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Youth Devotional

Creation to Christ- Week 10

©Tad Wychopen 2009

Day 1
Daily Reading: Numbers 10:11-13; 13; Proverbs 25

God continued to give commands and instructions to Israel at Mount Sinai. The tabernacle was set so that
the people would have a place to worship God. They didn’t worship idols, or the ark; they worshipped
Jehovah God. In Numbers, there are a few instances recorded of Israel’s unbelief and disobedience. We
should learn from their mistakes. Unbelief leads to difficulty, but obedience leads to favor with God. We
must listen to God – believe and obey!

1.) What happened in Numbers 10:11-13?

Explanation: The children of Israel had been at Mount Sinai for a while, but now God wanted them to
move. Eventually, the children of Israel would make it to the boarder of Canaan - the Promised Land. God
told Abraham that his descendants would be given this land.

2.) What did the Lord want the children of Israel to do in Numbers 13:1-3?

3.) What did Moses want these men to look for? (Num. 13:17-20)

4.) How long were they in the land spying on it?

5.) What was the first report of the land? (verses 26-29)

6.) What was Caleb’s opinion of the situation?

7.) Why were some of the spies so afraid? (verses 31-33)

Explanation: There were mixed emotions among the spies: some wanted to go into the land of Canaan, but
most wanted to stay out. The feared the people of Canaan and did not trust God, yet God had already
promised the land to Israel.

Application: Doubt and unbelief are like two good friends that seek to destroy and hurt the things of God.
Are you controlled by doubt and unbelief, or are you bold for God? Stand up and be bold for the Lord!

Day 2
Daily Reading: Numbers 14:1-45; Psalm 68

The children of Israel were at a point of decision: they could believe God and enter the Promised Land, or
they could doubt and not enter.

1.) Read Numbers 14:1-4. What was the response of the children of Israel? Where did they want to

2.) Who spoke up and suggested that they enter the land of Canaan?

3.) After these men spoke up and said, “Don’t fear,” what did the congregation of Israel want to do?

4.) For their disobedience, the children of Israel deserved to die. What prevented the Lord from
immediately killing all of them? (verses 13-19)
Explanation: Caleb and Joshua wanted to go into Canaan and conquer the land since the Lord had promised
it to them. However, the children of Israel were afraid and did not enter. The Lord could have killed them for
their disobedience. Instead, the Lord was merciful; this proved the greatness and glory of the Lord.
5.) How many times had the children of Israel tested the Lord? (verse 22)

6.) According to verse 29, what would happen to the ones that complained?

7.) Who would be spared and allowed to enter the land? (verses 30-31)

8.) How many years would they be in the wilderness? Why? (verses 34-35)

9.) In verses 37 and 38, who died and why?

10.)Once Israel realized their mistake, what did they want to do? Was it a good idea? (verses 39-43)

11.)Did they succeed in entering the land? (verses 44-45)

Explanation: The punishment for the unbelieving was 40 years of wandering in the wilderness. All of that
generation, except Caleb and Joshua, would die. Only the people 20 years and younger would be allowed to
enter the Promised Land. God’s punishment was harsh, but also more merciful than they deserved!

Application: When someone tells you something and you don’t believe them, you are calling them a liar.
The children of Israel heard God’s promise, but didn’t believe it. They were calling God a liar. If you don’t
believe God’s Word, you are calling Him a liar. Do you believe and obey, or are you calling God a liar?
Remember this principle: the promises and predictions of God ALWAYS come true. God never lies and He
never makes a mistake. That fact makes God very trustworthy. Do you trust Him?

Day 3
Daily Reading: Proverbs 26; Psalm 69

Read Proverbs 26. Write down five things that a fool does. Write down three comments from Proverbs 26
that talk about a person’s speech.

Read Psalm 69 and write down two reasons from this passage as to why you can trust the Lord.
Day 4
Daily Reading: Numbers 20:1-6; Proverbs 27
Have you ever complained about something? The children of Israel continually complained while they were
in the wilderness. They did not completely trust God to provide for their needs. Complaining shows our lack
of commitment to God and a lack of belief in God.

1.) What was the problem given in Numbers 20:2?

2.) Look back to Exodus 17:1-7. There was a similar problem at that time. How did God solve the
problem in Exodus 17?

3.) Numbers 20: 3-5 lists the complaint of the children of Israel. Summarize their complaint.

4.) What did Moses and Aaron do after they heard the complaints?

Explanation: Moses and Aaron went before the Lord to report this incident. The children of Israel did not
trust the Lord, as they should have. Moses and Aaron asked the Lord for wisdom.

5.) What did the Lord tell Moses to do about the lack of water? (verse 7-9)

6.) Read verses 10 and 11. Did Moses obey God by just speaking to the rock?

7.) What did God tell Moses his punishment would be for his disobedience? (verse 12)

Explanation: Moses was not above God’s command. He had to learn a very hard lesson: God demands
obedience. The children of Israel were a complaining people. God punished their disobedience, and Moses
had to learn that God would also punish his disobedience.

Application: Every person on earth is a disobedient sinner. No one is above God’s law, and no one can
escape the punishment for sin. Every person, even someone as good as Moses, needs a Savior from sin. Man
is helpless to save himself!

Day 5
Daily Reading: Numbers 21:4-9; Psalm 70

Some people never learn. They disobey God and never learn from the consequences. The Children of Israel
did not learn from their previous mistakes. God has to punish sin; the children of Israel would learn that
truth the hard way. Although God must punish sin and disobedience, He is also loving, kind, and merciful!

1.) Read Numbers 21:4. Why had the people become discouraged and impatient? (Numbers 20:14-21
can help explain)

2.) What did the people say against God and Moses in Numbers 21:5?

3.) What did the Lord send to the people because of their complaining? What happened to them?

Explanation: God sent snakes to bite and kill the people because of their complaining. Was God just and
fair in doing this? Of course! God had clearly provided for them, and He had given them a clear warning
that sin leads to death. God is always just in punishing sin and disobedience. Fortunately for the children of
Israel and for all of humanity, God is also very merciful and gracious.

4.) What did the people realize that they had done against God? Did they repent?
5.) What did God tell Moses to make?

6.) What would the people have to do to live after the snakebite?

Explanation: Israel complained against God. Sin demands a punishment. Many people realized their sin and
repented. God then gave them a way to be saved from the snakes bite. Some people might have ignored this
simple solution. It is possible that some did not believe that looking at the stick with a snake would heal
them. No matter what happened, God was just in sending the snakes and He was merciful to give a way to
be cured.

Application: God has to punish your sin, but He has also sent Jesus Christ to be your Savior from sin. Your
sin demands the punishment of eternal death in Hell. The only way to avoid that is by coming to God on His
terms. We must come to God through Christ Jesus. God’s way may seem too easy or simple, but it is the
only way to have eternal life! Rejecting God’s method of salvation is a foolish choice! Repent of your sins
and believe in Christ- that is God’s plan for salvation. Consider doing that today if you have never done that
before. Repent of your complaining and bitter attitude towards God and the things of God. Let God be the
one that controls your life!

Day 6
Daily reading: Acts 19-20; Proverbs 28

Write a brief 2-3 sentence summary of these chapters in Acts.

Day 7
Daily Reading: Psalm 71; Proverbs 29

Read Proverbs 29. Compare and contrast the differences between a person that wants to obey God and a
person that does not desire to obey. Write down a few of your thoughts.

Read Psalm 71. Write down at least two things from this Psalm that give you comfort and joy. Write down
three reasons why you can trust God even in the face of adversity and danger.

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