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LATIN NAME FAMILY NAME SYNONYMS COLOUR VISCOSITY AROMA NOTE Cupressus sempervirens Cupressaceae Italian or Mediterranean cypress Colourless to very pale yellow Watery Spicy, refreshing, pine needle aroma / rich, woody, slightly spicy refreshing masculine smell Middle to base

COUNTRIES OF PRODUCTION France, Spain PARTS USED EXTRACTION METHOD YIELD Needles & twigs of young branches Steam distillation 1.3 1.5%

BLENDS WELL WITH Cedarwood, pine, lavender, clary sage, lemon, juniper, bergamot, orange, marjoram, sandalwood, fennel, grapefruit, lime, rosemary, tangerine

MAIN CHEMICAL COMPONENTS There are numerous chemical components, the primary ones being pinene, camphene, terpinolene, cymene, sabinol WARNINGS & CONTRA INDICATIONS Non-toxic, non-irritant, non-sensitising Best to do a skin patch test before using in a massage blend Avoid if pregnant Avoid if you have high blood pressure, cancer or uterine / breast fibrosis

THERAPEUTIC PROPERTIES Astringent, antiseptic, antispasmodic, diuretic, vasoconstrictor, respiratory tonic, sedative THERAPEUTIC APPLICATIONS EMOTIONAL Helps to build emotional & mental resolve Soothing & calming for stress, anger & irritability Traditionally used for grief, self-hate, jealousy, loss and regret, isolation CIRCULATION Valuable as a vasoconstrictor, frequently used for varicose veins & haemorrhoids


GENITO-URINARY Eases cramps, painful periods, induces menstruation Can aid in menopausal symptoms including hot flashes and tension NERVOUS SYSTEM Calming & soothing effect on the nerves Lack of concentration and confusion RESPIRATORY Antispasmodic action is useful for asthma, whooping cough, bronchitis, emphysema, influenza SKIN Oily skin and wounds Used specifically on mature skin, acne, varicose veins and cellulite STRUCTURAL Soothes muscular cramps, arthritis and rheumatism OTHER Is beneficial where there is excess fluid, such as bleeding, nosebleeds, heavy menstruation, heavy perspiration, haemorrhages and fluid retention Insect repellent

METHODS OF APPLICATION AEROSOL Vapour inhalation Asthma, emphysema, whooping cough, bronchitis BATH / FOOT BATH Arthritis, rheumatism Heavy menstruation, menopause Cellulite Cramps, diarrhoea Sweaty feet


CREAM OR MASSAGE OIL A gentle rub in cream or massage oil for relief of Arthritis, asthma, rheumatism, Cellulite Cough, Cramps Varicose veins In a cream base Greasy skin Broken veins on the skin Massage oil Relief of arthritis, rheumatism Cellulite Asthma and cough Cramps Varicose veins Diarrhoea Sweaty feet Heavy menstruation and menopause COMPRESS Cold Very good for nosebleed



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