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Youth Devotional

Creation to Christ- Week 5

©Tad Wychopen 2009

Day 1
Daily Reading: Genesis 40:1-23; Psalm 48

If you were unjustly accused and then thrown into prison, how would you respond? Would you become
upset and frustrated with God? Or, would you respond with a proper attitude? God’s hand of blessing and
protection was on the life of Joseph. Joseph was thrown into prison after being falsely accused by Potiphar’s
wife. Even in prison, Joseph served the Lord; he even came to a leadership position in the prison!

1.) Whom did Pharaoh send to prison?

2.) Who was responsible to take care of them in prison? (40:4)

3.) Both the butler and baker had a dream. Why were they so saddened about the dreams? (8-9)

4.) To whom did Joseph say that the interpretation of dreams belongs?

Explanation: God knew the interpretation of the dream and allowed Joseph to tell it to the butler and the
baker. Joseph knew from where his power came and made sure to give all the glory to God.

5.) Read the butlers dream and Joseph’s interpretation in verses 9-13. What would happen to the butler?

6.) What was Josephs request for the butler in verse 14?

7.) Did Joseph deserve to be put in prison? (15)

8.) Read about the chief bakers dream in verses 16-19. What would happen to the baker?

9.) Did the interpretations come true? (20-22)

10.)Joseph only asked one thing from the baker- to ask Pharaoh for Josephs release! Did the butler
remember to do that?

Explanation: Joseph continued to trust and obey God. He helped the butler, but the butler forgot to help
Joseph. Joseph continued to obey during a difficult situation. Joseph was committed to honoring God.
Joseph would be tempted to get upset and mad at God for not letting the butler get him out; however, God’s
plan is always best, so Joseph remained obedient to God.

Application: Often, we don’t know what God will do or how he will use a certain situation in our life.
However, that is no excuse to disobey God and stop doing what you know is right. We need to simply trust
and obey. God’s plan is perfect; trust Him to lead your life.

~In what areas are you not allowing the Lord to lead your life?

Day 2
Daily Reading: Genesis 41:1-57; Proverbs 5

Joseph was unjustly placed into prison. His butler friend forgot him in prison. This is exactly what God
wanted. God put Joseph in the right place for the right time. God used a humble man for a great task, but
sometimes God must humble a man before he can exalt that person. Look how God exalts a humbled
1.) Describe the dreams that Pharaoh had.

2.) Who told Pharaoh about Joseph’s ability to interpret dreams?

3.) Whom did Joseph say would be able to give the interpretation to Pharaoh’s dream? (16)

Explanation: No one in Egypt could interpret the dream of Pharaoh. The butler remembered that Joseph
interpreted his dream correctly. Pharaoh gave Joseph a chance to interpret the dream. Joseph made sure that
everyone knew who was responsible for giving Joseph a correct interpretation! God gave the interpretation!

4.) Was Joseph able to interpret the dreams? (25-32)

5.) What did the dreams mean?

6.) What advice did Joseph give to Pharaoh concerning the dreams? (33-36)

7.) Whom did Pharaoh put in power to oversee this operation? Why? (38)

8.) Did the dreams happen as Joseph said? (46-55)

9.) Was the famine just in Egypt or was it worldwide?

Explanation: Pharaoh recognized the Lords blessing on the life of Joseph. Pharaoh was wise enough to put
Joseph in power; God had tremendously blessed Joseph! It is amazing to see how the Lord uses situations
and circumstances for His glory. The life of Joseph could have seemed like a disaster; however, God blessed
a faithful servant in extraordinary ways! Joseph did not obey God in vain; God blesses obedience.

Application: During difficult situations, you must continue to trust the Lord. There is no reason to disobey.
God’s word is always true and faithful. We should be faithful to Him. Joseph never complained about his
situation. Are you tempted to complain during hard times? When your parents ask you to do something you
don’t want to, what is your response? Imagine how Joseph would have responded. Joseph would obey.

Day 3
Daily Reading: Genesis 42:1-38; Psalm 49

God is really awesome. He knows the future and ordains events to happen for His glory. When He does
something that is hard to understand, our response should be continued obedience. Joseph learned to obey
and humble himself before the Lord. Had his brothers learned to do the same?

1.) Read Genesis 41:57 and 42:1-2. Why did Jacob tell his sons to go to Egypt?

2.) How did Josephs brothers respond to Joseph when the came to Egypt? (3-6)

Explanation: Josephs dreams came true (Genesis 37:5-8)! His brothers came to him for help and bowed
down before him. They did not recognize Joseph for at least four reasons. 1. At least 15 years had passed. 2.
He looked Egyptian. 3. He treated them as spies. 4. They thought that Joseph was dead. Joseph’s brothers
had no idea to whom they were talking!

3.) Read verses 8-17. Why did Joseph want to test his brothers?

4.) Notice what Joseph said in verse 18: “I fear God.” He was saying that his God was the same as his
brothers! Did his brothers realize what Joseph was saying?
5.) Whom did Joseph want them to bring to him?

6.) Did Joseph’s brothers regret selling Joseph into slavery? (21-22)

7.) What did Joseph do to his brother’s moneys bags?

8.) Why did Jacob not want to release Benjamin to go to Egypt? (36-38)

9.) Do you believe that God had a plan in this situation?

Explanation: God was using Joseph in a very special way. Joseph was testing his brothers to see what they
would do. Joseph was honest, but he wanted to be sure that his brothers were also honest. Joseph was
learning how God was providing through him for his family.

Application: We don’t always know what God wants to do through certain situations, but we can rest
assured that God will make things happen for his eternal glory. Have you been trusting God in all your life?

Day 4
Daily Reading: Genesis 43-44:34; Proverbs 6

Have you seen God really change your life? Have you seen God change a person’s life that was once very
wicked and disobedient? Joseph’s brothers hated Joseph when he was a young man. They hated him so
much that they wanted to kill him, but then sold him into slavery. Then they lied to their father about the
death of Joseph. Some of his brothers committed very immoral, wicked acts. Joseph tested his brothers to
see if they had changed.

1.) Did Jacob let Benjamin go to Egypt with his brother? (43:1-16)

2.) Were Josephs brothers honest about the extra money that they previously found in their bags? (17-

3.) How did Joseph respond when he saw his brother Benjamin? (29-31)

4.) Were Benjamin brothers upset when Benjamin received five times more food? (43:34)

Explanation: Joseph tested his brothers to see if they would have any resentment towards Benjamin. They
did not have any! His brothers had learned from their previous sins against Joseph. Joseph was beginning to
trust his brothers. However, he still wanted to make sure that they were trustworthy.

5.) What did Joseph want his servant to do? (44:1-5)

6.) What did Joseph’s brothers do when they found the cup in Benjamin’s bag? (12-13)

7.) Whom did Joseph want to keep as a slave for the crime?

8.) Why did Judah plead with Joseph to let Benjamin go?

Explanation: The brothers of Joseph had definitely changed. They were grieved to see the cup in
Benjamin’s bag. Judah had been the one to convince his brothers to sell Joseph into slavery. Now, Judah was
begging for the life of Benjamin in exchange for his. Judah had grown to love his father and Benjamin. Only
God could work such a change in the life of Judah.

Application: Sometimes God used interesting circumstances to humble and ready his servants for His
service. God used the life of Joseph to help humble Judah. Have you realized your need to humble yourself
before God? What will God have to do to humble you? God has a plan for you! Will you humbly, obediently
follow Him?

Day 5
Daily Reading: Genesis 45-46:7 ; Psalm 50

Joseph could finally trust his brothers. He knew that they had completely changed. What an exciting time for
Joseph, he had been gone from his family for 22 years. Now he was able to be reunited with his family. It is
amazing to see God’s plan unfold in Joseph’s life.

1.) What did Joseph do after Judah tried to convince him not to take Benjamin as a slave? (1-2)

2.) How did Joseph’s brothers respond to the revelation that they were before Joseph? (3)

3.) In verses 4-8, how many times does Joseph refer to God sending him to Egypt?

Explanation: Joseph could have been upset and angry; instead, he forgave his brothers and declared that
God had sent him to Egypt so that he could provide for his family! Joseph knew that God had sent him to
Egypt for a reason. It is clear that God ordained and planned the events in Joseph’s life.

4.) What did Joseph want his brothers to do? (9-13)

5.) Read verses 14-15. Do you think Joseph was glad to see his family?

6.) Did Joseph’s brothers return to Canaan to get their father and possessions to return to live in Egypt?

7.) How did Jacob respond when he heard that Joseph was alive? (25-27)

8.) How did Jacob know that he should go to Egypt? (46:1-4)

9.) Did Jacob and his sons go to Egypt as God had commanded?

Explanation: Joseph’s brothers had committed a terrible crime against Joseph, but he willingly forgave
them! Joseph could have taken the lives of his brothers, but instead he gave them plenty of provisions so that
they could return to Egypt and live in safety. God worked through the life of a man that was willing to obey
Him. Joseph could have become upset or discouraged; however, he continued to trust the Lord. His
obedience led to the blessing of his family and even much of the world!

Application: It is amazing what God can do with a servant that is completely willing to trust and obey him.
Joseph dedicated himself to God and God faithfully blessed Joseph. From the life of Joseph, we can see the
importance of trusting God even through difficult circumstances. God’s plan is always best. Think about
your own life. How are you trusting and obeying God with your future plans? Commit yourself to the Lord
and He will guide you and protect you.

Day 6
Daily Reading: Acts 9-10; Proverbs 7
Read Acts 9-10. In three or more sentences, explain the events of these chapters in Acts. Look for any
special events that happened to the Gentiles.
Day 7
Daily Reading: Proverbs 8; Psalm 51
From Proverbs 8, write down four statements that point to the importance of wisdom.

Psalm 51 is a wonderful chapter to remember. It is David’s prayer of repentance to God after he committed
adultery with Bathsheba. Read this chapter slowly and carefully. Notice how David declares that his sin is
against almighty God. God wants a broken heart that is willing to obey Him. Write out two verses that make
an impact in your mind. Try to memorize those two verses.

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