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Same sex marriage should be banned because it is the wrong which sits upon an
established wrong premise. Same sex sexual relationship is wrong to start with and
to enhance it and legitimize it will be the greatest blunder of all times.

Without respecting the biological attributes of female and male gender and the
sexual functions with which they have evolved over millions of years, any social
system will not survive. In fact, the society will disintegrate and, if survived
through a fluke of nature, it will be only in chaos populated with confused,
unhappy, misdirected, and declining people who will be quite different from the
humans we know today.

This process has already established a footing in many countries including America
through the process of equal rights, human rights, and so on…….and to undo this
will be quite difficult. The only thing the society can do is to stop it right
where it is at, and find ways and means to educate public to stay on course of the
culture which has been established, tested, survived, and proven for millions of

Marriage has been and is between a Man and a Woman, and there should not be any
deviation from this fact. Religious, political, and social freedom should not be
allowed to create a new “social species”. We should never forget that the current
social system and the developments associated with it will become the foundation
of the future social systems which have yet to come. Social systems established
today will affect the future generations in more than one way. Therefore, we
should think and think again before we establish laws which have far reaching
influence over many generations of humans in the future.

An enormous social and psychological burden will be put on the people who are
already married, about to get married, children, schools, hospitals, military,
public facilities, custody of children, and every other segment of our political,
economic, religious, social, etc life if same sex marriage gains acceptance and
momentum. If allowed, same sex marriage will spread like a disease in America and
possibly to other parts of the world. Today, gays visit other towns and countries
to find young candidates, including children, and the local population is
unaffected because of the perception of the problem being far away—what is not
seen does not gain attention and concern. Same sex marriage will open the doors
wide open for gays to go out and solicit sex in the neighborhood, because it will
be within their rights just as regular males and females have.

Gay behavior is non-productive, non-reproductive, and does not serve any purpose
to the human colony. On the other hand, it is dangerous, spreads confusion on mass
scale which is strictly detrimental to the growth of children, and creates an
environment where children grow up to be incomplete adults. Incomplete adults
cannot serve the society successfully and, therefore, become an unbearable burden
on the society, which can lead to societal decay and destruction. Gay behavior is
a state of mind, or a mental condition which can be counseled and cured.

Spreading same sex marriage will open several windows which could create
formidable challenges for our National Security, increase the number of courts,
new and complicated laws, much more police because of increased crime, difficulty
in dispute resolution, new diseases, new types of street crimes, etc. Over a
period of time, people will become less social which will lead to disconnectedness
and possibly non-communication which are the initial stages of breakdown of social
system. Open gay social system will increase the stress levels of average American
who is already under a great stress and experiences 50% marriage failure rate.
Society is already under a great pressure which can cause ruptures, if not a
breakdown. Legally united same sex couples will be an imposition on the rest of
the society who do not know currently and will not know in the future how to
adequately deal with them.

Children born and nurtured in a society which allows same sex marriage, witness
same sex couples, go through the challenges of going to schools, playgrounds,
libraries, community halls, public facilities, etc. will grow up “confused” and
will less likely grow up and mature to be well rounded adults. These “confused”
children after reaching the adult age, but not the adult maturity, will enter the
government service, military, businesses, politics, etc. to serve the people……..
social declination process will be on.
The current adult population may not get greatly affected by the same-sex marriage
laws, because they had a solid childhood which prepared them for a variety of
challenges within a secure social system. But the future generations will
experience an entirely different scenario…..which should be of concern to all
political, social scientists, all political parties, think tanks, and the elected

Gay segment of our society should be extended all the respect, rights, and
protection that an average citizen enjoys, but their marriage should never be
accepted in to law no matter how much money has been contributed, or how much
political weight they carry. They are patriots, intelligent, and capable people
like others. It will be bad for our nation, and bad for the world (world follows
and adopts American habits). America should create a long lasting decent, stable,
and secure social system which can easily be adopted by the rest of the world
(they always do), and which can last for centuries in the future.

Warmest regards,
Prem Bhandari

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