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Heredity and Hormones 1

The Influence of Heredity and Hormones on Human Behavior

Axia College of the University of Phoenix

Introduction to Behavior Science / BEH 225

April 22, 2010

Heredity could be defined as the genetic relationship of progeny and parents. At conception, all embryos are gifted genes beginning at each parents gene pool to produce another individual/human being. Heredity informs us on how we inherit traits through the donors genes.

Heredity and Hormones 2 No matter whether the genes are good or bad, these genes will be shared and become characteristics of the fetus. Over the course of time, the fetus will become a human being that is exposed to all the essentials of life that will in turn affect an individuals manners/conducts. Genetics single-handedly does not control an individuals actions. Hormones add to ones routine additionally. Hormones are influential matters secreted by the endocrine glands, counting the thyroid gland, pineal gland, pituitary gland, and adrenal glands, which are passed throughout the blood stream to affect additional parts of the body. Among their many jobs are regulating the body's growth and development, controlling the function of various tissues, supporting pregnancy and other reproductive functions and regulating metabolism (Endocrine System, 1997-2009). Both genetics and hormones persuade human behavior. Behavioral growth starts at conception. Genes from each parent add to the aptitude, personality, capacity, and disorders. In addition, gene-environment relations affect behavior expansion. An individuals behavior growing up could have an adverse affect if they were living in a home with alcoholics. Although alcoholism is not a hereditary disorder through genes, it could be an inherited disorder through behavior and environment. As kids, we do not have the power to control the environment or behavior of those liable for fostering us; on the other hand, our environment and surroundings affect our etiquette and manners. Human behavioral genetics, a relatively new field, seeks to understand both the genetic and environmental contributions to individual variations in human behavior (McInerney, 2008). Additionally, genes taken from each parent contribute to the maturity of the endocrine system. The endocrine system includes the endocrine glands, which creates hormones. A hormone known as thyroxin comes from the secretion of the thyroid gland. Inside the thyroid gland are parathyroid glands, which produce parathormone. Collectively, the thyroid gland and

Heredity and Hormones 3 the parathyroid gland, functions the regulation of the bodys metabolism and calcium equilibrium in the blood. Behavior will alter stipulating the thyroid gland not operating accurately. An under-active thyroid adds to weight gain and exhaustion, two factors which could alter human being behavior based on hormones, not heredity. The pineal gland includes numerous peptides and neurotransmitters; nevertheless, melatonin is the only hormone secreted from this gland. Stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system increases the emission of melatonin from the pineal gland. Melatonin normalizes our dayby-day biological regularities, our slumber-wake successions, and our hormonal alterations throughout puberty. Children tend to produce elevated levels of melatonin leaving one to think that this surplus secretions of melatonin contributes to the amount of sleep young children necessitate. Hormones secreted from the pineal gland are influencing the behavior of insomnia and vigilance of individuals, not heredity. The pancreas provides dual function as an organ, it secretes digestive enzymes into the digestive tract, this is a function of an exocrine organ; in addition, the pancreas secretes insulin and glucose straight into the bloodstream, this emission is a function of an endocrine organ. The hormones work as one to preserve appropriate sugar levels in the blood. Diabetes, a hereditary disease, is a disease of the pancreas caused by a lack of insulin production and lack of the capability to utilize blood sugar as energy. Human behavior alters with this disease because it calls for a whole lifestyle conversion, reflecting on innate qualities with hormones. Hormones secreted from the pituitary gland, frequently referred to as the master gland, stimulate and manage the implementation of nearly all the endocrine glands, in addition to supporting development and controlling the water equilibrium within the body. Being the master gland, it generates the biggest amount of diverse hormones of all the glands. The master gland is

Heredity and Hormones 4 connected to the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus are thought of as the hub of the endocrine system modifying hormonal levels, amending body metabolism, and controlling countless habitual functions of the body. Hereditary and non-hereditary diseases may agitate the

functioning of the pituitary gland. Any disorder or disease affecting the functioning of this pituitary gland will enormously affect ones behavior because of the infinite functions this gland manages. The adrenal glands are also called the anti-stress glands of the body. Secretions of epinephrine enhance the heart rate and blood flow, secretions of noradrenaline affects the blood pressure, and secretions of corticosteroid hormones manages the utilization of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates in addition to repressing inflammatory responses inside the body. The four types of nervous tension, chemical, emotional physical, thermal, and, are not inherited; still, an apprehensive temperament can be increased by living with others that posses apprehensive conduct, a behavior expanded during environmental-behavior heredity. The adrenal glands not only affect the functioning of organs and glands, but additionally they affect feelings and attitudes. One would not survive if they did not have the adrenal hormones. Healthy adrenal glands encourages and to a healthy body. Mutually, heredity and hormones manipulate all factors of human behavior. A number of traits are solely inherent with elevated heritability; while atmospheres, environment, and behavior persuade additional traits with small heritability. Countless traits live by a combination of genetics and environment. Traits inherited could be thought of as the foundation from which every individual can assemble and outline an individuals personal idiosyncratic persona. Hormones could be affected by diet, exercise, and medications. Managing and acclimatizing to

Heredity and Hormones 5 the atmosphere and environment permit for every individual to endure in addition to being in control of his or her own future.

References Endocrine System. (1997-2009). Retrieved April 22,2010 from MSN Encarta:

Heredity and Hormones 6 McInerney, J. (2008). Human Genome Project Information. Retrieved April 22,2010 from U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science:

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