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Prejudice Over Principles

The real problem (overlooked!) of American conservatism is its views shapes its principles. Its biases, denied at every turn, up and down the spectrum by citizen and pol alike, leak through to be followed by a barrage of explanations of why this

jest/misstep/conspiracy/unartful thinking

is only a problem for those who really dont know what was intended (rather than said or implied). Those who pretend not to know what was intended, according to conservatives, look to divide America and complain by false pretense when confronted with conservative truth. But that truth is not based on principles. Its based on an ideology of pain, myth, and bias; narcissism and prejudice. Its principles are submerged. For the life of the party, American conservatives cannot

self-assess. Not Heritage or Mark Sanford, not Ted Cruz or Milt Romney, not Paul Ryan or Steve King or Kelly Ayotte. The back story of conservatives is well documented. Videos, emails, memberships, interviews, Ph. D. dissertations, off the record conversations; youtube rants, discussion boards, the humor and anger of their social media, show their prejudice precedes compassion or principles. In Europe, principles are put first. There, they are blind to the damage of these principles wrongly applied. In the States, the damage is the whole purpose: the cycle of pain is enshrined in the Partys platform: pain for the elderly, poor, sick, and weak as historical truth and as existential truth of the sloth, laziness, entitlement and tyranny that weakens and corrupts the soul. That corruption is government! Add that certain groups are more infected with sloth, laziness, and begging and you have a Party that hates by hating government; one which cant find its principles.

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