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Taking Food To The Soul Level

I longed came to the realization that the state of ones health and life conditions are but a panorama of the theatre of ones soul that the world watches in clear view. It is the soul the seat of human emotions, weaknesses, character defects, and all idiosyncrasies that plays itself out on its gross material screen (body and circumstances) as robust health or disease, happiness or misery.

With all the hype surrounding the power of positive thinking, advances in medicine and philanthropy, it is clear we cannot just wish away disease and misery. Nor can medicine and religion rid us of these encumbrances to spiritual excellence. The reason: Corrective action requires a substantial degree of development in the mental condition of ones personality alone.

5Star Mind-Body Nutrition methods not only operate on the physical level, where lack lustre manifestations of physical and mental deficiencies tend to show themselves. It is fashioned to take the experiencer beyond the physical, even transcending the mental plane up to the soul level, as well. Not that conditions within your body can directly influence the soul. Such cannot happen! Yet, it happens the other way around. What is on the inside is what manifests on the outside! However, your thoughts do make indelible stamps upon your soul and become personal experience and memory. This is possible when they react upon your emotions, the principle of divine forming. All thoughts must be suffused with emotion, for manifold possibilities of the soul.

Emotions exercise such powerful influence because their radiant force unite with those of your intuition: the spiritual part you engage in the act of willing. Intuition is that which speaks through your inner being; it is the so-called inner voice to which you can listen. Intuition originates in the mobility of your spirit. It is with your intuition you bring your spirit into direct intercourse with the physical world, and give it correct judgement of the material properties of things. Therefore, your intuition alone holds within it the true concept of health and beauty, that which is natural, on account of its spiritual nature.

The Interweaving of Intuition and Emotion in Health & Disease

Having an intuition is not like having a wish. To have an intuition is actually viewing your life in rolling pictures waiting to be clothed for material expression. An intuition captures the perfect image of what you want to bring into form-manifestation pictures of health, ageless beauty, or the successful outcome of a business plan. This is how with your thoughts and actions you can influence the soul, which is stirred either through joyous or baneful activity. When a thought suddenly strikes you, as long as it is suffused in emotion, the thoughtwave travels on the ray of the homogeneous emotion and is led inward through to the planes of the soul, carried by the motivating force within the spirit as fashioned in the intuition. It travels to your soul: the spirits core, to be anchored there as imprints of a happening, before it streams back to the conscious brain to be imprinted upon it as a living experience and memory.

And that everything that lives comes from a germ, your thoughts and emotions bear germs that grow and manifest. This is how negative emotional energies get woven in blood cells and tissues, bringing diseases and disposition to the same. As long as in your striving you hold in your intuition this ideal, everything strive upwards your beautiful body, your autonomy, your courage, everything. Your outer body cannot do otherwise but begin to shape itself according to your inner being. What reflects on the outside is always the manifestation of the inside. So what if your intuition is blanketed, that is, not clarified enough to bring into form manifestation the living pictures as conjured up by your own spirit, which knows nothing else but life abundant? You may want to take a retroactive approach and first work on the nature of your thinking and sense perception, by means of diet.

The Role of Diet in Sense Perception And Action

Human beings can only perceive this three-dimensional world through the senses, which are but servants, or tools, of the human will. To experience life in the material world, the nervous system (nerve force) furnishes it with the ability to feel and to respond to all incoming impressions, both physical and spiritual.

Eating right can help to transform the senses of perception and the organs of action, by means of blood, thus bring about harmony of spirit and body. How do you do this?

There are certain foods that purify the blood, and thoughts as a natural consequence. Purified blood is instrumental not only to the strengthening of perseverance, which keeps ever more vigilantly spiritual will, intelligence and sensibility, i.e., the ability to appreciate and respond to complex affectional influences. Purified blood also invigorates the nervous system which, under the influence of will, can only but channel through softer, peaceful, beautiful, more coherent thoughts, due to less stress that previously placed conflicting demands on the mind-body matrix. (Read: Personality, Substance & Power).

The blood radiation of a person whose daily diet includes fresh fruits and vegetables, particularly those high in chlorophyll, would, in the composition of radiations, make it more likely than not to be stronger in absorbing powerful vibrations from the radiating system of the universe than ones whose diet is lacking in plant ether. This is critical to enterprising endeavours. Hence the axiom: You are what you eat! This is where 5Star Mind-body Nutrition this cutting-edge path to wholism differentiates itself from the rest, in the fashioning of an art of combining foods for healing, wellbeing and excellence-in-action. This is not just another system of eating healthy foods. Thousands of such guides exist, but to which the body is still erroneously treated as the source of discord, and must, therefore, remain behind as a tentative art bound to the old way of thinking. That such methods are obsolete, one only have to consider the astronomical rise in health care cost of the many nations, without the radiant health of the citizens to justify such spending. This is a clear indication that people cannot find support in those old veins of one-sided thinking. Not to mention the diminishing returns from poor health on the productivity of a nation termed gross domestic product (GDP).

That something new needed to be added to the present day conversation on health and wellbeing is clearly evident, because of the critical exception to what is natural and invariably the rule the personality: temperament, conduct, and unique choice of foods. How can ones intrinsic (or spiritual) nature that comes out in the field of activity be omitted or disregarded? Elevating ones cognitive faculties requires also a sound principle of eating, which in building and maintaining pure blood to establish normalcy in the cycles of the temperaments, simultaneously unleashes ones inner spiritual power of fire and force to what was before intermittent bursts and sprouts of ingenuity. And here it is. With more than 25 years of mind-body nutrition coaching and now enjoying radiant health like never before, I am convinced that I have cracked the Diet Code to Food & Conduct, in the 4 :1 energy-supplying to muscle-building food ratio I coined Food Carbonomics. See original documents and related links at:

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