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It Is Finished

John 19:30 when Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, “It is finished”;
and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost.

Many a truth about the death and victory of Christ can be gleaned from those three words – it is finished!
These three words are similar in power and scope as the two words the Lord gave to Moses at the burning
bush when asked what His Name was – I AM. To our trained and educated minds, both phrases are open-
ended and incomplete. However, both indicate a vastness to the One we are dealing with. To our minds they
should ever be open-ended; because our needs as mankind are infinite, so is the provision of our Lord and

It is finished! The Greek word used here was used in accounting and could be translated “paid in full”.
While NOT open-ended in being incomplete as to what was done; it is open-ended from our point of view
as to what was paid in full. We sing some glorious songs of praise such as “He paid a debt He did not
owe; I owed a debt I could not pay…” What debt did we owe? Was it financial? Was it a job undone? Was
it the failing to keep a vow or commitment? The list could be endless – maybe not for each one of us, but
remember our Lord was paying the debt for all of mankind – which is unfathomably big.

There is another song I recall from my youth:

They took my lovely Savior

And they nailed Him to a tree
They took my lovely Savior
And they nailed Him there for me
My sins which were so many
Just bore Him down with shame
But He arose triumphant!
Oh praise His Name!

The scriptures declare that God in Christ Jesus came to “seek and save the lost.” From the time of the sin
of our first parents Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden; God has been calling out “Adam where art
thou?” God was never lost, but mankind was – and unfortunately many are yet in that state today – by
choice. Man can never find Him who is Holy and far above all. Man’s sinful mind cannot even conceive of
what our Lord is actually like! Having said this; God has revealed himself in measure to Adam’s entire
race. An African idol-maker was so intrigued by his hand and finger movements that he declared while
looking at his hand and flexing his fingers; “I want to serve the God who made these; not this idol of wood
I am making.” The Lord; who gave all in the death of His Son would turn heaven and earth to reach such a
one – someone came with the Gospel and the man was gloriously saved. When a person will walk in the
light he has, God gives more light; for He is ever seeking to save the lost.

Jesus came to seek and save. He willingly gave His life as ransom to pay the debt mankind had. He arose
the third day to prove His sacrificial death and payment were fully accepted. He now “ever lives” to ensure
the benefits of what He accomplished are ours. Jesus paid it all; All to Him I owe; Sin had left a crimson
stain; He washed it white as snow!

When Jesus gave the triumphant shout “It is finished” it was just that – triumphant and not a shout of
defeat. Everything required for man’s full and eternal salvation was completed,

There’s nothing more that I can do; Jesus paid it all.

What a glorious thought!

Rom 4:5 But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the
ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.
Eph 2:8 for by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the
gift of God:

John 10:28 and I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither
shall any man pluck them out of my hand.

Saved by grace – unmerited favor; no works involved; given eternal life; a completed finished work; where
is room for despair or doubt? I would humbly ask those gainsayers; “What part of eternal life do they not
understand and what part of shall never perish do they not understand?” If one is a born-again child of
God, you are in Jesus’ hands – and He said no one would be able to pluck us from His hand.

Dear child of God; falling into temptation and sin doesn’t mean:
- you’re not saved
- you are lost again
- you’ve “jumped out of His hand”
- you must be saved again

NO! It is times like these that we need to understand the Finished Work of Christ. The only thing lost at
these times is fellowship with Him and the sense of His nearness. Restoration of these are immediate when
a simple confession to Jesus of our failure is made and a request for His strength to overcome. Don’t rashly
promise never to do it again – because you surely will in your own strength.

Pro 3:5-6 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own
understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

I find I always want to do something towards my salvation – but IT IS FINISHED! Rest on Him. Thank
Him continually. Enjoy the benefits of His finished work. We are eternally saved. When Satan comes with
his lies say: “It is written…It is finished.” Once the enemy knows that you know, he will leave you alone.
Don’t bow to the bondage of self-effort; we can never reach the mark this way. Take what has been given as
a free gift of Grace. Everything we need is included; yes everything!

Open our eyes Lord that we may behold wondrous things from thy Word. Amen.

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