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Spring 2013 C.

Betty Crocker, MPH, RD

A Lifetime of WellnessBook.
Mt. San Antonio College Ryan McNemar

Table of Contents

Quality Levels3

My Nutrition Profile...4

Perfect Plan Analysis...8

Super Foods..10

Farm to Table...15

My Plate.17



My Wellness Life......22


Quality Levels

My Nutrition Profile

Deficiencies: Water- This maintains homeostasis in the body and allows for transportation of nutrients to cells and removal and excretion of waste products due to metabolism. Early symptoms can progress quickly if not treated, (dry mouth, sunken eyes, poor skin color, cold hands and feet, weak and rapid pulse, rapid and shallow breathing, confusion, exhaustion, and coma). If loss of fluid continues constituting more than 10 percent of body weight then it may be fatal. -3 sources: tap water, fruits, juices Kcals- This is the basic unit of energy and is the basic structure used to describe the energy contents within any dietary source. Only a few weeks without caloric nourishment can initiate vitamin and mineral deficiencies to body-mass depletion and possible organ failures. Prolonged caloric restriction can cause insufficient metabolic energy and steals the body of mass and stored nutrients. -3 sources: food, beverages (besides water), supplements Carbohydrates- are the primary energy source of energy and more specifically for the brain; based on its role as a source of kilocalories to maintain body weight. Deficiencies can cause hypoglycemia due to a loss of glucose levels. Other outcomes are conditions such as ketosis from low energy levels and weight gain through feeling hungrier than normal. -3 sources: grains, vegetables, fruits Fiber- improves solidness of stool, regulates digestion, reduces risk of coronary heart disease, and assists in maintaining normal blood glucose levels. Constipation, diverticulitis, and heart disease are some of the side effects of fiber deficiencies in your everyday diet. -3 sources: oats, wheat, rice EFA N-6 This is an essential component of structural membrane lipids and involved with cell signaling, along with being a precursor of eicosanoids. It is also helpful in maintaining normal skin function. Early signs of essential fatty acid deficiency include a dry rash, decreased growth for babies and children, increased susceptibility to infection, and poor cut healing.

3 sources: nuts, seeds, vegetable oils EFA N-3 - The omega-3 fatty acid (DHA) is the major polyunsaturated fatty acid found in the brain and is important for brain development and function. Synapses are rich in DHA, which is why this fatty acid is involved in signal transmission along neurons. Learning disabilities, depression, arthritis, and heart disease are some of the conditions that can come about from a chronic deficiency. 3 sources: vegetable oils, fatty fish, eggs Niacin- This is the basis for required energy for metabolism. Chronic deficiencies can equate to thick, scaly pigmented rash on the skin exposed to sunlight, vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue and depression or memory loss. 3 sources: meat, fish, breads B6- This vitamin is the coenzyme in the metabolism of amino acids, glycogen and sphenoid bases. Minor deficiencies can cause depression, confusion, and a weak immune system with more serious effects including heart disease, cancer, and lost cognitive function. 3 sources: fortified cereals, organ meats, soy meat substitute Vitamin C- This vitamin is used in reactions requiring reduced copper or iron metalloenzyme and is also used as a protective antioxidant. Small deficiencies can be decreased athletic performance while larger ones can cause heart disease and dementia. 3 sources: citrus fruits, tomatoes, potatoes Vitamin D- Its main function is to maintain serum calcium and phosphorus concentrations inside the body. There are multiple diseases being studied on its relation to vitamin D including diabetes, hypertension, and multiple sclerosis. 3 sources: fortified milk, fish liver oils, eggs Vitamin A- Required for regular vision, gene expression, reproduction aspects, vegetables, embryonic development, and immune regulation. While uncommon in America, Xerophthalmia is the inability to see in low light, and if not treated it can lead to blindness.

3 sources: liver, dairy products, fish Magnesium- The main function of this element is to be the cofactor for enzyme systems. Small amounts of magnesium deficiency causes numbness, tingling, muscle contractions and cramps. More extreme magnesium deficiency can result in low levels of calcium in the blood which is also known as hypocalcaemia. 3 sources: green leafy vegetables, unpolished grains, nuts Potassium- Maintains fluid volume inside/outside of cells which in turn creates normal cell function; acts to blunt the rise of blood pressure in response to large amounts of sodium intake, and decrease markers of bone turnover and recurrence of kidney stones. Muscle fatigues, loss of energy, are early signs that can lead to paralysis and kidney damage. 3 sources: fruits, dried peas, dairy products Zinc- This is a component of multiple enzymes and proteins; involved in the regulation of gene expression. While uncommon in the US, it causes slow growth in infants, delayed sexual development in adolescents and impotence in men. Zinc deficiency also causes hair loss, diarrhea, eye and skin sores and loss of appetite in minor cases. 3 sources: fortified cereals, red meat, certain seafood Excesses: o Riboflavin- This is a coenzyme in numerous redox reactions. There is no adverse affects on the over consumption of riboflavin in your daily diet but it is a much understudied topic, so caution may be warranted.

o Folate- This is a coenzyme in the metabolism of nucleic and amino acids; it also prevents megaloblastic anemia. With excess it can cause neurological complications in people with V12 deficiencies. Other than that with naturally found folate there is no adverse affects with large amounts in your diet.

o Iron- This is a component of hemoglobin along with numerous enzymes; it also prevents microcytic hypo chromic anemia. The one side affect from over consumption of iron is gastrointestinal distress.

Sodium- It is an important electrolyte that maintains the amount of fluid in a persons body. This means that sodium helps to regulate the amount of water in and around your body's cell. Excess sodium can lead to high blood pressure, kidney disease, and hypernatremia. Sources:

Perfect Plan Analysis


The dietary changes that were required to change my actual diet plan into my perfect diet plan were rather small and easy steps. My water intake was much too low so I began substituting almost all of my previous liquids with water, and more of it with each meal and snack. My meals were not nutrient dense and included mostly empty calories with higher amounts of sodium. Because of this my biggest problem was nutrient deficiencies so, to my surprise, I had to eat more foods but foods that possessed nutritional value. Where I had poor meals or nothing at all, I added in fruits and vegetables along with nuts and berries. The meals I was eating had to be changed to include more whole grains and sources of healthy protein and carbohydrates. By skipping meals I not only missed out on nutritional needs but I also feel it made me more susceptible to unhealthy and larger eating in my next meal. The DASH or the dietary approaches to stop hypertension, recommendation calls for a maximum of 2300 mg of sodium a day where as my intake exceeded 2800 mgs. The other three minerals included in the program are potassium, calcium, and magnesium which are all aimed at lowering blood pressure. In my diet the top three sources of these minerals were bananas, milk, and almonds respectively. Through this Institute of Medicine backed program they strive to improve the heart health of everyone by reducing sodium intake and increasing healthy mineral consumption.

Super Foods
-In order from least to most use (chart depicted below).

Almonds- This super food was used a total of 1.2 times throughout my three day diet record. This is an excellent nutrient source for protein, omega 6, niacin, calcium, magnesium, iron, and zinc. It is also a good source of potassium, folate, B6, and fiber. My motivation for eating almonds is not only its enticing taste, but also its affordability and ease to carry around for a quick snack. Apple- This food selection was included a total of two times throughout my three day diet record. Apples were only a good source of fiber and nothing else. While this is disappointing to discover I still see the nutritional value in that it motivates me to eat healthier in my overall diet and is a great substitute for many unhealthy choices. Broccoli- This vegetable was included in my three day diet a total of two times. Broccoli is an excellent source of Vitamin C along with being a good source of folate and B6. Now unlike most people I am motivated to include this in my diet for the simple fact that I really enjoy the natural taste of it. It also is a quick and easy side choice for many meats that are commonly consumed. Carrots- This food item was found in my three day diet two different times. It is an outstanding and somewhat insanely good

source of Vitamin A in how much you get per serving, and along with that is a good source of B6. I like to eat carrots because they are also quick and easy snacks that you can carry around with ease if you are on the move or need something quick. Mixed Berries- Like most of my super foods this item was included in my three day diet a total number of two times. It is an excellent source of protein, CHO, riboflavin, calcium and iron. It is also a good source of magnesium, potassium, zinc, B6, B12, and thiamin. I enjoy eating berries because it is a nice change from all the vegetables and can be added to a lot of other foods and meals such as yogurt. Skinny Cow Sandwich- This dessert item was used a total number of two times in my three day diet record. They advertise this product as a good source of fiber and yet it does not qualify as a good source of fiber in my wellness book which is kind of disheartening. I am still motivated to include this in my diet though, because everyone wants dessert from time to time and I feel this is one of the healthier choices. Whole wheat pasta- Unlike the last five this food item was used a total of two and a half times over the three day diet record. It is an excellent source of protein, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, B6, folate, and iron. It is also a good source of CHO, fiber, B12, magnesium and zinc. I am motivated to include this in my diet from the sheer fact that it is such a good source for so many of the essential nutrients.

Orange- This fruit was included in my three day diet record a total number of three times. Its only nutrient dense category is vitamin C which should not come as a surprise as everyone knows that oranges are an excellent source of vitamin C. I really enjoy eating oranges and they are relatively cheap for the amount of food you get per dollar. Banana- I included this item in my three day diet a total of 4 different times. While it is not an excellent source of any of the nutrients it provides a good amount of vitamin C and potassium. As sad as it may be, the main thing that motivates me to eat bananas is the short time period that they are ripe and my effort to not waste any food that I buy. However, they are also a tasty snack or side and are somewhat convenient to carry around.

Yogurt- The most common super food in my three day diet record showing up a total of four and a half times was yogurt. It is an excellent source of riboflavin and calcium along with being a good source of protein, CHO, thiamin, B6, potassium, and zinc. This food item is included so much because I already knew of its great nutritional value and along with the taste and convenience it is an easy choice when Im in need of something quick.




Farm to Table


I found the Central Valley Almond Association located in McFarland, California. The CVAA serves the almond growers of Californias great central valley, where 99% of all U.S. almonds are grown. It is a grower-owned operation that assists with hulling and shelling services for any of its members. Almond production is concentrated in mainly California, with almonds being California's third leading agricultural product and almost all of the U.S. commercial supply. All of this makes the United States the dominant supplier of almonds in the world. In 2011, the United States shipped about 637,000 metric tons, valued at $2.8 billion out of the country. When it comes to the growing process the winter season is the time when almond trees are trained and the tree are cleared from all of the dead, diseased, or drooping branches. From late February to early March, acres and acres of almond orchards start to bloom soft pale pink almond blossoms. This is when millions of bees start working in the trees for the critical process of pollination. From then until summer, orchards need to be frost-free, have mild temperatures and minimal rain for blossoms to flourish, which is why California is such a great place for growth. During the summer the almond outer hull and inner

shell continue the hardening process and mature until it begins to split open, which is typically in July. The whole nut and stem finally are ready to be separated and, shortly before harvest, the hull opens fully. The trees are shaken by large machines to remove the nuts and are finally harvested after the hulls have sufficiently dried while lying on the orchard floor. The only real conflict in almond production is the way in which they are pasteurized, in that they can be steamed or gassed. While the steaming option is all natural and leaves behind no chemical residue, the gassing option has been known to leave small amounts of carcinogens behind on the almonds. The topic is up for debate within Californias state governing board but no such decision has been made yet. While the carcinogens have shown no side effects thus far, the concern is always what effects it may have on the long term or if large amounts are consumed in a short period. They are also negative on the health side as the chemicals affect the almonds nutritional value. The most interesting thing about all of this to me was the fact that California is the largest producer of almonds not only in the United States, but all over the whole world. The shear production of almonds so close to where I live was unbelievable to me, as a person whos only ever been in southern California its hard for me to imagine such a large and diverse farmland in the same state. At places like Trader Joes, and other commercial stores, you can get a pound of raw almonds for about five dollars. While most farmers markets, like the one in Santa Monica, can be found for about $3.50 a pound. Finally, an almond recipe that is liked by many and found to be a healthy snack is what I call virgin almonds. Simply put you add virgin olive oil, clove garlic, salt, and dried rosemary which is all put together and then slow roasted in the oven. Its a good snack while on the go and is fresh for months. Whole growing process step by step: (

Central Valley Almond Association Website:



My Plate

Above are the results from my perfect 3 day meal plan: Grains Vegetables Fruits Dairy Protein Empty Cal Discussion: I believe that the My Plate application is good and helpful in trying to make meals more healthy and nutritional. At its base and simplest form the system is easy to use as it gives you a goal to reach for a healthier lifestyle. I do feel however that the DRI goals are more specific and useful for someone who is getting deeper into the nutrition of what they consume. The DRI goals would be confusing to someone with no nutritional background who has just started making changes in their diet. So the My Plate option would be a great option to help a larger population of people looking to make a change. My Plate is user friendly and available to anyone with a computer, which is basically

o o o o o o

GOAL 10 oz 3.5 cups 2.5 cups 3 cups 7 oz 426

ACTUAL 3.5 oz 2.6 cups 3 cups 2.8 cups 8.1 oz 785

%GOAL 35.1% 75.1% 119.7% 94.9% 115.7% 184.3%

everyone these days. By simply putting in your diet consumption you can track six basic categories and alter your food choices from there. One of the disadvantages to this however is its inability to break down meals that are already prepared. This forces its users to input every specific item within their meals recipe, which can be time consuming and a turn off for some.

Water is the most pivotal part of our body and it is also the most overlooked part of most everyones diet. In reading these instructions it struck me like a ton of bricks when it was mentioned that not a single student included it as a super food. I think this just perfectly exemplifies the fact that people, and especially kids, these days do not look at water with any sort of regard to its nutritional value and importance to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Lets now go through some of the major questions connected with water consumption and how their answers relate to living a healthier lifestyle.


What role does water have in wellness from meal plans to drinking between meals? -Well as evident from the CDCs study, taking sugar sweetened beverages and replacing them with water can have a dramatic affect on caloric intake. However, I feel it also does well in improving a persons meal plan by consciously making them think about what they are pairing with this water. Studies have shown that if your beverage of choice is a soda then youre more likely to grab a bag of chips or some other fatty substitute. In contrast, when someone grabs water they are then more likely to grab an apple or some other healthy choice. Drinking between meals is also important as it can help the body with nutrient absorption from previous meals and meals to come. Not to mention it keeps you feeling fuller longer in order to try and avoid those costly and unhealthy snack binges. What role/influence does water play in weight management, obesity, satiation, disease prevention, and sodas/sugar-containing beverage consumption? -Water has one obvious role in weight management as your substituting the high calorie choices like juice and soda for the better low calorie option of water. When it comes to disease prevention almost every cell in your body requires water in some way or another so if youre not giving those cells a proper supply of water then they cant do their intended job of protection. Water also helps flush out toxins and waste products that our body has left behind. This also helps keep us feeling satisfied with our meals and hunger levels as thirst is often misinterpreted as hunger. The basic reality of sodas, or any other sugar containing beverage, is that they give you little to no nutritional value and leave you wanting more than you started with. What is your opinion of including juices in a meal plan instead of water? -I believe there is a lot of misconception in adding juices to your meal plan instead of water in that you think youll gain some sort of nutritional advantage. With drinks such as orange juice and apple juice people, including myself, assume that the nutrition they get from these fruit juices is worth the small amount of extra sugar you add to your caloric intake. In reality the nutritional value is too small to make any real difference however the amount of added sugar is significantly different than most people think and can sometimes equate to drinking a soda. If people want to truly make

better nutrition choice my opinion would be to just stick with water and worry about getting your fruits and vegetables in their whole foods state. -In doing this 3 day diet record the thing about water consumption that amazed me the most was the actual amount of water I needed to consume just to fulfill 80% of my DRI goal. I kept adding more and more water with each meal and had to place bottles of water periodically throughout the day for snacks and such just to stay up with the recommendations. Truly showing me just how little water I drank and how much more I need to in order to help my body perform at full capacity.

-Fiber is an essential part of everyones diet and plays an important role in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. While it is not directly absorbed by the body for its nutritional value it plays a key role in regulating digestion and fulfilling many other needs that a person faces every day. One major question is just how big of a role fiber may have in wellness and it affects on future meal plans. I believe it plays a huge role in wellness because not only does it regulate digestion and create roughage for other foods; it also helps other nutrients become more easily absorbed in the body. It is used to help treat diseases such as diverticulosis, diabetes, and heart disease. Along with treating disease, it can help prevent future ailments by regulating your digestive system and keeping harmful bacteria out of it. It can also help keep diverticulosis from ever happening with a constant intake of fiber in your diet. Fiber helps with obesity simply due to the fact that the body cannot easily break down fiber making you feel fuller quicker. That fullness also stays for a longer period of time so that you can go without snacking before your next meal. As we talked about earlier with water, if you are able to stay satisfied for longer periods of time then you are able to get rid of those quick unhealthy, spur of the moment snacks that we all crave in between meals. Fiber is also a source of empty calories which in some cases can be seen as a negative, but does have its place in a diet. Empty calories are basically defined as calories without any of the nutrients that you would normally get but all of the energy that is normally found in a calorie. For someone with a sedentary lifestyle empty calories would be a bad choice as they would receive no nutritional benefits and only store the excess energy. However, someone who exerts great amounts of physical energy throughout the day would indeed need empty calories, along with a healthy diet, in

order to meet their energy requirements. A set amount of fiber in anyones diet is certainly acceptable and if their nutritional needs are understood then it will eventually improve overall health. When it comes to including juices in your meal plan to get your recommended goals of fiber however, I feel that there are better choices with fewer effects on your nutritional standards. Fiber can be found in a lot of other food choices than contain less sugar, not to mention the fiber content found in most juices is minimal to begin with. When it comes to my person fiber digestion I was under on my initial goals. By doing the perfect three day plan I came to notice that meeting my nutritional needs was rather easy when I placed the proper fruits and vegetables throughout my diet. So without the juices and without the supplements my fiber needs can be met with proper and smart eating that is thought out and calculated.


My Wellness Life
This wellness book has been eye opening to say the least, and the values and ideals that I have learned from this experience will definitely be carried with me for the rest of my life. Going through this experience has shown me a lot of ways in which I am slacking in providing sufficient nutrition for my body, but it has also showed me the quick and easy steps that I can make to change that. I have a history of being on the bigger side for a good part of my life until the rest of my body decided to catch up and my height shot up, making me the scrawny guy I am today. My family tries to be healthy and I know my mom is conscious about what she feeds us, but like most families when the weeks get busy and the time gets short we would always go for some quick unhealthy drive thru meal. My personal wellness consist of telling myself that I am going to start eating healthy now and that goal will last for about a week or so and then theres one day when I just stop caring and completely binge on fast foods and unhealthy snacks. To which I always say, Oh well and that Ill start again next week, causing a cycle that continues over and over again. With that in mind below is my wellness strategies worksheet that I plan to put into place in order to keep my healthy lifestyle longer than just a week.


As you can see I have created 5 plans for the 5 major categories of a healthy lifestyle. In having a plan and a strategy to follow I can stay on track and know that I am doing what is necessary to meet my nutrient needs. While nutrition is a critical component, theres another field of wellness that I need to improve on as well, and that is physical activity. Back in high school when my day consisted of hours upon hours of physical activity my nutrition slips did not affect me, but now as I transition into the college life with more school and work and less exercise, good nutrition becomes vital. As it is now, I am under the recommended amount of physical activity someone my age should be achieving per week. My plan is to join the local crossfit gym in my town, which happens to only be down the street from my house. I have had a few friends begin this workout program and have had nothing but positive things to say about it. In the end, wellness is a priority for me not only for the immediate gains of a healthier life and body, but also for the long term affects. I realize now that health when youre young will only help that much more as you get older. From all of this, the thing that has stuck out the most to me is the way I have been treating my body and how detrimental that can be for so many things. As a young person, a healthy nutritious meal every day is probably one of the farthest things from my mind, and that should not be the case. As many people have said before, you only get one chance with this one life and one body so if youre not doing everything possible to keep it healthy then youre crazy.


- - - Whole growing process step by step: ( - Central Valley Almond Association Website: ( - - px

- Nutrition: Concepts and Controversies, MyPlate Update, 12th Edition. By: Frances Sizer; Ellie Whitney


May 01, 2013 Ryan McNemar, Profile: Ryan McNemar, 3 Day Average Profile Active Profile: Height: Weight: Age: BMI: Gender: Activity Level: Smoker: Strict Vegetarian/Vegan: DRI Goals Nutrient

Ryan McNemar 6 ft. 2 inches 180.0 lbs. 20 years 23.1 Male Sedentary No No

DRI 2657 kcal 65.32 g 292.0 - 422.0 g 57.0 - 101.0 g < 26 g * * * < 300 mg 17 g 1.6 g 38 g * 3.7 L * 1.2 mg 1.3 mg 16 mg 1.3 mg 2.4 g 400 g 90 mg 15 g 900 g 3000 IU 15 mg 1000 mg 8 mg 400 mg 4700 mg 11 mg 1500 mg

Kilocalories Protein Carbohydrate Fat, Total Daily requirement based on grams per kilogram of body weight No recommendation Less than 10% of calories No recommendation No recommendation No recommendation Less than 300mg recommended

Saturated Fat Monounsaturated Fat Polyunsaturated Fat Trans Fatty Acid Cholesterol

Essential Fatty Acids

Omega-6 Linoleic Omega-3 Linolenic

Dietary Fiber, Total Sugar, Total No recommendation

Water Alcohol No recommendation

Thiamin Riboflavin Niacin Vitamin B6 Vitamin B12 Folate (DFE) Vitamin C Vitamin D (ug) Vitamin A (RAE) Vitamin A (IU) Alpha-Tocopherol

DRI Adequate Intake

Calcium Iron Magnesium Potassium Zinc Sodium DRI Adequate Intake

DRI Adequate Intake DRI Adequate Intake


May 01, 2013 Ryan McNemar, Profile: Ryan McNemar, 3 Day Average

Macronutrient Ranges for Apr 28, 2013, Apr 29, 2013, Apr 30, 2013

Carbs Protein Fats Alcohol

45%-65% 10%-35% 20%-35% 0%

Recommende d 1,196-1,727 40% kCal 266-930 kCal 14% 531-930 kCal 48% 0 kCal 0%

Yours 745 kCal 265 kCal 884 kCal 0 kCal


May 01, 2013 Ryan McNemar, Profile: Ryan McNemar, 3 Day Average

Fat Breakdown for Apr 28, 2013, Apr 29, 2013, Apr 30, 2013

Source of Fat * Transfat data is not yet reported by all sources and therefore may be under-represented. Saturated Fat Monounsaturated Fat Polyunsaturated Fat Trans Fatty Acid Unspecified

14% 19% 8% 1% 7%


May 01, 2013 Ryan McNemar, Profile: Ryan McNemar, 3 Day Average

Intake vs. Goals for Apr 28, 2013, Apr 29, 2013, Apr 30, 2013




Kilocalories Protein Carbohydrate Fat, Total 2657 kcal 65.32 g 292.0 - 422.0 g 57.0 - 101.0 g < 26 g * * * < 300 mg 17 g 1.6 g 38 g * 3.7 L * 1.2 mg 1.3 mg 16 mg 1.3 mg 2.4 g 400 g 90 mg 15 g 900 g 3000 IU 15 mg 1000 mg 8 mg 400 mg 4700 mg 11 mg 1500 mg 1,845.47 kcal 66.36 g 186.25 g 98.2 g 27.89 g 38.31 g 16.5 g 1.5 g 104.86 mg 11.36 g 0.73 g 16.36 g 65.44 g 0.69 L 0g 0.99 mg 1.8 mg 11.2 mg 0.74 mg 2.68 g 484.25 g 38.01 mg 4.55 g 237.05 g 2,506.12 IU 12.85 mg 1,082.61 mg 11.11 mg 238.52 mg 1,546.47 mg 7.56 mg 2,866.2 mg 82% 138% 70% 57% 112% 121% 42% 30% 26% 84% 86% 108% 139% 60% 33% 69% 191% 19% 69% 102%

Saturated Fat Monounsaturated Fat Polyunsaturated Fat Trans Fatty Acid Cholesterol 107%

35% 67% 46% 43%

Essential Fatty Acids

Omega-6 Linoleic Omega-3 Linolenic

Dietary Fiber, Total Sugar, Total

Water Alcohol

Thiamin Riboflavin Niacin Vitamin B6 Vitamin B12 Folate (DFE) Vitamin C Vitamin D (ug) Vitamin A (RAE) Vitamin A (IU) Alpha-Tocopherol

Calcium Iron Magnesium Potassium Zinc Sodium


May 01, 2013 Ryan McNemar, Profile: Ryan McNemar, 3 Day Average

MyPlate Analysis for Apr 28, 2013, Apr 29, 2013, Apr 30, 2013

Grains Vegetables Fruits Dairy

Goal* 10.0 oz. eq. 3.5 cup eq. 2.5 cup eq. 3.0 cup eq.

tips tips tips tips tips

Actual 6.5 oz. eq. 0.4 cup eq. 0.2 cup eq. 1.9 cup eq. 5.4 oz. eq. 556.8

% Goal 65.3% 12.5% 6.7% 64.3% 76.7% 130.7%

Protein Foods 7.0 oz. eq. Empty Calories 426.0

Your results are based on a 2657 calorie pattern.

Make Half Your Grains Whole! Aim for at least 5.0 oz. eq. whole grains. Vary Your Veggies! Aim

for this much every week:

Dark Green Vegetables = 3.0 cups weekly Orange Vegetables = 2.0 cups weekly Dry Beans &Peas = 3.0 cups weekly Starchy Vegetables = 3.0 cups weekly Other Vegetables = 6.5 cups weekly

Oils: Aim for 8.0 teaspoons

of oil a day.

*MyPlate contains recommendations only for calorie levels up to 3,200 per day. If Diet Analysis Plus recommends more than 3,200 calories per day for you, talk to your instructor for guidance on how to use MyPlate. **CAUTION!Recipes are not included on the MyPlate Report, as plate values for these cannot be calculated.


May 01, 2013 Ryan McNemar, Profile: Ryan McNemar, 3 Day Average

Intake Spreadsheet for Apr 28, 2013

Item Name Milk, Low Fat, 1%

Meal Breakfast

SUPER BAKERY Donut Breakfast Holes, Super Stars, Cinnamon, 51% Whole Wheat Macaroni and Cheese Lunch Water, Tap Lunch Chili's Burger Bites Dinner French Fries, Fried in Dinner Vegetable Oil, Fast Food Total Item Name Protein(g) Milk, Low Fat, 1% 8.22 SUPER BAKERY Donut 6 Holes, Super Stars, Cinnamon, 51% Whole Wheat Macaroni and Cheese 40.27 Water, Tap 0 Chili's Burger Bites 18.73 French Fries, Fried in 2.66 Vegetable Oil, Fast Food Total 75.88 Item Name Mono Fat(g) Milk, Low Fat, 1% 0.68 SUPER BAKERY Donut 7.5 Holes, Super Stars, Cinnamon, 51% Whole Wheat Macaroni and Cheese 16.44 Water, Tap 0 Chili's Burger Bites 6.8 French Fries, Fried in 5.53 Vegetable Oil, Fast Food Total 36.95 Item Name Omega-6(g) Milk, Low Fat, 1% 0.07 SUPER BAKERY Donut 0 Holes, Super Stars, Cinnamon, 51% Whole Wheat Macaroni and Cheese 2.92 Water, Tap 0 Chili's Burger Bites 1.4 French Fries, Fried in 3.05 Vegetable Oil, Fast Food Total 7.44 Item Name Milk, Low Fat, 1% Water(L) 0.22

Quantity Wt(g) 8 fluid ounce(s) - 8 fl oz 244 is 1 cup 3 item(s) - 1 item is about 111 1.3 oz

Kcal(kcal) 102.48 390

1.5 cup(s) 8 fluid ounce(s) 8 ounce(s) 2.5 ounce(s)

420.86 237 234.19 70.87 1,317.93

805.04 0 420.41 222.54 1,940.47 Sat Fat(g) 1.54 6

Carb(g) 12.18 51

Fat(g) 2.37 21

49.29 0 40.51 27.24 180.22 Poly Fat(g) 0.09 4.5

49.59 0 20.31 11.42 104.69 Trans Fat(g) 0 0

26.97 0 9.32 1.48 45.31 Chol(mg) 12.2 7.5

3.47 0 1.68 3.31 13.04 Omega-3(g) 0.01 0

0 0 0.33 0 0.33 Diet Fiber(g) 0 3

123.8 0 58.97 0 202.47 Sugar(g) 12.69 24

0.54 0 0.19 0.25 0.99 Alcohol(g) 0

1.77 0 3.08 2.48 10.33 Thiamin(mg) 0.05

8.92 0 8.98 0.49 55.08 Ribo(mg) 0.45


SUPER BAKERY Donut 0 Holes, Super Stars, Cinnamon, 51% Whole Wheat Macaroni and Cheese 0.19 Water, Tap 0.24 Chili's Burger Bites 0.15 French Fries, Fried in 0.03 Vegetable Oil, Fast Food Total 0.82 Item Name Niacin(mg) Milk, Low Fat, 1% 0.23 SUPER BAKERY Donut 3.6 Holes, Super Stars, Cinnamon, 51% Whole Wheat Macaroni and Cheese 2.76 Water, Tap 0 Chili's Burger Bites 4.67 French Fries, Fried in 1.77 Vegetable Oil, Fast Food Total 13.02 Item Name Vit C(mg) Milk, Low Fat, 1% 0 SUPER BAKERY Donut 0 Holes, Super Stars, Cinnamon, 51% Whole Wheat Macaroni and Cheese 0.04 Water, Tap 0 Chili's Burger Bites 8.8 French Fries, Fried in 1.91 Vegetable Oil, Fast Food Total 10.76 Item Name Alpha-T(mg) Milk, Low Fat, 1% 0.02 SUPER BAKERY Donut 0 Holes, Super Stars, Cinnamon, 51% Whole Wheat Macaroni and Cheese 1.63 Water, Tap 0 Chili's Burger Bites 0.29 French Fries, Fried in 0.55 Vegetable Oil, Fast Food Total 2.5 Item Name Potas(mg) Milk, Low Fat, 1% 366 SUPER BAKERY Donut 135 Holes, Super Stars, Cinnamon, 51% Whole Wheat Macaroni and Cheese 469.1 Water, Tap Chili's Burger Bites French Fries, Fried in Vegetable Oil, Fast Food Total 2.37 366.11 389.81 1,728.39



0 0 0 0 0 Vit B6(mg) 0.09 0

0.41 0 0.45 0.12 1.3 Vit B12(g) 1.15 0

0.87 0 0.29 0 1.81 Fol (DFE)(g) 12.2 163.2

0.2 0 0.28 0.27 0.85 Vit D (ug)(g) 2.93 0

1.58 0 1.47 0 4.2 Vit A (RAE)(g) 141.52 0

229.16 0 125.55 21.26 551.37 Vit A (IU)(IU) 478.24 0

3.2 0 2.14 0 8.27 Calcium(mg) 305 60

0 0 71.34 0 212.86 Iron(mg) 0.07 2.16

1859.29 0 272.42 0 2,609.96 Magn(mg) 26.84 0

889.08 7.11 427.37 9.21 1,697.78 Zinc(mg) 1.02 0

1.66 0 3.1 0.97 7.96 Sodium(mg) 107.36 480

75.24 2.37 38.86 24.1 167.41

5 0 2.86 0.52 9.4

2073.79 7.11 799.53 205.54 3,673.32


Intake Spreadsheet for Apr 29, 2013

Item Name Meal SUPER BAKERY Donut Breakfast Holes, Super Stars, Cinnamon, 51% Whole Wheat Milk, Low Fat, 1% Breakfast SMUCKER'S Lunch UNCRUSTABLES Sandwich, Peanut Butter & Grape Jelly Orange, Clementines Lunch NATURE VALLEY Bar, Lunch Granola, Peanut Butter Water, Tap Lunch Sandwich, Submarine, Dinner Turkey with Cheese, Lettuce, Tomato and Mayonnaise Almonds, Dry Roasted, Dinner without Salt Added GATORADE THIRST Dinner QUENCHER All Flavors Total Item Name Protein(g) SUPER BAKERY Donut 6 Holes, Super Stars, Cinnamon, 51% Whole Wheat Milk, Low Fat, 1% 8.22 SMUCKER'S 12 UNCRUSTABLES Sandwich, Peanut Butter & Grape Jelly Orange, Clementines 0.63 NATURE VALLEY Bar, 5 Granola, Peanut Butter Water, Tap 0 Sandwich, Submarine, 30.36 Turkey with Cheese, Lettuce, Tomato and Mayonnaise Almonds, Dry Roasted, 14.53 without Salt Added GATORADE THIRST 0 QUENCHER All Flavors Total 76.74 Item Name Mono Fat(g) SUPER BAKERY Donut 7.5 Holes, Super Stars, Cinnamon, 51% Whole Wheat Milk, Low Fat, 1% 0.68 SMUCKER'S 0 UNCRUSTABLES Sandwich, Peanut Butter & Grape Jelly

Quantity Wt(g) 3 item(s) - 1 item is about 111 1.3 oz

Kcal(kcal) 390

8 fluid ounce(s) - 8 fl oz 244 is 1 cup 2 item(s) - 1 item is 1 116 sandwich

102.48 420

1 item(s) 2 item(s) - 2 items are 2 bars 8 fluid ounce(s) 1 item(s)

74 42 237 277

34.78 180 0 529.07

0.5 cup(s) 8 fluid ounce(s)

69 240 1,410

410.55 50 2,116.88 Sat Fat(g) 6

Carb(g) 51

Fat(g) 21

12.18 50

2.37 18

1.54 4

8.89 30 0 49.44

0.11 7 0 22.8

0 1 0 6.76

14.63 14 230.14 Poly Fat(g) 4.5

35.91 0 107.19 Trans Fat(g) 0

2.78 0 22.08 Chol(mg) 7.5

0.09 0

0 0

12.2 0


Item Name Mono Fat(g) SUPER BAKERY Donut 7.5 Holes, Super Stars, Cinnamon, 51% Whole Wheat Milk, Low Fat, 1% 0.68 Water, Tap 0 Sandwich, Submarine, 6.01 Turkey with Cheese, Lettuce, Tomato and Mayonnaise Almonds, Dry Roasted, 22.34 without Salt Added GATORADE THIRST 0 QUENCHER All Flavors Total 36.53 Item Name Omega-6(g) SUPER BAKERY Donut 0 Holes, Super Stars, Cinnamon, 51% Whole Wheat Milk, Low Fat, 1% 0.07 SMUCKER'S 0 UNCRUSTABLES Sandwich, Peanut Butter & Grape Jelly Orange, Clementines 0 NATURE VALLEY Bar, 0 Granola, Peanut Butter Water, Tap 0 Sandwich, Submarine, 7.61 Turkey with Cheese, Lettuce, Tomato and Mayonnaise Almonds, Dry Roasted, 8.96 without Salt Added GATORADE THIRST 0 QUENCHER All Flavors Total 16.65 Item Name Water(L) SUPER BAKERY Donut 0 Holes, Super Stars, Cinnamon, 51% Whole Wheat Milk, Low Fat, 1% 0.22 SMUCKER'S 0 UNCRUSTABLES Sandwich, Peanut Butter & Grape Jelly Orange, Clementines 0.06 NATURE VALLEY Bar, 0 Granola, Peanut Butter Water, Tap 0.24 Sandwich, Submarine, 0.17 Turkey with Cheese, Lettuce, Tomato and Mayonnaise Almonds, Dry Roasted, 0 without Salt Added GATORADE THIRST 0 QUENCHER All Flavors Total 0.69

Poly Fat(g) 4.5

Trans Fat(g) 0

Chol(mg) 7.5

0.09 0 8.63

0 0 0

12.2 0 63.71

8.97 0 22.18 Omega-3(g) 0

0.01 0 0.01 Diet Fiber(g) 3

0 0 83.41 Sugar(g) 24

0.01 0

0 4

12.69 18

0 0 0 1.04

1.26 2 0 3.05

6.79 11 0 10.36

0.01 0 1.05 Alcohol(g) 0

7.52 0 20.83 Thiamin(mg) 0.27

3.4 14 100.24 Ribo(mg) 0.2

0 0

0.05 0

0.45 0

0 0 0 0

0.06 0 0 0.49

0.02 0 0 0.65

0 0 0

0.06 0 0.93

0.67 0 2


Item Name Niacin(mg) SUPER BAKERY Donut 3.6 Holes, Super Stars, Cinnamon, 51% Whole Wheat Milk, Low Fat, 1% 0.23 SMUCKER'S 0 UNCRUSTABLES Sandwich, Peanut Butter & Grape Jelly Orange, Clementines 0.47 NATURE VALLEY Bar, 0 Granola, Peanut Butter Water, Tap 0 Sandwich, Submarine, 3.91 Turkey with Cheese, Lettuce, Tomato and Mayonnaise Almonds, Dry Roasted, 2.45 without Salt Added GATORADE THIRST 0 QUENCHER All Flavors Total 10.66 Item Name Vit C(mg) SUPER BAKERY Donut 0 Holes, Super Stars, Cinnamon, 51% Whole Wheat Milk, Low Fat, 1% 0 SMUCKER'S 0 UNCRUSTABLES Sandwich, Peanut Butter & Grape Jelly Orange, Clementines 36.11 NATURE VALLEY Bar, 0 Granola, Peanut Butter Water, Tap 0 Sandwich, Submarine, 10.53 Turkey with Cheese, Lettuce, Tomato and Mayonnaise Almonds, Dry Roasted, 0 without Salt Added GATORADE THIRST 0 QUENCHER All Flavors Total 46.64 Item Name Alpha-T(mg) SUPER BAKERY Donut 0 Holes, Super Stars, Cinnamon, 51% Whole Wheat Milk, Low Fat, 1% 0.02 SMUCKER'S 0 UNCRUSTABLES Sandwich, Peanut Butter & Grape Jelly Orange, Clementines 0.15 NATURE VALLEY Bar, 0 Granola, Peanut Butter Water, Tap 0 Sandwich, Submarine, 1.19

Vit B6(mg) 0

Vit B12(g) 0

Fol (DFE)(g) 163.2

0.09 0

1.15 0

12.2 0

0.06 0 0 0.32

0 0 0 0.58

17.76 0 0 171.74

0.09 0 0.55 Vit D (ug)(g) 0

0 0 1.73 Vit A (RAE)(g) 0

36.57 0 401.47 Vit A (IU)(IU) 0

2.93 0

141.52 0

478.24 0

0 0 0 0

0 0 0 74.79

0 0 0 425.24

0 0 2.93 Calcium(mg) 60

0 0 216.31 Iron(mg) 2.16

0.69 0 904.17 Magn(mg) 0

305 40

0.07 2.16

26.84 0

22.2 0 7.11 307.47

0.1 1.08 0 4.6

7.4 0 2.37 49.86


Item Name Alpha-T(mg) SUPER BAKERY Donut 0 Holes, Super Stars, Cinnamon, 51% Whole Wheat Milk, Low Fat, 1% 0.02 without Salt Added GATORADE THIRST 0 QUENCHER All Flavors Total 17.79 Item Name Potas(mg) SUPER BAKERY Donut 135 Holes, Super Stars, Cinnamon, 51% Whole Wheat Milk, Low Fat, 1% 366 SMUCKER'S 0 UNCRUSTABLES Sandwich, Peanut Butter & Grape Jelly Orange, Clementines 130.98 NATURE VALLEY Bar, 105 Granola, Peanut Butter Water, Tap 2.37 Sandwich, Submarine, 534.61 Turkey with Cheese, Lettuce, Tomato and Mayonnaise Almonds, Dry Roasted, 491.28 without Salt Added GATORADE THIRST 30 QUENCHER All Flavors Total 1,795.24

Calcium(mg) 60

Iron(mg) 2.16

Magn(mg) 0

305 2.4 928.41 Zinc(mg) 0

0.07 0 12.82 Sodium(mg) 480

26.84 0 280.36

1.02 0

107.36 480

0.04 0 0 2.74

0.74 190 7.11 1758.95

2.28 0 6.09

2.07 110 3,136.23


Intake Spreadsheet for Apr 30, 2013

Item Name GENERAL MILLS CHEERIOS, HONEY NUT Cereal Milk, Low Fat, 1%

Meal Breakfast

Quantity 0.75 cup(s)

Wt(g) 28

Kcal(kcal) 110


Skipped Meal Lunch MARIE CALLENDER'S Dinner Chicken Pot Pie, Frozen Broccoli, Chopped, Dinner Boiled, Drained Biscuit, Refrigerator Dinner Dough, Baked Water, Tap Dinner SKINNY COW Ice Snacks Cream Sandwich, Vanilla, Low Fat Almonds, Dry Roasted, Snacks without Salt Added Total Item Name GENERAL MILLS CHEERIOS, HONEY NUT Cereal Milk, Low Fat, 1% Skipped Meal MARIE CALLENDER'S Chicken Pot Pie, Frozen Broccoli, Chopped, Boiled, Drained Biscuit, Refrigerator Dough, Baked Water, Tap SKINNY COW Ice Cream Sandwich, Vanilla, Low Fat Almonds, Dry Roasted, without Salt Added Total Protein(g) 2

4 fluid ounce(s) - 8 fl oz 122 is 1 cup 0.1 gram(s) 0 1 serving(s) 234 0.5 cup(s) - chopped 78

51.24 0 549.9 27.3 190.08 0 140

2 item(s) - 2 1/2 diameter 54 8 fluid ounce(s) 1 item(s) - 1 item is 1 sandwich 0.5 cup(s) 237 71

69 893

410.55 1,479.07 Sat Fat(g) 0

Carb(g) 22

Fat(g) 1.5

4.11 0 15.98 1.86 3.99 0 4

6.09 0 44.88 5.6 25.18 0 30

1.18 0 34.14 0.32 8.15 0 1.5

0.77 0 9.59 0.06 2.06 0 1

14.53 46.47

14.63 148.38 Poly Fat(g) 0.5

35.91 82.71 Trans Fat(g) 0

2.78 16.27 Chol(mg) 0

Item Name Mono Fat(g) GENERAL MILLS 0.5 CHEERIOS, HONEY NUT Cereal Milk, Low Fat, 1% 0.34 Skipped Meal 0 MARIE CALLENDER'S 13.41 Chicken Pot Pie, Frozen Broccoli, Chopped, 0.03 Boiled, Drained Biscuit, Refrigerator 4.84 Dough, Baked Water, Tap 0 SKINNY COW Ice 0 Cream Sandwich, Vanilla, Low Fat Almonds, Dry Roasted, 22.34 without Salt Added

0.04 0 4.12 0.13 0.51 0 0

0 0 1.61 0 2.54 0 0

6.1 0 21.06 0 0.54 0 1




Item Name GENERAL MILLS CHEERIOS, HONEY NUT Cereal Milk, Low Fat, 1% Skipped Meal MARIE CALLENDER'S Chicken Pot Pie, Frozen Broccoli, Chopped, Boiled, Drained Biscuit, Refrigerator Dough, Baked Water, Tap SKINNY COW Ice Cream Sandwich, Vanilla, Low Fat Almonds, Dry Roasted, without Salt Added Total

Omega-6(g) 0.48

Omega-3(g) 0.02

Diet Fiber(g) 2

Sugar(g) 9

0.04 0 0 0.04 0.48 0 0

0 0 0 0.09 0.03 0 0

0 0 2.34 2.57 0.49 0 3

6.34 0 1.83 1.08 4.33 0 15

8.96 10

0.01 0.15 Alcohol(g) 0

7.52 17.92 Thiamin(mg) 0.38

3.4 40.99 Ribo(mg) 0.43

Item Name Water(L) GENERAL MILLS 0 CHEERIOS, HONEY NUT Cereal Milk, Low Fat, 1% 0.11 Skipped Meal 0 MARIE CALLENDER'S 0.14 Chicken Pot Pie, Frozen Broccoli, Chopped, 0.07 Boiled, Drained Biscuit, Refrigerator 0.01 Dough, Baked Water, Tap 0.24 SKINNY COW Ice 0 Cream Sandwich, Vanilla, Low Fat Almonds, Dry Roasted, 0 without Salt Added Total 0.57 Item Name GENERAL MILLS CHEERIOS, HONEY NUT Cereal Milk, Low Fat, 1% Skipped Meal MARIE CALLENDER'S Chicken Pot Pie, Frozen Broccoli, Chopped, Boiled, Drained Biscuit, Refrigerator Dough, Baked Water, Tap SKINNY COW Ice Cream Sandwich, Vanilla, Low Fat Almonds, Dry Roasted, without Salt Added Total Item Name GENERAL MILLS CHEERIOS, HONEY NUT Cereal Niacin(mg) 5

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0.02 0 0 0.05 0.22 0 0

0.23 0 0 0.1 0.17 0 0

0 0 Vit B6(mg) 0.5

0.06 0.72 Vit B12(g) 1.5

0.67 1.58 Fol (DFE)(g) 336.28

0.11 0 0 0.43 1.92 0 0

0.05 0 0 0.16 0.04 0 0

0.57 0 0 0 0.03 0 0

6.1 0 0 84.24 36.72 0 0

2.45 9.91 Vit C(mg) 6

0.09 0.82 Vit D (ug)(g) 1

0 2.11 Vit A (RAE)(g) 150.08

36.57 499.91 Vit A (IU)(IU) 500


Item Name Vit C(mg) GENERAL MILLS 6 CHEERIOS, HONEY NUT Cereal Milk, Low Fat, 1% 0 MARIE CALLENDER'S 0 Chicken Pot Pie, Frozen Broccoli, Chopped, 50.62 Boiled, Drained Biscuit, Refrigerator 0 Dough, Baked Water, Tap 0 SKINNY COW Ice 0 Cream Sandwich, Vanilla, Low Fat Almonds, Dry Roasted, 0 without Salt Added Total 56.62 Item Name GENERAL MILLS CHEERIOS, HONEY NUT Cereal Milk, Low Fat, 1% Skipped Meal MARIE CALLENDER'S Chicken Pot Pie, Frozen Broccoli, Chopped, Boiled, Drained Biscuit, Refrigerator Dough, Baked Water, Tap SKINNY COW Ice Cream Sandwich, Vanilla, Low Fat Almonds, Dry Roasted, without Salt Added Total Item Name GENERAL MILLS CHEERIOS, HONEY NUT Cereal Milk, Low Fat, 1% Alpha-T(mg) 0.27

Vit D (ug)(g) 1

Vit A (RAE)(g) 150.08

Vit A (IU)(IU) 500

1.46 0 0 0 0 0

70.76 0 60.06 1.08 0 0

239.12 1752.66 1207.44 4.32 0 300

0 2.46 Calcium(mg) 100

0 281.98 Iron(mg) 4.5

0.69 4,004.23 Magn(mg) 32

0.01 0 0 1.13 0.43 0 0

152.5 0 37.44 31.2 29.16 7.11 80

0.04 0 3.39 0.52 1.45 0 0

13.42 0 0 16.38 9.72 2.37 0

16.42 18.26 Potas(mg) 115

184.23 621.64 Zinc(mg) 3.75

2.64 12.54 Sodium(mg) 190

193.89 267.78


0.51 0 0 0.35 0.29 0 0

53.68 0 826.02 31.98 583.2 7.11 95

Skipped Meal 0 MARIE CALLENDER'S 0 Chicken Pot Pie, Frozen Broccoli, Chopped, 228.54 Boiled, Drained Biscuit, Refrigerator 95.58 Dough, Baked Water, Tap 2.37 SKINNY COW Ice 0 Cream Sandwich, Vanilla, Low Fat Almonds, Dry Roasted, 491.28 without Salt Added Total 1,115.77

2.28 7.18

2.07 1,789.06


May 01, 2013 Ryan McNemar, Profile: Ryan McNemar, 3 Day Average

Energy Balance for Apr 28, 2013, Apr 29, 2013, Apr 30, 2013

Date Apr 28, 2013 Apr 29, 2013 Apr 30, 2013 Total:

kCal Consumed 1940 2117 1479 5536

kCal Burned 2155 2155 2155 6465 kCal

Net kCal -215 -38 -676 -929

Daily Caloric Summary Recommended: Average Intake: Average Expenditure: Average Net Gain/Loss:

2657 1845 2155 -310

May 08, 2013 Ryan McNemar, Profile: Ryan McNemar, 3 Day Average Profile Active Profile: Height: Ryan McNemar 6 ft. 2 inches


Weight: Age: BMI: Gender: Activity Level: Smoker: Strict Vegetarian/Vegan:

180.0 lbs. 20 years 23.1 Male Sedentary No No

DRI Goals Nutrient DRI

Kilocalories Protein Carbohydrate Fat, Total 2657 kcal 65.32 g 292.0 - 422.0 g 57.0 - 101.0 g No recommendation Daily requirement based on grams per kilogram of body weight

Saturated Fat Monounsaturated Fat Polyunsaturated Fat Trans Fatty Acid Cholesterol < 26 g * * * < 300 mg Less than 10% of calories No recommendation No recommendation No recommendation Less than 300mg recommended

Essential Fatty Acids

Omega-6 Linoleic Omega-3 Linolenic 17 g 1.6 g

Dietary Fiber, Total 38 g

DA Plus 10 Page: 1


May 08, 2013 Ryan McNemar, Profile: Ryan McNemar, 3 Day Average Nutrient Sugar, Total DRI * No recommendation

Water Alcohol 3.7 L * No recommendation

Thiamin Riboflavin Niacin Vitamin B6 Vitamin B12 Folate (DFE) Vitamin C Vitamin D (ug) Vitamin A (RAE) Vitamin A (IU) Alpha-Tocopherol 1.2 mg 1.3 mg 16 mg 1.3 mg 2.4 g 400 g 90 mg 15 g 900 g 3000 IU 15 mg DRI Adequate Intake

Calcium Iron Magnesium Potassium Zinc Sodium 1000 mg 8 mg 400 mg 4700 mg 11 mg 1500 mg DRI Adequate Intake DRI Adequate Intake DRI Adequate Intake


May 08, 2013 Ryan McNemar, Profile: Ryan McNemar, 3 Day Average

Macronutrient Ranges for May 05, 2013, May 06, 2013, May 07, 2013

Macronutrient Ranges
1,250 1,000


750 500 250 0 Carbs Protein Recommended

Carbs Protein Fats Alcohol Recommended 45%-65% 1,196-1,727 kCal 10%-35% 266-930 kCal 20%-35% 531-930 kCal 0% 0 kCal

Fat Actual Intake

Yours 50% 17% 36% 0% 1,190 kCal 408 kCal 852 kCal 0 kCal



May 08, 2013 Ryan McNemar, Profile: Ryan McNemar, 3 Day Average

Fat Breakdown for May 05, 2013, May 06, 2013, May 07, 2013
Source of Fat Saturated Fat Monounsaturated Fat Polyunsaturated Fat Trans Fatty Acid Unspecified 0% 3% 0% 10% 15% 8% 25% 50% 75% 100%

* Transfat data is not yet reported by all sources and therefore may be under-represented.


May 08, 2013 Ryan McNemar, Profile: Ryan McNemar, 3 Day Average

Intake vs. Goals for May 05, 2013, May 06, 2013, May 07, 2013
Nutrient DRI Intake 0% 25% 50% 75% 100%

Kilocalories Protein Carbohydrate Fat, Total 2657 kcal 65.32 g 2,380.06 kcal 102.06 g 90% 156%

292.0 - 422.0 297.45 g g 57.0 - 101.0 94.63 g g

Saturated Fat Monounsaturated Fat Polyunsaturated Fat Trans Fatty Acid Cholesterol < 26 g * * * < 300 mg 26.07 g 38.93 g 22.03 g 0.71 g 240.44 mg 80% 100%

Essential Fatty Acids

Omega-6 Linoleic Omega-3 Linolenic 17 g 1.6 g 19.95 g 1.89 g 117% 118%

Dietary Fiber, Total Sugar, Total 38 g * 30.89 g 164.03 g 81%

Water Alcohol 3.7 L * 3.36 L 0g 91%

Thiamin Riboflavin Niacin Vitamin B6 Vitamin B12 Folate (DFE) Vitamin C Vitamin D (ug) Vitamin A (RAE) Vitamin A (IU) Alpha-Tocopherol 1.2 mg 1.3 mg 16 mg 1.3 mg 2.4 g 400 g 90 mg 15 g 900 g 3000 IU 15 mg 1.32 mg 2.94 mg 21.27 mg 2.6 mg 4.14 g 448.68 g 198.96 mg 3.99 g 1,044.36 g 16,676.73 IU 17.16 mg 27% 116% 556% 114% 110% 226% 133% 200% 172% 112% 221%

Calcium Iron Magnesium 1000 mg 8 mg 400 mg 1,362.26 mg 12.47 mg 447.04 mg 136% 156% 112%


May 08, 2013 Ryan McNemar, Profile: Ryan McNemar, 3 Day Average
Nutrient Potassium Zinc Sodium DRI 4700 mg 11 mg 1500 mg Intake 4,099.99 mg 11.57 mg 2,169.94 mg 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 87% 105% 145%


May 08, 2013 Ryan McNemar, Profile: Ryan McNemar, 3 Day Average

MyPlate Analysis for May 05, 2013, May 06, 2013, May 07, 2013
Goal* Actual % Goal 35.1% 75.1% 119.7% 94.9% 115.7% 184.3%

Grains Vegetables Fruits Dairy Protein Foods Empty Calories

10.0 oz. eq. 3.5 cup eq. 2.5 cup eq. 3.0 cup eq. 7.0 oz. eq. 426.0

tips tips tips tips tips

3.5 oz. eq. 2.6 cup eq. 3 cup eq. 2.8 cup eq. 8.1 oz. eq. 785

Your results are based on a 2657 calorie


Make Half Your Grains Whole! Aim for at least 5.0 oz. eq. whole

Vary Your Veggies! Aim

for this much every week:

Dark Green Vegetables = 3.0 cups weekly Orange Vegetables = 2.0 cups weekly Dry Beans &Peas = 3.0 cups weekly Starchy Vegetables = 3.0 cups weekly Other Vegetables = 6.5 cups weekly
Oils: Aim for 8.0 teaspoons

of oil a day.

*MyPlate contains recommendations only for calorie levels up to 3,200 per day. If Diet Analysis Plus recommends more than 3,200 calories per day for you, talk to your instructor for guidance on how to use MyPlate. **CAUTION!Recipes are not included on the MyPlate Report, as plate values for these cannot be calculated.


May 08, 2013 Ryan McNemar, Profile: Ryan McNemar, 3 Day Average

Intake Spreadsheet for May 05, 2013

Item Name Almonds, Dry Roasted, without Salt Added Orange Meal Breakfast Breakfast Quantity 0.75 cup(s) 1 item(s) - 2 5/8 in. diameter, sphere 20 fluid ounce(s) 1.5 cup(s) 20 fluid ounce(s) 1 item(s) - extra large (9" or longer) 12 fluid ounce(s) - 8 fl oz is 1 cup 4 ounce(s) 1.5 cup(s) 1.25 cup(s) 24 fluid ounce(s) 8 fluid ounce(s) 1 item(s) - 1 item is 1 sandwich 1 item(s) - 2 5/8 in. diameter, sphere Carb(g) 21.94 15.39 0 3.85 0 34.72 18.26 0 53.36 7.17 0 0 30 15.39 200.09 Poly Fat(g) 13.45 41.3 Wt(g) 103.5 131 Kcal(kcal) 615.82 61.57

Water, Tap Chicken Salad Water, Tap Banana Milk, Low Fat, 1% Beef, Short Loin, Porterhouse Steak, Choice, Separable Lean and Fat, 1/4'' Fat, Broiled Potatoes, Mashed, with Whole Milk and Margarine Green Beans, Canned, Drained Water, Tap Water, Tap SKINNY COW Ice Cream Sandwich, Vanilla, Low Fat Orange

Breakfast Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Snacks Snacks Snacks

592.5 273 592.5 152 366 113.4 315 168.75 711 237 71 131

0 625.17 0 135.28 153.72 387.82 355.95 42.19 0 0 140 61.57

Item Name Almonds, Dry Roasted, without Salt Added Orange Water, Tap Chicken Salad Water, Tap Banana Milk, Low Fat, 1% Beef, Short Loin, Porterhouse Steak, Choice, Separable Lean and Fat, 1/4'' Fat, Broiled Potatoes, Mashed, with Whole Milk and Margarine Green Beans, Canned, Drained Water, Tap Water, Tap SKINNY COW Ice Cream Sandwich, Vanilla, Low Fat Orange Item Name Almonds, Dry Roasted, without Salt Added

Protein(g) 21.8 1.23 0 44.23 0 1.66 12.33 24.77 6.17 2.13 0 0 4 1.23 119.54 Mono Fat(g) 33.52 67.59

3,957.65 Fat(g) 53.87 0.16 0 47.26 0 0.5 3.55 31.25 13.23 0.62 0 0 1.5 0.16 152.1 Trans Fat(g) 0.01 2.14

2,579.1 Sat Fat(g) 4.17 0.02 0 8.49 0 0.17 2.32 12.08 3.06 0.14 0 0 1 0.02 31.47 Chol(mg) 0 258.78


May 08, 2013 Ryan McNemar, Profile: Ryan McNemar, 3 Day Average Item Name Orange Water, Tap Chicken Salad Water, Tap Banana Milk, Low Fat, 1% Beef, Short Loin, Porterhouse Steak, Choice, Separable Lean and Fat, 1/4'' Fat, Broiled Potatoes, Mashed, with Whole Milk and Margarine Green Beans, Canned, Drained Water, Tap Water, Tap SKINNY COW Ice Cream Sandwich, Vanilla, Low Fat Orange Item Name Almonds, Dry Roasted, without Salt Added Orange Water, Tap Chicken Salad Water, Tap Banana Milk, Low Fat, 1% Beef, Short Loin, Porterhouse Steak, Choice, Separable Lean and Fat, 1/4'' Fat, Broiled Potatoes, Mashed, with Whole Milk and Margarine Green Beans, Canned, Drained Water, Tap Water, Tap SKINNY COW Ice Cream Sandwich, Vanilla, Low Fat Orange Item Name Almonds, Dry Roasted, without Salt Added Orange Water, Tap Chicken Salad Water, Tap Banana Milk, Low Fat, 1% Beef, Short Loin, Porterhouse Steak, Choice, Separable Lean and Fat, 1/4'' Fat, Broiled Mono Fat(g) 0.03 0 12.96 0 0.05 1.01 14.05 5.92 0.03 0 0 0 0.03 67.59 Omega-6(g) 13.44 0.02 0 19.61 0 0.07 0.11 0.74 3.31 0.12 0 0 0 0.02 37.45 Water(L) 0 0.11 0.59 0.18 0.59 0.11 0.33 0.06 3.43 Poly Fat(g) 0.03 0 22.41 0 0.11 0.13 1.14 3.67 0.33 0 0 0 0.03 41.3 Omega-3(g) 0.01 0.01 0 2.43 0 0.04 0.01 0.37 0.35 0.2 0 0 0 0.01 3.43 Alcohol(g) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Trans Fat(g) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.13 0 0 0 0 0 2.14 Diet Fiber(g) 11.28 3.14 0 1.09 0 3.95 0 0 4.73 4.22 0 0 3 3.14 34.56 Thiamin(mg) 0.09 0.11 0 0.09 0 0.05 0.07 0.1 0.94 Chol(mg) 0 0 150.15 0 0 18.3 86.18 3.15 0 0 0 1 0 258.78 Sugar(g) 5.1 12.25 0 1.47 0 18.59 19.03 0 4.44 2.21 0 0 15 12.25 90.35 Ribo(mg) 1 0.05 0 0.29 0 0.11 0.68 0.23 2.63


May 08, 2013 Ryan McNemar, Profile: Ryan McNemar, 3 Day Average Item Name Potatoes, Mashed, with Whole Milk and Margarine Green Beans, Canned, Drained Water, Tap Water, Tap SKINNY COW Ice Cream Sandwich, Vanilla, Low Fat Orange Item Name Almonds, Dry Roasted, without Salt Added Orange Water, Tap Chicken Salad Water, Tap Banana Milk, Low Fat, 1% Beef, Short Loin, Porterhouse Steak, Choice, Separable Lean and Fat, 1/4'' Fat, Broiled Potatoes, Mashed, with Whole Milk and Margarine Green Beans, Canned, Drained Water, Tap Water, Tap SKINNY COW Ice Cream Sandwich, Vanilla, Low Fat Orange Item Name Almonds, Dry Roasted, without Salt Added Orange Water, Tap Chicken Salad Water, Tap Banana Milk, Low Fat, 1% Beef, Short Loin, Porterhouse Steak, Choice, Separable Lean and Fat, 1/4'' Fat, Broiled Potatoes, Mashed, with Whole Milk and Margarine Green Beans, Canned, Drained Water, Tap Water, Tap SKINNY COW Ice Cream Sandwich, Vanilla, Low Fat Orange Water(L) 0.24 0.16 0.71 0.24 0 0.11 3.43 Niacin(mg) 3.68 0.37 0 9.92 0 1.01 0.34 4.3 3.7 0.35 0 0 0 0.37 24.03 Vit C(mg) 0 69.69 0 2.18 0 13.22 0 0 33.08 4.56 0 0 0 69.69 192.42 Alcohol(g) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Vit B6(mg) 0.13 0.08 0 0.73 0 0.56 0.14 0.37 0.78 0.05 0 0 0 0.08 2.91 Vit D (ug)(g) 0 0 0 0 0 0 4.39 0 0.63 0 0 0 0 0 5.02 Thiamin(mg) 0.29 0.03 0 0 0 0.11 0.94 Vit B12(g) 0 0 0 0.47 0 0 1.72 2.37 0.22 0 0 0 0 0 4.78 Vit A (RAE)(g) 0 14.41 0 79.17 0 4.56 212.28 0 138.6 30.37 0 0 0 14.41 493.81 Ribo(mg) 0.13 0.08 0 0 0 0.05 2.63 Fol (DFE)(g) 54.85 39.3 0 38.22 0 30.4 18.3 7.94 28.35 47.25 0 0 0 39.3 303.91 Vit A (IU)(IU) 1.03 294.75 0 300.89 0 97.28 717.36 0 589.05 595.69 0 0 300 294.75 3,190.81


May 08, 2013 Ryan McNemar, Profile: Ryan McNemar, 3 Day Average Item Name Almonds, Dry Roasted, without Salt Added Orange Water, Tap Chicken Salad Water, Tap Banana Milk, Low Fat, 1% Beef, Short Loin, Porterhouse Steak, Choice, Separable Lean and Fat, 1/4'' Fat, Broiled Potatoes, Mashed, with Whole Milk and Margarine Green Beans, Canned, Drained Water, Tap Water, Tap SKINNY COW Ice Cream Sandwich, Vanilla, Low Fat Orange Item Name Almonds, Dry Roasted, without Salt Added Orange Water, Tap Chicken Salad Water, Tap Banana Milk, Low Fat, 1% Beef, Short Loin, Porterhouse Steak, Choice, Separable Lean and Fat, 1/4'' Fat, Broiled Potatoes, Mashed, with Whole Milk and Margarine Green Beans, Canned, Drained Water, Tap Water, Tap SKINNY COW Ice Cream Sandwich, Vanilla, Low Fat Orange Alpha-T(mg) 24.63 0.24 0 3.06 0 0.15 0.04 0.26 1.32 0.05 0 0 0 0.24 29.99 Potas(mg) 736.92 237.11 5.92 477.75 5.92 544.16 549 285.76 1026.9 178.88 7.11 2.37 0 237.11 4,294.92 Calcium(mg) 276.34 52.4 17.78 57.33 17.78 7.6 457.5 9.07 66.15 64.12 21.33 7.11 80 52.4 1,186.91 Zinc(mg) 3.42 0.09 0 3.33 0 0.23 1.54 4.6 0.94 0.35 0 0 0 0.09 14.6 Iron(mg) 3.96 0.13 0 2.21 0 0.4 0.11 2.99 0.82 1.48 0 0 0 0.13 12.24 Sodium(mg) 3.1 0 17.78 431.34 17.78 1.52 161.04 69.17 1048.95 415.13 21.33 7.11 95 0 2,289.24 Magn(mg) 290.83 13.1 5.92 40.95 5.92 41.04 40.26 22.68 59.85 21.94 7.11 2.37 0 13.1 565.08


May 08, 2013 Ryan McNemar, Profile: Ryan McNemar, 3 Day Average

Intake Spreadsheet for May 06, 2013

Item Name Apple, Medium Water, Tap Banana Meal Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Quantity 1 item(s) - large (3-1/4" dia) 20 fluid ounce(s) 1 item(s) - small (6" to 6-7/8" long) 2.5 cup(s) 2 cup(s) Chopped 24 fluid ounce(s) 1 item(s) Medium (7 in. to 7 7/8 in. long) 1 item(s) 16 fluid ounce(s) 1 serving(s) - 1 serving is 1 fruit cup 1.5 cup(s) 8 fluid ounce(s) 1 item(s) - 2 5/8 in. diameter, sphere 1 item(s) - 1 item is 1 sandwich Carb(g) 30.8 0 23.07 80.13 12.08 0 26.95 43.26 0 14 73.22 0 15.39 30 348.91 Wt(g) 223 592.5 101 Kcal(kcal) 115.96 0 89.89

Pasta, Spinach, Cooked Broccoli Water, Tap Banana Hamburger, 1/4 lb. with Mayonnaise, Lettuce, Tomato and Pickle Water, Tap JACK IN THE BOX Fruit Cup

Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Dinner Dinner Dinner

320 182 711 118 244 474 116

416 61.88 0 105.02 573.4 0 50

Frozen Yogurt, Fruit Varieties Water, Tap Orange SKINNY COW Ice Cream Sandwich, Vanilla, Low Fat

Snacks Snacks Snacks Snacks

339 237 131 71

430.53 0 61.57 140

Item Name Apple, Medium Water, Tap Banana Pasta, Spinach, Cooked Broccoli Water, Tap Banana Hamburger, 1/4 lb. with Mayonnaise, Lettuce, Tomato and Pickle Water, Tap JACK IN THE BOX Fruit Cup Frozen Yogurt, Fruit Varieties Water, Tap Orange SKINNY COW Ice Cream Sandwich, Vanilla, Low Fat

Protein(g) 0.58 0 1.1 16.19 5.13 0 1.29 25.08 0 1 10.17 0 1.23 4 65.78

3,859.5 Fat(g) 0.38 0 0.33 3.01 0.67 0 0.39 32.89 0 0 12.2 0 0.16 1.5 51.54

2,044.25 Sat Fat(g) 0.06 0 0.11 0.69 0.07 0 0.13 9.02 0 0 7.88 0 0.02 1 19


May 08, 2013 Ryan McNemar, Profile: Ryan McNemar, 3 Day Average Item Name Apple, Medium Water, Tap Banana Pasta, Spinach, Cooked Broccoli Water, Tap Banana Hamburger, 1/4 lb. with Mayonnaise, Lettuce, Tomato and Pickle Water, Tap JACK IN THE BOX Fruit Cup Frozen Yogurt, Fruit Varieties Water, Tap Orange SKINNY COW Ice Cream Sandwich, Vanilla, Low Fat Item Name Apple, Medium Water, Tap Banana Pasta, Spinach, Cooked Broccoli Water, Tap Banana Hamburger, 1/4 lb. with Mayonnaise, Lettuce, Tomato and Pickle Water, Tap JACK IN THE BOX Fruit Cup Frozen Yogurt, Fruit Varieties Water, Tap Orange SKINNY COW Ice Cream Sandwich, Vanilla, Low Fat Item Name Apple, Medium Water, Tap Banana Pasta, Spinach, Cooked Broccoli Water, Tap Banana Hamburger, 1/4 lb. with Mayonnaise, Lettuce, Tomato and Pickle Water, Tap Mono Fat(g) 0.02 0 0.03 0.95 0.02 0 0.04 11.19 0 0 3.34 0 0.03 0 15.61 Omega-6(g) 0.1 0 0.05 0.58 0.03 0 0.05 8.41 0 0 0.23 0 0.02 0 9.47 Water(L) 0.19 0.59 0.08 0.22 0.16 0.71 0.09 0.14 0.47 3.24 Poly Fat(g) 0.11 0 0.07 0.67 0.07 0 0.09 9.57 0 0 0.34 0 0.03 0 10.96 Omega-3(g) 0.02 0 0.03 0.09 0.04 0 0.03 1.14 0 0 0.11 0 0.01 0 1.47 Alcohol(g) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Trans Fat(g) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Diet Fiber(g) 5.35 0 2.63 7.37 4.73 0 3.07 2.44 0 1 0 0 3.14 3 32.73 Thiamin(mg) 0.04 0 0.03 0.57 0.13 0 0.04 0.36 0 1.41 Chol(mg) 0 0 0 105.6 0 0 0 68.32 0 0 44.07 0 0 1 218.99 Sugar(g) 23.17 0 12.35 4.17 3.09 0 14.43 9.17 0 11 69 0 12.25 15 173.64 Ribo(mg) 0.06 0 0.07 0.43 0.21 0 0.09 0.43 0 1.95


May 08, 2013 Ryan McNemar, Profile: Ryan McNemar, 3 Day Average Item Name JACK IN THE BOX Fruit Cup Frozen Yogurt, Fruit Varieties Water, Tap Orange SKINNY COW Ice Cream Sandwich, Vanilla, Low Fat Item Name Apple, Medium Water, Tap Banana Pasta, Spinach, Cooked Broccoli Water, Tap Banana Hamburger, 1/4 lb. with Mayonnaise, Lettuce, Tomato and Pickle Water, Tap JACK IN THE BOX Fruit Cup Frozen Yogurt, Fruit Varieties Water, Tap Orange SKINNY COW Ice Cream Sandwich, Vanilla, Low Fat Item Name Apple, Medium Water, Tap Banana Pasta, Spinach, Cooked Broccoli Water, Tap Banana Hamburger, 1/4 lb. with Mayonnaise, Lettuce, Tomato and Pickle Water, Tap JACK IN THE BOX Fruit Cup Frozen Yogurt, Fruit Varieties Water, Tap Orange SKINNY COW Ice Cream Sandwich, Vanilla, Low Fat Item Name Apple, Medium Water, Tap Water(L) 0 0.24 0.24 0.11 0 3.24 Niacin(mg) 0.2 0 0.67 3.24 1.16 0 0.78 6.62 0 0 0.24 0 0.37 0 13.29 Vit C(mg) 10.26 0 8.79 0 162.34 0 10.27 6.59 0 0 2.37 0 69.69 0 270.31 Alpha-T(mg) 0.4 0 3.89 Alcohol(g) 0 0 0 0 0 0 Vit B6(mg) 0.09 0 0.37 0.36 0.32 0 0.43 0.46 0 0 0.14 0 0.08 0 2.25 Vit D (ug)(g) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.98 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.98 Calcium(mg) 13.38 17.78 835.95 Thiamin(mg) 0 0.14 0 0.11 0 1.41 Vit B12(g) 0 0 0 0.45 0 0 0 2.1 0 0 0.24 0 0 0 2.78 Vit A (RAE)(g) 6.69 0 3.03 32 56.42 0 3.54 34.16 0 0 0 0 14.41 0 150.25 Iron(mg) 0.27 0 11.85 Ribo(mg) 0 0.61 0 0.05 0 1.95 Fol (DFE)(g) 6.69 0 20.2 307.2 114.66 0 23.6 151.28 0 0 0 0 39.3 0 662.93 Vit A (IU)(IU) 120.42 0 64.64 329.6 1133.86 0 75.52 291.47 0 0 383.07 0 294.75 300 2,993.33 Magn(mg) 11.15 5.92 291.49


May 08, 2013 Ryan McNemar, Profile: Ryan McNemar, 3 Day Average Item Name Banana Pasta, Spinach, Cooked Broccoli Water, Tap Banana Hamburger, 1/4 lb. with Mayonnaise, Lettuce, Tomato and Pickle Water, Tap JACK IN THE BOX Fruit Cup Frozen Yogurt, Fruit Varieties Water, Tap Orange SKINNY COW Ice Cream Sandwich, Vanilla, Low Fat Item Name Apple, Medium Water, Tap Banana Pasta, Spinach, Cooked Broccoli Water, Tap Banana Hamburger, 1/4 lb. with Mayonnaise, Lettuce, Tomato and Pickle Water, Tap JACK IN THE BOX Fruit Cup Frozen Yogurt, Fruit Varieties Water, Tap Orange SKINNY COW Ice Cream Sandwich, Vanilla, Low Fat Alpha-T(mg) 0.1 0 1.42 0 0.12 1.61 0 0 0 0 0.24 0 3.89 Potas(mg) 238.61 5.92 361.58 118.4 575.12 7.11 422.44 434.32 4.74 230 528.84 2.37 237.11 0 3,166.57 Calcium(mg) 5.05 57.6 85.54 21.33 5.9 136.64 14.22 0 339 7.11 52.4 80 835.95 Zinc(mg) 0.09 0 0.15 2.02 0.75 0 0.18 4.73 0 0 0.95 0 0.09 0 8.96 Iron(mg) 0.26 3.55 1.33 0 0.31 4.44 0 0 1.56 0 0.13 0 11.85 Sodium(mg) 2.23 17.78 1.01 19.2 60.06 21.33 1.18 1019.92 14.22 10 213.57 7.11 0 95 1,482.6 Magn(mg) 27.27 76.8 38.22 7.11 31.86 39.04 4.74 0 33.9 2.37 13.1 0 291.49


May 08, 2013 Ryan McNemar, Profile: Ryan McNemar, 3 Day Average

Intake Spreadsheet for May 07, 2013

Item Name Water, Tap Frozen Yogurt, Fruit Varieties Juice, Carrot, Canned Sandwich, Ham and Cheese DANNON Yogurt, Fruit on the Bottom, Mixed Berries, Low Fat Milk, Low Fat, 1% Broccoli Water, Tap Apple, Medium Meal Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Quantity 24 fluid ounce(s) 2 cup(s) 4 fluid ounce(s) 1 item(s) 2 item(s) - 6 oz container 16 fluid ounce(s) - 8 fl oz is 1 cup 1 cup(s) Chopped 8 fluid ounce(s) 1 item(s) - 1 item is 1 medium apple (3 in. diameter) 1 item(s) 1 cup(s) - cup grated 24 fluid ounce(s) 0.4 cup(s) 8 fluid ounce(s) 1 item(s) - large (8" to 8-7/8" long) Carb(g) 0 97.63 10.95 33.35 54 24.35 6.04 0 25.13 38.59 10.54 0 11.7 0 31.06 343.35 Poly Fat(g) 0 13.84 Wt(g) 711 452 118 146 340 488 91 237 182 Kcal(kcal) 0 574.04 47.2 351.86 300 204.96 30.94 0 94.64

Sandwich, Chicken Filet, Grilled with Lettuce, Tomato and Spread Carrots Water, Tap Almonds, Dry Roasted, without Salt Added Water, Tap Banana

Dinner Dinner Dinner Snacks Snacks Snacks

230 110 711 55.2 237 136

418.6 45.1 0 328.44 0 121.04

Item Name Water, Tap Frozen Yogurt, Fruit Varieties Juice, Carrot, Canned Sandwich, Ham and Cheese DANNON Yogurt, Fruit on the Bottom, Mixed Berries, Low Fat Milk, Low Fat, 1% Broccoli Water, Tap Apple, Medium Sandwich, Chicken Filet, Grilled with Lettuce, Tomato and Spread Carrots Water, Tap Almonds, Dry Roasted, without Salt Added Water, Tap Banana Item Name Water, Tap

Protein(g) 0 13.56 1.12 20.69 12 16.45 2.57 0 0.47 39.88 1.02 0 11.63 0 1.48 120.87 Mono Fat(g) 0 33.59

4,244.2 Fat(g) 0 16.27 0.18 15.48 3 4.73 0.34 0 0.31 10.51 0.26 0 28.73 0 0.45 80.26 Trans Fat(g) 0 0.01

2,516.82 Sat Fat(g) 0 10.51 0.03 6.44 3 3.09 0.04 0 0.05 2.18 0.04 0 2.22 0 0.15 27.76 Chol(mg) 0 243.56


May 08, 2013 Ryan McNemar, Profile: Ryan McNemar, 3 Day Average Item Name Frozen Yogurt, Fruit Varieties Juice, Carrot, Canned Sandwich, Ham and Cheese DANNON Yogurt, Fruit on the Bottom, Mixed Berries, Low Fat Milk, Low Fat, 1% Broccoli Water, Tap Apple, Medium Sandwich, Chicken Filet, Grilled with Lettuce, Tomato and Spread Carrots Water, Tap Almonds, Dry Roasted, without Salt Added Water, Tap Banana Item Name Water, Tap Frozen Yogurt, Fruit Varieties Juice, Carrot, Canned Sandwich, Ham and Cheese DANNON Yogurt, Fruit on the Bottom, Mixed Berries, Low Fat Milk, Low Fat, 1% Broccoli Water, Tap Apple, Medium Sandwich, Chicken Filet, Grilled with Lettuce, Tomato and Spread Carrots Water, Tap Almonds, Dry Roasted, without Salt Added Water, Tap Banana Item Name Water, Tap Frozen Yogurt, Fruit Varieties Juice, Carrot, Canned Sandwich, Ham and Cheese DANNON Yogurt, Fruit on the Bottom, Mixed Berries, Low Fat Milk, Low Fat, 1% Broccoli Water, Tap Mono Fat(g) 4.46 0.01 6.74 0 1.35 0.01 0 0.01 3.08 0.02 0 17.88 0 0.04 33.59 Omega-6(g) 0 0.3 0.07 1.3 0 0.15 0.02 0 0.08 3.64 0.13 0 7.17 0 0.06 12.92 Water(L) 0.71 0.32 0.1 0.07 0 0.44 0.08 0.24 3.41 Poly Fat(g) 0.45 0.08 1.38 0 0.17 0.03 0 0.09 4.23 0.13 0 7.17 0 0.1 13.84 Omega-3(g) 0 0.15 0.01 0.08 0 0.02 0.02 0 0.02 0.43 0 0 0 0 0.04 0.76 Alcohol(g) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Trans Fat(g) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.01 0 0 0.01 Diet Fiber(g) 0 0 0.94 2 1 0 2.37 0 4.37 2.07 3.08 0 6.02 0 3.54 25.38 Thiamin(mg) 0 0.18 0.11 0.31 0.12 0.1 0.06 0 1.61 Chol(mg) 58.76 0 58.4 10 24.4 0 0 0 92 0 0 0 0 0 243.56 Sugar(g) 0 92 4.61 0 54 25.38 1.55 0 18.91 7.08 5.21 0 2.72 0 16.63 228.1 Ribo(mg) 0 0.82 0.06 0.48 0.85 0.9 0.11 0 4.24


May 08, 2013 Ryan McNemar, Profile: Ryan McNemar, 3 Day Average Item Name Apple, Medium Sandwich, Chicken Filet, Grilled with Lettuce, Tomato and Spread Carrots Water, Tap Almonds, Dry Roasted, without Salt Added Water, Tap Banana Item Name Water, Tap Frozen Yogurt, Fruit Varieties Juice, Carrot, Canned Sandwich, Ham and Cheese DANNON Yogurt, Fruit on the Bottom, Mixed Berries, Low Fat Milk, Low Fat, 1% Broccoli Water, Tap Apple, Medium Sandwich, Chicken Filet, Grilled with Lettuce, Tomato and Spread Carrots Water, Tap Almonds, Dry Roasted, without Salt Added Water, Tap Banana Item Name Water, Tap Frozen Yogurt, Fruit Varieties Juice, Carrot, Canned Sandwich, Ham and Cheese DANNON Yogurt, Fruit on the Bottom, Mixed Berries, Low Fat Milk, Low Fat, 1% Broccoli Water, Tap Apple, Medium Sandwich, Chicken Filet, Grilled with Lettuce, Tomato and Spread Carrots Water, Tap Almonds, Dry Roasted, without Salt Added Water, Tap Banana Water(L) 0.16 0.14 0.1 0.71 0 0.24 0.1 3.41 Niacin(mg) 0 0.32 0.46 2.69 0 0.45 0.58 0 0.17 17.89 1.08 0 1.96 0 0.9 26.5 Vit C(mg) 0 3.16 10.03 2.77 4.8 0 81.17 0 8.37 5.52 6.49 0 0 0 11.83 134.15 Alcohol(g) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Vit B6(mg) 0 0.18 0.26 0.2 0.16 0.18 0.16 0 0.08 0.71 0.15 0 0.07 0 0.5 2.65 Vit D (ug)(g) 0 0 0 0 0 5.86 0 0 0 0.12 0 0 0 0 0 5.97 Thiamin(mg) 0.03 0.54 0.07 0 0.05 0 0.04 1.61 Vit B12(g) 0 0.32 0 0.54 1.2 2.29 0 0 0 0.51 0 0 0 0 0 4.86 Vit A (RAE)(g) 0 0 1128.08 96.36 0 283.04 28.21 0 5.46 25.3 918.5 0 0 0 4.08 2,489.03 Ribo(mg) 0.05 0.28 0.06 0 0.53 0 0.1 4.24 Fol (DFE)(g) 0 0 4.72 78.84 0 24.4 57.33 0 5.46 131.1 20.9 0 29.26 0 27.2 379.21 Vit A (IU)(IU) 0 510.76 22566.3 319.74 0 956.48 566.93 0 98.28 363.4 18376.58 0 0.55 0 87.04 43,846.07


May 08, 2013 Ryan McNemar, Profile: Ryan McNemar, 3 Day Average Item Name Water, Tap Frozen Yogurt, Fruit Varieties Juice, Carrot, Canned Sandwich, Ham and Cheese DANNON Yogurt, Fruit on the Bottom, Mixed Berries, Low Fat Milk, Low Fat, 1% Broccoli Water, Tap Apple, Medium Sandwich, Chicken Filet, Grilled with Lettuce, Tomato and Spread Carrots Water, Tap Almonds, Dry Roasted, without Salt Added Water, Tap Banana Item Name Water, Tap Frozen Yogurt, Fruit Varieties Juice, Carrot, Canned Sandwich, Ham and Cheese DANNON Yogurt, Fruit on the Bottom, Mixed Berries, Low Fat Milk, Low Fat, 1% Broccoli Water, Tap Apple, Medium Sandwich, Chicken Filet, Grilled with Lettuce, Tomato and Spread Carrots Water, Tap Almonds, Dry Roasted, without Salt Added Water, Tap Banana Alpha-T(mg) 0 0 1.37 0.29 0 0.05 0.71 0 0.33 0.87 0.73 0 13.14 0 0.14 17.62 Potas(mg) 7.11 705.12 344.56 290.54 580 732 287.56 2.37 194.74 453.1 352 7.11 393.02 2.37 486.88 4,838.48 Calcium(mg) 21.33 452 28.32 129.94 400 610 42.77 7.11 10.92 142.6 36.3 21.33 147.38 7.11 6.8 2,063.91 Zinc(mg) 0 1.27 0.21 1.37 1.8 2.05 0.37 0 0.07 1.73 0.26 0 1.82 0 0.2 11.16 Iron(mg) 0 2.08 0.54 3.24 0 0.15 0.66 0 0.22 3.63 0.33 0 2.11 0 0.35 13.32 Sodium(mg) 21.33 284.76 77.88 770.88 240 214.72 30.03 7.11 1.82 982.1 75.9 21.33 1.66 7.11 1.36 2,737.99 Magn(mg) 7.11 45.2 16.52 16.06 48 53.68 19.11 2.37 9.1 52.9 13.2 7.11 155.11 2.37 36.72 484.56


May 08, 2013 Ryan McNemar, Profile: Ryan McNemar, 3 Day Average

Energy Balance for May 05, 2013, May 06, 2013, May 07, 2013
Date May 05, 2013 May 06, 2013 May 07, 2013 Total: kCal Consumed 2580 2045 2517 7142 kCal Burned 2155 2155 2155 6465 Net kCal 425 -110 362 677

Daily Caloric Summary Recommended: Average Intake: Average Expenditure: Average Net Gain/Loss:

kCal 2657 2381 2155 226


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