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Programmation 2

Introduction la programmation Java

Course information
Lectures: 6 x 2 hours TPs: 6 x 2 hours Lecturer: Alexandru Costan
alexandru.costan at

TP instructor: Delphine Demange

delphine.demange at

Introduction to Java programming language Inheritance and applications Introduction to Swing Swing interactions Threads Perspectives


Main references (Sun)

The Java Language Specication The Java Virtual Machine Specication The Java Tutorial Books Java Series Books (on the Sun website)

Further readings
Le langage Java: Concepts et pratique -le JDK 5.0, Irne Charon Introduction la programmation objet en Java: Cours et exercices, Jean Brondeau Algorithmique et programmation en Java: Cours et exercices corrigs,Vincent Granet Java 2.0: De l'esprit la mthode, Michel Bonjour, Gilles Falquet, Jacques Guyot, Andr Le Grand Algorithms in Java: Fundamentals, Data Structures, Sorting, Searching, and Graph Algorithms, Robert Sedgewick

Course website

Small project: 20% Main project: 50% Written exam: 30%

Introduction to Java programming language


1991: developed by Sun Microsystems as a small programming language for embedded household devices

Initially called Oak

1995: Java 1.0 released

Write Once, Run Anywhere Became popular with webpages running applets

1997: Standard


1998: Java 1.2, multiple types of platforms


2004: Java 5
Collections, enumerate concurrent programming

2006: open source, GPL

Sun: "Java's evangelist"

Nowadays, widely accepted as a multi-purpose programming language / technology

Portable, safe Object-oriented, component-oriented

Why Java?

Easy to use

Addresses the weaknesses of older programming languages Object-oriented Supports good programming styles

Portability - Interpreter environment Safe

Data always initialized, references always type-safe Access to "private" or "package private" data and methods is rigidly controlled.

Built-in multi-threading

Compiling and interpreting

Program source code compiled into bytecode Bytecode is executed in an interpreter environment (Virtual Machine)
Java VM for Windows Java program .java Java bytecode program .class Java VM for Linux Java VM for Mac OS


Types of Java applications

Desktop application - J2SE

Java Application: normal Java application running on desktops; console or GUI Java Applet: embedded application running within Web browsers JSP, Servlets

Server application - J2EE

Mobile (embedded) application J2ME Java Card Java RMI - distributed programming

Types of Java applications

Desktop application - J2SE

Java Application: normal Java application running on desktops; console or GUI Java Applet: embedded application running within Web browsers JSP, Servlets

Server application - J2EE

Mobile (embedded) application J2ME Java Card Java RMI - distributed programming

Object Oriented Programming

Procedural programming
vs. OOP

Limitations of procedural

Data are separated from processes Passive data, active processes No guarantee of data consistancy and constrainsts Difculty in code maintenance

Object Oriented Programming

Addresses these limitations Data come together with related processing code Guarantee of data consistency Easier maintenance Dene things(objects) which can either do something or have something done to them Create a type(class) for these objects so that you dont have to redo all the work in dening an objects properties and behavior

Hello World

Compile: javac Run: java TestGreeting Result: Hello, world

Are the templates to create objects (by

Each object has the same structure and

behavior as the class from which it was created

Declaring a class
public class CLASSNAME {

Declaring a class
public class CLASSNAME {

elds methods




Every class has a special method(s) called constructor to initialise objects data members

A constructor is invoked when an object is to be created/ allocated by using the new operator Baby myBaby1 = new Baby();

A class may have multiple constructors (overloading)

Distinguished at compile time by having different parameter lists Baby myBaby2 = new Baby("Madonna", false); Baby myBaby3 = new Baby("Bono", 2.5);

When no constructors are dened in source code, a default constructor that requires no arguments and does nothing will be automatically provided.

public class Baby{ String name; boolean isMale; double weight; public Baby(){ name = "John Doe"; isMale = true; weight = 3.1; } public Baby(String babyName, boolean gender){ name = babyName; isMale = gender; weight = 3.1; } public Baby(String babyName, double kilos){ name = babyName; isMale = true; weight = kilos; } }

Access modiers

public: Accessible anywhere by anyone protected: Accessible only to the class itself and to its subclasses or other classes in the same package private: Only accessible within the current class default (no keyword): accessible within the current package

Data types

Java is a strongly typed language

Every variable must have a declared type There are two kinds of data types

Primitive data types

Variables are manipulated via variable names int a = 5;

Reference types
Arrays and objects Manipulated via references GradeBook myGradeBook = new GradeBook();

Primitive data types

Assignment operator =
Baby tom = new Baby("Tom", 2); Baby alex = new Baby("Alex", 3); tom = alex alex.weight = 5; System.out.print(tom.weight);// 5

Copy the reference's content, NOT the

referred object

Assignment operator =
Baby tom = new Baby("Tom", 2); Baby alex = new Baby("Alex", 3); tom = alex alex.weight = 5; System.out.print(tom.weight);// 5

Copy the reference's content, NOT the

referred object

Reference types
public class Baby{ String name; boolean isMale; double weight; public Baby(){ name = "John Doe"; isMale = true; weight = 3.5; } public void eat(double food){ weight = weight + food; } Baby tom; tom = new Baby();;

Heap memory a Baby object

Baby tom name isMale weight

Objects are manipulated via references Object references store object locations in computers memory NO explicit pointers in Java (no direct access to the references) NO pointer operators Directly handle attributes and methods Assignments (=) of references do NOT copy objects content

Equality operators: ==and !=

Compare the content of the variables

Value of primitive data Value of references

i.e. check if they point to the same object, NOT whether the content of the objects are the same

int n1 = 1; int n2 = 1; System.out.println(n1 == n2); //true Baby baby1 = new Baby("Tom"); Baby baby2 = new Baby("Tom"); System.out.println(baby1 == baby2); //false

Equality operators: ==and !=

Compare the content of the variables

Value of primitive data Value of references

i.e. check if they point to the same object, NOT whether the content of the objects are the same

int n1 = 1; int n2 = 1; System.out.println(n1 == n2); //true Baby baby1 = new Baby("Tom"); Baby baby2 = new Baby("Tom"); System.out.println(baby1 == baby2); //false

Equality operators: ==and !=

Compare the content of the variables

Value of primitive data Value of references

i.e. check if they point to the same object, NOT whether the content of the objects are the same

int n1 = 1; int n2 = 1; System.out.println(n1 == n2); //true Baby baby1 = new Baby("Tom"); Baby baby2 = new Baby("Tom"); System.out.println(baby1 == baby2); //false

Garbage collection

To reclaim the memory occupied by objects that are no longer in use Programmers dont have to deallocate objects Java Virtual Machine (JVM) performs automatic garbage collection

Method finalize() is called by JVM, not by programmers Guarantees no memory leaks

However, theres no guarantee when/whether an object is freed before the program terminates
Might not be needed as memory is still available Clean-up tasks must be done explicitly by other clean-up methods

The this reference

this: the reference that points to the current object (from inside). usage of this:

explicit reference to objects attributes and methods parameter passing and return value calling constructor from inside constructor

The this reference

this: the reference that points to the current object (from inside). usage of this:

explicit reference to objects attributes and methods parameter passing and return value calling constructor from inside constructor

Static types and methods

Applies to elds and methods Means the eld/method is dened for the class declaration is not unique for each instance Static methods can't access non-static attributes can't call non-static methods


Each class belongs to a package Classes in the same package serve a similar purpose Packages are just directories Classes in other packages need to be imported All classes "see" classes in the same package (no import needed) All classes "see" classes in java.lang

ex: java.lang.String; java.lang.System


Denition package; class Foo{ ... }

Usage import; import*; Specic packages java.lang, java.util,, java.awt,, java.applet

Standard I/O

Three stream objects automatically created when a Java program begins executing System.out: standard output stream object

normally enables a program to output data to the screen (console) ex: System.out.println("some text");

System.err: standard error stream object

normally enables a program to output error messages to the screen standard input stream object

normally enables a program to input bytes from the keyboard

Indexed list of values: TYPE[] The index starts at 0 and ends at length-1.
int[] values; values = new int[5]; int size = values.length; int[][] M = new int[3][2]; int[] primes = {1,2,3,5,7};

String - constant strings (non-modiable)
String ch1 = new String("bonjour"); String ch2 = "au revoir"; String ch3 = ch1+ch2; int i = ch1.indexOf('j'); char c = ch2.charAt(3);

StringBuffer - mutable strings

StringBuffer sb1 = new StringBuffer(ch1); sb1.append('x'); sb1.insert(3,"yyy");

Constant data
final attribute

primitive data types: constant values reference types: constant references

final int number = 7; number = ...; //NO! number++; //NO! final Robot R2D2 = new Robot(); R2D2 = ...; //NO! R2D2.positionX = 15; //YES! R2D2.positionY = 20; //YES!

Constant data
final attribute

primitive data types: constant values reference types: constant references

final int number = 7; number = ...; //NO! number++; //NO! final Robot R2D2 = new Robot(); R2D2 = ...; //NO! R2D2.positionX = 15; //YES! R2D2.positionY = 20; //YES!

Constant data
final attribute

primitive data types: constant values reference types: constant references

final int number = 7; number = ...; //NO! number++; //NO! final Robot R2D2 = new Robot(); R2D2 = ...; //NO! R2D2.positionX = 15; //YES! R2D2.positionY = 20; //YES!

Constant data
final attribute

primitive data types: constant values reference types: constant references

final int number = 7; number = ...; //NO! number++; //NO! final Robot R2D2 = new Robot(); R2D2 = ...; //NO! R2D2.positionX = 15; //YES! R2D2.positionY = 20; //YES!

Constant data
final attribute

primitive data types: constant values reference types: constant references

final int number = 7; number = ...; //NO! number++; //NO! final Robot R2D2 = new Robot(); R2D2 = ...; //NO! R2D2.positionX = 15; //YES! R2D2.positionY = 20; //YES!

Constant data
final attribute

primitive data types: constant values reference types: constant references

final int number = 7; number = ...; //NO! number++; //NO! final Robot R2D2 = new Robot(); R2D2 = ...; //NO! R2D2.positionX = 15; //YES! R2D2.positionY = 20; //YES!

Exception handling
If a method p() uses a method q() susceptible to trigger an exception: catch and handle the exception
void p(){ ... try { ... q() ...} catch(xxxException e){//handling e} }

or, propagate the exception void p() throws xxxException{ ... q() ...}

xxxException: derived from Exception or RuntimeException ex: IOException, NullPointerException, NumberFormatException, IndexOutOfBoundsException finally{ ... } associated with a try{...} block, typically for cleanup purposes (closing les, freeing resources)

Create your own exceptions

By extending the java.lang.Exception class Typically dene constructor(s) and redene the toString() method
public class ExceptionRien extends Exception { int nbChaines; public ExceptionRien(int nombre) { nbChaines = nombre; } public String toString() { return "ExceptionRien : aucune des " + nbChaines + " chaines n'est valide"; } }

Usage: ... throw new ExceptionRien();

To take away
object oriented programming language data centric classes: models; objects: instances objects handled through references extensive API

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