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ID : ooo286 Name : Said Masoud Department : BCS 7th Semester Shift: evning Lectuare: Mr.

Mohmand Course: MIS Subject: assigment of an IT and MIS System in Orginazation

IN THE NAME OF ALLAH Part one First let to answer the following quastion shortly. Quastion: Who am i ? What do i want to be ? Answer : i think im a person that my job can ralate to base of my knowlage and every thing that i can do in my job can shows my abilities eather i succes in in my job or no . i think the more try and honestly in job is one another way of improving . An IT also working as MIS system means it related in wich part i work such as database or network or onather degee thet related to IT, if i am an IT of database i must first secure my database that no body cant access my data. I must chek data every time . a data base system in a orginazation has server and clint an connecting and making a link betwean theme is the job of IT . in an orginazation from small to big perablem if happend it is the responsibilty of an IT to solve it. In an orginazation that 80% percent working by computerise system an IT play an important rules and orginazation has more needs to he/she. The sucsesful in job is making the new idea day by day and one another thing that is very important for an IT is that an IT must every time up to grade his/her self becuse the tecnology hour by hour is developing and new ideas and new thing is develop. That is my answer for this quastion I know it has more difination and more Details but i just say something shortly i hope it accept by you lectuare. Thanks. Part tow
Said Masoud - 88200---------- BCS 7th Semester

defining an orginazation MIS systems: I wont to talk about Ghalib University i like to talk about another orginazation that i working on it by name of Herat Brshna Sherkat ( Electricity Department). In this orginazation som new MIS was developed and extend that this kind of system wasnt in past time : First lets talk about costumer bill system , in a few years a go this system did in paper means when a costumer did want to pay her/his elcterisity money payment first must bring the document (a special notebook for electericity paying money ) then a respone stuff did the calculation the electricity money on document after that the costumer went to bank and pay the money and then again back to Electericity Department to confirm the payment . so this system take a long time and was wasting the time of costumers . some time the money payment was lost and som other problem happend in this paper system . but now time Electericity Department have the billing system that it is a secure and easy way for costumer service and Electericity Department easly can debating and credating the money . in this system an special stuff take the used KW of the costumer and teransfer it by a digital device to billing system then the Database do the calculation and then print the bills after that the respons stuff carry the bill to costumer in different section ( home , shop , hotel . market and etc). when the costumer pay his/her money in bank then bank every next day teransfer a copy of cash depsit slip to billing system of Electericity

Department and after that the stuff keep the paying money for each costumer . this is a benefit system for Electericity Department and best MIS system . some another section of Electericity Department has old MIS system and its better to change it in new system. one of them is Inventory System in this system when an employee or a costumer want to out or enter som equipment in

Said Masoud - 88200---------- BCS 7th Semester

inventor it must pass many office in Electericity Department for a long time from chif officer to manager then to another manager then to to a special stuff then the paper again back to chif officer then back to manager after that the manager send the paper to inventor responsible stuff to manage the resummy of the paper , take or get the tools and again teransfer back to manager and at the end tne manager sign the specific paper and this is the last seasion, that it take a long time TPS . in my idea if the inventory system become modernise and computerise system is better means throuth a softwear that connect all of the PCs to each others from time of entering or out going the equipment in inventor and store it. register all of the steps one by one , in short time this task does very fast and easly, every thing become compelet without any peroblem happend and this system is more acurate. One another system if it be in new system is better. this system is finding the cabales peroblems , in now time when a cable desteroy or cut or got a problem a special team responsible to find the problem and fix it, the team must drive a kiloometers to finding the problem som time in wether satuiation it take a long time to find it and some time never find the peroblem and its not good for costumers and Electericity Department , in some other contries its in

computerise system means some sevice is Add in main point of cabals that it has a link with a special system in Substation . when a cabale was desteroy or got peroblem that device send a signal to system and shows where and in wich place the problem happend and the team can find the problem and solve it as soon as posible. I hope this kind MIS System Department for better performance. In some officeses of in Electericity Department some another smal MIS system also using for smal and simple task . developing in Electericity

Said Masoud - 88200---------- BCS 7th Semester

There I just explain some of MIS system in Electericity Department that i think be important and i hope it will be your acceptable.



Said Masoud - 88200---------- BCS 7th Semester

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