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UKedchat Archive 30th May 2013 Hosted by @danielharvey9

What are your priorities for getting ready for September 2013?

20:00:42 20:00:44

ukedchat PaulsElearning

20:00:45 20:00:53

DJTom3 MooreLynne1



20:01:01 20:01:03

danielharvey9 web20education









20:01:20 20:01:25 20:01:29 20:01:34

mrlockyer MissBex_M danielharvey9 RachelOrr

It's 8pm. Time for #ukedchat with @danielharvey9 What are your priorities for getting ready for September 2013? [Market research] Please could you spare 5 minutes to complete my short on-line survey? #ukedchat #edtech #elearning RT @ukedchat: Two minutes until #UKedchat begins. If you are joining us unprotect your tweets and use the #ukedchat hashtag. @Gwenelope @kevbartle @danielharvey9 doing it now in time for #ukedchat #ukedchat For me, priorities will focus on improving @JHNCC2012 GnT program, widening scope of iPad use in classrooms and increasing RT @MooreLynne1: @Gwenelope @kevbartle @danielharvey9 doing it now in time for #ukedchat #postachio #startup tool-blogging platform poweredby #Evernote docs #edtech20 #elearning #edchat #ukedchat #toolschat RT @danielharvey9: #ukedchat So what are you priorities for September? Have you started planning for them and making them real? or don't you know yet? Ensure all new staff guided by this & empower them 2 remove parental glass ceilings placed upon r kids #ukedchat Teachers: looking for adventure with YOUR OWN kids this 1/2 term? Try here #ukedchat RT @ukedchat: Its 8pm. Time for #ukedchat with @danielharvey9 What are your priorities for getting ready for September 2013? From earlier: *NEW* Blogpost - Marking is broken #ukedchat #edchat #SLTchat Please RT/comment! 8pm on a Thursday means #ukedchat and watchdog. Who says I can't multi-task? RT @truan_steve: Ensure all new staff guided by this & empower them 2 remove parental glass ceilings placed upon r kids #ukedchat RT @ukedchat: Its 8pm. Time for #ukedchat with

1 of 37

UKedchat Archive 30th May 2013 Hosted by @danielharvey9

What are your priorities for getting ready for September 2013?









20:02:06 20:02:12 20:02:16 20:02:18

danielharvey9 michaelt1979 DJTom3 Nicholls_Dr





20:02:32 20:02:41

RachelOrr Jivespin



@danielharvey9 What are your priorities for getting ready for September 2013? RT @mrlockyer: From earlier: *NEW* Blogpost - Marking is broken - #ukedchat #edchat #SLTchat Please RT/comment! @ukedchat @danielharvey9 #ukedchat sorting out a new ks3 curriculum! More engagement = more progress (we hope) RT @truan_steve: Ensure all new staff guided by this & empower them 2 remove parental glass ceilings placed upon r kids #ukedchat @truan_steve #ukedchat Great Start Steve #motivation RT @mrlockyer: From earlier: *NEW* Blogpost - Marking is broken - #ukedchat #edchat #SLTchat Please RT/comment! #ukedchat Massive implications of NC changes will start to come into play for me @danielharvey9 I don't know yet as I don't have a job yet #ukedchat RT @ukedchat: Its 8pm. Time for #ukedchat with @danielharvey9 What are your priorities for getting ready for September 2013? Sch priorities for September 2013? #ukedchat 1. Order Teacher-planners. 2. 2013/14 calendar. 3. Create Pay & tweak Capability Policies 4. @danielharvey9 Well, Im thinking about we can develop CPD as a state of mind - bottom up model for reflecting/developing pedagogy #UKedchat @ukedchat new job, new school, new kids #ukedchat so much to get to know. Kids' names and staff names. Main priority. Priority 1 - getting to know Year 8 RE curriculum as I will be teaching it next year. #ukedchat RT @michaelt1979: #ukedchat Massive implications of NC changes will start to come into play for me These will impact on all of us Thoughts?
2 of 37

UKedchat Archive 30th May 2013 Hosted by @danielharvey9

What are your priorities for getting ready for September 2013?



20:02:57 20:03:00 20:03:06 20:03:20 20:03:23

kohlmand danielharvey9 MooreLynne1 pepeshepherdo robfmac



20:03:37 20:03:42 20:03:44

AlanaLH joelittlewood danielharvey9

20:03:48 20:03:53 20:04:01

shornymorgan danielharvey9 Jivespin

20:04:11 20:04:14 20:04:15

MohammedSidat MissDCox danielharvey9

RT @RachelOrr: @ukedchat new job, new school, new kids #ukedchat so much to get to know. Kids' names and staff names. Main priority. RT @truan_steve: Ensure all new staff guided by this & empower them 2 remove parental glass ceilings placed upon r kids #ukedchat RT @Jivespin: Priority 1 - getting to know Year 8 RE curriculum as I will be teaching it next year. #ukedchat #ukedchat priorities for Sept giving my new team members a fab welcome & good induction :) Learning the academy PRP so I can argue my salary #UKedchat RT @mrlockyer: From earlier: *NEW* Blogpost - Marking is broken - #ukedchat #edchat #SLTchat Please RT/comment! @deadshelley #ukedchat And how will you do that Jamie? @ukedchat #ukedchat For me as a prospective PGCE student it's to keep my eyes open and take in as much as I can before I start. Identify VAK learning style of each ch in new class so able to group other than HAT MAT LAT. #ukedchat RT @MooreLynne1: #ukedchat priorities for Sept giving my new team members a fab welcome & good induction :) Don't know my timetable, but will be to adapt all my schemes to ensure maximum opps for building independence and engagement #ukedchat RT @pepeshepherdo: Learning the academy PRP so I can argue my salary #UKedchat Priority 2 - Buying an iPad - this looks like essential equipment for me to develop as a 21st century teacher #ukedchat Being prepared mentally and physically for Sept 2013. Which means totally switching off during the holidays. #ukedchat #UKedchat Priorities for Sept.Trial Flipped classroom.get things consistent & embeded in dept. RT @pepeshepherdo: Learning the academy PRP so I can argue my salary #UKedchat This is so massive many teachers don't understand this

3 of 37

UKedchat Archive 30th May 2013 Hosted by @danielharvey9

What are your priorities for getting ready for September 2013?







20:04:23 20:04:23 20:04:30 20:04:34 20:04:34 20:04:37 20:04:40

DJTom3 jemmahughes16 shornymorgan violetjo3010 fod3 michaelt1979 MissBex_M







@eltvasconcelos #ukedchat Are you going to wait for the new National Curriculum or are you working in an academy? On personal note continually remind staff that my son going into yr11 isn't just a grade, number or statistic #ukedchat Make sure staff have classrooms organised before end of term. No need to do this during hols. Plan this in. #ukedchat @RachelOrr @ukedchat that's a bit main priority for getting a new job in a new school. well done btw #ukedchat @ukedchat new job, new county, 6th school so loads to do and think about #excited #ukedchat Would also like to consider ways I could start Sept so pupils actually plan schemes with me if possible! #ukedchat @danielharvey9 @michaelt1979 #ukedchat is hard when still working with 'draft' documents #ukedchat getting the department as I would like it :-) @pepeshepherdo That's true - as union rep, getting head round PRP changes will be important too! #ukedchat @RachelOrr @ukedchat #ukedchat that's quite an exciting prospect, as well as a little of the unknown in there RT @mrlockyer: From earlier: *NEW* Blogpost - Marking is broken - #ukedchat #edchat #SLTchat Please RT/comment! #ukedchat for me I will be focusing on the work I have started with coaching,moving slowly but surely to everyone in time becoming coaches RT @danielharvey9: #ukedchat So what are you priorities for September? Have you started planning for them and making them real? or don't you know yet? #ukedchat Introducing videoing of teaching staff for their own private CPD. More whole school singing. More iPads, more embedding.
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UKedchat Archive 30th May 2013 Hosted by @danielharvey9

What are your priorities for getting ready for September 2013?









20:05:05 20:05:07 20:05:08

danielharvey9 MooreLynne1 DJTom3











20:05:42 20:05:43

danielharvey9 pepeshepherdo

@Jivespin has it changed? #ukedchat My own priorities for September 2013? #ukedchat 1. DHT 2. Lead external CPD 3. Robust T&L systems 4. Share/read more 5. Life after 40! @AlanaLH @ukedchat #ukedchat taking part in twitter chats is a great way to start and to read blogs find local schools for ons visits? @deadshelley #ukedchat how are you planning it? we're introducing staff lead focus groups that experiment, evaluate then share back to all. RT @Jivespin: Priority 2 - Buying an iPad - this looks like essential equipment for me to develop as a 21st century teacher #ukedchat #ukedchat planning in my teaching time so that it's sacrosanct. Really important to me to teach regularly. RT @MohammedSidat: Being prepared mentally and physically for Sept 2013. Which means totally switching off during the holidays. #ukedchat RT @Jivespin: Priority 2 - Buying an iPad - this looks like essential equipment for me to develop as a 21st century teacher #ukedchat September for teachers is like New Year for the rest of the September resolutions. Get organised! #ukedchat #UKedchat has already begun. Tonight we are discussing What are your priorities for getting ready for September 2013? with @danielharvey9 Blog post:Top 10 #startup tools/ projects from #Microsoft Research Tools #edchat #elearning #ukedchat #tlchat #ntchat RT @truan_steve: Ensure all new staff guided by this & empower them 2 remove parental glass ceilings placed upon r kids #ukedchat @Jivespin #ukedchat fast intuitive device for learning and teaching i love using mine as workflow is much easier Main areas for development will be displays and not wall
5 of 37

UKedchat Archive 30th May 2013 Hosted by @danielharvey9

What are your priorities for getting ready for September 2013?

20:05:44 20:05:44 20:05:47 20:05:56

Jivespin joelittlewood DJTom3 samschoolstuff











paper. Impacting feedback not 2 stars and a wish all the time. #UKedchat Priority 3 - Developing Citizenship lessons for colleagues there is a gap and I am going to fill it! #ukedchat #ukedchat Also to delve deeper in to each child's profile. The new EYFS profiling is very vague, will need to find out more. @Jivespin yeah lots of schools use them now as part of there lessons #ukedchat RT @mrlockyer: From earlier: *NEW* Blogpost - Marking is broken - #ukedchat #edchat #SLTchat Please RT/comment! @violetjo3010 @danielharvey9 Very difficult - but hopefully by late July we'll have final details. Can't afford to leave it all #ukedchat @ChrisMoyse #ukedchat I hadn't heard about coaching in a professional capacity until this term-how did you get into it? @Jivespin Really recommend considering an Android tablet because linking with all the Google functions is fab! #ukedchat RT @LPerformance: September for teachers is like New Year for the rest of the September resolutions. Get organised! #ukedchat @Jivespin see @ICTEvangelist @syded06 @SheliBB #ukedchat RT @boydon1967: #ukedchat Introducing videoing of teaching staff for their own private CPD. More whole school singing. More iPads, more embedding. RT @MohammedSidat: Being prepared mentally and physically for Sept 2013. Which means totally switching off during the holidays. #ukedchat Making sure staff have time to work in teams and begin planning ahead of autumn term. Staff need to have resources sorted. #ukedchat @DJTom3 I last taught RE 8 years ago so I am sure emphasis and methodology has developed since then #ukedchat









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UKedchat Archive 30th May 2013 Hosted by @danielharvey9

What are your priorities for getting ready for September 2013?

20:06:40 20:06:41 20:06:43 20:06:43

robsolway millsyblue MADETraining DJTom3



20:06:59 20:06:59

CapitaTeachers MissDCox









20:07:33 20:07:38 20:07:44 20:07:44

JamesJMatthews CharHarAgain DJTom3 violetjo3010

Gr8 opp 4 school looking 4 ambitious creative PE teacher w/ trackt record of improving progress & attainment get in touch #ukedchat #pegeeks I take up my first headship! Help! Very scary! #UKedchat #Metacognition interventions provide most cost effective use of #pupilpremium (EEF & ST) But, what is it? #ukedchat @AlanaLH @ukedchat good idea learn as much as you can. are you primary #ukedchat @MohammedSidat thats why I like to get things done this term when you can speak to key people so foundations all set #ukedchat RT @ukedchat: Its 8pm. Time for #ukedchat with @danielharvey9 What are your priorities for getting ready for September 2013? #UKedchat Planning for MORE curriculum time. Yes MORE! wahooo!! RT @MissDCox: #UKedchat Priorities for Sept.Trial Flipped classroom.get things consistent & embeded in dept. agreed Have to do better here RT @ukedchat: #UKedchat has already begun. Tonight we are discussing What are your priorities for getting ready for September 2013? with @danielharvey9 RT @deadshelley: @eltvasconcelos #ukedchat Are you going to wait for the new National Curriculum or are you working in an academy? @danielharvey9 #ukedchat Id like to encourage depts to open Twitter accounts & promote what they are already doing. Hopefully this will Our focus for Sept will be to introduce planning journals to help marry together planning & assessment more formatively #ukedchat @joelittlewood What about the current research on VAK which has robustly discredited it? #ukedchat @danielharvey9 @AlanaLH @ukedchat yeah there lots of chats on here now to learn more about things. good idea about visting #ukedchat My priority is get long term plans right for my dept then high quality medium term plans all ready for sept

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UKedchat Archive 30th May 2013 Hosted by @danielharvey9

What are your priorities for getting ready for September 2013?





20:08:05 20:08:07 20:08:07 20:08:08 20:08:10

individual_IT JamesJMatthews danielharvey9 Petercoville DavidJLongman

20:08:11 20:08:13 20:08:13 20:08:14

RachelOrr Jivespin MooreLynne1 ICTEvangelist





20:08:30 20:08:37

deadshelley danielharvey9

#foundations #ukedchat #ukedchat as we are sponsoring a football academy in Newcastle a netball team Northumberland we best get the kits ordered @deadshelley @eltvasconcelos #ukedchat Great point Jamie this being 'selling point of an academy' we've had a huge interest from schools wanting to integrate 1:1 ipad access. Easy to do by September and no admin for the school #ukedchat I'm also making the move from KS1 to EYFS so an tips would be great! Thanks #ukedchat RT @truan_steve: On personal note continually remind staff that my son going into yr11 isn't just a grade, number or statistic #ukedchat We will never fix education in this country until we fix inequality #ukedchat Priorities: 1. revise notes on teaching programming; 2. improve explanation of recursion; 3. use robotic weaponry as ethical case. #ukedchat I vowed to make sure all staff were in new classrooms & had backing paper sorted & any resources etc.. Sorted before end of term. #ukedchat @CharHarAgain So much out there - really spoilt for choice! #ukedchat @millsyblue exciting and scary time! Best job in the world though :) #ukedchat #ukedchat best thing I can do to prepare myself for September is have a really good holiday and turn my phone off. @danielharvey9 #ukedchat priorities 4 Sept: read more/ blog more/ develop new role as lead teacher in English (if all goes well)& welcome new head of dept Ensure all approaches I have learnt this year will be organised and embedded into practice for me and my learners from the start! #ukedchat @danielharvey9 #ukedchat hopefully this will expose them to the powerful CPD available through twitter encourage them to take professional RT @RachelOrr: Make sure staff have classrooms organised before end of term. No need to do this during

8 of 37

UKedchat Archive 30th May 2013 Hosted by @danielharvey9

What are your priorities for getting ready for September 2013?



20:08:38 20:08:46 20:08:50 20:08:52 20:08:54

CharHarAgain DJTom3 kohlmand CharHarAgain AlanaLH

20:08:56 20:09:01

violetjo3010 Jivespin







20:09:22 20:09:25 20:09:32 20:09:35

deadshelley nicoladarling78 MohammedSidat danielharvey9

hols. Plan this in. #ukedchat @deadshelley @danielharvey9 I'd like us to do this too; I want a revision/study account for students to follow too #ukedchat RT @deadshelley: @danielharvey9 #ukedchat Id like to encourage depts to open Twitter accounts & promote what they are already doing. Hopefully this will @millsyblue Wow good luck I hope it works out :) #ukedchat @deadshelley @danielharvey9 #ukedchat yes! check out ours @fernhillscience still exploring the possibilities... @deadshelley Me too! #ukedchat @danielharvey9 Yeah, currently reading blogs at least twice/week and volunteering when I can. #ukedchat is great! @michaelt1979 @danielharvey9 no and need to make some assumptions (rig English) and just get started #ukedchat @danielharvey9 They seem to be the masters of the iPad revolution #ukedchat RT @TeacherToolkit: My own priorities for September 2013? #ukedchat 1. DHT 2. Lead external CPD 3. Robust T&L systems 4. Share/read more 5. Life after 40! Would like to devise a clear way to monitor every pupils progress very closely across the year - and shared with them too. #ukedchat @robsolway If I need it, staff do too. Can't function without that. Love to go in during hols. My choice. Not an expectation. #ukedchat @danielharvey9 #ukedchat responsibility for the development of pedagogy in their depts. twitter accounts would raise the profile of pedagogy @kohlmand @ChrisMoyse this sounds interesting and I'd like to know more too :) Will start searching! #ukedchat Updating mine and staff knowledge in using education iPad apps. #ukedchat RT @kohlmand: @deadshelley #ukedchat how are you planning it? we're introducing staff lead focus groups that

9 of 37

UKedchat Archive 30th May 2013 Hosted by @danielharvey9

What are your priorities for getting ready for September 2013?



20:09:44 20:09:52 20:10:01

MissDCox deadshelley truan_steve



20:10:15 20:10:20 20:10:21

DJTom3 clyn40 CharHarAgain

20:10:26 20:10:33 20:10:34 20:10:36 20:10:44 20:10:48 20:10:59 20:11:01 20:11:08

Nicholls_Dr RachelOrr kohlmand shornymorgan frackham_edu MissBex_M LPerformance RachelOrr Jivespin

experiment, evaluate then share back to all. RT @deadshelley: @danielharvey9 #ukedchat hopefully this will expose them to the powerful CPD available through twitter - encourage them to take professional #UKedChat Start to think about an NQT+1/+2 programme and what sorts of things it would include. Any suggestions welcomed @danielharvey9 #ukedchat and reflective practice in the whole school. Lots of plans 2 =sch community gallery,student leadership academy hairspray show, BUT imp 2 stop 1st coz #ukedchat @deadshelley @danielharvey9 #ukedchat you see, I wish OUR school were doing this, but SLT/Union are too afraid of it @RachelOrr @ukedchat that's good how many are at your current school I think it would take me a while to do that #ukedchat #UKedchat one of my priorities is to try and use more tech resources in classroom. @Jivespin I know! Just consider that iPads are more expensive, don't run flash and aren't integrated with Google docs etc #ukedchat @danielharvey9 #ukedchat Have started trying flipped classroom ideas and am looking to increase next year. Lots of planning at the moment! I like to make sure everyone leaves school at end of summer term with a set up classroom. #ukedchat @ChrisMoyse #ukedchat sounds good- i'll start looking. Have skills booklets created and organised ready to issue to all my classes in September. #ukedchat @danielharvey9 beginning prep for information systems for 6th form starting Sept 2014 #UKedchat @shornymorgan I do too. Seems more difficult in English compared to other subjects, or so it seems #ukedchat @deadshelley @danielharvey9 @CharHarAgain Great! More schools/depts/teachers should be on twitter. Such a good exchange of ideas #ukedchat @robsolway Changing school at end of term. New for me as well. #ukedchat Priority 4 - Continue to develop CPD group for colleagues to develop outstanding teaching with student involvement

10 of 37

UKedchat Archive 30th May 2013 Hosted by @danielharvey9

What are your priorities for getting ready for September 2013?

20:11:08 20:11:14 20:11:20 20:11:23 20:11:31

MissBex_M MissDCox ICTEvangelist DJTom3 JamesJMatthews





20:12:07 20:12:29

shornymorgan BeeBecF



20:12:35 20:12:37 20:12:48 20:12:49

DJTom3 AlanaLH LPerformance CharHarAgain

#ukedchat @RachelOrr: I like to make sure everyone leaves school at end of summer term with a set up classroom. #ukedchat my plan!! @shornymorgan If you come up with anything innovative can you share? #UKedChat @danielharvey9 @Jivespin @syded06 @SheliBB we try! #ukedchat @Jivespin yeah im sure although I don't know much about that. do you teach other subjects #ukedchat What about transition? Is that planned for this term? Remember, transition is a process & not an event #ukedchat #ukedchat By September I want posters for 2014 National Supply Teacher Week to reach every recruitment agency! Nutty x RT @TeacherToolkit: My own priorities for September 2013? #ukedchat 1. DHT 2. Lead external CPD 3. Robust T&L systems 4. Share/read more 5. Life after 40! Create a big calendar with all deadlines on very clearly and try to plan marking time etc carefully so I am as organised as poss #ukedchat @MissBex_M @RachelOrr We have to as school closed until day before kids come back! #ukedchat @kohlmand Were doing a bit of that already. Action research according to the Teacher Learning Communities model. Want to make it #ukedchat @TeacherToolkit does that mean your looking for a DHT #ukedchat @DJTom3 Yeah Primary with EAL or Spanish. Pinterest is really useful too to get some ideas before the course (and reading @tes) #ukedchat Transition for staff or pupils or all of the above? @JamesJMatthews #ukedchat @joelittlewood Here's just one study of many! #ukedchat Unfortunately VAK still a big part of teacher training

11 of 37

UKedchat Archive 30th May 2013 Hosted by @danielharvey9

What are your priorities for getting ready for September 2013?

20:13:10 20:13:17 20:13:20 20:13:26 20:13:26 20:13:29

ICTEvangelist Jivespin edssential kitandrew1 fod3 urban_teacher

20:13:40 20:13:45 20:13:49 20:14:15 20:14:20 20:14:34 20:14:34

garycorbett7 DJTom3 DJTom3 DJTom3 Jivespin ICTEvangelist LPerformance





20:14:48 20:14:48

ChrisRaynerd RachelOrr

@truan_steve student leadership academy sounds interesting. Can you tell me more? #Ukedchat @ICTEvangelist @danielharvey9 @syded06 @SheliBB You are the guys that have inspired the use of the iPad in the classroom. Superb! #ukedchat Essential article from @mrlockyer Marking is broken #ukedchat #edchat @RachelOrr #ukedchat classroom ready, books with labels sorted all kit ready to go means insed in Sept is about pedagogy & enthusiasm priority for Sep is recruiting one more member of staff #ukedchat In preparation for the new term i need to reflect, enhance my skill sets and remove those practices that weren't productive. #ukedchat Developing enterprise projects that are mapped to curriculum. Taking learning outside the classroom #ukedchat @RachelOrr don't some sort that in summer holidays? #ukedchat RT @RachelOrr: I like to make sure everyone leaves school at end of summer term with a set up classroom. #ukedchat @shornymorgan great idea! #ukedchat @DJTom3 Just History for last five years but have taught RE, Citz, English, Maths, PE, Economics and Literacy #ukedchat @CharHarAgain @Jivespin yes they can run flash and google docs. Next? #ukedchat This is going on my weekend reading list. @CharHarAgain @joelittlewood I don't suppose you can sum it up in 140 characters? #ukedchat Establishing research group who can learn new tech by PLAYING with it over the summer. Time to enjoy and experiment #ukedchat RT @garycorbett7: Developing enterprise projects that are mapped to curriculum. Taking learning outside the classroom #ukedchat A video on The Mole Concept I made with @virtualschooluk #chemed #edchat. #ukedchat #scienceed @DJTom3 Yes, but that's by choice & not by

12 of 37

UKedchat Archive 30th May 2013 Hosted by @danielharvey9

What are your priorities for getting ready for September 2013?

20:14:54 20:15:04 20:15:06 20:15:06 20:15:12 20:15:30 20:15:33 20:15:58

CharHarAgain LPerformance JennTesoro Nicholls_Dr DJTom3 RachelOrr nicoladarling78 MohammedSidat



20:16:18 20:16:23

DJTom3 nicoladarling78



20:16:31 20:16:40 20:16:44 20:16:52

MissBex_M LPerformance hayleyjess deadshelley

direction. I'd rather staff go home with a certain amount sorted & the rest is choice. #ukedchat @shornymorgan Me too! #ukedchat I feel like the kid who didn't read the book but watched the film...@CharHarAgain @joelittlewood #ukedchat RT @ICTEvangelist: Pinterest for teachers - "it's like a visual twitter with more resources" #edtech #ukedchat @shornymorgan #ukedchat sorry new to twitter and forgetting #. These sound great- what did you include? @garycorbett7 wow sounds good have you got any ideas for those at the moment #ukedchat @geraldhaigh1 @michaelt1979 I have a foot in both camps at the moment. Leaving one school and starting another. #ukedchat @urban_teacher Now that sounds like a similar plan to me :) #ukedchat @danielharvey9 true. We are already planning for Sept. Staff training for the next 2weeks before they head home. #middleeast #ukedchat @eltvasconcelos Were maintained but Im revising SoL anyway.Just rebuilding the ship plank by plank as she travels between ports #UKedchat @RachelOrr @ukedchat wow that's remember all those names. have you got any tips #ukedchat @edssential @mrlockyer read this post earlier and this really will help this half term and in preparation for September #ukedchat #ukedchat prepare my matching card resources for the year by 1st sept to avoid last minute laminating #ihatecutting #ukedchat I'd like to see a little more inset time before kids come back - to share ideas, collab planning, sort out SEN needs in groups Definitely. How does your school do it? @JamesJMatthews Swap classes for the day? #ukedchat Mentor other teachers in using cooperative learning strategies = maximise learning & engagement. Work smarter, not harder! #ukedchat @kohlmand @danielharvey9 @FernhillScience I will. Thank you : )

13 of 37

UKedchat Archive 30th May 2013 Hosted by @danielharvey9

What are your priorities for getting ready for September 2013?





20:17:39 20:17:43 20:17:45 20:17:48 20:18:06

Jivespin ICTmagic CharHarAgain NikkiGilbey DJTom3





20:18:31 20:18:58 20:19:12

CharHarAgain DJTom3 violetjo3010



20:19:20 20:19:23

deadshelley michaello83

#UKedchat Some staff meetings planned in new year group teams for shared planning etc... #ukedchat #ukedchat My Sept priorities: 1 Improve KS3 assessments&progress trackers 2 Convince colleagues Twitter is not just for celebrity stalkers! @syded06 @ICTEvangelist @danielharvey9 @SheliBB Not at all - you all deserve credit for sharing your wisdom #ukedchat I'm interested to hear how any SLTs plan to prepare their staff for September. Thought? #ukedchat @ICTEvangelist @Jivespin They run flash through circumvention and of course they run G.Docs but I'm talked about integration. #ukedchat #ukedchat create online folders for resources ready for team to use @AlanaLH @tes ok that's interesting I don't think there is many of them about so you shouldn't have a proberm finding a school. #ukedchat @DJTom3 @ukedchat Good photographic memory. I make it a priority and tell everyone I will keep asking until I no longer need to. #ukedchat @MissBex_M @danielharvey9 I dont have permission yet! Will tentatively suggest *fingers crossed* #ukedchat @ICTEvangelist @Jivespin Also you say next but you didn't deal with my first point on iPads - price. They're for MacHeads only IMO #ukedchat @AlanaLH @tes and yeah pinterest is great. you want to check out @SENChatUK too I run that #ukedchat @LPerformance @JamesJMatthews #ukedchat transition needs planning and should ideally involve pupils staff parents & connected professionals @NikkiGilbey: #ukedchat create online folders for resources ready for team to use Yep! We're using Version of SharePoint in school @MissDCox @eltvasconcelos @danielharvey9 Is it part of a whole school initiative or a departmental initiative? #ukedchat 1)Build curriculum around drama and teach less 2)Ignore ofsted 3) less marking and planning but do it more

14 of 37

UKedchat Archive 30th May 2013 Hosted by @danielharvey9

What are your priorities for getting ready for September 2013?

20:19:31 20:19:42 20:19:43 20:19:45

DJTom3 truan_steve garycorbett7 CharHarAgain

20:19:51 20:19:56 20:20:02 20:20:05 20:20:07 20:20:38 20:20:41 20:20:45 20:20:48 20:20:49 20:20:59

DrHuxTM RachelOrr DJTom3 mikallaane violetjo3010 laura_mary_30 scintillapcg Gwenelope NikkiGilbey DJTom3 Jivespin

20:21:00 20:21:07 20:21:11 20:21:15

CharHarAgain clyn40 ICTEvangelist deadshelley

effectively #UKedchat @millsyblue no proberm :) are you primary? #ukedchat @sumi1998 trying 2 get disused shop and then all depts involved, eg business / maths= finance, eng= adverts, DT= shop fronts #ukedchat Development of learning technology #ukedchat @syded06 @Jivespin Well, it's a preference rather than right/wrong thing. Google and iPad just fine. Google and Android is great. #ukedchat Remember Dylan Wiliam saying trying more than 2 new things to do in September probably means they ain't gonna get done/done well. #UKedchat Making sure stock is ordered for June so staff can label books - seems so simple but time consuming! #ukedchat @Jivespin ok cool that's interesting #ukedchat @ks3sciencesquad being in KS2 I completely agree with your sentiment no.2 #ukedchat #ukedchat planning for displays of pupil work linked with planning so can go up ASAP in sept #ukedchat Main priority is to continue to develop literacy throughout humanities faculty, proved successful this year! In a word.... Empowerment. #UKedchat #ukedchat My priorities for Sept 2013? Main one is rebuilding confidence in my teaching. This year has been epicly tough.#battered #bruised RT @violetjo3010: #ukedchat planning for displays of pupil work linked with planning so can go up ASAP in sept @RachelOrr ah ok that makes sence. yeah that's fair enough #ukedchat Priority 5 - To start building a library of podcasts for exam groups and SEN students to be stored on Audioboo #ukedchat @joelittlewood A sea change. True. So be part of the solution! It needs squashing based on the evidence I think. #ukedchat #ukedchat set up assignments differently on electronic portfolio for students. @CharHarAgain @Jivespin I used to be completely anti apple until I got an iPad/phone. #truestory #ukedchat @kohlmand Read the recent post on coaching by @HuntingEnglish. It is excellent. As I said, Im also

15 of 37

UKedchat Archive 30th May 2013 Hosted by @danielharvey9

What are your priorities for getting ready for September 2013?



20:21:26 20:21:37 20:21:38 20:21:45 20:21:55 20:22:05 20:22:10 20:22:16

truan_steve CharHarAgain RachelOrr DJTom3 MissBex_M Gwenelope RachelOrr garycorbett7

20:22:21 20:22:21 20:22:23 20:22:43 20:22:45 20:22:52

mikallaane DJTom3 barton1875 MohammedSidat CharHarAgain deadshelley

20:23:03 20:23:04

HuntArchitects DJTom3

sold on this Japanese model #ukedchat @danielharvey9 #ukedchat does anyone know of any online SOW templates focusing on Blooms? Am looking at revamping mine @ICTEvangelist yep!! It's 3 yrs in now, not perfect yet, but over 1500 qualifications. Call it volunteering & leadership hub #ukedchat @ICTEvangelist @Jivespin Were you converted from Android? #ukedchat Stock should run April to April so that we aren't catching up in September with new kids. #ukedchat @RachelOrr @ukedchat ok thank you I will follow that tip as like you say its important #ukedchat @Gwenelope #ukedchat #sympathytweet you will do it xx @deadshelley @danielharvey9 Modelled on @CanonsOPP Ped-Leaders Trojan Mouse approach? Done with rather than done to? #ukedchat Send books up with kids. Kids continue learning journeys on same books. #ukedchat @DJTom3 students to run their own shop based on their idea. They would be involved in producing the business plan #ukedchat @ICTmagic how many SLT members hav a twitter account & how many wud b activ during half-term? I continually promote #BATTT #ukedchat @Natty08 @RachelOrr @ukedchat well done :) I guess it takes time #ukedchat @ICTmagic we have a SIP day to prepare for next term and a number of staff meetings for subject areas #ukedchat Getting resources in before the holidays or before Sept. So teachers know what to plan around. #ukedchat @AlanaLH @LPerformance @joelittlewood @TessaLMatthews It's the fad that won't die!! #ukedchat @kohlmand called Lesson Study. It is a cocoaxing model which allows a focus on differentiation. Non threatening -no grades #ukedchat #ukedchat planning building works over summer, ensure senior member of staff on hand for visits and queries. There are always queries. @millsyblue wow that's good. indeed so #ukedchat

16 of 37

UKedchat Archive 30th May 2013 Hosted by @danielharvey9

What are your priorities for getting ready for September 2013?









20:24:12 20:24:14 20:24:16 20:24:27

ks3sciencesquad DJTom3 ukedchat MissBex_M

20:24:35 20:24:39 20:24:44 20:24:51

PoshBathing Nicholls_Dr michaelt1979 Gwenelope



20:25:00 20:25:06

urban_teacher MsFindlater

@hayleyjess As my gran used to say - you buy cheap, you buy twice #ukedchat RT @danielharvey9: RT @ukedchat: Waiting for #ukedchat to start? Vote on next week's topic at & join @CarrieStarbuck next Thursday at 8 @violetjo3010 #ukedchat We order key items in May. Pens, pencils, glue sticks etc... All the things staff want to get sorted easily. Thinking about what I need to do before September is exciting, but also stressful - so much to do this half term and over Summer!! #ukedchat @mikallaane On the last week of term shared something educational from twitter every day. Very close to converting a few! #ukedchat @garycorbett7 that's a good idea as I student my school did similar things to that :) #ukedchat @danielharvey9 is having some technical gremlins and sends apologies for dropping out. #ukedchat @angelique500 if we weren't starting on the back foot, it would make the first term go much more smoothly. Differentiation is key #ukedchat RT @HuntArchitects: #ukedchat planning building works over summer, ensure senior member of staff on hand for visits and queries. There are always queries. @MissDCox #ukedchat which subject are you flipping? I'm trying this too @HuntArchitects Indeed! And sympathy for the poor SBM or whoever it is that is stuck there on hand while we're swanning about! #ukedchat @ICTEvangelist @danielharvey9 Ha! Wise words there. Rest and re-couperation vital in summer hols. #ukedchat @kohlmand focus on the progress of three learners high,middle,lower ability NOT on the teacher.Very powerful. Formative assessment #ukedchat New Term = Mapping, Planning, Resources, Time Tabling, New Tech. #ukedchat 6 Weeks Summer Holiday Gone :/ RT @urban_teacher: Integrate iPads Into Bloom's Digital Taxonomy With This 'Padagogy Wheel' #ukedchat #edchat

17 of 37

UKedchat Archive 30th May 2013 Hosted by @danielharvey9

What are your priorities for getting ready for September 2013?

20:25:07 20:25:28 20:25:44 20:25:46 20:25:52 20:26:00

CarrieStarbuck DrHuxTM fod3 ICTmagic MsFindlater nicoladarling78







20:26:13 20:26:16 20:26:28 20:26:30 20:26:32 20:26:34 20:26:35 20:26:40

truan_steve clyn40 Gwenelope NikkiGilbey garycorbett7 RachelOrr DJTom3 JamesJMatthews Just finished dinner! What have I missed?! My aim for September is get Sex Ed on the map! #ukedchat New school for me in September #UKedchat so a whole raft of new challenges than if I'd stayed put. @shornymorgan Agree! It's about getting a balance..we still have 7 and a half weeks left #ukedchat @mikallaane I think that is a question you might like to ask in #SLTchat on Sunday. :) #UKedchat I promote #BATTT as well. RT @ASTsupportAAli: Focusing in the age of distractions! Hard? #ukedchat @deadshelley @kohlmand We've been doing the lesson study approach this year. It has been good to work with other CTs this way #ukedchat @angelique500 I think a library of podcasts will be another platform to access the curriculum. Another idea to try #ukedchat Staff need to know now PPA timetables, and other whole staff issues. Makes a world of difference to organisation etc... #ukedchat. @kohlmand Not summative Ofsted judgements. Also teachers learn from one another. Hatties says it works for pupils, why not staff? #ukedchat @shornymorgan same but don't burn out, we all need summer break #ukedchat #ukedchat remember all the mistakes I made this year and don't make them again! #reflect #actionplan @eltvasconcelos Well, getting more T&L Insets at school, but have autonomy over my CPD with twitter, blogs and Teach Meets.#ukedchat @CarrieStarbuck yes! I am horrified of poor sex ed knowledge of my teens in FE...shocking #ukedchat @urban_teacher What new technology are looking to use? #ukedchat @violetjo3010 so important #ukedchat @CarrieStarbuck I have RT a good few couple of tweets that you may of missed. are you a teacher of that #ukedchat At the start of each term we do whole school topics - from Nur to Y6. Last one -'Volcanoes'. The children plan their

18 of 37

UKedchat Archive 30th May 2013 Hosted by @danielharvey9

What are your priorities for getting ready for September 2013?

20:26:46 20:26:48 20:26:55

ChrisChivers2 DJTom3 MissBex_M

20:26:55 20:27:03 20:27:15

MADETraining kohlmand Gwenelope







20:28:01 20:28:03 20:28:06 20:28:07 20:28:08 20:28:09 20:28:11

DJTom3 deadshelley Gwenelope AlanaLH kohlmand wcooper19576 MohammedSidat

own learning #ukedchat #ukedchat Give teachers permission to develop two week starter project, just to settle and get to know children really well. RT @ICTmagic: I'm interested to hear how any SLTs plan to prepare their staff for September. Thought? #ukedchat #ukedchat my main priority tho, this summer, is getting married and having a relaxing, fun honeymoon. Life comes first now. @ukedchat Prepare for your students to hit the ground running in September by booking an inspiring day with us #ukedchat @deadshelley That's good- same learners across lessons? what will you do with outcomes? #ukedchat @eltvasconcelos Keep experimenting, making tweaks, marginal gains. Looking forward to a 'clean slate' in Sept 2013. #ukedchat @eltvasconcelos Crikey! Very impressed. Have you spoken to @Pekabelo ? Dont be put off by the 80s boy band styling ; ) #ukedchat Get as much done for staff before summer hols so that staff can have a summer hol. We all need the break. Make it happen! #ukedchat @ICTEvangelist @Jivespin It's a preference thing but I find using chromebooks for pupils, Nexus tabs, Google Drive/ecosystem brill #ukedchat @mikallaane @ICTmagic I think not many although I have seen a lot on here and its improving but I think some are put of joining :( #ukedchat @ChrisMoyse @kohlmand #UKedchat Can you define the two models, please? @NikkiGilbey Has got to be! #onlywayisup #ukedchat @DJTom3 Thanks, I will keep an eye out for @SENChatUK :) #ukedchat @deadshelley Agree with that for sure. bottom-up more powerful and likely to stick. #ukedchat 1. Set up school L&T twitter account. 2. Start a new research project. 3. Perfect marking using dragon to ease the load #UKedchat Getting the staff to learn some words of the language(s) that their children speak to create that instant bond in

19 of 37

UKedchat Archive 30th May 2013 Hosted by @danielharvey9

What are your priorities for getting ready for September 2013?

20:28:15 20:28:18 20:28:22

MsFindlater angelique500 ColinTGraham



20:28:39 20:28:41 20:28:51 20:28:52 20:29:02 20:29:17 20:29:19 20:29:24

urban_teacher DJTom3 nicoladarling78 deadshelley HuntArchitects Gwenelope truan_steve ukedchat





20:29:50 20:29:52

deadshelley CarrieStarbuck

September. #ukedchat RT @clyn40: #ukedchat remember all the mistakes I made this year and don't make them again! #reflect #actionplan #ukedchat some great ideas @bellaale Let's just say that in Sept I'm starting a new job in a new university, so I'll be spending time developing courses etc! #ukedchat Tell me about it! @NikkiGilbey No wonder GB have high teenage pregnancy. I'm fundraising for a sex forum in London #ukedchat @garycorbett7 Im looking to implement the arduino, makeymakey, raspberry pi into some of my ICT KS3 lessons! #ukedchat @mikallaane @ICTmagic not sure how many are active during half term #ukedchat @deadshelley @kohlmand I think it will be something we carry on and you can learn so much from each other! #ukedchat @MissDCox @eltvasconcelos @danielharvey9 #ukedchat Brilliant! Start small (I plan too) #ukedchat yes @michaelt1979 needs to be acknowledged how tough it can be. Proper reward. Another priorriy for Sept 2013 will be being better prepared for another Ofsted visit, probably in October. #ukedchat Hopefully not have to help picking English dept off the floor again after GCSE fiasco #ukedchat From @danielharvey9: Leadership priorities - what are they are why? personal priorities - what and why? #ukedchat Get annual calendar sorted and mapped out. Parents want this too. Too late to sort first week in September, #ukedchat RT @ukedchat: From @danielharvey9: Leadership priorities - what are they are why? personal priorities what and why? #ukedchat @Gwenelope @danielharvey9 @CanonsOPP #ukedchat Yes, yes & yes .. @kevbartle has a lot to answer for Will keep you updated on progress. @NikkiGilbey I will dominate the sex ed world! #ukedchat

20 of 37

UKedchat Archive 30th May 2013 Hosted by @danielharvey9

What are your priorities for getting ready for September 2013?

20:29:56 20:30:03 20:30:06 20:30:08 20:30:08 20:30:09 20:30:27 20:30:29 20:30:31 20:30:51 20:30:53 20:30:59 20:31:00 20:31:02

mikallaane Gwenelope mrlockyer Smichael920 DJTom3 ICTEvangelist CarrieStarbuck 24md Pekabelo Gwenelope DomS72 ethinking brockhockeyacad ukedchat



20:31:16 20:31:16

mikallaane LisieDavies

@ChrisChivers2 agree, having a rapport with your new students is vital for learning 4 the new yr #ukedchat @eltvasconcelos I think I'd respond well to coaching, definitely. Would also like to become a coach for other teachers. #ukedchat My priorities for Sept may well change before I get there; managing that change best is the key! #ukedchat Using technology to support basic skills #edchat #edtech #ukedchat #cpchat @AlanaLH @SENChatUK that's ok its on Tuesday between 8 to 9pm. #ukedchat @CharHarAgain @Jivespin if thats all youre after, go for it. #ukedchat Oh boy. That must have been bad. @truan_steve Do you think it will happen again this year? #ukedchat RT @TMClevedon: Teachmeet Clevedon is TWO WEEKS TODAY!!!!! Are you as excited as we are?! #TMClevedon #ukedchat @eltvasconcelos @deadshelley absolute rubbish! #ukedchat @deadshelley @danielharvey9 @CanonsOPP @kevbartle LOL, it's a darn good model, instills real confidence in the staff. #ukedchat RT @iianconley: Just seen this. Made me giggle! #teachers #ukedchat #SLTchat #ukedchat @Gwenelope @eltvasconcelos marginal gains work to improve what is already excellent - a sow's ear needs more radical action Seriously thinking about flipping the classroom for BTEC Sport from September #UKedchat From @danielharvey9: @RachelOrr #ukedchat collaborative approach is key to so many quality issues in schools and supports team approach @kohlmand @HuntingEnglish Follow the trail from @murphiegirl s account. She has links too. #ukedchat hi @JamesJMatthews can u explain & share pls Wot topic/project r yr6 doing 4 the summer term? Much appreci8'd #ukedchat @JamesJMatthews Fab idea. We are going to do the same with Take One Phcture in September so we have a

21 of 37

UKedchat Archive 30th May 2013 Hosted by @danielharvey9

What are your priorities for getting ready for September 2013?

20:31:19 20:31:22 20:31:22

marianne_ray magicalmaths magicalmaths









20:31:51 20:31:53 20:32:10

CarrieStarbuck DJTom3 LisieDavies





20:32:44 20:32:45 20:32:48

garycorbett7 CarrieStarbuck MooreLynne1

whole school focus #ukedchat RT @RachelOrr: I like to make sure everyone leaves school at end of summer term with a set up classroom. #ukedchat What does Key Stage 3 Level 7 in Mathematics mean? #pgce #ukedchat #edchat Bodmas Starter 5 + 5 + 5 - 5 + 5 + 5 - 5 + 5 x 0 = ? (I Bet More People Will Answer It... #pgce #ukedchat #edchat Action plans all round. Completed this half term but a working document going forward for September #ukedchat RT @GuardianEduCent: See who is on the Guardian children's fiction prize 2013 longlist - gallery #libchat #UKedchat From @danielharvey9: Do we know enough about the Education landscape for Sept? as individuals and as organisation members? #ukedchat @syded06 It's an ecosystem integrationt thing . I'm invested in Drive and I don't like the closed source iOS structure.#ukedchat Doesn't surprise me. @NikkiGilbey "You can't get pregnant if you have sex standing up" "I lost my virginity at 12" It goes on.... #ukedchat @brockhockeyacad how does that work #ukedchat @JamesJMatthews How long do you do your whole school topic for at start of each term? #ukedchat @nicoladarling78 @kohlmand By CTs do you mean teachers from other curriculum areas? Do you feel it has been of benefit? #ukedchat My Sept. Priorities made public: 1) Parent Sessions 2) Student Skills Conference/Retreat 3) StuCouncil/Leadership Activities #ukedchat @RachelOrr I started planning my calendar this week and it has helped with focus and strategy. Staff also found it motivating #ukedchat What are people doing to help Yr 6 going into Yr 7 pupils cope with the change? #ukedchat @millsyblue it's mainly sweat & tears but the

22 of 37

UKedchat Archive 30th May 2013 Hosted by @danielharvey9

What are your priorities for getting ready for September 2013?

20:32:59 20:33:05 20:33:07 20:33:16

ColinTGraham MooreLynne1 deadshelley DJTom3



20:33:31 20:33:50 20:33:55

MohammedSidat CarrieStarbuck ukedchat

20:33:59 20:34:00 20:34:36

deadshelley DJTom3 Gwenelope



20:34:39 20:34:40 20:34:50 20:34:50

CarrieStarbuck deadshelley LisieDavies Ebl_association

moments of brilliance are so golden it makes it all brilliant :) #ukedchat @DrHuxTM @ethinking Yes, @DylanWiliam made a similar comment to us when I did my PGCE many moons ago at King's College... ;-) #ukedchat @millsyblue primary or secondary? #ukedchat @kohlmand #ukedchat Havent done it yet. Still percolating in my head. RT @mrlockyer: My priorities for Sept may well change before I get there; managing that change best is the key! #ukedchat @ukedchat @danielharvey9 education won't radically change between now and September and those changes up and coming r predictable #ukedchat SLT need time know strengths and weaknesses for the past academic year so that they can change things for next year. #ukedchat I really hope it doesn't. @truan_steve But be devastating for students. #ukedchat From @danielharvey9 (having tech issues): How do we feel about impending industrial action? Is this important to you? Distraction? #ukedchat @eltvasconcelos @Pekabelo Speak to him. Hell help. Hes really supportive. #ukedchat @Gwenelope good goal. #ukedchat @ethinking @eltvasconcelos Ha! Does that mean I am NOT a sow's ear? Certainly had some pigish lessons! #ukedchat RT @ChrisChivers2: #ukedchat Give teachers permission to develop two week starter project, just to settle and get to know children really well. RT @MooreLynne1: @millsyblue it's mainly sweat & tears but the moments of brilliance are so golden it makes it all brilliant :) #ukedchat @ChrisMoyse @kohlmand Thank you. I like the sound of that. Who trains your coaches? #ukedchat @RachelOrr Agree. Planning and prep for new term should be done before holidays so people can start all refreshed and raring to go #ukedchat Ensuring you keep the quality and improve what you don't like . Summer is a time to refocus, employ and plan great

23 of 37

UKedchat Archive 30th May 2013 Hosted by @danielharvey9

What are your priorities for getting ready for September 2013?





20:35:06 20:35:07 20:35:13

MissMillicent DJTom3 MsFindlater



20:35:23 20:35:42 20:35:44 20:35:55 20:35:56

davidErogers ukedchat MissBex_M CarrieStarbuck ColinTGraham



20:36:05 20:36:08 20:36:18 20:36:29

garycorbett7 ukedchat KempsterD CSc_teacher

things! #ukedchat RT @RachelOrr: Get annual calendar sorted and mapped out. Parents want this too. Too late to sort first week in September, #ukedchat RT @MooreLynne1: @millsyblue it's mainly sweat & tears but the moments of brilliance are so golden it makes it all brilliant :) #ukedchat Fantastic work with youth choirs and performance. Well done to @VOCES8 for launch of new education centre @GreshamCentre #ukedchat #music @ChrisChivers2 that's a good idea how the project is chosen by the children #ukedchat Working with some new colleagues in my huge but lovely school. Finding the like minded and collaborating #DigitalLearning #ukedchat RT @Gwenelope: Another priorriy for Sept 2013 will be being better prepared for another Ofsted visit, probably in October. #ukedchat I'll be handing over (transitioning) @priorygeography 's ldr to @GeoDebs and helping find a geog teacher #ukedchat From @danielharvey9 (still having tech issues!): How can #ukedchat support you achieving your priorities? @Gwenelope likewise Gwen. We will defo have one #ukedchat Watching #ukedchat closely for tips as I'm hosting next week. Bring it on! #ukedchat At the start of any new year in school, I always expect the groups of learners I get to mess up whatever I planned within a week...#ukedchat RT @truan_steve: Ensure all new staff guided by this & empower them 2 remove parental glass ceilings placed upon r kids #ukedchat @ethinking @urban_teacher Engagement, different assessment strategies and learners to develop ownership in their learning #ukedchat RT @CarrieStarbuck: Watching #ukedchat closely for tips as I'm hosting next week. Bring it on! #ukedchat The Eng Gov is expecting schools 2 start 'designing' their new curr around the 'new' curr so it will be ready for 2014.Thoughts? #ukedchat #ukedchat reading research a bit of programming me time

24 of 37

UKedchat Archive 30th May 2013 Hosted by @danielharvey9

What are your priorities for getting ready for September 2013?

20:36:38 20:36:49 20:36:52 20:37:25 20:37:28

DJTom3 Gwenelope deadshelley MissBex_M jackieschneider

20:37:36 20:37:49 20:37:55 20:37:59

Jivespin DJTom3 Nicholls_Dr urban_teacher

20:38:08 20:38:37 20:38:39 20:38:57 20:38:59 20:39:02 20:39:04 20:39:06

rapclassroom DJTom3 ColinTGraham Ebl_association CarrieStarbuck truan_steve ICTmagic violetjo3010

then I will be ready to begin again @brockhockeyacad ah ok I have heard of it but didn't know how it works. ok that's good do they still get homework #ukedchat @MissBex_M We will fight the good fight together then! #ukedchat @murphiegirl @kohlmand Thanks, Rachael : ) #ukedchat RT @Gwenelope: @MissBex_M We will fight the good fight together then! #ukedchat @ukedchat @danielharvey9 - I will be supporting industrial action because I believe in democracy #ukedchat @CarrieStarbuck Have created a What is History transition module - good fun and lots of opportunities to get to know each other #ukedchat RT @CSc_teacher: #ukedchat reading research a bit of programming me time then I will be ready to begin again @ukedchat @danielharvey9 would love to have a chat on flipped learning #ukedchat @ethinking @garycorbett7 I want to find innovative ways to inspire my students, my colleagues & oh yeah myself #ukedchat Pushing boundaries RT @AcademicsUK: Need to switch off for a bit? Have a look at ways for you and your class to relax #ukedchat @CSc_teacher sounds interesting what will you be researching #ukedchat Of course, whatever we do in September, it has to be "creative"... #ukedchat @ukedchat @danielharvey9 The education landscape is changing constantly, schools are great at adapting, has now become a skill #ukedchat Got some gritty topics for next week. Can't wait! #ukedchat Vote here Spending next 2 weeks with depts making sure it's r vision & not mine #ukedchat How do Reception, Year 3 in Junior schools, and Year 7 set priorities for children that are new to the school? #ukedchat Setting up home reading links - big challenge live to hear from anyone with experience #literacy #parentlinks

25 of 37

UKedchat Archive 30th May 2013 Hosted by @danielharvey9

What are your priorities for getting ready for September 2013?

20:39:08 20:39:12 20:39:15

CharHarAgain deadshelley Stplearning







20:39:36 20:39:51 20:40:00

thingsbehindsun Gwenelope snod2010

20:40:15 20:40:17 20:40:19 20:40:26 20:40:37 20:40:38 20:40:45 20:40:54

JamesJMatthews CarrieStarbuck ColinTGraham Gwenelope mikallaane urban_teacher lentil99 CarrieStarbuck

#ukedchat RT @Nicholls_Dr: @ukedchat @danielharvey9 would love to have a chat on flipped learning #ukedchat @Jivespin #UKedchat You should speak to @thisismyfot. S/he is working on a History transition project. @ukedchat @danielharvey9 knowing our subjects and their potential to inspire, and knowing students - is that enough? #ukedchat Mini saga - capturing the story in your lessons Doing more activities like this next year a priority too #ukedchat @EA_Holmes got to be from self learning & twitter to be honest but did have a good in house tech play day though #ukedchat #edchat #phdchat @RachelOrr: Get as much done for staff before summer hols so staff can have a summer hol. We all need the break. Make it happen! #ukedchat 1 Culture of improvement through training 2 Get ahead of A-level reform 3 Level 2 EPQ added to level 3 4 Make better use of data #ukedchat @violetjo3010 Arrgghhhhhh! Cat 4 school too? #ukedchat @MohammedSidat staff to learn some words of the language(s) that their children speak to create that instant bond in September. #ukedchat Why not do this then pass the knowledge on...Mapping with Google - Free Course June 10 -24 (... | @scoopit #ukedchat That sounds great. @Jivespin It must be a scary time for the wee ones. Big School is pretty frightening! #ukedchat @deadshelley @danielharvey9 @beetlebug1 I also think social media have to take a much more prominent role in CPD too #ukedchat @MissBex_M Yey! #inittogether #solidaritycomrade #ukedchat @JamesJMatthews wot skills do u encourage the kids 2 use, wud u hav a list pls, thnx so much #ukedchat If you fail to plan, you plan to fail #ukedchat Fix up.....Look Sharp #motivation #progression #onestepahead "@magicalmaths: Bodmas Starter 5 + 5 + 5 - 5 + 5 + 5 - 5 + 5 x 0 = ? (I Bet More People Will Answer It... #pgce #ukedchat #edchat" 0 Agreed. @ColinTGraham @deadshelley @danielharvey9

26 of 37

UKedchat Archive 30th May 2013 Hosted by @danielharvey9

What are your priorities for getting ready for September 2013?

20:40:57 20:40:59

Jivespin ICTEvangelist

20:41:00 20:41:04 20:41:12 20:41:17

Mullinski2 sciencelabman RachelOrr ukedchat



20:41:24 20:41:28 20:41:44 20:41:47 20:41:48 20:41:49

deadshelley Jivespin CarrieStarbuck garycorbett7 DJTom3 JeniSmiffy

20:41:51 20:42:00 20:42:04

truan_steve ColinTGraham ASTsupportAAli

@beetlebug1 I'm a twitter convert, such a good tool for exchanging ideas. #ukedchat @deadshelley @thisismyfot Thanks but I put it all together a couple of years ago. #ukedchat @CharHarAgain as someone who is so obviously pro digital literacy one would expect you to look beyond just the GDrive ecosystem #ukedchat I'm using the time now to plan strategy and start to share with all staff - sharing is Goid knowledge and ownership as a team #ukedchat @EA_Holmes teachmeetbett was my cpd hightlight. inspirational as always #ukedchat @jemmahughes16 time during summer hols should be voluntary. Up to HT to make rest happen.#ukedchat From @danielharvey9: What do we think of the political agenda. How can we challenge in a coherent/professional manner & be heard? #ukedchat @KempsterD #ukedchat Prob is we don't actually know what curriculum is yet, only consultation . Freedoms to respond to context ?Still there? @nicoladarling78 @kohlmand Dont apologise. Me being thick! #ukedchat @CarrieStarbuck It is - I never forget I hideous I found it! #ukedchat Oooo really? @sciencelabman @EA_Holmes Never been to one! Would love to go. What are they like? #ukedchat RT @urban_teacher: If you fail to plan, you plan to fail #ukedchat Fix up.....Look Sharp #motivation #progression #onestepahead My own priorities for September 2013 is to 1 get a job for a start and start making a difference - #ukedchat Bit late to #ukedchat but my priority for September is to be hired as an NQT at my perfect school I can't wait to get started! @Jivespin @CarrieStarbuck ours = murder mystery #ukedchat SLT play characters & get arrested infront of kids by police 2 days 2 find suspect @jackieschneider Being sarcastic about #Gove's attack on @russeltarr recently... ;-) #ukedchat Set the noise level in your classroom ? CC @ameeeb #ukedchat #niedchat

27 of 37

UKedchat Archive 30th May 2013 Hosted by @danielharvey9

What are your priorities for getting ready for September 2013?

20:42:04 20:42:09 20:42:11 20:42:12 20:42:29 20:42:39

deadshelley CarrieStarbuck RachelOrr Jivespin RachelOrr ICTEvangelist



20:43:12 20:43:21 20:43:23

brockhockeyacad DJTom3 KempsterD





20:43:35 20:43:43 20:43:53 20:43:54

ICTEvangelist Jivespin DJTom3 CarrieStarbuck

20:43:57 20:43:59

thingsbehindsun ukedchat

@Gwenelope #ukedchat Youre too kind, Gwen : ) I think I cried...@Jivespin I'm pretty sure I called the teacher 'mummy' too! #ukedchat @seatonburnACA I do to the best of my ability. As much as we can muster. #ukedchat @Nicholls_Dr Audacity looks daunting - tried to avoid it so far. Might ask a mate to go through it with me #ukedchat @seatonburnACA As to be real world. #ukedchat @CharHarAgain unfortunately despite saying in your profile you write about digital literacy there is no link there to anything #ukedchat @millsyblue he he! Yes indeed! I make sure I still teach every couple of weeks, useful & keeps me sane! Also primary #ukedchat @DJTom3 yep homework is watching 5min video lectures &making notes so inclass support is all around learning not listening! #ukedchat @eltvasconcelos @ukedchat @danielharvey9 sounds good have you got any ideas for it #ukedchat @Ebl_association #ukedchat Anyone who thought it was a 'consultation' was sorely deluded. Pretty much a given from the start. @CarrieStarbuck @deadshelley @danielharvey9 @beetlebug1 Also has to be balanced with blogs/vlogs, bookmarking, livebinders, etc. #ukedchat We need to remember our children & their parents may be suffering financially - let's bear that in mind #ukedchat @CharHarAgain other than your youth employment blog. Hence I take your view of purely using a GDrive ecosystem as limiting. #ukedchat @CarrieStarbuck I think I was traumatised for weeks! #ukedchat @deadshelley @danielharvey9 how are you doing that #ukedchat On a serious note, Murder Mysteries are great for communication skills @truan_steve @Jivespin Teamwork, speaking & listening etc #ukedchat Concentrate on what your School/pupils need and how you can make that happen. Don't spend time outraged about Mr Men on Twitter... #ukedchat @danielharvey9 (tonight's #ukedchat host) is still having

28 of 37

UKedchat Archive 30th May 2013 Hosted by @danielharvey9

What are your priorities for getting ready for September 2013?





20:44:23 20:44:25 20:44:40

nicoladarling78 CarrieStarbuck ICTEvangelist



20:45:03 20:45:04 20:45:11 20:45:15 20:45:18

JamesJMatthews DJTom3 ukedchat Jivespin ColinTGraham



20:45:44 20:45:55 20:45:59

CarrieStarbuck sciencelabman Letterland123

technical issues. He can see your tweets, but can only DM, so relaying Qs. @ColinTGraham @danielharvey9 @beetlebug1 For me, Twitter is perfect for creating a buzz around pedagogy. Also great for promoting #ukedchat @CarrieStarbuck @EA_Holmes teachmeets are always a real buzz. check out the teachmeet wiki and teachmeettv website #ukedchat a must go to! @deadshelley @kohlmand It has been good to learn from each other and also to find out what helps the children to learn #ukedchat Weeks? @Jivespin How about a lifetime... #ukedchat @CharHarAgain I would love to see your writing, discussions and sharing of thoughts and ideas on the topic #ukedchat Will do. @sciencelabman @EA_Holmes Can anyone organise them or are they all official? I'm always slightly skeptical... #ukedchat Why not give your class a mystery box and see where they go with it? JJ Abrams: The mystery box | @scoopit #ukedchat @CSc_teacher ah ok that's good. I have heard lots of school do that now although I haven't done it #ukedchat From @danielharvey9: Is it our professional duty to fight the short term thinking of politicians of all colours? #ukedchat @CarrieStarbuck Yes that's true ... still haven't escaped! #ukedchat @deadshelley @danielharvey9 @beetlebug1 Twitter's great for live/transient moments, without archives though the "buzz" can be lost #ukedchat @ColinTGraham @danielharvey9 @beetlebug1 best practice. Developing CPD as a state of mind. @kevbartle uses an infection metaphor #ukedchat Amen to that. @Jivespin Everyone should have post school therapy! #ukedchat @deadshelley @ColinTGraham @danielharvey9 @beetlebug1 always recommend twitter best resources bank/ skills bank ever. #ukedchat RT @ASTsupportAAli: Set the noise level in your

29 of 37

UKedchat Archive 30th May 2013 Hosted by @danielharvey9

What are your priorities for getting ready for September 2013?



20:46:15 20:46:16 20:46:17 20:46:17 20:46:30 20:46:45 20:46:48 20:46:49 20:46:51 20:46:54 20:46:58 20:47:08 20:47:16 20:47:25 20:47:27 20:47:41

ukedchat DJTom3 truan_steve Louise_gkbcinc magicalmaths Gwenelope CarrieStarbuck jackieschneider DJTom3 urban_teacher Maths4ukplc CarrieStarbuck Jivespin DJTom3 SmudgeSmith ICTmagic

classroom ? CC @ameeeb #ukedchat #niedchat @ColinTGraham @danielharvey9 @beetlebug1 for the spread of ideas and enthusiasm via twitter. Lets all get infected ; ) #ukedchat From @danielharvey9: Should we accept political control regardless of the thinking behind these initiatives? #ukedchat @brockhockeyacad ah ok that's a good idea. do they watch the video lectures at home then #ukedchat @CarrieStarbuck @Jivespin local police r fab as put us all in van &take us round corner. Kids don't know what's hit them for a min #ukedchat The Magic of Music in the Classroom! #ukedchat @inspired_clsrm RT @lentil99: "@magicalmaths: Bodmas Starter 5 + 5 + 5 - 5 + 5 + 5 - 5 + 5 x 0 = ? (I Bet More People Will Answer It... #pgce #ukedchat #edchat" 0 @deadshelley It's LONG overdue Jamie! Would love to thank you in person at least. #ukedchat Mmmm. Tough question. @ukedchat @danielharvey9 Surely the duty should be solely towards the students? #ukedchat I loathe Gove, Twigg & Adonis equally. Important to challenge them #ukedchat @eltvasconcelos @ukedchat @danielharvey9 ok that's good keep at it :) good luck #ukedchat Teacher Tip: - A goal without a plan is just a wish. #ukedchat #ukedchat Manage Y13's preparation for A level's now that they have all modules next June. Needs different mindset with minimum resits. Oh. My. God. I WANT TO DO THIS! @truan_steve @Jivespin #ukedchat @truan_steve @CarrieStarbuck I bet it is something they never forget and talk for years about #ukedchat @CSc_teacher ah ok that's good #ukedchat RT @jackieschneider: I loathe Gove, Twigg & Adonis equally. Important to challenge them #ukedchat @danielharvey9 has asked me to express his dismay for technology at this precise moment (but in more colourful

30 of 37

UKedchat Archive 30th May 2013 Hosted by @danielharvey9

What are your priorities for getting ready for September 2013?

20:47:44 20:47:46 20:47:53

CarrieStarbuck not1fish Gwenelope



20:47:55 20:48:06 20:48:20 20:48:22 20:48:28 20:48:50 20:48:53 20:48:59

brockhockeyacad jackieschneider TaffTykeC Jivespin DJTom3 truan_steve CarrieStarbuck urban_teacher





20:49:29 20:49:34

TracyTrainerUK CarrieStarbuck

language). #ukedchat One day they will be tweeting about it too... @Jivespin @truan_steve #ukedchat #TheCircleofLife RT @jackieschneider: I loathe Gove, Twigg & Adonis equally. Important to challenge them #ukedchat @violetjo3010 Oh gosh, even tougher than mine. You Spec Measures? We're serious weaknesses, marginally less hideous. #Cat4 #Ukedchat @DJTom3 @danielharvey9 Well, Id like departments to embrace twitter as a way of sharing in school & beyond. I want to spread the #ukedchat @DJTom3 watch the videos at home, on the bus, in the LRC. It's cool! Check out the vid. #UKedchat How is #gorillagate panning out? #ukedchat @mrlockyer Yes I agree. I don't even know which year group yet but still beginning to become mentally prepared #ukedchat @CarrieStarbuck @truan_steve ... or recording on their iPads and putting it on You Tube #ukedchat #ukedchat is trending on twitter again everyone well done all :) @CarrieStarbuck @Jivespin will send u info. We photoshop r heads onto usual suspects poster- great fun #ukedchat I stress *fake* arrested. @Jivespin @truan_steve I can just imagine their faces..! #ukedchat Teachers always remember someone's sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago. #ukedchat #edchat @DJTom3 @danielharvey9 message that there is no such think as an outstanding teacher, there is only outstanding teaching.With the #ukedchat Flipping the classroom #UKedchat #edchat #pegeeks RT @urban_teacher: Integrate iPads Into Bloom's Digital Taxonomy With This 'Padagogy Wheel' #ukedchat #edchat This is the best think I've heard all week. And I've been working in a tardis. @truan_steve @Jivespin #ukedchat

31 of 37

UKedchat Archive 30th May 2013 Hosted by @danielharvey9

What are your priorities for getting ready for September 2013?

20:49:44 20:49:45

sciencelabman EduBookChatUK





20:50:21 20:50:29 20:50:38

MohammedSidat ukedchat brockhockeyacad



20:50:46 20:50:50 20:51:15

penncheryl Jivespin ColinTGraham

20:51:27 20:51:39 20:51:39 20:51:43

CarrieStarbuck EduBookChatUK Gwenelope truan_steve

#truestory @ICTmagic @danielharvey9 you can always rely on technolgy!!! #ukedchat @ukedchat @danielharvey9 #ukedchat it must be our professional duty to fight what we think is pointless or harmful- but hard to know how. @eltvasconcelos @ukedchat @danielharvey9 that's ok. ok whats PBL? that's good as you can offer more that sometimes. yeah #ukedchat @DJTom3 @danielharvey9 right mind set, we can all aspire to outstanding. I want to develop co-coaching & practitioner led CPD #ukedchat RT @urban_teacher: Teachers always remember someone's sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago. #ukedchat #edchat Remember to include the #ukedchat hashtag so your tweets can be seen. @Nicholls_Dr @DJTom3 have you started it yet? I'm still debating to be honest! #UKedchat #edchat #flippedclassroom RT @truan_steve: Spending next 2 weeks with depts making sure it's r vision & not mine #ukedchat RT @ICTEvangelist: Pinterest for teachers - "it's like a visual twitter with more resources" #edtech #ukedchat @truan_steve @CarrieStarbuck Just shows - all that effort and you still can't please everybody! #ukedchat @deadshelley @DJTom3 @danielharvey9 "outstanding" by whose criteria? If we are our own worst critics, then it may rarely happen! #ukedchat Def. Blogs are great as students can get involved too. @ColinTGraham @deadshelley @danielharvey9 @beetlebug1 #ukedchat @deadshelley @DJTom3 @danielharvey9 #ukedchat How do you achieve the right mindset, I wonder? @ICTmagic @danielharvey9 I can imagine the colourful language very clearly. #ukedchat @CarrieStarbuck @Jivespin yep, thought it was unnecessary! I don't get it it. School should b about memorable learning experiences #ukedchat

32 of 37

UKedchat Archive 30th May 2013 Hosted by @danielharvey9

What are your priorities for getting ready for September 2013?

20:51:49 20:51:57 20:52:01 20:52:04 20:52:07

deadshelley MooreLynne1 DJTom3 Maths4ukplc ICTEvangelist

20:52:34 20:52:36 20:52:49 20:52:50

ColinTGraham mr4syth DJTom3 ICTEvangelist

20:52:51 20:53:01 20:53:05

DeborahFielden CarrieStarbuck SheliBB









@EduBookChatUK @ukedchat @danielharvey9 #ukedchat Whatever we present to staff has to be intellectually coherent, learner driven NOT Ofsted @millsyblue oh, & start a blog! I know it feels like there isn't time but it really helps #ukedchat @deadshelley @danielharvey9 that's a good you might want to get in touch with @battuk they can help you with people joinin twitter #ukedchat @urban_teacher and someone's encouraged its growth since planting #ukedchat #edchat @CharHarAgain: @ICTEvangelist Are you being sarcastic? my PLN will (hopefully) back me up when I say that isnt my style. #ukedchat @CarrieStarbuck @deadshelley @danielharvey9 @beetlebug1 I'm moving to a completely new environment in Sept, so... opportunity! #ukedchat Sort the school timetable as early as possible. Always pleases staff. #ukedchat @brockhockeyacad thanks I will do #ukedchat @CharHarAgain if you read my writing youll see Im all about sharing of ideas and helping others #ukedchat @GennyBen1 @sarahjchapman @jackieschneider All comes back to Maslow's hierarchy - basic needs must be met before anything else #ukedchat Do it! @ColinTGraham @deadshelley @danielharvey9 @beetlebug1 #ukedchat @Jivespin @syded06 @ictevangelist @danielharvey9 we've now got 'iPad boy' on our school website! :-) #ukedchat RT @ICTEvangelist: Pinterest for teachers - "it's like a visual twitter with more resources" #edtech #ukedchat RT @urban_teacher: Teachers always remember someone's sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago. #ukedchat #edchat Here is the info about the Let's Talk Sex forum. @NikkiGilbey It will be live soon. Very excited! #ukedchat Anyone planning to increase cross-curricular work in secondary next year? ... as opposed to "cross about curriculum" ;-) #ukedchat

33 of 37

UKedchat Archive 30th May 2013 Hosted by @danielharvey9

What are your priorities for getting ready for September 2013?

20:54:00 20:54:00 20:54:10 20:54:37 20:54:38 20:54:41

Kathryn7899 sciencelabman SheliBB jackieschneider DJTom3 brockhockeyacad

20:54:46 20:55:35 20:55:39 20:55:42 20:55:43

CarrieStarbuck DJTom3 Jivespin ukedchat truan_steve













RT @urban_teacher: Teacher Tip: - A goal without a plan is just a wish. #ukedchat @deadshelley @DJTom3 @danielharvey9 me too. can we collaborate on ideas? #ukedchat @Jivespin @syded06 @ictevangelist @danielharvey9 the iPad scroll over is fab on a pc too! (not on iPad ironically!) #ukedchat Anyone else noticed increasingly shrill & aggressive nature of Tweacher tweets recently? #ukedchat @CSc_teacher ok I will do thank you #ukedchat @DJTom3 no worries Tom. Going to blog about it &Can find me on Google+ Clare Hicks if you wanna join in the fun! #ukedchat #edchat #pegeeks WHHHHAAATTTTT! @truan_steve @Jivespin You just keep getting better & better. Wish I went to your school! #ukedchat @deadshelley @danielharvey9 ah ok #ukedchat @ICTEvangelist Oh dear - looks like someone hasn't read your blog #ukedchat Just 5 minutes of #ukedchat remain. Final thoughts? @CarrieStarbuck @Jivespin we also did LOST x curricular day with SLT and HOH. U like .. ? #ukedchat @JamesJMatthews School I was in last year had a whole school week theme of "The elements", mostly outdoor learning - it was fab! #ukedchat @ColinTGraham @DJTom3 @danielharvey9 Fair point.Id love to abandon the designation Outstanding, because its tainted,isnt it? #UKedchat @deadshelley @DJTom3 @danielharvey9 something we are also currently exploring via in house R&D, staff led workshop sessions etc #ukedchat | "Kung Fu #Literacy (Word Types)": #engchat #litchat #writing #edchat #ukedchat @sciencelabman @deadshelley @danielharvey9 @beetlebug1 There's a lot of good stuff on Diigo groups and LiveBinders too ;-) #ukedchat Yea! What is that about?@jackieschneider Catching up on tweets from earlier & a few were at each others throats! #TwitterRage #ukedchat

34 of 37

UKedchat Archive 30th May 2013 Hosted by @danielharvey9

What are your priorities for getting ready for September 2013?

20:56:29 20:56:42 20:56:46

hsps1shamac DJTom3 Jivespin



20:56:51 20:57:03 20:57:17

shornymorgan jogyouon deadshelley

20:57:20 20:57:22 20:57:24 20:57:25 20:57:32 20:57:36 20:57:48 20:57:49 20:57:52 20:57:58

ColinTGraham CarrieStarbuck Nicholls_Dr angelique500 EnglishCHS deadshelley fboss CarrieStarbuck RichardFiona iamdoctord

RT @jackieschneider: I loathe Gove, Twigg & Adonis equally. Important to challenge them #ukedchat @ColinTGraham yeah its the side of the uk global trends. #ukedchat @jackieschneider Only from a minority - majority of Tweachers still share and provoke robust discussion #ukedchat @CarrieStarbuck @Jivespin mmmm, constant fight 2 b able 2 do these things, but that's my fav bit of the job #ukedchat @Stplearning @deadshelley @DJTom3 @danielharvey9 Our SLT are looking into staff led sessions for next year #ukedchat Missed #ukedchat again! Sorry :( @ColinTGraham @DJTom3 @danielharvey9 Gove&Wilshaw are making the right noises Outstanding is whatever works. Lets hope inspectors #ukedchat @deadshelley @DJTom3 @danielharvey9When I was in Japan, I got used to the idea of "The nail which sticks out gets hammered down" #ukedchat Shame its a fight. @truan_steve @Jivespin Should be fun! Make learning fun and thus, easier. #ukedchat RT @mr4syth: Sort the school timetable as early as possible. Always pleases staff. #ukedchat @jackieschneider #ukedchat surely tweachers are a microcosym of society as much as any group are RT @TMClevedon: Teachmeet Clevedon is TWO WEEKS TODAY!!!!! Are you as excited as we are?! #TMClevedon #ukedchat @ColinTGraham @DJTom3 @danielharvey9 catch up. #ukedchat RT @lentil99: "@magicalmaths: Bodmas Starter 5 + 5 + 5 - 5 + 5 + 5 - 5 + 5 x 0 = ? (I Bet More People Will Answer It... #pgce #ukedchat #edchat" 0 And yes, I just said 'thus' on twitter! @truan_steve @Jivespin #ukedchat RT @ICTEvangelist: Pinterest for teachers - "it's like a visual twitter with more resources" #edtech #ukedchat Inspired by #UKedchat a question could be What are your priorities for getting ready for next academic year?'

35 of 37

UKedchat Archive 30th May 2013 Hosted by @danielharvey9

What are your priorities for getting ready for September 2013?

20:57:59 20:58:02 20:58:11

favstar_pop Jivespin Ebl_association





20:58:29 20:58:46 20:58:51 20:58:54

truan_steve CarrieStarbuck truan_steve DJTom3







20:59:38 20:59:38 20:59:48 20:59:56

ColinTGraham Jivespin ICTmagic CarrieStarbuck

#ukmeded RT @ICTEvangelist: Pinterest for teachers - "it's like a visual twitter with more resources" #edtech #ukedchat @truan_steve @CarrieStarbuck These projects are always worth fighting for #ukedchat @KempsterD As always schools will make it accessible, interesting and introduce a bit of magic! Teachers would sell cars no bother!#ukedchat @shornymorgan @deadshelley @DJTom3 @danielharvey9 teachmeet sessions are a great model for this #ukedchat #ukedchat It ain't what you do, or the way that you do - it's why you it... Moral purpose sorts the motivation - all else follows... RT @CarrieStarbuck: Shame its a fight. @truan_steve @Jivespin Should be fun! Make learning fun and thus, easier. #ukedchat True that. @Jivespin @truan_steve Teachers like you keep my faith in the education system! #ukedchat RT @Jivespin: @truan_steve @CarrieStarbuck These projects are always worth fighting for #ukedchat @deadshelley @danielharvey9 that's true aspire and work torwards and you can get there #ukedchat good ideas about co coaching etc @Stplearning @deadshelley @DJTom3 @danielharvey9 Yes definitely! I'm so excited about presenting at #TMSoton #ukedchat @EduBookChatUK @DJTom3 @danielharvey9 By insisting that there is only outstanding teaching -which we can all aspire to&by creating #ukedchat RT @brockhockeyacad: @Nicholls_Dr @DJTom3 have you started it yet? I'm still debating to be honest! #UKedchat #edchat #flippedclassroom For Sept I'm still planning towards my ultimate goal of dominating the world of education by making myself unnecessary but wanted! #ukedchat @CarrieStarbuck Thank you kind lady! #ukedchat @HiKazzy That's a good idea. What about new pupils to the school? #ukedchat Hehe. Rather be good at English than THIS @Jivespin

36 of 37

UKedchat Archive 30th May 2013 Hosted by @danielharvey9

What are your priorities for getting ready for September 2013?

21:00:04 21:00:09 21:00:27 21:00:33

DJTom3 Stplearning CarrieStarbuck deadshelley



@truan_steve #ukedchat @ColinTGraham @deadshelley @danielharvey9 that's true #ukedchat @shornymorgan @deadshelley @DJTom3 @danielharvey9 was thinking of attending, some staff are - based in bournemouth #ukedchat Well, its true! @Jivespin I've come across a few rotters in the past! #ukedchat @EduBookChatUK @DJTom3 @danielharvey9 a supportive culture of non-judgemental,formative observations.By reprofessionalising staff. #ukedchat It's 9pm. Thx to @danielharvey9 - The only #ukedchat host to tweet by proxy. (He's has a tough time with Twitter gremlins) Give him a cheer!

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