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" The Blood of JuUB Chri8t Hi8- Son Ckq1Uieth Ull From All Sin.

-- - - . - _ _.. --- _ ..
. Vol. XIII.
Los December- 17; 1908 No. 25
. .
Rejoice in the Lord,. 0 ye righteous
BEFORE we got the blessing we told more than we
bu.t now we know more than we teli.
Delay, Not Refusal.
One of the things which sorely tries the faith of
many of God's saints is the seeming_ lack of answer to
their prayers. One will say, "Well,Tve been praying_for
twenty years for my daughter, and she;is not saved yet;
but I'm trusting the Lord." And you can detect a little
tinge of disap.:(>ointment in the tone, which does notsound
like trust at all. If we could observe from the God side,
we would see that "His delays are not denials," but in
his knowledge of the facts surrounding the sul;>jects of
our prayers, He cannot infringe upon their free-will and
force them to submit. He can answer prayer for temporal
blessings many times because He h_as comple.te
unhindered control over them-than H;e can where He has
to wait the consent of the subject. $1Jurgeon beautiftilJy
says: ' 'Your prayer may not be answered, because like a:
ship that goes on a long voyage it-does riot come home laden
_at once, but when it does come, it comes witli a richer
freight.. Mere coasters will brii)g you coals and corn and
ordinary things, but the ships that go as far as Tarshish
bring gold and ivory. Coasting prayers bring necessaries,
but there are great prayers prayed in the will and pur-
pose of God, which, like the old Spanish galleons, cross
the main ocean, and are long out of sight, to come home
with untold gold." Yes, God answers prayer.
WHEN the Holy Ghost comes into the heart He comes
to do something.
. charge of God's elect, " .and as the elect of God let -us rest
secure in the precious fact that it "God that ,)ust.fieth;p' :
x .
ONE promise of God fulfilled is worth mor-e than 32,000
unfulfilled ones hung around your neck.
Speaking the Truth in
GoD forbids any censqrious use of His Word. The
truth is taken out of its beautiful setting of love the
moment it is so used. Yet there is a class of people who
think it is their province to be the judges or censurers of
all who do not seem to conform totheir idea of things,
and turn to the Word for its condemnation of their acts or
ideas, not in a spirit of love, but in a spirit of
faction. God intends that the sting of self shoulQ, be
taken out of all reproof, and that jn its place shall be the
pad of love. There must be behind a reproof the same
purpose and spirit that is in His oy.>n great heart of Jove.
Even the Word is called, ''The sword of the Spirit," and
though it cuts deep into the conscience, yet it carries with
each cut a healing balm of "love, joy, peace," and other
beautiful healthy fruit. There is no place found for the
. or any one else to be hurling the truth at others
just to show up their shortcomings and hold them up .to
the gaze of the church or the world for their ..
tion or -ridicule. To save the wrong-doer, not to condemn
him, is the object of divine truth. Lord, give us hearts
. that will "speak the truth in love."

THE first work of the Holy Ghost when He comes is :to
destroy the woiks of the devil.
Rejecting God.
God thP. Justifier. Man rejects God before God rejects man. Saul was .
With one clean. sweep the apostle brushes away the a mail
assumed right qf man to be the condemner of the saint.s, had been true to God; but he wa& stubQorn and .
when he says, "Who shall lay anything to the charge of and so Samuel said to hfm, "Because thou bastr_ejected
God's elect? It is God that justifieth." No human bE:ing the word of the Lord, He hat-h also rejected thee from
has the knowledge, power or right either tq justify or being king." Man may not openly say, "I reject God,"
condemn another. In himself he has. no righteousness to but he virtually does it when he refuses to cease doing
spare to help another, and in his knowledge. he ca:nnot see . the things.which God forbids;' or refuses to do wpat God
as GO"d sees, and is therefore subject to mistakes. What commands. When man pays no heed to the voice of con-
a strong foundation the children of God have here, in the science when it speaks the word of warning tohim; it will
fact that there is only One with whom they have to 'do:- soon become seared as with a 'hot iron and cease to be a
and_He one.who has perfect knowledge of us, who monitor; when he pays no heed to the voice .of God in the
deals with us. from the standpoint of love and what we Word, and thinks it an idle tale, it will soon fail to arouse
really are. "He judgeth righteous judgment," and when him; and when he rejects the pleadings of the Spirit, the
a soul is right with Him the condemnation of men has no Spirit will be "quenched'' and take flight. The only
more power over him than the.flight of a feather in the safe way for ' the sinner is to obey God's first call to par
breeze. It is no use for any man to try to decide the sal- don, and for tbe.believer to instantly yield to God
vation of another by saying, "Well, I don't think he is a for a clean lfeart, and for the sanctified child of God to
Christian; if he was he would not do so and so,'' .for he consider every power of his being as belonging to God for
forgets that "it is God that justifieth.-" As followers of service to bring this world to the feet of his Lord. Reject
the Lamb, let us not attempt to "lay anything to the not God, else He will reject you. -- R. P.
Who knows
The heart-aches of the restless crowds we
meet .
in passing . on the .... busy street,.
The woes and care_s that_ eve: round them
that that their inmost soul dis-
- Who knows? Do you? ' [trl:!ss?.
Of tears that oft have.- trac.ed the smiling
Of scores we meet who would not dare to
The pangs they feel, the burilens that they
' bear
Each h.our that passes thro' the weary year?
Who thinks? Do you?
Who cares
. To 'try to understand their pain and grief,
. And toil to bring to breaking hearts relief,
.To lessenll\uch the burden of their care .
By tender word, by loving look and prayer?
who cares? Do you?
Who strives
To help these s laves in Satan's fetters
The fallen, ruined, lost ones all around,
The human wrecks on deadly breakers
By pointing them to Him who saves the lost?
Who .strives? Do
.- .J/1 .-
Nazarene .Messenger
wherever :'it...:is-. :pr.omulgated an'd be-
.. fn proof of this, loolc at the
moral and social condition of
today. It not only corrupts the nation,
but ft corrupts the individual! . I :met
a young man out in our _part of the city
the day who was peddling beer
and .. t;,lking He showed
. plainly that his infidelity had so cor-
rupted his life that it had made him a
curse to our city :and a disgrace to his
old Christian father and mother.
Several years ago I was holding a
revival meeting in the M. E. Church in
the city of Trinidad, Colo. We were
making such inroads on the devil 's ter-
ritory that the infidels' club sent for
Tom Putpai:n of New York to come and
deliver a series of lectures. He came.
They sec:ured the opera house and
started off with banners flying. I an-
. nounced his arrival and told any of our
folks who so desired to go down: and
hear him, and if lie offered them any-
thing better than the good old-time. re-
ligion, to accept it and join. the crowd.
But I suggested that before they went
in with them they had better see who
sits. on tlie' platform with the speaker
and who introduces him, and then take
a look at the fol,ks on. the front seats,
that they might know who they
to run with.
It may I;J.Ot mean much for one person One br'other went down on the open-
iJ?. the heat of passion to call another a ing night. He noticed that the leaders
fool, .but when God calls a man a fool were made up of the saloonkeepers, _
it is time for him to stop and think. gamblers and sports of the city . On
A man may be a fool in the eyes of the front seats were a motley crew from
the world, and yet be exceedingly wise the var.ious ' .walks of life. Such were
. as God sees him. And, indeed, what the disciples and followers of apos-
one of our great reformers, like Fox, tle of infidelity. Surely God is right
Knox, Luther and wesley; has not when he says, "Corrupt are they." In
!>een regarded as a fool at some timt- a few days -' a:fter the arrival of this dis-
during his career by Mr. Wodldly- . tinguished I r eceived a cJ:lal-
Wise-Man? lenge to debate on the doctrines I was
. The class of fools to which I call your preaching. I sent him, in the language
attention is the class mentioned in Psa. of Nehemiah, a note saying: '' I am
14:1, "The fool hath. said hi his he1;1rt, doing a great work, so that I cannot
there is no God." come down. Why should .the work
.. This. is the class of fools we commonly whilst come :to you r_ I .
infidels. got no reply.
. They think it is a mark of intelligence Both our meetings closed on tpe sap1e ..
to ''There is no God,'' but the in- night and we l eft . town on the same
17, Hl(S
to . smcide-if lie-:Cliose to do so.
after this the War Cry
publiShed a ve"ry striking picture. It
represented a poor map., hollow eyed,
hollow cheeked . and poorly who
had been buffeted and defeated in his
struggle for bread, standiilg by a plat- .
form with a poor little, half-starvtld'and
':hall-clad b abe 'in his arms, and l>y .his ..
side the mother, equally worn and suf-
fering. and pinched \vith 'hunger. On
this 'platform ;was stan'ding Bob Inger-
soll, well clothed and well fed, with a
lecture against religion extending from
his pocket. It was marked, "Lecture,
$500 a night. " . While in his he
held a pistol, a rope and a: bottle of
poison, and he said : ''Here,
friends., take these; they will put you
out -of your misery.'' . .
But up in one corner of this same
picture was a smaller picture of two
Salvation Army lassies in a poverty-
stricken home down in the slums, One
of them was looking after the babe,
while the other was standing over . the
s'tove cooking some food for the poor,
tired, sick mother.
One is the picture of the comfort of
infidelity; the other of the comfort of
the r.eligion of Jesus Christ.
.. .- .J/1
Why our Savior . should be at this
wedding feast together the ques-
tion as to-whether fermented or. unfer-
mented wine was .used has caused very
much discussion and inuch spreading
of printer's ink. But a reference to
the eleventh verse will at least give a
hint which, with a little study, will
yield an answer to the q1,1estion, ''Why
Jesus was there. ' .
"This beginning of miracles did
in Cana of Galilee and manifested forth
his glory."
Now what is His glory that was man-
ifested here? Surely not power, for
John the writer would have said so. It
is not power that the people need,
ever they may be seeking it, but the
glory. ''And the glory which thou
hast given me I have given them; that .
spired writer declares t.l..tat only a fool train. time after this, Mr. Put-
would say such a thing, for everi "thP.' .. nam and a celebrated lady lecturer
heavens declare the glory of God .and on infidelity, from the East, were found
the firmament showeth his_ handlwo;rk. '' .dead in the same room in a certain
"Day unto day .. uttereth speech, and in the State of Washington. They evi-
nigh.t unto night showeth knowledge. " dently being tired of life, took Bob In-
. they may be one, even as we are one.-
. John . 17:22 .. . Let us mark. how often
But you will notice that God goes a gersoli's advice and committed suicide.
little farther and say,s that. the people .Mr . . Ingersoll delivei:ed a lectur e, or
. wl}o S!).y, "There is n,o. God," are . not ... wrote an article, a ..:few years since; in
only fools; but are they." In- . which he stated that when a man got
has a influence . :.tired .of life, it . was all right :for him
John uses this word "glory" in. the
same connection. This manifested
glory is .a holy life w.hich imparted .
.us enters in its 'fullness at the baptis:rp . .
with the Holy Ghost. . .
Of the last . supper John. writes:
whim he w11.s _gon'e_, .
out, Jesus said, Now is the Son
glorified, and God is golrified in him. ''
J ohri xiii, 31. Immediately J <'isus f:!.d-
minister& the first . of the
Lord's Supper, the wine of which Jesus
called "The New Testament in my
.blood,, Luke 22 :'20, and which Paul
called the "Communion of the blood of
Christ." -10: 16. 'l'his shows th'llt
wine is a symbol for the blood which
brings remission and cleansing.
are kept of today.
. We in justification long be-
fore we go into sanctification. Holiness
and santification are synonymous terms
in senses and are the . :r.esult of
the baptism with :th.C'H:(;ly Ghost. . This
is Christ's baptism and He is anxious
.. miiid. imd. out of a pure heart.
_ Virtue cannot be.bought and sold, It
is a priceless jewel. Hold fast to vir-
tue as you cling to life . .
.-.. .- . .-
-.:-Telaloapmr,-Guerrero, Mex.
Now to olir lesson :
'' APd there were set there six. water-
l}ots of after the manner of puri-
fy ing of the Jews." John 2: 6.
, The di;vers washings and
t h'e purpose for which these water-pots
were in that house, ''Sanctified to the
purifying. of the flesh, '' and hence un-
der the Old Testament became a symbQl
of regeneration. T.1ikewise as twelve is
a symbolical holiness number, six, its
half, an incomplete number, became a
symboi' for regeneration also, or the
first work of grace in the soul.
Ther efore upon a justified li'fe the
water. of r egeneration is changed into
t he wine of entire sanctification by the
second appli cation of the blood of the
atonement through his agent the Holy
Ghost. Praise God!
Likewise this water was turned into
wine at a wedding feast. so the water
1 :a r egen erated life is turired -into the
in e of an entirely sanctified life at the
ml's wedding with his Lord.
Then t}le governor of the feast de-
clared, "Every man at the beginning
doth .set forth good "1\"in e, and when
men have well drunk (to satisfy) , then
t hat which is worse; but thou has kept
the good wine until now." John 2: 10.
Bless God! His salvation, contrary to
the worldly order, offers the best wine,
the wine of holiness, at the last of the
f east! Regen eration first, entire sanc-
tification second.
to b estow it upon all of His children.
P eople may . deny ai.a disbelieve this
cail, this call to holiness, but the truth
still remains. When all holiness oppos-
ers are dead and gone, God's call to
holiness will be just. the same. "None
are so blind as those who do not want
to see. " He who will not see, forfeits
the divine and
ruin to the life: No matter what men
may believe, God's call to holiness is
still on them. His blood was shed that
we might be made holy, and not simply
tltat we might get to heaven. God
wants men to honor Him in life and it
takes a pure life to do this.
J.Jct us ever remember that God's call
is to holiness and that without holiness
no man shall see . the Lord. Let us
honor God by receiving from Him that
whi ch He desires to give us. If you
have not already done so, let us beg
of you to heed the call of God; let Hi'm
purify and make you lioly and fill you
with the Holy (!host.-Christi an 'Vit-

When I came into t-his I did not .
know what . awaited me. I am stire
Father does not . want . me to leave
until this house 'is Bernabe Del-
.fado is regularly, a good
teacher in the school, and a good Amer-
.. ican m1sisonary in charge of the work
in this state.
On this field I have received to date
$31.99. A brothet: bas done more
for our work financially than all others,
sent in $25 of the above, :which enabled
us to take advantage of a bargain in
timbers at half price, which we expect-
ed to send 3<? or 40 miles after, drag-
ging them over the. mountain trails by
donkey. our dear sister did without
her miik ,that might send us a few
stamps. Ari outgoing missionary to the
Canary Islands sent us a dollar the day
before she set sail. Others who had no
money sent us such love and encourage-
ment that we are many times tears
of j _oy. Reader; sit down and write let-.
ters of sympathy and encouragement to
all the missionaries you know. They
get so little. You don't know how it
helps. You are with the
greatest blessings- of any' people on
earth. At least do not be selfish of you):
c. _E. coRNELL. love and fellowship. .. '
The butterfly young woman with col- Who are the Bride of ChristT Would
or less complexion, who .lives on candy you want a bride that could not or
and cookies who gets up late in the . not fellowship you in your suf-
. ' f ermgs? Would you call that loveT
and growls beca.use Can you and I be joint heirs with Jesus
ts uot warm, who chews gum, reads nov- Christ, reign with him as kings and
cls, gads the streets, has a sour priests, without fellowshipping Him in
and a had taste in h er mouth, is ha ving His sufferings for the redemption of
a hard time with her self and is a most the world 1 , .
. ' No such love as that described above
umlesnable cr eature to have around. has been befo're manifested to vour un-
Such a girl needs a mother,. sense and worthy scribe since I have been on the
salvation. 'With these three safeguards field. See what respc:msibility these .
t here is some hope for her. hilVe placed us. under. We now will
GOD'S CALL. The .man who depends upon sin, will
have to give an account to God for
what we do with the life and strength.
these loved ones have turned over to
us out of'. their necessities. The real
love of Jesus; such as He had for. me,
has coine closer to me than ever. They
have shown the very same, visible to
our own eyes. Belo;ved, these are the
Royalty of our King. God would not
think of trying to reward such sacrifice
as this with. earthly stores. Only the
love and fellowship of All Heaven can
repay such souls. Heaven will be worth
going to to meet such if noth-
ing more. I ani so glad I am going, too,
that -I don't know do .about it, _
only go on. Prayfbr .us. Write to us.
Lqve us. Help us. Be our co-workers..
PRF:SlDENT E. P. ELLYSON. , defend it.
God's call to. Abram was to come out ---
from his country and kindred into
Canaan . He also said of Isreal tha t He
had led tli em put of Egypt that He
- might' 'lead them into Canaan. Paul
says that "God hath not called us to
uncleanness but unto holiness." God's
call .is not- simply negative but is also
positive. The positive is holiness.
God calls all men unto holiness. He
never intended that any should stop at
justification any more than He intend-
ed that Isreal should live in the wilder-
ness. Because of this unbelief people
Some women turn up their noses at a
f all e n girl, but turn the same nose down
to a poodle dog to be ldssed.
Snb'inissiveness to the Divine wm in
cYe r y d etail of life, will insure to the
soul un.sullied enjoyment.
Every toper is a taper lighted as a
warning to avoid
Do not to have the blessing
of pt'rfect love if you are habitually
sour, _peevish or impatient. .Such ex-
crescences are the product of 'the carnal
) E:ver in Hi.s Love, .
0 . C. Woodrow.
anything thaf we said, v\re do not- k_now
of it. The pasters of the Free
rli<:t (hnrrh. and the EvangelicaJ church,
closed their .services and carpe in and
We have just closed an excellent assisted in the battle, while some of the
meeting at_. Marion, Kansas. _\Ve spei;._t . other pastors remajned and talked
against the work that was going on, so
four Sundays at that place, in the lVIeth- we were informed. The pastor of the
-o-<.lisf church. -Tlie-:-first-ten days_ there 'Baptist church would notr attend the
was not much of a move, except in one Thanksgiving service because he was
service, when a_bout forty came to the afraid we would call an altar sery_ice,.
.. Corr.f!pondence
so we were told, by good authority.
altar. Some of them never returned. Wonder what he will do when he gets
1'hey found out what it would mean, to the judgment. It was a stiff fight but
and like the young ruler who came to God gitve us the victory, and when we
J esus, when learning what it would came away, we left a large crowd of
mean, turned hack unwilling to pay tlie happy p eople with bright, smiling faces.
price. Ther e is no scripture. informing Eternity alone will reveal ,the good ac-
complished. 1\farion heard a full Gos-
us that he ever r eturned. Others start- pel, a Gospel that saves from all sip, and
ed in quite conspicuous, but as we put it will be a long time before they forget
down the Gospel Plow, they "dropped it.
by the wayside.'' Still, the attendance A fine young preacher came to us
grew in numbers as the meeting :P.r.Q- . wal'\tjng to come to the Nazar ene move-
gressed. Quite a number came in from ment and take . work, while another
surr01mding- to\vns, sorrie coming nearly party came to us, asking for a church
one hundre\'[ miles, to attend the)neet- to be organized, or rat) wanting ad-
ings. We insisted that God's children vice on that line, for her home town.
were clean children so far as their lives Her husband is worth a million dollars.
and habits were concerned; that they We referred them both to Brother Jer-
were not a dirty, vile tobacco-soaked- nigan, whose district we were in. We
whiskey-voting-lodge-joining individ- are just now beginning a meeting at
u als; that, according to the Bible, all Danville, Ill., :with the Eastern Illinois
such must -come out from among the Holiness Association. There is quite a
unclean and touch them not, before body of Holiness people in and around
God would be their F ather, or -they this place, some of whom.are wanting a
cou}d become His children. Of .course Nazarene ehurch organized. Our sky
:sorri.e. wished to argue the case with us . is bright, and with soul on fir e, we feel
but we opened our Bible and r ead such more than ever like pushing the battle.
passages as 2 Cor. 6th Chapter, and . Biess God.
from the 14th to the 18th verses. Also
James, 4th Chapter and 4th verse, and
other sc1'iptures bearing on the same
subj ect , and stuck to the book and pro-
claimed. the truth as we understood it,
regardless of who it hit or hurt. We
hav.e said, again and again, that where
the Gospel is f earlessly and lovingly,
yet uncoinpromisingly proclaimed, peo-
ple must do one of two things, either
get to the altar or get out of the house.
It worked just that way at Marion,
Kansas. Some got out, while others got
''forward for prayers.'' They came in
tens, twenti es, thirties and. forties.
Sonie prayed through the first time, but
many had to come again, and a
number of times. Old debts were paid
off, one. man ha:ving to send away three
hundred and fifty dollars. Others had
smaller . amounts to. pay up, some . of
which they had been owing for years.
Others squared transactions . that none
but themselves knew of the wrong that
.. .had been committed. Some got mad,
. and others were made glad and we were
in oul: iP the fight.
It -..vas a real battle, lbut God owned His
truth and the Holy Ghost was at his
office . attending str.Ictly to business.
Among the seekers was a banker, coun-
ty attorney, physician, postmaster, local
editor of th.e paper, and a number of
other business men of the place. The
pastor, Rev. Wharton, stood loyally by
us from :first to l ast . If he compromised
with' anybody, or tried to smooth over
,$ "" $
The work of the First Church in this
city seems to be.progressing very favor-
ably. Our Thanks'giving offering
Sunday afternoon, November 29th,
amounted to more than $800, some in
excess of the amount needed. Consid-
ering the fact that many of our people
were sick , a number of our best givers
absent for other seasons, t<his giving is
surely r emarkable. There\vere about
a dozen seeking t he IJord during the
day. l.;ast Sunday was also victorious.
There were fifteen p,.ersons at the altar,
all of whom cl aimed to find salvation.
Seventeen persons were r eceived into
.the. , and $200 was placed in "the
Beginning Sunday, January 3rd, Rev.
wm ' Huff, one of the greatest spiritual
evangelists in tlie country', will lead a
three weeks r evival campaign. We are
beiieving for a great time of salvation .
. ""' ....
C. E. C.
We . are praising God for victory in
our souls and in the work. Hallelujah!
A . . .
Just closed a good meetmg at Chester,
W, .,Va., in which quite a number were
saved and sanctified. The meeting was
held in --a hall on the third floor, but
notwithstanding the to climb,
[December 1908
we had good congregations to preach
to every night and .could not accommo-
date the crowds on Sabbath at all.
The. H'Oliness Bariti, under whose
auspices the meeting was held ' at Ches-
ter, is a pand . of spme twenty aggres-
sive, sensible, sanctified people, headed
by Brother Thos .. S. Durbin, the presi; .
. dent. the advis--
ability .of into a Nazarene
church, which actfon I think will soon
be consummated. ' '
The Lord willing, we are to return
next July for a big tent meeting.
-C. A. Imhoff, Evangelist.
$ "" .M
Have been having a good mee!ing
here. T\venty-six different seekers>" so
far and expect a _ good round up Sun-
day. Holiness has been preached con-
siderably in St. Joe with much success
but the devil has not been idle and the
sheep have been wonderfully scattered.
This place is fast becoming a metropo-
lis of the middle west and should have
a good live Holiness church. Pray for
the work here. Expect to go from here
to Omaha next week .
James G. Wilkie.
.M ;,. .M
I have thought much about you and
the saints I met at Pilot Point As-
sembly. Truly that was a refreshing
time from the. presence of the Lord.
Praise his .name. The fountain is still
open to the house of David for sin and
all uncleanness.
"Oh, the blood, the blood; it cleans-
eth me. Praise the Lord, it cl eanseth
me. '' I am still gla d I belong to the
Nazarene band of shouting believers.
I am waiting before the Lord for a half-
way station -in Topeka, where the saints
may r est as they pass along .the way
from East to Vvest. I am ''keeping on
believing'' unt il victory comes, and the
promise is "to all that are afar off."
J. K. Mayberry.
.M .- .,.
Each day has new providences, bless-
ings and victories. God is good.
This is probably the hardest y ear this
country has ever known and we are
praying it shall turn to the salvation
of the people. All of our meetings are
stopped, in fact all public gatherin'gs
in. the town are forbidden, and a strict
quarantine is being observed on ac-
coimt of smallpox. Nevertheless, we
find holiness gets :victory . over all
things, climbs upon the mountains of
blessing and gives thanks, and the holy
people have a camp meeting 'time
whether there is a meeting or no meet-
ing. The quarantine will last at least
over a month. - . . .
Our l astserilice before the quarantine
was a time of the manifest; presence of
the Holy Spirit. The hearts of those
present were searched, prayer, confes-
sion, salvati.on and :a spirit to seek to
-save the fost . prevailed, and we con-
tirnie .to .look to God. for victory.
'Ben Valjean.
.. .. ..
Nazarene Messenger -5
the Lord pressed me to tarry in Los CAL.
-:Angel_es for- a week and the tarrying The-:work here In :victor.y..
meant pentecost to my soul. Oh,- -shall Some souls have been se_eki_;ng an.d
I ever forget . when the fire fell on me.
-S.hall I ever forget when Jesus, blessed in a -w.onderful way "thin-gs
Jesus, cafue into mv: .soul to stay fo:t- divine." sunday was a good gay.
We are still holding on here in M-on- "-
roe. God is good to our souls. We ever. Oh. a new song in your Several new faces, a full house m:oim- .
have a splei?-did Sunday school. Our It_ to _the. soul. . ing evening., _ S?m.e . we11t
1!. so"Q.;rce -- t g _ves you a and. thirstmg to n<?t able to get 111
itual power. Truly, God is good. help souls- to -find the- sav-Ior.- I -have- - meetmg.- We-are all- reJOicmg m the-
I was in Everett this week and it fo_und the pearl of great price. Praise fact that soon we shall be able to be
being. Thursday I attended the Naz- Name all ye peopla.;. in the main auditorium of the ' new-'
arene prayer meeting and accepted an HI_m .. I . praymg tha_t the pe_?- church building. On Dec. 2:1 the new
invitation to preach. We had a good pie m this may get ?f sm church will be dedicated (D. V.); we
service. Two were at the alter; one turn--and mvite the Saywr m. I are hoping to -have niany otir
of them was sanctified wholly. open my house for prayer meet- sister churches with us. May we
--J'ohn D. Cart. . Ibnlgs and. malyi Ithde lead me Mand . have the united prayers of the -MEs-
._. _. _. . me m a o m Is name. ay SENGER readers especially at this time.
MOUNTAIN HOME, IDAHO. holmess unto the Lori[ grow and bios- EDWARD M HUTCHENS pastor
som like the . rose of Sharon in this - '
We are praising . .God for the wonder-
ful victory our dear Lord is giving us
here; three souls were saved at our
altar since last writing. Our young
church is in much better condition to
p1ish the battle for and salvation
than it has been since we came here.
Y.le are praising God and giving him an
the glory. We are planning for special
services the first of the new year, and
valley, and may praises 1mto the Lord .:J& .:J&
be heard from one old mountain to REV. w: E. FISHER,.-Distr.ict Supe:t:-
another. Yours, saved to the utter- inteildent of Abilene District (West-
most, ern Texas and New Mexico) writes :
Mary_ Monird W eymiller. "Great grace is on . District
s;- tr tr throughout. New churches and
Fire and glory is still falling at our
altar in answer to prayers. Souls are
look for great victory. ..
A. B. Culbertson.
.. ..
The Pentecostal Church of the N aza-
seeking salvation and sanctification at
every service. The whole church is an
altar, thank God, and fire falls every-
where. Our people are a united .folk,
and proof against ail kinds of worldli-
ness arrd fanaticism-a great pentecost
of great power-a - continual thing.
rene-is in the midst of a grand revival.
Souls are being saved and sanctified.
It is OJ1ly a short time since the Rev .. M.
"\V. Fuller of lVIoores, N. Y., was called .
to this work. Brother Fuller was for-
merly a Free Methodist preacher. At
his first service the blessed work began
and still continues. T'\enty-four have
been immersed in the lake near the
church, a scent> r:1rely witnessecl in this
section this time of the year. Several
who had been under conviction for
immersion, were standing on the shores
witnessing the baptismal service when
suddenly the power of God revealed to
them their necessity . for immersion,
They immediately announced their in-
t entions to Brother Fuller and were im"
mersed with their Sunday clothes on,
amidst the shouts for joy by those on
. the shores. One professor and four ._of
the scholars from the Pentecostal Col- "
legiate Institute in this place were thus
immersed by simply removing their
coats " and hats. Several prominent
business men have been converted.
December 6 General Superintendent H .
F. Reynolds was present, giving right
hand of fellowship to Brother . Fuller
and severql others. Amen.
M. T. Reynolds:

Thr_ough the Messenger i: wish totes-
ti(y to the saving and keeping power
of the blood of Jcsns; the lamb, that
taketh away the sin of the world. On
the way home _from my vac.ation trip
Everything indicat s a mighty holi-
nes awakening; and we are pressing oil.
-Wm. C. 'Villia,ms, Pastor.
Our trust is in God. Bless His holy
name. Those who mean to the
battle to the gates in :Pasadena are liv-
ing in the'-promised land. God has
promised that they that sow in tears
shall reap in joy.
.. Our congregations are constai1tl;y ,
creasing. The subject, ''Pentecost,'' is
. being carefully presented to us by onr
pQstor, as the Holy Spirit gives . him
utterance. In his remarks Sunday
morning, Brother "\Valker said: ":Many
people have an experience 1908 B. C.
instead of 1908 -A. D." . He. urged the
pitiful B. C. 's triumphant A.
D.'s. , .
In the evening the subject was ''The
Unpardonable Sin." He said: . "The
sin is the unforgivable
'!lin. In other words the unpardonable
sin. is of sin i.n an
of nnpemtence." He described the fear-
ful condition of those around ns who
.are sinning against light and closed by'
saying, "Oh, that every member of this
church may he struck by lightning until
we cannot rest until we see these altars
crowded with souls.
Pray for Pasadena,
Alma Orrin.
. '
preachers are coming in right along.
At nearly every point n_ew members
have been added, and the sPirit of
revival is among us. . Thank God. ''
.. .JI ..
The annual meeting of the Stock-
holders of thQ Nazarene Publishing
Company will be held at the Publish-
ing House, Pedro St., Tues- .
day, Jan. 19, at 7: .30p. m.
one of the following named papers .
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Pilot Point, Texas. .
The Penteco8tal Advocate,
Published by The Pentecostal Advocate,
Publishing Co., Peniel, Texas.' ..
The Pentecostai Enl,
Published by H. B. Hosley,
Washington, D. C.
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730 San Pedro St.
Nazarene Messenger
rene . M. esse. ng-e.r .. mranged for a
ll'l .r- . meeting with him and Bro. Ruth at
P. F. Bresee, . - Editor
R. Pierce, - - . Oflice Editor"
C. J. Kinne, - Asst. Editor and BU8. Mgr.
Enterod at the post-office, Aug. 7, 1900, at Los
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The annual Love-Feast will be held
at First Pentecostal Church of the
Nazarene, Los Angeles; on Christmas
day, beginning at 9: 30 a. m. It
be twenty-one years since the first
Christmas Love-Feast was held in
Southern California, and so marvelous
was the manifestation of divine pres-
ence that it inaugurated the custom.
Each succeeding year has brought the
privilege of this special feast. People
have attended them from far and near,
and often said that it was worth cross.:.
ing the continent for. Another
Christmas is near at band and we
repeat the invitation, "Come and let
us go up to the mountain of the Lord,
to the house of the God of Jacob.' '
"And in this mountain shall the Lord
of hosts make unto all people a feast
of fat things, a feast of wines on the
lees, of fat things full of marrow, of
wines on th.e lees well refined."
In a personal letter from Dr. C. J .
Fowler, speaking of tbe coming of
Rev. Edward F. Walker, he expresses
his admiration for him, and spe11ks
of his great ability as a preacher and
says, ''I" have been delighted above
measure at his course, and am per-
suaded that it is the beginning . of
such a course on the part of a great
many." He also informs us that he
is to be in this vicinity for a few
. weeks in Febrnary and March. Many
will be glad to hear ,this. We have
that time. P. F. B . .
$ $ $
One of the most for a
soul to imbibe is, that he can be holy in
heart and holy in life and.
The distrusts of and among holiness
people rarely grows out of any flagrant
crimes, or the abuse of obligation in go-
ing to theatres, dances, card parties,
horse races, swearing, or such like, but
in betrayal of confidences imposed; put-
ting uncharitable constructions upon
.unexplained conduct; non-payment of
debts while the debtor is enjoying even
luxury; insubordination to authority;
rUnning away from the faithful per-
formance of self-imposed but obligatory
vows; harboring resentful feelings to-
ward those who injure us; violations
of l aw of love in little things, mak-
ing it unpleasant for others; selfish
acts destructive of the spirit of kind-
ness and courtesy; self-will in the ac-
complishment of good things; distrust
of God's providences; fellowship in
cliques; giving under impluse where
one likes, or is liked, and drowning con-
viction or ignoring duty when dis-
pleased ; being to a friend and
close to a servant; shuddering at the
thought of' telling a lie and yet shading
the truth to create wrong impressions;
rion-paymen.t of r eligious papers and
church subscri'ptions, etc., etc.
Holiness .creates a l oving (not legal)
carefulness in all the l esser duties and
obligations of life. Holy men never "cali
discourtesy being ' 'free,'' are never
abusive to others, do not stoop to per-
sonalities and inuendoes. They have
the courage to face the facts if duty r e-
q"uire it and deal personally with incli-
viduals who offend. They do not rush
into print on hearsay and pnblish s0111e-
thing against another until they know
it is true and the publication is neces-
sary. Holy men distinguish between a.
wrong view of things and a wrong
spirit or a ct to which such views may
lead. Holy men are willing to believe
they are mistaken on many matters and
are of information, insta-uction,
explanation, and willing to be cor-
rected, and even sorry for their mis-
takes. Holy men practise self-denial
in any matters that are detrimental to
others, and only need to be shown their
harmfulness to abandon them at once.
They are pained to lose the friendship
or fellowship of any good soi.ll and only
[December 17, 1908
do so after all proper means llaVe been
tried to r egard. They -never
laugh. at-and magilify the weaknesses
of others, and..if the habit of exa.ggcra-
tion po_ssesses, than they are always
grieved when it is yielded to. Holy
people the strictest integrity
in speech and life . . 'J,'hey _guard their lips
everywhere against anything not strict-
ly the truth; they guard their conduct
in li ttle things lest they deceive or f ail
to ineasure up to a biblical standard of
conduct. They arc grieved they
cause others grief and seek to fully
atone for it. They know an act may
give the lie to years of profession, and
to continue a profession when the life
<.l euies it, is only the vilest hypocrisy.
Hear the command, ye holy in all
manner of living."
. G. W. W.

'we recently heard one of the Lord's
servants say that "If you ar e seeking
.more love you must arrange for more
suffering. " One of the charactertistics
of love is that it "snffers l ong and is
kind." Yet very many of God's chil-
dren fail to make the connection be-
tween suffering and love. We
many' cry, "0 Lord, give me more
love,'' feeling in their hearts a lack of
sympathy for the unfortunate; but love
is many sided, and ' "hile there is a
strong impnlsc given by it for aggres-
sive service, we "think that its grandest
power r ests in what it be.ars and suffers.
The r eal value of love would never be
known-yea, love .itself would cease to
be love-if it were not put to the test
and. its qnaii ties brought out by the
t hings it bears and suffers. Being the
only t hing that fails," shows
that it has been pnt not only to many
t ests, but the severest test and has come
out t riumphant. Oh, what is love for,
if it is not to enable us to get victory
when everything else fails; and if it is
to ])e more suffering if we get more
love, l et us say, ''Lord, give us love.''
. R. P. A'
$ $ $
Since joining the ;r;inistry and work
of the Pcntacostal Church of the N az-
. arene, I have r eceived a number of in-
teresting and sign ificant l etters of con-
gratulation and and !jome
have squght . advice concerning their
own church relat i on. Among the latter
I present t he following as a significant
sample :
"For some time I have been anxious
to know more the Pentecostal
December 17, 1908]
. Chnrch -of "the arid seemg
Y,oni Jetter in . the 'Witness,} felt con-
strained >to write you. I feelthat you
will give me safe advice as to the ques-
tion that is in my mind. .
" We (myself and husband) have been
very much dissatisfied with our church
home here, and its attitude generally,
especially during past six_:
-We tried to be faithful last year, and
make the best of it, and we passed
thron"h many persecutions. We came
neal. 'churched' for standing firm
for Bible
"However, we do not mind the per-
secut ions, as it makes us stronger. But
this year the pastor's daughter has
given dances, and the salary goes for
many things that we feel we .. cannot
" We have prayed earnestly for
months over the matter of transferring
onr membership to another church, the
only ciuestion in our minds being. a
chnngc for the We have deCid-
ed t hat the membership must be in a
chur ch true to holiness, or else we must
remain where we are for the present.
"I never felt so condemned over any-
thing as being a member of this church
here. My husband feels the same way.
\Yc cannot ,conscientiously pay to the
support of the pastor ; neither can we
keep our honest pledge and -refuse' to
pay. So we must do something.
" \Ve want to be in a church where
t hey stand for Holiness. The promi-
nen- c- e of 1\f.asonry it;i the church here is
very grevious unto us, as my husband
hns r enounced all affiliation with
" There is a good opening here for
a Holiness church, as the few spiritual
1wopl c in this place are very much dis-
satisfi ed. \Ve l1ave been asking the
Lord ahout starting a mission, and per-
haps if yon could send some good work-
er we could organize a church of the
Nnzar cne. The only question is fi-
nnn res ; but there is a hall owned by a
Holiness preacher who will probably
not ask any r ent.
"\Yill yon please send a copy of your
chnreh discipline, or explain its doc-
trinf' . and t ell us if you think it would
pl 0asc the Lord to organize here?
"\Vaiting your early reply, I am
" Yours for the spread of Scriptural
ITt>lin ess, " etc.
This is from a small city in one Qf
th0 central states; and in many such
pl nrcs there are distressed and enquir-
ing hearts, longing and praying for
C' hnreh organizations that will honor
onr Lord.
I answer ed this letter, giving all en-
COlll'agement and advice I could with-
out directly r ecommending severing of
prc'sent church relations, for I fe.el that.
we should be very careful this
and use no abortive methods, ,but,- while
sympathetic and helpful in. the struggle
of others, let them work through as we
have done.
Nazar:ene Messenger
T-he Lord keep us as profesed
lowers of the very huml!le
and ever ready to help au we ough"t
those who are in pains to be delivered.' .

MJ!'JI!''!'!l;RI.AL. SUPPORT;_
be done if we ever succeed iQ.,Our God- .
given work ... . -
-. We that for .the support
of the District Superintendent sub-
scription be taken, payable quarterly.
The pastors to be stewards to collect."
this fund.
Notetran:d PersonaL-q The following is taken from the re-
port of the Committee on Ministerial
Support at the Arkansas As-
sembly, and ought to be. prayerfully
considered by the whole church :
Make the children happy by haVing 41
good Christmas service for theni.
our pastors must be sup.ported or
our churches cannot be maintail.i.ed.
If God calls men to the pastorate He
as certainly calls the churches to sup-
port them. "Even so hath the Lord
ordained that they which preach th_e
gospel sho,uld live of the gospel.''
There has been too much of the old
idea that if the Lord will keep the
preacher humble, we will keep him
We urge upon our to
preach- to their people on giving and
on how to give. They are largely re-
sponsible for the present lack of edu-
cation and system, and on them is the
burden of bringing about a better
state of affairs. --
Vve especially beg our people and
preachers to follow God's plan of giv-
ing, tithing their income. God knew
what He was doing when He adopted
this plan -3nd it could bot be improved
upon. 'Ve respectifully call attention
to His thought about those who refuse
to follow this plan. Mal. 3 : 8.
The old method of waiting until the
end of the year to pay the pastor is
most heartily condemned, but instead
we urge that a certain amount be
a greed upon between pastor and peo-
ple to be paid monthly. Small amounts
paid by each. member monthly will ag-
gregate a much larger sum in the end
and prove a greater help to the pas-
tor than paying once a year.
Provision should also be_. made in
advance to pay evangelists when they
arc called to assist the pastors in revi-
vals. We condemn the method pur-
sued in some places of calling evan-
gelists every few weeks for meetings
when there is no adequate provi!?;on
made for them and what was paid them
was practically taken from pastor.
This has turned to the hurt of both
pastor and evangelist and proved nu
advancement to the church.
'V e very much deplore the fact that
many of our pastors have had to turn 4
to the plow or other avocations to sup-
plement their salary. This condition
has arisen from the failure of the
chm;ch to do its duty and lack of faith
in God on the .. part of the pastors con;
ditions should not long exist among us.
Our churches must awake to their
bounden duty to adequately support
their pastors, and our preachers must
swing out into the work wholly, giving
their time to the Father's business,
trusting in God for support._ This must
The meetings at First .
Los An.geles; will continue over next .
Get your Holiday books at the Naza-
rene Publishing Co., 730 San Pedro
street , Los Angeles. A fine assortment.
The many friends will be glad to
that Dr. Bresee is recovering from his
illness, and hopes soon to. be out again.
Evangelists and Martin have
been preaching searching sermons at .
the special meetings at First Church,
Los Angeles, which have resulted in
many seekers, many of whom are bless-
edly. rejoicing.
The Gospel Herald is the English edi-
tion of a bright little monthly issued in
the interests of our work in Me;lf:ico.
Send fo'r it to Arthur Beaver; Box_ J>2q,
Oklahoma City; Oklir. It costs only a
_free will offering.
A two days' Holiness Convention will
be h eld in the Christian Gospel Chapel,
Eighteenth st-reet and Germantown ave-
nue, Philadelphia. Jas. D." Ackers, pas-
tor, on Tuesday and Wednesday, .Janu-
ary 5 and 6, 1909. District Superintend-
ent H. G. Trumbauer, and several other
workers will assist.
In reference to the special "Thanks-
giving number, " Bro. St. Clair writes
from Oakland: "It is a beauty, and I
am circulating it freely north and south,
sending soi:ne to Georgia, Washington,
California and Oregon. Having a bless-
ed time here: Continue over next Sun-
day or maybe longer."
The many fri ends of Brother and Sis-
t er Snelling, of Vernon, will syp1pathize
with them in tlfe great trial thr011gh
which they are pas<>ing. On Saturday
night last their two boys, Paul and !Jf'S-
lie. 10 and 12 years old. were returning
from the citv to their home. and were
riding on a .t;ucl.;,'with the driver, when,
on passing Eleventh street on Maple
avenue, an elet!tric car struck the
wagon, it and thro, the
boys a distance of fifty feet." Paul sus-
tained a fracture of the thigh and other
bruises, while Leslie lay unconseious
with concussion of the brain. They
wer e taken to the Children's Hospital,
where they now lie in-a precarious con-
dition. Several passengers in the car
were also injured.
Los Ange.leS.. and Vicinity
Sabbath was a great dav at the Taber-
nacle, Los . audiences,
great sermoos, great conviction, great
altars o seeh;ers; great blessings and
- glory. ___ .rl'he day :was an ideal day.
and from eight o'clock a. m. untillO p.
m. the gracious presence and power of .
God was upon the services. There was
one tinge of regret, however, over the
_fact that Dr. Bresee could not be pres-
to sickness a heavy
cold. .
The eleven. o'clock service brought
out an immense atu;lience, Rev. Seth C.
Rees being th.e preacher. He spoke on
the ''Secret of the Lord,'' and took as
his text Psalms 25 : 14, "The secret of
the Lord is with them that fear Him.''
In the course of a most inspiring sermon
he said: "The natural world is full of
secrets, about which men kriow but lit-
tle; but what they kn(nv is but a tithe
compared to those still locked up. A
great part of what .is known would not
be known unless the Holy Ghost had
breathed on the minds of men, who now
. ' puff as if they were the author of all.
God's best things, even in nature, are
where they must be sought for. All the
.great inventions haye been revealed. by
men of diligence and self-denial-men
who sought until they found.
The secret of the Lord in the spiritual
world is a mystery. It is not lying
loose for lazy people. The finest things
in God must be gone after diligently.
The lazy dream of Heaven, and think
they are going there. There is a wide
difference here about things and so
there will be there. Some are so tall
here ) n spiritual things that they are
called fanatics- after they die-they will
be called saints. There is a vast diffEi'r::
ence between merely being a Christian
and knowing the secret of the Lord.
There are secrets of the Lord that saints
may know. I will speak of a few.
Nazarene Messenger
[December 17, -1908
sacrificed- Double up . on I. G:. , Marti'n was with us at
?-nd the things Y?U come short-- tbe---morning sel"\Tice, and administ.ered
m, and lf you are determmed to have it the- rite of baptism to a mother and. lit-
you will get it. . . . t i e daughter, after 'which the Sacrament
3. There are secrets to the saints of the Lord's Supper :was observed, the
which _no one find. out but the sanctified. . en tire congregation kneeling at the
Faith is easy t_? .the heart. You - altar . . A blessed service was had. At
stop y_our trY_mg _to. behe-ye when _you .. Sunday school service in the morn-
get '}'Il_l ._:never:. jug Brother Reinschmidt gave an earn-
_on ex!ubitlon It wa:s a--Damel - est talk-to the children,--nnd asked all-
mighty fmth that God put who wanted- to be the Lord's, and would
hon 's den. Lots of you would be pci decide for I-Jim to come forward to the
failures in a lion's den-they would ea: . altar. Nearly' every . one came, and
you . up. The_re are secrets o! provi--- kneeling at the altar, with tears and
and whiCh God .sobs, seemed to give themselves to the
Will make plam If_ we keep under Lord. It was a melting time to all.
sanctified see thmgs_ of Praise the Lord. Our prayer meetings
sight-thmgs off. They sit with are well attended and we rejoice to-
God _His secrets. gether in fellowship and love .. We are
Tlus sermon brought over going on 'to victory.
twe?-ty-five to the altar, many of them.. .. H. V. E.
havmg the secret of the Lord blessedly $
revealed to, their hearts.
The afternoon meeting was in charge
of Brother . Martin, who brought a
strong message on ''Restored Joy,''
from Ps. 51. This was another mar-
vellous meeting and 1;1-t _ th_e altar call
about twenty cam,e forward, many of
whom were joyously
At the night service Brother Rees
preached another strong sermon from
the text ''Where sin abounded grace
did much more abound,'' on which he
said : ''This short text is the expres-
sion of a great fund of truth. Out of
hell's most audacious attempt at the hu-
God ha:s- brou'ght the pearl -of
great price, with a luster reflecting His .
own glory. The victory of the Cross
far exceeded the darkness of the hour. ''
The speaker illustrated his text by de-
scribing many o'f the marvellous conver-
sions in the slums of the great cities,
and also of the power of the gospel to
reach the rich and refined. He spoke
of its power to save, sanctify and to
destroy the effect of sin, physically and
mentally. Another marvellou-s scene
. was witnessed at the close of this ser-
mon by the great altar again being filled
with twenty-five seekers, many of
whom found the . pearl of great price,
and went oaway rejoicing. This made
seventy seekers for the day.
Company E was well attended Sun-
day evening. Every chair was taken,
with some standing, while ;Brother Mar-
tin brought a blessed exhortation to
holy living, ahd a .warning against
worldliness and frivolity. '!'he dear
Just one full year's history was
rounded out at the Grand A venue
church on last Sabbath. The first SCI'-
vice 'vhich_lead to the organization of
this church was held 1n the little Red
Brick church on 'West Forty-second
street, December 15, 1907, and every
service since has been blessed of the
Lord. '!'he first year's work is highly
satisfactory to all this people. A strong
organiaztion is permanently effected, a
beautiful home-like church building
-erected, a neat parsonage pr9-__
vided, and a good Sabbath school and
regular preaching services are held with
good sized and growing congregations.
Many souls have been converted and be-
lievers sanctified, and a spl endid inter-
est is abroad in . the community. The
church is going on in victory. A splen-
did Christmas service will be given by
the Sabbath school en 'l'hursday
(Christmas eve) and, beginning with a
watch night service, a series of'special
revival services will be inaugurated.
The pastor will be assisted by Revs. Al-
lie and Emma Irick of Ringwood, Okla-
$ $ $
1. Regeneration. The power a man
feels when he is forgiven is a secret.
At Calvary the mystery of the ages was
opened and made as plain as noon. No
one can understand . regeneration but
those, who .get it: Babes can know it
while the prou_d have to go without it.
It is for the simple-hearted.
2. Holiness is a secret and comes by
revelation suddenly to those who seek
diligently and with all their hearts; and
they get it. Some say there is no such
thing; but people get it. It takes the
best saved to. get this blessing. You can
fine more with a little heart.than with a
. Lord blessed it to our hearts. Those
t hat do not attend Company E these
days are missing a blessing. Surely the
We praise God for another day of
victory last Sun<:}.ay, especially the
evening service. The praise and tes-
timony meeting was full -of life and
fire, and for a while it looked as if the
preacher was not going to have time
for the message; and this is because
we have a true, faithful little band
that love the prayer-meeting where
we really come together to pray. And
we are seeing the results on the Sun-
day services. At the the
sermon a hungry soul presented him-
13elf at the altar for fuJI salvation, and
also four of our Sunday-School chil-
dren; and with the spirit of prayer
and faith we believe they all received
bel ri" of God. We closed with praises
_big head. Holiness is a hidden secret,
and is tevealed to those who fear the
Lord. It gives deliv:erance from bo:nd-
_age to all things. ' Whenyou get it you
must tell it, and it makes you feel lilce
hands with yourself. You ask;
' Why do I not get the blessing?' Be-
cause you have not' enough or
Lord is with His people.
..- .JI
We are having blessed seasons these
days at Elysian ' Heights church. Om
pastor, Brother A. C. Reinschmidt; is
giving us clear-cut salvation preaching,
whereat the saints rejoice. Our
gations are' increasing in numbers and
we are expecting great things fro:m the.
Lord. On Sunday, December 6th,
and shouts of joy.
. . .
December 17, 19081
- ----------
.. - __ ..,. _ ---- - -
. ,.
. 'J.'hc writer arrived home Nov:. 24th,
an absence of about eleven weeks.
. The word seems very' weak
when used to express the gratefulness
I feel in my heart to Ol}r Rea venly
Father f or his care-over my family and
myself. I am, glad to r eport that my
wife is much better but still suffer.s .
much pain caused by breaking several
ligaments from. her backbone, resulting
in muscular rhumatism. The rest of
the loved ones at home were usually .
well, for which we praise the Lord with
a whole heart. c:'
Thank$giving All Day Meeting
Nazarene Messenner-
sionary .Day, and the amount in the . t!Iese men are familiaT. with tlitcoildi-
envelopes for the -IDOiith was ti(:mS here, mid we' refer to any of them .
showing that the envelope system is as to the accuracy or our statements and .
working fine where it is worked. This 1 he. character of our work. This js the
Eiunday school made an appropriation greatest field to spread holiness from .
fer the special fund. that we know of. In .a sense, Washing-
Lowell ton _is to th.e country what. t]le iS
to .the body, arid a well organized wor:k;
- Sllllday night - us at .. whose one object is to preach holiness
Superintendent Riggs' churCh, which as a second work of. grace, eradicating
is having continuous revival under the old man of sin in the sweetness of
the presen.t farrangement with A. perfect love, is sure to have some go<)d
B. Riggs, pastor, and Rev. C. P. Lan- effect on the whole, country.
pher, assistant pastor. We had good We have purchased a property cen-
liberty in bilking about our work from trally located which we are able to
the large map, and preaching, with carry, but we need help to erect an audi-
three at the altar, one for conversion torium capable of seating twelve hun-
and two for purity. Brother Riggs dred people. Will you help us to .do
gives half of his time to the church and this 7 O'ur purpose is to have this
the rest to the work on the distrfut, erty so deeded that its doors shall never
and he is seein.g a precious r evival in- . be closed to clear, positive. preaching of
terest on the district, and expects to the second blessing. We have had con-
double up the ";ork and churches. Let siderable experience in home and for-
us tak e courage and press on as riever eign mission work, and we can honestly
before for the harvest is already ripe. state that we believe that money in-
Our home church held an all clay
Thauksgiving meeting, with Rev. C. W.
Pettit aii.d . Mrs. C. \V'. P ettit as our
special workers. The attendance was
fairly good considering that in N cw
England may families make Thanksgiv-
ing a time for family rallies ; conse- Haverhill, Mass.
vested in this work will bring the great-
est dividends in the advancement of
true holiness of any place we know of. qucntly the att endance was not large. , $
Brother and Sister P ettit rendered
most excellent services in preaching AN APPEAL.
and song, and the people had a real God has laid it upon our hearts, that
spiri t of thanksgiving and were pra is- t here should be at l east one church in
ing God with a voice for both tern- V{ashington where holiness should have
poral and spiritual blessings. The
writer was specially thankful to be per-. ri ght of :way. At the present time there
mi.ttecl to ,join with his hoine churc}:l ()n is not a single church building that is
_ _t}1is occasjQQ ill rendering thanks to ci' . open 'f o _ .
Lord for his great -goodness to us as a The writer has been here for six years
denomination, for it has been a woncl0x- and (hi ring all that time not a clPfinite
fnl year to our '''ork. Also His
good . dealings with our home church, holiness meeting, excepting in small mis-
"hich has been bl essed with a good sions (praise God for the missions) , has
spititnal interest and als.o prospered in been hel d only as we have hired halls
its finances, keeping up our current ex-- and secured men like Brothers Fowl er ,
penses. and at the present time are l\fcLaughlin,' Robinson, Huff, Carradine,
making very much needed im-
proYcments bot h on the out and inside Hoople, walker , Ruth and others of like
-amonnting to n early $300.00. character and definiteness. Some of
Beloved, will you not invest one or
more dollars in this great work?
Address H. B. Hosley, 307 ''D" St.,
N. w:., Washington, D. C.
Mohave Children
Stories from life by
Missionary .to Mohave lndians
A beautiful book, illustrated with fine half-:
tone engravings; bOund in Onyx Bristol. ,
This book is instructive as well as entertain-
ing and gives an interesting account of real
life among these little known people.
An admirable gift for Sunday School Teach-
ers to present to their classes.
. 15 cents 730 San Pedro Street
two for 25c Los Angeles, Cal.
Sub-Missionary Committee Meeting
The writer met the district superin-
tendent, Rev. A. S. Riggs, and Rev. J.
N. Short, with D. J.J. Peavy, members
of t he General Missionary Board, . wit.h
Rev. S. \V. Fessenden and Re v. E. E.
Reynoids, at The Christian \Vitness
rooms, Boston, December 28, and thor-
oughly considered our Home and For-
eign l\Ijssionary work an cl adjourned
to meet at the N_ew England District
preachers meeting at Cliftonclale,
Texas Holiness University, PENIEL.
School of Char!lcte;, Competent Faculty and II
Mass., December 2.
Malden, Mass.
'L'h c writer had --the d eli ghtf1il privi-
l ege of assisting my brother, R ev. E. E.'
Reynolds, pastor of our Malden church,
this being the fourth week of special
revival effort with them, having been .
assisted by Revs. F. W. Domina, D.
Rand. Pierce, M1;s. Mary Pierce, 1\t[rs.
Abbi e Dawrence, and others. \Ve had a
good time in the Lor.d talking from our
General Assemoly map; and preaching .
Two were seeldng purity. Following
the morning service we were given a
real treat in the Sunday school, L. "D.
Peavy, superintendent. It was the Mis-
Scholarship. Indorsed by the General Assembly of the I
Pentecostal Church of the Nazarene
LITERARY WORK: Primary, Acad-
emy, College, Theology, Normal,
Elocution. Careful attention is given
to each pupil. Satisfied pupils is our
and Greek courses. Bible work equals
thatdone. in school. Ex-
cellent place to prepare for either
home or foreign work.
direct from this department to good
paying positions. Best methods in
Bookkeeping, Shorthaud and Type-
. writing. No better Business College
The Auditorium-One of our Three Large Buildings in the South.
MUSIC CONSERVATORY: Cannot be surpassed by any school in the Sout;h. Com-
petent, experienced teachers, Voice, Piano, .Organ, Violin. Viola, Cello, Mandolin,
Guitar Wind and Reed Instruments. Band, Orchestra and Mandolin Club. .
Low PriceB, Thorough Work. . . . ..I
Illustrated Catalog. REV. E. P. E.LLYSON . Pres.
10 Nazare'!-e Messenger
[December. l7, 1908
NAZARENE ':HoPE SCHO-OL, . CALCUTTA,. . . . tic workin this dark and superstitious he studied the Bible f a ithfuliy
India, we have sel3n many proofs which and has co:rne to the_ conviction that
170 Lower Circular Rd., has , Jllade strong impressions on our Jesus is the only Savior of sinner s, but
. Calcutta, Nov. 12, 1908. minds that our Lord will be glorified in through fear -of caste and soc_iety, he is
My Dear Brother Gay: this land. Perhaps you know that at -unable to acknowledge Him . openly.
I am sending you a history of the present there is . great unrest here Once he heard us singing in one of our
preacher , Barna Churn, which I think (especially in CaJcutta) in connection open air preaching stations and was so
would be nice for the M.essenger "if you . with the Swadiski movement. Th_e m11ch impressed with our hymn that
think it. suitable. Also, a letter from Hindus and Mohammedans hate and op- ... some time after he came to our "Naza.
Promotha. Kindly spread the n.ews press the Christian preachers and they r ene P reaqhirig Hall" at 7. at
about the evangelistic work as much as are sometimes put to great trouble and night and bought a copy of the hymn
you can. danger at the time of outdoor preach- booklet. Two days after he came again
We are in the midst of troublous ing. For this r eason the preachers of and said . to us that he was in gr eat
times here. The Lieutenant Governor's other d enominations have practically . trouble. One night he was singing the
life was attempted on Saturday a nd .a stopped the open air preaching for the hymn in his room with low voice when
police inspector was shot dea(l on Moll.- time being. But, thank God, we have . his daughter of ?5 years of age
day of this week, and CalcuttiJ, is in an not y et met with- fl,ny danger and have heard him and asked him why he was
uproar. But, in spite of all this, our been working in the usual way. smging a Christian hymn. She ad(led
work is being greatly blessed in every I lq10w a gentlemaQ, Baha Dharman- that p eople will th:ink' very bad_ of them
branch. I send you. a group of famine anda Mahabharati by name, who has ac- when they hear tlus. But he said t o her
orphans in Hope School. Do the Naza- quired knowledge in many languages that it was not a bad song. In this
'9 hymn Jesus is t eaching the sinners.
One gets great comfort and in
mind when he either sings himself or
hears others singing it. Then his d augh-
t er went away without saying anything
el se. Then I quoted Christ's saying to
:him, "Whosoever shall deny me before
men, him will I also deny b efor e my
Father which is in To this he
relied that he knew it but what could
he do. 'l'her e was no way open to him.
'l'his man is so much "ith
worldly things, in riches, children nnd
. r el atives, that he is unable to comE: ont
of this darkness: Dear brothers, please
also r emember this poor man in your
earnest prayers, so that he ma y be em-
powered to break these ties and affec-
tions of this world and that he may be
a true citizen of the kingdom of
with greetings of the season to you
all, I r emain,
Your brother in Christ,
P. B. Biswas.
.JI $
r enes want them 1 If so, kindly l et me
know, because I have j ust had a wire
' 'Can you take more 1 ' ' and I have
wired."Yes." I cannot think of l eav-
ing these poor children to die in the
streets, which they will do if we do not
take them. I hope many of our clear
Nazarenes will re-echo my ' 'Yes'' and
adopt all we can get. I shall not stop
saying "Yes" until I know for certain
that there is not a solitary Nazarene
l eft who wants to adopt a Hindu famine
orphan! Kindly t ell every one this as
soon as you can. I want to make a sug-
' gestion if it is not too l ate. I think it
would be better to have two .corr,espond-
ing secr etaries in America , one for
Hope School and one for Evangelistic.
It is t oo much for one person and things
get mixed. What do you think 1 In
haste, Yours in Him,
E. C. A vetoom.
"""" $
Dear Friends: If I knew English
well, I would have written to you every
week, you information about
our work liere. However, I hope you
often get news of our work through
Mrs. A
, .Since we have begun our evangelis-
and is a great Brahamin l eader. His
name and title show that 'he is a great
man. He has car efully studied the
Bible from t he beginning t o the end and
has published a big book in whieh he
tries to prove that the Christian r eligion
is f alse . . Now h e is in the Campbell
Hospital being bed-ridden with chronic
rheumatism. I often go to see him with
the prea chers. From our conversation
with him ,v-e have come to know that
Those who have .. ordered the
Thanksgiving MESSENGER and As!>em-
bly minutes will do us a great favor
if they will send in the amounts due
us as early as possible. You all know
how finances are these timf>S, anrl we
have extra burdens upon us and rave
to collect our-accounts to meet hills.
he the Bible better than many . Jacob the Heelg. rasper,
Christians. One day, in the course of
our interview, he said that when Jesus
was in this world he healed many sick
people by words. If you now pray for
me, He may heal me and make me His ..
true servant . . I told him that our Sav-
ious has the sa'tne power now that"He
had before. He is always the same.
Then we kneeled down beside his bed
and prayed for him at his request. He
joined earnestly with us ";ith folded
hands in our prayer for him and said with great emotion and feeling.
Dear friends, please pray Jor this man,
that God may change :Qis mind and
make him His true servant.
I know of another well educated
Hindu old man of 50 years of age who
works in a government office and is
getting 150 pay. For many
Some of God's Pictures of
the Carnal Mind.
With Portrait and Introduction
This is a volume of 350 pa,:rE's p.(l ck
E'd ful l_of
striking le ssons from the life of JacPb.
ten in the cle ar arid direct style of this e ml
nent Evangelist.
Bound in Cloth, Price $1.00
Nazarene Publishing Co.
730 san Pedro Street,
Los Angeles, Cal.
December 17, 1908]
Naz.arene Messenger.
'<. . -. - ha:ired . gentleman. with a bertign face, quic}fer loudeJ: tha_n was ,usual _with
Our Young. Pifople_.' . Uad turned 'from his desk, . attracted him.
" Please, sir, do you want a boy?"
It was a low, cl ear voice, with jus.t the
faintest tremor of in it.
He stood at . the door of the counting-
hat in hand, his clothing neat
and clean, his attitude waiting and def-
erential. The long, well-filled counters
in the narrow room were lost in deep
perspective. Di erks hu'i-ried hither and
thither. In the r ear of the store were
heard. the sound .. of . hammers and the
creaking of the elevator. Though it
was but nine o-'clock in the morning,
and the sun shining brightly outside, it
was so gloomy in the storeroom that the
gas had to be. lighted.
"Do I want a boy?" asked the owner
of the store, turning around in his chair
and looking sharply over the top of his
spectacles. ''What can you do?' '
l\Inke. myself useful, I hope," replied
the boy.
"0, a general utility man!'' and 1\{r.
Lansing laughed. "Can you write?"
"I am a graduate of the high school,
sir ''
;, Arc you? That speaks well you.
What is your name?"
"Gabriel Winchester."
. " I s your father living?"
"He died wheri I was a child. " '
1\'fr. Lansing eyed him more keenly
when he said that, and also more
'' I am the . only support of my
mother," the boy said, his voice husky;
"almost the only support. .She man-
ages to secure work one day in the
week.' '
'l'he mercl1ant .was pleased with the
boy 's precisen.ess.
'fhe head bookkeeper, an old gray-
by the boy' s voice and the character ''I was discharged be.cause I would
of his replies: not work on the Lord's day/' the lad
"Where you last employed?" repeated. " They started a Sun <lay
Mr. Lansing asked. paper in the office last week. The men
''At the office of the Argus. '' and boys laughed at me, but I did not
"As a compositor?". , . . . . care. . I eould not work on that day,
"Ng, but I ha,d expected to be. I .. sir." There was a resolute look on. bis
was cl erk in the office, .sir.'' . face, and he seemed to grow an
Mr. Lansing took o(f his glasses and or t\%0 taller. . .
wiped them. ''Have you any recom- ''No ; and you were rjght, '' declared
mendations ?." he-then asked. Mr; Lansing, in a strong, gratified voice.
"No, sir!' "Just sit down a His opinion
''Why not?'' of the boy had entirely changed. ;He
The lad's lips trembled. . ''!-was- hurriedly left the counting-room. In
discharged," came at last, in a faint . fifteen minutes he returned. He had
voice. been over to the office of the Argus.
"0, that is it, eh ?" and Mr. Lansing The boy's story was correct. The pro-
frowned. "No wonder t hey gave you . prietor of the paper, a . crusty, im-
no recommendation. It strikes me you patient old gentleman, had nothing to
do not lack assurance . . No, I do not say in the boy's favor; but the editor
want a boy. " He spoke with h eedless was pronounced in his praise . . "I do
acrimony, wheeled arouncL in his chair, want a boy," Mr. Lansing said, as he
and resumed his paper. He was a placed his hand on the petitioner's
church member, and admired nothing head.. "I believe you will suit me.
so much as integrity of character. Come here this hour tomorrow morn-
Capacity, r eliability and a stainless ing."
reputation were three things upon A grateful look shone on the boy's
which he insisted in the selection of face. "Thank you, sir," he said, and
his employees. then withdrew.
The boy's face fell, and he turned "Mr . Doyle," said l\fr. Lansing to'
to go; but the bookkeeper made him a the head bookkeeper, " you have taught
sign to wait for a few moments. He me a l esson. It is possible fpr us to
had been strangely drawn to the boy. come wide of the truth, and do great
"Mr . . yansi ng,, the bookkeeper said . injustice to another, simply by asking
r espectfully, c.cperhaps .it was candor in . one question too fe,v. "-SeL . .
the boy, and not assurance. Will you tr tr . tc"
allow me to ask him a question?" APPLES OF GOLD is just the book
"0, a dozen of them," replied Mr. for a Christmas Gift. _ It will bless
.Lansing crustily, not lifting his eyes the soul and inspire faith. Send for
from his paper. .
"Perhaps you should have made one one. 30c. postpaid; 10 for $2.
more inquiry, " the bookkeeper said.
''My lad , why were you discharged?''
''Because I would not work on the
Lord's day," came back the r eply,
steadily and bravely.
"What is that you sav?" It was
1\llr. 'JJansi_ng who spoke, nnd in a tone
. Gospel Stamps
New. Unique, Attractive; a picture and text on
every stamp. Suitable for placing on letters. pa-
pers. books. etc. Cheaper and more effective than
trncts. 120 s tamps in book (60 varieties). lOc per
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NAZARENE PUB. CO., 730 San Pedro St., los Angeles, Cal.
Pentecostal Sunday School Literature
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Mother Stories from the New Testament- Forty-five Illustration!'.
Little Foxes. By Rose Terry Cooke.
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Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress. Forty-six Illustrations
A .9hild's Story of the Bible. Seventy-two Illustrations.
A Child's LifE:> of Christ. Forty-nine Illustrations.
Wood' s Natural History. Eighty Illustrations.
Blaclt Beauty- The Life of a Horse. Fifty Illustrations.
Animal Stories for Little People. Fifty Illustrations.
Under the Stars- Four Beautiful Stories from Life of J esus.
The Christmas Stocking.
Christie's Old Organ.
Buy Your. Own Cherries. '
Bible Birthday Book.
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730 San Pedro Street Los Angeles,' Cal.
The Reginner's Leaflets, . . . . . l Y, c
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The Runday Illustrator, .
The Sunday School Journal,
In dubs of 6 or more, . . .
Arnold's Practical Commentary (cloth) for year,
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The Picture LeRson Paper,
Clubs of 5 or more,
Send for samples and order blanks.
Waves of Glory
6c qr.

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Over Thr(!e Hundred of the Best Old Hymns
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Nazarene. Publishing CQmpany, 730. San Pedro St. , Los Angeles, Cal.
. : i2

of real evangelism is a praying
Church. Back of the Reformation of
the sixteenth cent.nry were the cal-
loused knees of Philip Melancthon and
the "Bene orasse est bene studisse"
(to have. prayed well is to
studied well) of Martin Luther. It
was not the thunder bolt of Luther's
anathema, but the power of persistent
prayer that gave a new sunrise to the
Church -of Christ. The habit of John
Wesley was to rise for prayer and med-
itation every ' morning at 4 0 'clock.
There never was a genuine revival of .
. Christianity which did not have its .
roots ih prayer. I would draw a dis-
tinction between Christianity and re-
ligion. The r eligious instinct, which is
natural to all men and is sometimes
wedded to lust and worldliness, may
be revived even without the new birth.
The enjoyment of beautiful church ar-
chitecture, with a willingness to pay
for it, the pleasure of listening to sweet
music and eloquent preac}:ling, and a
'villingness to worship the God of na-
ture, are not proofs that one has been
born again. All this may come with
the first birth and may abound with
self-centered vain-glory of the Pharisee
in the-tempte. But the contrition of
the publican which makes him cry,
"God be merciful to me, a sinner," and
sends him down to his house
comes only when the people of God are
in prayer and supplication.-Rev . A. C.
$ $ .JI
The church is . supposed to carry the
burden ot souls, and really bring heav-
en ,down. Are we, as God's children,
as mi1ch is earnest as we ought to be ?
Many are busy getting their cellars,
barns and storehouses fill ed for the
winter; many are concerned about
their winter clothing, and so on. what
about the tithes and Has
the minister. been Are
the widows the orphans f9rgotten ?
. We ar.e longmg for a revival of old-
time power, and we ''ant to see our
sons and daughters saved. Now is the
time to prepare for it. Soul travail will
come upon the church when the win-
dows of heaven have been opened by
bringing jn the tithes. The hands of
. God's ministers will be untied, and they
can give their time to the ministry of
the Word and prayer. Then thet'e ar e
the ''old scores,' the little differences,.
the misunderstandings. Settle these,
and don't wait until the minister and
workers overcome them byfasting.and
prayer. God is the same and we will
see revivals and a heart work done for
men and women when the _church
as a
body can prevan for. .
Are you ready for tl\e revival' you so
much want? Get ready; it will
Nazarene Messenger
When revival fires allowed to
burn low, tlie church becomes l ess
powerful and ceases to do the glorious
work it is her duty to perforJl!, and a .
whole train of disasters is likely to fol-
low. _ . .
No society ought to be . content with-
out a revival. They ought to J?e
if the Spirit of the Lord is not poured
out and the presence of the Lordis not
specially manifested at the public ser-
vices. They ought to seek the cause
and then be in haste to remove it.. If a
revival spirit is not manifested in the
society, and God's professed children
are not free, the sinners who attend ar e
not brought under conviction and the
children grow up car eless and indiffer-
ent to -the cl aims of the Lord.
We owe it to our loved ones, and lo
the sinners with whom we are-brought
in to be spiritual and blest anrl
walk in liberty. They know when we
lose our f ervency and freedom, for this
. sad condition manifests itself in many
ways. We ought indeed to be a way-
mark to' point others toward the cross
and the hea'\renly city.-Free Metho-
Two Helpful Tracts.
Are words in season to the jilstitied. Can be
had from the author, Rev. R. Pierce, 730
San Pedro St., Los Angeles, Cal. Price, 20c
per doz.; $1 per 100.
LDeceniber 17, 1908
-In selec.ting Christmas 'gift$ for your young
friends and relatives you will no doubt
endeavor not only to please but to benefit
them. What could be .more pleasing or
profitable than to have the weekly visits of a
reaJ live young people's paper. _Mental and
spiritual food in a form in which_ you rig and
old delight to receive it. A year's subscrip-
. tion to T.!i'E . YOUTH'S COMRADE is just the
thing. It is net expensive (only 76c.) but is
nevertheless valuable.
If you desire,Us to' do SO we 'wi)l send a
-Christmes post card to your friend aiinouncing
the coming of THE-YOUTH'S COMRADE for a
year . Please to consider paper when
selecting your Christma.s gifts.
Apples of Gold;
Or Words Fitly S'poken.
Being a Compilation of the brief Spiritual
Heart Messages which have appea_r ed on the
first page of the MESSENGER during the past
two years.
240 fages, Paper.
With portrait, and introduction
by Dr. Bresee.
Price 25 Cents
by mail 30c; in lots of 10 $2.
In cloth, 60 cents.
. Address, _ "R. P." .
730 San Pedro St., Los Angeles, Cal.
The Assembly Minutes
Are now ready and will be mailed to any address
Every One Should Get Them
1: ....
The Thanksgiving Number
of the Nazarene Messenger
We have some of Thanksgiving
. '
Messengers. If any church _wants a
supply for their or any individual
desires them_ mailed to their friends, we
can fill the It is _the
_best advertising you can get. _$5.60 per
100, .postpaid. 4 for 25-cents. . . . . .
Nazarene Publishing Co.
Los A ri'g e 1 e s, California.

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