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Another proof of Shiism/ Shiite lies and deception from Sunni sources.

As an example the Shia website Answering-Ansar team states in their revised edition ofAli un-Wali Allah; in Kalima & Adhan:
Quoting Answering-Ansar: The Wilayat of Maula Ali (as) and the perfection of the religionJust after the declaration of the Imam Alis (as) guardianship, Allah (swt) revealed the verse Al yaumu akmaltu lakum deenakum and made it clear for everyone that though belief in the Unity of Allah, the Prophethood, prayers, fasting, pilgrimage, the payment of poor-rate and jihad already existed, without the Wilayat of Ali (as) the Religion cannot be complete and perfect. Abu Saeed al-Khudri has narrated that this verse descended upon the Holy Prophet (s) on the day of Ghadir e Khum when he declared that Ali was the leader of whom ever was he. Abu Hurairah has also narrated it and he has also further said that this verse revealed on 18th of the month of Dhil-Hij when the Holy Prophet (s) returned from Hujjat al-Widah (the last pilgrimage). 1. Tafseer Ibn Katheer, volume 2, page 14, published in Egypt. 2. Tafseer Durre Manthur, volume 2, page 259, published in Egypt. After the narrations of the two companions Abu Saeed and Abu Hurairah it is crystal clear that until the Prophet (s) declared the Wilayat of Ali (as) on the day of Ghadir e Khum, Allah (swt) did not declare the religion to be perfected until this happened. Now, when without the declaration of the Wilayat of Ali (as) the religion is incomplete, then how can the Kalima and Adhan of the Muslims be complete without it? Ali un-Wali Allah; in Kalima & Adhan, page 8

However, the only thing that becomes crystal clear after reading this quote cited by the Answering-Ansar team and checking the two referenced texts is that this is an outright case of misquoting and distorting Sunn texts. The verse inaccurately transliterated and mentioned by the Answering-Ansar team is a part of a longer verse: Today, I have perfected your religion for you, and have completed My blessing upon you, and chosen Islam as religion and a way of life for you.[Surah alMa'idah 5:3] And the references provided for the quote mentioning the two narrations which support the argument of Answering-Ansar are:

1. Tafsr al-Qurn al-`Am of Ab al-Fid Ibn Kathr (d. 774) 2. al-Durr al-Manthr fi al-Tafsr bi al-Mathr of Jall al-Dn al-Suy (d. 911) Let us now check these two references and see what the authors of these two books have, in reality, said in their works.

The Tafsr of Ibn Kath r

What Ibn Kathr actually states about this verse and those two narrations in hisTafsr is:

Ibn Mardawayh has narrated with the chain of Ab Hrn al -`Abd, from Ab Sa`d al-Khudr that it was revealed upon the Messenger of Allh (saws) on the day of Ghadr Khumm, when he said to `Al: Anyone whose mawl I am, `Ali is his mawl. Then he also narrated that from Ab Hurayra, which included that it was the eighteenth day of Dh al-ijja, which means the day of his (saws) return from ijjat al-Wid`. This, however, is not authentic; neither the first (narration) nor the second. Rather, the correct opinion, in which there is no doubt and dispute, is that the verse was revealed on the day of `Arafa, and that was on a Friday, as narrated by the Commander of the Believers, `Umar ibn alKhab, `Al ibn Ab lib; the first king of Islam, Mu`wiya ibn Ab Sufyn, `Abd Allh ibn `Abbs, the dragoman of the Qurn and Samura ibn Jundub (ra), and reported in a dispatched manner by al-Sha`b, Qatda ibn Di`ma, Shahr ibn awshab and several others from among the Imms and scholars; and this is the opinion preferred by Ibn Jarr al -abar (ra).

Tafsr al-Qurn al-`Am, of Ab al-Fid ibn Kathr (d. 774), volume 2, page 15 [Beirut] Tafsr al-Qurn al-`Am, of Ab al-Fid ibn Kathr (d. 774), page 579-580 [Beirut]

Ibn Kathrs words in his Tafsr have been, as obvious, half-quoted by the AnsweringAnsar team to deceive the readers.

al-Durr al-Manth r of al- Suy

al-Suy, after mentioning several authentic narrations from a al-Bukhr and other Sunn texts that disprove the notion pushed forth by the Answering-Ansar team about the verse in discussion, writes:

It is documented by Ibn Mardawayh and Ibn `Askir, with a weak chain of transmission, from Ab Sa`d al-Khudr that he said: When the Messenger of Allh (saws) appointed `Al on the day of Ghadr Khumm and announced the guardianship for him, Jibrl descended upon him with this verse: Today, I have

perfected your religion for you [5:3]. And Ibn Mardawayh, al -Khab and Ibn `Askir document, with a weak chain of transmission, from Ab Hurayra that he said: When it was the day of Ghadr Khumm, which was the eighteenth day of Dh al-ijja, the Prophet (saws) said: Anyone whose mawl I am, `Ali is his mawl. So, Allh revealed Today, I have perfected your religion for you [5:3].

al-Durr al-Manthr f al-Tafsr bi al-Mathr, of Jall al-Dn al-Suy (d. 911), volume 2, page 259 [Beirut] al-Durr al-Manthr f al-Tafsr bi al-Mathr, of Jall al-Dn al-Suy (d. 911), volume 5, page 186-187 [Cairo]

It is clear from al-Suys actual words in al-Durr al-Manthr that the narrations of these two Companions (ra) are unreliable, for they are related with a weak chain of transmission. This part, of course, was deceptively left out by the Answering-Ansar team. Readers should read the quotes of Ibn Kathr and al-Suy again, and compare it to what Answering-Ansar quotes:
Quoting Answering-Ansar: Abu Saeed al-Khudri has narrated that this verse descended upon the Holy Prophet (s) on the day of Ghadir e Khum when he declared that Ali was the leader of whom ever was he. Abu Hurairah has also narrated it and he has also further said that this verse revealed on 18th of the month of Dhil-Hij when the Holy Prophet (s) returned from Hujjat al-Widah (the last pilgrimage).1. Tafseer Ibn Katheer, volume 2, page 14, published in Egypt. 2. Tafseer Durre Manthur, volume 2, page 259, published in Egypt. Ali un-Wali Allah; in Kalima & Adhan, page 8

The misquotation and distortion is quite clear.

Why Such Deception?

It should be evident to all from reading the above that had the Answering-Ansar team completely quoted what Ibn Kathr and al-Suy said while mentioning these two narrations, it would have been impossible for them to substantiate their argument and say:
Quoting Answering-Ansar: After the narrations of the two companions Abu Saeed and Abu Hurairah it is crystal clear that until the Prophet (s) declared the Wilayat of Ali (as) on the day of Ghadir e Khum, Allah (swt) did not declare the religion to be perfected until this happened. Now, when without the declaration of the Wilayat of Ali (as) the religion is incomplete, then how can the Kalima and Adhan of the Muslims be complete without it? Ali un-Wali Allah; in Kalima & Adhan, page 8

Thus, of course, they chose the Sh` way of handling Sunn texts, by misquoting them to give readers the entirely opposite picture of what they really mention and establish. May Allh (swt) save us from deception and misquotation of religious texts.

It is only Allah (swt) who gives success, and blessings and peace be on the Seal of the Prophets, his Pure Progeny and his Noble Companions.

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