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Dear Parents of Eighth Grade Students, We would like to offer your student an exciting proposal this year.

r. Eighth grade students will have the opportunity to participate in the Career Exploration Internship Program from May 21 through May 25 The Career Exploration Internship Program is designed to expose our students to areas of interest outside the constructs of their formal educational program. Interns spend one week working for a minimum of 25 - 30 hours per week without pay at an internship site. This is a special opportunity for our students to connect with adults in the every day world of work to sample their own interests and to possibly see firsthand hand where their educational pursuits can take them. Internships help students: Gain hands-on experience at a local business to build upon skills learned in the classroom. Establish a clear connection between education and work. Develop an understanding of the workplace under the guidance of an adult mentor. Explore and research a variety of careers. Develop workplace responsibility and learn about workplace realities. Establish positive work habits and attitudes. Learn technical skills that will be invaluable for future jobs. Understand what education opportunities are available that will lead to a career in their chosen career pathway.

Please note: We do not recommend student intern at a present place of employment or with an immediate family member.
Only one student can intern at a site at one time. Interested students MUST obtain an Internship Application Packet detailing all the necessary information and forms. Steps for participation:

1. Student creates a list of career interests. 2. Parent and student brainstorm possible internship sites based on career or skill interests. 3. Student (with parent support) contacts potential site and gets confirmation of availability. 4. Student meets with supervisor at internship site to agree on job description, dress code, and professional behavior in the work place. Supervisor, parent and student sign participation agreement. 5. Supervising teacher speaks with internship workplace supervisor to confirm agreement. 6. Parents and student submit completed paperwork packet by ____________ for approval. 7. Parents agree to transport student to and from worksite. 8. Internship week, students go directly to worksite, complete job responsibilities, assignments, daily reflections and time sheet, to be submitted to supervising teacher Monday of the following week.

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