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CHRISTIANS AND HEBREWS FACTS (II) -Essay DocumentaryTo my mother, Thaci Raisa Gherschovici

AMV Dessign / May 2011

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C.V.1 YEARS OF ROMAN OCCUPATIONS.........................................................................................2 C.V.2 YEARS IN BYZANTINE OCCUPATIONS................................................................................13 C.V.3 YEARS IN ARAB CALIPHATE OCCUPATIONS....................................................................14 C.V.4 YEARS IN CRUSADERS OCCUPATIONS..............................................................................15 C.V.5. YEARS OF MAMELUKE OCCUPATIONS..............................................................................16 C.V.6 YEARS OF OTTOMAN OCCUPATIONS. ZIONISM: COMING BACK GENESIS OF HEBREWS RETURN TO ERETZ ISRAEL...........................................................................................17 C.V.7 YEARS IN BRITISH OCCUPATIONS.......................................................................................19 C.V.8 YEARS IN ERETZ ISRAEL STATE...........................................................................................21 AFTERWORDS: AUTHOR OPINION..................................................................................................23 BIBLIOGRAPHY....................................................................................................................................26 VIDEO BIBLIOGRAPHY:.....................................................................................................................27 ABOUT AUTHOR ...............................................................................................................................28


-63 Pompei consul, in an attempt to oppose Caesar establish its headquarters in Damascus. To ensure its food resources occupy Jerusalem and the entire kingdom Iehuda. Encouraged by that, Pharisees party call for the removal of the monarchy and restore the Jewsh state by Rabbi Assembly (Sanhedrin of Grand Mosaic Temple from Jerusalem). In agreement with these Pompei attacked Jerusalem and after three months of resistance between the walls of the Temple, Aristobul II is taken prisoner. Hirkan II (Horkonos) is called the autonomous prince

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under suzerainty of Rome. The name is changed from the kingdom Iehuda in Judea. -54 - 49 Consul Crasus leads first Roman campaign against the Partes. Through Jerusalem Temple rob him. Jews revolt. Is fighting for its long with asmoreen insurgents, led by the son of Aristobul II, Alexander. He was killed and 30,000 Hebrews of Galilee are sold as slaves. -51 -30 Consul Caesar conquers Egypt and declared the queen Cleopatra. -48 Struggle between Caesar and Pompei in deciding battle of Pharsalos. Pompei was killed. Nobles of the Jews that it supports the Caesar is remarkable Hirkan Antipater (Antipatros Horkonos). Caesar called him Etnarh of Judea. Hirkan with Roman legions made available defeat of the Jews close around Ezechias and falls with its legions in Jerusalem. Appoint his son Herod (Horodos) as governor of Galilee. He quell anti Roman Jewish revolts. -44 Brutus kill Caesar is in the Senate. Antonius is Imperator. In Judea, his opponents Hirkan revolting is poisoned (-43). -40 PartI occupies Judea. King called on Antigonous. Struggle taking place between officials Judea: it supports some of the Romans, on the other parties until the year (-38) when the PartI is defeated by the Romans. -37 Herod led Sosius 16 legions in Jerusalem and Judea unifies. He is appointed by the Roman Senate 'amicus et Socius Populi' (friend and ally Roman people). -31 Imperator Antonius is defeated by Octavianus Augustus in the battle of Actium. -31 - 14 Octavianus Augustus Emperor in Rome. Ally with winners is Herod. He is named new king of Judea. Kingdom is added, available to Octavian: Gaza and Ierihon port Jafa (Iaffo). Herod take and the rank of High Priest of the Temple. Follows a period of major construction of urban infrastructure and ports: Antipatros towns are rebuilt, Sebastos, Cesareea (so named in honor of Augustus Caesar). Ports are built in Cesareea and Antedon. It organized a network of irrigation in agriculture. Great Temple of Jerusalem is rebuilt (-20, -19). Herod revenge without mercy against those who oppose them. It will kill two of their sons: one of them after a revolt anti Roman (-12), the other shortly before death (4). The religious rivalry taking place in Sanhedrin between the three main religious groups Saduceees , Pharisees, Essenes. -27 Syria becomes imperial province headed by a Legatus. Judea under various dignitaries Romans: Quirinus (-12 -9, -4 4), Varus (-6 -4). Censuses conducted by the Romans, to know what we call now the tax base, have a strong resistance to 'middle class' of Judea, and the poor. 6000 Pharisee Rabbis refusing the oath of allegiance required by the Roman authority (supported by Saducees). The country is facing a revolt that will explode after the death of Herod. -7 John the Baptiser is born, son of Rabbi Zaharia and Elizabeth. Before Jesus, he will applying to Jews a baptism in water purification Jordan. -6 Birth of Jesus during a census in Bethleem. The Child is recognized as the Messiah to the shepherds Misrael, Stephen, Chiriac; and 3 Magus: Gaspar,
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Melchior, and Baltazar (leds by a 'star' to stall the born to Maria). At forty days it is confirmed (according to the Mosaic Law) in the Great Temple in Jerusalem by a priest (in the presence of the Orthodox faithful mosaic Simeon and Ana viewing, both come to Temple 'at the call of the Holy Spirit'). Simeon made prediction about future mission of the child and Baby pain her mother as it will in the future from it. Then addressed osana God has fulfilled that promise to keep alive until the coming of the Messiah, he now die happy to see that. Herod asked to be killed infants by two years, for fear that this child does not become a new Judas the Maccabee1 (it seems that two days after the departure of Joseph, Mary and Jesus of Bethleem). Family of Jesus refuge in Egypt, in the Nil Delta. 4 King Herod died. Arhelaus his son is appointed by Herod as a survivor. Roman Senate decided dividing the Judeea kingdom into three provinces: Herod Antipas received Galilee region and Perea; Arhelaus Judea and Samaria, Philip (son of Cleopatra and Antonius) receives Bethany, Traconitida, Auranitida and Ituria (Paneas). Philip expand Betsaida and Cesareea cities. Is sent to Jerusalem Sabinus, as procurator of the imperial goods to make an inventory of resources kingdom. Census done by the Romans and Jews servants determined revolt of population, supported by part of a rabbis. To configure a anti Roman resistance, to issue, under the leadership of Iehuda galilean Rabbi and Pharisee Sadoc. Sabinus called legions to restore 'pax Romana'. Thousands of Jews are crucified in the year 6. 5-30 5 Birth of Saul of Tarsus (located between the various sources 5 -10). From a noble Judean family, which is granted Roman citizenship, he will be trained to become rabbi at Yeshiva of Gamaliel the Elder of the Tarsus. As the youngest member Sanhedrin will notice in the persecution against Hebrew Christian communities. Will participate directly in the murder deacon Saint Stephen. Converted to Christianity, under Paul name, will develop Missionary Gospel of Jesus, between Hebrew and non Hebrew in area of Middle East and Mediterranean zone. 6 Judea declared the province is headed by a Roman procurator. Arhelaus is in exile in Galia. Quirrinus appointed procurator start inventory Arhelaus kingdom

During the reign of Antiohus Epifanes ( -200) Greeks came to Jerusalem to worship the gods require. Resistance movement was initiated and led by Mathatias son John and his five sons, John said Gaddis, Simon said Thasos; Judas said Macabee, Eleazar said Abaron; Ionathan sayd Apphus. They freed the lands of Jerusalem and the Jews driving out of Judeea Greek and Hebrew that those with occupant destroying altars and gods throughout his kingdom stretched Iehuda. Follows years of heavy fighting against Jews being mobilized troops have reached hundreds of thousands of soldiers. Takes place and a siege of Jerusalem. Because of rising report Greeks in Antioch retire. Another general Nicanor is defeated in battle at Bethoron. Until the latter Maccabees will initiate an alliance with the young Roman Republic. In -146, the Romans occupying Greece. The state will benefit Judean independence between -142 and -63. Herod's fear was that the anti-Roman movement not find a leader like Maccabees. ' makabim ' in Hebrew means' one who strikes', in Greek 'one who fights.

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goods. Continuous uprisings led Iehuda and Sadoc. They are appointed by the Romans 'zealots'. Family of Jesus return from Egypt to Nazareth. Support by Joseph being a carpenter handicraft, which we will learn and Jesus. In the Easter holidays, the young Jesus will dazzle Temple Rabbis of deep penetration by the teachings Tore. 6 Ann (Hanan), is called Great Priest of the Temple. 14 Romans killed emperor Augustus. Was elected emperor Tiberius (14 - 37). Will be contemporary with the birth of 'Sect of Crestus' and repression of Hebrew Christians by Mosaic Jews. He treat the disputes as an internal Mosaic Law problem. He only punish fact against Roman Law. 17 Due to the sharp opposition to the Romans in Sanhedrin, Valerius Gratus replaces Ann Iosef with Ben Caiphas (17 - 37). 26 Pontius Pilate is appointed procurator of Judea. He will defend Rome politics exploiting rivalries inside the oligarchies of Jews in Jerusalem; between Caiphas, Herod Antipa, Philip. He will fight for annihilation of revolt movements led by zealots. He gives verdict crucifixion of Jesus, at the request Sanhedrin (30). 27 John the Baptist is arrested (after he baptized Jesus in Jordan River water). Will be beheaded at the insistence wife of Herod Antipa. In detention he continue to condemn as immoral wanton morals of the royal circle. Subsequently, all follower of Jesus will take the baptism with water AS FIRST FORM OF RECOGNITION as a proponent of a community of Christians. John will be sanctified by the Christian Church of Jerusalem as the name 'Forerunner'. 28 Prophet Jesus mission starts, first in Judea and Galilee. Evangelism is equally address the needs of people through the miracle of curing the body, the spirit and moral parables. It unlocks a Hebrew faithful God who loves man as man should love sow. Also defined access to 'life then' and 'Doomsday' as criteria for evaluating the behavior of each link with God is ending a life time. As a reorganization of civil life he expected a community of Essenes manner (goods in common, in helping community members, eliminating animals sacrifices; only 'gift' is daily repentance for mistakes and giving spirit to be judged by divine kindness ). Its Mesianic works will generate a polarization of the poor and those dissatisfied with the Roman - Jewish administration acquiring, in 29-30, the movement bring accents of passive revolt. 30 Jesus is crucified on 14 Nissan, during the Easter holidays (as other springs in the 33) being charged by the Roman Jewish oligarchs as a social reformer and religious dangerous. 30 - 50 30 - 35 Formation of the first large community of Hebrew Christians in Jerusalem and Judea. Confrontation with the Jews in the Grand Temple. 32 Compact deacon Saint Stephen. Departure 'Hebrew Hellenistic Christians' in communities outside Judea (Antioch, Bere, Tarsus, etc.).

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32 Converting Rabbi Saul on the Damascus road. Will be withdrawn in Tars (approximately 12 years) to not be killed by fundamentalist Jews and the Hebrew Greek Christians (for participation to compact of Stephen). 33 Emperor Tiberius related Syria Vitelius to remove the Great Rabbi Caiphas and his representative of Rome Pilate, being replaced by Senator Marcel. About Senator Marcel is said to have become a Christian follwer, after some documentary sources it would be hosted Apostle Peter in Rome. The information is provided by Francesco Paolo Rizzio, as contained in 'Facts of Peter', the end of the century II, translated into Latin under the title 'Facts of Vericeli'. 33 - 43 Conversion of Romanian citizens (especially among soldiers and Roman knight) to Christianity, following Apostle Peter. 35 Roman Emperor Tiberius asked the Senate to issue a law that would declare that to be Christian is legal. Senate decide by 'is no legal to be Christian. 37 - 41 Imperator Caligula in Rome. Agrippa I becomes King of Judeea Philipia and Lisana regions. In 39 of the Rome receives Galilee and Perea, in 41 Judea and Samaria. Will obtain from the emperor Caligula to be repeated rituals mosaic and wearing the sacerdotal togs of rabbi in the Grand Temple. It will make the body with the Sanhedrin to behead the Christian Church of Jerusalem. He will destroy the independence movements of the Jews against Roman domination. 41 - 54 Claudius Imperator to Rome. We confirm Agripa I to be the king of Judeea. It will be hostile to Christianity, among both the Jews and especially the Christian expansion of its military and political elite in Rome. 42 Claudius blame the transition to Christianity of aristocratic family Aulo Plauzio and his wife Pomponia Graecina. 42 Agripa I arrest the leadership of the Church in Jerusalem for Easter. Peter manages to miraculously come out of prison. James the Great is beheaded. Jacob the Young leadership of the Christian community in Jerusalem. Peter will continue to leave Jerusalem apostolic mission. The presence of Peter in Rome is located in 42, where Eusebius say: 'Early leadership Claudius, Providence took the hand and led Peter to Rome. (Chronicle 2,14,6). After other documentary sources in 48-49. 44 Agrippa I dead. 44 - 52 Judea led by Roman procurators: Cuspus Fadus (44-46), Alexandrus Tiberius (46-48), Ventidus Cumanus (48-52). 48 - 50 Apostolic first mission of Saul (Apostle Paul) and Barnabe in Syria (Antioch) and Cyprus (Pisida of Antioch, Listros and Derbe - where Saul will take the name apostle Paul). 49 Street disorders caused by conflicts between Hebrew Christians and Mosaic Jews in Rome. The emperor gives an edict that the Jews are Christians turn out in Rome. 49 - 50 Starts developing Mark's Gospel, (with Peter preaching in Rome, at the request of Roman Christian knights). 50 - 80
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50 The Meeting Christian Church of Jerusalem. Church leaders discuss how to meet our new followers Hebrew Christian Law. Epistle issued from Jerusalem that the peoples of other rites than mosaic may convert to Christianity being exempted from the strict observance of Mosaic Law. Among others they were not obliged to cut around to be christian baptised or observe strict food rules (prohibition to food 'dirty', defined in Judaic Laws). It is not forbidden to enter the homes of another religion or to receive them as guests. The only requirements were to receive baptism of water, not to sacrifice or sacrifices to gods, to respect the Ten Commandments, to refrain from consumption of animal blood or strangle. These exceptions were not applicable to Hebrew Christians. They must also comply Mosaic Law. 50 - 53 A second apostolic mission of Paul in Macedonia (Filipium) and Greece (Thessaloniki, Corinth, Athens, Ephesus). Here, the group receives a missionary among insiders first disciple 'impure' ethnic. This is Timothy, from Listros. For not violate the position of insiders Hebrew Christians, he is baptized in the Mosaic rite. After, the Christian water baptism and by the Holy Spirit. Intense activity of missionary group do not made serious difficulties from the Romans. The opposition of mosaic Jews is directly or indirectly by inciting the local population. 52-60 Felix Antonius becomes procurator of Syria (and Judea). As wife takes on Drusila, sister of Agrippa II. We quell the revolt of zealots. He will condemn to death in 58, the Grand Priest Ionathan (active participant in the movement for independence of the Jews). 53-57 The third mission of Paul in Greece (Corinth and Ephesus). Establishment of School of Christian Initiation of Ephesus. In 57. To the Tarsus, Luke mentions first time eucharistic Sunday ritual in the Christian community. 54-68 Imperator Nero in Rome. He called on Agrippa II King in Galilee, Perea and Inspector of the Great Temple. 57 Easter at Jerusalem, Paul tries to eliminate disputes in the community of Hebrew Christians. Attacked in Temple of a group of Jews to be stone. Is saved by the Roman garrison. Centurion Lisias send him in Cesareea to procuratore Felix, to protect Paul of the intention of Sanhedrin to kill him. He remain in detention two years. 59 Trial of Paul before King Agrippa II takes place in Cesareea. As is Roman procuratore Festus and the delegation of Sanhedrin. Decision favorable to Paul made by the King is not agreed by the Grand Rabbi Ann. Paul ask to get sent to the trial court of Imperial Rome, which reaches 60. 62 Prefect of Rome, Burro declare no guilty the apostle Paul. Evangelical mision of Paul in Rome (60 - 67). 62 Nero says deification compulsory throughout the empire. Track those who are not complying (Greeks Stoics and Christians). Mosaic Jews in Rome use all means (including goodwill of Jews Nero's wife, Pomponia) to generate an atmosphere of suspicion and hatred against Christians in Rome.

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64 To describe a fire that is recorded in his poetic, Nero organize arson Rome. After declaring guilty on Christians. Procuratore Rome, Tigellinus organize the mass arrest of Christians, killing them in the Amphitheatre of Rome. Nero provides for massacres its own gardens. 66-73 Judean against Roman domination seven years revolts. Jews revolt is the climax of rebellions were conducted since the beginning of the century, after Herod's death (4). Jerusalem is released by the common people and a rabbis. Cestius Gallus mobilize Legion XII and other cohorts to attack Jerusalem. Jews defeated Romans in the Sucot day (the feast of tents). Judea is declared independent. It forms a 'Insurrectional Government' composed of 70 members. The Jews formed three armies: the Jerusalem is led by Iosef Gurion and the Grand Rabbi Hanaan; of Edomits region led by Iehosuah Ben Tzefafa and Eleazar Ben Hnani; of Galilee led by Josef Ben Matitahu. There were a total of 100,000 warriors. Nero designate on Titus and Vespasian, the head of 600,000 troops to attack Judeean troops. The Romans landed at Accra (Acco) that you conquer. Galilee troops are defeated and Gen. Joseph Ben Matitahu is given (to be considered Hebrew traitor and his name will be removed from the history of the Jews, but will remain in history as Josefus Flavius on his 'War of the Jews'). In 70 Titus takes Jerusalem. Grand Temple is torched. It will remain only 'Complaints Wall' until today. Jews resist the various divisions. Struggle taking place inside the camp followers of the Jews in peace with the Romans and zealots of John Gishala. Simon Bar Giora manages to form an army and attacked Jerusalem but internal divisions made the Jews to be again defeated. Last fall retrenchment will be Massada, defended by Eleazar sikars. In year 73, of Easter, all defenders with their families will be suicide. Jews are sold as slaves or killed in the battles of gladiators in Syria. Some of the youngsters are enrolled in the Roman Legion 'Macedonica' (which will go on land Oltenia - Romania). Mosaic Temples are now Roman temple. Bar Giora was killed during celebrate triumph of Vespasian and Titus in Rome. The period is marked by the emergence of messianic texts in Hebrew. 'Revelation by John' for Christians (To Patros, in Greece); 'Mishna' and 'Zohar' Jews for Mosaics. Mosaic Rabbis under the leadership of Rabbi Ben Zakai and Gamaliel of Iavne (70) formed on Iavne (Iasmina) a yeshiva who are trained for resistance by the concept of 'Spiritual Hebrew State. People are not united by the unity of territory but THROUGH IN THE UNIT. Hebrew Christians refuse to join the Jew insurgents. 67 Apostles Peter and Paul martyred at Rome. 68 Nero to commit suicide, Galba Imperator. 69 - 79 Vespasian Imperator. Vespasian and Titus will cease persecution against Christians, and in view of their refusal to join insurgents Jews. Crossings take place to Christianity in imperial family (Flavius Sabinus, Vespasian's brother). Fact mentioned in Flavius Josefus Jews wars. Propitious time for the development of the Christian Church in Rome.
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81 - 284 81 - 96 Domitian Imperator. Repression of the Christian church in Rome. Domitian would seek to destroy the existence of Christianity among Roman knights and Roman aristocracy for revival of the faith in Romans goods. 97 - 105 Papa Evarist in Rome. 96 - 98 Nerva Imperator; 98-117 Traian Imperator. Will complete the expansion of empire in South-Eastern Europe and Asia Minor. Conquer Armenia, Assiria, Mesopotamia, Dacia. Christians Roman policy is more relaxed. Jerusalem is partly repopulated with Hebrew Christians, loyal to the empire. Place internal struggle and rebellion in Judea. Following a rebellion of the Jews, Simeon (who replaced James the Young at the head of the Church of Jerusalem) was killed in 107. His place is taken by John of Ephesus (107-117). Ignatius of Antioch (presbyter of Antioch Church) is taken to be torn by animals in Amphitheatre of Rome (110). Policarp will lead Christian Communities, to 156, as bishop of Smirna. 105 -115 Pope Alexander in Rome. 117-138 Publius Aelius Hadrianus Imperator. Eufrat on boundary sets, make peace with the Parti. A rebellion of the Jews of 117 is defeated by Roman troops led by Lucius Quietus. As it becomes the Legatus of Judea. Hadrianus was a great admirer of Greek culture. Expected to unify the empire by cultural synthesis with the Greek. Wanted to build a cultural commercial and civic consensus through the Roman Empire. Between 128-138 will establish residence in Athens. 115-125 Pope Sixt I in Rome, 125-136 Pope Telsefor in Rome. 127 The participation of Jews in a revolt in Egypt, Hadrianus decides liquidation of Judaism, starting with the Mosaic baptism ban During 130 year visit Jerusalem and decide to rebuild the city acted as a Roman city, called Aelia Capitolina. The Mosaic Temple to be rebuilt and dedicated to Jupiter. 132 After two years of preparation, the Jews begin their last war against Rome. Rabbi Akiva is called Ben Simon Koshiba 'Messiah' with name Bar Kohba (Son of Star), and military leader of Judea. Garrison led by Tinus Rufus and reinforcements from Syria are defeated; Jerusalem is liberated. The Jews punish the Hebrew Christians who do not join the movement against Romans. Imperator called legions of Brittany, led by Iulius Severus and leadership campaign. It first conquered Galilee. In the year 134 is conquered Jerusalem. After a long resistance and destroy fifty of fortified towns. The last citadel is Beter (135), where he dies and Bar Kohba. The Jews will hold an in caves at the Dead Sea (Ein Ghedi). Tinius Rufus will rebuild Jerusalem as a Roman city called Aelia Capitolina. The temples of Jupiter, Junona, Minerva will be built on the ruins of the Great Temple. The Aphrodita Temple is situated on Golgotha, and theTemple of Zeus in Garizim, Temple of Adonis in Bethleem.

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135-155 The last Hebrew Christian Community is dispersed in Cisiordania and Syria. Will appoint Ebionites (The poors) and will adopt the 'Gospel of Jews'. Not recognized Jesus as Messiah and texts contained in Paul epistles. 136 -140 Pope Igniu; 140 -155 Pope Pius I 155 - 166 Pope Ancient in Rome. 150 Iehuda Bar Ylai of Usha form a nine Yeshiva in Tver. 155 Policarp of Smirna martyred. 162-180 Marc Aureliu Imperator. Give Kaima Dogma (New Decrees) against Christians because of the heretical Christian movement of Montanism1 Comment: Marc Aureliu will respond by issuing Kaima Dogma: the pursuit and persecution of Christians who do not comply with state laws. Peak is reached at Lyon, where thousands of Christians are killed. The Christian Church, is due soon revive his Irineu priest. 193-211 Septimiu Sever Imperator. Relax anti-Jewish policy; also cancels persecution against Christians. It advocates religious syncretism (the coexistence of religions). Appoint a chairman (Nashi) to the Jews of Tver. Nashi will be Iehuda Bar Ylai. In 212 the Jews will be given Roman citizenship (along with all peoples under the empire.). In Jerusalem the Jews returned from other territories. The most significant in number, is the back of Babylon from Persian persecution (212241). Is also deemed to mosaism the Tadmoreens, after its defeat by the Romans (273).

It was an early Christian movement of the early 2nd century named after its founder Montanus). Movement appears in Frigia (160). Called 'New Movement Prophecies' (Tertulian was himself montanist) she has a spirit of devotion, ascesis recommends, intolerance against pagan practices and have a strong spirit against the Roman state. They opposed, Christians: Melitone, Atenagora, Apollinnare; who demand the loyalty of Christians to the Roman.

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284 - 638 Roman Empire is divided between Diocletzian (the West) and Maxentziu (the East). 311 At the end of life, Galeriu Imperator establish religious tolerance for Christians. 306-337 Constantin Maximus Imperator. 312 Constantin Maximus beat Maxentziu in the Ponte Milvio (on Tibru) under the sign of Jesus (the cross in six parts). 314-335 Silvestru Pope in Rome. 324 Constantin Maximus Beat Liciniu in the Orient. Legions of Christian soldiers participating in the release of Anatolia. Constantine declares Christianity the state religion. Start-Christian Roman empire. Empire capital is set to Constantinople. Palestine and Jerusalem under Hebrew Christians. They adopted Greek toponymies. Calvary Holy Church is built on tomb of Jesus. Hebrew Christians repopulates Jerusalem. Wall Complaints remain under the jurisdiction of the mosaic community. 325 First Ecumenical Council in Niceea. Define criteria for membership of 'Catholica Eclesia': Acceptance of fundamental thesis: 'Jesus is the Son of God, Light from Light, true God from true God, created not generated, unitary with the Father '. Order Episcopal seat: Rome, Alexandria, Antioch Area of jurisdiction of the three bishops worldwide, including patriarchates. Easter date determined by mutual agreement (not observed due to calendar differences between East and West). Celibate cleric (which will not only live mothers and sisters). 351-353 Uprising of the Mosaic Jews from Jerusalem. Localities Tver, Tzipori andi Bet Gallus are demolished. Jerusalem city remains open to both religions; be visiting holy places. Christians missionaryes Ilarion and Hariton urges building churches and monasteries throughout Palestine. 363 Starts the confrontation between Romans and Persia. Upsurge of Constantz II defeated. 363 - 375 Valentzian Christian Imperator. Develops Christian Bishopric of Milan under the leadership of Bishop Ambroziu (347-397). Reduces the influence of the papacy in Rome. Up to 392 a troubled period in the West, after which became Teodosiu Imperator. His intention is to keep his empire through Christian faith and its institutions. An incident illustrates the degree of intolerance which had Christian clergy to the people of first Christians. In the year 387, at Callinico town on the bank of Eufrat, Christians are fanatic torched a synagogue. Emperor Teodosiu I, although a Christian, asked the bishop of Milan, Ambrosiu, to rebuild the synagogue with the money of episcopate. Bishop of Milan, Ambrosiu, he writes:

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'It will therefore be a temple of the witouth low Jews built at the expense of the Church'. (Ambrosia Letter 74) 451 Great Christian schism. Separation church: Church of Rome (Catholic), Church of Constantinople (Orthodox). Bishop Juvenal (in Jerusalem) joins the Church of Constantinople, but most Jews Christians join mosaic communities of Samaria. Remain a minority Christians in Jerusalem. 476 Fall of West Roman Empire. 527-565 Emperor Justinian. Will restore dominance Orthodox Christians in Jerusalem. The return of Mosaic Jews will be limited. 614 Mosaic Jews of Galilee and Nazareth joins Persia help them occupy Jerusalem. Mosaic clergy will trigger a widespread persecution against the Christian population. Will be demolished many churches. Zaharia priests and Christians are fled from town. 627 Peace between Persans and Byzantines. Return Orthodox clergy is made by a procession led by Emperor Heraclius. Orthodox clergy fleed the mosaics ... 638 Arab Caliphate, takes Jerusalem and Palestine.


638 - 1099 625 Arab Expansion approaching Palestine. Army, organized Prophet Mohammed, is regarded with fear by the population. Hebrew, Christian and Pagans, also send their delegations with gifts for the "Protection Act" (firman). Start fighting among Arab armies and legions Byzantine (632-638). The latter are forced to leave Syria and Palestine after the battle to Bet Shen (635) And Iarmuk Valley (636). In 638 Jerusalem is occupied by Muslim troops. Byzantine commander of troops leaving the city apart from its leadership Christian bishop Sofronie. It teaches city qualifying Omar. Provide compliance with the Treaty concluded religious tolerance and a certain practice in three denominations: Mosaic, Christian and Muslim. Territory would be conquered by the Arabs called him 'Falastin'. Due to the lack of consonant 'P' in Arabic vocabulary. 661 The Caliph Muawaia it takes Jews allies in city. Will support their colonization in Lebanon and gives the city leadership. It built the Great Mosque of Omar Temple on the ruins of Great Mosaic Temple. Mosquees are built throughout Palestine. 717 The Caliph Omar II established a regime of religious terror. He begins with fiscal measures such as tax per capita (of the Muslim infidel). Continue with other restrictions. Were not Muslims were not allowed to build or repair church or synagogue. Not allowing its formal procession or ritual to show signs of worship (Cross, Star of David, flags, icons, etc.) in public places. Were not allowed to prevent relatives to convert to Mohammedanism. Were not allowed to adopt habits Muslim, to attend the Muslim holidays. Were not allowed to build houses higher than the Muslims. Strangely similar to those applied in the history of other
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regimes intolerant or xenophobic, religious based or not - inquisition, fascism, communism, etc. The caliphs of Abas dynasty made distinctive clothes for non Muslims. Jews required to wear yellow hats, the Christians blue hats, and other godless red hats. Place campaigns forced to pass Mohammedanism. Due determined opposition, both the Mosaic and Christians (which start a mass exodus from Jerusalem, for not to renounce at your faith) the Muslim stop forced conversion. Those who accept will be the first public office. It will make some wealthy Jewish family members (and much less Christians). They will constitute a factor in the support infrastructure of the Muslim. They practice they mosaic religion in great secrecy. Holy Sepulcher Church is demolished. Christian communities in Palestine are grouped in Jerusalem, Tver, Bethleeem, Nazareth and marine localities. Communities Jews are divided into Galilee, Neghev and Jerusalem. 998 Bedouins tribe of Tay are appointed to govern Palestine on behalf Caliphs. They are declared independent. Follows a period of civil wars, the came of crusadesr. Phenomenon that will diminish the economic, local communities and leading to a decrease in the number of people ousted Palestina. They wil be fleed by Crusaders.


1099 - 1291 1096 The Christian Kingdoms, form an alliance (which will lead to the formation of the Roman-German Empire), under the spiritual leadership of the papacy, its expansive force channels under the banner of Holy Grave issue. Starting first Crusade. Bands of mercenaries led by nobles Francs moving to Jerusalem. In their practical extermination of non Christians. In the case of Jewish communities encountered. Religious argument (Hebrew people come to him be killed Jesus) was facing. Jesus was killed, as we know, saw the oligarchs of Mosaic Sanhedrin and those Jews in Jerusalem, exciting the great mosaic of clergy then. Mask the fact that without the apostles Hebrew Christians, Christian peoples would not have been a Christian .... It was the period in which, for example Lucanian text 'Acts' will be 'hidden' by the Christian clergy . It was naturally the argument as 'comes' Hebrew people would not have had arguments.... Real reason was more prosaic: robbery Jews who were riches. Method will apply to almost nine hundred years. Is the struggle for Jerusalem. Judea 30,000 fighters are defending desperately and with heroism. Most are the siege. On July 15 the city is conquered. Those caught are sold as slaves to nobles Christians. Others withdraw from Judea to Aschkelon where resistance will continue until 1153. Communities Christians has taught their area without a fight. Crusader period left many within the Palestinian Christian churches, monasteries and forts, whose traces are found today. Many of them were turned
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into the mosque. Communities in Judea were grouped in rural area because crusaders here have not killed people with needed agricultural products for their troops. Jews were treated like Christians. With few exceptions they forbade the establishment in Jerusalem. Thus a group of 300 practicing rabbi fervent of mosaic cult, in France and England, are entitled to live in Jerusalem (1210-1211). Communities than are Hebrew are Aschkelon, Accra and in Galilee. Locals, be they Christians or Jews, practice agriculture, small trades. Godefroy de Bouillon is proclaimed King of Jerusalem. Franc noble Tancred become Prince of Galilee. Christian kingdom established is called 'David Regnum' and some acts 'Israel'. He stretched from Mount Hermon and Damascus in the North to the South port Eliat. 1177 Alliance between Egyptians, Syrian, Iraqi (led by Saladin - al ad-Dn Ysuf ibn Ayyb), as opposed to two of the crusade, succeeded to occupy Gaza. The two crusade stop face to Damascus. 1191 A thre crusade, led by Richard the Plantagenet ( 'the Lionheart') and Philip August, succeeds to the Alliance to reconqer Arab port and fortress Accra. Disagreements have arisen between leaders of the army that they are Christian does not assert a foil escape the Arab troops. Peace is concluded with Saladin that allowed free access to centers of worship in the Arab area. 1229 A six is a crusade led by King Friderich II. Reconquer Jerusalem is not struggling, as cities Lud, Ramala, Tzipori, Nazareth. Following the Treaty of Iaffa Temple Mount remains in possession Saracens (he was the Mosque of Omar). Crusaders will resist until the arrival of Mameluke (1291).


1291 - 1516 1516 Mamelukes win crusaders at the battle of Accra. Restore the Muslim organization on autarchically. Palestine is thus isolated from the Christian kingdoms. It is forbidden to enter Christian monks, for fear that will come along with their Christian faith. Mamelukes allow the return of the Jews. This phenomenon will increase by Salv Conduct of the Vatican (1488) that the Jews persecuted by the inquisition for faith can go to Palestine. Thus begins a movement of human return of Jews in Palestine. It will take, with variations in intensity, until the twentieth century. Instead Christian communities will diminish, while more on the current Lebanon (Maronites Rite). Mameluke domination ends once the Ottoman invasion.

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1516 - 1917 1516 Ottoman Empire troops occupy Palestine and Egypt, following the Battle of Debek. 1481-1512 Baiazid Ilderim Sultan. Return large groups of Hebrew Rite Sefard (after 1492, when they were cast out by decree of King Philip of Spain and Isabela, pressure of Christian Jesuits led by Savonarola). 1700-1777 Becomes a wave of Hebrew askenazi come from Poland, following antisemitic oppressions. Ottoman Power seeks to support Christian emigration and implantation of communities composed of Serbs, Bulgarians and Greeks. The method was to pay toTurkish treasury important amounts of money for that which has kept the Christian faith to become a 'obedient' of Austria, England or France. Thus had the opportunity to practice the cult of Christian (Catholic, Orthodox or Protestant) and to exercise a profession to ensure existence. Christians living in settlements around the religious, who were. 1789 French Revolution gives equal rights to all citizens, including Jews from communities under French jurisdiction. First Sanhedrin of the Jews in Modern Times (1805) is held in Paris. 1830 1850 To start ALYA - Top Return movement in the realm of Jewish people, following the call Rabbi Yehuda Solomon Alkalay (rabbi of a small mosaic community Sefarde near Belgrade) and Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Kalischer (Askenazy rabbi from Germany) to active return to the 'promised Land'.( ). Unlike the practice rabbi to pray that Iahve (God) to give him back to the Holly Land, they advocate for the Return of the Jews in Palestine, with the support of all Jewish Communities of Galut (Hebrew Diaspora). The followers number increased. They lead these ideas in the communities of origin. Among them is the grandfather of Theodor Herzl, the Budapest Community Hebrew banker. This grandson will dedicate his life and family fortune practical realization of this goal, achieving clotting Movement of the Jewish Return around the World Zionist Congress in Basel (1897). 1850-1914 Actions of individual Hebrew aristocrats for Return. Development Zionist movements in European countries and the U.S. becomes the engine and main sponsor (the organization of Joint) of various stages of Return. National consciousness develops Jewish communities in Europe based on two social vectors: 1. Sequence of two states of mind in the communities in Europe: integrating the majority of Jews, and to organize resistance to the manifestations of intolerance and anti-Semitism from the Christian population. How this sequence have

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different times in different European countries, including the Russian Empire, Jewish communities were in a continuous search for solutions. 2. Formation of national consciousness. Jews rally around the Mosaic Faith and willingness to Return in 'The Holly Land to rebuild his country: Eretz Israel. A large number of immigrants have taken the road to America (where, no more than 70 years and will come before the main financial support of the Joint). Another initiative was magni Jew Moritz de Hirsh (finance, among others the construction of railways in the Balkans and East) to send 7,000 Russian Hebrew poverty in Argentina. Banker Rotchschild funds directly (1870 -1910) the creation of compact settlements in Palestine. 1897 Basel (Switzerland): the first World Zionist Congress, initiated by Theodor Herzl. ( ) From a family of bankers in Budapest, graduated the faculty of law in Vienna, will enter into journalism. As press correspondent in Paris, participating in the disputations caused by Dreyfuss Affaire, during ten years in France. This makes him see that the only solution is the active Return of Jews in Israel. Write a document that will become first manifest of Zionism: 'Der Judenstaat' (Hebrew State) advocating the establishment of a modern Hebrew State, with equally rigts for all the people and religiously tolerant. Contact Hebrew bankers (Hirsh, Rotchschild) without success due to his and their prides (Rotchschild said in derision, not see how Israel would recover with 100,000 'Schnorrer'-bitter). Will contact the Bismark and the German Emperor Wilhelm II, the Turkish Sultan (in two trips, visiting Jewish settlements in Palestine). The Sultan propose unlimited Return of Jews from their lands in exchange to cover the huge deficit of Ottoman empire treasury. Great Hebrew bankers in Europe do not support him. Will be put to youth movements (Chovevei Zion) to nationalist intellectuals Hebrew to Jews of middle class in all European countries. Efforts are paved by the Jewish Zionist Congress in Basel - Switzerland (1897). Defined direction of action (organizational, financial, religious, cultural) for The Return. While the organization will take the name 'World Congress Hebrew. The Return will continue both in Hebrew youth volunteering in Europe and the emigration of families from areas subject to anti semitic movements (Russia, Galicia, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus), or the revolutionary movements in Russia (1905). 1917 - 1918 On entering English troops (led by general Allenby) in Palestine people, comprising 560,000 of Arabic, Hebrew 55,000 lived in an area of arid and impoverished Turkish administration, the war and blockade. Hebrew and young families come to cultivate land in Israel. Alya of Jews extends from urban to rural areas. New returned Jews resumed agricultural occupations in very heavy conditions draining swamps, to making face to food lack and diseases (malaria in particular). Note that the first Hebrew immigrants who have established agricultural settlements in arid areas were those of Romania (led by David Moshe Iancovici). Followed those in Yemen (1882), Russia (bilumilii, since 1903),
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Ukraine and Bessarabia (the Har Halutz - pioneers, 1905-1925). The latter will form the first community village, similar to the first Christian communities, forms of organization with an obvious resemblance to the Essenes model of Jesus. The first was Dgania kibutz (established at the initiative of Joseph and Miriam Baratz).


1917 - 1948 1918 In January, after the Balfour Declaration at the time the League of Nations in Geneva, the contacts between the representatives and leaders of the Zionist Movement (Hebrew Nationalist Movement, the Congress following the Basel -1886. The goal was her on the Jewish Return ancient Israel, to restore their national home, putting an end wanderings and persecutions - the minority - in foreign countries) and Pan Arab (Motion training nationalist Great Arab State which would have included the current territory of Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia , Iemen, Palestine, Syria, Sinai, initiated by the Emir Hussein, early twentieth century, with the mentor on Lord Lawrance military advisers and English). 1918-1919 negotiations between President Hebrew World Congress, Chaim Weitzmann (leader Zionist World Congress, one of the first members of the youth organization in Berlin Chovevei Zion (Those who love Zion's - years 1870 - 1880 - which militate for the practical Return in Israel), mainly negotiator between 1918 -1948; first President of Israel after May 1948) and Emir Feisal - leader of the future of Saudi Arabia, tended by an 'Alliance Semitic' interests. but England and France have blocked this unique moment of possible cooperation, resulting in a war 'between the cousins' which lasts until now. In the summer of 1918, Chaim Weizmann is a meeting at Akaba, the Red Sea port in the Sinai peninsula, with Feisal (emir's son Hussein and a leader of the Arab revolution in the first World War). He argues that an alliance of peace negotiations in the Paris. Feisal hopes to support the Zionist backstage fight that went to French diplomacy with control of Syria territory. Climax (positive) appears in December 1918, at a luncheon given by Lord Rotchschild. Feisal says here (as notes of T. E. Lawrence, his advisor) :'No Arab can be suspicious of nationalism of Jews. I say Welcome Home and we will cooperate with them in the Arab countries' (Arab state, according to Feisal's including Palestine, in whole, to establish a form of autonomy granted to the Jews in this state). Signed a Joint Declaration which sets out the principle directions of the relationship between Arab and Zionist movement. Emir Feisal desirehat it remain secret until the Arab state independence, and in compliance with articles and conventions of both parties. Interesting is the presentation from beginning protocol:
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'Royal Majesty to Emir Feisal, representing and acting on the Arab Kingdom of Hejaz, and Dr. Chaim Weizmann, representing and acting on the Zionist Organization, on behalf of common racial origin and ancient ties between people of Arab and Jew, and that achieving the best way to achieve national aspirations is through close collaboration in the development of Arab countries and Palestine, we want to confirm understanding between the two parties, the following items ... ' On what happens now or not to believe that there was such a statement ... Ensure free Jewish emigration and settlement in the territory of Palestine. Mutual guarantees of safety in the Arab and possessions, and financial support, technological assistance, to the Hebrew for the economic development of the Arab population in Palestine. A week later the Zionist Arab agrees with the several essential requirements: Haifa Port area will be free for both parties; Akaba port becomes free. On 6 February 1919 Emir Feisal, advocated in his speech before the Peace Conference in Paris, seeking independence Arabia, states the agreement and a guarantee for Palestine: enclave of 'Zionist Hebrew. Feisal was his hope that support Weitzmann total Arabs in their dispute with France for the Syrian coast, forming a Semitic Alliance. Chaim Weitzmann was dependent on English politics, which had the only Middle East division between England and France, as so-called 'Seats' which provide the power and oil resources. Both major powers did not want a strong Arab State, the majority owner of the oil fields. In short the Roman 'Divide et impera' has not been exceeded by our Zionist Movement. Weitzmann advises the Arab does not interfere with the French coast in the Syrian issue. In the summer of 1919 Feisal interrupt meetings with the Zionist leaders. He say to Hebrew emissary bear direct negotiations with the Palestinians and Arabs in the fall of 1919 cut off all negotiations with the Zionist Jews. Treaty remains secret, we are many years that any of the Arab leadership, not the Hebrew. Since autumn 1919, coincidentally or not, start the Arab revolt in Palestine. Yisuv (Hebrew settlements) are attacked, slaughtered hundreds of Hebrew. English reacts poorly, having regard to the future interests of the British Mandate in Palestine. In these circumstances the Commission to draw up in San Remo (1920) Map British mandate in Palestine. (to see on the Adress : ) Sets a natural boundary between Hebrew and Arabs: Jordan. Between Jordan and the Mediterranean Jews, from Jordan to the Arabian Peninsula Palestinians. So the problem of separation of the two communities was solved for both parties, one side and other side of the Jordan river. 1920-1948 Palestine under British mandate. Jews face Arab riots and British interests in the area. The British wanted to maintain their sphere of influence the new Saudi Arabia, as well as privileged access to oil resources in Iraq, Saudi

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Arabia, Iran, Kuwait, the Persian Gulf. Therefore of Arab riots in Palestine was a sign that the 'special relationship' between British and the Zionist Movement had to be temperate. As a result, since 1922, receiving Hebrew in Palestine is limited to 50.00075.000 for year. More: the desire to establish a buffer state with Saudi Arabia to the United Kingdom formed the West Jordan: Jordanian State (led by the Crown Hachemites family fair, which will support economic, modern and train under the leadership of the English General Glubb). So the Palestinians part for no longer exists. The subsequent wars between the Arabs and the Hebrew are for the Jewish part of land. 1939-1945 Jewish Holocaust in Europe. The ban by the British immigration will increase enormously the number of victims. There are organizations that bring illegal groups of Hebrew in Israel and in Jerusalem organized attacks against the British army. (to see on the Adress :


1948 - 2005 On 15 May 1948, with the British withdrawal, Ben Gurion declared the independence of the State of Eretz Israel. In the same night starting confrontations; first Arab-Israeli War, ended by armistice on 20 July 1949. Following the confrontation will continue until today. In terms of the religious Jewish State is tolerant but reluctant to remember the Jewish origins of Christianity. From the information I have (1994), in Jerusalem there is a community of Hebrew Christians around 3,000 people from mixed marriages. Is not good seen by the mosaic Rabinate. There is also the home of Palestinian Christians (Maronite Church, like the Christians of Lebanon), especially in Bethleem, Ramala in Cisiordania. At present there are few current pro Jewish origin of Christianity. Mention of the Messianic Jews. Messianic Judaism is a religious movement whose adherents claim that Jesus of Nazareth (the Hebrew name 'Yeshua') is, on the one hand, the Jewish Messiah Revived, on the other hand, having a divine origin. In 1993 there were 160,000 adherents in the United States and 350,000 worldwide. In 2003 there were about 150 messianic synagogues in the United States and about 400 in the world. Messianic Jews are considered practicing authentic notice of Tore and Culture band Judas. Messianic Judaism is considered by Jews of Mosaic Rite, as all Christian rites, as a form of Christianity. Messianic Judaism was formed in Sec. XIX. Hebrew congregation of Christians were formed first in England. It was founded by 41 Christian Hebrew as' Beni Abraham. It was a form of Christianity with 'background' Judaic. In 1866 take being 'Jewish Alliance Christians in Britain, whose branches are found today in Europe and the United States. Taken in 1915 being the International Alliance of Jewish - Christian in America ( 'The Hebrew-Christian Alliance of America' - HCAA). In 1925 to form
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the International Alliance of Jewish - Christian ('The International HebrewChristian Alliance' - IHCA). Messianic Judaism is reviving by Martin Chernoff (Chairman HCAA). In 1975 HCAA becomes Messianic Alliance of America ( 'Messianic Jewish Alliance of America' - MJAA), which dissociates congregation is lower (such as the Messianic Israel Alliance, First Fruits of Zion, and the Coalition of Torah Messianic Congregations observed). Messianic Judaism is the theological study of God and Scripture from the perspective of it. Are canonical Old Testament, New Testament as a text inspired by God, St. Paul Epistolele considered fully congruent with Messianic Judaism (rejected by some congregation as canonical). Canonical texts are: Torah, Nevi'im, Ketuvim, the Gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, Acts (Luke), Epistolele John, Peter and Paul addressed the Jews, Revelation (book of the New Testament). Fundamental Doctrine: God - Belief in God (Eloh) Bible omnipotent, omnipresent, eternal, creative, and infinitely benevolent. Yehshua (Jesus) Messiah Judean Messiah as' YHVH '(YE Ho Vau He) incarnate' the meat 'and spiritual savior. Written Torah - Torah (Pentateuth), The Five Books of Moses are considered -for full convenantl with divinity. It is believed that Jesus preached and reaffirmed faith in the Torah. 'Be of Israel' have been, are and will remain a people of God, part of his Divine Plan premature replacement of any kind by the Church of Divine Plan. Bible-Tanakh and apostolic Writings (B'rit Chadasa ') are of divine inspiration to Messianic Jews. Eschatologia - Messianic Jews are followers of the following beliefs eschatologice: Day End, Second Coming of Jesus as a triumphant Messiah, the rebuilding of Israel, the rebuilding of the Third Temple, Revival of dead (and Jesus Revived)-Shabat The millennial (Jesus reign over a world with the Paradise). Law ORAL - Oral use Torah in the Talmud, observed Jewish Law and traditions of Halaka. There are converting followers. These are rare and the result of spiritual identification with Messianic Judaism, proved long and pursued the aim at the target. They believe children of Israel coming back spread among 'nations' as when Jesus come back. Maintain compliance with the 613 Mitzvot - links. We are against animal sacrifice or Hebrew (are summoned Rabbi Akiva and Rabbi Tarfon: 'if it was in sanhedrin, nobody, no date can not be killed' (Mishnah Makot 1:10). It condemns the indirect reference to his death Jesus, Stephen, and other Hebrew Christians, over time by Sanhedrin.

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Practicing Torah laws lead to Sanctifify, not to save; attributed only to the Messiah. Both Paul and Jesus have complied fully headquarters Torah. 'Do not think that I came to destroy the Law but to fulfill "(Matthew 5:17-19 17). Paul (which I often call his name with the Jews: Sha'ul) remained a faithful Pharisee Judean, disciple of Gamaliel the Elder, until his death, a continuously observed the Jewish laws and traditions. Contained in the concept 'New Perspective on Paul' have great significance in Messianic Judaism. A recommendation Conciliation Messianic Rabbi of the Jews is compliance of Jewish holidays, the Sabbath, dietary rules. A main objection to Jews vs. Messianic Jews consists in that, even if it is Messianic Judaism, Yehshua (Jesus) is not the Messiah. Messianic Jews are not recognized as in Eretz Israel and can not use Jewis right to make alya in the State of Israel. Jews 'Orthodox' movement regarded as a betrayal, a subversive form of apostasy, worse than any form of Christian rite expressed open. According to a quote from the Central Conference of American Rabbis (2008) 'For us, the Jewish community, anyone who claims that Jesus is his savior is no longer Jew and an apostate. They are placed outside the Jews. Whether you are called Christians or 'fulfilled Jew', 'Messianic Jew' or in any way is irrelevant. For us it is clearly a Christian. In this Compendium of Facts selectively hide an implicit question, as the title made famous in a novel about the early Christians of Polish Senkievici 'QUO VADIS DOMINI?.


This work is the second part of HEBREW CHRISTIANS FIGHT BEGININGS FOR THE GOSPEL OF JESUS - JEHOSUAH ( Adress: ) This writing is intended to be the resumption of testimony from two millennia ago, focused on the role of Christians Communities in the Hebrew Gospel of Jesus sending us to Hebrew. Approach has three motivations: Role played by Jews Christians in the first hundred years of Missionary. Emergence, evolution and destruction of communities of Hebrew Christians. Presenting a summary of certain historical moments during the life of Hebrew Christian Communities in Jerusalem. I do it because it was a mutation of reference with the spiritual 'engine' THE HOPE. Phenomenon comparable to that made by Moses, with a thousand two hundred years before that time. When enlightened 'people to a religion'. This time, the message sent by the early Hebrew Christians (the apostles) were given to people of 'Jerusalem and all

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Judea and Samaria and to the edge of the earth'. (Acts p.1.8.). Exactly: A CREDO IN ONE GOD FOR ALL PEOPLES. The desire to write started a few observations that I have seemed strange: A nation at Hebrew, learned in combat with an empire (Roman) and led by a tribal and religious caste divided between the fight for its own sake or for national independence, was awaiting a 'Sent SAVE'. When it occurs, how were ordinary, first preached change through moral faith in God the Father, love for others, equality and material life of the Essenes community, he was killed under the eyes of those who, a week before, they flatter him. People expect the Hebrew Messiah Coming forced supernatural, as Moses, or as reported Ezechiel power of God came to help people in Judea ( 'I looked and behold it came from north a all of a sudden wind, a cloud thick, and a bundle of fire, which spread around a bright light. (...) Everything is in the middle saw four living creature (...) Each of them had four faces, and each had four wings (...) their wings were attached to one another. And when they are not back in any part, but each went straight. (Ezechiel p.1, 5,6,9)). There he came to believe that Jesus, endowed with the miracle of grace to recover should not escape from human punishment (to be crucified). Then when they saw the arrest as any of them, after they received as a King in Jerusalem they have left him. Step prophet Jesus for Faith in GOD UNIT SINGLE generates a millenary struggle between insiders peoples who worship and believe in the same vein esoteric: whether Christian or Mosaic, plus more than seven hundred years followers Islam. Moses, the great Egyptian initiated in Teba (under the name Horsasip) is completed outside Egypt intended to create 'a people to a religion'. Pithagora, about seven hundred years after he brings light of the same truths of initiation in the run Theban to Hellenistic area, to the Cult of Delphi. Ends its existence burned in an uprising of the 'Democrats' Greek colony of Croton (the island on the coasts of Italy). A disciple of his doctrine Zamolxe will mentor the Dacian territories. Plato would be the doctrine that will implement the following four Hellenistic 'golden ages' of space by Greek leaders as Pericle and Alexander the Great. Jesus, formed in the same esoteric sources, preserved by the Essenes Jews to the Death Sea on the coast and in the Nil Delta, repeat step extrapolated 'People of God' from the Jewish at all 'nations'. It wiped out by crucifixion. Apostles will go, and spread word Gospel outside his 'chosen people'. Long line of Christian martyrs, from the Hebrew by ethnicity, were clean-minded people in their everyday lives. As martyrs, Hebrew mosaics were righteous in their faith in God, just as Palestinians believers in God - Allah is still a people in exile of the times we live ... I WONDER ONLY BECAUSE GOD HAS DIFFERENT NAMES?! The Unity through faith in God as a single island in a sea of IGNORANCE and HATRED. One possible answer is that the PRIDE OF POWER, of any origin

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would not want to be a free and full understanding of this esoteric common vein. Why? Because it still does not know HOW MANAGE IT! Oligarchies privileges of any kind were off with no spiritual freedom through self of each man, because no one can control, to govern its use. Therefore POWER May always used an effective instrument of disunion: ignorance, and fanaticism. Being a Jew as a mother, a Christian Orthodox by baptism, can simply quote the Hebrew historian Shlomo Laish about tumultuous destiny of the Hebrew people: 'We think here to emphasize one fact that it seems to apply to all questions and others that occur in our minds. An objective response which resisted all time, which was set out with thousands of years before us by a non Jew. Response of prophet Balls The Madianite1 gave to Balak king of Moabit, when invited to curses tribes of Israel, out soon in slavery Egyptian: 'IS A PEOPLE ALONE, WITHOUT NEGLECT OTHER TRIBES' (Numerii 23.9.) ' I would only add: sometimes not by its own sons. The said of Ball indeed was a formidable instrument for the conservation of Jewish traditions: the returned son is received with warmth and respect. He who shall not return to traditional vein mosaic neither name is mentioned. This is the core of intolerance, while the survival of Jewish communities. Text was started in 1992 in a time when trying to understand myself. He was doing a man who, angry at their own misunderstanding of life, take the pen to write, as a peasant and his digging is going to dig in the garden or field as to forget the troubles of day. For years, the text was rewritten several times, has enriched the area of ideas, A process which was almost independent of the personal life, but that brought me and now I bring an inner peace and happiness: to be a Hebrew Christian. May be for an Jew mosaic ... almost certainly, this concept is a strange thing. From their point of view it means: that people never accepted, through its representatives, deviations from the fundamentals of religious mosaic. And it is normal: this way of thinking has maintained for almost two millennia cohesion in galut (Diaspora) - dispersion throughout the land of the tribe. With all respect for this tradition, and success in 1948 by establishing the Eretz Israel State, yet still have a duty: to recognize Jehosuah - Jesus as the Christians say, a man who truly honor, the kindness to the Jewish People. Beyond this fact we tried to establish a reason. How ridiculous is the human response to God's kindness. Or more specifically: HOW PEOPLE success to destroy them is passed by a prophet. Mesaros - Anghel Vasile 1992-01-11 - 2009-02-02
Priest of the Temple of Madian, at the foot of the mountain of Sinai, where Moses and retired three thousand years, to atone for murder have killed an Egyptian satrap subsequently developing here 'Sepher Bereshit' - 'great book', getting his message God to free the Hebrew people from Egypt and it leads to the river Jordan to put him in possession of 'Holy Country'

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'Acts of Apostle' 'Old Testament' 'Works' vol II 'Golden Words' 'Great Prophets of Ancient' 'Initiation Stages' 'History of Israel' 'Church in the first centuries'

Author, publisher, publishing year

Apostle Luke, 'Old Testament' ***

Plato Encyclopedic Scientific Publishing Bucharest 1976 Fabre d'Olivet Publishing House de la Ville, Paris 1873 Eduard Schoure Publishing House Gallimard, Paris 1923 Rudolph Steiner Publishing Princeps Iasi 1993 Moshe Maur Tel Aviv 1975 Fracesco Paolo Rizzio Publishing House Serafim Roman 2002

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1 Mesaro Anghel Vasile " HEBREW CHRISTIANS FIGHT BEGININGS FOR THE GOSPEL OF JESUS - Documentary Essay Link Adress: 2 Mesaro Anghel Vasile " ZIONISM APOSTLES - MOMENT OF ZIONISM (I) - Documentary Essay Link Adress: Mesaro Anghel Vasile " THE BEGINNING OF HEBREW FIGHT FOR THE RETURN IN ERETZ ISRAEL - MOMENT OF ZIONISM (II)" - Documentary Essay Link Adress: Mesaro Anghel Vasile "SAN REMO CHART 1920 HOPE MISSED AN SEMITIC ALLIANCE MOMENT OF ZIONISM (III) - Documentary Essay Link Adress: Mesaro Anghel Vasile "HEBREW ORGANIZATION FOR SELF DEFENCE IN PALESTINE (YISHUV) - MOMENTS OF ZIONISM (IV) - Documentary Essay Link Adress: Mesaro Anghel Vasile " HEBREWS, CHRISTIANS, MUSLIMS IN JERUSALEM COMPENDIUM OF HISTORICAL FACTS - Documentary Essay Link Adress: Mesaro Anghel Vasile " ANCIENT MOSES SOCIAL LAWS - Documentary Essay Link Adress: Mesaro Anghel Vasile "ANGELO RONCALLI - POPE JOHN AL XXIII LIFE MOMENTS Documentary Essay Link Adress: Mesaro Anghel Vasile "TWO KNIGHTS OF REVELATION TWENTIETH CENTURY: NICOLAE BALAN AND ALEXANDRU SCHAFRAN - Documentary Essay Link Adress: Mesaros Anghel Vasile Volumul I LUPTA EVREILOR CRETINI PENTRU EVANGHELIA LUI IISUS' / 2011 Adresa Video Text Audio Integral: Mesaros Anghel Vasile Volumul II EVREI, CRETINI I MUSULMANI LA IERUSALIM / 2011 Adresa Video Text Audio Integral: Mesaros Anghel Vasile Volumul III EVREI I CRETINI FAPTE / 2011 Adresa Video Text Audio Integral:

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God is ONE; mankind made him many: One Mosaic, one Christian, one Muslim.

ABOUT AUTHOR PROFILE: Name: Vasile Mesaro Anghel Proffesion: IT Trainer Studies: University of Bucharest - Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics (1971) System Analyst Postgraduate - C.E.P.E.C.A. (1975) Work Motivation: Documentation of issues that concerned me in recent years.

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