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Course Instructor: Shipra Shukla

Question Bank Data Structure Using C B.Tech First Year (C.S.E.,M.E.)

Que 1.
Here is a small binary tree: 14 / \ 2 11 /\ /\ 1 3 10 30 / / 7 40 Write the order of the nodes visited in: A. An in-order traversal: B. A pre-order traversal: C. A post-order traversal: What is the minimum number of nodes in a full binary tree with depth 3? A. 3 B. 4 C. 8 D. 11 E. 15

Que 2.

Que 3.

Discuss the following algorithms with example? a) Selection sorting b) Bubble sorting c) Insertion sorting Consider s as a source vertex and trace the breadth first search (BFS) traversal in the following undirected graph.

Que 4.

Que 5. Que 6. Que 7. Que 8. Que 9. Que 10. Que 11.

What do you mean by searching technique? Explain binary search technique with algorithm? Write a C program to demonstrate the operations i.e. push (), pop (), traverse () on stack using switch statement. Write a C program to sort an array. Given an array A[6][6] whose base address is 100.Calculate the location A[2][5]if each element occupies 4 bytes and array is stored row wise. Write a C program to insert an element in an unsorted array at given position. What is a stack and why stack is called LIFO data structure? Explain significance of top of the stack? Write the algorithm of infix to postfix and infix to prefix notations?

Que 12. Que 13.

Que 14.

Que 15.

Write the algorithm to evaluate postfix expression and prefix expression? Convert into postfix form showing stack status after every step in tabular form: 1. A/(B^C)-D 2. (A-(B/C))*((D*E))-F) 3. (A*B+(C/D))-F 4. 8+5*4-12/6 5. [a+(b-c)]*[(d-e)/(f+g-h)] Convert into postfix form showing stack status after every step in tabular form: 1. A+(B*C-(D/E-F)*G)*H 2. A-B/(C^D)+(E*F) 3. A*(b+c)+(b/d)*a+z*u 4. a+((b+c)*(d+e)+f//g) 5. a+(b+c*d+e)+f/g 6. [a+(b-c)]*[(d-e)/(f+g-h)] Consider the following arithmetic expression in postfix notation: 7 5 2 + *4 1 5- / a) Find the value of the above expression. b) Find the equivalent prefix of the above expression. c) Find the value of the above expression from its prefix notation. Define B-Tree? Insert the following keys in a B tree of order 5 A,C,G,N,H,E,K,Q,M,F,W,L,T,Z,D,P,R,X,Y,S What is a Graph? Explain different types of graph? What do you mean by path matrix? Consider the following graph and show its path matrix.

Que 16.

Que 17. Que 18.

Que 19. Que 20. Que 21.

Let L= {71, 17, 86, 100, 54, 27} be an unordered list of elements. Show each pass of selection sort. Let L= {12 ,21, 34,38,45,49,67,69,78,79,87,93,97,99} be an ordered list of elements. Search for the key k=21 and Show each pass of binary search. Define Warshalls algorithm in detail and implement Warshalls algorithm in the following graph.

Que 22. Que 23. Que 24. Que 25. Que 26. Que 27. Que 28. Que 29. Que 30. Que 31. Que 32. Que 33.

Define binary search tree? What do you understand by balance factor in an AVL tree? Discuss properties of AVL tree. Insert the following elements in an AVL tree 3,2,1,4,5,6,7,16,15,14 Differentiate B tree and B+ tree with examples and also discuss properties of a B tree? Write Depth first search algorithm? What do you mean by doubly linked list? Discuss insertion, deletion and display functions of doubly linked list in detail? Draw a binary search tree by inserting the following no.s? 11,6,8,19,4,10,5,17,43,49,31 What do you understand by divide and conquer technique? Illustrate the example of this technique in detail? Explain Breadth first search algorithm with example? Differentiate between full and complete binary tree with examples? Explain methods of graph representation with examples? Write algorithms a) Insertion at beginning in a queue b) Deletion in a circular linked list c) Insertion in a circular queue d) Deletion in a circular queue e) Insertion in a doubly linked list f) Deletion in a doubly linked list g) Insertion in a circular linked list Insert elements in a circular queue. 39,103,69,21,71. Define quick sort algorithm and sort the following elements of an array using quick sort. 5,3,21,9,1,13,2,7,10,12,4,8

Que 34. Que 35.

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