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... The Blood of Jesus Christ. Hill Son CleaTUJeth l{8 Fr:om All $in."
Vol. XII._
-- . - ---- -- - ., .... ----- ==:.==:=. ======='=====
Los Angeles, California, February
-Letthygarments be always white.

. You. cannot pray the Lord's prayer unless you believe
in holiness, for it says, "Thy will be done on earth as it
is in Heaven."

The Riches of
- . , .,...
but was hindered doing so by unfaithfulness. a
thought is dishonoring to a graCious Lord . . . If we could
get. a yiew---Qf .. the . .:..
glory of" atoning blood, .and put our little "victories''
. alongside of them, we think it woufd .'!:>ring us . on our
faces in deep contrition; but it would be . a healthy and
profitable exercise, and would lead to a more solid life of
'holiness, which would bring us victories nearer to the .
WHILE the great majority of people are after dollars standard of God's provisions. Some of . the "froth"
and jewels. there are multitudes of others to whom these might be lacking; but there would be more real holy
things are baubles compared with the riches of godliness. character. Beloved, had we not better go down, so that
To be pure, to l;>e holy and righteous before God: and to we can go up? . . R. P.
-.:..have the inward consciousness of it, so far transcends . X
of earthly things, that' no comparison can ;The Thing Trurt-rrens=-:- .
--occur to the finite mind. The "Riches in glory" are .
greater than the glory of . h(:mor, position or power. IT is not so much what God but what He has
Without these, the soul of the .saint revels in the riches done arid js doing that moves tne hearts of men. While
of righte-ousness v/ith joy.s beyond the comprehension of we must not be surprised if God does some new things-
the most wise of the world, and would not exchange which He will if we are true-our present duty is to be
.them. for a king's Surely; in the .. words of the for _Him, .l::>y showing .hi word and deed what
Apostle Paul, the child of God can say with heartfelt sat- . He has done in transforming ourlives, and enabling us to
isfactJon, "As poor, . yet making many rich; as having abide in the glory. Men will be convinced by what they
nothfng, -yet possessing all t hings." My brother, have hear and see of the God-life in us .... Jesus said to His dis-
you got the .''Godliness" which is "profitable unto all ciples, speaking of the Holy Ghost, "When He is come-
. to you- He will reprove the world of sin." What the
things? R. P.
A Murmuring Spirit.
Some-one has said that ''a murmuring spi.rit will dig
graves in the most fragrant of gardens.'' It is one of
the manifestations of the old man. . It forgets all past
blessings and magnifies little evils. It 1:-rings accusations
against a kind friend, who has been its benefactor, and
'lays -the blame of its own unhappy -spirit upon them. It
often anticipates evils which never happen, and has little
regard for truth or reason. It makes ":blue .. Mondays" of
every d'ay, and does . not even wear a smile Sunday.
Everything that is worth anything is in the grave of the
past, and the future is full of dismal forebodings ... It is
never so happy as when it is making others miserable, and
sees no good in anything or anybody. Who wants the
fellowship of such a spirit? We wonder where such a
person lives. Do you know? R. P.
Jollification or . liumilitation.
A VERY -little blessing sometimes brings a great
shout. How often in our meetings do we have a time of
. "Jollification" what \\fe have done;_ or what has been
accomplished on spiritual lines; .. but .. how_ seldom do we
" have a time of humilitation, on our faces in the dust, for
what we hin_dered God doing, or for neglecting what
we should havedone. When we judge of what we have
let God do,. and compare it with what He would do if He
let, it cause for rather,
mg. "Well, be thankful for every httle blessmg," says
one. N.ot when God w?tlted to give a blessing,
world is waiting for is a body of people who have this
Convictor, always abiding and manifesting
His glory in and through their lives as His medium of
getting to a lost world. Wherever and . whenever the
Holy Ghost has manifested Himself-whether to the .
individual or to assemblies- He has been . a . convicting
power; and the people who will today let Him have right
right of way, without hindrance, will be His chosen .
vessels to win lost' men to Jesus. Reader, shalL it_be
you? R. P.
u_I Will Curse Your Blessings."
THESE words were uttered by the Prophet Malachi
ag'ainst the priests of' his time who had ceased to . &ive-
''Glory to the Lord." They had fallen from the- purity
of their office, and had "departed out of the way" and
"caused many to stumble at the law," so the Lord said
of them, "I will curse your blessings." As it was then
with the law, so it is now with the preachers
have ceased to give --glory to God, by prostituting the
pulpit to scientific, political and social themes, and by
refusing to let Holiness have a place in their ministry .
What an outlook .for these men-to have their best
endeavors made tne use of evil; their .blessings
to a curse. -- :They p'reach ethics .arid gcod works,- .
sociability and intellectuality, and do away with the blood
and pu.rity, and so cause many to be deluded and "stum-
ble," and that \vhich they thought to be a "hlessing" to
the people will be turned to a "curse" and the means of
the loss of their soul. Oh, men of God, be true to the
blood and " R. P._
Contributed Articles
A little one came near the noontide hour,
So sweet in its loveliness, frail little flower .
- . --
And breathed its perfune,
Till the fragrance o'f violets
Stole through the room.
. . - Nazareli.e _lbesse_nger._-
:_ ' .... ::: ..
where the repenting is a thing of the
past, and instead of sorrow you have
peace, instead. of mourning you have
joy, of barreri vines you
"have fruitful 'Vineyards. 'the truth of
the-matter is, instead of being lost
. you .. ar.e __ sa_v_erl _ _:_ _ ___ . .._ __ ...
John's test of a person's repentance
was fruit. Matt. 3: 8 says, ''Bring
:forth therefore fruits meet for repent-
ance. ' ' It seems that John made fruit
[February 27; . 1908
. ..
Come and lay
your burden qown at Jesus' feet.
Be ye. God can do more for you in
a moment than you could do f.or pour-
self in a thousand years. He whom .
the Son makes free is free indeed.
..:: . -- -
(Concluded. ) .:
.-' gta.?ly ' ....
The best God had 'given,
Then left me, not sadly,
And went back to heaven.
For flowers have spirits, ..
Their fragrance ne'er dies,
The angels will welcome it
Back to the skies.
.. ... bea:ring' a test ofC.hU:l'Ch membership,
at least he would not baptize sim1ers
who had not repented, and he evi-
dently expected per.sons that repented
to live differently from the world.
Sixth. "The seventh chapter .. of
:Romans may be regarded-_ a'S .the
New Testament counterpart of the
. wilderness joilrneyings of the Israel-
ites.''' ''Here we find,'' the author
conti"nues: ''First, there are two oppos-
ing forces; second, there is an une-
qual contest; third, there is an hope-
less defeat;"- and he concludes with
the statement, "The key-note of the
seventh chapter .(his of

law in: my members, wa.rring against
So we learn from the flowers,
Life's duties well done,
The heavenly powers
Will welcome us home.
No one can read veryfa.rin the New
Testament without being struck with
the thought that God has called and
is still calling on men to repent. The
first message of John the Baptist .was
(Matt. 3: 2) , ''Repent ye, for the
kingdom of heaven is at hand."
In. Matt. 4: 17, it is written, "From
that time Jesus began to say, Repent,
for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.'' .
Paul declares in Acts 17: 30, that God
"commandeth all men everywhere to
So repentance lies at'.tlie base of all
Bible salvation. Some people think
that to repent means merely to be
sorry, but when we look into the Bible
we find there are two kipds of sorrow.
One ki'nd, the sorrow of tire world;''
worketh d<eath. Most every one at
some . time in life has known some-
thing of this sorrow. It sometimes
works death suddenly, and again it
takes people,away an inl;!h at a time.
Most all of the suicides committed are
caused by this blighting enemy- the
sorrow of the world. If the devil can-
not get enough of this kind of sorrow
on his subjects to cause them to sud-
denly take their lives, he administers
it in smaller doses, cutting furrows on
the _face, putting __ gray .. hairs on . the
head, gradually!sapping the_ life of all
that 'is good; _ bringing 'his v1ctim
as early as possible to the silent city
<;>f the dead. Bu_t there is another kind
of sorrow .that worketh repentance
unto life, really working a repentance
. that need not be repented of. Or in
other words it .brings you into a state
The fact was that in day,
and it is still so in our own, people
must repent, get forgiveness and live
right, before they can be baptized by
Him who baptizeth with the Holy
Ghost and fire that sanctifies wholly.
clear-cut sermons on Bil5le
repentance occasionally will help the
to 0!'! with
Bible preaching.
. tfle law of my mind and hrtnging me
into captivity to the law of sin and
death. ' Whereas the key-note of
.,c .,c -" the eighth chapter (his photograph of
"BE YE." thEl Promised .. Land,. sanctifieq .
E. o. HINCHMAN. life) is, 'For the Law of the Spirit .of
:'Be ye Be ye do,es not Life in Chr-ist Jesus hath made me
relate to our acts directly' but to our free from the law of sin and death., ,
state or condition . . "Not by works of Is-the seventh chapter of Romans a
righteousness that we have done," correct descript'ion of the Regenerate
. but "by grace are ye saved," we are _Life? That "it is a li'fe of two oppos-
toid in the word, and yet salvation by ing forces" we admit. That it is a
works seems to have been the error of life Of unequal contest, we -will not
the ages. Not only in ages past, bu't controvert. But that it is a "life of
today their names are Legion who are hopeless defeat," we cannot aUow.
striving to work out their own salva- Is it true that ''the key-note'' of a
tion, forgetting that God desires to Regenerate Life is ' 'captivity to the
work in them to will and' to do of His law of sin and death?"
own good pleasure, . or denying Rim Further, is it true that one must be
the right. . sanctified wholly "to be free from the
. We might be as .regular at service law of sin and death?" Is it true that
as a clock, we l'l'ligb:tosend missionaries a son of Go-d ''cannot please &>d''
to the heathen or endow holiness until he is sanctified wholly? If not,
institutions and through our. means then is the soul in the cov- .
accomplish great t hings for God, in __enan_t _of . ?. For .. 4oes . _not the
hope heaven, and yet if we were Apostle declare, "But ye are not in
unclean, we could not enter in. Not the flesh, but in the Spirit if so be
only righteousness of life, but purity that the Spirit of God dwell in you.
of heart, is requisite in God's sight, Now if any mari have not the Spirit
for no unclean thing shall enter there. of Christ, he is . rione of Says
Are you .free from the bondage of the saintly John Fletcher, "In the
Jaw, brother? Are you a love slave seventh chapter of Romahs the de-
for Jesus Christ? Does your whole scription _of a ma:n who (unacquainted
. nature. bound .... to . . do_ . .the. will of God? with the . Gospel) groans under the
Has He phi.ced your feet in a-_large galling yoke of brought in merely
pllice' as He did David's? "!s duty a -by contras't, to set off amazing
delight? Do you find the burden of difference there is between the bond-
the day lightened as you are yoked up age of sin and the liberty of Gospel hoi-
with Jesus? Or do you find the way ,._ .. iness, as set forth in chapters five and
narrow and burdenhar.d to 'bear? six. J rist as the generals who e11tered
Are you struggling on in your poor, Rome in triumph used to make a show .
weak way? "Go get your deadly of the prince whom they had con-
February 27, . 1908] -
-Nazarene __
Ori such occasionsc the face of in fact- every ,: at the altar_ parcion- or Among:.:
conqueror rode in -a triumphal char- device _the enemy_ of souls could the converts are Kaffiril
riot crowned with laurel, while the . devise against us? And now that we (Boers), and English. We often have all
. . three of these languages spoken in our testi-
captive king followed him _on are an .host will he not continue to mony meetings. From among thes_e con-.
loaded with chains and making next :'move earth and hell against any for,. verts God is calling forth wprkers. .One
to the conqueror the most strik- ward move? "WiU he not press the Kaffir girl has preached to her own people,
. -.. ffig__J>art of the show. Now if, in a battle to the very gates of heaven? . bein!t the first native woman ever known t_o
t h W=- w
.,._.,._ . d Lu +h preach. Two young men from_ among the
oman rmmp , SOme O.L lue .. _ ."' e-_Dutclrc-onver_ts-feli-l-6od-;-itJc-Cil)ling-them_to_
tors had taken the .chained king on grace of God. Not alone m the great carry the_ glad message u) their own people.
foot for the victorious in the convocations when we have an host And others from the English-speaking race
chariot, because the one immediately to shout with us, but when we are are :P!'eparing .to go forth to battle. When
,, .. follo.we.d t7be:. _tl}e.y fe.w in a p_lace, with opposition from wle conds
er there l2,?00,000thwhite.
' It f t k ' t -. . " : .. < . - .: . -... .. ,., .. 'd . .,...,_ th p,e an ,.OQO,OOO n!!.tlves JJl Sou Afnca, a
een gm y o a nits a e, no un 1 e our :r ... vcu Y. di iltrl<!t 'Southern: iioast
that of those who take the carnal Jew, who should be ourfrtends, and mdtf- the Zambezi River, our cry is that God may
'sold under sin,' and groaning as he ference and lethargy on the part of a send forth worket:s to both black -and white.
goes along, for the Christian. believer. few who are always "staying by the For the white people, while they are more
who walks in the spirit, exults in the . stuff.'' The marching chorus hereis": httelligent and better civilized than the
- ored, they are as much .in need of the Gospel
J.ibertyof God's children, and always "Move forward, move forward, as the others in this part of Africa. Pray
triumphs in Christ." See Fletcher's All along the line. much for the work here. _The harvest is
works, vol. 6. Move forward, move forward, . great and the laborers truly are few; The
We conclude then that the telescope The light begins to shine." Lord is giving us openings as fast as can
of qur-author slipped a cog in the It- is necessary in this great forward . take them. Help us to pray and believe.
mg move to have loyalty first to God- . This old Gospel of "Full Salvation" is what
'lde rnf:!.SS lt'f.e of- wan de. rt'ng . lsra el,-. then to thechurch. One most need-- - this..da.rlc__continen.ili_wanting .. I am glad I
.. h ' . ever found the "Way of ' Hohness." The
-but' the life of a loyal Caleb anda vic- ful. t mg m the of the - the Hoi Ghost _abides . ..
torious . Joshua that properly repre- work in new fields is that eaGh indi-. Glory. .. s for the' lost rf AfriCJl. .
sents.the New Testament standard of vidual be as ready to wave their ,._ .. - - ETTA INNis .
. conversion. Not the enslaving expe- banner and shout as loud with the .II .:A .:A
few a with the manY,.; . that when _;__.,.
the triumphant life revealed in the . changiilg their location will not "':HE_ WORLD:-
eighth of _Romans that becomes wait to be sought.
the sons of 'God. Agairi we say, move forward.
Yours for a healthy Theology and Seattle, Wash.
We are glad to find that the
General Missionary Secretary
has sent an order for the
.:A ,. .:A OUR MISSIONARy WORK. Envelopes be to
aU the Eastern Churches;
"THE FORWARD MOVEMENT. " GRRETINGS FROM SOUTH AFRICA. thereby giving the pastors the oppor-
MRS. DELANCE WALLACE. t 't f d t' th t . ' f th
The following is a letter from Miss um Y o - a op mg e sys em I ey
I want to say a loud "Amen" to so desire. We take the liberty of
the artiCle on the first page of the publishing a personal communi'Cation
MESSENGER of January 23, "The of the Nazarene at Seymour, Ind., is from one of the Churches .where the
Pentecostal Nazarene Forward Move- E 1 b sed T-he eal
supporting. Our .readers will note nve opes are emg u . s
ment. , . the clear, true ring on holiness that . of God is on this system and He will
I am convinced this must be done is manifest t:tuoughout this letter, _ bless its prayerful
and God has not called us to the d h f h

Dear Sister K7'
impossible,- bu't as PauL said, "I can an t e account
t _e revtva resu t- -., 1 am sure you will .be pleased to learn the
d 11 h
; h h Ch . h ing from full salvation preaching . resuit of our first month's missionary offering
o a t mgs t roug rtst w
even in South Africa. A. T. A.
strengtheneth me;" so can we. by the envelope We began its use
PORT ELIZABETH, CAPE COLONY. the first of the year, and the amount of the
Then as stated in the article Dear readers of the Nazarene Messenge1: offering for January was $27. 38 . . We gave
referred to, this is not alone for the Near six months ago I landed in this coun" out 120 envelopes and 20 of them did not come
preachers, but there must be a fqr- try. The first three months I spent in a back; but I do not think that. :will occur again.
ward move in the hearts in the native location, five miles north of this city, There is quite an interest and 1 expect it to
Church collectively and individually. teaching school, visiting fr'om hut to hut. increase. We have taken the first Thursday
The Lord blessed the work and some of those night in the month for our missionary meet-
It is a grand privilege to shout the precious black folks found the of - ing. Bro. Schurman, our pastor; is helping
battle on with the great hosts, and God that taketh away the sin of the. world." niuch with his mission.ary talks. The outlook
those who through the trying time The first of September the work opened up . is good for a grand success of the
and the triumphanf time have held in this city. ,J surrendered my work in the plan. Do you not think we have reason to
d'l d d f d location to other misionaries and came. in thank God and take courage? ..
stelat .
Yon .ani mhove Godrwhar h.-
d here to help . .... We.opened up : _ . 'Mns .. A. F. S.
1smarve ous ow 0 as e pe . . :the work with the tent meeting. This being' Lynn: Mass: ----- ---------- -------: ---- --- -- - -
US on thus far; has raised up a people the-first tent meeting; and also the first hoH- - - tC" tc"---tc" -
of "them that: were not a people,'' ness revival that 'Yas ever held in this part -
but shall we as a great body do less of Africa, it created a stir and people, black - . A New Tract, - ..
thari the mul_tip. lied accomplishment and white, came by the hundreds. On taking. Is the Word in season to the justified.
d th t t
. t d h 11th t ' II t Can be had from the author, Rev. R.
When We Were
. but few in nu-mber?. own e en we ! en e a a a w1 sea _
near four hundred people, and continued the Pierce, 730 San _.Pedro Street, Los
Was not the blessing of God upon us meeting. We are now starting on the fourth Angeles, Cal. Price, 20c per doz. ; $1
because we :rrtoved forward in the month. Over three-hundred souls have knelt per 100 .
.'. 4 ..
-. -- -: ' ' - - . , . .! . - --- - --: -::--- I ..
Angeles. She is visiting her siter in of which we have only as yet seen just
this city for some -months and her the ' beginning. We earnestly request
presence and labors in the regular the prayers of the sanctified onEs who
DISTRICT ASSEMBLIES. services has been a boon to all. We may read the NAZARENE MESSENGER,
The is the order of the now serve notice on br. Bresee that for' within the past few days I ..
District Assemblies as agreed upon by we expect to . keep, her here . in the been called and have. accepted the
_ihe General Superintendents: .... hy ....
washington, D. c ... April30 .. Harrington, Del. 'notice is further- extended, that we to be the call of God. Therefore' feel-
New York .............. May
.... Brooklyn, N.Y. claim a side. visit from him on his ing deeply : th'e greatness of this
New England ......... May
.. .. ................ . .... .. contemplated visit East. responsibility, I again ask an interest
Pittsburgh ..... : ........ May 21.. .. .. Pittsburg, Pa. . .
4.;- .. Ore. . . We prayer af all. . in your prayers.
It .. isexpeeted' that e-a:ch of these I . .- ' c. A.' BRoMLEY;-.. ... . , " . . : : MA'RY.C: woooauti.Y;,
Assemblies will be _preceded with
.tC .JC
IC' IC' tc'
SEATTLE, WASH. a: great masS'-rneetin_*:
Just returned from New Galilee, We are pressing on here in Seattle.
Pa., last M.onday, where .. I assisted Sabbath was a good day, . . Two souls
Rev. Ca-in ir(a revival meeting for ten sought the Lo. rd for pa rdon at the
Since the opening of here
about five months many scores of days . . We had victory in the meeting, morning service . . We thank God and
h I
sinners were converted, backsliders take courage. Our Sunday School1's
people have found God at t e a tar
d .. . f G d'
h reclaimed and believers sanctified. growing in numbers and interest
an many more o o .s peop e . ave . . .
. d Ab t We expect to hold a rev1val here from There were seven new scholars last .
.1n t?",;a_ce an f power. =....,O.?f- March..,....s ,;to- Apl'il-1-.- Rev. - Imroff.:..of.-- Sunday--The-th-eme-itrtirhn-n--e1tcity --
t-uree mon us now o organ1zeu 11 e . . . . -- . . .. . . . .
has .this city: __ ,.,.,
:- what -the Lord -ean do when.He has. a , , .. .. ::'.: . . :0:.,.-_, ' , . .
. .tc . "City which has foundations whose .
in a rented hall at 715 Third avenue KEENE, H. builder and maker is G-od,'' . tt
right in the. heart of the city,- but . . We began evangelistic work in this' greater number of ;:;ouls to join the . .
quarters are soon . citY at the Bethany Pentecostat-::N'az- ranks of.thevicMilous :hosts-whowill-
to be inadequate for comfort and best arerie Church Sunday, Dec. 15 . . It go sweeping through the gates ..
results. we have the cleanest, san- was a beautiful day; but our congre- MRs. D. WALLACE.
est, livel-iest band of church people I gation numbered seven persons. The .$ .tc
ever saw. Not an unworthy person, afternoon holiness meeting brought SPOKANE, WASH.
a fanatic or a real crank among them. out a few more, but the outlook was We are glad to report that God is
The Lord .seems to have set a guard not enco1,1raging. Nevertheless God ' with us here and we are having
at the doqr.against un worthies. held our faith steady, although it was tion in spite of the small-pox scare
Only such as are saved are added. It . a new experience and-a-new line of which was. caused by the local press
is a great delight for me to shepherd testing for us, as in past evangelistic stating that one of our members who
such a flock. work God had given us good congre- was quarantined had attended the
Evangelist E. A. Fergerson of Mt . .. __ and wonderful resu'lts in the church during the quarantine. This
Vernon, Ill., has been with us in a saving of sinners and entire sanctifi- story was so unfounded that,we could
ten-days' meeting. He did very good cation of believers. God held us to the not help but think, What next? How-
service., He has a big, warm heart worJ.< amid and in the face of all dis- ever, we have kept "riding on," press-
and a great experience arid knows couragements, and they were many. "'ing the battle, and thal].ks be to God,
how to tell it. He preached some Prejudice had long run high against He giveth the victory.
great sermons. His meetings adver- the little church. Hence people held 0 if people would only get the ''sin
tised O!l a broader scale the aloof from it and every effort to reach scare" and. flee to Him who is mighty
of work we are doing. and bring them into the services to save.
We have Bro. Ruth engaged for ing the past_ few years had failed .. Last Sunday was a blessed day. At
Apriland we want Dr. Carradine for God has answered the night service two young men who
a later date. We are planning some prayer and has been doing a grand were new-come-rs to our congregation
tent work for the summer_ months. work in our midst. Slowly the people were clearly and definitely saved, one
The spirit of unity and enterprise is are coming in and God is stirring the backslider was reclaimed and a young
burning in great and good hearts, and city as it has not been stirred . for . lady sanctified. Others were at the
there is no telling what the Lord may years. Eighteen or. twenty seekers altar and many in the congregation
do for us in the near future. We pay have been at our altar who have been were under deep conviction. We are
tithes of all we possess and that set- reclaimed or sanctified wholly or both. having very definite evidenceof' God's
ties our financial problem. Our spe- M9st of these ::;eekers hav.e come thro'. presence in the meetings, -an_d- -our.
cialty is the conversion of sinners and clear and bright, with the Holy Ghost beloved pastor. is standing on the walls
the sanctification of believers and that shine on their faces and a ring in their of Zion as a faithful watchman, crying
settles the sin question in all anxious testiinonies; and-best ofall, the shine aloud no uncertain.;s'bund. Glory
seekers. We are just having a royal and the ring abide and their lives give to God! Thank God for the old-fash-
time. evidence that they. _possess genuine ioned Gospel preached by men who do
It has been a pleasure and a profit holiness. Praise God! we begin to . not daub with . untempered mortar.
to have with us Sister Anna McCray , fee the rift in the cloud, but we are .. Amen! Nothing but holiness of heart '
, J ohrtson, of the First Church, Los praying great and , the baptism-of the Holy Ghost
February 2:7, 19osr
. -.... .
enables mert to preach the word, hold-
ing forth to the people its warnings
as well as its privileges. We are
earnestly praying and believing for a .
. Heaven-sent Revival, and already we
-.- see a cloud about the size of a man's.
hand. : We ask you all to remember
this section 9f _flie northwest when
you pray. J. S. SANDERS.
$ $ $
INDIANA-POLIS, iND . .. --' .. . :
One of the most powerful meetings
ever heJd for the Y. M.
H. L. was the canvention January
3-12 in charge of L. Milton Wil-
liams.. Such' intense. conviction, tr-
mendous preaching, "':lnd deep,
ough, lasting altar-work have seldom
been witnessed among us . .
At the close of the convention
- EentecostaLC.h.w.:..c_h of the Nazarene

theY. M. H. E. Hall a:t New York and
Alabam;:l: streets. . The need for a
strong holiness church in Indianapolis
has in part grown olft .of the success-
. ful revival work carried on by the"
. Y. M. H. L., and we gladly welcome
it into our midst and expect to work
hand-in-hand for the glor)r. of God.
The work of the Y. M. H. L. will
continue just the same as before.
Another tent campaign for all summer
is being arranged. Among the evan-.
gelists already engaged are C. J. Fow-
ler, I. G. Martin, D. A. Hill, C. B.
Wetherell and Miss Mattie Wines ..
Others have given conditional' prom-
ises and a full slate of workers will
.be announced later. Let us be much.
in prayer. God is. able to more than
double the results of last year. -

. Nazarene. Messe_ngef_
cli.iidren's just across . We are. to all our' "praying
the street from Rest Cottage. and paymg friends" who have so
Our devotional meetings .on every nobly stood by this work God is so
W d
signally. blessing. .
e nesday-night and Sunday after- we t:rust that . the.: prayers -pf. all .
noon have been full of interest and who this will ascend to the
profit. New girls .usualJy are not -. in throne of grace in. behalf of this
the Home but a shor:.t time till the l;:h.;tt
Spirit melts their hearts ..,and they filled With great results, and influ-
weep their way to the Cross. Since ences givep that will be for good in
the opening of the Bible School term the years to come.
. . J. P. AND M. L. ROBERTS, Supts.
last. faiJ, our .. Bip_le ; has . . ,.,. ,.,. $ . . . -
devoted two afternoons of ""eacl'i week; . ' }>iioiiiiJF.r16J/iV(JTES.
giving Bible instruction to the. girls; .
and it is encouraging to -note th6. . WE notice note in the
yiriterest they manifest. Three of Los Angeles.Expfess which is worthy
them are attending the Bible School of wide- circulation. to the
to qualify themselves for Christian law Closing saloons on election day it
work. While they are afforded such says that as a man is doing business
We _do I1?t neglect for the government On that day and
them trammg m science, can do it better with closed saloons
which we find is so important . in the. . why isn't'he better fitted for
'development of a good mother :and .e:very .. day i{ the .Salo.ons are closed
llome_-maker ... w_e_ ..
our-gtnsto be. -.. Theirouseholdduffes -

d t th . . of where the
are assJgne o em. . been bamshed . . -
Only one adult death was recorcled
during the year, that of Laura. Her. SoME of the papers of .this city note
- that the .rumsellers of Los Angeles
brother came to atterid t))e .funeral - feel secur.e in the thought that' they- _
service .and with tear-dimmed eye-S,
.are not to be mole:;;ted for two years.
-he learned of his . sister's salvation, There is, however, enough uncertainty
. her last hours and promotion to glory. . about the matter to cause them to be
Her baby boy was adopteQ. by Bro. J; busy organizing and preparing for the
D. Franklin and _a few: inevitable . .
months passed he went to JOlrt the Monday night, Feb. 24, there '
mother in Heaven. Comparatively was an enthusiastic gathering,of Los
speaking, there has . been but little Angeleq citizens to a move-
. sickness, other than that common to ment to annihilate the liquor busineEs
such an institution. . in Los Angeles. There was an over-
The year was not without trials, whelming sentiment in favor of a
testings and temptations to discour- clean sweep of the whole business of
agement, for it is no light task to the manufacture and sale df liquor as
train these undisciplined. natures, a beverage. A committee represent-
whose characters are often the result ing the churches: societies and
ofentlre want of training. But when associations opposing the traffic was
we contrast the _girl when . she . came appointed, this committee to arrange
details of time, method. etc. Let
.. to us, with the same girl as she every foe of the saloon rally. and. be
GLEANINGS FROM ' REST COTTAGE, leaves, we derive the greatest com- ready for the fight . .
PILOT POINT,-!I:EXAS. fort and feel there can be no more . .
Thinking it would be of interest to glorious work than this of SPIRITUAL ''INSPIRING . REFRESHING
the readers of the MESSENGER to the perishing and lifting up the
know something of our work in this fallen .. " - --- THE NF;..W BOOK
part of the Master's vineyard, we . Five new girls have been admitted A l . f G ld
send a report Of some Of God's to the Home since January 1, and .. PP eS 0 0 . ;
others are asking for a.hd __ o,-, Words Fitly Spoken.
Last year we were enabled to give we expect to turn none away. Since .
fifty helpless and friendless girls the opening of the Home, February Being a Compilation of the brief Spiritual
.shelter. and the .. Gospel. .. Hopeless, 1 1903 our doors have never been Heart Messages which have appeared on the
' ' - . ; - .... ..... . , ---first page of.the-- M-ESSENG.ER .. during the past ..
sinning, de.spairing; many of them Glosed to any girl seekmg for admit- two years.
cbme and find hope, pardon, peace tance. God graciously opens . BY REV. R. PIERCE.
and purity. ' ian homes to our old, . esta.blished .
We have also had twenty-si:J:{ chil.:. girls, and thus room is made for 240 pages, With. portrait, and
dren (infants included) in the Home ones. We. keep in touch with the IntroductiOn by Dr. Bresee. :
during the year. O,ne of the most girls going otit; and )ri dines of-temp- Price 25c, by .mail 30c; in lots of 10 $2;
important incidents of the year's tation and discouragement they know In clqth,. 60 cents.
work was.our being able to mother where to find the friendly hand and Address - . "R. P.," .
the children of Rest Cottage jn . a . helpful 730 San Pedro St., Los Angeles, Cal.
.. 6
Naz-arene . Messenger
P. F. Bresee, Editor
R.. Pierce, ,, Office Editor
C. J . Kinne, Asst. Editor and Bus: Mgr':'
E. A. Girvin P. G. Linaweaver C. E. Cornell
J . P. Coleman J. B. Creighton Isaiah Reid'
H. D. Brown J. W. Goodwin W. C. Wilson
Nazarene .
.object. Circumst;:mces may cut us . Divine Personality in us.for holiness
off, but the heart goes out. . Gentle- of heart atrd life, and for the ministry
ness approachableness, and easy to and testimonyof the gospel of God, is
be entreated is the condition of our the great, abiding, .sustaining, trans-
souls. Our attitude towards them forming and glorifying fact. Paul
who have grieved . us and possibly sa?s that this is "the mystery which
sinned against tis; .-and those whom has been hid from ages and from gen-
we are persuaded have griev.ed our eratio:Ps, but;now is made manifest to
Lord, which is so .much more to us His saints." We -preach. and write
Enter<!d at the post-office, . Aug. 7, 1900, at Los
California. as second-class matter.
Every- Thut'sday; .. . ., .... - .. , . '
TERMS - $1 a -year in advance; to Ministers 76 cents;
to foreign countries $1.60. Sarhr-le copies free.
CHANGE. OF ADDRESS- Name the post-office and State
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EXPIRATION OF TIME - Subscriptions are payable
ADVANCE. Unless payment is made or reques t is made
than anything that could have bee.n and talk much-not too much proba-
done'to.:us; 'is a revelation of our con- bly___:about the rilarvelous'work of the .
dition, and of whether we can be a cleansing of the heart from sin. Such
helper of Him .who "is kind unto the an epoch is worthy of being in ever-
unthankful and to the evil." lasting remembrance. . ..
The unity of fervent love :with _ As Goq cominanded the Israelites
every saveq spirit, and earnE;st love to set . up on the west bank stones
towards every unsaved soul, is the brought from the midst of Jordon,
law of service. Love stretches out that they might . be a memorial for-
hands, love gives herself, love ever, so the testimony abides that God
walks in greatest humility, love is brought us over. But the Land was
rich in stqrehouses and is not moretharrthe crossing, and the finally
it Will be DISCON:!)NUED at
SPECIAL NOTICE-Address ali business communications
to C . .J. KINNE, Business Manager. Never write business
matters on same postal or sheet with any other matters.
It always causes trouble and delay, and may cause
mistakes. .
Parties receiving-the paper -regularly without having
subscribed for it will know that it has been presented
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gifts-to JJ.J.t: us.,
-w.h.o ,d$.) ll;<!t. .a,n_.,d
unthankfuL Love looks not askance bloody way by which we came. This
upon those who hate us and evil treat is the matter of our experience and
us, it does not sit in judgment upon of emphasis; this it Is which strength-
them but prays for them-not . at . ens us in the sore conflicts, makes
., HELPERS OR HINDERERS. them; nor to be hea.rd of men.,.-but light this world's gloom, and fiiis us
"We then as workers together with for them, that grace and bl.essing with the hope big with immortality._
. " Th 1 1 may come upon them and they be Thi"s Is the -one abi"di'ng fact. Even
1m. . e prIce ess priVI ege Is q
f b h 1 h brought mto. the way of life. the preci"ous transformi"ng touches of
given us o emg e pers m t e work
of our Lord. We .may have but little It is such an easy thing to condemn His presence upon our nature become
t h b H h
. and it is such a subtle temptation to rna tters of hi"story. They are pleas-
s rengt , ut e puts strengt mto
strengthless souls. We may be but us to pose in it as defenders of truth ant memories and the results more or
earthen vessels, but He can pour and martyrs for righteousness, when less abide, but they are not the pres-
through us the choice wine -of His the main thing is the lack of the love ent supply for our necessities. Our
1 W b
. 'b d condition that weeps over the W&Y- envi'ronments ma-y be pleasant, con-
ove. e may e verycircumscri e
t h h h d
ward and those who wrong us, or geni"al and helpful, or the"y may be
as o uman t oug t . an utterance,
b t t II th
our King. We are to strive in, taxi"ng, weari'some and sa.d , but I' n
u we may _e . e simp e message
which He gives us to carry. But we and then whatever other results there any case they are not the fountain of
t I b d
. t H' l d may be, . we may, through -ilhfinite our li"fe. All our spri"ngs are In HI"m,
are o a or ac<:or mg o . IS p an an
to carry on the work in His Spirit, as mercy:, win .tP,e __ and they gush forth from the depths
the apostle said: "That a man is not of our.inner. bei:hg; Nothiri'g hinders
crowned unless he strive lawfully." GOD WITH us. the divine flow. The fidelity or fail-
A-lthough a man may seem to sue- . Immanuel is His He is ever ure of friends; prosperity or adver-
ceed, yet his crowning depends ,on with us. By the atoning love and sity; plenty .or need; nothing can take'
his methods. and spirit. work power of Jesus Christ He not only His place, and nothing prevent the .
with. the divine Christ is governed by paid the debt of our sins and provided sweet, precious, wealthy mariifesta-
the law of love. Unity with Him and for the taking away of the sin of tions of His presence. With Him,
His, arid holiest love for all men, . is world -our carnality-but also opened deserts .are made verdant, wilder-
the law: by which --and in-which we up the way for the Divine personal _ nesses_blo_om, .. dry places
serve. St. James was very ardent indwelling in the prepared temple of of water. He makes our life . . We
and plain about He said: "For the soul. . It was not sentiment with are dependent alone on Him. Prisons
where envying and strife is, there is the apostle Paul, who had suffered the . palaces prove as Jesus abides with us
confusion and every evtl work. But loss of all things for the knowledge of . t}Jere. This is our joy-our life is hid
-- the wisdom (holiness) which .. is from . Christ Jesus, and who endured- all with Christ in God. Outer things and
above is first pure, then peaceable, manner of persecutions and sufferings conditioiis. 'hut ''He. a'Qic;leth
and .easy to be entreated, full for His name's sake, . when"'lie .. said, forever; ' This is the meaning of life, ,.-.
of mercy and good fruits, without. "Christ liveth in me." It was not an and in love's purpose and provision,
partiality and without hypocrisy." emotion .. or ecstasy, but a veritable this is our being and end. "Unto
One may toil and labor, sacrifice . apd fact, of which he spoke as the purpose Him that loved us, and washed ris
endure, and not only not be crowned, . of God in His gospel which he was from our sins in His owri blood{and
but be a constant hindrance, because permitted to preach, . thus rnaking hath made us kings and priests unto
he is not in and filled with the law of what isthe riches of the glory God and His Father, . to Him be
love. . Love warms . up towards its of this mystery-Christ in you. The . glory and. dominion forever and ever."
February 27; 1908] Nazarene. : M-eiisenger
Great Convention !
. : . '
7. .. .
faculty of the College. There was not a dry .
eye in the audience V17hen the presentation
was made and it was with great difficulty
that both Rev.-whitcomb and Prof. Stoll
gave utterance to their thoughts, so over-
. c come were they both with emotion.
- A ut ern.' \ a "The relations of Rev. Whitcombinallthe
-.t1.- time. he has been president of the College, .
. ess . c . onv_e_n ___ t ___

most pleasant with faculty and

----...-- _ students alike and the great measure oJ
affection borne by all was .. -the
I II d t b h ld h
exercises Tuesday morning. "
. . . _, " s .ca _e. .o .e _e _att e.
. ' , The following resolqtions were also
.First Pent. C .. burch of-the-- Nazarene . unanimously adopted at a rr.eetirig of ..
the College Council:
Cor. Sixth and Wall Los
From the 19th to the 29th of March.
' REv. ISAiaH G. MARTIN. .
Services 2:30 aiid 7:30 p. m. each day.
. _
... .. fat:th1ng;_
January 'J:l, 1908.
WHEREAS, Reverend -A. L. Whitcomb has
the presidency_ of Greenville College
. and has found it necessary to remove to
Southern California on account of the health.
of twomembers of his family, therefore-
In consideration of the keen loss which we.
feel in the withdrawal of President Whitcomb
from his labors with us, and
In .consideration of the fact that the char-

For many months there has beel_l so
inuch of expressed de!;ire here in
' the city .of. Los Angeles that there.
might be another meeting with Rev.
Bud Robinson as one of the workers,
that we have been on the watch for
an occasfon when it would be practi-
cable to meet this desire of the people.
most paper of . that City, has many
kind words for Bro. Whitcomb, in
which. city he has been very promi- .
nerit in all gc;od :Works. : )t.says;
Council and to the. public, and--:: - - - -
In consideration of his faithful services
both as President of the Co11ege and as some-
time pastor of the Free Methodist Church of
Greenville, and
: .In consideration of the:.f.act that y;e regard:
him as a comistent Christian, a good neigh-
bor, a faithful . friend, and an eminently
satisfactory P-t.esident College;
Rather unexpectedly it has occurred.
He together with Rev. Will Huff, hav-
ing been engaged for a series of meet-
ings in the Northwest, found itpossible
to come this way on their return and
give us a teri days' meeting. After
consultation it was decided to make
the scope of ;the meeting a.s wide as .
possible, especiijlly inviting all
ness people and everybody else, and
secure Rev. I. G. Martin .to lead the
special siriging, and. enter upon a
campaign for the greatest meeting of
the years. It seemed especially
' opportune coming with the opening of
the pastorate of Brother Whitcomb,
giving special opportunity for wide
acquaintance at the VEl_ry beginning,
and to gather added force from
heaven and earth.
"Rev. Whitcomb came to Greenville-four
and a half years ago from Evanston, where
he was pastor of the Free Methodist Church
for three years. At' the last General Confer-
ence of the church he was prominently
mentioned for the office of Bishop and lacked
only a few votes of being elected. He was
second in the balloting, Bishop Hart being
re-elected. He then received a large vote
for the office of editor of the Free Methodist,
being second in the balloting for that office.
This strength came to Rev. Whitcomb with-
out his solicitation and because of the high
position he had attained in the denomination,
through his capabilities."
The Greenville College, of which
Prof. Whitcomb has betn president
for four years, feels keenly the loss
of his ability and strertgth .through
his removal to Los Angeles, and to
show their respect and esteem . for
his -past services, a splendid farewell
reception was tendered to him in. the
College parlors by the teachers and
'Students of the institution, at which
addresses were made'-by Prof. John .
La:Due and E. G. Burritt, the incom-
ing . president. The Advocate also
$ $ says of Bro. Whitcomb's leave-taking
REV;-A-;- L; WHITCOMB. from the College:
The Rev: A . .. L. Whitcomb, late "The leave-taking .of. Rev. Whitcqm];? fol-
lowing his farewell words at the College
president--of- the College, -chaiJel--Tuesday m--ornipg; was piirt.iculariy
who has .. accepted a call to pe .the Although Rev .. Whitcomb appar-
associate pastor of the First Church, ently sought to eliminate all pathos from his
Los Angeles, is expected to arrive in farewell talk, it crept in when Prof. c. A.
this City' some time next week, and .Stoll of the faculty made his presentation
commence . his ministry with the speech and as a token of the high esteem in
which the former president of the College is
Mother Church March 8. _ held presented him with a of $25 in
The Greenville Advocate, the fore- gold, from the pupils and . members of the
Resolved, that we, the members of the
Council of Greenville College, hereby
express our regrets that President Whitcomb
has decided to v,vithdraw from the Presidency
and to remove from the community, and
further. "::. .
Resolved, that we hereby assure to -Presi-
dent Whitcomb our fullest confidence and
. affection and convey our regrets that he has
decided to leave us.
Signed, E. G . . Burritt. J. LaDue, Jacob
Moyer, Alfred C. : Millican, R. 0. Young, C.
A. Stoll.
' Resolutions of respect and esteem
were also passed by . the Board of
of the College. R. P.
"' .,. "'
DR. BRESEE will preach on. next . .
Sabbath morning at the First Church,
and Rev. Isaiah Reid will have charg-e -
of the afternoon meeting. Sister
Crist will again preach at night, when
a great time is expected.
$ $ $
We hereby withdraw all Premium
Offers for new subscribers. Any who
have secured subscriptions under any
-offer must send them iti at
once if :. ,
No man can continue in a sanctified
life unless he obeys the Holy Ghost.
I{ he does not know what such obe-
dience means, then he ' not l!een
sanc_tified at all.
8 . Nazarene Messenger
Los Angeles and Vicinity
A Great Meeting Tonight.
-Los Angeles subscribers remember
. AT THE TABERNACLE .. . the great meeting .at the First Church
A very large audience greeted" the tonight (Thursday.) .Rev. c .. Hall
preacher at the 11 service. Dr. will speak ori ''The Mistakes of Brewer
--BIesee-pre-aehed-on----'-.!.'f-he-GloF-y- of- the- Busi::h; ' -'----in-reply-to Brewer-Buseh-on
Life,'' u.sing the salient points . ''The Mistakes of Prohibition.''
of the sixtieth chapter of Isaiah, as $ $ $ .
the ideals of the Spirit in reference to MRS. ROSE POT.TER _.CRIST.
Christian character and the Christian .Mrs. Rose Potter Crist, who has
[February 27, 1908
Thank God, a child shall lead them.
Our Sabbath School is nearing the
t.WP hundred mark and the end. is not
yet. Glory to .Jesus.
The morning sermon by our pastor,
Rev. L. P. Kn9it._<m of
Holy. Ghost-to convict of sin, right-
eousness and judgment-was a clear
exposition of _this scrJpture. One
. soul sought pardon. v. J. J.
, . . . " I . .:f' ' , $ : .Jf, .' t _ , l
church,.: *ith' the :Povi er"of se'rved 'with the Fitst "Church with
the Spirit and over-ruling provid'ences such great acceptability much of the
to bring .things to pass . . This was an time for the last six months, will Increased attendance and manifest
inspiring discourse. remain in the city over next from . God were the record .
One sought entire sanctification at and will preach. on Sunday ni ght. of last Sabbath at the Grand Avenue
the altar, and one united with the This may be her last service for the Church. Bro. La Fontaine preached
Church, Miss Anna Patton, 1707 Mag- present with the church here, and at.ll a.m. from Acts 1:4 and gave the
nolia Avenue. will doubtless be a season of great message at 3 p. m. At 7:30-p. m.
In the afternoon Rev. Isaiah Reid interest. No one who has ever Rev. Foster McAmmon of Chicago
ave an instructive and helpful mes- . labored among us . has wrought with preached from Eph. 3:15, and the
h blessing of the Lord was upon all the
s_a_ cr _ . "" . _._ m D_eut . . 26th chapter. He .e _ ect._Iven_ or __ __ as . won a
- h h of th _ser-vices in precious glory. . An. all-
that .we ,into. ace .m t e ea.:r.ts. : pe_o- .,.Qtily .meetir!g today (Thursday} will
experience of: Christian perfection .oy . - . $ . . .. -..
e held. . Dedication will probably be .
-earnest consecration, and. that. the . held on Sunday, March 15. Definite
is by continued We rejoice that the street services notice will be given next week.
consecratiOn, holY: hvmg and pro- are so unCtuous and that such blessed . . $ $
fession _. of . this grace. There was It would prove a ,... ;. SPAiilsu. MISSION."
seeker. for pardon. great blessing and spiritual : help to We thank God for continued victory
A l_arge congregation assembled for any one who has suffered a relapse or and blessing . . Sunday was a great
the evening service. Mrs. Rose Potter spiritual decline, to stand by this fire day; the manifest presence and bless-
Grist preached a very searching and God has planted. Refreshings from ing of God upon hearts was very
impressive sermon from the text, on high descend here. Anointings precious. . Bro. Sharpless, of Long
sure your sin will find you out". (Deut. from the Holy One are poured upon Beach, was with us and made us glad
32: 23). She spoke of some of the us. Truly it is "good" to be one of by his words of cheei.
things mentioned in the word of God this favored band. -T. J. DuNN. Our congregation is increasing and
in this connection. Seven things are $ $ - there have been in the last week,
spoken ofin.Proverbs 6th as being an COMPTON AVE. CHURCH. including the 'two Sabbaths, sixteen
abomination to the Almighty. Among For two Sabbaths past the evening seekers for salvation. All praise to
them is lying. An awful condemna- services have been devoted to the Hiin who leadeth these blinded ones
tion is pronounced against this sin in study of " Pre-Millenium Coming of bya path they know not of. -And the
the word of . Goq, as well as against our Lord, " conducted by Bro. W . .S. shoes for the children-they came by
blasphemy, covetousne'ss, adultery, Knott, with illustrated chart, and will the post that brought the
un.scriptur_j.l divorces and kindre'd:.evils._ be continued for some Sabbaths to ' MESSENGER that contained my state-
Retribution is sure to follow wrong come. These studies are interesting ment of the need. Another brother
doing. It will find us: Because of the and instructive, as evidenced by the said he wished to .''shoe.'' six of' the
nature : of sin; because of the large congregations that attend. Bro. children. God bless these friends.
nature of man; because of the nat- Knott has put hours of study on this He knows who they are.
ure of th!3 devil; and because 'of the subject, making it clear, plain and so A woman supposed to be dying, her
nature of God. if we do not meet our simple that a child can understand. son went for the . priest, who, when
sins at the cross to be washed away in Sabbath evening the altar services he found that they Bad no money to
the atoning bloo9-. of the Lamb of God, were crowned with five souls seeking pay him, was very indignant and
we shall have to meet them at sanctification and one backslider demanded that he begone; but she
the Judgment. Beyond this there is reclaimed. The latter being mother found -the way to her head on
no appeal. There were three seekers to one of our Sabbath. School girls Jesus' breast and now has more
at the altar and some were blessed. who had recently been convertd and need of a confessor.
- J; P. c. .ever since had been p.ra:ying . and -- .Mifs.: M:: McRE:'YN'OLDS. . .
.......... T-hough.smalLin .. numbers, .. .the .Com- .. exhor.ting.her mother .to come and go ..... , _ : . .... .. .... ...... ____ .; -- - "'... .... ____
.pany E meeting was blessed of God to church with h er. .So far she had . The' b'e-autiful Calendar offered by
and an earnest spirit of prayer pre- drowned the entreaties of her child the Publishers for advance payments
vailed. Sister Radford brought Col. . by putting her to bed each Sabbath on subscription . is a thing' of beauty
3: i -=,6 for the lesson, and God .made night, and was about to do the same an_d well worth your effort to secure.
it spirit and life fo our hearts as we this Sabbath night, but was per- see the offer on page 10.
realized that by His grace we have suaded by her child to go to the house .)II .)II .$
"put on the Lord Jesus Christ." of God. She did so, arid to her joy as Sinning and repenting cannot be
Praise holy name! she after reclaimed. carried on at the same time. ;
27;r l908]
Notes and Personals
Goo has very raised. up
dear Sister Linaweaver, of Oakland,
Preferred Adlrertisements
who for some time was very near the FoR all . kinds. of-carpenter work, .
BRO. W. C. WILSON, of Upland, Gate.;, She is again stand- apply to R. E. Shaw, 757 Ruth- ave.
writes that the "meetings on Sabbath. ing by the side of her husband. the . To LET. _ Nice :front room;
were g9od, with seekers at each ser- energetjc Superintendent.of the San separate entrance; in - cottage, 639
vice during the day." Francisco District, in the work arppn,q Kohler street; also one inside room.
- ---- THE- burria-r tlfe- t neBaYCities.-- -------- 'SALE. ---'
First Church of Chicago. Its pastor, WE were glad to weicome the $1150, a Rooms, Lot40x130, $200 cash, $15mo.
h b $1000, 2 Rooms, Lot 40xl20, $250 .cash, $10 nio.
Bro. Cornell, delights in not mg et- genial face of Bro. H. C. Morrison, $1450, 4 Rooms, Lot 40x135, $500 cash, 2years
ter than to see things "go.'' . editor of the PentecostalHerald; as he $2100,5 Room Cottage, $400 cash,$25mo.
$2800, 5 R. Modern Cottage, $200 cash, $20 mo.
SUPERINTENDENTREYNOLDS at. our : He has. : 156 Acresin Riveyside eo, to $1000
the blessing of the Lord on the work been holding a ser.ies of at Phone Homi'

at Putnam, Conn. , with six or eight. Pasadena, with gracious.results, and
seekers at a recent service; and is soon to begin meetings with . the
increasing attendance. First M. E. o.f Los Angeles.
REv. J. N ... SHORT, pastor of the THE Beulah Christiq.n says: "Bro . .
Cambridge (Mass. ) Church, r eports Reader Harris is doing a good work
good times under the Lord's blessing across the sea in the British Isles, in
and with several of his young people his Penteco...stal League, but there is
' 'getting into the fountain. ' ' great need of a Church of
Professional Cards
Tel. Main 1484
Home F 1484
Hours 10 tD 2. 10 a. m. Sunday.
Residence 1126 Santee St. Phones Broadway 4133
Los Angele8. Cal. Home 2798
WE are glad to hear that Ero. L. the Nazarene there, a s in Residence 533 s. Cumminp st.
1." . Kent -w hti bas .- recentlY: sjd{, is, - places;:!;, .. .-J\men.. w ., ..!
li v.t:: liJ:i_, DR. J. LA ,.. . . ' ; .
. th.e " thought iQ our hearts. for some time. ' 'EYE: Erik"' NOSE .u;r
aged warrior a While longer to giVe US $ $ . Hours 10 tD 12. 2 tD 5. Severance Bide . .
Home Phone F 1497 6th and .Main Sta.
the help of his long experience. OBITUARY v-Loe Anceles. CaL .
GRANT.-While I was at Cavendish
. WhO is S.OOri to an.Operatiqn ATrORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW
our dear Sister Grant heard the tall, - NOTARY. PuBuc
in the hospital, asks t.hat the readers
" C h" h " d th d. 823-824-825 H. W. Hellman Bldg.. .
of the MESSENGER will pray that the orne Up Ig er, an US passe N. E. Cor. and Spring Sts.
to her he a venl.u home. She has been Telephone Home
Lord will graciously bring her through. 'J
a member of our church here for some W. BURT CLARK
THE Missionary Interests need to be time, although a resident of Thorn-
.Los Angeles
t alked up, pushed, and the p0ple ton. She enJoyed the experience of
Suite 800 Trust Building
aroused and kept well informed as to holiness and thus identified herself __ s_A_N...:.G.::.. ELEB=
.needs. Are you using the Mis- . with a holiness people, although l.iv- w. s. KNoTT " n. ARms w11. T. KENoa1cx
sionary Enverope System as the mea..ns .. ing some twenty miles away.. For the KENDRICK, KNOTT & ARDIS
of your offering? last four months she.has been. at l).er ATTORNEYS AT LAW
Will practice in all the State and Federal Court&.
Offices- Rooms 92-93 Temple Block. Los Angeles.
REV. I. G. MARTIN will conduct a daughter's, Prophet, here in
meeting at the Vernon Pentecostal Garfield, suffering from a cancer.
Church of the Nazarene commencing She was surely an example of patience MISS MAMIE E . .YOUNG
March 5 and continuing over two during her long spell of sickness. TEACHER OF PIANO
Sabbaths. . the saints rally to the The last talk I had with her she said WEST 657 03 Wis"!'nsin Ave.
help of the Lord against the mig hty. she was just resting, sweetly resting . Eatabllahed 1899 . G. BREDOW
REV. Bun ROBINSON, who is to be in Jesus. At times wou'Jd say METROPOLITAN CANDY CO.
with the F'irst Church; Los Angetes, -,, <3he was so tired she wished Jesus Wholesale and Retsil Manufacturers of
March 19, for a 'ten-days' Convention, - would come for her; however, His will, . CANDJES AND ICE CREAM.
writes from Seattle: "A great sweep not her's, be done. It. was a real ,. 317 We.t Fourth. Street .
on here, with many souls seeking inspiration. to visit her. sunset Broad..a.y .. ... . ... -- - .. . ... u.. .AIIflha,. Cal
God, and the d(! vil on the run. Glory "Mark the perfect man'; and behold 'Ciolzness Books
to J esus.' " the upright, for the end of that man ll4
BRO. HENRICKS writes from Port- is peace. " J. T. LITTLE. Can be had -at Publishing House
land, Ore.: ' ' Bro. Ruth' s meeting s -- -- - ----
have started out well. More than a ::--.-::-:::: .. - . :.- - -- ---- - - -- -
. . _ ........... -.. ........ ........... -.. ......... .... ....
.... ---.-..... __ ...._ . ........ .... .... .. -.. ....-........... , -
score have been to the altar already, PHONE HoME SUNSET MAIN 6910
with seekers in every service. We '
-The California
had. a .great .victory_on Sunday night. '
Continue to pray." i .
WILEY J: P-iilLLlPS, Editor and Pub.
WE learn from.the Beulah Clwist- .
$1.00 per yea1 in advance. One of.the Best Prohibi.tion Papers. (
-i an that since Aprill, 1907, Rev . . T.
H. Agnew; Superintendent of .the
Chicago Central District, has organ-
ized twelve churches, and secured
fifteen preachers for his district. He
is in "labors abundant. "
Stands f or the destruction of the SALOON AND ALL ITS ATTENDANT EVILS' I
; .: It especially stl'ives to protect and improve the Christian home: l
:.::.::::::..:-. ....
10 . ,
use several more. books on-our library
- .., . . .
Deets Pacific Bible College
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
641 E. 28th St., J1os Angeles, Cal.
shelves. . Many have -served their
time with their-books. Why_not
a few-boxes this way to help others? .
My. present aa. dress .and for the
COLLEGE NOTES. for intending ministers and mission-
BY LEORA MARis, PRINCIPAL. . . aries. studies not .yet arranged co1lege year is Deets Pacific Bible Col-
Bro. and Sister Logie made This limits rneatteffi'Jance .to leg:e,_64LE.asL_T_we_ntY:cighth street_, .
lege a very pleasant visit Monday, ate students of this kind only. - But if the. Los Angeles, Cat I am well saved-
dinner with the College family, san.g class is not great in numbers, it is in and happy on the.way: ' The Lord has
arid prayed with us, .and left a $20 quality. Such a spiritual atmosphere cast mY lo.t in "pleasant" places truly.
check. to help supply: is seldom found on eart:Q It is truly To my friends, I am truly at home,
needs . . How the Lord is blessing us . . One 'studerit
with "Praying and Paying" Friends. . the other day . . This morning she was "better Remember, though
Our prayers follow Bro. and Sister Another " far away, It -Is kmd of you to remem-
Logie to their field of work. this morning. An unsanctified stu:- ber me. God bless you.
Sister Barr sent us a lovely treat of dent sdon like a sneckled bird
thirty fresh eggs for breai<rast, and here.
Bro. Burner a treat of fine .winter . The institution was planted of God,
rhubarb, while Sister Lemon and dear like some _others, "made of the
We have a beautiful calendar which would
Mother Hallowell sent us four dozen things which do not appear, "..,like retail for 25c,. asa gift calendar. It is Hoff-
. eg'g .. s for Su. nday, . with . preser . ves,_ .. many k.inds of God's. w. or_ks. It is a man's "Christ in the Garden" mounted on a
handsome back with a neat calendar for the
.- -:--'rea-1-ehild of,-faith and atterupJ . year- .. __ _
. . -- to o k .: t t. "1 k. ' d ........ 'l'<lali MESSENGER subscribers whose sub-
God is good to the Coilege. . . __ w r; m_
prac .
ca wor mg _or er; scription will becomeduein Apriloranyother
"We Thy people, and the Sheep of'Thy Ideals. m human hearts by month thereafter and .who will send in the
pasture, will give Thee praise for- . the Sp1r1 t; There were March 10,_ we will send _this cal
ever " surgmg up through the choppy tide of We have need of money now and make this .
ct'rcumsta nee s wh1'ch seemed to II f offer to get subscription money a littJe in ad-
This. is . the week of . examination. ca or vance of the time it is due.
Please be a littie bit sorry . for every . -the human touch to reach realization. . NAZARENE PuBLISHING co . .
As usual, there was the problem
busy student . . My, how they are with the ways and means committee
.to devi!)e measures, institute agencies,
project plans, and secure results.
Soon one and then anqther favoring
. providential opening loomed up, just
[Extracts from a letter written by Prof.
Reid of the College to his friends of the at hand and the enterprise began
Christian Witness Family.] active life. The plan is but in embryo
.,. :. .. . - . . Pracea
119-121 E- Sixth St.
Contractor and. Builder
Office 623 Laughlin Bldg;
315 South Broadway
Tel. Home 2705 .
Deets Pacific Bible College, Los yet. But so far pteachers and mis-
Angeles, Cal. - Still the palms lift sionaries are going but. Others are
their fronded branches above my wiri- being made ready. A new site has
dows. The trunk of one is a massy been procured and some of these
robe of English ivy l)p to the tips of days a -fine new building is to
Res. 2416 s: Figueroa
the giant wand-like branches-which erected thereon, and theinstit.ution to
Tel. West 3891 Home 72310
are only single which have . strike the university pace. The motto
served their time, furled their sails, , is "Holiness to the Lord:" Noun-
and now hang like a mantle between -certain sound here. ParEnts can
. the green above and the ivy below. safely send their children thts way.
Ho'w orderly and gracefully 'these Yes, there are needs. Any of God's
. - retired leaves take their place. They stewards,' over even a little, can find
. are not . like some folks who do not safe investment here with dividends
It Pays to buy of
231-233-235 S. Broadway Opp. City Hall
Laundry or Bakery
know how to stop when they are done. straight .from the bank of -
Nor do they wait for a frost or storm The investment of life in other lives. WA G 0 N S
Built to Order,
to displace them . . We seldom __a, )!;; best interest on any dollar.
tree here like those in the Mississippi How. many .you:iig rrie'Tt arid women
Valley. Indeed, this is another world. would haste here if only helped a lit-
All the days since I reached here are tie. Brother, sister, there is an open
what we call .our best May and June door for you. What say you? There
das there': --------- --- -- - .. . is a table to supply. There are rooms ECONOMY. CAR,:UAGE GO.
My work is wholly here in the Col- to furni'sh. I. SEE THE CLASS NEEDS 1413..:17'-S. MAIN 'sT.
lege classes every school day of the AT FIFTY RECITATION CHAIRS M" ,.eN U" AL
week. Theology, moral science, New WITH-THE TABLELEAF . How easy for ...t:l: . L:l. .
Testament doctrine, Old Testament a few to supply. these. _Can we
history, is the way the. daily story well a.ffot-d to see the Lord.'s work
runs. I like my work, feel at home having need of :uwse' things an<;i. go
and just where God wants me, life has like Gallio ''caring for none oftheS'e
renewed its youth. This is a school things?" r see also that - we could
Pentecostal Church of the Nazarene
Get one now,and keep up with the processiolf.
730 . San Pedro St. Lot! AngeleB, . Cal.
February 27, 1908]
Nazar:.f:ne Mesilenger ; 11
Our .. Young People
Mills got hurt, Sam him all the under . . fob
way home in his arms, an' Dick just this battle to the finish ' in ' his day. Satan
loves Sam. When
. Bu'rt Brown broke is responsible for sin in' the world, but
man is r esponsibl e f o r his own sin. I am
SHE DIDN' T DO IT CHEERFUL. his leg Sam went to see him every not responsible for sin coming into the
day; and when Billy C. hester vias sick world nor for what .. it entails. I am not
ITTLE Edith, who is thoughtful you'd ought to have . seen the nice r esponsibl e .for the -possibilities of disease .
. bey'' ond her y' ears, and deeply h ' . s k h' " s le d . being in the world; and .thc.refore cannot
t Ings am too 1m. - e cte say every one who is sick is a . sinner . .
scientious, frequentlypuzzlesherbrain ..,c -" -" " Or his parents?" The disciples seem
. - a . . . searching a deep problem . . Doubtless tlrcy
from church one Sunday, she listened Sanday'--Selioo-1- hesson-.
witl;l ffiUCh intereSt tO a diSCUSSiOn On BY ISAIAH REID. the parents unto the third and fourth gen .
- March 15, 1908 eration," as in the .second com;,.
life's crosses. Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind. !flandme!lt, and were still in There
''What is a cross, mamma?'' she 1s entailment of wrong cond1ttons by .
Inqui'red gravely as soon as they w ere John
heredity. But heredity does not account
lone'. . ' , : .. . --- .. . . Read John 9:1-41. Commtt Verses 10, 11 for this case
1 .. Anil" a8" jc'sus"passed by, he .. .. "- "F9r -the glory or . Gbd.,' Jesus. :r:
"It is always a trouble of some man which was- blind from his birth. The blindness of H el en Keller has been,
kind, my child; and to learn how to 2 And his disciplesasked him, saying, and still is to be, of untold blessing to the
bear it cheerfully, as well as to help Master, who did sin, .this man, or his tens of thousands of blind persons, to
others to bear theirs, is God's way of .parents, that he was bo#J,l . blind? - . . . their friends, and- all w)Jo would like to
f h 3 J esus Neither hath this help the blind. Through her God has
preparing US or eaveh." man sinned, nor his parents: but that the taught the world how to help the blind,
''But I have no cross, mamma." works of God should be made manifest in and the value of a blind person.
''Help others to bear theirs, my him. the work of God should be mani-
Edie. 4 I must work the works of him that fest in him.'' Man is made not for him- .
The next day the little girl vanished sent me, while it is day: the cometh, self, but to gloi-.ify and enjoy God. The
when no man can work. best thing we can do is to glorify God.
from her home. Thinking she was 5 As long as I am in the world, I ani . "Work the works of him that sent me."
abducted, for her family was we_althy, the light of the world. . Bear an active liand. of ' the
the . distracted mother spread the 6 When he had thus spoken, he spat host. The Christian identified .
alarm andsearchers were sent oiitatl""--: m- the- grouna, .and of the SJ?it- .Jesus . . God, for the be-tter rcad-
. .. ' . . . .. . . . . . tle, and he ll.nointed the eyes of the blind .mg .of "I" -Is we.
over .the Toward. mghtfaJl,- the "While it is aay." Dayof opportunity.
when they had become almost diS-. "' And. said' unto him, Go, wasli in the " Night cometh." End of day" and op,
couraged, they found . her leading a pool of Siloam is by interpretation, nil ends our c:uthwork.
blind man followed by a crowd anti'. Sent). He went Ius _way therefore, and Made clay. J esus sometunes used
. ' . ' . wash()d, and came seem g. . means. He could l:leal by ''a wor(l,'' but
stopping on. e':ery C?rner to smg In s The neighbours therefore, and they .did not always. It is as rational to use
her clear, childiSh VOICe. ... whicll before had seen him that he was any known means to reli eve sickness, when
"What did yo.u do . it for?" her blind, said, Is not he that sat. and as .. it is tci use kno.wn means to ke()p
. mother inquired hysterically. kissing . begged? . . . . . . . . well Wl}en. not sick; put on .his.
h b' f ' d d !J Some sa1d, TJus IS he: othcr.s sad, He eyes. He commanded the man t o use
t e sweet, urnt ace an .. is like him: but he saiu, I am he. . means, "Go wash." Had he not ''went,".
hair. . 10 ' Therefore said they unto him, How he would not have ''come seeing. ''
"Why, mamma, I. was helping that were thine eyes opened? _ ."Light of the wol'ld. " "The true Light
blind man to bear his cross but''- 11 H9 answered and saiJ, A man that that light et h (furnishes for) every man
burstinp; into tears-"! do it is_ call ed J esus clay, and anointed that co_meth into the w?rld. "
_ . , m1nc eyes, and smd unto me, Go to the ''Neighbors. '' QuestiOned 1 Any really
cheerful, I was so frtghtened, an pool of Siloam and wash: aml I went - and sa,cd person sets others around to think-
maybe it won't Lippincott's. washed, .a.nd I ' received sight. in g. wonder and question, he .knows. I
12 Then said they unto him, Where is "I am he." \\-e . must b e something
A BOY'S INFLUENCE. he? He . . I know not. have something, else we ean b e : no
. GOLDEN TEXT-I am the light of the .w1tncss. The man upon whom the work
"I WONDER why- Sam Darrow IS
. . . was wrought wa,. the unanswerabl e argu-
?" 'd 't t ment
so popu ar. sa1 a v1s1 or a DAILY READINGS. .. .A th t i u d J .. H .
the house friend' of the Darrows Mon., ., Mar. 9, .John 9:1-12. Tues., .John J mtal n al ca Je . k cd gntles
9:12-23. Wed., John 9:2-l-41. Thu., ?.Iark esus, c If Or.' . esus . "or e . _ 1c
"I know," piped a little voice, "it's 10:-lG-52. Fri., Matt. 13: 10-17. Sat., Isa. works of hun that sent lum and n
because Sam loves everybody." -12 : 1-i. s n II C -11-- m:) nappcars as a monument that God Is,
u ., or. ' and that .Tcs us Christ is hi s Son. and that
''How do you know Sam loves every- Suggestive Notes and Comments. sah-ation is a fact, whe ther ns to soul or
body?" STATEMENT. body.
H ' .Cause he does. Now, there's I f is generally supposed that for six
Jim Blake; his father drinks, and months nftc r the iimc of our last lessou
sometimes Jim don't bring any lunch . Jesus spent his time in . Dur-
. ing this time-it is thought.thcre occurred
to school. Then Sam divides IS the healing of the Syro-phenecian's <laugh-
lunch with Jim, always. And when ter; the heali ng of the dumb mau at
the boys made . fun of Jim short Dcc:u>olis; the feeding of the 5000; the
because his elbows were out, Sam transfiguration, and a numbe r of Christ ' s
'em a look that they won't forget reported discourses. He is agaiu -in J c ru-
_salem, . . On one of tho streets or waJks
in a hurry." about the cit,- he finds this blind man,
''A look! What would boys care lieals him, an(l as usuai uses the occasiOI)
for a look?" . to explain and. pro,c up his office a nd
"Well, sir, if you'd seen Sam's look, mission.
you,'d understand. It was just as if
h d
'd 'N h d f ''A man . .. blind f;rom .his birth.''
e' Sal : OW, a1n t YOU!! O A Congcmtal ' blindness is
yourselves ....:... making fun of a poor lit- wholly considered in<' ul';:tblc. - The curmg,
tie fellow who wears the best he's therefore, would proYe the curer beyond
got." . the onli uary; -or in wo rds. to . be
"Doesn't that look of . Sam's make supcrnatun:d. \\' c no intimation that
tl1e mi\11 asked for .healing, he WaS beg-
the boys angry?" . ging alms, no doubt. ire ma); _h:l\:c
"No. sir; it makes 'em 'shamed, and been told of .Jesus, or no one toltl hun 1t
they like Sam all -the better fo"r it." . was .Jesus that was passing by. ]3ut .Jesus
. ''What else .does Sam do?' . saw him noll his need. . .
''Who did sin?.'' Tho .re,\s, like .some'
"Oh, I couldn't begin. to tell y_ou all . ...Iowi&h folks now, regarded all sin as
he does., but he's forever doing some., u
'c devil null ' an . aflli ct.ion for some sib''
thing for somebody. That day Dick for which the person was r espons ible nnd
( 1) God hns r esen ed a right to work
if man does not. ,Tcsus sought thi:s man,
''.Jesus sought n!e when a stranger. ' ' ''I
am sought of the m '' says Isaiah, ''who
asked not .for me. I am f ound of them
who sought me not. '' (2) This man
needed both light and' . He wanted
light, but first he needed son1cone to open
his eyes. Ordinarily we need help more
thnn we n<'e<l information. \\'e need more
religion. more "{han we need more preach-
ing. (3) . Around us nrc many diamonds
in the r ough, like this inan who needed
.Tcsus. How ean they. be r eached 1 .This
mnn was a blind hero. He was . au un-
quarrie<i.. statue and neetle<l quarrying out.
"Go work i n Ill-.'- . \'incyarcl." (.-!) There
is a " go was h " condition in a ll sah,:ition.
A pa.rt . for the j)Hli\.idnnl' t o do \).ef..orc it
is f or God to uo what he wants
t o <l o. ( 5) 'fhc r e is place, too, for '' c ln.v _.
-the means and lll<,)thods ;ual ngeneies.
God has ordained that men shall be sn\ed
l,l.'- the ... preaching o-f the .gospel, " lint
.me n nrc to be the preachers. the .agency.
(6) Xew eyes nr-c more nec<le<l thau new
ears. Spiritual insight; than culture. (7)
Power to spiritunl s ignificnncc in the.
Bible nnd. life can only from God.
. '
GOD'S WITNESSES. fully, like the staunch liner riding the
.On the. evening of Oct. 1, 1S99, I tumultuous ocean. 0 what a contrast
found God in the pardoning of my between the coriflct wit)lin in days of
yore and the peace of-God now! Thank
sins at the Nazarene tabernacle of . God for a complete deliverance from
526 s. Los Angeles St., and I received all sin, and the precious privilege of
such a determination to g<tthrough for . enjoying the fruit of Canaan . .
--=...G.o.dihat..Lhaye_alw.a..,y;1.-'s"--'b'""e...,e._.n"'--' w<L.L\ il ..... Ji""nceg,_ __ S. HADSELL.
to receive whatever God had for. me. Holbrook, . Urf3.
On the second night following my "" ""
conversion I went forward as a seeker
for holiness and did the best I knew
Evangelists' .
G. C. BucK
how; but-as'time . went.:- onJ Tfn.tiridl f.i:. . . ... ' :-.
had something to contend with that
prevented me from making the spirit-
ual progress I so longed to I
wondered if this was all that sanctifi-
'Salrtfanca', N. Y: .. ,,
. cation could do for me, and still kept
believing I was sanctified.
It was believe and wonder until the
situation got desperate and I asked
God to show me whether I was sane- .
tified or not (about two years ago),
. and He showed me rwas riot> so' r
. WEmt to seeking for it and would .
to God and try to
believe as best I knew, but didn'.t get
The old nature seemed
to come back again, until, thanks be
unto God, .on Dec. 30, 1907, ab.out 10-"
p.m., my faith got to bed rock, or in
other words, I got to where God im-
pressed me to stand up and declare
my faith in Him as to what He had
done, and that was where my test _
came, .to take God at word regard-
less of how He . . :j3ut I knew
God was faithful and that He had led
up to this point, so I arose and declared
aloud, ''God sanctifies my soul now."
Our pastor's wife ahd others were
prevailing with Go'd at the altar for
me, and when I got through, . God
wonderfully touched her heart for
being willing to prevail until God
answ.ered by sanctifying me or show-
ing me what was in the way; but I
received no manifestation whatever.
Nevertheless my faith said, "It is
done.,; And there I have stood ever
2921 St., Kansas City.
849 Bryant St., Dailas, Texas.
R .. D. 2. East Holly"'it'e'od, Cal.
c. A . IMHoFF
East Palestine, Ohio . .
Pittsburg, :J::'a., Feb. 16 to March f.
Columbus. Ohio>March 5 to 29.
i3 Fourth St., Lowell, Mass.
Everett. Mass.J Feb. 20 to March 1.
Cliftondale, March 6-t0-15 . .
772 E. Forty-first St., Los Angeles.
49 Royal St .. Lowell. l\Tass.
Cincinnathts, N.Y., Feb. 18-March l.
Cortland, N. Y . , March 3-15.
Ill_io1.1, N. Y.,,March 1i-:W.
\Vest Hebrort', .N . Y., -Match 22- April 5,
Herldmer, N. Y :, Apri]7- IO.
Perry'smills. N.Y., April 11- HI.
N. Y., April'20- May L
1340 Appleton st.. Long Beach, Cal.
Redlands, though February.
(/ C . W. RUTH
1823 Nowland Ave.,. Indianapolis, Ind.
University Park, Oskaloosa. Iowa.
Brocl<Ville, Ont., Feb. 21 to March 3.
Ottawa, Ont., 4-15.
Battle Creek, Mich., March 17-26.
Danville, Ill. , Apr. 3-12.
524 Durham ave., vVoocllawn, Ore.
J. \V. GoonwiN
742 14th St ... San Diego, Cal.
Through January and Februat:Y
, . S. .BAILEY
The Pioneer Optician
Established )895
. J Call And See Us ln Our
Exclusive Optical Store. Don't
Forget the -Nurnber
212 S.
1 he Era
. Publls he<tWeekly
Washington, D. C.
Collegiate Institute
The Pentecostal Church
.the Nazarene
$100 Per Year
Special offer to Theological Students and
Christian Workers. ,
College Preparatory, Commercial, Musical
and Grammar Grade Co-qrses at correspo'nd-
ingly low rates. Send for Catalogue.
North Scituate, R. L
.. -Ashby. .N.u,rsery
All Kinds of Plants, Bulbs and
Mention this paper when you write.
. since, and I am glad to say after living
in Canaan over a month, I am enjoy-
ing the blessed peace of God, the in-
- dwelling of the Holy Ghost, and that
tr:oubler (the carnal nature) has "dis- The Best Service REMEMBER LAST WINTER
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but is burnt out or eradicate by the V. J. JACQUES .
Holy Ghost and fire; and to do God's 353 S. Broadway 7th and Olive Main and-Adams
will and walk in all the light He sheds 32 d d H
- on mY pathway is- -the- delight of. -my l . .. -.. --- :... ... ..... -- B-tL ph ___ n .. - ..... .... .
soul. My soul feels as if it was cut n n ones ...
loose for God, while before I was held ... -
_. back from doing what 1 so to
do relative to God's cause. I haven't Montgomery & . Mullin .Lumber Co.
Cor. Fifth and San Pedro Sts.
Prices low as the lowest, consistent with good grades.
traveled on flowery beds of ease; the
trials and storms are the Rame as ever;
but how. preciously do LfeeL the sus-
taining grace of God in life's storms!
MY soul rides them safel .and peace- .


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