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Archive for July, 2011

L e a p o f f a i t h
Posted in Ability, Achievements, Action, Be Positive, C hange Self, C ommitment, discipline, Enthusiasm, Hope, Hurdles, Motivation, Opportunity, self belief, tagged Action, Enthusiasm, Hope, self belief, work on July 29, 2011 | 4 C omments

Academy for Creative Training

Hope is not the conviction that something will turn out well but the certainty that something makes sense, regardless of how it turns out Vaclav Havel At the outset let me thank all those who took time out to comment and give a feedback on my previous post and for their warm appreciation of the blog in general. During this last 6 days there has been a spurt in the viewership with over 2,400 more views and 20 more followers. A year and half ago, when I first began writing this blog, I had no clue as to how the whole adventure would turn out. On hindsight I now realize that it was my passionate belief that I had something interesting, important and invaluable to share irrespective of who would appreciate, acknowledge and act on it that spurred me to plunge headlong into writing this blog . The quotes for today , in m any way s unlock the secret to m aking that leap of faith . The tragedy that befalls many is that they suffer from a syndrome called paralysis by analysis. At various times each one of us may also have briefly fallen victim to this ailment, w here our ability to think and act seem to freeze, more so w hen the stakes are very high because we do not want to fail. Choosing betw een tw o equally appealing alternatives, deciding on a course of action w hen the end outcome is extremely uncertain and identifying the w ay ahead w hen the heart urges and the head rules, are typical situations that sap our confidence, dent our self belief and dash our hopes of seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. The net result is that w e procrastinate, go forw ard tentatively, keep looking over our shoulder and /or take a half cocked stance leaving us stranded in no mans land. Logic is the bugbear of hope. W ith or w ithout substantial analysis, based on past experience, our classroom or imbibed learning and our rational unemotional structured thought process w e come to some conclusions. The problem w ith logic is that if it is not structured properly, w e tend to arrive at conclusions that meet our preconceived hypothesis. How ever, there is alw ays that nagging feeling that something is not right that keeps pricking us and in the stalemate between logic and feeling we choose to do nothing in the belief that there w ill be clarity soon or that the problem w ill be solved over time. Inaction often leads to missed opportunities, stress and frustration and futile attempts to justify the status quo. The handmaid of logic is analysis. Analysis is definitely a tool that aids and supplements the decision making process to arrive at logical conclusions. What limits its effectiveness though is complete reliance on it, for pure analysis has strong limitations in front of human emotions, sentiments and quirks. Moreover, one needs to make allow ances for unexpected dynamics that can w aylay the most carefully chalked out plans. This situation is common enough in daily life be it choosing a career path, making a career shift, choosing a spouse, making investment decisions etc. This does not make analysis redundant, but merely reinforces the fact that analysis cannot be stretched beyond a point and that once broad facts are know n and some conclusions reached w e need to pause and listen to our heart. Those who attain success are people who identify what they can successfully and substantially contribute to and then use the tools of logic 1/8

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an analy sis to narrow down the risks and use their im agination and hearts to widen the net of success. They are the ones who take that giant leap of faith not because they can see the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow but because they know they can create the rainbow. Remember: When you do nothing, you feel overwhelmed and powerless. But when you get involved, you feel the sense of hope and accomplishment that comes from knowing you are working to make things better. Try this: 1. Identify the 3 strengths/ qualities/ abilities/ skill sets/expertise/passion that you posses and w hich you can utilize to make the w orld around you a better place. Eg. You are a good painter and you can teach art to economically disadvantaged children or you have great dexterity w ith anything to do w ith mechanical things or you are a good singer and you offer your time and services free to old age homes/ orphanages / some NGOs running vocational schools etc. 2. At various times you may have felt the urge to do something for society at large. It could be taking care of stray animals or it could be vociferously fighting to keep strays at bay in the larger interests of the common man w ho could be running the risk of being chased by/ bitten. No matter w hat your objective is, w hat have you done more than merely thinking about it? How can you proactively involve yourself in the cause that tugs at your heartstrings? This post is courtesy Y ou are also invited to visit our Inspirational and Motivational Blog Read Full Post

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Posted in Achievements, Action, belief, C ommitment, C ount Blessings, Difficulties, discipline, Goal, happiness, Motivation, Perseverance, Reactions, Time Management, Visualization, tagged Feedback, happiness, Joy, Promise, Success, Thank you, Update on July 24, 2011 | 12 C omments

156,471 Visits

Dear Friends, Todays post is very different from the normal posts. I am taking this opportunity to share with some salient features of this blog and to update you about how it has shaped up over the last year and a half. For me, the very thought that I have managed to last so long in my quest to share w ith you some Inspirational and Motivational content is both an exhilarating feeling and a humbling thought. Exhilarating because this blog has achieved a milestone of over 70,000 views and 500 followers in this realtively short span of time. A BIG THANK Y OU to EACH of you who visit the blog and especially for the 500 odd ardent followers of this blog. I am humbled by the realization that but for your encouragement, this blog w ould never have reached these milestones. A special thank you to the many follow ers, w ho have given their comments, rated the blog and passed on the links to friends and contacts. In January 2010 when this blog began, I kept an ambitious target of writing every single day . The first few days w ere heady for in the initial enthusiasm I w as able to keep w riting daily. Reality soon hit me hard, w hen w ithin a few w eeks, the effort became laborious, the ideas stopped flow ing and the rather forlorn thought that no one w as reading my blog became a big dampener. Fortunately for me a few colleagues, some friends and surprisingly a number of strangers soon signed on as follow ers and then overnight I felt responsible to ensure that they w ere given their daily fix of Inspirational and Motivational inputs. I am proud that in the first 365 days I managed to write for a good 340 days or so and some of the days I didnt post w as simply because I w as overseas then. This year 2011, I have cut down my posts drastically . The strain of w riting everyday w as a w ee bit too much and once I had proved to myself that I could w rite every single day, the challenge w as missing too. More importantly, there have been other commitments that have taken centre stage and so the blog has had to bear the brunt of it. I am not too disappointed though primarily

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The fruits of persitence 5/5 (6 votes) Forgiving ones own self 5/5 (5 votes) Shaping your future 5/5 (4 votes) The TIME for ME is NOW 5/5 (3 votes) Valuing friendships 5/5 (3 votes)

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because I also got some feedback that there w as reader fatigue since the daily posts saturated their ability to imbibe the contents, attempt the Try This and experience the learning. I also noticed a steady drop in feedback and rating w hich to my mind also signaled an overdose of the blog. However there have been a few ardent fans who have kept inquiring why I have cut down on the blog posts and they have reinforced the belief that my work is not in vain. The sudden spurt in follow ers over the last couple of months has also been very encouraging. I shall definitely be writing the blogs, perhaps twice a week. I would welcom e FEEDBACK from each one of y ou about the blogs, m y sharing today and would welcom e both bouquets and brickbats if any . I would urge y ou to continue to patronize the blog, spread word about it to those who y ou feel will benefit from the contents and be assured that I shall continue to pontificate as before. I take this opportunity to Thank Each One of Y OU once again for your support, patronage and appreciation of both and Wishing each of you success in your endeavors and in having a fulfilling life filled with love, happiness and contentment. W arm regards B.Jacob This post is courtesy Y ou are also invited to visit our Inspirational and Motivational Blog Read Full Post

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H o w

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c r i t i

Posted in Ability, Achievements, Be Positive, C hange Self, C onfidence, Daring, Difficulties, Doubts, Enthusiasm, Failures, Fear, Hurdles, Ignorance, Judgment, Knowledge, Limtations, Mistakes, Opportunity, Perceptions, Problems, Reactions, Relationships, Weakness, tagged Appreciation, Being critical, Being positive, C riticism, Doubts, Fear, self belief on July 19, 2011 | 2 C omments

Criticism may not be agreeable, but it is necessary. It fulfills the same function as pain in the human body. It calls attention to an unhealthy state of things. Winston Churchill Most of us are natural critics but very few of us accept criticism w ith an open mind and the right attitude to learn from it. Criticism comes naturally, because each of us has an idea of a perfect world and invariably there is always something wrong with it. Thereafter it is a simple matter of pouting opinions on how things are not right and perhaps w e pontificate on how w e could set things right if only w e w ere empow ered. If the same conversation is initiated by others w e can heartily concur and add a few more view s w ithout contributing very constructively. Of course the good part of the critical w ay w e see things is that w hen the clamor gets louder some action takes place and there is improvement. The problem that we face as individuals is that we fear criticism. No sooner w e are subject to criticism, we see criticisms as a direct attack on our ability, w e view it as the incorrect and inappropriate assessment of us and resent the reality w hen pointed out to us. We react to criticism with skepticism, attempt to justify and rationalize our short comings and in extreme cases attempt to discredit our critics or dw ell upon w hat w e perceive as their incompetence and inability to judge us correctly. What we fail to appreciate is the reality that very few people w ill criticize us because human nature prefers to be good and sw eet to one and all and being critical is an invitation to strain relationships. Equally important is the fact that any valid criticism is a good feedback mechanism that enables us to correct ourselves, bring about improvement and progress tow ards excellence. Criticism is unavoidable and so w e need to accept this reality and then leverage it to improve our life, our effectiveness and our relationships. The key to that lies in adopting the follow ing approach: Accepting criticism. This is the toughest part to overcome. Our natural temperament is to refute, reject and rebut. How ever once w e realize that most people criticize us w ith our w elfare at heart, be it parents, teacher, siblings, family, friends, bosses and colleagues, w e w ould pay heed to w hat they have to say. W hen there are disagreements and in a fit of rage an opponent or

July | 2011 | Actspot's Blog

say. W hen there are disagreements and in a fit of rage an opponent or adversary makes a comment or observation that hurts us deeply, it could be a sure sign that there is an element of truth in it. This realization w ould be the ultimate test to w alking the w ay of accepting criticism. Harnessing the feedback got. The simple rule here is to ask yourself if there is there some truth in it. If yes, learn from the feedback and make the adjustments, learning, behavioral change, required. If some skills have to be learnt, if some relationships have to be mended or if some ties have to be cut off, how ever painful it may be, the same has to be done. Making all out efforts to implement the change based on the learning from the feedback holds the key. Being honest with our criticism of others so that we understand the shortcomings. As tough as it may seem, by being constructively critical, w e are honing our skills of observation, improving our standards of excellence and fine tuning the art of disagreeing w ithout being disagreeable. All these qualities w ill go a long w ay in improving our personality, our confidence and our outlook of life. Learning to appreciate others so that we can adopt the good practices that we observe. Compared to the previous point, this may sound extremely ironic for it involves making a complete U turn in our w ay of seeing things. Balancing this contradiction actually makes us develop an all round personality w here w e can learn to live w ith the good and the bad. W hen w e appreciate, w e are also unconsciously raising our ow n standards of performance for w e w ill strive to attain w hat w e see as the bar of excellence. Appreciation when balanced with criticism also enables us to remain rooted to reality; for w hile there may be many w ho w ould praise us and overlook our shortcomings, the ones w ho dare to be critical w ill be holding a mirror to our face. We can then see ourselves w arts and all and then begin the process of sprucing up and making a fresh appearance w orthy of our talent, our abilities and our aspirations. Remember: Criticism, like rain, should be gentle enough to nourish a mans growth without destroying his roots. Frank Howard Clark Try this: 1. Go and see new released movie w ithout reading the critics review s. On returning home from the movie, attempt to review the movie or at least jot dow n 3- 5 appreciative points and 3- 5 critical observations about the movie. Thereafter read the professional review s and compare your ow n effort. 2. Mark Anthonys speech criticizing Brutus in Shakespeares play Julius Caesar is a master piece of using the rhetoric to criticize subtly. To read the same, click on the follow ing link. 3. Can you recollect the criticism given by the follow ing people, w hich w as hurtful but helped you improve Your dad Your mother Your favorite teacher The teacher you disliked immensely Your best friend A third party, perhaps a passenger traveling w ith you or a motorist w ho rammed your vehicle or a player from an opposing team or a taxi driver This post is courtesy Y ou are also invited to visit our Inspirational and Motivational Blog Read Full Post


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T h e

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Posted in Ability, Achievements, Be Positive, C hange, C hange Self, C onfidence, C ount Blessings, courage, Difficulties, Enthusiasm, faith, Fear, Hurdles, Ignorance, Judgment, Motivation, Reactions, Relationships, self belief, Thinking, Tomorrow, Worry, tagged C hange, courage, faith, Fear, Hurdles, Judgment, Reactions, self belief on July 14, 2011 | Leave a C omment

Many people have ideas on how others should change; few people have 4/8

July | 2011 | Actspot's Blog


ideas on how they should change. Leo Tolstoy There is plenty of free advice floating around, most of it liberally dished out by ordinary folks w ho believe they have a solution to everyone elses problem. Sadly in most cases if the problem is closer home, perhaps at the doorsteps of those w ho dish out these pearls of w isdom, they w ould grapple to come to grips w ith it. This sound ironic considering how appropriate the advice sounded for someone else but alas its potency seemed to vanish w hen a inch of it is applied at home. The conclusion that one can draw is that any advice given must first be tried and tested by those giving it before it is freely distributed around. Here are four situations in the average persons life where advice is often sought and given but rarely digested in the same form if the giver of the advice has to digest it himself// herself Parenting and the generation gap. Each successive generation grapples w ith the problem of handling the younger generation. Each generation also gets ample advice from the previous generation most of w hich is very sound and based on good experience. The problem is that there is still a huge gap betw een us and the next generation w hich w e normally try to rationalize and explain failing w hich w e emotionalize the issue and pressurize. What we fail to understand is that we need to change with the times and adapt to the ways of a changing younger generation. Facing the humdrum of everyday life. The daily grind of w ork that is the destiny of every individual rich or poor, young or old, healthy or sick often gets monotonous and boring. For others w e w ould suggest a variety of solutions to cope w ith this situation. We could suggest job rotation, brining about variety in the job, finding creative w ays to do the repetitive job, looking out for intrinsic motivations and w here possible change jobs. The very same advice somehow seems to lose its charm, its appeal and its magic properties w hen w e attempt to charge up our ow n monotonous everyday life. A major reason for this is our coziness and comfort of aligning with the known devil rather than risking it with a new devil as a result of which the very advice we give others ends up being impotent and ineffective to rescue us from the hellish rigors of daily life. Managing life changing challenges. Change comes in many forms. W hile the furious pace of technological and scientific changes eases life in many w ays mastering their functionality can be quite a change to manage. Remember the first time one tried to master the mouse on the computer. Imagine the challenge for those in the older age bracket. More difficult are the emotional changes that challenge us be it death of a loved one, breakdow n of relationships, pain of separation, job loss and the challenges caused by ill health and related trauma. Our problem is our inability to adopt and embrace the advent of technology and make peace with the upheavals brought about by the emotional changes. Bidding good bye to life. Each of us comes w ith our expiry date stamped and hardcoded in our destiny. Yet being prepared to accept that reality is an extremely painful and heart w renching prospect. W hile w e w ould in all earnestness and honesty give courage to a dying person by draw ing their attention to the goodness of afterlife and the prospect of never ending peace and happiness, w hen w e are merely asked to even think of an epitaph for our self the task seems frightening, ludicrous and insane. We do not fear death itself but the prospect of leaving behind all those we love for we believe that they are the real possessions that matter. Remember: The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change his future by merely changing his attitude. Oprah Winfrey Try this: 1. W rite dow n the 3 most annoying things about the younger generation. (If you are a youngster w rite dow n 3 most annoying things about the older generation.) Now jot dow n 2 reasons that you think are w hy these seem to annoy. Perhaps you now get a better perspective of the other side. 2. W ho are the 3 people w ho you w ould like to speak to in the last moments of your life? W hat w ould you like to tell them? 3. Here are tw o links to help you connect w ith 2 heroes w ho coped w ith drastic CHANGE in their lives. Airborne to Chairborne by M.P.Anil Kumar 5/8

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The last Lecture by Prof.Randy Pausch This post is courtesy Y ou are also invited to visit our Inspirational and Motivational Blog Read Full Post

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g o l d e n

Posted in Action, Anger, C oncerns, courage, C owardice, Doubts, Limtations, self belief, Worry, tagged Assertiveness, C oncerns, Fear, silence, Speak up, Truth on July 10, 2011 | Leave a C omment

Spiteful words can hurt your feelings but silence breaks your heart. We seem to recollect those harsh and spiteful w ords spoken by others, that may have been spoken in anger, frustration, irritation, disappointment or pain, w hich have hurt us. However it would possibly take us a while to recollect the events that evoked a searing pain caused by those who hurt us by their silence. Perhaps the latter hurt is so painful that w e unconsciously erase the memory and keep it hidden in the deepest recess of the heart but secretly the bitterness and the painful experience engulf us. We w ould rather dw ell on the hurt that is verbalized for it can be recounted and our senses can conjure up a rage and revenge possibility. When is it that the silence resounds so loudly and painfully? Perhaps we too are guilty of creating this silent cacophony that deafens the senses and perhaps even our sense of self worth. Remaining silent when we need to speak up. Often w hen our view s seem to be opposed by a strong majority w e have self doubts about our point of view and prefer to keep silent rather than risk ridicule. Remember the terrible feeling that overcomes us w hen latter on someone proffers our view and gets complimented and applauded for the radical idea? Similarly if you are standing in a line and an aggressive person attempts to break in do w e meekly allow it or do w e tick the person off for his/her uncouth behavior? If w e keep mum do w e hate ourselves for our spineless behavior? When we keep mum to avoid telling the truth. Look back at school days w hen you ended up having a scuffle w ith a classmate or neighbor. If you came back w ith a black eye and are closely questioned by your parents after attempting some half hearted lies you w ould possibly have simply kept quite refusing to respond to any questioning. Despite pleas by elders and parents to tell the truth on the promise of not being inflicted w ith any serious ramifications if you still kept mum and thereafter somehow the truth emerged and you w ere severely reprimanded and punished the embarrassment and shame never gets erased. Imagine a situation where you have done something wrong and a classmate is reprimanded and punished and all the w hile you keep mum for fear of the consequences. Does the image of the innocent classmate pleading his innocence still hurt you? When we clam up when we need to assert. Remember the school bully w ho constantly harassed either us or someone else w ho w as w eaker. Visualize the shame and pain w e felt for remaining pow erless and quietly bearing up. The hurt is more w hen at some point w e see a much smaller, more scraw ny but stout hearted student assert and defuse the bullys arrogance and bullying. We cringe at the thought for it shames us to recollect our ow n cow ardice. Recollect the time you could not refuse your friends in joining them in their misadventure and flouted the rules and got severely punished for it. Thereafter did you feel lousy for not having the moral courage to boldly refuse being a participant in the misadventure? When refuse to voice our concerns or vocalize our support due to sheer apathy or fear of the repercussions You may have experienced the pain of studying hard and appearing for an exam only to see mass scale copying all around. Yet you do not lode your protest w ith the authorities for fear of the consequences both by the students as w ell as the authorities w ho could extract vengeance. The words of Pastor Martin Niemller (18921984) about the inactivity of German intellectuals following the Nazi rise to power and the purging of their chosen targets, group after group epitom izes the truth above 6/8

July | 2011 | Actspot's Blog


First they came for the communists, and I didnt speak out because I wasnt a communist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didnt speak out because I wasnt a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didnt speak out because I wasnt a Jew. Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me. Remember: Lying is done with words and also with silence. Adrienne Rich

Try these: 1. Make a list of 3 5 social issues about w hich you as a responsible citizen have serious concerns. Choose one of those topics and w rite a letter to the editor of a local new spaper. Keep w riting till you get atleast one letter published and then you can take pride that your voice is heard. 2. Make a list of issues on w hich you believe you as a responsible citizen should file an RTI query. Ideally try and file an RTI query in all seriousness but for a matter on an issue in w hich you really seek information. 3. Try and w atch the movie Ek Ruka Hua Faisla (Hindi) or 12 Angry Men (English). To know the gist of the movie click on the follow ing link /ek-ruka-hua-faislaa-brilliant-adaptation-of-12-angry-men/0720 ( Notice how ONE man changes the view s of 12 others and also the final verdict all because he refused to keep silent) This post is courtesy Y ou are also invited to visit our Inspirational and Motivational Blog Read Full Post

O v e r c o m i n g

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f e a r s

Posted in Ability, Action, Be Positive, C hange, C hange Self, C ommitment, courage, C owardice, Daring, Doubts, Fear, Goal, Hurdles, Judgment, Pain, Perceptions, self belief, Worry, tagged C onfidence, Daring, Effort, Fear, self belief on July 3, 2011 | Leave a C omment

To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom. Bertrand Russell All of us w ithout exception w ould have experienced fear in some form or the other. It is equally possible that most of us w ould have overcome most of these fears but are plagued by some select fears still. There w ould also be the more unfortunate lot w ho perhaps have not been able to overcome some of the fears and continue to be terrorized. W hile extreme psychological problems could explain acute fears and phobia that w ould require expert treatment, for the vast majority the fears they suffer from are largely self imposed, partly justified but definitely not to be ignored. It is essential that each of us confront our fears or they w ill be shackles that w ill limit our ability to soar higher in our life. Here are 3 ways to conquer our fears. Acknowledge them. Most times w e tend to ignore our fears and hope they go aw ay. Other times w e are so ashamed of it w e hide it to the best of our ability. Like a good doctor w ho focuses on the diagnosis, one must be ready to face the reality and identify our fears no matter how trivial it may seem to others. By acknowledging our fears we are pinpointing the problem, we become more conscious and aware of the reality and we then have an opportunity to work on eliminating the problem. Eg. Many people are afraid of change. How ever they w ould mask it in the garb of being comfortable w ith the existing setup or dismiss suggestions of change as not really suited for an old dog to do learn new tricks. The danger here is that change may overtake us and then w e w ould crib that w e missed the opportunity or that w e w erent given a fair chance to keep up w ith new systems etc. Assess them. It is essential to be pragmatic about our fears and asses them. 7/8

July | 2011 | Actspot's Blog


Not all fears need to be confronted. Many a fear can be ignored for it might not impact us directly . A fear of going underw ater or paragliding are not majorly career limiting or life impacting unless one w ants to make a career in it. However it is imperative that we assess each of our fears that we acknowledge and rationalize its relative importance in our life. For a law yer in court effective public speaking skills w ould be almost as important as know ing the law . Theatrics may not count for much although it may have some impact too. By assessing the fears w e can pay special attention to those that are critical and take corrective steps. Eg. Our fear of public speaking could possibly be the result of a failed public performance in childhood for w hich w e w ere mercilessly chided. How ever if w e cloak it under the garb of being shy and do nothing about it w e w ould never overcome it and possibly our potential w ould be limited and stunted to that extend. Attack them: There are no soft options to confront our fears. How ever if w e manage to appreciate the psychological and logical reasoning for our fears w e w ould have w on half the battle. The tougher part is to attack our fears by taking the risk of confronting it. This m ust be done cautiously , deliberately and purposefully . In being cautious one has to take steps to ensure that the process is chosen w ith care and that it w ont make a bad situation w orse. In being deliberate the process is executed to a plan w ith safe guards to minimize the risks if any. In being purposeful there are planned goals that one seeks to attain and then thereafter one resets the bar to achieve better results. In ov ercom ing our fears, we achiev e 3 things. We elim inate our fear or at least m inim ize it, we increase our potential and end up being confident and successful Remember: Like Pain, fear can be controlled Try these: 1. Identify 3- 5 of your fears and outline at least 3 steps to overcome it. Eg. Fear of mathematics or fear of snakes/ cockroaches/ rats etc. or fear of meeting people in authority like a school principal/ chairman etc. 2. How w ould you react to the follow ing situations? During your annual medical checkup the doctor expresses a doubt that you have a possible cancerous lymph node. A file containing confidential information w hich is kept w ith for safe keeping is suddenly not traceable after the office has been shifted to a new location. You have borrow ed your friends car for an urgent trip and unfortunately another rash driver smashes his vehicle into the car you are driving and badly damages it. Your best friend accuses you of gossiping behind his/ her back and refuses to have any ties w ith you. This post is courtesy Y ou are also invited to visit our WEEKLY Inspirational and Motivational Blog Read Full Post Joss Whedon

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