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Short Stories for a Long Life

Unconditional Love and Peace are Super Powers A Love Field Life

The Illumination of my Self

Unconditional Love and Peace are Super Powers

Neurogenic Epigenetic Epiphenomenonal Influence on the Societal Organism's Optimal Functioning As we make a conscious effort to integrate unconditional love, unconditional happiness, with right action, we express our physiology in a way that stimulates brain growth creating new neural pathways that contribute to proper and increased brain functioning while at the same time strengthening and redirecting existing neural connections. The brains ability to change, strengthen, and create new connections is know as neuroplastisity. It's ability to grow new neurons is known as neurogenises. We can also look at how our genes are expressed throughout the body and see that one who experiences the timeless, unconditional love, etc will turn on favorable genes while turning off ones that promote disease and malfunction. This is also known as epigenetics. We can also take a look at the enzymes that control the biological aging of the ends of our chromosomes and see how we favorably anti-age during this process of metabolizing the infinite. These enzymes are know as Telomerase, and the biological aging part of our chromosomes are known as Telomurs. It has been established in the Yale University Journal for Conflict Resolution, along with many other Scientific Publications as a Scientific Fact, that people who gather together with the intention to stimulate a deep feeling of peace within, in this specific case using Transcendental Meditation, will turn off malfunction and disharmonious behaviors and stimulate an abundance of health and harmony in the local community needing only the square root of one percent of a population for statistical effects to take place. This became known as the Maharishi Effect and is reflected in the Meissner Effect in other physical and living systems. This can all be related to the double-slit experiment, the measurement problem, and statevector reduction in Quantum Physics, namely multiple realities exist at the same time in a singularity of infinite possibility until we make an observation, it is then reduced down into a specific actualized event. This base state singularity can be liken unto an E8 geometrical model of particle physics. So when we hold the feelings of love and peace unconditionally solely because of a personal choice to feel and be that way despite any conditions, we pull from the reality that holds all possibilities, a reality primed for healthy proper functioning and filled with the dream of what we would prefer to bare witness to and experience. We can allow this to take place by feeling internally that we have the love and peace that would result from all of the health, wealth, and abundance we can imagine without being attached to the vision or specifics that may accompany the feeling of unconditional love and peace. The feelings of unconditional love and peace are themselves the culmination of all that will ever be, giving the gift of proper physiological expression coupled with having local non-local effects on the living human organism as a whole unified being. So when someone asks you why feel good for no reason, Why feel happy for no reason, why feel love for no reason, why feel relief for no reason?, we can say that the feelings of unconditional happiness, unconditional love and internal peace have a Neurogenic Epigenetic Epiphenomenonal Influence on the Societal Organism's Optimal Functioning! Positive Psychology has found that personal mastery or a life of

engagement and flow, and more importantly, a life that is meaningful to the whole of humanity, are the most effective ways to increase life satisfaction. With this paper we can now take the inspiration to master the practice of feeling unconditional love, happiness and peace all the while being of up-most benefit to our community as a whole. Altruistic Self-Mastery! Love Peace and Harmony

Please, if you would like to take a deeper look into the science that is behind these words consider the following four min video titled Can group meditation bring World Peace Quantum Physicist, John Hagelin explains referring to the Scientific fact alluded to earlier. Dr. Dean Ornish Your genes are not your fate is a three and a half minute video demonstrating how a life style that increases peace, love and harmony within and with one's social surroundings positively affects our physiology and life satisfaction. For the full rundown of his findings "The Power of Lifestyle Changes & Love -- Dr. Dean Ornish". Lastly, for a put-it-all-together video Bet you didn't learn this in school cure cancer in 3 minutes In Joy

A Love Field Life

The Unified Field of Divine Vibration 1It is our responsibility as individuals to create our experience of inner and outer world peace. Peace is our desired state. In peace, all things harmonize with a frequency of Infinite Intelligence that, in turn, brings with it a perspective and experiential possibility of expanded peace. 2This expansion of peace integrates, transmutes, transforms, creates and derives abundant blessings from all things experienced. This state of harmony creates order out of chaos, brings proper function to malfunction, alignment to maladjustment. With this we experience an anchoring-in of Infinite Intelligence, an actualization that is tangibly fully present in all parts and at work in the moment. 3Within Creation we have this eternal, internal, infinite, all powerful process taking place within the individual and within the fabric of reality in general. This is a calling to each person to ultimately own fully him or her Self as an eternal, internal, infinite, all powerful process within an even greater eternal, internal, infinite, all powerful process -- Creation itself! As individuals we experience and we can bare witness. Barring witness includes anything we can process, recall and communicate with vision, words, symbols and sounds. We can have the same experience, yet bare witness to something totally different and unique. The fact that we experience can not really be debated nor defined. In lue, I'd say that our experience is our unique gift to Creation, our personal addition to All That Is and is shaped by what we choose to bare witness to, mainly what we express in the singing and dancing within our day-to-day living. 4Our belief in what we are experiencing shapes what we bare witness to, and what we bare witness to shapes our reaction to what we experience. I really need to leave, and I know I've lost my keys. This is an experience based on what we believe we have witnessed. Someone comes along not invested in the belief that something is missing, being outside that particular experience, looks in plane sight locating the keys. Their experience coming into the situation of being of help and carrying a fresh perspective opened the awareness of the experience of the keys being present. 5There is magic in understanding how this stance actually allows the experience of having the keys to be more probable. When I'm in the mist of needing to find something lost, I simply revel in the fact that it will find me, and laugh. Something that is initially looked for and not found brings up a particularly interesting challenge. We now know we cant find it, this inhibits our finding it, which adds an extra challenge. In short, we have to find ways to believe in an experience that everything we've witnessed and are currently experiencing tells us is not here, or worse, not possible. 6So what is here, what is possible? We can imagine the Highest Order of Infinity to be an eternal, infinite, all powerful network or Universal Set whose

components are themselves eternal, infinite, all powerful, with each containing the whole within itself, including every unique part, parcel, and process. Now we have this eternal Self-interacting experience between all that is and all that is, giving rise to all that is now, which can only be made up of parts and parcels that are themselves of this Highest Order. 7As individuals we are part of this current moment of experience, making us a part and parcel of this eternal, infinite, all powerful network or Universal Set. We must then ourselves contain eternal, infinite, all powerful parts, parcels and processes within us that reflect our unique infinite nature, the infinite nature of all that is, and the expansion of the relationship of the two equally infinite parts -- the individual and all that is. The tending to the relationship between ourselves and all that we are is our true work. Within this particular part of the process, we become 100% responsible. Our work is our responsibility. 8Our gift, our placement in eternity, is to experience and bare witness. This is great news. Our part as an all powerful eternal being is to do the very thing that we can't help but do effortlessly. It does however take effort to harmonize all of the parts, parcels and processes within one's reality to a state of unconditional love, a state of actualized Divinity. This all powerful state of peace can be tangibly felt and put into action as one makes an effort to see every and all things as an unconditional abundant blessing having purpose and meaning. Divinity becomes comprehensible in ways that expand the experience of peace within the individual and the propensity for peace in the world. 9Now that this parcel's internal peace has risen, so to rises the part of that parcel in all other parcels. In the Highest Order, an increase in one increases all instantaneously, effortlessly. The new state of being simply is, as soon as it is, for all. This eternal, infinite, all powerful, intelligent, all inclusive life source is the conductor, catalyst, container and creator of the eternal expansion of experiential love for all that is by all that is. 10It is our responsibility to take our place as an eternal, internal, infinite, and all-powerful being. We are everything, within everything, responsible for processing anything we experience and know as an equal blessing, a bit of eternal, infinite isness made to expand the experience of peace and the knowledge of all that is. 11No One, not even the fullness of all that is, can experience or bare witness for a particular person. One must wield Oneself. It is entirely up to the individual to know and experience peace. The fact that we experience and bare witness is the effortless part of our divinity, the stillness amongst movement, the unchangeable. 12Our work to bare witness and experience all things as an abundant blessing, as spirit in matter, or God in motion, is the active part of our divinity, the something from nothing, the expansion of the unchangeable. In Union we are in constant awe and love for that which is the source, that which is, and that which is beyond, seeing each part of this trinity as the trinity itself. This is the formula for an eternal process of

expanding experiential infinite unconditional love. 13We start with an eternal internal infinite all powerful Universal Set that consists of a network of parts that are themselves equally eternal infinite and allpowerful. We could take this to represent the Highest Order of Infinity. So any part, including us as an individual, is in the likeness of the Universal Set, being equally infinite, remaining still as part within the Universal Set, while containing the whole Universal Set as a part within our Self. 14The relationship between the Universal Set and anything that comes from it, is one of pure endowment. The fullness of all that is, is given to all that is manifest. In turn, whatever becomes is given back to all that is as a type of internal eternal unique experience of expansion. 15We are seeing our individual experience is a total and complete gift from all that is experienced, containing all that is, was, and will be within it. As we experience and bare witness, we add to the actuality of what is inside all that is. This gives rise to an even greater possibility of what can be experienced, and expands our awareness of the tangibleness that is always within source. This concurrently gives rise to our awareness of an even greater beyondness. 16Now add to this what you as an individual part of the Universal Set do with this all-that-is-ness. Namely what is your personal relationship to the Universal Set? How does this reality read in to the stories you tell about Self identity, the nature of reality, the way things are, the way people are, the way you live your daily life? 17We now become firm in the knowledge that any, every, and all peaces of the Universal Set, all parts of reality itself, are experiencing and witnessing a moment that brings awareness of and focus upon relationship to Divinity. Remember, this is a call to Unconditional Love, therefore we must hold this awareness in the face of experiential evidence of lack, limitation, and absence of Divinity. 18Our degree to rest in this Firmness through all times and energies determines the degree of personal experience with Divinity. It is our work to recognize the Abundant Blessings. An awareness of unconditional love is a pure gift of creation, that when allowed and practiced, manifests as proper functioning in the physical world for our Self and others. 19This gift must be chosen. It can not be asserted or even proven by anyone to anyone other than the individual to him or her Self. All that is instantaneously responds to the focus of an individual and mirrors us with the experience of physical reality. Our physiology literally metabolizes our state of consciousness. Gene expression, neurogenesis (brain growth), and the biological degeneration (aging) of our telomerese reflects our belief and experience of time itself, our belief and experience of love, and the things we say and do.

20It is a scientific fact that stimulating internal peace turns off negative occurrences within one's surrounding community like a light-switch needing only the square root of one percent of a population to have a statistical effect. Combining the latest and greatest of what we know of what it means to be a human being, we find that it is our responsibility as individuals to create our experience of inner and outer world peace. 21Equally, it is our place as human being to breath the awareness of Divinity into matter. As we experience reality, we hold the witness of the moment as it is, then we hold the belief or conception of Divinity in action, all of the time with all that we experience. This raises the physical vibration of all that is to be experienced in a way that is in sync with this Unified Field of Divine Vibration. An expansion of the experience of Divinity within all things is occurring now. It is now a matter of choice to see the other person, aspects of yourself, experiences in the world, as Divinity in action imbued with Divine Intelligence and synchronisticly connected to non-local Blessings. 22There is need for deep healing and a great need for everyone to ask for personal forgiveness from Divinity for one's own part in this next peace. We and many others have been deeply hurt and have hurt others deeply. Our pain gives rise to the awareness of having a choice. Within our choice includes increasing our experience of Divinity. 23Our ability to practice choosing to have a Divine perspective or even to practice the belief that this too is Divinity, is Wisdom. Wisdom is the Knowledge and Experience of Divinity in all: all that we know or can know is Divine, all that we are aware of or can be aware of is Divine, all that we experience and can experience is this Divinity. 24Any time and every time the experience of lack and limitation arises, we can ask Divinity to forgive us for this perceived lack and limitation. I am sorry for any and all practiced patterns that have given rise to an experience of and or an awareness of something less than Divine. This pattern stops now, with this asking for Forgiveness. I am joyously grateful for the awareness of Divinity in all things and thank the Divine for integrating my experience of lack and limitation into one of Abundant Blessings. 25I love this process of having my place within Divinity as one who can allow the Divine to shine in any and all of my experiences. Knowing that we are loved by the Most High and practicing that Infinite Love, allows us to be aware of any self imposed lack and limitation as a potential to play our part in the expansion of our experience of Divinity in our day-to-day. Divinity allows us to know that we are equal to and worthy of, not just on a Sunday or in Ceremony, but on any day in all ways. Amen

The Illumination of my Self

A note to the reader This is a Guided reading Experience. In this Practice we emphasize words we would like the reader to pay Attention to and really feel with Capitalization, sometimes improper commas, and encourage a 10 to 20 second meditation on whatever was just described with this... and bold type ideas we feel are the meat and potatoes of the practice, and encourage meditation on Any or All of these Concepts on a Constant Bases. So please read with your Heart, really Feeling and Inducing the Experience of the Ideas.

A Categorization of Healing and Procedures to Induce High Functioning The Self-Healing Axiom: Creation is Infinite. Eternity is a very real process within Creation, and More than any thing else, there is room for Growth.... Growth is the tangible benefit that is derived from any particular, experienced within Creation, as it is integrated back into All-That-Is, creating a wake in the Unified Field that manifests as the expansion of Higher Functioning. Proper Optimal Higher Functioning is a Self-evident Universal Unconditional personal experience of being and becoming more of a unconditional benefit to the world, experienced especially within our interpersonal relationships, while simultaneously being of up-most benefit to one's complete Self. Growth can be measured in the individual and surrounding community by way of our Psychoneuroimmunology, Epigenetics, Neurogenesis, Progress towards Peace in our Collective Behavior, Coherence in Initially Chaotic or Random Systems, and by way of Self-Reflection in relation to Altruistic Self-Mastery. More Importantly, genuine Growth is known by the individual and Self-evident in all interpersonal relationships. The way of Healing is to allow the expansion of the tangible benefit of Creation to become more and more Alive in our Present Moment Day-to-Day Living. Self-Healing is the Eternal practice of expanding tangible benefit within All-That-Is. An Axiom of Illusion: Any experience of lack, limitation or suffering is a very real opportunity to examine personally held beliefs that when reflected upon bring enhanced, intensified feedback as to whether or not that belief allows for Growth. So lack, limitation and suffering are catalysts for a specific type of Self-Healing that includes SelfReflection and Redefinition. These seemingly adverse challenging life experiences are very real Catalysts for Growth. The belief of lack, limitation and suffering as being ANYTHING other than Positive Catalysts for Personal Growth is ILLUSION. This includes all stories created and told that do not include a focus on the inherent tangible benefit of All-That-Is in the Current Moment.

The High Functioning Procedure: The very REAL short of it and the culmination of all it could be comes to fruition in a very real personalized effort to Define everything as an Abundant Blessing! Tell stories of Abundant Blessings, all the time, forever, about EVERYTHING! With this in place all the details of our Collective and Personal Healing occur naturally with the full Support and Force of All-That-Is. The result is Rapid Limbic Revision. In order to reintegrate any particular within Creation, especially what is initially seen as trauma and suffering and in general terms described as lack and limitation, we must first understand the process of healing and then define our concepts or beliefs to match what is taking place, and finally practice what we know to be true. In order to further our understanding it is necessary to revisit a challenging situation that we overcame with ease and grace. At age 3, my Mother needed to be in rehabilitation in order to receive some special care and help with her problems with addictions and co-occurring psychological disorders, both of which had nothing to do with me or were because of me. My Mother demanded that it be explained to me this way so I would know straight up what was going on with her as she was admitted, for she understood and raised me to be understanding as well. See before this point my Mother had taught me to express the spectrum of my feelings from I love you mom on down the line, but if something was off, we needed to talk about what we both could do to make it better. Not why are you mad, not who's wrong or right, not as something I deserve or am entitled to feel. It simply gives all involved an opportunity to make things better. This was coupled with a strong emphasis on creative story telling from an uninhibited imagination. So geared with this I prepared to be with what Id considered extended family, altruistic strangers. I remember getting a bowl of cereal. Immediately recognizing that it was not my favorite, I asked for something else. The care giver's reply was, If you don't like what we have to eat, you don't have to eat. Her directness gave me a jolt of realization that I should be thankful for ANYTHING I have to eat. I went from defining whatever was gifted to me in the moment in relation to an arbitrary past preference to defining whatever is gifted and available as something to first Appreciate. After a couple of nights of crying myself to sleep really missing my mother, I finally asked for an extra pillow to cuddle with. As I laid there inducing the feelings of being with my mother, I felt the FULL PRESENCE of my Mother within my own heart, within my own being, and I instantaneously realized she always Was with me and always Will be. This redefining of my Mother from an outside entity that could be here or not, to a very real experiential Internal Presence, is Healing in the Highest Sense. A couple of years later as I was better able to see myself in relation to others, I grieved greatly for not having and knowing my Father. It was not often I swam the seas of tears and emotions that come with the feelings of lacking the presence of the Father, if not too much more than a handful of times in my entire early lifetime. The very first experience with this suffering brought not only intense crying, but an immediate recognition of all of the beautiful men and women in my life who had Fathered me in various ways in a manner that expressed the best of what a Father could be. I then felt as if the whole universe was my Father, and that the specific player of the role may continuously change, but my Father remained. This too, I knew to be inside of my own being. Before the age of

6 I understood that these intense moments of suffering were very real catalysts for realizations and redefinitions that I can cherish and benefit from eternally. Naturally, my relationship and definition of suffering has been one of up-most Appreciation and Respect. Rest assured I would still a have an interesting challenge learning to pay attention to All-That-Is as an Abundant Blessing, and Unconditionally telling stories that reflect what I really believe to be Truth. At age 19, I began to heal from an accident where my best friend and I where hit by a drunk driver, resulting in the death of Aaron and the new birth inside Myself. This new Birth started as what seemed like an undertow but instead of waves and sand, it was a car at 65 miles per hour, and rocks, glass and cement that rearranged and interpenetrated my being. I come to a restful stop sitting up in a fetal position where the road meets the ditch on River Road somewhere between Downtown Baton Rouge and the LSU campus. I glance to see Aaron has flown further and is laying on his side, clearly not breathing in a pool blood. I immediately know I needed to stand up, but it felt like my back was broken. I stood up with an accompaniment of screams that resided somewhere between war cries that help push one forward and the gnashing of teeth and wailing from the valley below. This culminated in experiencing a blackness seeping in and overcoming my consciousness until all that was left was what seemed like a molecule, an atom of red which then brightens my awareness to visually make out my reality in shades of red. This would be my experience of putting on the Rose colored glasses of my college daze. As I stand there waving my arms, two cars pass from each direction without hesitation, leaving me to wonder if I was even there... At that moment two vehicles stop to help. The first was a wrecker service that I immediately direct to help Aaron as I sit back down in my fetal position and rock gently back and forth. The other vehicle was a nursing student, who I immediately direct to my camel pak that I must have gracefully taken off in midflight. I let her know that the phone ringing in it is my fiance and to please explain to her what has just happened. The ambulances arrived faster than normal because there had been a rodeo downtown. This contributed to my not bleeding to death. As I am loaded up, I hear the paramedics saying that they have one of us dead on site and expecting me to be dead on arrival. Keep in mind instead of the word dead he used number codes, but I clearly got the gist. My immediate reaction to riding with this pain was to be with it. Really feel it, all the while giving thanks to those to have suffered and sacrificed for the betterment of others, having as a strong focus the story of Christ and those in my life who had put aside immediate gratification so that my life could be better... When I arrive at the hospital as my clothes are being cut off, I ask the nurse if Id make it, thinking that if I was consciousness and well enough to have calm discourse Id clearly be fine. He tells me in a most sincere and concerned matter that he had seen worse make it. They could not administer anything to alleviate pain until they were sure of all of the internal damage. This resulted in 2 to 3 hours of just being with it all, panting like a dying dog on the side of a slow country road. During this time I had to move around in order to take xrays and scans all cut up from head to toe with a fractured pelvis. This was made easier with the support of the nurses. At one point they told me that a doctor was coming in to put his hand inside of my gaping wound to feel around and see if my internal organs are ruptured. Remember Im feeling EVERYTHING. He comes in and tells me to turn on my side so he can gain access to my insides. I say ok just give me a second. And I mean, not

one-Mississippi had gone by, this doctor lets out a tiff like Im just ruining his day and didn't just get hit by a car... I immediately respond with one of those war wailing cries as I turn over, and thankfully, no internal ruptures or bleeding. My fiance arrived two hours after receiving the call from three hours away. Before she comes in the room some of her friends who were already there made it a point to ask the nurses if they could wipe up some of the blood before she came into room. They started wiping the floor, walls, and machines that had been blessed with my life blood. During the process I remained light. I remember a nurse trying to find, unsuccessfully, a place to inject a local anesthetic in order to put on stitch in my eyelid. I began to laugh and said considering what Id been through, I could handle it. We'll call it my Superman stitch. About a month later, I started to become angry at the person who hit us. I channeled this into a work out regime which at the time was optimal and even healthy but would not remain so. After being mad and bulking up, I began to channel my anger in visions of revenge. I went so far as to finding the address of the man involved in the hit-and-run. It then got to a point to where I was seeing myself kicking open his door with a sawed-off shotgun wanting to impose my will and cast my judgment in ways that I can leave to your own poetic imaginings. This immediately stimulated me to stop and consider how I really felt and feel about this person... A wave of Unconditional Love came to the surface from the depths of my own being revealing my love not only for this person, but for any and all people... After this, I understood that being honest and experiencing Hate is a Catalyst for a deeper more profound Love. An intense redefinition occurred. Hate is not bad, nor does it oppose love, it can be used stimulate a spectrum of action, but more than anything else, it is always a catalyst for the realization and experience of a deeper Personal Expanded Love. I then began to redefine any challenging experience at a Catalyst for more Love. Around three years later, my mother was killed in a hit-and-run accident. At this point I was learning to define everything as an Abundant Blessing and then process the particulars. I chose the perspective that my mom had been released from what on one hand was a life long struggle with multiple personality disorder and co-occurring addictions, and on the other hand was a woman who changed peoples' lives for the better. Two hundred and seventy people showed up to her funeral, almost all of which made it a point to tell me, Madeline is the reason Im clean today. Mimi is the reason I passed this class, or even went to school. All this from what society may consider nobodies on up to doctors. I felt that if Id helped one person in the way she helped plenty, Id be more than happy to die. Now I could have been devastated over the fact that I was just now starting to open up and empathize with my mother after having been away from her on a permanent basis since age seven, or beat myself up cause I'd wasted time being cold and callous towards her in my late teens. I would dive deeply into these feelings and ones far more intense, and really enjoyed the experience of loss and grief. Because I chose to focus on the blessings of the situation, and honestly dived into the full spectrum of emotions while continually expressing my appreciation for it all as well, I was able to see the tangible benefit of the situation, even in the midst of the storm. Just as wonderful, the minute thoughts and realizations of potential negativity, although sometimes accompanied with intense emotion, began to continuously become more and more resolved. As my main focus was on the Growth and Healing, the tiny waves of negativity began to bring with it more and more tangible resolve with each recurrence. The

negativity had no fertile ground to expand, so as it keep popping up the only thing that could expand from it was tangible resolve and integration into All-That-Is being an Abundant Blessing. All I did, do, or can do to create Growth and to allow the Healing is to Define EVERYTHING as an ABUNDANT BLESSING, Pay close attention to everything being as such, and express sincere tangible appreciation for All-That-Is in any Given Moment.

Thank you God and All-That-Is for allowing me to experience the Divine Being known as Aaron Charles Broussard! This man lived and lives in Love, Appreciation, and GentleDragoness the like of anyone else I've had the pleasure and honor to experience. The Spirit he allowed brought more people together in Joy, as much so as I could ever witness! Forever a Joy in the Hearts of the Many. Amen O Rei Me Rainha, My Mother, Madeline Marie Chaumont, Thank You for gifting me with My beautiful Queen, the Princess of Everything, L'aura Anne Landry and all her beautiful Family. Mahti Marie, thank you for your living example of Love, Patience and Care. Your Guidance is the Living Presence, Your Joy is the Living Force! Novah Aaron, you are a champion of Life! And the Strongest most Loving Being I could every Imagine.

Thank You

God Bless Namaste

(the Divinity in Me recognizes the Divinity in You)

In Lak'ech Ala K'in

(for The Presence Is also You as Me and the Presence Is also Me as You)

Joshewa Aaron Terziu

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