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The Blood of JeeiUJ Chr!tft p;.

Son IUJ From All

Vol. XIII .
Los Angeles,_ California, Oc:tober 8, 1908' . ' No. 15


. "Jeeue .. withme ia united,_ . .
Doubtitfge and fearti are all gone;.
With Him now. my aoul iB deligh,ted,
For I and King Jesus are one."
Tc; Thy sure love, Thy tender care, '
. Our flesh, soul, spirit, we resign;
0 fix Thy sacred presence there,
And se'al the abode f<?r.!!ver thine .
The second of this three-fold unity is,
"And the glory which Thou gavest me, I have .given
.. --lliil HE purpose of God in the redemption of man-
T kind, through the atoning work of His Son,
has an ultimate aim, and while the experiences
and work of Divine grace along pathwaY-
of the Christian life are all essential, they are
but steps to the final. Experiences are not
for experience alone, but are-means to an end;
and that end is not gained until God.'s order
in experience has a reality in the soul.
them; that they may be one, even as we . are one." This
is not the glory of unity but . the unity of glot:-y.--The
transferred inward glory of our Lord is the basis of this
oneness between God's ; children. What a glad, holy,
sacred fellowship there is between those who have the
experience of the inward Shekinah constantly glowing
and burning in their hearts. Nothing else mi earth like
it. Holy brtlthren, we must have this, and have more of
it-have it as the inward strengthener of our being, like
the ribs of a great ship when the beat against it;
and have it shining out' of . our lives . in every act, and
shouting out of 'our'lips wherever we go, so that the world
may be convicted by it. The pain of one must be the
pain _of the other, and the joy of one will find a response
in the heart of another. So that we can truly sing:
. This being the case, the_ Perttecostal Church
of the N.aza:rene is in the biggest and most glorious work
that this world has ever seen -that of making men and
women holy, and so unifying them.
In the fall of man, the human race fell with a crash,
and like a broken bowl the oneness was destroyed and
dismembered in many directions. As sin poluted the soul,
the unity with God no longer existed; and with sin domi-
nating the heart, man arose against inan, and the unity of
mankind was broken; and as a result of this, unity of
effort was no longer possible. Now th-e glory of God's
purpose is in the complete restoration of this three-fold
unity. Thank God, for this holy that has fol' .
its purpose the culmination of this God-plan. What was
despoiled and lost by the sin of the first Adam, is being
restored by the grace, glory and power of the Second
Adam. .
we turn . once again for the clear revelation of this
purpose to the last heart-cry of Jesus while yet with his
disciples; and while He prays for them to be kept and sanc-
tified, we find one main thought through all the prayer,
and that is that they might be brought to.the
Unity ,,which the world had lost by x;eason of sin. .
The first of these .is that we may be
"That they all may be one; as Thou, Father, art in
me, and I in Thee, that they also may -be one in us."
This means a great deal, for it is no less than unity with
the Triune God in His Will, Way, .Word and Work. It is
- .. , to be like Him in nature, like Him-in affecti9ns, like Him
in purpose and to have His life throbbing_through our
spirits and shooting out in every act of our life in blessings
to our -needy and lost .' fellow-men. Such a soul finds his
delight alone in God, so enraptured is he as he gets vision
after vision of the beauty and ,glory of the Father, Son -
and Holy Ghost, and so is glad to sing:
"B[est be the tie that binds
Our hearts in Christian love;
The fellowship of kindred minds
Is like to that above.
The third of this trinity in unity is,
"I in them, and Thou in me, that they may be made
perfect in one; that the world may know. ,- The W:orld
will never know that Jesus was the "Sent of God" by
believers pulling apart, but by commg together. And as
the Lord so marvelously came down in glory at the last
years; General Assembly, at Chicago, when the UJlion of
the Pentecostal-Nazarenes'took place, so we believe He
will come in added glory at the meeting at Pilot Point,
this week, when the brethren of the Holiness
Churth of Christ and the Pentecostal Church of the Naz-
arene are made ONE. And so God is answeri'ng the
prayer of His Son, and is gathering together His holy
.;'people into one great army, whose "aims are one,'' by
whom He will "girdle the globe with salvation."
0 beloved, our souls glow and burn with the thought
of it, that for this time and work Jesus prayed; and that
we are privileged to take part in it is a glory that the
angels might w'ell covet. Thank God that Jesus ever
prayed -save them that they may be kept; keep them that
they may be sanctif\ed; sanctity them that they may be
unified; unify them "that the world may know that Thou
hast sent. me."
May the Holy One bestow upon us the marks of this
three-'fold in Him; united in each other,
unil ed in His service. Amen. R.' PIERCE.
. .
Nazarene Messenger [October 8; 1908
ORGANIZED HOLINESS-Letters from District . Superintendents.
"The outlook for Organized Holiness, Scripturally, Experimentally and.Prospectively is splendid.,,
THE NORTHWEST DISTRICT us. Souls heing converted and sane- ."
This district has now been in exist- tified. Our banner is flying. The
erice nearly four years. At first we look is good ana the uplook is glorious.
had three organized churches and one . '\Ve are:moving with roo-
small church building. We now have . tion. - Tlw sunlight is breaking over
six hlmdred m.embers with eight the eastein hilltops. . What we see to-
builqings, :and others contem- day, is only the earnest . of what we
plating the building of new churches. see The workmen will
\Ve have sixteen' churc,:!1 organ:izations fall, but the work will go on.
or circuits and other places . 'where . ized holiness shall have a in all
WOl;k cari be done. Our annual gather- 'this .
rejoicing in their hearts, as they real-
ized they were now a merriber of the
growing family of P<;!ntecostal Nazar-
enes which God is scattering up and
down the land. Amen! Hallelujah!
Hell can never confound us as 'iong as
... we . hold our . organization . togethel' in
.the bonds of perfect love. I find 'that
there is hopefulness taking hold
many holiness peqple and churches that'.-
_this 'is God's unity, ancl they are con1-
;ing and saying, "vVe want to join this
movement." . God help us to keep
humble and the great and mighty
thought of this prayer before us, which
is unto the Lord. Keep the two
ing in the District is time
of great inspirati<;m,.... Our number in-
creases each year.
Our great work is to get men, first,
soundly converted and, second, sancti-
fied wholly, through the cleansing
blood of Christ. The churches now in
are incieasing in membership.
Our wo1:k is evangelistic. Souls are
converted and sanctified at our altars
continually. We constantly push the
'' 0 ' lookout, leaning from the mast, .
'\Vhat of the night? The shadows flee;
The stars gr.ow pale ; the storm is
A blood-red sunrise stains the sea.''
The storms may not all be out
above the roar of the storm we hear
the s'ouncl of victory ' and go marching
H. D. Brown, District Supt.
Seattle, Wash.
mighty works of grace to the front,
viz., Justificati.on by faith, and Entire
Sanctification by the -same process, and
the gates of hell cannot prevail against
us. Hell is mad, but Heaven is glad,
and our God is surely Iiloving on.
battle for salvation. \Ve make holi- .JC .JC .JC
A. B. Riggs, District Supt.
ness . a ;peci.alty. We. believe that is NEW 'ENGL;\ND DISTRICT
what . the world needs. 'rhe number of I am-dad, first, ' that we have .our .
our churches is increasing. The pros- spiration organized holiness in the
' pect is that they will continue to . in- prayer-o.f_Jesus-bless His dear name---,-
. crease. Vve endeavor to have our work .. ' in the 17th chapter of John, 19th to
so organized that it is really "Organ- 24th verses, and surely Jesus has been
ized Holiness.'' So organized that its smiling 01i the long-delayed answer to
life and work shall be continued. So His own heart's cry, and the blessed
organized that a church can be f:ulfillm.ent which is being realized from
plied with a pastor ariel a pastor can be the Atlantic to the Pacific, and from
changed from One chureh to another in Newfoundland . to the Gulf. The mover
At .the time of the formation of this
. district one year ago it contained three
Churches belonging to our de-nomina-
tion. Since that time. three . new
. Churches have been organized, and
three have come in with i1s, making the
total number of Pentecostal Churches
of the Nazarene in this district .nine.,
a systematic and successful way. So
organized that our converts will have a
spiritual and congenial church home.
So organ.izecl that we can conserve 'Our
minister to our people, license
and ordain our young preachers,. house
our congregations, push our work in
an aggressive way and .. _ our
organization, with ever increi1sing life,
for all time to .come.- This is what we
call ''Organized Holiness.''
Our district was organized to carry
fonvard the work in \Vashi.ngton, Ore-
gon, Idaho and Montana. '\Ve have
not, as yet organized the work iii :Mon-
tana. There is a call for us to come to
other places and organize churches.
We expect soon to have our work or-
ganized in Montana and other places.
The field is open to us. The people
need the gospel and some of them are
ready to. receive it. There is a gr eat
need of genuine holiness work, so or-
ganized as to be aggressive and perman-
ent. We are on the ground. God is with
ment in the New England district has \Ve do not know that this rate of .in-
not yet fully assiinilated all the bene- crease can be maintained, but the o'l!t-
fit and blessing which will naturally look now is that new Churches will con-
accrue from the organized system, but stantly be formed in this territory. _
it is evident that there is a coming to- Most of the holiness \vorkers are seeing
gether of bone to bone; the sinew, flesh that organization is absolutely neces-
ancl stage has been passed, arid sary in orfter to properly conserve the
the mighty breath of the Holy Ghost work done.
is being felt in every quarter as we One of the most beautiful and
stand o'i-i our feet and unfurl our ban- couraging features of the work in this
1fer of otganizcd holiness to a dying : district is the perfect unity and bar-
world.. This condition of things is stir- mon:r \\rhich exists everywhere, not
ring the devil and making formalism. only between the Churches and district
afraid. I lately caine in contact with . officials, but in the r.hurches them-
this in organizing a Church where three selves. Everywhere in the district
great formal churches called me into there seems to be a determination to
their presence and warned me that they push the work of organizing holiness
intended to take steps to protect them- as never before.
selves against us, when they had about H. B. Hosley, Distric-t -Sl.1pt:
three thoiu;and 'members and we only
about twenty-five; but we pushed right
ahead against the advice of the Sanhe-
drim and organized the cori1pany of
twenty 'into .the First Pentecostal
Church of the N azar.ene, amidst great
'fhe love of Christ hath a height
witho'ut a top, a depth without a . bot-
tom, a leng,th without an end, and a
breadth without a limit.
October 8, 19()8]
I meet everywhere who
are greatly hampered 1n their faith and
liberty of Spirit, . because tliey get
things tangled together that ought to
be distinguished.
. There are simple which
.. we have .. to speak and write over und
over again, because there .are always .
fresh souls coming into the kingdom
who have to learn the. same .lesson that
others have.learned before them. So_me
of these simple are the fol-
1. Do npt get a pure heart, and
growth in grace, mixed -in y9ur .
inind as the same thing . . P.urity is
thing, but maturity, or .ripeness in ex-
perience, is another tbing. The cleans-
ing of the heart from all sin is
taneous, but growth in love and knowl-
edge is graduaL Purity is obtained by
faith, but enlargement in experience is .
by work, and obedience, and various
trials and testings. Sanctification is
the cleansing of your robe, .and growth
in power and experience is the wearing
of the white robe in the daily life. After
the heart is pure, which is an.
epqch in life, t:he. believer is to
many things out o{ God's word; and
in a life of prayer, and many trials, and _
in various good works. Now you see
tliat 'if you get the blessing of a pure
heart confused in. your mind with all
these various l essons that you have to
learn; you will . be seeking for countless
sorts of sanctification, and get into a .
muddle, and never know just where
you are in the Christian experience.
Hence keep the distinction in your
mind between getting a pure heart, and
the subsequent growth in experience
and knowledge.
2. 'Do. not get .sin, aud t emptatiou,
mixed up as the. same . thing. Sill is
the thing that God hates, and Christ
. died to purge it entirely from the hu-
man soul. Temptation is the trial to
j)i;ove the reality of faith and holiness
and .. obedience. Sin is disobedience,
but temptation is an inducement
presenterl to disobey. Sin is a cor-
rupt principle in the heart, bn.t tempta-
tion is an appeal to admit evil. Temp-
. tation is like a thief trying to break in
the house, but sin consists in admitting
the thief, and entertaining .him. _ Temp-
tation is an appeal to some appetite, 01:
an affection, to satisfy itself in a
ed. and m1lawful way. Temptation j.s
to be endured, for the Bible
''Blessed is the man that endureth
temptatiQn," But sin is not to be en-
Nazarene 8
dured, but .to be -fled, aljtl -.often occasion.s .. of di-
_away, by the precious blood of Jesus. visions and "strife, and enmity .. GrJl_Ce
If youz: heart is pure, Sa_tan will pre- coin:es by 'faith in Jesus, .but gifts are -
sent thmgs to your and then distributed by Divine sovereignty, ac-
try to. confuse your mmd, and, make_ cording as God ch6oses to bestow them.
you thmk that those things have origi- Grace is a source of ha'ppiness to the
nated in you_r own heart. A bad bc:>Y soul, but gifts are often times
may throw mud on your window pane, of unrest and ambition. andthe more
and then ri_ng yourh door-bell, and call gifted are, the -'more. unhappi- .
your attentiOn to t e mud, and charge n-ess they have unless their heart
. th t k . . b ' s are
you WI. _no . eepmg. a" -clean full of humility the peace of Christ .
. and th1s IS what Satan attempts With . -First of all we need hearts f 11 f
. ; . . . . . , u o grace
Christians. A . ;-' .to make us holy, and Christlik(l, anq
flectiOn Will enable you distmgmsh then we need the gifts to do good with .
between state of your heart, and -and to make instruments in bl g.?
th d f . , essm
e outwar attacks o : th.e enemy.- others. The ApostleJ'Peter tells us. -to
_3. get_ salvation,' and rewards gro:W jn grace, and iii knowledge ; .bm
up as bemg the same . you notice he puts grace .first, . because
ar.e saved by faith, but we are rewarded knowle5lge .without grace would do us
according to our works. All who en- n.o good.-The Way of
t cr heaven must be equally saved that .11' .11' .11'
is of every wrong act: and CARD SIGNiNG REVIVALS
purified from all sin; but they are not The value of card-signing revivals is
all equal in their good works,- or equal ' showu by collected reports of the great
in the amount, or in the quality of their r evival held by Dr. Chapman and his
service, and hence not be equal in associ.ates in Philadelphia last spring.
their rewar'ds: In th:C Bible you never The American Friend gives these re-
find any difference between Christians ports, stating that it is greatly disap-
.in being justified, .or sanctified; and pointirig to the churches. These cards
there is one command to every sinnel:" were sent to the .various churches, and
to r epent, and believe the Gospel"; and pastors of the churches were
there is one command for every Chris- to look after the persons whose names
tian, "Be ye holy. " But _as to.rewards, appeared bn the cards. Many or" t ells us some will get ten pounds, churches receiving these cards got no
others five pounds, every m"an accord- additions \vhatever. to the
ing to his works; and Paul says .one signers being apparently indifferent to
star differeth from another star in church membership when interviewed.
glory, and says so will it be in the res- In some. few eases there were better re-
nrrection of the Lord's people. Again, suits. the best reports was a
Paul tells us .in 1 Cor. 3 :i1-15, that. al- church . of 140 signers gaining
though Christian.s may build upon eighty new memb.ers, but of these
Christ, the true fotindation, yet jf they new members were only
build with poor materia], their works three outside'rs. The rest" were mem-
will be destroyed, and they may be hers of their owri Bible school. The
saved as by fire, like a man jumping conclusion is that these great revivals
from a btmfiJ:I_g building, but they will are not what they seem to be and do
suffer loss, because their works were not r;,ach the unsaved and unchurched.
foolish, or superficial, or erroneous. multitudes. The much safer aiid bet-
. 4. Do not get grace, and the gifts, ter way is to get .to pray
P-onf_onndec!"as the same thing. 'It is by through to God themselves, and then
grace , vc .arc made holy, but the gifts ther e will be tf tlesire to go with the
arc for service: Some tnay have great . Card sigging is a defi-
grace; humility, patience, f aith, love, cient tmsatisfactory method of
long-suffering, and other kinds of grace, promulgating the , gospeL-Christian
who have but few gifts and make but \Vitness.
little show, btit arc precious to God.
_Others may_ l1ave many gifts of mind,
or p erson, or money, or high position, . BY
or skifl; who have but _little grace, or. REV. ISAIAH REID_
no- grace at all, and who pervert tlwir Holiness Bible ReadiligS (cloth) . sOc
gifts, and them as instruments of How They-Grow " 50C
selfishness and sin. Grace is essential . Soul.:.Help Papers (paper) 25c
to salvation, but gifts not. Grace. The Holy Way " . lOc
unites all hearts, but gifts are diversi- 730 San Pedro St., Los Angeles .
. ,
Nazarene : Messenger
l 8, 1908
open door. Othello is a rapidly .grow7 powers of darkness arrayed
ing town witholit a <}hurch built there . l).gainst us for the si:ml of a young man
--- as yet. /we- now._have .. _soine members who h'ri.d broken down under c'Onviction
SAN DIEGO, CAL. at that place that have the work on a few nights previous, but had resisted
On Sunday, September 20th, during their heart, and are ready to the Spirit until the last .night of the
the absence of the pastor, Rev. J. W . . fo
: the cause. meeting, and not until after the meet-
King ., of Gre.eley, Colo., to Ben. and Mae Valjean. ing did he consent to come to the altar.
our people to their great blessing- and . .,. .- After continuing in prayer for some
edification. Yesterday was 'also a good AMERICA CITY, KAN. minutes he was asked if' he had
.- day. We had good audiences and souls: We are glad to report victory, and .. : tirely. ,.surrendered to' God. . said he.
at the altar and was with us in-' that Jesus a present help in every had not. He was told that it was no
deed. tinie of need. If it we're not so; we use to try to go any lmtil this
Our faithful and much loved co- lvould be of all m!m the most miserable. point. was reached. So we continued
workers here, Rev. and Mrs .. E. M. We have just been engaged in a to hold on to God in quiet prayer for
.Hutchens, are reJoicing in the arrival meeting with the Holiness people a few more pungent conviction. After a while
of a beautiful baby boy; born Septem- ft_om here, and although God '"l'm lost.'.' "I
ber 22d. We pray for God's .richest -manifested great the can't," arid arose and sat on the altar.
blessi'ngs parents and - . it seemed very hard to get' Uio"unsayed ' .After sitting a while he said "I'm go-
and Sister Hutchens will go' in to move. Conviction fell heavily on the ing," and and :}eft the house.
a f ew .weeks to take char_ge of our ppople, but the devil not-let them Nothing datmted, some of us continued
work in Ontario, Cal. We regret very :; move out at1d get saved. Last Su,nday at the altar in silent prayer that God
milch to have them go, but know that w;;s a. most precious melting ti1,1.1e. All . wo1,.1ld arrest him. He got in his buggy
our loss will be Ontario's gain, and day God poured out His Spirit on the and drove up the r oad a:t a dash,. when
that the church will .prosper there in people and filled their hearts, and they he suddenly came to a halt and said to
their hands. They have endeared shouted praised God for His won- a young man who was with him,
themselves to us very deeply, and by uerful power .to save, and one soul going back, i't 's now or never with me." .
their faithfuL and able service seem came for There are He came back and found us kneeling
well nigh indispensable to us. so many strange doctrines preached at the altar in quiet prayer just as he
-- P. W. Girvin. here that people do. not know what to had left us. It to'ok no persuasion to
_. _. _. do. God never inte1ided that any of get him to surrender now, and he
Last Sunday was another time of the
of God, and old-time
revival power. The prayers, of God's
people were answered. The fire fell in
the morning service and at and
deep, conviction was, , fa;stened upon
some by .theHbly Ghost. One seeker
. was preciously saved, but we believed
we h'ad faith for more, hallelujah ! So
convictiop. follo,ved others and we were
called to pray for them during the next
two days. , As a result five out of nine
more seekers were saved or sanctified
according to their need, glory to God!
- 'l'hree were baptized in the l ake, and
three joined the cimrch. Mr: W. N.
Thorp and wife, who were saved,
spread for us a great camp dinner, at
which many wel'e. present. . After din-
ner and till late at night they had us
preach and sing in the grove, . and in
good old-fashioned style sought the sal-
vation of their unsaved friends, kneel-
ing down and agonizing them with.
tears. God was very manifest in it all.
It was a glorious time . .
Mr. and Mrs. Thorp a_nd ... t.Q.eir two
daughters are good people o.f much
talent, and they go back to their home
at Othello, Wash., with a deep desire
to. have a good meetirig there and sec a
Pentecostal Church of the Nazarene or-
ganized. We believe it is an excellent
His servants should live anything but wasn't long in through tg vic.-
a holy life. If. the devil has any little . tory.
corner .in our heart.s, we may be sure I thought of B. S. Taylor's article on
"we are his servants, and if we are true "Irresistible Grace." I think we some-
servants of God onr bodies are the times give up too easy, instead of hold-
temple of the Holy Ghost. ing on to God's promise until victory
Vl e are praying for the success of the comes. ''For with God nothing shall
Holiness movement, that it may take be impossible. " Luke. 1:37, and "If
the world for Christ , and that ther e thou canst believe, all things are pos-
may be nothing lacking on our po.rt. sible to him that believeth." l\{ark 9 :23.,
Vv. H. Denny and 'Wife. and "\Vhatsoever ye shall ask in my
' .- .- ' name that will I do." "If ye shall ask
PORTLAND, ORE. anything iri my name I will do it," Jno.
The past two weeks have been blest ' 14 :13-14. \Veil, glory!
of the fJord. I.1ast Sunday four or five I have accepted an invitation to con-
sought and found-some pardon, others uuct 'an all day meeting for the Wilson
purity. Co. (Kas.) Holine'ss Association, at La-
'l'he Lortl encourages. us in so. many Kas.," Oct. 6, .and then we go'"
ways. A number of our people are on to Pilot Point, Tex., to .attend .the
sick:. Two- Sisters Eat?n and Mickel- General Assembly, which to my .
son-are in the hospital, having passed on.e of ,-"rhe-Meetings" of the century.
through operations, but they are re- S. C. Brilhart.
covering once more. .
. We are praying for the Assembly at
Pilot Point to be of. the Lord.
we extend the hand and heart of wel-
. come, and pray God to bless this union.
A. 0 . Henricks.
.,. .. .,.
Praise God for victory through
Jesus' blood. We have just closed_ a
meet'iQg at our N. E. country appoint-
ment with three eouversions. The
.. .II
IJast Saturday evening we returned
from Milton, where for a week we
. helped Rev. Fred St. Clair, the pastor .
He has been on this work for tlte past
two years, preaching the !'Jec'Ol,J.d bless-
ing, and a few souls had been led
the experience and ,many were
hungry for a taste of the fruits of Ca-
naan, and closed' his confere"nce -year 'in
a real Holy Ghost revival, in which
8, 1908]
quite . a number were converted
several sanctified, yv e took the names
of ten new subscribers for the Mes-
senger, and .promised to return next
Naz(,k,rene Mess_engtr,.
) ..
sand blessings upon the Messenger and
. aJi its readers. '
Fred St. Qlair.
Milton, Cal:
_year and hold a camp meeting. Yes- .J1 .J1 .J1
terday (Sunday) was a good day in.our KEWANEE, IL.L.
-. church here. All three were l>aul says: "Likewise reckon y_e also
well attended and seekers were at the yourself to be dead indeed unto sin, but
altar at every service, _ and in the even- alive unto God through Jesus Christ our
ing a young man and' his wife. joined Lord. " I am glad to report that we
. - tlie church. Our church has recently have soine of these "dead one's " here
suffered some l:oss by members having in Kewanee who are so much "alive"
to go to other. parts to seek employ- that the devil lfnows where to locate
ment, but the Lord is sending us some them. Ali!en. , ,A,.nd as he hurls his
young people who are the way fiery darts we put -iip . the shield of
of Holiness, . and our members are full filith and press on to victory nnharme(L .
QLcourage a,nd .the revival fit;e is burn- We have no evil report of the land-we
ing; amf like our d() __ . .are. on the ''old corn'' and
.not e_xpeet the ''sun to set. in the morn- . perfectly \vith the
ing. " The church is - going in San pomegranates, and . we are going
I'rancisco, and . we mean to keep the through.
glory and shout and shine for Jesus. Albert T. Harris,
Jl' ,JI Jl' G. W. Welts, Pastor.
,JI . .JI ,JI
We claim another week of victory
through Jesus.. Our church building
has been moved to its permanent loca-
tion, corner I and 24th We
.. are now much niore conveniently situ-
ated for . both members and friends.
The Sunday services throughout
.were the best we have ever had here.
Four nf' embers in the Sunday
. schooL o'clock sermon by our
pastor was vne of power. At the close
of which several came to the altar, one
_praying through to God. Glory!
The Yonng People's meeting at 6
P m .. was.-. full of blessing . .
Shall -we advance? Have we any
true conceptions. of gr. ace beyond us?
Do we see perfect liberty from every
effect of the fall, "By grace and
through faith 1 '' May a .perfect .rem-
edy of our . fallen conditions be ours
here aU:<i now 1. if n_c;>t, why not t .
Is Christ; the Christ of God, the.
Divine of our Redeemer, li perfect rem-
edy for every fallen stain? Is it in fact
''Christ in you the hope of glory,'' and
may every power of our being be re-
stored and filled with the Divine, here
aud n'ow--by faith? And if not. why
Is an outward Christ more potent
than an in ward Christ? Does tiine or
place have to' do with our redemption,
or only the inherent, indwelling of the
The day was triumphantly closed by
' one of the .best sermons of the year-
from the text Matt. 28: 18, last clause.
S. L . Jones.
"i>ivine? May we here and now, by
faith, of the divine nature,"
and is. not this the :highest . ind inost
glorious . gift of God to man 1 Iitdeed,
is there any reason why here and now
:ur,e .may not receive "All the fullness,"
. and be' every whit 'whole?"
I.s there any world, at any time, any-
where, that is .a factor in man!s re-
1 _ .Or is it the being. .
"Transformed into his image 1" . .
.. .. ,JI
we must not be too much afraid .of
new things in revivals even
they at first look sens_ational. The Holy
Spirit is eonstantly springing great sur-
prises -in world and taking men's
breath away by the sudden and start- .
lirig use 'of . that we never
th(;ught were fit" .-to.: to His
God's (;wn people are often. the most
surprise'd a:t this, and among the last
to recognize the hand of God in New
agencies. The Spirit's are
not yet exhausted, and so we may pre-
pare for many sQrprises yet to come.
John wesley . startled cold and
formal England out of sleep by a new
style ' of preaching, a new doctrine of
life, by out-door preaching where the
. rabble was as. welcome as the squires
and lords, .. by his ''holy-jigs'' as
his hymns' were called. These . were
flaming . sensations; all of
lected .
... .. ....
The plar1ts in that garden are perfect
in their nature, but noxious weeds hin-
rl er .their growth. But remove the cor-
rupting seed, root and branch, of those
weeds; and _J1ow 'vonderfully you. in-
crease the vigor and growth of the
plants! Thus may our- souls be puri-
.JI . ,JI ,JI ' '
And idle life and a holy heart is a
Just closed last night at Everett,
\Vash., in the First N Clfurch a
powerful meeting. Souls really struck
fire. It was glorious-pentecostal-
and seemed to me to be genuine. Hal-
lelujah' ! A more heroic little band I
never saw. They built a new church
and we dedicated it Sunday. Raised
about nine hundr_ed dollars on indebt-
edness in about fifteen minutes. lVly;
how t:llese Nazarenes give! \Veil,
they've got religion, that's the secret.
This "church kitchen apostasy" is no
joke; but it is appalling. ''They . sit .
down to eat and rise up to play-" while
clevils dar,ee i11_ glee and angels weep !
God pity the deluded throng. A thou-
'' Nazarene Messenger "
Wiil be full of facts concerning our Church which every friend
of Holiness ought to know. Send it to all of your friends.
Send your list of names by Nov. 1st, if possible.
Single copies 10 cents; 3 to separate addresses 25 cents; 4 to
one address 25_ cents; 100 for $5.50. Postpaid.
Nazarene Publishing. Co:mpany
730 San Pedro Street Los Angeles, Cal. _
6 Nazarene Mes{telUJer ': [6ctober 8,. 1908.
1\T .. . ' - ____ :" ills :. : : .. . : : . . m-_o ._r : n__m _g.-_-t. h'e ___ .. n_t _ ._. and -Boulder, ina :we:__txU:St"".: it
-'i.l' azareli:e .. J.r.6. esSeiJ!Jer -its- force, by, and the slll)s4jne . .. wiii ':fi-ot . be: everY: city
P. F. Bresee; Editor
R. Pierce, - - Office Editor
C. J. Kinne, - Asst, ,Editor _and_Bus. Mgr .
E. A. __ _ f?.: t< . Linaw1101!er _ c. E.
J. P. Coleman J. B. Creighton Isaiah Reid
H. D. Brown J. W. Goodwin W. C. Wiloon
. Enter<><i at the post-office, Aug . . 7, 1900, at Los
Angeles, California, as second-class matter. .
Published Every Thursday.
- $1 a in advance: to Ministers 76 cents; .
to foreign countries $1.60. Sample copies free. .
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Tel. Broadwau Home F-2676
We came into Colorado in the midst
of a snowstorm. For more than twelv.e
after 6ur arrival in Denver,
urday morning, September . 26th, the
snow came down. It not alto-
gether an unpleasant Right, but seemed
a little strange to Southern
nians who had not seen such a sight
for years-the earth covered and the
trees bending under their vhite bur-
den; and a real breath Of winter upon
It had been thought wise to not have
the meeting at the . Mission Hall of the
Mission carried on by the Colorado
Holiness Association, though those car-
rying it on were well disposed towards
the meeting; but as that is made up of
'persons from different churches, the
of a illeeting that was expected
to eventuate in a Pentecostal of
the Nazarene might be
so a place not with any oth-
- work was desirable, . a good
hall had been secured at 1548 Califor-
nia street. This was also further
.' deritial, as a fire in the block two days
before the meeting burned out the As-
sociation Hall, and they W'lre in the
midst of arranging temporary quar-
ters. The meetings had been well .. ad-
vertised and there was a goodly num-
be:f .of people who . found their way
through the . storm to the hall for the.
first service at 2 :30 p. in., and again at
was upon the mountains, and snow village there will be ari . abiding center-
was buf-nished and glis- of holy flame. A place of pentecostal
tened lilre silver, and_ before night it blessing in any place means .streams of
had disappeared.- Large con- salvation, ever flowing, maki:Qg glad
gregations filling_ the }arge. the c!_!;y: of God. AlL}lail to the-_ bloody
hall morning and night. ,At the morn- banner of holiness; may it . float fro.m
ing serice there were . several who every mountain top and over all the
sought the Lord either for Pa:rdon on iovely valleys this state,
purity, and the Holy $pirit was pres- brin_ging peace and j'oy and heaven to
ent to save. 'A.t- night an address _was its earnest P.eople . .
deliverec;l upon . the call and work . of .J& .til . ...
the Pentecostal Church of the Nazar- A GOOD
one, and, an opportunity_ was given for Love and hate may be _h}lt
tli<.>e . who desired to associate _them- sides to" one Christian unit'. The man.
selves together as charter members of who loves the good all of the in-
. such_ a Church, to come apd .st!J,'nd to- of . his. being. '\y.ill . wick"ed-
getlier around the altar. An earnest ness with strength. of passion.
baud of thirty persons . c;une and were . Love to God, lothes the devil. Love of
received into the Church. holiness hates evil. With such an "one
01i' forenoon . thei:e 'was an- whatsoever things are lovely and
other most precious meeting, at which of good report: his thought embraces.
five professed to be either saved or of itself is impure, sinful
sanctified. At night the hall was and of evil st-irmising is put away . .
crowded with people, and at the: olose But as goo-d and . evil are found in
of the a class of ten stood the men Christ loves, and to whom we
around the altar and were received in- are .sent to save, our relation the
to the Church, making forty charter evil man and the good-evil man is very
members-. As is the case, these peculiar. He as .a personality is the'':-'
\vere mostly representative holiness' obJect of intense. lo\re. whatever
people, and among in this case . good in him is loved, whatever is evil
vere a gooclly number of capable and in him is hat-ed. As
these elements of
promising young people. . good and evil are in his very and
A business meeting was held at which our personality. is to be brought to bear
the Church was properly organized, upon him for his salvation, and as we
and Rev. 'Alpin 1\1. Bowes was called loye good and hate evil, our relation is
as pastor. It was a pleasure to meet ev-idently complicated. LO'Ve for the
Brothers Burger and Whistler, from man is to be. dominant. Whatever is
Greeley, Colo., the former being pastor evil is an excresence, a disease, affect-
of our Church there, and the latter the ing the whole being; a thing that will
recent .Presiding Elder of the Indiana be fatal _ unless it can be put away, or
District . of the Holiness Christian be delivered from it. As you cling _to
Church. These brethren came for the your child and hate the cancer or COil. "'
last day of the convention, and their. sumption that is preying upon his life,
. t . ..
presence and help were a great bless- so we love personality and hat._e the de-
. ing. There were several m-inisters of stroying sin. That it IS in his volition
other churches present. Among them as well as in his affection, does not
was our venerable friend, Brother Mer- destroy our love. We see his
itt, of the Methodist Church, ality with its possibilities, and. are
a_nd Brother Garrett, Presiding Elder moved by the -divine impulses in us to
of the Methodist Church, and oth- his rescue. The terribleness of the dis-
ers who fraternized with and joined in . ease, the sadness of his condition does
'the work of the meeting. . not <J'uench the l ove that would briilg
It looks as if a great future is be- deliverance. We are not to be accused
fore the Church in Denver; as .if in of loving tuberculosis because we care
this prominent city, the center of this for the child in whose blood the fatal
Rocl<:y . M9untain country, surrounded disease- rages. We do not hate the dis-
as it is by cities and towns which need ease less because' we the child 'to
the Gospel of full salvation, God would different climes and do all we can to
create a center of fire that might bring restoration. In our dealing with
shine through the and yal- men the love of personality must pre-
1eys of this great state. AlreaJly in ad- dominate. None ever hated evil as
vance _there are good beginnings at Jesus hated it. His pure life and His
October 8, : 1908]
JlgOJiy on- the. - en2ugh

ii;=- <I s-o lite -6t: of __ ii9;:

. of .. bnt:. th,eir :m'eti JiibitToii>woiild- rue- :W;ttiifuiCthe:nop_eor
little He appeals to us tlie .; 'a-re see-n, as. - ' ' a resurrection. The ,same is true of tb:e
sin . and how: . as the lover But pr'ohibition in the imperative holiiJess wave, or movement.; . its great-
of men. While sin may hinder love's class is eternally defeated the moment est for the last quarter of a cim-
effort, W.e cause of this .truth is uncondition- have. c.ome _toit through an effqrt
dp not __thus_ hate -sin. but love" is ally p-ut in hai:ids of part ofthe
the right of poweJ;" that ever - political parties. . . . . . of the m!>vement, -trying to pre-
reaches qut M save. Love to . God and .. The .Churches _whieh refuse to niake vent ;the naturAlly supernaturally log-
men C!J.nnot be strengthened,_but.hatred .Holiness a specialtywould be extrelll.ely . ical tendency of the movement from . .
110 sin 1J,ls9.- But it may be hi.consistent in . crystalizi:ng . into a_ great _holiness
. .. possible to retain active, aggressive - pei)dent, woUid-be auxiliaries for t)re Since my association the_
hatred of evil ' without ' retaining the promotiori'of holiness . . .And. llllY imm- movement, yearjl __ ago, . ''Local Op..
warm, inov.hig; love. - This ber of .these self-constituted and want- -tion has beeri . one -of its greatest -
seems .to be a, .danger often . present. to-lJe adjrmctsJargely defeat .their sanctified foiks jn one ecclesi-
Men beco;I.e or good haters, . by .indif!lcrlmiriately turnhtk or another to- the
though the l'Qve ha-s -lost ThiiL the reward_. of their. labors back -in-to- fighting -pastor or .elder out, _and-- -the -
was ' c:ase with : the Church . -at . _the. hands _of __ Churches which op- hoiiiress-pl"omoting -pastor and elder in;.
Ephes .us. could_ not bear them pose and" freeze __ spirit and . gainmg and losing opt;ion because
' which
were evil; but at the same time for Which these exist . . it wi\s "local," and because .the domi-
had r.un low. It oc- . Inter-Church a-ssociations can aQd-.d,o natin:g e-e.clesiastical power from
curs that there is gre9:t . hatred of evil, come into being and along the to skin was against holiness. We had
wh_en there is notthe love which might open way, arid devise many things, and our Local Option holiness camp meet
bring pl;"oper' S!lving con.ditions. This attain great successes...:..._to be pushed 'ing' in the county and -in the state; God
' sometimes .. disaster because of side and shoulder from the Churches hono_red the faithful and full Gospel
lack, of saving power, and reflex in.flu- they . represent. is but little _ or pr.each;ng . of the . Word; salvation
ence__:_the remo-val of the ca_pdlestick 1)0 aflhiity' _- between the character . o(. . . ftom{d and scores. were born in . a . day
where love -ought .. to bp.rn and shine. -the work done iri a holiness camp. meet.:. and .-;; many sanctified. : Our converts
necessarily the reverse i_ng;_ a holiness coll_ege; _()r in a< h?liness . where they were g_oing to. make
side of :Iov.e, but the grea.t" JOurnal, and of hke m -the. then: :home. In L()CilLQP.t.!Q.P., .. Qf.J!..Q:uolc . _.
- .-. mand is: the -Lofd thy'- gaiD_.g to l ive on' On, .
God with .. all thy 'liea.rt and thy neigh- . waves which stqrrri-swept . Locai Option, of course .. , What minis-
hor as thyself. - . _ the United .. States mqre th.a,n. once were ters Will feed us _ when you are gqne T .
.JI ' : .JI .JI all but'lost, because they had no bosom ministers who don'i"belii!Ve ui
' BITION - to nestle m, no place of rest or abode; your .Local Option hohn,ess camp meet-
J. B. CREIGHTON. so they returned to the open window ing, nor in you. They don't preach our
'fhe Church is a home, a family from whence they came. But not so belief. That's no oddS; we are Local
borne. The Church is a supporter, a . today. There is a party, a mighty Optionists and stay in the
feeder of the household of faith. The _ storm center of prohibition, where all party and get good men in,, foul
Church stands for holy an,d the sentiment and interest and strength - or fair, you must stay. and pay. Amen.
pushes T-he Church estimates be conset"ved and noui"ished and '\Ve hope -you will hold out until we
. its holy a.t ... arid forth :again lik'e a. thousand again. .
does not snub and embarrass them be-- to shake ihe world. _, How much better that, than _ the
ca}lse they are sanctified and are brave The movement must have a - mother who feeds her child to the croc-
enough to speak of it in the modesty bosom into whi ch it. can fly-a place odile!
.. .. .. ..
of perfect love: called home that is_ home-a . center
_, The Church, of necessity, must be in from which it mo.ves and brings in_to The blessing of the Lord was on us
full sympathy with the doctrin_ e and ex- requisition' all of\ its mighty forces for
on last Sabbath. Some four or five Iiew
perience of holiness and those who pro- organic conquest: . . , . .. Sabbath school. pupils. Two additions
fess the grace of sanctj.fication.-. Church, Hq_lmess _a?d __ .to the. church. Thirteen person!!. were
w Is this true of the Church . of the are mseparable concomitants. _ at the altar as seekers during the day.
Nazarene? . 1 . . The root cause of opposition to holi.- Ab"but one-half dozen profe8sed to have
The average Church parties may in ness from a Church is the fonncl. what they sought. We need
SOme Sense beiieve in holineSS, a_Dd do b d k f I l "b "
e -roc cause o to pro n J- your :prayers for .tJ!is work.
hold in their constjtuency some who are tion !rom . the .And '\v.' c. Wil!Jon, Pastor.
in the experience of holiness; . bllt the an org"anized pa.rty for thE' sue- - . .. .. ..
special work of making holiness a cessfnl promotion each, and the Two New '.[.,-,cts.
specialty "Can never be left in safety to proper aggrandiZement of both, is as . "WHY YOU. SHOULD BE HOLY,"
tlie average Church parties, any more unquestionable as the existence of the AND
than- the special work of making pro- Deity. Whatever . the . Anti-Saloon - "CHILDREN OF THE OLD MAN "
hibition a can in safety be -and Local Optio
_ may do, it is Are to the justified:
l eft to the average p. olitical parties of self-evident that their is largely Can. be had from the author, Rev. R.
Pierce, 730 San Pedro Street, -Los
the country, although: they may m a failure, and if the cause of the exter- Angeles, Cal. Price, 20e per doz.; $1
. some . sense bel\eve in prohibit!on, at mination of the traffic was left per 100. -
8. - .Nazar..ene Mes_senger [October 8,- 1908
AT THE TABERNA.PLE " -- , o . : _ -:- --- - - -:-
. A large audience . at First . C. J . manager of To encourage tiie publisher of the
Church Sabbath morning. Rev. J. W. publishing left for Pilot Messenger to issue_ the without
-___ Q.Q.Qd_w_in . preached with unction and. Point, Texas, _Thurdday of last week. In commercial advertising, B_ro. Welts,
liberty, using as a text -Ps: -48-:llf:I3:- i\{fdftlon to his. work at the General As- pastor- of -the San Francisco Church,
_'!'he place was filled )Vith the glory of sembly, he will look after the circula- sends ten new If every
the Lord. It reminded us of davs in tion. of our J;?Ublications. . . pastor lll our church would do likewise,
_ the old tabernacle whet'l. the _ D-istrict Superintendent Goodwin _ or- it would not make up f?r the loss
would be interrupted by. songs and but wov,ld put _the paper -on a better
shouts of the people. . - ganized a new_ class at Latin, Cal., with financial basis. .
- - 16 members, . on Tuesday night, . Sept. - .J/f .J& .
. Bro. Goodwin had charge . '.of tlie 29_ . -Bro. Griffin is pastor her - e, a ' n. d has - -
. _a . ernoon -_serviCe. - - e bme was given liopes -of sever/1.-l. others uniting with Those not'ated ln the wor -k _o f. a
. to prayer li.nd testimony. The glory of -
- them. . - e t th l'l tl t f n
t 1e ord came. upon -q:s and there was .... gr a ga ermg_ 1 {C 1a o Ltle Gen-
great rejoicing among the saints. ' . . , Let all do 'go pray_ earnestly ... eral Assembly,_- _ have no coneeption of .
The -Brotherhood -and . Company -, E fol' the great General Assembly which - the great aiiwu_nt of preparatory
united in tlieir meeting Sunday even- meets today (Qct._ 8) at Pilbt Poin:t, to be done, so that-the ien:l business of
' ing, and Bio. Goodwin gave a . 'L'(Jxas, when _the Holiness Church of the can go on smoothly froni
which was greatly blessed to all our Christ comes into union with our body. the start. 'l'here are certain ones on
_hearts. The re-vival is on, the fire is Pray, ''Lord, give harmony, wisdom whom devolves a great deal of fore-
burning. _Bless God for. a great day in and perfect love." . tho.ught and planning. Of course the
the First Pente<;ostal Church of the Rev. J. W. Goodwin, District Super- General Superintendents have to take
Nazarene-!_ , intendent,_ is abrmdant in labors these a good look over the whole field, look-
In the evening Bro. Goodwin again days, going .from point to point the ing weH to what will be the best
occupied the pulpit, announcing for a district after the interests . of terests of the church, for on them rests
text Isa. 44 :3-4. The sermon \vas a the chp.rches, besides his work as assist- the "care of the churches" so that when
exposition of the fulfillment of ant pastor of First Church and at' the they come to the Assembly they. know
these marvelous prophecies in the life B.ible College. pretty 'vell what is good and needful
of individual believers: . The biessing Rtev . . R.. Rev. Fred Epperson ' for best interests of our cause.
of the :6ord was on the. message. and Bro. Clarence McKee left ori the . The - Secretary has . vast
J. P. C. ,9 :45 train Monday morning last for the amount of preparatory work to do, as
General Assembly, and if their journey well as cons'i(lerable to keep him. busy
.. has been divinely directed they are now for weeks after the Assembly closes.
among .the brethren at Pilot Point, 'F'or fully s1.'x we-eks he is engaged in
Texas. sending out to, and receiving from the
- ..IC.JI..IC
Sabbath last was another day of
sweet, holy fellowship with th.e saints
Qf Grand A venue Church. From early
morning until the close of the evening
service the presence of the . Lord was
graciously felt, and. the word gra-
ciously blessed to the help of God's peo-
ple. -The Sabbath School had an addi-
tion of five new scholars, and the aim is
to have one hundred by Christmas.
Bro. Pierce preached at 11 o'clock a
very tender sermon on ''Learning the
Lessons of Meekness and Lowli.Iiess ''
after which - the sacrament of the
Lord's Supl?.er was administered during
the quiet hush. of 's presence. The
young people's meeting was a time of
blessing, and Bro. Pierce .. preached ..
again at the 7. :30 service, g1vmg . a
searching ll).(,lssage on "Readiness for
Christ's Appearing,'' which was gra-
ciously blessed to the people of God.
This church is evidently in
grace, and reaching out more intensely
after God.
APPLES OF GoLD is just the book
to bless your soul and in-spire your
faith. - Send for one. 30c. postpaid.
\ I.
. . ')\ --
Beloved; if you can't go to the great . churches the blanks which have to em-
meeting at Pilot Point, Texas, _you can body all the- figures, names, and condi-
go to your own meeting at home. Be tions of the work _ of each church, one
true to that, and it will make the folks of which is sent to each pastor. From
who are doing your work at the As- these is compiled the roil call of min-
sembly feel easy. istei-ial and lay delegates, and the lists
Our friends will notice the absence of all classes of official workers in the
of the commercial from church, as found in the official minutes
the columns of the Messenger, and this - of the Assembly. These have all to be
will be a reminder that you should se- corrected verified.
. cure new subscribers to make up the There is then a great work to be
loss incurrecl'by their Se- done on the field where the _assembly
cure one or two right away. . is t.o convene, wher-e the frien:ds are
- s. . busy for some time preparing to re-
lSter . W. M. Franklin, our efficient
- eeive and entertain the ministers and
pastor at Plainview, Wash., says, "The
Messenger is a great blessing to us. delegates of the Assembly, and this is
no light work, where several hundred-
We are still pushing ahead, and are
have to be provided for.
looking to the Lord for a gracious out--
pouring of His Spirit more so than in However, it i.s a work. of great joy on
the part Of all, and the friends that
times past."
have n_o burdens to bear in respect
'rhe Tuesday meeting last week was k h
can as t e JJord to strengthen and
a t'ime of peculiar glory and bleRsing. hless those who do the wotlf ''
Bro. Goodwin had _ charge, giving a R. P.
brief message from the word. The tes- , .:JJ .JI .JI
- timonies of Bro. Langdon, Sister Both- The man who cart be .slighted by
friends and hated by enemies, yet' do
right, is sure to be of use itr the wot;ld.
\vell and . Sister. Smoot were full of
nnetion. They spoke out of a full h.eart
October 8, 1908}
. . .
Nazarene "Mesilenge.r 9
. . .. :fmt ;ft.:: it:Ev:lvA_L:- -At-:::: aowi\::.i"onviction ana __
. :ought"' tt> . bs :].dndied : on .. otllaf." :th'e -
circuit. .They should biaze and .. as we then believed that the work- .o- -,ing_ down and living 8-holy-
burn everywhere. There is gl:-eat- need the churc4 was 'to get. souls saved . and life will not convict men of their 'ueed
for thiS'" condition to obtain. That this that the Lord's time is always the pres- of nothing_ will.- It is an in-
can be brought about there is no ques- ent. ' . . .. sdlt" to the 1-loly Ghost to depend on a
tion, if pastors and people will earn- We trust that reports may be sent .-compromise w#h the world when. He
estly strive together for this _apecial ob- . in-from every; :circuit in the Free Meth- . has .Pr9mfsed to convict men.-Chris-
je.ct. odist church that revivals are in pro- tian 'Witness. .
There is .no better season than the gress and that the work of God is mov- . .J/1 .J/1 .J/1
present to begin. The weather is pro- ing on mightily. Some excellent re- EXPRESS YOUR THANKifULNESS
pitious. Sq_me of .. the best revivals :we. ports of and . salvation have .An il}teresting anecdote is related of
. ha'Ve seen have been held in .the fall of b.(!en received already. King Alphonso X, surnamed "The
the ye_ar: . MtitDY can attend now who Let us :Qr:ay that. a out-. Wise," whp. succ-eeded t.o the 'ihrone of
could not possibly be.there in the rigor- pouring. of tne Holy Spirit ' may come Leonard Castile in.' 1252. . On learning
ous. welitner fullowing the holidays. It .. upon the church arid . that many pre- that his pages . neglected to ask the
is a great mistake to let ti1e fall months cious souls may .!Je swept into the king- Divine _ before . pa'i.;takihg of
pass efforts being put <lorn o God.-Free Methodist. . their mcals, he -was deeply grieved al)d
forth for the salvation of sotils. .J/1 jl .J/1 sought diligently to find the bflst and
The popular churches are engaged in
arranging programs .for the holiflay P-n-
tertainments, and they give scarcc_ly
any attention to revival work until af-
ter the festivities of the Christma.s holi-
days are over: .
But we should not follow their exam-.
pie in this respect, hut do our best to
revive the spiritual interests. of the
church and preach the gospel
to sinners.
We believe the church should be in
the spirit of . revival all the time, and
that if conditions are right souls will
. be converted and entirely" sanctified
right along, summer time as well as in
the :winter, and in the fall season as in
the spring of the year; and in the class
and prayer meetings as well as in the
preaching services.
Holding periodical revival services
is not of Methodist origin. The early
Methodists expected that whenever and
wherever the gospel .was preached sin-
ners would be convicted and converted
.and they were rarely disappointed. in
this. God honored. their faith. and their
efforts and gave them &onls. T)IC idea
that a few weeks in the year are to be
devoted to. revival effort and the re-
maincfer of time the ma.ttcr
ners becoming converted is not to be
pressed, is fatal to faith and to success.
While it is all right to have certain sea-
sons for special work, yet we shouid
make the salvation of sinners and. the
entire sanctification of belicveJ:S our
chief object in religi_ous work all the
time. When a young convert, we heard
a give an exhortation, and he
warmed up considerably dnring the
progress of his re)llarks. This was in
the summer time. 'In closirig he re-
Jnal_'ked that he hoped the Lord ' would
spare the sinners until the next winter
most way to point out to
them the evil of this omission:
.. .
At .length, succeeding in finding a
plan, he invited the pages of his court
to dil1e with him.
A houritiful repast was spread, and
when they were all assembled around
the table, the king gave a signal that
alt was in readiness for them to begin.
They all enjoyed the rich feast, hut not
ope remembered to. ask. God's blessing
. It is astonishing to us to !mow of
preachers of the Gospel who belong to.
secret orders. How men called of God
to t}_1e Gospel can affiliate with
and encourage organizations that have
a tendency to ' pull 4own th.e kingdom
of Jesus Christ, we fail to understand.
It would be not one whif more incon-
sistent for the. . Gospel ministry to be-
come priests of Bud-qhism or any other
Christless religion . than to join the
Christless orders to-day. There is .
no spiritual life in these orders. No
man . was ever regenerated or sanctified
.by principle-s and teach-
ings. For a Christian to join them is
like a live man dwelling among
Thousands of people belong
to these orders who. sa:sr that is au the
religion tl1ey need, making it a substi-
tute for. the of Jesus Christ.
. Qn his food. . What transpired at this
memorable mealY . Unexpectedly there
entered a poor, ragged beggar, who uO:-
- ceremoniously seated himself at the
royal table, and ate an'd drank, undis-
,. .Ancl yet preachers by the htmdreds, by
joining these worldly asso<i.iatioris, en-
courage men in believing they_ are all
right in this kiud of r eligion (for it is
a. kind. of religion) . Thousand.s of
church members attend the lodge who
never attend the social mean; of grace,
and pay ''dues'' more readily ,
than they pay their "quarterage" in
the church, and-in many instances. pay
the lodge so much that they cari pay
but little t.o thc
church. For a -preacher
to such an institution, that
saps the life and strengttl. of the cause
he profcs::. es, t9 build up, is .only
astonishing_: but ridiculous. And yet .
thousands of preachers do it. we .
know, it' is said, "Vve join the lodge to
get hold of 1't-en and help onr iilflucnce
over them. '' How uuscriptural as
as absurd . . God has neve-r .commanded
to encourage a.ny or-
ga-nization in order to help our inftu_'
ence over them. He has told us to pray
. tnrhed, to his heart's content. Sur-
prise and . astonishment were
()n every countenance; The pages
rooked first at the king, then gazed up-
. On the audacious intruder, expe.cting
momentarily that his majef?ty would
give orders to have him removed from
the table. Alphonso, however, kept si-
lence, while the beggar, unabashed by
the presence of royalty, ate all he de-
'Vhen his hunger and thirst were ap-
peased he arose and, without a ,V.ord of
thanks, departed from the palace.
"'Vhat a despicably mean fellow!"
cried boys. Calmly the goo-d . king
arose. and with much earnestneSs said :
bolder and more audacioUs than
this beggar have you all been. Every
day you sit down to a bible supplied
by the bounty of your Heavenly Father,
yet yon ask not His blessing, and leave
it ,w.ithont. expressing to"lfim .grat-
.ititdc. Yes, ea ch and all of you should
be heartily ashamed of your conduct,
whi ch _is far worse tlian this poor beg-
gnr 's. "-Selected.
.. .- ....
... As unto Lord is the standard for
all our conduct.
10 lf(essenge-,.
... Miii-i . .:. .. aiJiiNiisB..:.rti'flP. TH.E.wiifi _/ !.__ ...
Deets.- Pacillc -'Jlible.- Colle_ye
641 E. 28th St., Angeles, Cal.
[Oct;()}?er 8,
sill vation: to,_':b.ring. -hax:mony-. and ..
tain it in the face of differences of
. Our students are earnestly ''about
their Master's business. ''
The oneness prayed for by our Lord
in behalf of his disciples and those who
fancy handkerchief bag to make the . believe on him through their
room complete. word certainly -yvas not oneness of
We all got down.- on our knees to- opinion .or-. of , but . _oneness o
gether and thanked God with tears of spirit. . Who has not felt more of fel-
joy for . these precious "Praying and lowshlp and unity with a . humble.
Paying Friends,'' and . we ask God's like person who, owing, it may
richest blessings upon 01,1r friends in be to, di.ffered widely with
Petaluma who sent $2.00 for college you on many questions, than with an-
needs, upon Sister King of Ashlana other who happened to agree with you
for pillow cases' for the new dormitory. doatrinally and yet lacked the spirit of
One gentleman brought a friend, . a
Presbyterian, to supper Saturday even-
ing, and after' evening worship ab.out
a dozen of the students adjourned to
the Reception room for a prayer meet,
ing with the visiting friend, and before
half.past 9 o ?.Clqck, we; at in the
office, and the students studying in
their rooms, heard the. ''joyful sound,''
and all qujckly gathered to greet our
newly sanctified brother, and hear him
tell h.ow the Lord had done
Definite Work" in his sour; through
living faith in. the shed blood of ,Jesus.
Next week we expect to be moved _.C.hrist1 ..
into our new Preparatory Class : The only basis of Christian unity is
with its lovely new maps; _globes,- refer:. . love-" the mind that was' in
ence books, etc., etc. We can tell you Christ. " Here contention ceases. The
about it then. - soul ''follows peace with all men.'' It .
.,. .,. .,.
Our new student who was "still s.eek- .As long as "we have this trP-asure in
ing ' '. last. . week, came over into earthen vessels" there will be differ-
" Canaan" Thursday evening at family ences of light and consequent differ-
worship, and the one who was saved ence of opinion leading to difference in
last Monday is now sanctifica- action.. This being a conse-
tion.. querice of present conditions; the great .
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Franklin Platn- question is, How . . cren Christians . dis-
view, Wash. (Mrs. Franklin is a daugh- agree on many questions of more or .
ter of and Sister . Creighton) less aud yet be one in
'':ith their little son, now members heart 1 If in our present state it is im-
of the college family,. ' possible . to bring good people to see
Rev. and Mrs. Kerns of Plainfield, alike . in .regard to many questions of
KaiJS., with their little daugltter, arc ' greater or lesser and while
located within two blocks, while he is there is such a vast difference of views
taking the college course. as to the relative . importance of the
Re:v. and Mrs. Bancroft of Boulder; many questipns w,hich Christians
Colorado, with their two children, are differ, and yet God's people are .re:
located at Ocean Park: in charge of our quired to be of one and. soul; --
church there, and Bro. Bancroft at- how can this be lmder present .environ-
tends college from that place. ments? I answer only in perfect love.
Rev. and Mrs. Stanford of Colorado As there is perfection only in love, so
are also located near the college, while there can only be ' oneness in love ..
he takes the of study. . . . Thank God his people can be . one in
We are expecting two more yOlmg heart in spite of their heads. God can
ministers and their wives this week, bring his people where. they love. those
who will be located . on the c6llege as sincerely who differ with them as
they do those who ag.ree with them. I groun s.
The new dormitory will be ready to know' the Bible says ''How can t'wo
move into Tuesday, . for which we .are walk together except they be agreed,"
reverently thankful, as we have been fl. and they must be agreed the
badly crowded, and eight or ten more great fundame.ntals of salvation in or- to join the "Family" very soon. der to be Christians, . But being Chris-
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Schutte of Med- ' tians and so that we must
ford, Oregon, have lately moved to the
city, and the other- evenmg . Sister
Schutte and her little daughter came
over to the college with a lovely gift of
new, home-niade quilts, sheets,
; cases; rug, towels and hand)rerchiefs to
furnish one Of the ne:w dormitory rooms
an4 her l_ittle daughter had worked a
differ widely in our
it becomes a weighty as to .
how. it is to be done. Shall there be .
warring and contention, or shall there
be peace and harmony in spite of dif-
ferences of opinion 1 Here is the glory
of true religion-here is the super-
natural. Worldly people get along
passes through all vicissitudes-trials,
contradictions, '' w'ithout murmuring
and disputing; that ye may be blame"
less and harmless, the sons of God,
without .. rebuke in the. midst of a
crooked and perverse nation among
1vhom ye shine as lights in the
holding forth the Word of life: "-:-
Christian Standard.
.,. .,. ...
Jesus wants men to be temples of
purity for the habitation of the . Holy
Ghost ,and to dwell in Him, to have life ,
more abundantly. The spiritual mind
is valued by Jesus incomparably above
all show, membership
and parade. God .
. complained of ancient Israel: "My
ways have they not known.'' To find
out and practice the spirit of
ity is a valuable .accomplishment, and
when obtained, it will make a man anti-
secnet' and anti-worldly throl1ghont his
whole'"being, and in his practices.
Pins .. .
We have a new supply of'Nazarene
Pins. The Nickel-plated, such as
we have heretofore sold, and a new
kind made of Abalone shell with
black lettering.
. 25c each
50c each
Nazarene Publishing Company
October 8, 1908]
Nazarene Mesllenger
' 11

THE BOY WHO .HELPED He set them within the four walls of a PROVIDED FOR .
do not even kl}ow his. name, home. It ought to be :our wiser, . older
, ..-;-His-lineage or his age; . . The youpg girl who is. ,going to a
And yet he lives in deathless fame business to see that they are devoting large city shQuld be 'pio"Vi'ded' at first
Upon the Gospel page. it in all its "branches.". with a little money, :enough to tide_ her
"The people round the Master pressed, . -Congregationalist. . over a week .or a fo'Hnight at least; and,
The sick, the poor, the sad; .:1 . .:1 .:11 tmless she has a. of _paying .
. . He stands distinct from all the rest, ----- "SO SMILEY" work after that,: she wouM.better have
. A little fisher lad. remained at home. A boy ma,y, if it be .
. A little gtrl of ten years came
waits with patient, upraised .head, . needful and cmnrmhlOry, go to a strange
The hungry he sees; home frptnh ,unday School. v_ery-enthu- . place to look .up work, but this a girl
The fish are here; the barley' bread, siastic a new "teacher .. who . had s.ltould never do. And, indeed, unless
And yet what use are these? taken charge of her class becaus.e of it be unavoidable, a boy should not
"Still all. he h,\s hifi. Lord may take, the removal from :_the cit;v of. lier for- trust. himself in a city fuH of strar1gers .
. }.\nd then it: in,.ust weil; .. '".. . mei feachef . After declaring that the tmprovided with a .. position>:. A Joot- .
The Master took and blessed and -brake h_ol<l is a very ess'ential thing for eithei
new teacher war:; . '.' ju_r;;t lovely," and boy or girl. If one have the merest .
And wrought His miracle . ..
that all of the girls were sure they foothold, one may climb.
"0 glad child-heart, so sure and swift
The. perfect way to choosP.;
. should. like : her ''awfully,'' the. little JJ' .:1
0 happy hands that bore the g.ift
The Master deigned to use!"
Sometimes the boys and girls think
mother is hard
n them, making them
do all kinds of things that are unpleas-
ant. But'I want to say to you that; if
you do not do mother thinks best,
girl's in other said: IF i WERE YOU, MY BOY
"\\"hat is .. there about her. that makes I wouldn't be ashamed to do iight
all o you like . her so very much the anywhere. I would not do anything
first Suriday she has had charge Qf the that I would not be willing for every-
class 1" body to know. ..
I wouldn't go into the f; ompany of
"Well," said the little girl, after a boys who use bad language.
moment's hesitation, "I suppose that it I wouldn't conclude that r knew
is .because she is so smiley. She is the more than my father before I had been
smileyest teacher we . ever had!'' . fifty miles away fr,om home. .
'J.'he teacl1,er who is "smiley" will . I get l:ntQ.. the sulks and
no_. t be like!_:; t_o have much trouble in . po11t whenever I. .couldn 't han: my own
>l way about
winning her way to the hearts of a I would learn to be polite to eYCry-
class of little. girls. Smiles are good hody.-,-Exehange.
Unto Him shall the galherinri or lite people be.

.. and do it pleasantly, you will-be sorry
some day. Of 'cotirse, mothers know
best. They have had a long time to
learn about things, and when you are
as old as mother, you will . know as .
much as she. Yoti want to sit tip late,
but mother knows it is best for you to
go to bed early, so that you will grow
up strong aud well. Children need
more sleep than grown people, because
they arc growing and cannot be healthy
and well without plenty of sleep . . So,
when bedtime comes, don't pucker up
your face at;Jd say, ''I don't want to go
to bed!'' but say, "Good-night!" and
go off pleasantly, every one will
say, ""What a nice child that is." May-
be you; will &ot hear thep1 say so, but Clean, helpful and interesting stories, choice
you know they. will it. " selections of the best thought f?r young minds
.- .)1 Real Spiritual' Help for Young ...
The ha-ll-mark of exclusiveness just Just the paper you have long felt the need
of. No home should be without it.
now is to be "home-made."'_ The gown ..
cos.t a pretty penny-what could you .. No, Finer or More Appropriate Christmas Gift
expect 7 It was. all
made. have to pay for that! Well,
there arc other things worth having of .
the home brand-boys and girls, for in-
stance. The home-made girl; the boy
that's mother-made-they have a look
Of distinction when you see on the
street, or anywhere. They are so good
that the others already are beginning
to look cheap and common, and some
essay . tp pay the compliment of imita-
'could be selected for your own children or for any
:young friend than a year's subscription to. the newest
and best young people's paper
Send for sample copies
Agents wanted
730 San Pedro Street
$ .
Los Angeles, California
"} ..
:. GUEST .. AT .. 'rli
.... - The Rc,;_ :Heivey Wood 1'epo1:t!> th5s
whi ch is touching and sug-
-He standing i1f the open air in
I-Iig!1 BarllCt, one of . the sub1irbs o'f
Londori, on Sunday evening, J1ily 13,
1902, listening to mi earnest appeal that
\\"as heing made by the canon of the.,.'.
Anglican Church, ,.;,hen he related the
following . ineiclcnt that occurred eight
days before. -King Edward VII of
-- E1;gland gave a dinnei to of thou- .
S!1nds of poo1; in: of his .
cotonation. All London and th.e coun_-
try foi . mi1cs around had been scoined
to find the guests for the king 's dinner.
Royal princesses, princes, dukes, lords
and ladies, officers of t he ar.iny which
had rettirncd from South Africa, waited
upon the king's guests. It " as a sight
never to he forgotten.
Among the royal guests were an old
nian and his , i ife, who had come up to
partake of the king 's hospitality from .
one of the . rural districts. It was
l earned that the aged couple had just
.managed to keep body and soul to-
gether long enough to partake of the
kli1g 's dinner,- :!fter -which- they in-
tended to enter t he poorhon!?e: They
had sold their household effects in or-
dci' to keep from starving.
Among the waiters upon the table at
which the old couple sat was a fine-
looking young officer fJ; om Australia.
As he helped them to food the old mmi
whispered to his wife :
'':My, ain't he like our N eel. ''
The officer oyerhear d..him. Presently
he cl!]ne again- to hel them to some
more food, when the old man spoke
a lone to him.
' ' My, but you arc like our ned! ' '
" Indeed, am I?" said. the officer .
. , ' Yes, you are."
" \Vell, what 's your name and where .
is your Ned?"
' ' Oh, he went to Australia over thirty
years ago, and we have not heard from
him in over twenty-one years."
It was now the officer's turn to talk.
The tears were running down his -mau-
l;\' face as he said.:
"\V ell, my name is N eel, and if you
arc Edward .1}--- --, I am your N eel's
son. My died twenty-one years
,ago, and on his dying-bed he made me
promise that if ever I visited England
I would try and find his father and
mothe.r . I have spent three weeks try-
ing you, and liad i.lp in
clcspai1. Where arc you going when
uinner is oyer?"
. , "To the poorhouse;" replied the old
. young officer. ''You are gomg WJ.tli .me
-ilO-\v to my ana -you -sail witli -ine-
011 Saturday next -for .my home_in Aus-
tralia. Come, grandmothei; give me
your '' _and he :took the1n to his
There was not a dry eye in all that
tlur elulibmg

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