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Bogeymen The attribution of political phenomena to groups who are accorded disproportionately high levels of influence.

. Examples of these groups and their members include Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Merovingians, Bilderbergers, the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, and even the entire religious ethnic group of Jews. This tactic oversimplifies political reality, misleads and radicalizes fringe elements on the political spectrum, and alienates those of similar ideological affinity. In popular culture, the legend of Keyser Soze (the king who speaks too much in German/Turkish) in the film The Usual Suspectsis one example of such a spook story. Flooding Creating a virtual ocean of reinforcing or complementary signs, symbols, and messages that provide internal referents for the target, essentially indoctrinating him or her into believing in a false representation of reality. Nowadays, Americans virtually swim in an ocean of cultural marxism. This is largely due to the flooding of Hollywood, news media, and other outlets with symbols and messages that overtly or covertly reinforce Marxist messages. One example is the overwrought emphasis on sharing as the primary lesson a child should take away from kindergarten and daycare (as opposed to becoming the best person you can be). The term is based on the metaphor of the fish who isnt aware that he is wet. Hit-and-run Not only a tactic of the drive-by media (as Rush Limbaugh labeled it) where news outlets disseminate sensationalistic stories on a daily basis without context or follow-up, it can also be applied to politicians who switch agendas so fast that the average citizen does not know what is next or cannot keep up. May create a sensation of omnipresent crisis, it is often used by fascistic and pseudo -fascistic regimes. Kabuki Theater Named for a form of Japanese puppet show, this is a type of political debate where both sides (tacitly) agree to put on a show for the respective target audiences. This may reduce public tension and apprehension by airing grievances, and bolster the images of the political participants by making them appear more principled than they actually are. Mainstreaming Discussing a controversial topic in an offhand way in order to make it appear acceptable. One example is the mainstreaming of the term teabag*ing in major news media to the point where t he president of the country feels free to use the sexually explicit slur to demonize his opponents. Also known as a dog and pony show. Poisoning the well In debate, the tactic of preemptively using unseemly and usually personal information to discredit what an opponent has to say. Typically done as an ad hominem or personal attack intended (to paraphrase Alinsky) to freeze, personalize, and polarize a target. Red herrings Issues, phrases, or words meant to derail debate or opposition. A poignant example is the manner that the public funding of abortion seemed all of a sudden to be the only major issue prior to the Houses healthcare reform bill vote. This was largely due to the fake opposition of Bart Stupak and the dirty dozen supposedly opposing the bill due to matters of conscience. Fundamental questions such as the morality of putting the life, liberty, and property of citizens at the disposal of government bureaucrats seemed to fall by the wayside.

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