise, install sbt by following these steps:

Download sbt from here: Unpack the archive to a directory of your choice Add the bin/ directory to the PATH environment variable. Open the file ~/.bash_profile in an editor (create it if it doesnt exist) and add the following line export PATH=/PATH/TO/YOUR/sbt/bin:$PATH

Verify that sbt is installed correctly: Open a new terminal (to apply the changed .bash_profile) using the Terminal application in/Applications/Utilities/ and type sbt -h, you should see a help message from sbt. If you have problems installing sbt, ask for help on the forums.


Download the sbt installer from here:

Run the installer

Verify that sbt is installed correctly: open the Command Prompt and type sbt sbtversion, you should see the version number of sbt (the first time you run it, sbt will

download libraries from the internet). If you have problems installing sbt, ask for help on the forums.

Installing the Scala IDE for Eclipse with the Scala Worksheet (Linux / Mac OS X / Windows)
You can download the Scala IDE for eclipse with the Scala Worksheet pre-installed from the following URL: (Makesureto downloadthe IDE for Scala version2.10.1! )

After downloading the archive for your operating system, simply unpack it and start eclipse. Eclipse requires you to select a workspace on startup. We recommend you create one workspace directory for this class and use it for all assignments.

Hello World: Scala IDE and the Scala Worksheet

To familiarize yourself with the Scala IDE, create a small Hello World project in eclipse: 1. Go to File - New - Other and select Scala Project from the folder Scala Wizards


Chose a project name and select Finish


Select File - New - Scala Object to create a new object


Enter Hello as the name for the object and put greeter as the package name

above 5. Change the source code to the one given below [1] Save the file and select Run - Run from the menu. Chose to run as Scala



You should see a the hello world output in the Eclipse console. [1] Source code
package greeter object Hello extends App { println("Hello, World!") }

Creating a Scala Worksheet

Creating a Scala Worksheet is very easy:


Right-click on the package greeter in the hello world project that you just created Select New - Scala Worksheet Choose a name for your worksheet (different than Hello or the name you chose for the Scala Object before)


Now you can type some Scala code into the worksheet. Every time you save the file, the content of the worksheet will be evaluated. Copy the following code into the object of your worksheet:
val x = 1 def increase(i: Int) = i + 1 increase(x) //> x : Int = 1 //> increase: (i: Int)Int //> res0: Int = 2

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