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clc; close all img=imread('test01.

jpg'); % img as an m by n by 3 matrix imshow(img),title('original'); img; % look at the matrix m = size(img,1); % number of rows n = size(img,2); % number of columns p = size(img,3); % 3 values(RGB) for each pixel img1=rgb2ycbcr(img); ycbcr_skin = zeros(m,n); r=img(:,:,1); % r,g,b are all matrices here having dimensions m by n and contain the respective r g and b color values for each pixel g=img(:,:,2); b=img(:,:,3); y=img1(:,:,1); % y cb and cr values of each pixel after converting image into ycbcr color tone cb=img1(:,:,2); cr=img1(:,:,3); %figure; %imshow(img1); % display the ycbcr image cr1=137;% threshold values of cb and cr for skin region cr2=177; cb1=90; cb2=130; for i = 1:m%this will check all the pixel with the threshold values of cb and cr and assign value 1 for that pixel for j = 1:n if(cr(i,j)>cr1 && cr(i,j)<cr2 && cb(i,j)>cb1 && cb(i,j)<cb2) ycbcr_skin(i,j)=1; end end end %ycbcr_skin; final_ycbcr = zeros(m,n); for i = 1:m%making a matrix with original pixel values for skin region and 0 for non skin tone regions for j = 1:n if(ycbcr_skin(i,j)==1) final_ycbcr(i,j)=img(i,j); end end

end figure; subplot(221),imshow(final_ycbcr),title('binary mask for ycbcr mode'); %%%%%%% for the hsv mode ------img1=rgb2hsv(img); m=size(img1,1); n=size(img1,2); h=zeros(m,n); s=zeros(m,n); v=zeros(m,n); for i=1:m for j=1:n h(i,j)=360*img1(i,j,1); end end s=img1(:,:,2); v=img1(:,:,3); max(max(s)) hsv_skin=zeros(m,n); for i=1:m for j=1:n if(h(i,j)>0 && h(i,j)<50 && .23<s(i,j) && .68>s(i,j)) hsv_skin(i,j)=1; end end end for i=1:m for j=1:n if(hsv_skin(i,j)==1) final_hsv(i,j)=img(i,j); end end end final_hsv; subplot(222),imshow(hsv_skin),title('binary mask for hsv mode'); %%%%% from rgb mode %r1=180; %r2=249; %g1=130; %g2=195; %b1=120;

%b2=215; rgb_skin=zeros(m,n); final_rgb=zeros(m,n); for i=1:m for j=1:n if(r(i,j)>95 && g(i,j)>40 && b(i,j)>20) if(max(max(r(i,j),g(i,j)),b(i,j))min(min(r(i,j),g(i,j)),b(i,j))>15) if(abs(r(i,j)-b(i,j))>15 && r(i,j)>b(i,j) && r(i,j)>g(i,j)) rgb_skin(i,j)=1; end end end end end for i=1:m for j=1:n
if(rgb_skin(i,j)==1) final_rgb(i,j)=img(i,j); end end end subplot(223),imshow(final_rgb),title('binary mask for rgb mode'); combo_skin=zeros(m,n); for i=1:m for j=1:n combo_skin(i,j)=ycbcr_skin(i,j)+rgb_skin(i,j) +hsv_skin(i,j); end end noofskinpixels=0; final_combo=zeros(m,n); for i=1:m for j=1:n if combo_skin(i,j)~=0 final_combo(i,j)=img(i,j); noofskinpixels= noofskinpixels+1; end end end subplot(224),imshow(final_combo),title('binary mask of all 3 color modes'); %%%%%to calculate the number of connected components in the final skin tone %%%%%image obtained L = BWLABEL(combo_skin,8); L1 = max(max(L)) pixval('ON'); %%%% to count the number of pixels in each connected segment

count=zeros(1,max(max(L))); for k=1:L1 for i = 1:m for j=1:n if(k==L(i,j)) count(k) = count(k)+1; end end end end count max(count); k=61; tempimage=zeros(m,n); for i=1:m for j=1:n if(L(i,j)==k)

tempimage(i,j)=1; %%%%%%this loop is to see which portion of the image is selected at a particular value of k end end end %figure; %imshow(tempimage); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ratio=zeros(1,L1); %% ratio is the array to store the ratio of length and width of each segment x1=zeros(1,L1); x2=zeros(1,L1); y1=zeros(1,L1); y2=zeros(1,L1); length=zeros(1,L1); width=zeros(1,L1); for k=1:L1 temp=0; for i=1:m for j=1:n if(k==L(i,j)) temp=temp+1; if(temp==1) x1(k)=i; end if(temp==count(k)) x2(k)=i; end end

end end temp=0; for j=1:n for i=1:m if(k==L(i,j)) temp=temp+1; if(temp==1) y1(k)=j; end if(temp==count(k)) y2(k)=j; end end end end length(k) = x2(k)-x1(k); width(k) = y2(k)-y1(k); if(length(k) ~= 0 && width(k) ~= 0 ) ratio(k)=length(k)/width(k); end end x1; x2; y1; y2; ratio temp=0; skinthresh=zeros(1,L1); for k=1:L1 if(length(k)~=0 && width(k)~=0) skinthresh(k)=count(k)/(length(k).*width(k)); end end skinthresh %%% we define a golden ratio(gr) and tolerance(t)to check wether a given segment has %%% dimensions of the face or not finaloutput=zeros(m,n); gr= (1+sqrt(5))/2 t=.65; gr1=gr+t

gr2=gr-t figure; imshow(img); hold('on') for k=1:L1 if(gr2<=ratio(k) && ratio(k)<=gr1 && skinthresh(k)>=.56 && count(k)>100) color('red'); rectangle('position',[y1(k),x1(k),width(k),length(k)]); k count(k) ratio(k) for i=1:m for j=1:n if(L(i,j)==k) finaloutput(i,j)=1; end end end end end figure; imshow(finaloutput); %%%below is code for cb vs cr graph for skin region cb1=zeros(1,noofskinpixels+1); cr1=zeros(1,noofskinpixels+1); y1=zeros(1,noofskinpixels+1); temp=1; for i=1:m for j=1:n if(combo_skin(i,j)==1) cb1(temp)=cr(i,j); cr1(temp)=cb(i,j); y1(temp)=y(i,j); temp=temp+1; end end end %figure; %stem(cb1,'b.');title('cb'); %figure; %stem(cr1,'b.');title('cr');

%figure; %stem(y1,'b.');title('y'); figure stem(cb1,y1,'r.'); %figure; %stem(cb1,'r.'); %hold('on'); %stem(cr1,'g.'); %stem(y,'b.');

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