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'1 -
M1gll11 340
1940-45 (I)
EUROPE 1940-4
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Email' If>J<>CIoop<eypubIist""I! corn
To BuckWeed
(1) EUROPE 1940-43
All fiIlhts reserved Aparl!rom any tw QeIlllng 101 ,he po.II'pO$e of pltVQle 'l...:!y.
'ese<lfCh, cmk:&n 01 =Itm ""' permilled unct... tile De5igns Rna
Pa'ants Acl. 19811. no pan oIlhlS pwbltcatlorl mlIy be rep<oQ'u<:ed. 'lared In a
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lrK:<ll. ci>em;coJ, m"cNmica!, ptIotoCOllY"'Q. rflC0rd!n9 01 otlWWtse,
w1thOlJl tI'" """" Wflll"" pe1'"1tS5>Qtl o! Ihe C<Mhl ow,,", Er>qU\fIe$ o.hOuiCl De
addrMs;,(! 10 1lI<l Pub\,'Mr!l,
ISBN' 85532 864 X
E"""" ManJn Windfow
Oes<lln Alan !iamplOesJgn for Book.
O<igln:"t"", oy lor>d<>t1
PnntO<! If> Grnna lhfC<J9h _ PMI llO

The MarI<lI\"'ll Ma""lIe". Osprvy L'a. PO Box 1010,
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Or v"it the Ostxey web'Olte at.

Th<s book Woold nOI have been poSSible WlthoUI Ihe help of 11 large
number 0' people who have aSSiSted me In many ways. I must
record my gralltude to Stephen Andrew. Charles BUIte'}', John
Carlin, Ned Champ'on, PalJl Corm!5h, Rudy D'Angelo, O,no OJ
Masuo, Mark Dial. Ian Drury, Steve Kiddie. Darko PaVlOvic, Glyn
Roberts, RTomasi arid PalJl V.Walsh,
For thaJ, assistance with photog'aphs I must thank P<ero C'ooanl,
Alexei Ivanov, A)les.andfO MasS'9r1an1, Franco Me'tlJMI. Marco
Novarese, Robert Sledman and Rex Trye. Particular thanks must go
to Nigel Thomas lor l'IlS gleat With Ihe rank charts, and to
Count EmeslO Vile"' !OI" hIS hospllalrty_ I would also like to mank
Jame!l Burd, Marcello Rava'oh and Guido Roslgnoillor theIr
patience and for theIr Wllllrl9r1ess to sha,e mell' 9M-at knowledge of
Ihe subJecl WIth a fellow erlthus,asL
Author's note
For those unfamiliar w<th Italian An11y nomenclature. note that Alpinl
lPluraQ. Alplno (singular) refe.- to true mounlaln troops, With at least
8 deg,ee o! specialised eqwoment ,lI\d training, and Bersagl.en (pl.).
8erS3gllere (sing.) to Ihe ''9ht In!antry: both categories are
historIcally regarded as ehte troops.
Designations suggesting specialist roles for inlantry
dIVIsions (see key to Taole A. page 38) - e.g. 'mountain' or
'sem,-motoflsed' etc. - should be unde,stood as largely
theoretical, II not pu,e propaganda, In practice the Issue of
vehicles and other eqlJlpment fell far short of the level
needed 10 give these lIties any practical meaning
The acronym MVSN refers to the Fascist Party's 'Bi3ck$l1lrt' mllil<a
units 0' the MjilZia Volorltarla per Slcurazza Nazionale. To
contusion we do nOI usa here the Ilalian plural abbreviallon CCNN
101" cam'de nero. 'Blackshirts'
In the photograph crechts, USSME .. UfticlO S'Ofico Delle Stato
Maggfofe EsefClto.
A shan bibliog,aphy lor the whole series will appear In Ihe third
DEtailS of the establishment o! e.g. armoured and
motonsed Will appear m the second volume.
Artist's note
Readers may care to note that the origInal paintings from whk:h the
eoloor plates In this book We! prepared are la' pnvate
sale All reprodllCHon copYright is 'etained by the
Publishers. Ail enquiries should be addressed to;
Staphen Andrew,
87 Ellisland. K'rklntilloch, Glasgow G66 2UA, Scotland
The PlJbllshers regret that they Can enter Into no correspondence
upon this matler.
TITLE PAGE A private 01 the 227th Infantry Regiment, His
M1940 Jacket bears the yellow-over-green collar patches of
the 'Rowigo' Inlantry Division; i1nd on his breilst the 'CSIR
Cross' award identifies him as one 01 the quarter 01 a
million Italian troops who served on the Russian Front.
An officer photographed in a
trench during the Albanlan/Oreek
border campaign of 1940-41, He
wears the Mt940 grey-green
uniform with captain's cuff
rllnking; Ihe M1933 sleel helmet
with branch badge stencilled on
the front In black; a holstered
Beretta on II 'Sam Browne' belt;
and double socks Instead of
puttees, He I. not, however, an
infantryman, but II member 01 a
Finance Guard unit - some 01
these security troops would see
Sllff fighting in Oreece (see Plate
HlI, In the background note Ihe
Finance Guard version of the
Alpine lell hat; ... nlisted ranks
wore black leathers lrom a
yellow boss, officers white
leathers from a melal boss.
(Franco Mesturini Archives)
IAI.\ r"Tio:R1.l TilE Sl:cuud \\'urld \\"ar 011 10 .June a full len
hI, ant'r t hL: o.f Iill' CtJlln in. SinCt' his apptlinll.lWtlt prime
mttltsttT - \\"tlll ('Ollslder;lble pupillaI' - III 1922. lhl'
demag:o:.{lIt' BeJlilO i\llIssulini (18:-l,q...J915) had furgl:d Ilis J'arty
gO\l'rt1I1ll'IH i"lo a dfcni\l uIHkr 0\\"11
le;ldership ;15 'If Duu>". wilh Ihe l\.ing: \lClor EllltlJanuel III as
a nalional ligllrehead. (\\'hile many uLlu'ages and murders "ere
COllHtlilll:d in Il;tnl('. it pefhap' be Iioled tilat ,II Iea'i Ix'/ure
194:{ i\llIssolinis regiulc II':\S Hul guilty of lhe large seille,
barbarities of .\!azi Gennam.)
In ;\Iu:-sulilli had cllllC'1udnllht.: 'Pac( SIt.:el",;t mililar...
alli;tncl' \"idl Genn<lnr He had Ilevenlwks... held h;tI.:k frl1l1ljnining'
A.xis parUler ill against the democracies. because he kn(:I" thai
t"l)UllU:, was ill-prep;tn::d to rig-Ill <l tmuur war Eurupean
opponellis-. hOI' ewr, 1,11 h Fr:Hlce fltl the w'rge of d.. f.. <l1 and Hrimin
lighting :\lolle <lgainst tile might of the in\'incible German
Wchnll;J('hl, he look his cballce, Ht.: lwlicw'd that 1\1 deb) ,llly lunger
\\'Illdd rill Ilah al ollosillg" 0111 on the sh:uing- (If the spoil>; o(virlvrr
llis gamble on a quick Axis \'iewry to prOle ruinollsl\' costl" for
his COl III Ir\': il 1,'ollltl lead tu the u\(:nhn)l, oflli... full::. alld lO his
own death.
Oll paper haly had a largl' and \"dl-eqllipped alld although
j\llIssolini's lllllCh-<PIIHI'd bOilst of tl million Italian bayonets was 1l0t
credible she cOllld raise a large if unmodernised force. The
lIlobiliscd slr('l1g111 ill June 1940 was l,(i30,OOO; this wuuld later rise to a
Iwak of 2.. TIll' I laliall \\'a:" <lui It' capable of fig-hI i ng a OIlC-
campaign w:tr when all Ihe COulltry's resources cOllld be ch:tnndled illin
a natiullal cHon un one front. This had been the ca:.e in the First \\"orld
\,\'ar, wlwn 111<" lJ;tlian Ann} had managt'd III a Inng and hitter
struggle again:"t the Allstro-Illlll,lf-irian Empire. :'-10\'.. howe\er. she wOllld
be drawn into war all ai, leaSI lWO frOllts siml.lllaneotL>;ly, lighting: large
seal" campaigns in hOlh Afrinl ami tilt B'llkalls. and lalcr
pnwiding a coming-ellt for Russian Frout. This kintl of
tOlal war was far be\'Und the capacit} of Italy's limited resourccs.
,-\[ lhe ollturea\.. lilt.: Italian llad a 01'73 di\'bions
tIl<id, np of ]()6 illfantry rChrimcn1-'>, 12 rq,rimell15 of lkrsaglit'ri Pig'll!
inbntry), !O ofAJpini (mountain troops). 12 regiments of cavalry. 5 lank
regiments, 12 of artillery and 19 of engineers. The Italian t\nlll was
basically an inranlry rorn' ,dtll liltle Illcchanisation and a shortage
of the basic requirements for modern war. Much 01 lhe equipmcnt dated 3
nil' Rlack:.hins' of lilt' :>.IYS:'>1 or .\'olmHan' for :\'aliooal Sc.:cllnl' '
wcre tJle militan arm of lite Italian Parl\. Originalh'
the militia had a public .\<Celilitl rollo, hut from lhe carl\' 193Us it was
and (OOl1lhal-wonlw I\IYS:\,
llnits were the litle 01
'1\[ Banatilm:.; uf
tll..:'I..' rouKIH in both
and as anti-
pani....1lI Iroop:..
Army Group Wesl
cac: G-en L'mberlO di S:'t\"oi:t
GoIS: Cell Emilio BaubLi
lSi Army
GOe: Cen Pietro Pintor
CulS: Gen Fernando Gelich
1/ ,\rlll.\ r,fJl1)$
'Fodi', 'AcCJui'. 'Li\"()fI1o' 1111' Oi....
'Clllll:t::llSl:' Alpine Di,'
111.\'-111) C.flrJ)\
R.I\Cnna, \.l.illt"O' InfDi\"l
1st .\Ipine Group (3 ,-\.Ipint.' bm pIllS 2 1ll01llllitin .trtillen bns) 5
ckcl;u';"Ilion of war
alflill't Fr.lIIC'e and Brilain
on 10 JlInt" 19-10 "as
lollO\,'cd on til{' 20th I" the
opt:lling uf :til nfTell:-ile
imo French lelTiton in the
\\t::.lcrn ,\Ip.) and along the
fhe Italian amw of :{2
made liule
ht,;\Ch\';1\ in thl' difficult
terrain 01 lhe mountains,
ancl (mil managed 10
c"plllrl' a fl'W Alpinc
lillal{cs, On lhe cuast Lh('\,
managed 10 capture lhe
,mall French Ri\-icra IUWII uf lx,rurc I he FrclJclt '1IlTt'llCkr to lhe
wa,- 011 2,1 .Julle. Tht: Italian fought br.nely
enough. bUl "'{'re kl down - as tltl'" I,'cre to he ill ftllure campaigns -
bad pbl1lnillg and org-.J1Ii'alioll, (01lt: ,mall htll 1{'llil1g t:x<lmplc of the
laller Ihe fac! 111:11 ll1<' :1m\\' field often did not hal'e lhc
necessar. poLS and palls lO lilah' the soldkrs a hot meal in lhe fret:zillg
Cllmlition:- ill lhl' Alp:-.) Italian ror sllch :1 :.horl campaign 1\"l:l"C
bt::I',\. ,,'itb 631 killed. \\'olltldt:d, 2,000 cases of fmSlbile and 600
men missing, "this COIn pares with tlte Frellch Jusse'i of '10 killed, $4
\\'olltldecl :lml 15()
1940 Infantry
2/trlanlTy Regrs
EIiackshin Lt1gIoo
pf 2 bns + $t.JlporI COy
... Pad! G<II Coy
-'" -...",
14300 all rris
270 LMG. 80 x HMG

8 .. 20rrm AA. 24 .. 41rrrn AT
8 &:xTxn, 24 .. 15rrm.
12 .. 100Trn
8lI ..
71 n'Vcydes. 153 bicycles
OPPOSITE A group 01 officers
leave their HO during a pre-war
.xen;:I,., From NB right to tett:
loreground, an Alpinl lieutenant-
colonel - note chevron ranking
lust visible on side 01 hat;
mlddleground, a general
commanding an army; mlddle-
9round, an Alplnl colonel with a
divisional shield .... his lett
sleeve; background, a major 01
the Transport Corps. All these
ollice,. wear the 'conJel/ino'
unilorm, with two black velvet
stripes down the breeches
lIankin.g a central piping in the
branch colour. For rank insignia
details He chart on page 41.
IRn Trye)
The crew of a M1935 B1mm
mortar durln.g a pre-war train;n.g
....n;:i.... The caporale lias the
M1931 S1rey-ereen tunic with
black felt collar facin.... and his
divisional patcttes, His black
sleeve chevrons are the larger
pattern used ITom 1931 to 1939.
Although we cannot '5efI it, the
lanyard a"",nd his neck is
probably attached to a holstered
10.35mm Bodeo Glisent; 1889
revolver. This antique was still In
widespread service wittl the
italian Army in 1940, and was to
continue In use untlt the end of
the war, (Vitetti Archive)
h,l( k to tilt, tlll'll Ilf lht' te11lllt,' and the First World \\':lr. ,ltld Ill,ltl" 01
(','ell lhe more modern item.) wcre OhM >k,( 1'l1fl',
am; tellillg' SI:l1blif i, that itl.Jlltll 19-10 Ihe It,tlian Ann\" h,ld a tOlal
of i,9iO pit:cn of arlillt-r. of I\'hich only 2--16 had 11l,11l111,IClllrt:d
1>illct' 19:1O. A majnril\ 01 tht" field l-'1.IllS ill lI:.e l\ll1.: ex.\lI'lri:1l1 I1Itk"ld,
hantlt.'d o\'cr 1,';lr ill 1918. t.f the had heen
implO\t:d bl It'pl.ldllg tht' (lId \\'oo<lcn-<;poked I,hed.) with :-tl'd: llll"
mighllook tllodl'l"nlwcause oftbl'.)c cv:.melic: hlllllll' haIT('I.,
IH.'rc still 40 H ...l1.... old,
Tltt' It'lliall armourl'c1 force I\';"IS quite formidable 011 p.tpcr. I,ith VIC!'
iOO lallI..., -;1 .)trlnglh I,'hidt compared Eal(lurahh 1\ ilh lilt: otht:r \\\l'r,. cxitmin.ttion, 1100\e\t:r. lhal lhc lllajoril\' of Ihi'''C:'
'tanJ..:-' I\l'n: ill tim t,,'o-man arlll<"d with machilh'
and with annour 100 lhin 10 stop marhine gUll hulkt"
modern wen' in production: bIll dll'''C IleW('l' lUnd{,I, ClIllt' illlo
"Cn icc lhel '\I'l"t' quickh 10 be olllclassed ('\('n hI thl' I.lllk,
- IhcnN.. hardh' lhe impressin' in Europe - "hich llll" Ill'Il' H\
face in :'\"onh AfriCil,
Tilt: hali<ltl infmHn dh'i,ion had a different qnlClUrt* from lhox' of
01111'1' COIIICIIlOr.U"\ annies in lhat il onh had 1\\0 illfitlltr. rl'gilll1'1l1'
and nne anillcn reg-illlt.'IH on 1,-hereM in most otht:r a
dili.)iou 11lId at leil.)1 Ihn'c n:gimenb ofillfantn' pill" three or lour groups
of .tnillel"\. Thi, "O-Gtlled billar. . I\pe of dil'ision was a 1\I'aJ..lll'>'.
cHon iJ on P."lpel' il galC the tJl<H thl' '""Ii an .\1'11' had more
formations. of ,Ill..' eli, "ere f.,r from lip 10 - 0111 of
tll{' i3 Ull papc:'l' onh ,om{' were fulh manned and equipped,
lllilitarb,..:d and itS fourth :mlled
Anlly. Naw and Air Force. RaiW'o frum \'01-
WHet'r of lht-, F'L...cisr Parr" hClw(:'('ll llll'
of J7 arId 50 (ill 1,"0 "A"t' classes. the oleiN men
servinl{ in Tl"niwrial it \\-dl> supposc.::d lO
pr(wide a miliwl"y force of lllJ(lllcstionill,i,r lu
III ;til effort to illlegr:ue the l"rVSN with rhe
Arm\' a Blacksbin 'legioll' (1'\'0 hal.Lalilllls,
(:ach nomin,lllv :'lrong) \,'as ad(kd lO each
irlfalllr;. (livl,ioll to act ;L'; a . highI\' mOti"ltt-'d" force
\\irhin the lonnalion. The imrodllnioll Ill' the
uni!.\ il1\o lht' tmler or bailie of the Ropl
Arrm f.{ft'all\' rCS('IHed h,' Ann,- commanders.
11110 diSlrtlstecllhe 1\1\'5:'\ and suspected tht:ir lack
01 militar. experience. In addition purc:lv
:\I\'S:\' t1hi,ioll" I,'crt: raised 10 light in lhe
Eiltiopian campaign oj 19::G-36. Four :\IY5"
I,'el'e raised to figln ill :'\'onh ..... friC'd in
1910, amI thew IIt'l"e all in the earh'
lighting. Ihe progre'\St"d the more reliable

X\'Ar/ll.\' em/II
',\Io<il'na', 'Crenll>n:l' Inf Divs
Alpil1l' <:lllllp (1 .\lpilll' 11l1'" 1 bu,
lllolllliain anI
Aron' Ht'){,IlY'
'Pi.. loia, '(:;IUi,llori ddk' .\lpi', 'Lupi di TO'<C<lII;\'
'Puqnia' .\lpilll' Oh
hi Bc.'r,.lglit..-i Rq.;l. ,\r lllulln,d Rl'g!.
4lh Army
COe: (:l'lI ,\lfn'du ClIl.loni
CoIS: (,t'll .'wld;tn1Ii
1:\1111\' (;qrJM
'ClgliMi', 'PillCru]tl' Inf Oil"
1\' Artll." ClJI!,j
',\s.,ieua, 'Slorcesca' Inl Dip.
,-\IlII) (;mp)
'Taurillell'c' \Ipill(' Di\
Le\'anna .\U101l01ll()llS 0rollp (:\ ,\Ipine bn..,
1 1Il00mtail1 .It'l\ 1m). 3rd ,\Ipilli Regt
,\rol\ RI'$i'nIt'
'LeR'nano'. 'Brennero' Inl 01\'"
'Tridelllina' ,\Ipint: Oi\
-Ilh Ik'r-';:Iglit'li Rl'gl. 1'1 Annd Rib'" C'l\ Rq;l
The Invasion of Greece
:\1 dawn on 28 OClOl)I,'r 19-10 ,('\'t'll It..tli.111 di\,i.. iolls of llll' 9111 ,lIld Illh
Annie'> the on four lints of alh,mct from Albania -
occupied :.ince .\prj] 1939. The\ managed 10 get fin: or six mile:'> ilbidc
Gn'eH' before becollling bogged dO\\'Il, Thc\' found Iht'll1't'ht', fighling:
larger lh:1Il expent'd rc)ree", \.. ho foul{hl \Iilh greal delcrmin:nioll and
had .. much superior kno\\lcdge uf lhe lCrT.:tin, Ilalian \I"ere olh:n
lr.lpped in Ilhile Grc.:d.. forces: lIIo\(:cl lhrough till' and
rnmmlllil1" 10 endrdc rhem: in lhis wav Ihe Julia' .-\lpinc Di\'i"inn In"l
5,000 lllen in lhl' I'indus Corg<:s,
TIl(' Grc..:eks, and br 22 Non:lllbt'r h'll! rlw
200,000 Ir:,liall' hack on:r thc border into Alb'lIlia, where lilt.' fig-hrill/.;'
lumed into n bloodl st;\!t::mate, Large Itnlian rcinlorccmClll.S WCI'C SCl'll
II) Iht' thealre l)\'CI' lilt' winter, bUI making limited lIlt'l' \\ef{'
unable III forcl' Ihe Ollt of Albania, Roth "lInt'ret! It'l'ribl)'
Irom the frt'c/ill.';: lemper:uures as: neil her (Irmv had :ldeqll:lle cold
wealher clothing, The lIQuid probably have COlllinlll'd had
Hil1t'r IHiI dt'cidt'd ro 'iClld in G('rrnall lroops 10 br('al.. lht:' deadlm'l.. ill
April 19-11.
Epirus Seclor
C;{/Illuna ,\r/ll) Cm!1\
'Sitona', 'Ferr:II1I' Int". DiI.... 'Centauro' .-\1111<1 Di\
(Total - 12 inf b1l'>, 3 Ikrsaglieri bns... :lmld blls. 6 Blad,shirt bn')
Manhal Badoglio _aring the
p,..war uniform In tight grey
<;ordellino material with bla<;k
veNet <;ollar lil<;ing, His service
<;ap has the ranking of iI Marshal
of Italy - silver eagle on red
backing, and lour silver stripes
above the broad greca braid of
general officers. Nole above his
medal ribbons the crown and
crossed swords badges of War
Merit promotions; these came in
thraa Clall81 - sUver, gold, and
gold with red backing, Badogllo
has one of the laner, meaning
that he earned a War Merit
promotion as a general; the
others maan that he must have
eamed II War Merit promotion to
almost every rank held during his
military career, (HUlton Getty)
1940 Alpine

" "'"
An:Jo TIfI/I P!lflOOn
13 co>. rtD;s
162 ll' \MG, 66" I'f.tG
54 ,,45rm1 rnortln
24" 61"" ITlOflln
24" 75tn'T1 pad.
50 ll' motor voen::Ia5
.""""" 53._
The crew bring a 7Smm
M187!l11927 flelod gun Into a<;tion
In lhe Western Alps during the
campaign itlIalnSt the Frenc;h in
June 1940. All wear M1934
greatcoat. and M1933 steel
helmets, and some carry M1933
gasmasks. (USSME)
Julia' .\Ipillt:: Di\, (j ,\Ipini I ,-\Ib<llli:m \Ohllll('tl"i h11)
(,',1(/1/1/1 (;11/111)
Rq,t. '\o'la', Rq{l\
(It)I.11 -:\ Grenadier bll" -I Cl\ 'qu;ldlOll 2 r\lballi.1l1 \'ols bns)
Macedonia Sector
X.\17 ,\1'/11,\ Cml',1
1'.lI1na InfDh
Arm}' Reserve
Pit'llIunlt-' Inf Di\
Yugosla\ian Border
'\'('nt-,n<t'. '"\rt."IJO' Inl Di\...
Ilillel pn'p,ared 10 1w11) hi, ;111\ h\ ill\-.Ir1ing GICt'ce from Bulg;:lIia,
,md buill lip hi,., lorces in the \lIlilt' cot'reilli{ mht'l' ('uulIuit.', in
Iht, It'POIl III 'ign poKI.:> with Gennall\. Prince Paul.
came lIndt), ilea" pl... and thrl':ib Itl 'ign Ihe ,\nuwmilern Pael,
much a\.,'ilinsl the wishC'" of most of j{t)\'tOrlllllL'1lt .lIId the Yugoshl\
peuplt, all 26 19-11 a bloodlt>ss coup Ollfolllised tw Cell SimO\ic
ill lilt.' name of Ill(' \'ollng King P('lt'r n'\ c ....(:<1 ami mo\-ed YlIgOS!:I\;';1
tllll ul lhe pro-,\."i" camp, Ililler was fmioH' ;11 and
dt'dded 10 til' lhe ill\,....ions 01 and YugOt;I:l\ia 10 'SeCure
hi, '>OulheOl 1l:1Il1.. hefurt'll1t' pLlIlllt'c1 ill\'L,iull ufthe SO\-iel L'nion. On
2 I Februan 19-11 Gl'eece 3cceplt.'d .1 P.lili'h f)f rcil,forCelUL'IIL', bill
lilt-' British troup'" al1d RAf S<jll.ldroll) haSlih stripped from :\'tlnh Africa
Wl'ft'loo 1'1'\1 In affect lilt' OIlICOllle. On 6,\pril 1911 11.alian ,md Ccnnan
ilwaded Greffe and "lIgo,1.I,ia; f;lcing U\('r\\II('\nling force"
(.rl'l'te capilutlled on .\pril.
-nle im\i\'ichm] h:llian <\Oldit'I' ill ern:c(' o!tt'n loughl "ilh heroism.
c'iJCcia1h in deff'llee, bUl lilt' pf'rfonJl<IllCt' rdlcrled hoth
pOlll prq)amlioll and low 1ll0l:\k. Italian "Qldiel... lf>ll kt dO\\1l and
b\ their sl1pl'riur'>, whll had It'd Ihcm 10 bclit'\c Ih.ll Ihe\ '''ould gain a
quid, and reb,i\-e!l- eas\' \'icton. The \\ hole ('lIrrUpl nalllrc of
lite F.,.,dsl g9\Cmrnf'mand irs \1:lr machine \,-a:, exp<,,,ed by litis campaign,
in I"hieh tilt.' ordina'1
!'ooldil'''' sun'l'fcd grcal
l:lrg:d\' dllt' 10 lh(=
illCtllnpctellce and unfol'-
Ki\'abl} had plallning of
Iheir !t':lcler", Iwlian
Wl'fC 14,000 dead,
2,-1,000 lIIis,.,illg. 115,350
sick, IH)unc!t'd and frosr-
bittell, ):,riling a IOlal of JUSI
tlll'r ]:,1,000 (;;tSlmlL.ies,
Albanian Units in the
Italian Army
TIll' of Alhania in
April 1939 \\';,15 folloKt'd 1)\'
Ihe ab,.,orption of up 10
7.000 (If Iht' 10,000 lIlen of
Ihe funller .-\Jb:tniall ,\rnn 7
Wireless operators of an artillel')'
regimenl use an RF2 type radio
in a AlpIne vill"ge during the
lighting on the Fren<;:hJttalian
border. The operalora are
wearl"'ll enlisted ranks' grey-
green wool bustinil forage caps
with their M1934 greatcoats. The
soldier watching has the
grey-green leather two-poeket
bandolier worn by the artillery
and mounted troops. (USSMEI
10 furm uniu; of
the hali:\n Army. One
Albanian MVSN Legiol1 "'as
fnrnwd, Wilh six
Royal Albanian ArlllY
1WO Fllflrl'SS
(;1111 B:l1taliOlls, a
Royal Glli'lrd B:Hlaliol1 and
t\l'O Carabinicli Lcgi{)11S.
Tht' AJb:ll1ians were
involved in the llwasion
of Grecce lIml pcr/i,)fJm:d
vcry badly. with $0111(' lllliL<;
e\'en firing on their own
siclt:. Looking fnr scapegoatS
for hi<; arm)"s poor pl.:r-
lormance in this campaign,
allell1pted LO I
pill 1l1iKh of the bl;lme 011
tbe Alb:\Ilian unitS invoked,
Despite this pOOl" sh()\\'illg
IW\\' Alb<lnian ItllitJ; were
()rWlnised to help fighl the
growing menace oftVbanian
Commllnist p;:lrtisans, In
June the Albanian
conlingen! o! the ItaJian Army comisted of four ligllt infantry
CacdalOri d'l\llJallia ('.\Ihaniall Hlllltcrs') alld 14 militia
Army Group Reserve
'Casale', 'Firenzc' Inl' Di\'s
9lh Army
III II 1'11I)' rmps
'Venezia', 'Arczzo', 'Taro'. 'Forti' [nfDivs
KY.I'I Anll)' Cml),'
'Picl11olltl.:', 'Partll:!' InfOin;, 'Tride111ina' Alpine Di\'
11th Army
II' Ann)" Lorps
'Cacdatori ddk Alpi' Inf Di\', 'Pllslcria' Alpine Di\'
1'11I A1"/11)' Corps
'Cagliali', 'Siena', 'Bari', 'Pinerolo' In!' I)i\'$
XX\' Army Cfi/1I\
'Sf()oesca', 'Fermra', '1\loe!eTla', 'Brennero', 'Lllpi di',
'Leg-nano' Inf Di\'s, Julia' Alpine Oi\'
'Sjlt'rial' Anll."
'ClIlICO', 'Aeqlli' Inr Oh1>, 'Spccial' Alpin/.: Diy
Army Reseryc
'Pllg:[ic' InrDi\'. 'Clll1(:t'nsc' Alpine Oi\
'Ccntauro' Group (I armd regt, 1 Bersaglieri bn, I c<l\' rcgt.
I arllld art)" regf)
The Invasion of Yugoslavia
Ilu: ill\ lJf (i April 19-11 sa\\" atraeks la\lll('"hed I"rom .\uslria, ILal\',
111I1lg<lt'\, Rlimania, alld Alhania, only It;tliall :Illd
(,nm;tn rorces \n,.. re itwoh-ed, b\l1 from II Aprillhey wen' joined hv Lllc
[lullg;lriall .\rt1I\', h.ali:m participation W<J.s limited 10 tlte 2nd .\nm,
\\hielt advanccd dO\\'lI th!' omSl and inland to !la'
"'llIH'l\ian capital Ljubljall;J; nne! the 9th Army, \\'hich came nonhwards
ItlJlli .\IIMnia alld Illct lhem in the region of Dllbrmllik,
\\'illl a cOlllhitwd fotTC of ;")O-()dd
:.!H lhe result \\';1$ a loregone condll"ioll, :lnd Yl1g:osl:l\ia
01117 April.
\.. di\'id{'d llP bl:IWt'Cll tltl: Axis pOWNS, with [lair
oc('"up\ing Slovenia. Ihe DalmaLi:lll coas\lim', :\lollteIH:,gTo, and
,lrlding to :\11)<I[1i<l, Re>istance to ,lIe 1lCCllp)ing began
illlillcdiately. :md 10 tit, lip Ltrgc llllmlwrs or Italian t!'Oops ftW
till' remainder of the (see pages 12- I
Yl:GOSLAV C.,\.,\fPAIGN, 6 APRIL 194\
2nd Army
\ ,\1'11I\ CmlJ\
'HlTgarno', 'Lombardia' Inf Oivs
\} A1'111,\' ('(!llJJ
'Frillli'. InfDivs
.\'/1"/11\' CUJ1JS
'holt/o', 'Ibrenna' tnf Divs
.-\Ipin(' Crollp (3 Alpini htl", I Illountain bn)
.4.1'111)' C0I1H
'P;hllbio', 'Torino' Jnl" Di\"S, 'Liuorio' Armtl Oi\"
('Pf/S! 'J II 1'//1." Cf//l',1
'lllg-enio di Samia', 2nd 'Emanllele Filibeno TesLo di Ferro',
:lrrl 'Principe .\medco Duca Celere Di\"s
h/lllll' fm1rru Police and FrolHier Guard uniu;
1940 Fast
2 Qwaky Regts
01 4 sqns Me> Sqn

M"'r """ Ught TriGovp
8etsag6M'MICycJe Coy

2,012 horses
165 x lMG, 76" HMO
all 2O'nm AA, 8 x47mmAT
24 xOlroer artJery
61 "tanks
641 xmolor veI'Ides
431 xmlcydes, 2.565l:licydes
A long column of Itatian infantry
wind their way slowly forward on
the Mediterranean coast in June
1940, Most wear the lightweight
fatigues, and some the old
M1935 zip-up f1annet shirt,
(James Buro)
Prince Umberto (lenl. heir to the
throne and commander 01 the
lon:es which Invaded Frilnce.
conlers with his generals during
the live-day campaign. He is
wearing an officer's bustina
made of pale gabardine and an
officer's wool greatcoat; both
display his ranking 01 generale
designata d'armata (see chart on
page 41). At right foreground Is a
divisional general. (USSME)
lam efl/lll/Wlid . \ /1'(/
Ims. I HLTs<I).{licli 1)11. I IIQ .-\ny bn.
I Engineer ]1\1, I amid CO\, I Bbckshirts co\'. Ru\"al
Fin;Jnn: Gllard. Royal Rll\"<ll :"1<1\",,1

Albanian Armed Forces Command
9th Army
III Army (m!)" - nrnilll'c!
XX\'j Anll)' Cm1ls- omittcd
'/-i!II(1zhd' S,'Clor
':\rC//II', 'Fil'enll.:", 'PillCfOI()' Inl'
'CUIlCCIlSC' Alpine Oi\'
Xfl' Arm)' UJIPS
'Prlg-lie', 'Fin'IlZt (from 1-1.-1.'-11) 1111' Din.
XIII/Ann." rU11H
..Iessilla, '1\larclw' [nfOi\'S, 'Ccntallro' Anne! Oiv
The Russian Front
When Ccnnanv il1\"';.'l<lee! the Soviet Union inJllne
[941 offered to send
troops to help his The olTel" ot :1
lorn.. was accepted. and the 'COIVO Spedzione
Itilham.: ill or C$IR WilS assetlluled llll(lt'r
Ihe command of L1(;en The
corps had a sU'cllgliJ of 62,000 men, with 1\\"0
infalHry divisinl'lS of lh...: old 1\J:lR binary type - 'Pasllbio' and 'Tvril1O';
ami a Celcre ('faq' - i.e, 1':l\'al11) dh'isinn, 'Principe Allladt,o DllC(l
d'Aost., " which (-olllprised twO horsed Gwa[r" regiments, a Bersag-lieri
l"}'dist baltalion, art artillery regilllellL and a light tallk group. Various
support. service and tlnilS wen' addt'd 10 dw :;trellglh of Ihe
CS[R. and il was - by lta1i<ln standards - quite well equipped.
The CSIR sent 1.0 tbe southern sector of the German a(h,lllce in
the Ukr:line in .I1ily 1941, and in il:; carlr enCOllll1/;r:; I\".-IS
taking" a number or towns and rilles and cre:lling" a f:IHJur:lble
illlpn,:ssiutl 011 its Gennall allies. [\"el1 though lhe CSIR el1joyecl hig-h
priority ill the iSS1W of hest I\'capon:; and other hardl\".lre,
these were not in fart :ldefJll:1te: the regiments were 111olOris('d only in
theory, the artillery was of FirSl World War \intage. the armourt'd units
st ill had the llSt'!c"S tan kct teS. and ;mti-tank w('apons were inadc(l U<llt'. As
the Gel1nans disc{)"fTt'd [att> in 194 [, on the Front (:\"en I\'ell-
equipped ullits soon exh:lusted their supplies and sl111cl'ed bn:akdol1'l1S
and combat and nothing casy or quick 10 n'pLIt:e. The sheer
scale of the fi,l.{hling :llld the distances im'olvcd meant Ihat an army\\'ith
on[rjuS! enoug-h of ('ver\'lhing to gu around was in trouble.
I\'as determined to increase his conlribution to the
and thus his credibilitr :In :\."is partner. Dr'spite the
hardships sufl'ered b} the CS[R during \,'inter :llld delipitc
objectiullS from Cell in March he setH a furthel' se\'en
cli\,jliiot1:; Easl; the l1e\\' orb.-anisatiot1 look lIlt' lillt: of 81h Army,
comprising- II and XXXV Arnw Corps. Hy August the Ita[ians had
,uhanced 10 lilt' Don \\ith Am.} Group H (;1 t'wll!lland 01 .-J3 dhisiolls
di\icled bel\n:t"n ..lIh PailleI' ,\rnw. :\rd. -lth and Glh Rlllnallian
21ld Ilrlllg:lrian and BLllltali:l.l1_\rmil's),
Tile 81h Arm\' was Ull !lao Clril' ril'\'I' 110rth-\\I.:_'! or Stalillgr';ld ill
NllHmbl.."r l\'llt'l1 the Smit:l pine...:r 1Il0HtnCnl -
- was laundwd ttl Cllt otl' Ihe German torces ill and around the
('rrh;Htled Cil\. The milch bl'ller equipped. adaptt.'d, :lrrt! rnolil,;1ted Red
\rtll' COllCt'l;t 1"';.lted their firepml"er of tll(' Axi" fro I It
held b, Cennal1\"\ \\eake1' - the whom tIlt'\'
broke through. with ,,(Jnl!" 10 link up on 23 NOH'mlwr. JUSt
atll'l \'on unleashed his doomed \\"inl('r SWllll 10
lhrough 10 Stalingt<ld from tIll' south-west, lhe tanks of\allltin\
FrOIH and tilt, VOI'olwl.h Front through the Italian
,nttJr: tlw Alpint' Corps \\'<lS cm off. :Ind the i'ltlr Arm> I,':h loff{'cti\'eh
dt,qro\ed as :t fighting command. In .Ianuar} 1943 the suni\urs
lef.::'"J'ouped in the :md .\larch had begun to return to
[1;\1\', k:l\ing ,I small number of [tali:!!1 tlnits behind 10 help fight

rhe 8th in tlWIl and eqrripmcllI I,'ere QUI of
an al"lll\ of 229,000 men, R:i,OOO WCl'e killed ()r and ,,"t're
\\oullded. in anil1en' wt:re: equall) de''::\SI:lting:. with 1,200
orrl of a lotal 01 being de:;lroyed or abandollcd. 1\lutor vehicks
were in short in the Italian Arn1\', and thl" 1R,200 lost ill
0111 a lowl of 22,000 wcrt" simpl)" irrepl:lce:lble,
.\lLJlO11g-h the It:lli,,n Ull the Russian Frollt were
J.(lit'\lltlli. b\ the hURe scale of the fighting in tilt' I,'en: 1101
Sirategists would probabh arg:ue Ihat if the same IUllnbcr of
Ulen and - more - the sanle scale (If equipment had 1)Ct,n
in 1911 to North Africa instead. lhr'} mig-ht 11;1\'1' tipped the hahlJlCc
Iherl.' irr of the Axis forces,
8th ARMY, RUSSlA, 1942
'R;wen n;l',
XXXI' Army CtJrjJs
'['asllbio', 'Tol"ino'
:kd 'Principe: AtlH'dco
Dll("<! d'Aosta' Celere Di\'
iHpwl' (:(111)$
'Tridentina', "JIII;a'.
'Ctlnt'ens(" Alpin!: Diys
'\'in(enz:!' Occupation
IIII' Di\'
The Croatian Legion
TIw Itali:l11S decided to rorm a Croatian Legion to lighl on lilt' Russi<ln
From. in imitalion of tlWIl' German - till" \\'I.'hnll:'I<'I1I had
one ill lhe foml of the Infanm' Regiment. men from lire
Heavily burdened Alplni of the
'Verona' Bn, 'Tridenttna' Div
trudge through a muddy valley
during the advance into Greece
In October 1940, The man at far
right wears a M1909 grey'green
wool cape, which the soldier in
front of him haS $Iung his over
his shoulder, (Rex Trye)

OCCUI'ATION AR.\I\' IN THE BALKA,'I;'S. 25J.....LY 19-13
Th. crew 01 an 8mm M1935 Flat
Revelll maehlne gun lrom the
30th Al1i1tery Regt, 'Lupl dl
Tosc:ana' Inl Dlv del.nd their 9un
Une on th. Greek fronl In wlnler
1940/41, The stencilled branch
01 badge with regimental
number la Ju.t vl.lble on the
lront 01 Ihe lett t\and man's
MtSl33 helmel; all wear lhe
M1S134 9reateoat and knitted
balaelava.; the right hand man
also hn a roIl-neek The
MUJ35 Revelll wn an up-dated-
but not Improved - version of the
M1S11": known to it. crews as
the 'knuekJe'bu,t.r', it was
awkward to handle, requlrtd
lubrieaUon 01 the ammunitiOtl to
fvnc:tion property, and was prone
to 'cook off' ehamben!Kl rounds
during p.auses In firing. II also
eontributed yet anothfl ealibre
of .....all ann. ammunition to the
anny" mon.lrovs logistic
requirements _ e,5mm, 7.35mm,
8mm, emm, 10.35mm ...
I "IIJ Anil,' Corps
'C:lg1iari'. 'PiemOllle' LnJ Dip,
XXI 'I ,\nll)'
MOllena'. 'Casa!t:'. .-\cqui Inf
CRETE - 'Siena' Lllf Oil. 51st Spccbl Bde
AEGEA.. '\' SL\ - 'Regina' [1\f Oil":>
11th Army
111 .inn) r,()'1H
"orli'. 'I'inerolo' InfOh',
2nd Arm)'
I Arll/.\' em/,\

'Rl" 111f Oil'S,
X1\ COastal I3dt,
.\1 Arm)' (;m/II
'(:arcialliri flt'lle Alpi',
[,mILO', 'Lombnrdia'
.'\\111.\1'1/1) Gm/),\
Btrj,f.lIlIO'. 'Zara' InfOilS,
XYli Coastal lkIc
Ce!t:ft' nil,

\/1' \1111.\' em1',\
'\"{-'nelia' Inf
'l"<nuincll'>l" .Alpine Oil'
\ 1 \rm\ (;m1)\
X'\\111 Cllibl,ll Belc
\LB,\ "1.\
9th Arm)"
" .-\ rol\ (,fJlP\
'Brenllt'ffl .. P,uma', 'Perllj.,ria' Inf Oil,
XXI .-\nfl\ (:m/)\
-\11'UO '. 'Fin:llle' Illf Oils
.-\ron UntTl't'
'Puglie' Inf Dil
IH'le r:ti,ed on a local h,t,i;. b} lIw II.dian dhisiulI:. ckploved ill p'lnind;l1'
.U\\I-'. and \left' n'\Ttlilt'd alol1!--: nhnic lillt": (:allll)lks,
Orthodo,,; and h.ld lheir own. 'f'gn'Wl\ed IIniL',
\(nmllt' 'ttrt'llglll' of lhe numhcr 01 MV.\C forces :lft' hard 10 lind. bill
I\(' do\l Ih,ll 111 \t.uTh 1943 Illne "ere 30.000 'ulullteef'. Thl"l' Gtll
tx:- hru"f'1l dUI\'n into H,OOO-9,OOO CuholiC't,'{.OOO Mmkm, ami
15.0410 011hodm. [,HIlT 1x:illj.;" Chcmiks).
Rep1.l('crrWlll U:tHa]ihn ot lilt" a Ll',I{ilHl ot U!I I otlicefs and mCI,
was formed (-t5 ollicefs, 71) NCO:>, 1,100 Illell ,uld lOS bOI"!'c'). (;iICII Ihc
title 'Lcgionr Cn),U:l .\lllhll<ltl._pllllahlt, III" J\[olt)ri_ld Ct"(latiall Legion,
lIlt: ullit arrilld in Ru._i,t ill Aplil After itself well dUling
1110.: n:"t of the \'ear the W,I:> l.,rg:ch de_Ifmed al1mg" "'illl lilt: rcst
uflhe Sth .\nm in l)eClIIII)(.1 .\tlelllpl' 10,l' a kgion in
19-13 ,celli to han' COIIW 10 lllllhing.
.\p:m from lhe m'e!" 2.,0.000 11lt'1l uf lht' Rlh fightillg in Russia
the maill 10k of Ihe Italiall :'\1111\ ill Europe afler .\pril Hili was as
ucclIp:nion troops. :-':0 less than 31j dh'b.ion:- were deplovcd in Ih
B..1.ILans (Yugoslalia, ,\lIJ.1.nia. l:rcl'cc alllithc Gr('e" an
ill "C"llllhem France and lhe FrC'IKh i,tllld of (' rhe ltalial1 Aml,
encollll!cred re"istan(t> 10 their occupation ill all thc'>e regioll:> 10 "0111
extent, and 'mITer("(1 a lalgc number uf nhllaltit-" frum tilt"" :tlt;tC"!' 0
partisan:. and n-"i"';mce figllll'I.... F(lr in_t;lIu:c, in the first five months 0
194:\ alone the Italian occupation lorc(:'$ :.ufTered olt:r 10,':;00 Gbuahies.
The Occupation of Yugoslavia
-Ill(' Axi:. forces Gtn-ed up betl\ccn them, wilh It,lll gaining!
J\lontenegro. wcstern ant! the uf Dalmatia. \\e!'tclll
J\laC('(lonia and KO"I.)\() IU'n' hanckd 0\1'" U) Albania. which had been
pan oflh(" Italian April
Resistance to uu- hal ian occupatiun l,IIlW frulll IWH (111,\1"1("-';: from
Iht- \.()lJ1IIIUni'l l'ani';lI1' kcl bl .fosip lkoz 1'ito'l
,md lhe St-rbian Ro\'ali:'1 'Clu:mik' \lm'emelll led
bl Col \lihailtJ\ic of lhe fonncr Yugosla\" Army,
Fiercc n,i,lallcl' U) IIll' Ilalians flared up in
J\loll1cnq.,rro as earl} asJulv 1911. and continued
with I';lnillg intt'tl_in lhroughoul tl1l' hali:lI1-
occupit:d tying' do,,'n largot: l1tunbcrs 0
lroop" (>:(;1: J\IAA J>flrfiwlI! }9.J1--I5 for
a more detailed accounl). thefe I\'ere
a lutal l,f 14 infalll!) UlI occupation
dUlies in \';t1iolls of "ugosiavia as wdl as a
lill'ge nUl1tberol'suppOri and auxiliary l,lllilS
as Ihe Frotllit-r and Filt:trtct: Guard".
lil lwlp ('oultler g"llerrilla actions by the
:tnd tlte the ll.tliatls mi,ed 10(,.<11
Yllgushll auxilian from 19-+2, The J\lili..-ia
\'Illtlnt;uia Anli,COlllllllista' or I,'ere
llI(Hi\:lted bl a desirc 10 light the Comlllunist
Pani;,ans. The violenl ltIlllnal Opposilion of the
Pani,an, and <.:lW lhem spend as milCh
lillll' fighting each other as the) did the Axis
occup.ltion 10I"ce'!: anu tit(' occupier:'i l\t're not ,,10\\'
10 Ihi" \.Iwtlli" haIred of til(' I'artisans
1(-'(\ II) "':)l1le Chetnils fig-hung for a
time lIudcl lilt: banner of lhe \lY,\C unitS
A1piroe artillerymen dlMfllba.... In
Albania on their way to the
G....k front. All the
tunle with blKk c:ollar fKlngs
piped with the orange-y.llow of
the artillery. and bearing the
double Slreetl names olth.
Alpini, At right note the pointed
cuffs, a distinctlv. feature 01 the
M1937 tunic. The eentral man
earrie. the Alpine Mt 9311, ,"ame. BurdI

A gunner wearing the M1937
tunic reads a letter from home.
Here the black helmet stencil of
Ihe Divisional Artillery I' sharp;
elthough almos! universally
applied, these br3nch badges are
otten unclear in photogrephs due
to both Wear and refle<:tlon.
(Robert Stedman
TIl(: uniform ,,'vnll)\ the Il.iIli,ltl ..oldierfrom 1910 lO 1913,.1\\ Clilh'
:t h:II millor ch,lIIg-t" dllrillK lhi, period..U1 onlill;u-" 'tlldicr of 19-13
11(11I111 10 1110,1 . ppear cl\.anh lilt, "Illlt.' as he IIMI when hah'
("lllt,rt:d lht' \'';11" in.lllllt 1910. TIle Illlifnnll of 19-1U \\<l).1 llIiXtllrt.' of (,Id
:md IIC\\ ,t,le.. , with lhe 'I\!i.. h <'md up-1o-<latc llteel hdlllcl irllrodllced in I
1,'0Tl1 with rhe IKlrltaloOll In/lN',"\; - 1.1::. helow thel
kllct, :lnd \lorn with long: - 1!l;t1 h"d been 10111-{ .dl,lIlc!ollnl hy
Otller [tlftIPI':lll
III 19-10 Ihe 'c01l1i!H:llI;l.l' unilunn \'0111 b\ lhc ordinan' in the
EUl'opean lheau'l-' <':OIl,i'lt'c1 of a rap: a 1"0(11 tUllic of
\IJiI:Ji pallcrn \I'illl "IX'II collar. a cullOIl 'hin ann lie;
W'("1{I't't'lI wool l>.llllaloons I,'urn I"ilh "001 and d\'t;'d black
It'ather \11912 booLS, Thc gn... -gn:t'll wool or m.lll-lll.lde fibre
6'Tt';lIn"l1 (omplelt-'d tht' ouuit, lugether willi Ill(' \11933
It be empha'ised lllal III(" IIniforrn rq,'lJI.llion.. I\\:rc
ollen I10lilpplkd rij.{iclll :111(1 all ranks, hut linin','" I't'rt'
a gn'al clt-al of lencII, \\'Ilf'n 1It'\1 of 1I1lifonn ,,'ere the
cOllld l,e'II' the old ill-'m unlil iI 1I'0rt' 0111 or adapt ii, e.g. b)'
remudng the blafi,. (ollar faring- of the 1\11937 mnk .lllt! replacing it
"'itll gn'}i{l'('I'Il, 1I't'I'e PIOIIC to kt'I'ping t;'\'OIl1'ite
itt'lll' of llniform Ion).;" all(AI' official n'g-Illations h;l(l declan:d lhelll
nbsokte, Tht' contillucd ollhe \11937 tunk ill plllHIIl-:"I,lphs
righl up to j, It''limony to thi,) tilCl.
The appearance of in ;lclLIal ,, .."jet' mig-hi aho \';In widd)'
due to rdaun;' degrec.. (If \\t'ar, For wei t' nUl ckancd
\('n ufu'n \,hilt, trt)II"t"1"" \,ere wa.)hcd unce a fonnig-llI, Ihe
tended 10 be .1 lightcr ,hade than the jacket.'
Troops' tunics
Models 1933,1937,1939,1940 & 1942
Tht' look of tltt' Italian changed dram,lticalll I,ith
til(' illln,l(lllCtion of the tUll ic, repbu.:i1Ig' 111('
high-<'ollal'ed jacket "'ith a Opl'll-coU"rnl model "'om
witll shirt and tic. OP('Il-coll:tred jackeb had heCll worn
sincc Ille Fir"l World War bv tJw elite ,'\rdili
and it un Illli/onn that the
ne'\ dc)ign II.IS 1IIu<lt'III'd, Tht' cullar of the :\1193:1 had
black cloth f'lcing Ult' top half IIith Ihe di\i,ioll;ll cullar
patch or sewn to il. SUlll(' unih had blighth
coloured cloth cullar facill".... in hl"anch colours or, .IS in the
case of tht, GII';lln, a differem colour for e.lCh rt'!,;illH.:Ill,
l1w \119:n lllllie diffncd tlllh slighlh frnm Ihe \IIY33
in thaI il had an ilHcgral. i1fljll,wbk' c1Ulh bdt fastellt"d I"ilh a
metal III 19:-i9 (lIIC\\, IlIllic for was introduccd, bUI
I\';b lillie dim:;rCIH fmlll the and ('sn'pl lhal
il \'';L" rn:-lde from a hig-Ilcr gr;uk ofelutll and bad a hl1('k.le copied
fl'om '-he tlVe in IISI' 011 lite Air F(IITi> lunic,
\11 IIH"'t,' lI\odeh of
1111111 h.ul t!lu'C' Irunt
bullon' lor Olht'l
;l1ld 1\\11 bn',I-'t ,1Il<11"'{l ,kin
01 p.llch
l'pl-' \\ith 'il1g-lc-hlllttln
tlll("l'poilll 11,11'''' rhl"f'
1'.lrh llHl{!t'l- ,11,u IIMI ;1
hiddl'l1 pockct al tilt' IMek
"llil h 11'01' f()rllled hI lhe
11',11 n,lp: llti..
'hlT.lll' plIckl'1 III
I pl-'rJ>oll,11 etTect'
\,lh'It.' lilt could
gel al tht"Ill,
I ht, III-'XI lll<ljor ch.llI):tt'
LllIIt' \\ith lilt' illllodlletiun
nlllw \1191l1 lunic, \,hich
It'III,H t,d tilt: bl:Jck. ("nlbl' "'jth ;l plain grl'l-grt'cli one: 1I/o!(I1,U ,,-ere slill
'\11111. \ 11\"\1 ,ltljllJ>t:lblc belt had ",'0 on lilt' frulIl ill'tcad urthe
lllt"t.11 {l.bp (If lht, \ II !J:H,
rhe tlmk difTprcr! liltlt' from the duc to \\"anime
,h(l[I;Ig'I" Iht' dt.. ij.{tl and inlt'rior m:IlI'rial \\"a' in
1lI,U1ul.lclllrC', wilh 1.111\':1' eillplo'ed lor thC' lining:.
Officers' tunics
Ollin''''' Wnk, IWH' oj the b.bic as m(" olht,'I' mnks' hUI
IH'It' bt.'lter madc frulll "1I1X'rior m;l\I-, /\t the lx:ginnilll( of the \""'
UlU'1 Ill'rl-' madc IrulII a Wth..,rdint, malt'ri,,1 callt'd '(Qlr/dli"v: ThiJ>
in .. lighter than the gr("'i-.-rcen "nifol'm, and \',L"
olll-'lI ,I qrikingh light gl"t'\, III "anime --en-ice man\ ollice.... wure
\Wollell tunic'> ,imilar 10 the Other II1IXld, bill ,till \\cll-tailored
.111.1 Inlll1 ;1 hl'llt'l gl';lde of matl-'Ii<ll. unlct'''''' 1llllic, had fOUl frum
bllllllll' of lilt.' oillcr r.lIl L.. ' thret',
Tlw ll,ual patlt'l'n of Ilcrt,' gn."\-grt'CII wool (or wool illld
mix) I\'hich n:;u'lwd hclo\1' Ihe knec \"here
iltn 1."lt'm'd \lilh a bUlloll. The of tIl(' p;l111;lloOI" \\'t'!'t' co\'('rcd
h\ Ilw of "oollell pUlleC'>, \"hich were lied around I,ilh or
\'t'H' p.lnh cO'eri'd witll plilled-lip \\IIOlkl' ,(Icks, TIlc,t' .Irchaic-looking
1IIIu,el'" I' Cl C' \\orn in of ;lllt1 "fIt'Il \IIOl.t'<I \ I-'n
tllll,f.tinh indeed, \1011l1lcd, l1Iutoli'>Cd .lIld some :trtillt'n u'oop' \,nn" a
l'IIt' of wool flart"d in Ill(" lhigh and longer in the II-'K,
()Ili('1"" mualh ',UTl' breedlt''' nudt,' of <orrMlmo gahardint' material.
\dth t"l1 bhtck ,uipt" tim, II the a central piping in hranch
coluur, t',/{, or.mj.{c'llllm\ It.,r anille'n. \Iort' practical (and (.-he<lper) in
lilt' field \Iert:: brct."che.. made Irom a g"(ItJ(1 ,,'oolll1atni.11. or e\'en
p.Ult.l!(ItIl1" aW-li" 1ll,lIle from hCtltT qualitn \\"001.
I ht, hask kK protl'C1ioll wom tltc urlhe Italian
\\t'II' grc\,-ATt:en \\'001 pllll(>(S. Tlle't' h,ld I>I'\'II \\IH'II !!illce till' earliest
d.1" 1)1 the l\illi:lIl '\l'lI1\', hut tht' t\Ve in {hiring- lilt, SI'f(lIl(l "'ul'ltl
Mussolin! mits XXV1 Armv Corps
of the Armv on the O,...k
'ront in ...rty t 941. He is wearing
the unifonn of First Mar$hal 0'
the Empire, a rank I'H!ld onlV bV
himself and the king, The officer
obscured bV the telescope is a
divisIonal geneml of Alplnl. The
group at MussoHni's shoulde.- all
appear to be captains; the
two men al the right are generals
oj in'anlry and BI..ckshirts
respe<;:tivelv, (USSME)
A unit 01 Bersalilieri, with thei,
famous cockerel leathe, plumes
attached to the rillht side of thair
helmetl, ente, the Dalmatian city
of Dubrovnik during Ihe Invasion
of Yugoslavia. The crimson
flames colla, patch can be leen
on the tunics of the officers at
the head of the column; Ihe one
on the tert wears 8 grey'green
turtle-neck sweate, In place ot
&hlrt and t1e. (USSME)


Other branch collar
palches on MI940
.-\Ipini - /)I)lIb', ;""P('1/ flal/lM
1k1.... ll.(litri - f)r.mMr /TIII/\tJ1I
j1 fl\
\niH"n - 'Jill!!." hfnrk .fin/II/'
In/ I! ortlllgf"-wlll1l1'
DI\h,un,.1 anillen - .\mgt!'
Mn'!1 filII/I/' IJlIJI'rl om,,!!!"
,"'f"iI'. m'rt dlT'I,iulUll liidi.
.lflillt-n - SIII,.,;fr
Mlllk fill/II/' IlI/wl om"w'
."lIlfll', (lI,,.fb'Wf'l1 /"({'lrllI}!l/'
- SiIlKI!' blmk
l!tllli/' IJilJNlnllluol1
- 1J00jh!f "rmkl flll/lu:" UII blur nxlollg{('
I.igll1 Tatlks - DOllhl/' fl,hi/f fll/IIII'" UII MIII'rl'(/llIlg'r
\1I 1[01' - Ihw"'" MarA' Oil hltlp n'r/fllIg'r
\kdil,d Cvrps - .Sillgll' III/I/l)()// j!/II/I/>
\'{'Il') imlt"\ COt - Singh' fig'" hllll' jlm/ll'
Sllppl\ Corp, - SII/gh' d/llll h!lIr jlrllll!'
Corps - Shl!!.f/'!Jll/l'fr (lllllll'
\dlllil1i_1r:Hillt I Corps - Siug'l' blurk jltllllr Ilili/'ll blllr
St.lliull.ln - Sirlf.!!!' jlflll/l'
\lohile - Sn/glr oml//!."flaml'
Support branches of tilt"
\1 Ill' \,011'
n,IIIlt" \flu-II Ihl'\ \I('It'
a,.,.Il!IW(\ 10 .111 illfallll....
di\bl<lTlthl' n,lllle \1';\"
1lI1IJf"l:"c1 0\1'1 the 10\ll'l p.111
uf IIIl" p.uch. "I
th,U Ihl' dhi,iOllal colOllr'"
.lhO\(' tht 1l,1lI1l'.
Wilt '\iuorH) Elll<ltllH'k' II" L.ltlC"t't" Regl - I'dlowJlallll'Ib/MJ; IJlIJlII!!
.... tlll/W WwkplHl/pllf/rJ;,'d.l"'low
J:Ifll . IOllkt ,lUll' .... - r"'l//wJI/ [f1l1l/1' llt/dlNI fIlwk I""' I11
. lif.\"l t I (:.n,lln f{q;t - OWI//-.. ". jlllllll' bar/wI! hlMk
191h ('Ilick' Rl'gitliclil - 117Iill'J1I/II11' Imrk!'d li;:!11 bllII' ;\thh
I'.lkl mil' I iK1l1 Rel{l - /(l'tI /lflllif barkl'd .\I'flow
Divisional arm shields
Wht'll \,('n.' formt:d ill tht' lilt', 1,'l'l"e each gi\f'll
.Ill Mill .... hidd Otl tht' len ,lel'\"l' of the lUllic JUSt alXlH" the rank insig-nia.
I linl' \\1'1t llladt' at fll'l rt till ami lall'r oC cloth. The
(Olollt"er.l back)..'l"Olillds \\en: hi lie fnt" and red
fOI motorbt'd and ror ,\Ipinc-. I he\ bore a "cllow upright
....lnu<l.1 ,word with llll' number beneath it ami the titJe
ll, il: t'.g. 'DI\"SIO:,\E .\LPiN,\ III JULIA'. Th!..'''!.' ann
1st '1\'i"<I' C:tyalrv
Rcgl- CfllfIJ'OIi /1(/11I1'
2nd 'PielllOIIIl'
Rcalt::'C,tntlry f{egt
- H,'I! JI/lll/rlMtll'k IIifiillg
3rd Sa\'oia Cavalr\'
Regl - lUII/k FilII/I'
'-Ill! 'GI'tHl\'<!' C:II';dq
Rqp - Ii:/luw flalll!'
:lth ':'\'tl\,lnt' Lancer
Rl:gt - Irhife flamr
Gth 'Ausla' LanU'r Regt
- HrdJl/l1I/1'
;th Lancer
Regl - (;1'111/$0" JlIIlIII'I
Mllrk flipillg
9th 'Fi,'l:ll/C" Lancer
Regt - Orangi' f!ttlr/.t'/
Mnrk piping
Collar patches
Each inC.mln had (>\\11 uni(luc colLII' p;lIch \\Ilich \"IS worn
on Illl' uppt"r part oC the colbr Tahlt .\ 011 page'i luI'
,md colours). Tht' patch n.. -cr:mgular and ill 19-10 t1'111alh
60Illm x 3211ltl1: as thc thc\ \\tTC gradu"lh rnluced in
si/(. The onh 10 the :)l;ltId,lrd inf.llun !>'"ltlhn werc lhe n\"o
Grelladier Dili.. iOlh. the Sa\oia ,mel Sal'c!c::gn'I. \\hkh \,'ore palchc
mea:)uring 9'imlll x 2S11UIl with lace ba......\11 coll;lr patches had a I,'hite
met;ll ,t::tr fixed to the 10\ler ccntrc of tht - tIlt' elllhkm of the
S:l\"orard rO\-dl
utiler than lhl' illfantn \ltHe collar p;lIchc" called
nallln. with the upper cnd :)haped illiO one. 1\10 01' three
points. The cavalry had threc*poilltcd of plain
and SOllll..: piped:
\\"ar 11'l:re il1t rod 1IC1,:d in Their lI11popularil\ 1:11 ill tilt' fan that they
well' difficult 10 put Ull and. :tllhollg"ll f;I!>It:Il('<! with doth often
GUilt lIndon..: in Cfllllh:lI.
black I(';uhel" g;lilen \\'\'1"(' wurn bl IIlOllllh'd unit.'> (ei111er Oil
hurseback or 011 IlHHorndn). anillen. allllollrl'd and tl;Ul'l>llrl unilS,
Anoth.r mOJ'e model of k.uhtr WOlll h\ c;",dry
other r::lIl!.s ami :\'COs: Ihi!> ra!>lelli'd I,'ith .I lung !Ioather \IT.lpped
aruund lhl: leg- and ImckJcd tlm':'('-<juartt'r, Ih., up thl: calC.
The basic mhez' bQots \Il'n' Il'llalh llll" 1'-11912 black le;)[hcr
hobnaik-d modd: the.;e Iv(:re urtt'll made oj inCt'rilll' (Iht'\ were
descrilx:d 1I!' heing made uC-cardhoard') \\hich disilHlgr.lll:d ill th'e rain
and mud oC.-\lhania. Greece and Officer:. in Europe wore l'ithcr
high-lopped k'atheJ' riding OJ' :l beut'r-illildl' \ of till' ankl
Ixxll I\{lm in the fidd "'ilil OJ' cn'n pllllt'e'l.
... driver emerges fTom the side
hlttch 01 his Ml3140 medium
t.nk on the Greek front In March
t941. OYa' his blue linen on...
piece olHlralls he _ar$ thlt issue
blac:k leathe, coal and c,un
helmet.. He has a mounted
troops' greY""9,"n leether
bandotle, slung oyer his lert
shoulder; this usually had a
holste,ed pIstol attached to the
end. (USSMEI
\\"('re ollicialh flOlli ll'<' will1 Ill('
illlHKllIUioll or lite ,\119-10 IIlllk, hm ("x:llupk,
\\\'It 'lill 'tTJI \\olnllol',1 \,hile thl:n.:;lfit:'r,
Rank insignia
Rank, \\('Il' ,11<'\\11 lip 1(1 19:n on lhe lImie b\ Iht,
\waring- of ClUT("(1 che\TUlh poillt on lilt'
jllSI abO\l' lilt' (lifT. n1(' ChC\TOlh I\t::n"
blM L. lip 10 tht' rallL. of mIHlr(/I,. ma!!J!if/1I ;"Illd gold
fIll' Il'rgl'1//f' and rJ!t'll/1 IN(ll:fl!fl/r,. nit' r.lIlk
dl("\l'Olllo IH:rt' 111('11 IIIOH'd 10 111(' upper ::.Ic.."t-'\C
.lIld 1)('(.;llIIl' ,horll'r, and POil1l
dO\\'ll\\ar(k For a short pcriud irl 1937-39 the
liP to mlx,,",'ll, IIIfllJ.,'7/11I'I>t::Glnle red while
lilt: other' relllained Kold. From 1t.l1O
1Ill' ("lle\rons became lornaller arid filr
above ClII)om/t' 1lIf1gJ..f"jf)l1' ('hanged Irom gold
to ".... 11011. (S\'(' chart and nOle" all page 41 for
Officers' rank insignia
\,'arl'<lm oOiccrJ; or 1II(fI-e5ri"lfi \\ore lheir mnL. all
,houlder' boarru., and cOlllllli..... ,icHll"d r.1Il!:;s on Ihl' tllllie rUleann,. From
.lcling: 2nd lielllcmllll up to colond the!'e werc in IIIl' rorlll of dilTerelll
dl".,igrh in gold braid. Gen< oOict:I' frum to lII'II"'hal of
Ihl' empire' ,,'ore inlric.all' I'mbroidered classical deCOl'llliOll' called
IfIl'f"flOn !he clIfk (:\brain, ...ce chan ;'tlld nOI{"S (Irl page' -II,)
Ita'ian Inf.ntry moye through the
empty streets 01 LJUbljana in
Sloyeni. durin9 the InYS$ion of
vgoslavia, All wear standard
wool unltorm, greate_ls.nd
pef$0031 equipment. (USSME)
Summer 11141: a column 01
clteerlulltllilan Inlantry 01 the
CSIR mlln;h towards the lront In
Russill. The offi.. er and his NCO
are wearing the Mlg40 wool
unllonn, with the officer wearing
IIghler coloured breeches. The
rest 01 th4 soldiers wear the
medium greW' fatigue unlform as
lummer !ield dress; note the
contrast between the two
&had., Thelr personal
equipment is .tandan:l issue,
with th4 M1935 c:W'!indnc:a1
g3SlTlS$lt blI>lI much in evidence.
The bustina
Th(' lidd (,IP 1\"(lnl ,llmoSl lllli\e.....llh b\ the 1!:lli;1II \nll\ \\,L' the \"l..'n but!/Ilfl. Thi.. a ,idl'<"ap \\-ill! a 11'0111 \i'()f 11,lp "hith
II'>II,llh I\hlll folded lip, ,lIld 1';lr 111TL. nap' \\hich \It're j.tI'lllr.llh
to"'t'llll"l 1I\t'1 LIlt' (101\11 rn. TI1I'an' ora Inlllon. TIll' IJlIIIIIW
lIl.1de of the ":111H' gTl'\-gn't'lI \\uolor wool and wllllll"lic lI11"lIf(';I' 111l"
fI"1 u( tht' uniform. mrying .. liglnh in both qll.alit\ 01 cloth ami dl,.. ign,
of .w.... in.' cap lor other of bl'lLJ..
..e\l"1I on 10 a \\tH,1 "rre \lorn UII 11ll' flll1ll n,tp.
OlTin'r,,' of the dt'"igl1 ii' mher mnko', \,ere inill,llh 111;ldl'
[l'om rmrlrlf/llo g<lrb.ldinl' bUI later frfl111 \,(xII; lIlt' ,idl' n.lp::, wr:re
fa1>I('lled \lith 'Iud" irl'lt',1C1 01 ,I bunon. nll'ir t';11I b,ld:;t" hcre
made or gold \I1re (Ill a gn.'\ or gl t'\-g"n'l.'lJ IIIl Ill(' ('ap
1t1:11l'l'i'll.'-\ hmlu:h ol':..enke \,'orn 011 tht, IrUll! 11,lp: <lIld,
slanl\\'i"t' 011 the left froul of lhl' crO\Il1.:I rank lXldg'i' a, 1'0110"':
/b/limlill' u.JJil"illk- gold st:tr \lilh hl:lcL. Cel11rC
SoIMII'llfIIll/,- ",old Slar
T('III'/II(' - IWO gold
Prill/fl tl'/I/'I/II' - \\1'0 j.l;uld I,'ilh gold bar
e'IIIII(1I/1/ - lhrct' gold Sl;lrs
PIl/IIO (opl!al/o - thn't' g"old \lilh g:uld bar
frolll moggtnr,. 10 cofOlll'lfo \1 en' lJIvunled in ,I reclan"....ubr
gold fr.unc:)
,\ttlggiOll'- olle gold Slar
T,."nlll' co/mll/dlo - 111"0 gold
A motorcW'clist pauses during the
advance inlo V"IIOslavla; his
greatcoat is the Mll134 model
issUoed to mounled troops, with a
'''rver .hawl collar, bigger chest
pockets and more flared sJ<irts to
allow for riding. His machine is a
Moto Guul GT17 solo with the
Breda 30 light machine gun
mounted on the handlebars _ a
combination In w1cH-spread use,
(Modern History Musevm.
Llubjianal 19
(;o/lIIlIlr/lt. -ll1n'' :.1.U,
{All Jur "1..'11(.'1":.,1 "nlj 1..'" II{"rL' 1Il0lllHCd Ull It'd h"ll..'!1UllIl(h
o 0
11l.lpan frum 'fI''''l IIJ:'tp.hal nl lht' l'lIJpir(" IflHlIIlIl'c!lIl a
Itd f"!lllt":}
,It bnf(fl(tj - Olll' guld ,tar
vllnul,. Iii d,t"\lIJ/iP - two gold <;1:11...
CnU'Tfl/, til rmlJO tI'",-l//rlla- 1\\0 gold n' gold crU\"!l
(;'111'17111' dtUj.,'7UI/fJ II iUII/fI(" - II\( I g'uld 'I.if'" lIalll..iuj.{ I-\uld tTl)WIl :l1Icl
(;/'I/I'mll' ",/rl1lo/l/ - Ihro;;T gold SI.lI"S
Mf//1'vritt/f(J "'I!,,{ifl- fOllr gold ,tar'>,
"rill/f) I/I(/f'IV;lIlIlJ rll'll'IlII/)('1"O - engk dutchillg
Officers' peaked service caps
\\';th the ilurorlunioll III the lI11ilunn a tll'\\ 1\ IW ul I)<.;'akcd sen"icc
Glp for "mel' ..... replaced I..he .;;lin l..q>j worn ,inn: 1909. The Glp
made of '";Idou.) 1Il.lIe.;.. "- till: culour "aryioK fr'om Illousc-gn\ 10 llic
""U:'lI gn:\--gI ...t,'11 with it blueish tint. cap had a blad, leather I><:a"
ami chilhlrap. TIl(" crO\,'U \\<1;> itl li,"'t tp,ih' 10\\, but 1:t1er became highl'l
.11 thl. fnHlI and .lcquirl-'tl it l.t:rlll:mic appearance, Glp 1\C'n:
1ll.ldl.' of wirf" for rhe ,\1"111\' and "iI\!.-r fOi lhe" \1\'5:'\, Ran"s
BelOW (t.e"l An Inlantry eaptain
poses proudly lor the cameras
a"er teeeivi", the Iron Cross
2nd Class at an award eeremony.
He wears an otrteer's pale
btJstina and a M1033 White
summer tunte:, with the yellow
and blue eollar patehes 01 the
'Torino' Division, He hllS M1940
yellow euff ranking r..ed 10 his
old tunie, and already wears a
Gennan ribbon in his buttonhole
- presumably the War Merit
Cross. The italian award on his
breast pocket I, the silver CSIR
Fronte Russo badge,
{Second Ie"' An lnlantry
lieutenant-eo!onel 01 the
'Sassan' Or 'Macerahl' Division
on OI;<:upoation duties in
Vvgos!avia, weari", M1934
serric:e cap and tunic and Iron
Cross 2nd Cl..... ribbon,
(Second rightl A Carabinieri
(contmued opposaeJ
'conrfflUed from tJa98 20j
offieer wears the Mt 1134 serviee
c:ap WIth a white summer tunle.
(Righll A major of a hone
artillerY regiment has just
rec:e",ed an Italian medal. He
wears a fine-qlHllity, pale,
private_purchase _rvlce unifonn
01 M19.0 cut. The artillery eollar
palettes are a single bla.c;k ftame
piped with orange-yellow: Ihe
CSIR silver breast badge shOws
Clellror In this image. (Vlleltl
A oerrrwn general prese"ls an
Iron Cross to a Italian eol-onel of
the 'Torino' Oivistoo I" Russia.
".. recipienl is wearing .. darker
than usual wool btJstina with hIs
standard greY""9reen wool M1040
unifom>. Behi"d the two offieers
a d......ional general already
dlsplilying the Knight's Cross and
Iron Cross 1s1 Class Is wearing a
lighter grey eordell/no lunie Dnd
cap, ilUowlng eomparlson of Ihe
shades. (Robert Sledma"
\\l"" Itldil.llld h\ ;1 "l'I;('" (II h,IIH!' ,UIIlII1IIIIll.' I>;'t"e-: t!ltc'''e t.I!>(.... \\('1"('
I{Jllllll tln'p, ,lI1fi \\cre 1Il,ldt' 01 bl";\;11 III\' ",lllIt'
'('<]111.'11(' a, IIMt u,,('d ill Iht: uill ran" ill,ig-Ill,I- thr('l" thin h;lIu!.. fill
I(I/Jilt/IIU, 1'\0 thin ,11)l1\t' OIW thid.. fOl II'IIPllf,'wlollfllo (-ec l:h.ln Ull p;\J.{e
-tIl, TIl(' h;IlIt!, \\('1," t11\idt"d h\ thin pIping, !-:"('IIl'r"lh 01 Iht' .....11llt:
m.lIl.'Ii,.1 ." Ih,' (,Ill hILI in "l:nin' br.lllchl.'" m;.dt' ill lltt' l)r.lrlCh (01011I,
t".Io;. li}.(ht blue lor ,ht \ ,Itrill,tn (.orp". (;1'111.'1 ..1 Irulll tht'" r.lnk of
hrig:adit'l 111'\\.11 (b h.d .1 ('1' hand of IIll' ",lIll,' .1..171'('// t'lllhrllitlen ,l" u,,t!
IIIl the fllih. I\ith a ul pt.lill 1\ih,... aho\'l'. ;Iccordillg' ll) 1.1ll"-
Alpinl headgear
Ill(' Alpini I\'on' a "IW( ial J.:1"t\gl"l.'t'll bl illlllll"d It'll hal: Oil lhl' kf! "ide
\\,1' ,(1)(1l!l'pOll ()f hn,,, fO\l'ring"tltt' llllllllli lUI ,11t-alher. F()l u!lwr
\\,1" ('o\.llInd ill b,m,llion - I\hilt, lor 1"1 611.
g-n'I'll lot :ktl .mt! him' lUI 1111 B.maIiOll. 1'01' the ho", 1\.1' gold
,lIlCl 101 Rail", \\1"-1' ,11"11 "Iltl\\ll h, Iht.' "illd fll !calh(r
\\.Irll: a 11'0"\ Ie-ather fOI ,lllw'r ,IIHI 'C.O,. ,Ill c;l!4k k.l1hlr lor
(lOin'" :lIlC!;t gUI"'> f('.llht:1 for I ht' ,\Ipini \\("1'1' H'n pluml ul
Ilwir :lIld p.trIi("uLlrh dwli"het! till.' It'll - '>0 milch '0 th"1
'IOitt'!"" \\IHI hael "Cnt:d ill lht'" .\Ipini ;11 am Ilnlt prl',iOlhh t..Ill:ir
(";Inl.... \\Ollid "f!t'l1 ll11ulli,i,llh COlltinue It) I\ear il. Alpini ullin'I'" nll1":.
l\lTe \\"Oln on tlli' kfl Ill' lIlt llal lkllillt!lhe lealher in Ill" 101'111 III
ilIHr1l.'d J.:old dleHOIh in lilt' thll,ll "''tllllIll. c.g, tl\ll thin
lor '''//fIIl,', lhill '/I"{'r olle thi("1.. lnl llillf{i!;llll"", I'lt. (,t'lll't,11
hold ,I "iht:r bel' rhomboidal hox ill Ilw same pI.1Cl, willI Ofl,' :tile!
t\\" "1,11"" ill Iht> ct:nul.' for bril-folde am! dilj"iol1:11
Steel helmets
TIll.' ,lalJ(!;lld ht'lmel
lh(:d h\ tilt' h,lli;1ll ,\1111\
lllrllllRhOll1 lht, pt'riod
\\,1" lh(" ),119:t\ I\!lich
W.I' illiroelll("('d ill lhal
\C,tL Thi" \\':1'" painu'd
wail it
""",llh 11:((1 :. hlal"
cilled hr;lllch III "en in'
had!,;l' 011111(' lroll! I\'ilh thi'
1l11111Ill"r of tilt' \luit ill IhL"
Clntn'. !Jllrillg' till' l':trh
th,' old
. \dri:Ill' hdlllel \\d" ,till ill
with .,OI1J(" IInih "Hch
.l" .\nti-.-\ircr:lf, Iroop'.
lilt' Sanitan LVI p' ;u,d
.Black.>.hin.., IIni". C(,:t't.IJ
di\isiol1.'> fonnen in
1tI (It-fcnd Ihe cU:btline 01
!l,th I\l.rt" ""j"(IlI(\-litlt: lilliI-"
,HId m:'lr1\ of thl:"I' ItOOp"
"(Till illSt) lU h;I\ ... \\(lrll
r\drian 21
TWo Alpini 01 the 'Monle Cervino'
Ski On in Russia draggl"i kit on
a 'ledge. Both wear the two-
piece white camouflage suit.
Issued mainly to the Alpini;
unusually they are not weari"i
the white helmet; note the
black stencilled Alplnl badj1e on
the grey-green paint finish. and
also the crow's leath., rising
lrom its boss on the lett ,ide -
this was attached by a wire clip
which passed unde, the helmet
rIm, Unique to this corp.'
equipment are the lour whilened po\>Ches on the belt.
Sokliers from the 'Monte
Cervino' Bn _ari"i the l>elmet
cover. with the leathe, aIlached.
Note the wrist and ankle straps
of the Iwo....iece snow svit, and
at lett the rear detail of the fou....
pouch ammunition belt. see also
Plate F3. (Ma,co Novaresel
\kmiOll 'holild ,,1'0 I)t"
m,lrll' 01 the
Iluollcll capi.. IHlnl b\ lhe
1,111" dnd fill'.
dUI illg" the earl\ part or the
\\'.11". rhi" wa, a
pUllCho \';Ih ,I I:lrgc cullar
\lhidl fastened:1I 111l' neck,
Ahhnugh of 'Irchaic apl>-
eJI,mcL' Ihe capt. did giH'
Iud" needed <''''-:1 prn-
It( 111111 \,hen wt.',uinK tht'
ptll,r-qualil\ gn:atcCJat. and
lid' popular with
'lit II ;L" I1w ,\Ipini who
Lll t>d coldcr condilions.
I ILL' main palltnt 01 c-apl.'
ill "'1: w;\:. llll' ]1.107. and
;lllhollg'h a kUI:1' \I-.IS
illlrndllced it \l'a<;
llollh the :.ame as the earlil'r
Winter clothing
I ilL' It.llian .\.nll\ St.'1II10 light in Rll ... \lilh lilll!' '1)('6<11 ('quipment
m dUlhil1g :.lIil,lbll' for the je\cre conditions thai 'he\' \\Imld
lh("ft. - Italian llnifunlls had nOI 1'\l'1I been adequale for Ihe- hg:lllllIg III
(.1 LI.Il' in the winter of IYoJll -I I..-\.\, tilt' CSIR \\t.'re throllg-h
F.t'U-nl [lirnpL' b\ their cOllll11,mder. C-<-'n tuollll.lllel-" inlO
hI'> 01\11 hands, in Rllln;ll1ia ItL' bouglll ,I Illllllher of nt't'('L'
to I,D the troops - IOCilih C;tlkd r;WlllfI. IILe,l' \\"l're cOlTlll1onl>
1\0111 by Ihe RliltlilniHII poplll:l1ion, Al1nlhcr 11'1ll' of' llec(e.. lim.'d hal
r!lC' "Iandard ;tlfal1ln gn':ncoa\ Ihrotl,l.(htJlIl Iht' \\":If IhL'
,inglc-hl'easll.'d pallcrn. \\'hieh lIitS mad.. frolll a 1,001 cloth or a
"\lllhC'tic' mate-rial 1.llkcl 'Lallital'. made [rom lhl' l,tlll'!" \1('1'1' ...aid
III 11.111' l)(:t1I \inlt.llh thele"s. as the 1lI.tlcrial had no
prllpt-nie":"It .111. fhe glc.lleoal had t\\l1 ,idt' pockl'ts \,ilh flap:., and 1\,'0
,I<I'h chest pocL.ct.<. \,hidl conle-lllt' u'L'cI for \\-arllling tht' h,lmk till.' iilc
lrolll bUHon" \\trt co\en'd \Iith a lh flap. and lht ('(\;It had plain
"holllcl(-'r In<;igni:l Ull the guo-.lIcoat wI're u$ualh limited to \,hile
llIelal national Ull the cullar illld r.mL. uti the upper
!Iolcc\c. The rnotlnlt'(\ IIOOps \el-..ion IIMI a broadt,J' <;h:IIII collar and
mort' gt'Il('fOll"l\ cm
A \\'7Irmel". paddl'd, doul)k-lm'a'lccI I,'jlh a relllo\'abll' cloth
lining-abu bill il is 1101 knowTl illhcst \\\::rt.: gem'lOll or were
acquired onh b\ tht' lucl \ k\\'. A doubk-brc<lslId IkcCL'lillt'd coal i.s also
'l'I'n ill photos of CSIR ollict.:r'i. TIlt' wllldard ollic(:r" grt.alCll<l1 was
alld Illilcle from high qualil\ \\'oolkll Chill,. "Olllt:times
of;1 nOlin'ahh lighler grt'\; it had tWtl 1'\1\\" of Ihrt"t' frollt bunons. and
110 <;houlder "traps. "wno IIl'rt' \1'01"11 on the poinb of tIll.' large
rollar. :md ranl i1hib'llia on the forearm!>.
Olhl'r I\'IX:" of office.... CoalS st"en in tl'e includl'd a \t>n popular
doublt.'brtlSlt>d '"indehe"IL'r' "-pt.' ('l'C Plate (3). II made- fmm
hard-wcaring /)ru\\'11 cam"3S
with a c:II1\01" belt and
brO\\'n leather shoulder
patches, A d:lr" 1>1'0\'11 Or
bl:u;k kllll,cr double-
brcasted coat "<IS secJl
bill \\";:L<; not in
this of Ihe same
as the lemher coalS
issued 10 tanl ("I'l'\'-" (see
Plate DI) ;Illel m:l\' ha\'e
been purchased pri\<ltelr
b... indi\idual:.. As in C\'cI1
arlm. offiCe-no had
tht.' option of bmillg bener
{'{Jllipmelll than their
M;mdard paltern. ;lIld tbis
\Ias plirliclilarh' Inle "'hell
i I came 10 coats,
Ollt' illiernling- fllOlll(lIe Ih.u phulograph, (If lilt' tig-illing \,ith
in Ihl' \\'e-'lem .\lp' in JUIl(' 1940 "Ollle of lhe
'C""LTia' InJ:ultn Dili,illll \\'l'aring IhL'
It b. nUl I..Il0wII \"1\ lilt" 1t,Ilian .\rlll\ 'huulcllx' \\L.,tring ,h
',<" lu,'lmets ai
111;11 lillie or from \,hal"UUrCf" lhl'\ eamL': Ihe nnh IUJ.{ical is
Ih:H lht'\ \,ere h\ IIII' Col'nn.lm lrom :.Iock. acquinc1 follm,ing
Ihl' f)ccupalion uf in I
In this phototraph a
captain hands over mall from
home to one 01 hi, men. Two
types 01 fleece hat .,. beIng
WOrn: the offiee, ha, the pattern
Issued mostly to the Alplnl In
Russia, and the $<Ildler the
'dacula' acquired In Rumania.
The private Is also wearing the
padded versIon 01 the M1934
greatcoat, which I' double_
breasted and hn a removable
lining. His bandolier has a
8ersaglleri-type ammunition
pow;h allached to the end,
suggesting that he belongs to
that corps. (Robert Stedman
An Inlantry officer on the Eastern
Front wears 1M type 01 'Ieeee
cap generally seen In use by the
Alplnl: typically, he has the
brll:neh/rtl9lment badge from a
bust/rill sewn to the frOnt flap.
The greatcoat Is doublebreasled
with a deep (:ollar, and lIaeee
lining can be seen at the open
neck. {Frnnco Mealu"nl Archive')
\\0111 thl" rc-,j'lrlhkd tilt' Soviet paltelll, \Iilh l,.'ar 11;1])' \\liich
could he worn lip 0" dOIIl1. Tid, Illw II;!:!> i"lIed In Iht .\Ipini In quite
llmnbl:]", alld IIftt'll h.Hl ,I Im,llIlu haclg'l' It:WIl 10 tht" IrOll1.
111 \Ill>\\'\ cunditio,,, 1\\0 "'IW' 01 'Ihilt: 1\\'(rpil:C(' CO\CClll\ WITt
.lpp.mmh w.ed in rile h.ld bCl'11 (\ndoptd hdcln' Ill<.' war
;).nd hl ,... rit,u,> unit\; it 111.[\ hale' IWell but detaih arc
dubin.'. TIl<-' "<-'("(>lid 1\ pc wa" a r\..o-pien "llit \,illl a dl ,\11"11 il1g-fa"lclU'd
\tIllar and \lTIst "traps on th<-j,lcl..tet ,md .llIl..k "It .Ip" (Ill IIw loo"
IrQUk'r". Thi:,> lW\, 1\ IX' "I'<-'Ill" 10 h.l\ I' hn'n i"" ,ed III Ihe . \lpini IIlIh, and
p<-'rhap" unll to .1 fe\, ","k" "lIch .1" tlh' Ccnillu' Ski
("ee 1'1:11<: Fj). I'riolit\ ill 111<-' l,f II,t,'<t, "Uil" "cellb alwa\'S
10 h.IH:' lx.'cn e'yo\{:,d fil... th hI lht \Ipilli. ,llld tht'n h\ lhe as
Mt' Ih(.' truop" ""u:llh "n'n wearin!!: lhcm,
\\'l1it(.' call\"aS helmet CO\'t'r" \,en' \,orn Ilith tlh' \lhil(' cO\er:llh, and
Wllletiml'S with till' grt\i.TftI'1l 1I11if"nn. "'llpli"mgh. Ihe \Ipim \\ore
Illcil ('(1]1)III"(.'d POlll-lxlIl ,llld fcather on thl' \,hilt' helllleltlller. I,'hich
IIIIl"t ha\(' rather deft":ued the Ubjl-<:I tit till' CInHlunagl. SlIllIe -\lpini
\\'ere t:'It::'n *t'll HI l,e,11 Ihl'ir fallHtll" fdt 1Mb, \';Ih Ih", brim pllllt:'d down
,11 Ill(' bad, to i,<l\l' a lillie n,tl"a prmcclioll Irom tht' cold. Lud.,1 "o]diers
abo rl'cl'in' a I.uulb\loul "liIlO,1I 10 Iw I,orn \I'ilh Ihl' white
et)\{:'I-alk ag-aill. 1't::'IC i",m'd 10;1 kw dill' uni!.",
.\p<lrt fmm IIll' {'(IH'rall" 10thl'-liltillg \lhill' luxxkd GilX:''' I,'cre ,11:-0
\lorn. nle-\Jpini Iud a <;(K'"a!l(.'d "0 high" Ilt,lI il II"lI,lIh'
worn the top ullhe ullilurm. hl'lIm'l ,1Ild ('(luipmcllllor dut\.
Foul\\l:"<If "till brgl'h {'(1I1"1"lt'd I)f Ihe "lalld,lrel hobn,likd I)I)VI, \I hich
W:L" of lillk 1I"t:' III extreme cold .ll1d c;lU'<t'd largt' 1Il1lt1lx"'" of frll"rbite
c;lslIalties, "k-qUl"S.... frllm thl' .lflll\ ill Ru,,,ia f(,r kit like the
t'(lI,.iki fell Ull deaf ea,...: li\...(' the other ,muie" 011 lhe Rtl!'.."i;lIl From the
Ir,lli,lI1\ \lurt' imprmlsed 100111'(',11 10 In 10 prolcU Iheir fecI. though
"01111' \,'I'n' is:me<i I,ith GIllI;L" u\(Thoot", which helped
Sp<'cial I,ilrtt-'r c!IHlli,IJ;"01 all rlpl'" .. in "horl "lIppll :l'ld tile
of "ol<li"l-'; 011 rht' Ihl"sian Front h,lcltu 1ll,lkl' do I..ith lhe hasic
tlllift)nn wilh the addition ofl\(I()1 glmi''', ,,(',Int'" and b:,lad,I\";IS.
Chemical and burn protection
Sp('cial prolt'(1he ('[othiliA: I,'a:,> 1,'Iml "pt'dali,t troop', and included a
asbcstoll lluil I\hidl wa, "uppo"ed 10 he wom b.. flamethrower
Ilperalor", Tllt'jackel was dOllhkbrc:t:'>led, lite righr side Iwirlg prrlled
ano...s rhe che"r :'md fastening IeI'd I' i lh llll' ld'l an rr, Bor h lite l'ollar :md
c\lffs fastl'ned lighll> I,irll hUlltlll'" and whl'n worn with lilt' loosefilling
and a hood prolCctiol1 11) lht' bod\', Thl' hood
"l'I'III" 10 han' Cl)me in 111'0 I\Ve:.: 0111;: and the
other' left the fact:' e"qxlwd and \1''''' \\'urn whit a without the
Gllli"ll'r fiul:'d, .-\1thollgh rht' "Ilit lllmt h:l\e bccn Icn hot mrd uncom
fonahle ir W:h worn en"n in thl' I'XtrCllll' hC.ll uf:'-Jonh .\fl'ica. ]Iuwl'\er.
photo,'p-aphic 1'l'idt:llU' illdicatn lhal man\' flame-Ihrower operaLOrs
Wl'lI1 inlO anilHl \\'illl no proucth(.' at all- I,!lelhel' hI elwin' III' by
i" not kl1own,
on\(:, del'e!opml'lll oj chemicil 1"lrfarl' had bl'l'o j:;"hl'lI ... gn'at clt'al of
in Ihe prl'-war \\<It.... 111(' 1t.IHan" had lI:,>ed g;:IS in bOlh their
COmllll'''l of Elhiupia ,md the of ldx:l1ion ill Lil}\,t in the
,,'ere i""lIcd lIilh ruhbl'ri'-t,cl "imilar 10
1; Gunner, 58th ArtIllery Reg\, 'CaglIatt Inf DIv
2: Caporale, 8WI IntMtJy Reg\, 'CoNtINI' Inf DIv
3: Sefvente, "VIII d'OI"co' an.
4th Alpine Reg\, AlpIne DIv
GREECE, 1940-41
1: 31.t 1m Re1lt. 'SMnII' kif Dtv
2: SoId8tD. 77th 1m Regt, 'lIJpl cI T",*-' lilt DI
3: ....... LegIon MVSN, 1Q41
GREECE, 1940-41
1: CapItano, 'EdoIo' Alpine en, 5th AIplne Regt, 'l'I1dentInII' DI

54th Inf Regl, DIV, 1M1
1: T-me, 'C&ntauro' Armoured 0Iv
2; S&rgente, 3rd Motorcycle Coy, 3rd 8erIagllerl Regt, 3rd Celere 0101 'PrincIpe Amedeo Duca d'Aosta'
3; Capor1lle mellillil!ore, 23rcI Sect, Frontier Guaf'ds
1: $oId8to, 'SlIvola' Dntgoon Regt:, 1941
2; Cossack volunteer, Gruppo SaYoia, 1M2
3: Camlcla nere soeIta, MYSN 14th M Bn 'L.eonessa'. '23 Marzo' Reglmentlll Group,1941
2 3 2 3
1: Volunteer, italian ero.tlan L.e&1on
2: 8ef'gente, 79th I'" Regt, 'Puublo' Inf Dlv
3: Alplno, 'Monte Cervlno' Ski a.ttaIlon
1: Cepe rmlnlpolo, MVSN 67th Bn 'T_'; Olllmatia. 1942
2: SoIdeto, 84th .'" Regt, 'VeneZJe' Inf DIY, 1942
3: Capo ItqUItdra, MVAC; Dalmatia. 1942
1: V,ee-brig<ldiere, 81h Bn, Royal Finance Guard; Greece, 1941
2: Appunlato, 13th Mobile Bn. Royal Carabiniers, 'Firenze' Inl Diy; Albania, 1942
3: Sergente maggiore. 27th Bn. 11th Barsagl;",1 Aegt, lSI Celere Diy 'Eugenia di Savoia'; Yugoslav;a
the !l:l1lw-throwl':t" "llit but f1uinf{ ;Irnllncl the face and olher
t'xllt'miries. Cnbe;lrably hOI even in the sOlHhem European climate.
soon dis(Qll!i Ilued II liell I he Ihn::a! tlf chtillical \\"..lrfilH: btkd.
Other prOlt'rtil'(' inclllded worn bv machine
gUll erel"s when ch;lng-ing" the hot batrels of their ,,-capons. Gn:,.'\'-grt'l:tl
k'llht'r gimes Wilh ringmail protecting the were also UM.::d by
lll()nar and lllachitw gUll for the
F,llig-u{' llnifonns wcr(' hI hl' II'On1 as work when
pt'l menial ttl.$ks in the barracks and on work details. The
\lllifllrtlL cunsisled uf a Illeelill111 grey COIIOtl jacket ,mel
p,L1H;'!OOl1 trouSt:ni mad" of poor qllality m:uerial. Insignia on Ihe
L111i1unn consisted of white c101h stars on the collar. and r'ank chevrons
"III're appropriate, There is e\'idence (hal fatigl((;s were SOlllt:lilllt:S worn
un the march in Sll11lnlcnime. 10 Si\\'{' wear and leu un the
woo]lIlliform and for greater comfort.
Personal equipment
rhl' rille '''-<is eill1(;1' Lht: (0.11891 CarCltll0 in 6.5111111
or TIll' slighlly 1'<1 1891 \'t'rsion firing;' round;
t:,lfh had a sixrolllld fixed mag-azine.
The Italian soldier's personal equiprncl1\ in the inf:llllry and otlter
11IlrrlOIlnll'd hratldl('s cUllsi"tl'd ofa grt'y"gr('I'1l k;lllwr hettll'ilh a sitlgle-
eLI\\' buckk usually \fom on:scr 10 the lell. "1\1"0 leather canridg-e-
pouches \,'crc wurn Log-ether at the front, each carrying fOllr six-rollnd
A mixed group of sii soldiers
stand In a Russian town having
Just received medals lor bravery.
From lett to right, a se'1l'ente
maggiore and two privates of the
Bersaglleri; a caporale maggiore
of artillery; and an officer and
se'1l'ente maggiore of Infantry,
The three Bersaglieri and the
artilleryman are wearing the
greatcoat Issued to mounted
troops with the large shawl
collar. The Infantry Officer wears
the Officers' double-breasted
model of the M1934 9reatcoat,
and the NCO the single-breasted
version. There is also an
interesting mix of equipment; the
two Bersaglie.i privates wear
their own special belt with two
small cartridge pouches, the
gunner the two-pocket bandolier,
the infantry officer a 'Sam
Browne' belt with holstered
Beretta M1934, and the Inlantry
NCO the standard belt with twin
pouches. (USSMEj
(lips vf rilk ammuniliun.
Thnl' \ll.:re "llppOllt'd hI
,I IOllp('d "trap I\hi( Ii
to hehinrl
,he pouches and pa!'-"ed
,lrOlllld 111(' ned.. - frolll lht "<"
\'It"I"poinl 01 \"eig-hl
hutioll Ihi, wa.' a poorel
c!l.. il-:l1 Ih,lIl Ihe ,: ur ,-
u:;ed In otht'r
The IXl\onel \I-,b carried
in :t nutl'lI grel lIlelal
,cahbard faslenC"d to 111<.'
bdt ,It the Ieli hip b\'lIIc;lI\"
of a It-ather
froA"' An entrc!1chinA" 1001
could abo be- \I"{lrn un lhe
1)1'11 ill a combination frog'
with tIlt: ha\"tllH'1.
The kn:.llhack \\onl un tlte back acculI1odatct! the soldier's
PI'I ,on<ll \ Slung O\er the righl :.huulder hc <tho ran icc! :l hag
01 dthn or i\r 1935 lIIodel. A liJ.:"hl h:t\et....lck or '''Ielical
lxlg' I\<IS also sOlIwumc:. carried slung: and both of gasma.. k bag
'('ned .I!'- ex(1";1 :.IO\I<lgt:' I,hell the gasm:ts\... 1,,1' di:-cankcl afll'r the
lhre:u of h'd'> atl;lc\'" FllIled l\luminiulIl wah'rlxlu!es. wom
,lung o\t"r tht:' left came in two different :.ill' - ..I hlrgt.r
l,lpaci" 1\ IX' b"ued tll ,\Jpini.
Thc mO:oot IIp-tcKI;ltC item - \,ell ahead of ib lillie \\lwl1 fi ....1
introduced - \\-as the ;\119:""-) camounaged tent :'>t"clion 01' :.heller quaneI'.
I,men COtton duc\... plinted with a camolillage panefll offorcst
grl.-('n. dlc,mUl brOlm and gl'l.... lhi, could hejoinf'd Wilh 011,('1"" 10 make
a lig-hl tenl. It could also be adapled Jor \,'ear as a poncho \dlich g'wt"
proteCiion against the as \,ell as prodding good c,lIlloLlJlagc.
CroatIan Legion volunleers en
rou'e for the Russian Front
parade their "eg - note the
'vandyked' edging In the old
AustOO-Hungarian style - and the
MVSH penl\llnl which shows that
'hey weAl offieially part of that
orvanisation. On the lett afl'/l 0'
l!'te nag-bearer. gAla'eoal ean
be seen the eh.equerboard shield
01 the Legion. and on the collar
the white fasees of the
Russle, 1942: lhe crew of a
41mm antI-tank gun prepare lor
aclion. By this stage in the war
the '47132' had become
inelleeliva a9ainst Soviet afl'/lour,
bul these were lhe best lhe
Italians had - and even they weAl
In shan supply. In this cold lhe
erew hava only the standard
Slngla-breasled greatcoats wTth
baleelavas aod gloves. (USSME)
,'xacth til(' same
as lht' 1{rc\"-grcen .
{\"J't" bUl hlacl.... These.;
"ere \\orn from Ihe mid-
1930:00 ,Ind \,'ere \'en
popular \,'ilh ollicers of
TIll' had a com-
plcteh' diITerem rank S\"Slem
ba.o;ed (In anciclIl
Imlx'rial Roman titles.
_-\hhough some 'S1'\ ranks
had direcl equi\<iknb ill the
RO\<i1 Anm'. olhers did not
(S{.'C chan on pag-e 12).
Foreign volunteers:
Albanian troops
Albanian Li.:gion
\Ollllllcers wore a l\hilC fell fCI I,'ith thc Blackshirt hadge orl the front;
l11i\ dOt, M'elll frol1l photographic ('\;dence m have been I\'on} in
nmlb:lI .. the hl..'ll1wt. Thl' rest of the 1I1lirOflll and
in:ooigniil of t\IX:' the (Hher di'linguishing
fe.1tI1l e being a ,mall round I);ll...elile hadge \I"om un the left slee\'e (sec
l'l,lle B:{).
G'1cci.l1ori d.\lbania unib raised ill 19-11 \IUfC normal lIalian
uniforlll wilh lheiruwn in,ignia. consisted ofa red patch \,;tI)
hhli' e<lge alld;1 black bearing a while metal 3Illclorx:-
cre:)(t"d Sk.'1.l1derbeg helmel the usual "tar,
The _\lbanian RO\,11 Guard wore 'landaI'd halian unifonn \\;th a
purple T-,haped collar I';lh a smr and:m antelope head lts worn
on the Skanderbef{ helmt:1. The\ also \,"orc tilt:' hdmel \,'ilh
,I blilcl... Skandt'rlx-p; helmet on the frolll,
The or Blad.shirlllllits \\"ore lhe same basic llllili.lfI11 as lhe Roya!
1\rIllV "illl a fcw slighl
Collar 011 th,: standard nmic was a black double name with <I
small fasces instead of lhe star of thl:" Ro\'al .\1"111\. The 'M
BaH,thOU)' h,ld a red !cUe!' (III the blac\... IhllllC' with the
Ihrnugh it. B1,le\... COli 011 \,'ere oflen \\11111 under the
IUnk instead of Ihe gre\i;reen Afl1l\ l\-PC: and a nan'O\\ blad.. :.uilX'
often \,om dO\I n the :.ide of the IXllllilloons. Thoe ,\cn.: oftcll wurn Wilh
hlaC'k \\001 "OCh pulll'd up 10 jll" belOl\ tht"'. and ')\el" the lOp
of the"e a pair of white sods ,,;th Ihe lOpS rolled down over Ihe lOp
uflhe booL
Coml,.11 headgear \',1' the 1I\lIal hill ;1 \{lfl hlacl...
fell ft:'1 \\;111 a hanging las:ood '''IS wom instead of Illl' Im..uirw. and
34 sometimes in comb:tL One item to lhe ;\I\"S:-: \\,ts the hl,tel...
reerul,s parade with their Italian
eomrades; all wear lhe blaek
beret in widespread use by lhese
troops, Cap badges were either a
silver death..head or II small
Roman sword with a round
buckler in Ihe eentre. The tunles
and trousers 01 tha rank and fila
would aP98ar to be M1940
italian Issue dyed black. while
the MVAC ot!"oeer on the right Is
wearing greY-ireen (nota the
light eolour 0' the lUlian oKoeer's
u"ilorm). Ri'l.. and equipment
are ell Italian Army Issue; this
group seem IO<I!ry well dressed
and kitted out. (Modem History
Museum, Llubjana)
MVAC troops
The Yllgo,ladan :\IVAC vol-
unteer:. wcre dressed in a
wide V<lricl} of uniforms
wi! h each re!{ion having:
its own distinCt Lvpe:
these often included it mix
of harian ilnd pre.'-w:<r
Am1\' items.
SIO\enian \"Olulllccr, \\'ore
t.'ither lI.dian or Yugo-
sl:,,;al1 !Ullin, iniliallv \\;th\;.lIl ,idecaps. The
wearing of bbck bercts was
\\idespread, and these \\'ere
usuallv adorned with
badges uf all(' of IWO Iypcs.
One had a ,lull \\;Ih either 35

A group 01 Alplnl arWlerymen In
shirt sleeve order manhandle 8
6Smm mountain gun during an
antipartisan operation in
Yugoslav!a. Some 01 them have
put sprigs of foliage in their hat
bands. With their cotton shirts
they wear the wool pantaloon
trouse.... in a 100M and baggy
style often _ 8ntOni the
Alpini. (James Bun!)
bonn illll' a tlag-W'I' ill ICt'lh: t!ll' other simple
glat/ill) S\ford. "ilh a srnall rOlllu! ill 1'10111.
[11 19-12 rllt' issw.:d ,'oI1l11l{'ers with lropind
uniform.. dn:d a l;tll or light brO\\'l1 colour. Sllwcnian 1\1\':\C "l)lull!ecrs
l\t're abo b$ued b\ earh' 19-1;1 with a wintCl" uniform II hich consiswd of
a bl.lck u\('rco:l1. jacket and trou$t'r<: \,"orn \Iith :l. Ilhilt" ,hin. Sollie
Slonmian M\'AC OffiCTI' "'('re aho pro'ick-d b' lh('ir emplovcf": \Iith
good Italian onicers' uniform"
,\11\ ChcUJik \vlUllleero who \\ere ahc;orbed imo \1\'\( llllib \"ould
h:n-c \'"0111 lheir ll,u;IIe.-'x-Yugu:,!;,,ian Anm :1llc1 do om to
ha\'c adopted .\1\'.\(. r.m!..
Oil(: \Ihich wore its 0\"1 unique uniform \I,b liw 'Olien'
\'ululllrcr Baltalitlli. a 2S8-slrong lInil raised in the- area around the port
01 Callaro in Montclll'W'O, \I'fire: gn:\-green trullsc:rs and
wilh large n:d U\<ll cap b:ldg-e<;, On the collar of lht, 11l1lie they had
sm;lll hadgl's in lilt' shape 01'111'0 whitt' tIIl'lal crosse-d Roman and
thc S:Hne symbol :lppean-d in lilt' middk oflhe cap badg'l:, Other ImiLS,
like the .\loslclll 'Sall(ljak' of \';I<;tern .\IOlllcllcgro, while part of
tlw ;\1\':\(; forcl's wen' in ci\"ilian clolhes and wcn' al1l1t'<i with
\,'hatewr tht,\ could gCAt hold of. Ilhieh was prooabl\' lhe usual
cs-\'ugosl;:l\iall equipment,
IlclrllC"b \,'cn' 'cldom \\onl Out t\IO model<; that Wt'f(' ill 1I'-C \l"l're the
Adrian _\11915 mudd :mel!ll{' [J.l.'ch .\11931. Both t\"J>eS\lere lonncrh in
w,e b\ !lle Yug(l'll;nian ;\n1l\, :mel in tht, C'".tSt' 01 thc ,\drian the\iilll CO:lI of anns oadge- \''as rCffiO\'ed from Iht, rrom. The
'I.egiull of Death: it MVAC unil, cen,.inh wore
both t\"pes of helmet \Iith chilian ,lI1d cll.-Yllgtl::>la\"ian ,\rlll' clothing
I,-Ilell lormed in ,\ugust 19-12,
n.ltlks \\"ITt' by the wcaring ot small triall/.'1llar pien's of
dOlh or lll('tal. citlll'r on a hlue antlh:llltl on lhe lell slt::L:\'c, or all the
IIl.nt (If lilt' IllTl'1 or olher hl"ldgt.',ll 'Iigh!l\" Iht" left. While nOI
lllli\t'pmlh c1i<;pl.l\l.'d 'udl in'iKlli,' <10 'l."C'1Il tll b'l\l' Ix'ell worn h, the
111f11l'ITglll,ll IllliL' Irom Slmeni,l .mel Dalmali;l:
Rl,d c1ullt tli,lllg:II' - Slillitd 'UIXOIIIIII,IIHIf'1"
Kt,c1 c10lh Ikaring: "hilt, I loth 'I,ll' - SlIll,ltll.lIll1ll1'lll<ler
, -11(1\' doth ll"i'lllgie - Plalooll ,ulxllmmande:r
dlllh niall/{It.' bc'ltillg IIIClal ,tar - Platooll COll\1Tl;lnder
-.i!ll'r melal tri:I1l/{It, - Compall\ 'llh-<:01lll11<lllcleJ
"'1 h ,'I' l\Ielal II i;lllglt, ht.':uillg: er <;t:u' - Compam CI mllll:lnc!'T
(,lllr!Il\('lallriallgh' - Balt:llitlll 'lll"'{"lHnlll:llldt.'r
(,old metallri,ll1g"le be'lring" g"flld ,,1:11' - l\alt:tlioll IOtlllll:ll1(lt;r
Croatian Legion
1 he Croalian r:li,ed 1<1 fig:llI 1111 thl' Rlb,i'llI FrutH \\ore Italiall
\1 1111 willi .\1 insig-nia <;i nce Ih!::\' \\'ert' (llliri:llh 1><111 (If lilat
\ ,iher 'hidd "ilh tht" litle 'IIn'II.:.I...;I' al the tOp :lome;1
1\'(1 and \dUll' c1l1'quer-bo.lfd 'hidd ",L'- \\urn \Ill tht, kfl <;11"<"\'(" 01 the
IlIlk Ot gn',l1cu;n, _\11933 sleel hl'lmeL" \\" hut lilt' gn';ll
llMjuriPo (If Ic'/{illllll;lirt" M'l.'t1\ to Il,ll!:: worn !lIe ''''{flrM sidl' (':"tJ>
,itb an .\1\'1\:" b,ldK" Oil tilt' frllnt. (St'I' rlalt' Fl.)
Cossack Volunteers
I he "lll:lll \ol\lrltl'(r llllit rai'l"t! the !tali,lll .\rnn- 011 lhe
r,l:ilC'rrl FrOlll originalil" j"SIK(\ Ililh tllllic'., and hrt'l"ClH's.
l-,-Sll\'it'l lrOl1'erii \\ere I,'om. A ch('wol1 in the
n,ll irmal of wit ill', hille' :tnd Il'cI I,.a, worn \Ill Ihe left slet'\'c of the
tunic, ,md II<IS the onh in,il!nia of till' Ullit. (5011I('
....1\ Illal 1111' llll'\fllll II.', IIIInl Ull tJ,c rig:hl "lee\e.-', hut a... tll('
1t,llian Arm\' al\\<I\' \HIl"(' lI11il ,lilt! utill'r in,iglli,. 011 the left ann it is
t.lirh saf(' ttl ,bsume that their Rlh....i;1II aU'l(iliarie, f,,\Ilmnl SlIil.) Lltcl'
thl' l""')''loi;I(:l, \Wlt' allo\\cd to \\e'II' tl1('ir 0"'11 nalional drbo.-> \Ihie-II
t lIl"isted of Ihe hlacl.. Trlln1u-sska hed-kngth coal \\ilh the 'illne chenon
on till' ,Iec\e. Iklth Po-p<'<; nflll1ifonn \Icn' WOrtl with the
l.unIN\ooljJojmr!m cap, 'Ihich came ill white or black. (Sec Plale E2.)
A Blac;kshirt of .n 'M B.tullon'
stationed In Yugosl....i. 10 tight
partisans man::tles pasl with ..
Breda M1930 light mac;hine gUf'l
on his shouldef", The Insignia of a
5ty1ised 'M' tor Mussol;ni
with II lase" through the
middle can be ctellrty -.een on
the double black lIame collar
patch; see also Plate 3, The
resl of the uniform Is standard
M1940 Army Issue apart from the
black cation shIrt. (USSME)
This unit 01 s.k. troops on ant;- patrol In the mountains
01 Yugoslavia wear the two-piece
snow suits more uaually
associated with service if,
Russ;;o. By this date - winler
1942/43 - the br10nch badge was
nO tonger stencilled on the Sleet
helmet. They Wllar standard
leather equipment, and the
foreground man is usinlill 'taetleal b.ll' to earry his
llear, (USSME) 37
I3ue.IVt11ItII strope
CoiJar patch
V. Y-occ
V. V-Q(;(;
A.. Alb8no<t C_CorSlCS F
G C8ITlpa,gn. 9 Gani50n d!Jlies.
9 Sar-gar - $Brdoa g;mson: NAt. North Ah::a.
occ duloe!1l!1 9 G-oo::. oeeupallOl1 01
Gfeece: R Russia Sa- Sa.<OOia. SK: .. Sldty.
\IF 0 Vd'Iy France loocupa:G1 oos-No-. 421.

Notes: MQst ollhase 'spll(;iaItsl rolli'
de$lglauons we-a targety IlOIQll<ll'
e,g, the 'mounlain' (as apposecllO Alponel
dMS01 d'iered 'rQrT1 CI stanOar'd If'Ilanlry
dMsrJn only" havlng some ITIIIIe-l:loIne

Table A: Infantry Divisions serving in Europe 1940.43
" Mouolllilr1 dMslon
......."""'" """"'"
.. As:5au/llandlng ctveon
> ,... landng dMaon
list. 2nd. 3rd Granale,
38 F. G G-occ

While ovef !OO
BlackiyeHow stripes


G. Aocc
Y. YiA-occ
f. NAl
F. G Y. G-occ
G. G-e
G. '"
G, c;rvx;
,,,., ..
11' 112
Rl!IdwMe S:nPllS
8tv&Iblack st,ope
Red over green
Red!wtlIT(I '!.'lee'
F. Y.oa:
F. G. G-occ
Y, Y-occ
F. Y. SciJill'
F G. G-oc:c
G. A-p Y
F. G. G>occ
G. Sar-ga-
F. G, G-ot<:
F, Y. Y-occ
F. Cocc
F, V, Voce
A-occ, \IF


NotU: Duo to the prolI!eraloon 01 NCO ranks If'.e BntI9tl \l"'E!fl here are ody appI'OJ(fTIlIl& I.Rank CAIiIU:ld 1938 lor Kr1g Vmono
ErmrlUIIIie. & MuSIOIn 3Rcw1k helcl ody In wartrne ./I II Gen 8POQlfIIoo to <;OI'fJl'Ia'1(l a NolCl army 8. ''0&' = .o"IC<lrCat() CO" grade
<lIXlC*l1fld to a hg'ltr CCfT1I1'IW1d. here Col a bngal;ls 9 Col cornrnanong a regmenl 11 Ll CO c;ornrT18Il(IllQ Ii regrmenl. 14 Cap!
-Mth 12 ye<lr'S' or CQrTWl'"oSliIOr S8V0t. 15 Capl <::clrTYTIir'ld. ballllliCn 17 II w.lh liIIOOIly or
lXlrIlmS5lOO8d..-..ell 18 U corT'fTIlWldorl a 21 lO'>'.$ rPlor reserve oh:ets. 22 JWllI'lXb::ed 211 I 1,40 to
reward br.M!ry"'_ bV mer- 'M'"C)S(I!al:k 01 edIX:aDor1 prevemoo prOf'1lQbOf1 to Illnk. 30. In cavar,. Appo.I'UalO. 41
Royal Italian Army Rank Insignia, 25 July 1940 - 8 September 1943

, """-
2 cJ'/UJ,Ia
3 """"""
, a.-
5. Glr>lnIe d 6. GerI!rnl! d
IFoeIo Marsr!al'1 if"""""
yvo cJ'/Im'IilUI
,""'" """
>U """

, """""""
9. "'""""
11 T8'lIII'1re 12 T&'l!!I'lle
-- -,
""""'" """"'"
l.t Col) IUCoO
1.l Pt"OO capitatlo 15. Caprraoo 16 CatJ,riVIQ 17.Primo 18 TfnYlfll

ISona "'"",
ISeno III ..
lCap!ilIO) {lJevteNl'1tj


19.r_'tll 20 SOtrot(lfl6rTle 21 A$pIf8flw 22 AkJrSf1Ie <11 23. Mares<::lJ1/o 24 M<llll'SCIaIo
(loeIJternmt) 12nCllJoolerw1tl
""'" 2nd L1)
twOlil lStatf Sgl)

25. MlltesoailO 26 serf}enle 27. Sergenre 26 C8p0f816 29. Capor;IIe
"""""'" '''''''''''''' """""'" '''''''' COl """
{SenIor lM>C8 (;pi) (&nor Private)
These onsqrll8 were worn on tOll grey.QI9ll!1 MI9<:O fieId:tJn and Ml93ll greatcoat Colours: (1 - 7) GenefaI 01l1cel'$. on
forearms. Silver WIfe embrooclered greca. tM bars and Io::lop on greyigreen bacl<ln9: gola ",ru 8fl'II:Ifoodere 89glD tl). Cl'C1Wl'11<l.. 5\ and sceplre {5}
on brICk red back"'ll (8 - 13) Foeld ol!i(:er.;. on lOre9r,ns gold ttw18Ol:l thIdo; bars and loop. on br'ck rea bao:;.kI'lg {8.
JIll (14 - 21) Subaitlllll oIIic:8rs. vlhoaM ",ferIon: on Iorearrns gold thn b8r$. looP!II'lCl bnck red backlrlg" loop (15. 18):
block SIlk ceotre 10 gold thn bar and loop (21) (22 - 25) &nor NCOs. sortufticliJll. SOOlAdlV $lml>S gold I'o'II&'y6lIoW l;YilId WIth black SIll
(26 - 3O).)..nor NC06;wy:l seno::.o- llhlll" I1lI"O<S S8fgerrtJ e gradual,. 0r'I UIX* arms gokl'yeIow :26. 27) or red WOQl '.28-30}
;11IMl)"II JunioI other In,.Ipa jp':vale. SClUJrQj VUOte n;l f1SIlJ1Ia Fttm t 940 ollcers' 0"ISIil"'8 0r'I IMIfYOaY undorrnsNilS 5l.IpOSed to
d'\ilr1gIllrOr'l'l golClto yellow brad
8: GREECE, 1940-41
81: Caporale, 31s1 Inlantry Re91ment, 'Siena'
Infantry Division
This junior NCO wears the standard M1940 uniform. With
Ml933 helmet and Mt912 boots, as worn by the Italian Army
throughout 1940-43. On the left sleeve above hiS rank
chevrons he wears the woven badge of the 'AJd,ij' troops -
an upnght glad/us between laurel and oak sprays - SlgnrfYlOg
that he has volunteered for a special assautt squad within hiS
regiment. The sll'lgle gold chevron hIgh on his nght sleeve is
a wound stnpe; these came in three colours - gold for
wounded in act,on, Silver for wounded in service. and red for
wounded In the natlOOal cause. On the grey-green collar of
the Ml940 jaCket he wears hiS dlVl$looal patches.
The carcano Mt891 nile - whIch served [he Itahan Army
for over 50 years In vaoous models - fired a 6.5mm round
whICh lacked Slopptng power. There had been altempls to
convert them to 7.35mm. and from 1938 some rifles In the
new cahbre were 1SSVed. The onset 01 war found thIS
programme incomplete. and from 1940 all new niles reverted
to 6.5mm: bUt the 7.35mm ntles were aJready In use
alongSIde lhe old cahbr9. caUSlf'lg IogISIJC rughtmares.
82: Soldato, 77th Infantry Regiment,
'Lupl di Toscana' Infantry Division
ThIs Infantryman of the 'Wolves of Tuscany' DIvision wears
the same uniform as B1 HIS equipment consists of the
Ml939 knapsack, \0 whICh Is faslened a Ml929 camou
flaged tent sectlOf\l'poocho, and an alumlfllUm mess tIn
(which could also be cameclln its own cov9l1. The gasmask
bag IS the M1935; later Ihe gasmask was often
discarded so that the bag could be used to carry other kit.
H,s standard Issue walerboltle is slung on the right. and on
the left. In a comblflatlQfl frog With the bayonet. one of Ihree
different VarietIeS of entrenching tool.
83: Camicla nera , 1st Albanian Legion MVSN,
This unit conSisted of Albanians recruited since the take-over
of their country by Italy In April 1939. Most Albanian units
were very unreliable - some even shot their Italian officers
and desened - but Ihls panicular Legion came out of tt1e
A2: Caporale, 89th Infantry Regiment,
'Cosserla' Infantry Division
Like nearty all ItalWl t100PS flghltng m tNS campargn the
corporal still wears the M1937 urnfonn underneath his
Ml934 greatcoat The greatcoat, worn throughout the war
and even Ifl Russia, lacked w3l1Tlth because It was Single-
breasted. HIS cap is the popular bustma. and he is holding
the M1933 helmet. both WIth infantry branch badges. His
light machIne gun IS the 6.5mm Breda M193O: a poordesign.
d'uOl1lcally prone to feed problems In the field due to a din
altractlng cartndge IubncatlOr'l system. It nevertheless had to
serve the Itahan Army throughout the war.
A1: Gunner, 59th Artillery Regiment,
'Cagllarl' Infantry Division
A member of the crew for a 75mm field gun. he wears the
Model 1933 steel helmet with the black stencilled artillery
branch badge on the front. Underneath this he wears his
bustlna lfl lieu of a woollen cap: when used in this way the
bustina soon wore out and could not be worn for Its intended
purpose. His Ml937 Jacket has a black-faced collar piped in
yellow lor the 6rtJllefy. and beanng his diVIsion's identifying
patches - red WIth while Slnpes. and the natIOnal Silvef star.
The black lealher gaiters and grey-greeo leather bandolier
were worn by a vanety of mounted UOlts as well as the artillery.
A3: Sergente, 'Val d'Orco' Battalion, 4th Alpine
Regiment, 'Taurinense' Alpine Division
The 'Taunnense' was one of several Alpine divISIons
deployed in this campaign in the mountainous border region
between France and Italy. ThIs NCO wean; the M1937
uniform: his felt Alpinl hat has the green porn-pan of a 3rt!
BaltallQfl altached 10 the feather-holder on the left side. On
the left sleeve above his rank chevrons he wears the
dilliSlOflal arm shield which althoUgh being phased out was
stil! worn at thiS tIme. The special equipment used by these
mountain troops includes a Ml939 mountain rucksack and
climbing rope and a Mt934 alpenstock. His rifle is the
standard M1891 6.5mm Carcano used by most Italian
soldiers during the war.
Alpine Inf. War Sl!f\Ii(;6 CootJr parch
N<me No Re91 Nos. Regl No ($00 Irllll Tabla AJ
3. , F. VF-gaI. 1Al_
y.= """,-,
Tridenuna 2 5.6 2 F, Aocc. R
..... 3 '.9 3 G. Gocc. R

F. G. Y. R

5 7.11 5 F, A. G.
Y-ace. \IF-occ
"" """
6 "am 6 A=
Notes: 1 AipnlIlnIlIrnl")' RegIS began me _ 'MIl1 \I8r)T1g runlleni 01 bafLlions. buT !rom t94'
were aT 3 battalion$ each 013
2. & rv Aipne Groups eadll8:l3 banaiOns
C3: Maggiore, 54th Infantry Regiment,
'Sforzescs' Infantry Division, 1941
This rtJajOf wears the popular 'wlndcheater' officers' coat
W1deIy worn at that time. Made from coarse canvas cloth, It
Is double-breasted and has brown leathe!' shoulder patches:
lorearm ranlung is worn In the usual way. He wears the
bustina In grey-green wOO; hIS rank tS shown by the gold
woven star in a gold frame on the lell side, and his unit by
the gold wire front badge 01 the infantry branch with the lhe
number '54' In the centre. Under hiS coat he IS wearlng an
officers' grey-green cotlon shirl and tie, and gabardine
breeches with two 2cm black stripes With e central red
Piping signifying the Il1fantry branch. H,s knee high boots
may have been purchased pnvately; they Wf!fe often
replaced WIth more pmctJcal ankle boots dunng the course
of the war.
the green double flames 01 the AlPim WIth the officers'
pallern star, and hiS rank inS'901a tS worn on the lower
sleeves. The grey-green shirt and he are also of supenor
to those of the rank and file Instead 01 puttees he has
a pair 01 nbbed woollen socks pulled up over the bottoms of
h,s pantaloons: these are worn with privately purchased
M1912 black leather cllmbiJ'lg boots. He carnes a brown
leather mapcase and IS armed with a 9mm Beretta M1g34
semi-automatiC pistol, tI1e favourite sidearm of the Italian
C2: Generale di brigata, Army Headquarters,
This bngacle general wears the offIcers' version of the
busrma made -like the rest of tus unrfOll1l- from 'ccxdeJIino'
rnatenal of a greyer shade than Issue grey-greeo wool. His
rank IS shown by the inslgn13 on the left SiCSe of the cap and
on his lower sleeves. The tUOIC IS the wartime panern
Introduced iJ'l 1940 and worn concurrently With the pre-war
'Baistroccfll' type With black velvet collar and piping. He
wears breeches and higl1 black leather boots, and his
Beretta M1934 is holslered on his 'Sam Browne' type belt.
01: Tenente, 'Centauro' Armoured Division
This first lieutenant wears the black leather coat ISSued to
armoured troops in all theatres of war, and carries the leather
crasl1 helmet worn Inside hiS vehicle; during his cigarette
break he wears a high quality buslma. He 11115 cloth rankmg
sewn to the lower coat sleeves. Under the coat Ile wears the
M1940 wool jackellnstead of the loose-filting blue overalls
more usually worn by most tank crews. On the j3cket collar
are the patches of the armoured divlSlOllS, With a red flame
on a blue badlgrounct He wears officers' woollen breeches
WIth the black leall1ef leggingS sometmes worn by annoured
crews as well as mounted and artillery troops. HIS boots am
bener- qualrty officers' VersIOnS of the M1912 pattern.
02: 5ergente, 3rd Motorcycle Company,
3rd Bersaglieri Regiment, 3rd Celere Division
'Principe Amedeo Duca d'Aosla'
This IS a despatch rider from one 01 the 'fast diviSions' -the
term for cavalry divisions In tile Italian Army. He wears the
M1933 helmet WIth the famous COCkerel feathers of the
Bersaglien alltached. His pullover smock was a popular and 43
flghtmg with credit. He wears the S1arldan:l umfOll1l of the
Italian Blackshlrts; the obvious distinctIve feature IS the white
felt fez based on hiS country's national headgear. On his left
sleeve he also wears a badge made from bakelite - the
double-headed black eagle of Albania on II red background,
His rank of 'BlackshIrt' is the MVSN equivalent of an Army
private. so he has no rank insignia. He is armed with a
Carcano M1891 carblne with Integral folding bayonet: on hiS
belt he carries the dagger used by aU Blackshirt troops, and
an OTO M35 grenade - one of three types in use with the
Italian Army in \fIIond War It
This enlisted soldier is In training, as shown by the white
stripe round the edge 01 hi' c:ollar. (A stripe all the way
around the c:ollar indicated offic:er trainlog, and a section
round the front point only, NCO training.' ThiS also pro'rides
a good vl_ 01 the upper part 01 the Mt940 tunic:, wi1h its
pleated pockets and integral doth belt. (An Trye)
C: GREECE, 194041
C1: Capitano, 'Edolo' Alpine Battalion, 5th
Alpine Regiment, 'Tridentina' Alpine Division
Th,s captain in the Alpinl wears the officers' version ollhe felt
hat wltl1 a. gold woven badge oflhe corps on the front: on tile
left side a black eagle's feather is mounted bel1ind a gold
boss. and hiS rank is Indicated by three chevrons. He wears
the M1940 wool lacket and pantaloons made from a supellO(
grade of material befitting htS rank. On the collar he displays
MVSN Rank Insignia, 11 June 1940 - 8 September 1943

, """"- , """""
3 Gomandarlle 4, LuogotoN11e 6..l.oOg(ItMfl'lte
gefl6fale c; ....... ",,,., ...-
... -
(Foeid ManNI) ",,",", magr,potJ!
(ActwoQ G!ll11 lMdtGo!I)

7, CalIOlI8
8 "'""'" 9 """""
10 Cor>wIe ., "'""'"
" "'"'" .,
., IJIJant

"""'" """

13 Fb7Io $entn!
" ......
" """"
16 C8I"lIIO'W 17 GerlfI.O"lO"le 18 P,mo
,-, C8'11<.n:Jr1f;' .,
(Se'w:lr Capt,
ISenor U)
19. ea.oo manIpOIo 20 C8IXt 21 Sarrocat>O 22
23 "'"'"
24. AxJrillll9
"..pOO ro'"""", 8lUt8ntll
(Looot91'18"tl (LJeutanantl !2ncl Lieulen<V'l1)
m.,_ (\'1'011) Sgtl
lAcllrlg 2nd Ltl

" ........
26, Prro ColPO
" CDoo
28 29e-.
JO """"
...- ..-
""""'" -- -
....." ""
rs-:r- l..rce
""'" COO
Colours: (1 - 2) Geld """'"'- C8IXY8I d 0f0'l!: on s;eeves,., 1 lw.e< 9'*fI on 0I<0Cl< b'<angIll, Ngie 1 Of
Ia9l;:es 12 (3 - 81 General oI'icefs. gB"Jln* 9C*' 'MI9 geca wll'> goIa li1SOeS, \flIIl golO oats ana on 9'lJY ge8"1
backJrlg golCl CJl;lWI'I ana SCl:reon tn:I< IUd blll:""'9 ,4, bricl< red baoung to dIiln'>of'Id 7, Ii - 14) FoeIOc."'uers. UJ"1(;8o on IQn:Iarms
goIc _ltWl ana tt-:J< bln IIJ'd do<Wrc:rd on lJtlCIO. IUd bllO<:ng '9, 10. 12) (15 - 22):il.baITAtn olt(;fn. ul!Ioo IflIenQri: on forearms. gold .....1ll
lhon bars. d1amona ana 51"', tlnc>t red lloik;k"'9 to ao;l1T1()l'ld!lS I 91. gold I"" bat and tl>8/1'ICIld ....,m biack s,", zIQZ!19 (22)
(23 - 2SJ S8Ooo< NCOs. SOllUffiC>BIt. on blaoI PlP90 shoulder Slf3Pl;, S1M/f brM bars aocl badge. (26 - 30) JUllO' NCOs Mod &eI1q ome< '(II1ks,
C8/)i souadra II gradual,. 00 upper sIl:lEIvoo SlIver wlI'6 126. 27] Cf red wooll2B30) Juniof Olher ranks - nO'e C8mICI3 r'lef8
sing . wore no 11S19""'1
Notes: 1 Hl:nnry ra-i< I'1tJd Dy$oIroI, 2 Hornary Inheid 171 pn:mnef11 oersmalollOO 3 tho I'q>as; prnllJll6lOr'8 rml<.. 4 held 171
Ch&! ofSlatI, ret,'1ldCoSs: had b;:l(:i<ng to croM1 iWld sceptre. 5, Maw Gen spoo.ll cLOOs, 7 a I:roijade (rag
e. Cot>rl9 a brigade, w.m general ol'lic:cr's cap 00dge 10. CoIOI"(ll CO'lmncir.g a 1e<;;o1, 12, LJ a.
regrrent 15 Cap! ......ttl \2 years' Sf!flOrity or ro"'lISSOlOO..-..ce 16 (;ap\al1 CCITYl'lafX!lrog II bat1<l!101'\ 16 Lt wrtn senioI'Ity or
20 yooo-s' &el"ke. 19 l.IeulnrIl II 22. rolnWil()! rrt to- --..e QIlic:efs. IIboIished t<.:e 1940
2'J. Rank IX d MQIl.!Ul!!l'lC:I' \l){rtnO iIVo...,re. rrIly I\8Ye been I1IJOOulXld 21 11 4<), D.Jl11O n!liglO ha".e been
A colonel of upport branch _arlng the grey-green
pe.ked .ervk:e c.p. HI. rank I. Indicated by the number 01
band. 01 braId _ "'flectt'd light obscures the$<! here, but
the..... three thIn .bove one Ihlck, divided by narrow lines
of the hat colour. He may well be a member 01 the Medical
Corp., In Which case hI. single collar flames would be
amaranth (maroon). The cap badge has the cross in the
cenlre 10 signify that he is at Army Headquarte"", or
attached to a military "hool. (Re,. Trye)
practical Item worn throughout the war. On the left sleeve Is
the red arm badge 01 the despatch rider above his
gold/yellow rank chevrons. He is wearing leather mounted
troops, and artillery leggings, and has the special belt and
ammunition pouches 01 the Bersaglleri. He is armed with the
Carcano M1891/1938 carbine, a slightly modified version of
the M1891.
03: Caporale maggiore, 23rd Sector,
Frontier Guards
Guardia alia Frontlera units - designated as 'sectors' - were
quite heavily Involved In combat dunng the invasioo of
YugOSlavia. This NCO wears the standard M1940 Army tuniC
and pantaloons. the collar beanng the single gfeen name
wllh red border whICh denotes the GAF Infantry arm. His hal
IS the same as worn by the A1plnl but wrthout the feath.,.-
holder. which IS replaced by a decoratlon called the
44 'Napplna' - agcun In the green and red colours of the infantry.
On the ffont Is the metal cap badge with hiS unit number
'XXIII'. The GAF wore the M1933 helmet In combat.
E1: Soldato, 'Savoia' Dragoon Regiment, 1941
Horsed cavalry may have been largely obsolete by thiS time.
but as this reglmef1t proved, when properly deployed against
a dIsorganised enemy they could sull be deadly. On 24
August 1942 at Tschebar9Vskij on the Don one squadron of
thiS unit bravely charged 2.000 Soviet Infantry with sabre and
hand grenade while the rest of the regiment made a
dismounted attack: the enemy were routed, though at a cost.
Th,s trooper wears the M1933 helmel wrth a black cross,
$pOC131 to the savoia Regt. on the lror1t: hIS Mt 940 tunic has
the regIment's black Inple flame collar patch - decorated
With red piping II'l 1942. The other dlStmctwe rtem of thrs
regiment's uniform is the red necktl9 (adopted In memory of
a wounded messenger of the regllTle1lt m the 18th century
who reported to hIS general WIth the wMe lace collar of hIS
uniform covered In hIS own bIood). These bIadl leather
leggmgs were worn by other ranks In the cavalry. He 15
armed WIth a Mt891fl938 carblne and a M1871 sabffl.
Captured SovIet PPSh41 submachme guns were very
popular- wrth the savoia troopers and were often used in
comba!: one was in fact carried by the officer In command of
lhelr famous charge.
E2: Cossack volunteer, Gruppo Savoia, 1942
The italian 8th Army Iollowed thelr German allies' example in
RuSSIa and rect'lJlted Ih91r own sman Unit or sotnia 01
Cossacks In September 1942; tolal strength was a coIooel.
four other officers and 360 Cossacks. The Unit was even-
tually attached to the lancers 01 the 'Novaria' Reg!.: after the
Italian WIthdrawal from RUSSIa they JOIned German Cossack
Units. This volunteer wears a red-topped black lambswool
papacha cap; an Italian M1940 }8Cket issued to him by hiS
new employers: and ex-Red Army breeches and OOOIS_ On
the left sleeve he has a chevron national insignia In the
RUSSIan colours of white, blue and red. He retainS Red Army
leather equipment and his Moisln Nagant M1910 rlne. and is
shOWing his Italian comrade his traditional shashka sabre.
E3: Camicia nera scelta, MVSN 14th M Battalion
'Leonessa', '23 Marzo' Re9imental Group, 1941
'M' (for Mussollnij battalions were raised from battle-proven
Blackshirt volunteers and were given a more active combat
role than their less reliable fellow fascists, These units were
particularly active in fighting partisans In Yugoslavia and
were Included in the 81h Army sent to Russia, This senior
private wears the MVSN black fez, which was often seen in
combat, and the collar patch of double black flames with an
entwined red M and Silver fasces, As an LMG gunner he has
on his belt a holstered pistol, and also the tools and spares
pouch for the Breda Mt930.
Fl: Volunteer, Italian Croatian Legion
ThIs small UOll, recnuted In Croatia dunng the Italian OCCU-
pallOn for service in RUSSIa, was made up of an Infantry
battalion, a mortar company and an anti-lank company. lhis
volunteer wears the M1934 wool grealcoat - totally onad-
equate for Russl3n winter coodllions: on the left sleeve IS the
CrooMn nallonal shield, a red and sllver)whlte chequerboard
sh!eld beneath 'Hrvatska' ('Croatia' In Croatian). Because the
Legion was ostensibly a Blackshirt uMlt he has the white
melal fasces of that movement on hiS coat coilar and the
MVSN cap badge on hiS bustlna, which he wears With the
flaps pulled down ove..- a privately acquired balaclava. In
these condltoos the ISSue M19t2 hobnailed boots were a
virtual guarantee of frostbite. His nfle IS the maiMed M1938
verslOl1 of the 6.5mm M1891 Carcano; he has a Breda 35
grenade fastened to hiS belt,
F2: Sergente, 79th Infantry Regiment,
'Pasubio' Infantry Division
This NCO has managed to eqUIp himself better than mosllor
the RUSSIan wmter. He is weanng the padded, hned. double-
breasted verSion of the greatcoat, and has been supphed
With a Rumarnan CI8CUJa fleece cap pun:hased by hiS
cornmandJOg officer nus was not standard Issue. though to
give It a more official look many soldiers sewed on the
badges from their forage caps. ThIS man has been very
fortunate in gettIng hold of a pair 01 Insulated canvas
overboots, and has a woollen balaclava and 'tngger finger'
m,ttens. He carnes a PolISh Marosczek WZ35 antHank nfle,
- ...,.....,"'= ..,
TWo Carabinieri on lIuard outside a railway statton
somewhere In oecupied '(!>goslavla In 1942. 80th wear the
'Iucema' blcom hal wtth the cloth cover and
black badlle, the MHI34 .Ingle-breasted greatcoat, puttees,
and the M18i1 black leather bandolier. The Carabinieri
perlormfll M'(:urlty pollee duties throughOYt the oc:c:upied
a.... In addition 10 lhelr primary role as military police, see
Plate H2.(USSME)
An MVSN 8lack.hlrt from the 15th 8n, an.c:hed 10 the 'Lupi
di Tosc:.ana' Oivision on the GreekA1banian border. On the
collar note the MVSN'$ black double flames with white metal
lasees. The .....,,11 gold 'honOYr badge' of thh; division can
just be seen .bove the medal rfbbons on his "'It bre3st -
two howllnll wolve.' Mad. In an oval wreath. lUSSME)
whICh was supplied in large numbers to the C51R by the
Gennans from war booty. ThaI they accepted such an
obsolete item shows how desperate they were for some kind
of weapon to use agaJOst the Soviet armour.
F3: Alpino, 'Monte Cervino' Ski Battalion
This elite unit was added to the strength of the 8th Army
in Russia because of its expertise in fighting in winter
conditions. The coverall is a two-piece garment, the top
haVing laces up the front and sides so that It could be pulled
tight. Rank chevrons were sometimes worn on the sleeve of
the coverall, but not generally - although the strong
traditions of the Alplni seem to have won out over common
sense In the case of the red boss and black crow's feather
worn on the while helmet cover. (Feather-holders were
fastened to the helmet With a wire mount which clipped
under its rim,) His special whllecoloured canvas cartridge
pouch beJt was unique to the Alplnl and had four pouches
Instead of the usual two. His weapon is the M189t/193B
carbine With folding bayonet.
G1: Capo manlpolo, 67th Blackshirt Battalion
'Toscano', Dalmatia 1942
This Itahan Blackshirt officer in command of local Yugoslav
MVAC troops holds the rank equivalent to a Royal Army
His M1940 wool J8ckel has double black collar
names WIth small red fasces; the forearm ranking has
diamonds JOstead of loops In the top of braid. On active 45
service he wears a pullover with his wartime pattern
breeches, although he retams the smart but impractical
officers' high boots. His helmet has the black stencilled
badge 01 the MVSN on the front: tucked InlO hiS belt IS hIS
black MVSN buSfmil, worn In limited numbers from the mtd-
19305. HIS belt supports a holstered Beretta pistol. hiS
MVSN dagger, and a pouch With 30round
magazines for hiS 9mm Berena M1938A sub-machine gun.
Unlike most Italian small arms of the second World War thiS
SMG was h'9hly regarded by all who encountered it.
G2: Soldato, 84th Infantry Regiment,
'Venezia' Infantry Diyision, 1942
ThIs private of the 'Venezia' Infanlry DIY1StOl'l wears his
M1929 camouflaged tent section arranged as a poncho: this
was the first camoullage-printed Item issued as stallClard 10
any army. and In lhls at leasl the Italtan Army was ahead of
Thi. Carablnl-ere in
Greece Is yic;e-brigMJlere,
equlyalent to an infantry
sergeant. The collar patches 01
the Carabinieri Reali
are .ilyer a.ce and black with the
usual silver slar. the sleeve
chevrons are also in lhe
Cllrbinieri's distincti"e silver.
The M1891 blllck 1.lIther
bandolier was widely worn by the
Carabinieri In place of the
sliindard belt. See also Plate H2.
Mesturini ArchiYe-s)
OPf'OSITE MVSN Centurlone
(Cllptain' in standard .ervice
dresSoCap and unifonn wfttt blad<
cotton shirt and tie. jRe. Trye)
its time. Foliage Js attached to his helmet by means of a cord
passed tltrough the air ....ents. the poncho he is
wearing standard M1940 uniform: note the combmatlon of
long socks and puttees, often seen in the field, Note the
flghllflQ knlfe on his belt, the Royal Army ....ersJon of the
Blackslllrts' dagger.
G3: Capo squadra, MVAC; Dalmatia, 1942
This colourful character is a squad leader in lhe Dalmatian
MVAC. the 'Voluntary AntlCommunlSt Militia' raised !rom the
peoples oflhe variOUS regIOnS of ttalian-ocwpH!d YugoslaYl3
to help fight the PartISans. The distJr'lctlVe headgear IS a soft
skull cap WIth a piece 01 black cloth tied around It and
hang,ng down behind: on the front is the skull and dagger
badge peculiar 10 the Dalmatian MVAC mounted on a
tncolour cockade. The DalmatJan MVAC were dl....ided into
100-slrong companIes called bande. segregated along
rebglOUS hnes; there were SIX Roman catholic and IWO
Orthodox banda, the religIOUs affill3tM:Jn berng shown bY the
colour of the skull cap - CatholIC Units wore red and
Orthodox companies orange. The rest of the Uniform is
Itahan M1940: note the white rolled socks worn the
puttees at the bottom, a common Italian practice In lhe field.
His rank is shown by his blue armband WIth a red cloth
tnangte beanng a while cloth star. HIS nlle IS an ex-
Yugosla....ian Army Mauser M1924
Ht: Vice-brigadiere, 8th Battalion,
Royal Finance Guard; Epirus, Greece, 1941
The Finance Guard were an IOtegral part of the Army With a
peacetime role as an antl-smuggfing and anti-esptanage
servICe. TheIr wartnne responsiblhty for intemal and elClemal
secunty led to small umlS being posted throughout occupied
teffltones: and these became relatively easy targets for
PartIsan attacks. The Finance Guard had a slightly different
rank system Irom ihe rest of the Army - thiS vice-brigadiere
IS the equl....a1ent to a sergeant. HIS uniform IS the Standard
Army ISsue WIth the yellow dCXJble narne collar patch of the
Finance Guard, and his helmet IS varnished as was the usual
practice With these troops. The M1935 gasmask bag is here
used to carry grenades. as was often the case during the
war. His weapon IS the M1891/1924 carbine.
H2: Appuntato, 13th Mobile Battalion,
Royal Carabiniers, 'Firenze' Infantry Division;
Albania, 1942
The Carabinieri Reali were the senior corps of the Ilalian
Army, and fulfilled the role of military pollee. They had their
own unique system of ranks: thiS appuntBlo is the equivalent
to a caporoJe maggiore in the Infantry branch. He wears the
lfadilJonal '/ucema' blcom hat; made 01 black fetl, In the field
thiS was worn wfth a grey-green cloth cover WIth a cloth
YerSIOO of the cap badge on the froot. "The rest of the uniform
IS normal M1940 ISSue. WIth the lafge, dlstmctive collar
patches of the Royal Carabiniers, As he Is on guard duty he
wears basic equipment, including the grey-green leather
mounted troops' bandolier for his carbine ammunition but
WIth a holstered 10.35mm Bodeo Glisentl M1889
attached to the end.
H3: Sergente maggiore, 271h Battalion,
t Hh BersagJieri Regiment,
1st Celere Diyision 'Eugenio di Sa.... oia';
ThIS sergeant-maJOf of the elite light Infantry corps Is relaxing
In shift sleeve CW'def. whICh COllStSIS of a grey-green I\arvleI
shift with ZIp collar and hIS rank chevrons on the left sleeve.
(Officers when weanng shirt steeve ordef would display
abo....e the left breast pocket tne same system 01 rank stars
as worn on the side of thebustina.) He is proudly wearing the
red fetl fez wrth blue tassel WhiCh, along With the cockerel
feather plume worn on the servICe hat and helmet. was the
main dlstinc\lOfl 01 the Ber.>aglien. (The fez was 'presenled'
as a compliment 10 their bravery by the French Zouaves,
alongSide whom the old Sardinian Army lought in the Crimea
In 1854-56.) He IS about to take a dnnk from a standard Issue
water bottle, and he carries hiS food in the 'tactical
bag' at his feet.
HeniIltAnnI 326; The Gerrniln
Army 1919-45 (1)
Eutll!:m Front 1941-0
Tex! by Nogel -thomas, coIolr pl,lles
by Stephen ThII!: O!F"'sabCn
cfthe lim
ptw5f. Ircm OpentJOn

IS8N I 855]2 195 ]
Hen-ilf-Arms 216: The Red Anny
of the Great Patriotic War 19<41_ 45
Text by colour" plates by
Ror! Vo/stad In V1e m.t five rnooth5 of the
GeTnan otWo<Jt' the SoY>ets lost aibouI
ku mioon me+ ld 2O.CXXl
VI:!: tIW FWd Nmr lTIIl'IiIged to
hold. Sl:eadIIr arowrw ... ld
afteryeM"S of bitter
hy firoally the Germans
twd< to the of Ber1ln rneIf
ISBN 0850'45 939 7
Meo-atAnm; lll: The Gemun Army
1919_45 (I) BIIt:drriet;
r ext by Tlunas. ccbr plates by
STephe1 Ancnv. A COI'lClSt' ntroei.Ia>orI
to :tie of the anny on the
..IUtbre& Qf war, and to the Nor.NegIan.
PoIrsh and W 0nJpean
of tOYeI"iIge of
lM'IIfOO'TTlS. on5lB"la and equapme!'lt. 'O"odudIng
ISBN I 85532 619 6
Men-at-Arms 169: Resin..nce
Warfare 1940_45
Text by Cat10s Cloa. ero /llI"ado. co/Q.Jl
plates by Palll HarlllQl' The occupauon of
Western by the WehmlaChl
brought dbouI the birth 01
on courr:ne-. ,'!te
TI\I5 booi< e ...,.; the true
of re! e ....... the

ISBN 0 850'15 638 X
Men-ilt-Annli 142: P;jlrti"" Warfare
Text by f'e.fer At::ibon .:l Ng("
cbr t". "'kOlioppe.1
tr ()(cuooeo Greere oII'd

The fr'Onl Ilfle lrlXJl,n \oQOr1 r'l"oOve<l
0<1, but the IVI;ggle was far from over (O!'
the baM. of resrst.lrxe fot11ef' ",no
....<If u- ,etupatlOO
"'1 - t"draw....
ISBN 0 8SCH5 $1] 8 IJ I; Genn;any'l
Eastem Front Allies 1941-45
1el<1 W" Pete- Abbott "ICl Nlgo:!! Thoma;,
"oIo.r plates by Mike 0<Ippell The
.,.. IE a !me 01 tenKl" iOr tt>e
Ierso.aldofE.a:stem E....

to ' ""as; r'IegI''be ... t!''"'''C\
:r eft '" lt1 >Ie but to
become Oems of Mher- Gem'>dny Of' R.l.&""
ISBN 085045 'l75 I
while lhe man al lar right hal the all grey-green M1940. The
soldier in the left loreground seeml to have cut the lleevel
off a lilandard ",sue wool Iweater. (USSMEj
A group of Alpinl rela.lng over" lIame of cardll in a rear
arll!:a of u.. Gf'MIk Front in 11141 remind us of u.. motlll!:y
appearanc:e of troops In the Mid. TWo wear IlreY"ilrefll
woollll!:n ClIp., while the others have lhe fll!:" Alpine hat
without the ulual crow'" feathen. The Alpino In the eenl"
,tlll wears Ihe M11137 tunie with black-faced upper eoUar,
Osprey Direct (UK) Tel: 019)] 44]86] Fax; 01133 44]849 E-moil:
Osprey Direct (USA) Tel: 81 0 795 276) Fax: 810 795 4266 E-moit info@OSpreydi..Jcusuom
Visit Osprey at _.ospn'
H.I'.(,)MA: N
1}1 wt_,...Al,;H .... 1'
L<><I Ml,Nf
If,' otTOM"N AIlfol' t
270 FLAG\ Ol- tHt> t"tRO f,C!C:;H I'
21" "" IIQ 01' Tl1t 1I'<111D'1ti- Oi 'WAHIN SS
171I1.AGSOf'T>oI\Tl-lII'.O H PAATY&POUCtu""n
:al "Of\C.U.-o I" 'S
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)O'J I "1 """,,AgoN 6, lifTS tA
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1 liG!IU'\"N -\lIM'" . tH AftuCA
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m 1lIEl"}< fOIIElC:N .... ,
"RM' F"sr Fl'lONT .....J
)2 .Ii!"lAAlfC _C*I'$ ""
.011 " .... FIIlONT W '"S
AI'!.'" l t N IN ',"j--"
. .
l)Il the dll(' p,l<.lb of 3ir
Cllmp;llgll'>. and uni'lUt' intcnl""S "uh SU""I\1II1,"
al'CS sourcnl f"r \uhmlc F..Jch -
\uluTIlc up lQ -l{) ..-d _Irl"nrl,.
unt( nell S\."ll!<' pbns th" bc-.I 3rchl'JI

Iklaikd infomuuOfl on UF'pml<luon,
:md fil[hung m:IIN of the "orld's mml f3n'lOlb mdlun
hodio Thi;. scrie<: of ft4.---p;lI\(' boob, exh cool3inmll
some )(1 I"h<ltOlo:ral'hs md 12 full ....-olour
IIbl"", .. i11 hrnadcll in KUpC 10 ,,-o\Cf pCn;<maliltes,
SI[lnifiCtnl anomhcr of
thc uf lI:lrfarc whio.:h a .-ompn:hcnsi,c
Tt:ehnlClll from lh,' "orld's k::ldtnft
WTtlcT"\ on the SII;",fiOlIl( mihuf)
l'::ach 9b-p;ljl"c lolume ,oniain. uJi ttl -#l
cllmrnli"ned an.. urb. uml nc" >-C'd1c plAns
"nd lite Ix"t ',\I:lJbhlc
lkfllliti\c all:llysis of the "tlJltlns. cquipnlclIl.
lactics, chJra."!et" and ,",mdniollS of "',... icc of th,' inoi\lduJI
li1.""htmg nun throughout bch M-p,J1C b"ok iocludt">
full--colour uniform \.lUdk'S m ,.leui!. and SI.'CU01U.1
3n"OO of the soIoltT\ ajuip,",,1Il
Concisc. :k"COllms of hlSIOf"I", tl,"Cl,.j\" mdlun
beh ''OfIUIIl':U\1l't 90
tndudinj! m:lpo.. ""leo. of lunk, coillur
thn:t. ....uimensiunaJ hmk maT'"
historic.. of lh" t.It...,lgn, dc,eiol'lllcllt ami
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fold-<.lut lI1',\p. 48
THE ITALIAN ARMY 1940-45 (I) EUROPE 1940-43
An unrivalled source of Information on the
organisation. uniforms and equipment
of the world's military past
and present
The series covers subjects as diverse as
the Imperial Roman army and its enemies;
the paratroopers and tank crews of our
own day; and hundreds of other subjects
between, eNer the whole world and more
than 5,000 years of history
The populdr format includes
concise text packed with specific
information, some 40 photographs.
maps and and eight fuU-colour
plates of uniformed figures.
AI its peak the hali:m Army contributed
2.5 million troops to the Axis war effort.
English-speaking readers tend to think of
this anny in tenns of the North African
campaign; but far more halian rOOps served
in other theatres. They inv>aded, and later bore
the major burden of occup)ing, the Balkan
countries; and SCnt 250,000 troops to
fight on the Russian Front. In this, the first
of a three-part stud)', Philip Jowett covers the
European theaue - including Russia - from
1940 (0 Italy's annistice with (he Allies in
1943. .\ian)' interesting uniforms, a number
of them new to most readers, are meticulously
illustrated by Stephen Andrew.
Visit Osprey at
ISBN 1-1l5532-1l64-X

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