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Bacalah teks berikut untuk menjawab soal nomor 31 sampai dengan nomor 35!

In their latest paper, published in the journal Nature Climate Change, Prof. Philip Munday and colleagues report world-first evidence that high CO2 levels in sea water disrupts a key brain receptor in fish, causing marked changes in their behavior and sensory ability. They began by studying how baby clown and damsel fishes performed alongside their predators in CO2 enriched water. They found that, while the predators were somewhat affected, the baby fish suffered much higher rates of attrition. Our early work showed that the sense of smell of baby fish was harmed by higher CO2 in the water, meaning they found it harder to locate a reef to settle on or detect the warning smell of a predator fish. But we suspected there was much more to it than the loss of ability to smell, says Prof.Munday. The team then examined whether fishes sense of hearing which is used to locate and home in on reefs at night, and avoid them during the day was affected. The answer is, yes it was. They were confused and no longer avoided reef sounds during the day. Being attracted to reefs during the daylight would make them easy meat for predators. Other work showed the fish also tended to lose their natural instinct to turn left or right which is an important factor in schooling behaviour which also makes them more vulnerable, as lone fish are easily eaten by predators. Prof. Munday further explains, All this led us to suspect wasnt simply damage to their individual senses that was going on but rather, that higher levels of carbon dioxide were affecting their whole central nervous system. 31. What is the writers purpose in writing the passage? (A) to argue over the agility of fish exposed to high carbon dioxide (B) to inform the effects of high carbon dioxide in sea water on fish. (C) to predict the impacts of poor senses of fishes on the coral reefs (D) to contrast the influence of carbon dioxide on predator and fish (E) to investigate the increase of carbon dioxide level in sea water. 32. Paragraphs 2 and 3 are related in that the first... (A) list the results of the study; the latter explain the results.

(B) theorizes the role of O2; the latter describes the effects. (C) deals with causes; the latter presents further evidence. (D) describes loss of senses; the latter loss of reactions. (E) argues for causes; the latter deals with conclusion. 33. The word them in ...and avoid them during the day... (paragraph 2 line 9) refers to... (A) reefs. (B) the team. (C) baby fish. (D) predators. (E) CO2 levels. 34. The following is relevant with the idea of the role of the fishs senses and instinct described in the passage except ... (A) dogs sniff rubbles to identify disaster victims. (B) people recognize others from their voices. (C) babies learn to speak by imitating sounds (D) pigeons send letters to an address. (E) mice avoid poisons by smelling it. 35. Regarding higher levels of carbon dioxide in sea water is, the author seems to feel very... (A) upset (B) weary. (C) excited. (D) uncaring. (E) concerned. Bacalah teks berikut untuk menjawab soal no 41 sampai dengan nomor 45! Passage A A diet rich in fruits and vegetables is recommended by cancer experts as well as registered dieticians. The American Cancer Society and American Institute for Cancer Research recommended eating 5 or more serving of variety of vegetables and fruits each day to ensure that your cancer risk is as low as it can be. The United States Departement of Agriculture (USDA) 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommended 9 servings of fruit and vegetables each day. Nutrition experts say that variety is key, because different fruits and vegetables have different nutrients. Plus, if you eat too much of one thing, you

might get bored. One way to eat a variety of fruits and vegetables is to eat foods with all the colors of the rainbow. Or try to eat dark greens, vegetables (think spinach, collard greens, or kale) at one meal, and orange (carrots, sweet potatoes, or squash) the next. Passage B No one kind food or diet can ensure your immunity from cancer, but a simple change in your eating habits can reduce the the risk of cancer an can help you live longer if you have cancer. Some foods, in fact, fight cancer by preventing formation of cancercausing carcinogens and by keeping them from reaching crusial body sites. Other foods keep cells that have been exposed to cancer-causing agents from turning malignant.still other help heal malignant ares in the body. The first step in waging your own personal war against cancer is to choose a diet that is high in fiber and low in fat, one that includes plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. The National Cancer Institute suggests that Americans eat five or more servings of fruits and vegetables a day and 6 to 11 serving of grains. 41. The topic discussed in both passages is the... (A) nutrients for people with cancer to reduce the worse effects. (B) benefits of fruits and vegetables to minimize cancer risks. (C) need to change our eating habit to fight cancer attack. (D) types of food thst improves our ability to prevent cancer. (E) importance of varied diets to enhance body imunity. 42. Which the following opinions is replected in both passages? (A) a way to reduce cancer risks is by eating healthy food. (B) it is easy to eat a variety of fresh fruits and vagatables. (C) fruits and vegetables contains high level of fiber and fat. (D) having fresh fruits and vegetables reduces cancer risks (E) cancer community can be enchanched by having low fat milk 43. Passage a differs from Passage B in that Passage A... (A) reveals the benefetis of fruits and vegetables of many colors.

(B) contains information on the benefits of fruits and vegetables. (C) recommends having fruits and vegetables in different colors. (D) mentions fruits and vegetables recomended by dieticians. (E) explain the importance of serving fruits and vegetables. 44. The best summary of both passage is... (A) people with cancer are advised to eat green vegetables and healthy diets. (B) some diets reduces cancer risks and make people with cancer live longer. (C) people with cancer risks should consider varios fruits and vegetables. (D) certain fruits and vegetables are good for some people with cancer. (E) a diet that is high in fiber and low in fat may reduce cancer risks. 45. One hypothesis can be principally made based on the passages above is that people... (A) with cancer could live longer if they eat vegetables and healthy diets. (B) who eat varied fruits and vegetables may have lower cancer risks. (C) are likely to get serious diseases if they eat less vegetables. (D) with cancer are curable by eating some kinds of fresh fruits. (E) may have bitter quality of life if they eat any kinds of fruits.

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