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Course Syllabus: ATEC 6389

Course Information Special Topics: WORLD BUILDING METHODS (Lab) Course: ATEC 6389.0U1 Day/Time: Thursdays 4:00-8:00 PM Class Blog:


Room: ATEC 1.202

Professor Contact Information: & Adam L. Brackin, Ph.D - Research Assistant Professor, ATEC - UTD Phill Johnson, MFA Research Assistant Professor, ATEC - UTD OFFICE: JO 3.506 (OFFICE PHONE: 972-883-4350) Alternate: 214-354-6161 SUMMER OFFICE HOURS: Daily by appointment Course Description This is intended to be unlike any class you have ever taken. In the grandest sense, this course will explore the interplay of massive IP worlds within the context of a transmedia environment. Not long ago we were spectators, passive consumers of mass media. Today, we ARE media. Abandoning our role as passive audience members, we approach television shows, movies, even advertising as invitations to join in - as experiences to immerse ourselves in at will. Rethink the ancient art of narrative for a two way world - innovators and story mechanics that are changing how we play, communicate, and think. From marketing to experimental forms, transmedia narrative is as surprising as it is inevitable and we are the witnesses to the emergence of this new form of storytelling in which the audience becomes the player and if pushed far enough, author in their own right. Student Learning Objectives/Outcomes In simplest terms, however this class has one primary objective: In groups of 2-3 we will create ludonarrative elements, spaces, stories, and so forth within a cohesive original IP world of your own making. Topics for discussion will be addressed, but with much group interaction to facilitate thought and discussion on the topics at hand. As a lab course, much of the class-time will be dedicated to working on the group projects. Two presentations will be required, one at the midpoint and the other on the last week of class in order to present the worlds you are developing to your classmates and demonstrate your ability to communicate the essence of living breathing massive worlds within a short amount of time. Required Textbooks and Materials (NOTE: The inclusion of these texts are for reference regarding format and scholarship no specific reading will be required from them)
Rose, Frank. The Art of Immesion: How the Digital Generation is Remaking Hollywood, Madison Avenue, and the Way We Tell Stories Supplied readings.

(And selected short readings online and given in class as well as various other selections - TBD.)

Course Syllabus

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Course Content, Assignments, & Academic Calendar

(Course requirements or due-dates may be amended or changed; such changes will be given in writing, with sufficient advance notice for completion.)

Tentative List of Topics:

Week 1 May 30 - [VISUALIZATION AND WORLDS] Introductions, using description in spaces to create story places. Worlds, narratives, fictions and meta-fictions via the quadrant model (push-pull, story-ludic) (AB & PJ) - Case Study: Yogscast Week 2 June 6 - [NARRATIVE MODE] Structure, Linearity & Non-linearity; Form via Traditional & Nontraditional Storytelling (Storytelling as Media, Structure, and Form) (AB) Week 3 June 13 - [FAN WORKS AND LORE] History of fantasy, (Art bible / lore bible) Lore, Religion, and Mythology; (AB & PJ) - Case study: Star Wars? (STEAM) Week 4 June 20 - [NEW MEDIA] 4 elements of Transmedia, new-media, & cross-media. Pull Media: ARGs, chaotic fiction, timewasters, & street games. (AB) (STEAM) Week 5 June 27 [MIDPOINT PRESENTATIONS] Interactive story models, advanced non-linear, ergodic, cohesive and noncohesive fictive spaces (AB) Week 6 July 4 - NO CLASS: INDEPENDENCE DAY Week 7 July 11 - Ludic structures, level design, Immersion and interactivity, playing the story / narrative as VR (PJ) (AB out) Week 8 July 18 - Historical Perspectives, crafted histories, cultural artifacts (PJ) (AB out) Week 9 July 25 - Social and political spaces, civic planning, technical progression (PJ) (AB out) Week 10 August 1 - Work Day?? (AB & PJ) Week 11 August 8 - Final presentations of worlds - each team is given 45 minutes to showcase their world.

*The above is a generalized schedule of topics. I expect that we will get a little ahead or behind depending on various factors and the depth and complexity of the topics achieved.

Attendance and Grading Policy

Students must be actively enrolled in or officially auditing this class in order to attend it due to UTD policy, fire code, and very real seating restrictions. Students are generally expected to attend ALL classes unless you have a special circumstance in which case, as a courtesy, please contact BOTH OF US in advance by email. Late work will be dropped by one letter grade (10 points) for each week it is late without exception. If there is a personal scheduling conflict, please turn it in early.
SINCE, There is only one major deliverable for this class NOT including any weekly homework or small assignments (which count towards the daily participation grade), the two minor presentations will complement your major deliverable. This class is graded on a standard 10 point grading scale for all deliverables. Grade weights will be determined as follows:

Daily Class Participation & Attendance ---------------- 20% of total grade D1: MIDPOINT Presentation ------------------------------ 15% of total grade D2: FINAL Presentation ----------------------------------- 15% of total grade D3: THREE PART WORLD BUILDING --------------- 50% of total grade

This class relies heavily on discussion and class participation, and a high level of professionalism and good citizenship is expected. Attention should be given to the speaker(s) at all times and respect shown as expected within the university classroom environment. Appropriate multi-tasking is permitted only so long as it does not interfere with the high expectations described above. This DOES NOT include personal use of the lab computers, social media sites, games, etc unless directly related to instruction at that moment. Any student who attends all classes, completes all coursework on time, and whose deliverables all meet the high standards expected of a UTD graduate student, will receive an A in this course.

UT Dallas Syllabus Policies and Procedures The information found at the following link constitutes the University's policies and procedures segment of course syllabi. Be aware that all information contained at this link is considered to be fully a part of this syllabus herein without exception as if it were printed below.

Course Syllabus

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