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Periods of English Literature

Anglo-Saxon period





Medieval Period

Marie de France

Guillame de Lorris

Jean de Meun

Chretien de Troyes

Geoffrey Chaucer

John Gower

William Langland

Thomas Malory

King James I of Scot

Robert Henryson

Elizabethan Age

Sir Philip Sidney

Christopher Marlow

Edmund Spenser

William Shakespeare

Sir Walter Raleigh

Francis Bacon

Ben Jonson

Jacobean Age

Francis Bacon

John Donne

Robert Burton

King JamesI


Ben Jonson

Michael Drayton

Lady Mary Wroth

Sir Francis Beaumont

John Fletcher

John Webster

George Chapman

Thomad Middleton

Philip Massinger

Elizabeth Cary

Caroline Age

John Milton

George Herbert

Robert Burton

Sir Thomas Brown

Richard Lovelace

Sir John Suckling

Thomas Carew

Robert Herrick

Ben Jonson

Periods of English Literature

Common Wealth Period

John Milton

Thomas Hobbes

Sir Thomas Brown

Thomas Fuller

Jeremy Taylor

Izaak Walton

Henry Vaughan

Edmund Waller

Abraham Cowly

Sir William Davenant

Andrew Marvell

Neoclassical Period

Sir George Etherage

William Wycherley

William Congreve

John Dryden

Thomas Otway

Samuel Butler

Samuel Pepys

Sir William Temple

John Bunyan

John Locke

Aphra Behn

Augustan Age

Alexander Pope

Jonathan Swift

Joseph Addison

Daniel Defoe

Lady Mary Wortley Montague

Age of Sensibility

Robert Burns

Samuel Johnson

Oliver Goldsmith

Edmund Burke

James Boswell

Edward Gibbon

Hester Lynch Thrale

Thomas Gray

William Cowper

Thomas Percy

James Macpherson

Samuel Richardson

Henry Fielding

Tobias Smollet

Laurence Sterne

Periods of English Literature

Romantic Period

William Wordsworth

Samuel Tylor Coleridge

Robert Burns

William Blake

Lord Byron


John Keats

Walter Savage Landor

Charle Lamb

William Hazlitt

Thomas De Quincey

Mary Wollstonecraft

Leigh Hunt

Jane Austen

Sir Walter Scott

Mary Shelley

William Beckford

Matthew Lewis

William Godwin

Ann Radcliffe

Victorian Period

Alfred Tennyson

Robert Browning

Elizabeth Barret Browning

Christina Rosseti

Matthew Arnold

Gerard Manley Hopkins

Thomas Carlyle

John Ruskin

Walter Pater

Charlotte Bronte

Emily Bronte

Charles Dickens

William Makepeace Thackeray

Elizabeth Gaskell


George Meredith

Anthony Trollope

Thomas Hardy

Samuel Butler

Periods of English Literature

Edwardian Period

Thomas Hardy

Alfred Noyes


Rudyard Kipling

Henry Arthur Jones

Arthur Wing Pinero

James Barrie

John Galsworthy


Lady Gregory


Joseph Conrad

Ford Madox Ford


Henry James

Georgian Period

Rupert Brooke

Walter de la Mare

Ralph Hodgson


John Masefield

Modern Period


Wilfred Owen



Robert Graves

Dylan Thomas

Seamus Heaney

Joseph Conrad

James Joyce


Dorothy Richardson

Virginia Woolf


Aldous Huxley

Graham Greene

Doris Lessing

Nadine Gordimer


Sean O'Casey

Noel Coward

Samuel Beckett

Harold Pinter

Caryl Churchill

Brendan Behan

Frank McGuinness

Tom Stoppard



William Empson

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