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Motion (Physics)
Q1 When is the body said to be in motion?

Ans. A body is said to be in motion if its position changes w.r.t. a reference point. Q.2 Motion is a relative term. Explain?

Ans. Motion is a relative term because a body can be in motion w.r.t. one set of surroundings and at the same time can be at rest w.r.t. another set of surroundings. eg. a person sitting in a moving car is at rest w.r.t his co-passengers whereas he is in motion w.r.t. person standing outside. Q.3 Differentiate between scalar and vector quantities.

Ans. Scaler quantities are those which can be described by their magnitude only. e.g. Mass, time, temperature, length, distance, speed etc. Vector quantities are those quantities which need both magnitude and direction for their description. e.g. displacement velocity, acceleration, force etc. Q.4 Differentiate between distance and displacement?

Ans. Distance is the length of the actual path covered by the body. it is a scalar quantity. Dispalacement is the shortest distance from the initial to the final position. it is the vector quantity. Note that the magnitude of the displacement for a course of motion may be zero but the corresponding distance covered is not zero. Q5. What is the distance covered and the displacement of a body moving along a semi-circular path of a radius "R".

Ans. Distance = 22/7 R Displacement = 2R Q.6 Differentiate between speed and velocity.

Ans. Speed is the distance covered by a body per unit time. It is a scaler quantity. Velocity is the speed of a body in a particular direction. It is a vector quantity. Q7. Differentiate between Uniform and Non-uniform Motion ?

Ans. Uniform Motion - if a body covers equal distance in equal intervals of time in a straight line, it is said to be in uniform motion. e.g light has a uniform motion. Non Uniform motion - if a body covers unequal distance in equal intervals of time, it is said to have non-uniform motion. e.g. a freelyfalling body, a car moving in a crowded road. Q.8 Define Average Speed?

ans. For a body having non- uniform motion, average speed = total distance travelled/ total time taken. Q9. Define Acceleration?

Ans. Acceleration is defined as rate of change of velocity. a = v-u/t where a stands for acceleration v - final velocity U - initial velocity t- time The SI unit of acceleration is m/s2 Q10 What is meant by uniform and non uniform acceleration?

Ans If an object travels in a straight line and its velocity increases or decreases by equal amounts in equal intervals of time, then the acceleration of the object is said to be uniform. The motion of a freely falling body is an example of uniformly accelerated On the other hand, an object can travel with non-uniform acceleration if its velocity changes at a non-uniform rate. For example, if a car travelling along a straight road increases its speed by unequal amounts in equal intervals of time, then the car is said to be moving with non-uniform acceleration. NOTE If a body moves with a velocity of constant magnitude along the circular path, the only change in its velocity is due to the change in the direction of motion. The motion of the body moving along a circular path is, therefore, an example of an accelerated motion.

Q11 Draw distance-time graph showing uniform and non uniform

Q12 Draw speed-time graph showing uniform and non uniform motion.

NOTE The area enclosed by velocity-time graph and the time axis will be equal to the magnitude of the displacement.

Q13 Derive the three equations of motion.

FIRST EQUATION OF MOTION From this graph, you can see that initial velocity of the object is u (at point A) and then it increases to v (at point B) in time t. The velocity changes at a uniform rate a. interval t. Let us draw AD parallel to OC. From the graph, we observe that BC = BD + DC = BD + OA Substituting BC = v and OA = u, we get v = BD + u or BD = v . u From the velocity-time graph the acceleration of the object is given by a =Change in velocity/ time taken =BD/AD = BD/OC Substituting OC = t, we get a =BD/ t

or BD = at (8.9) v = u + at

SECOND EQUATION OF MOTION the distance s travelled by the object is given by s = area OABC (which is a trapezium) = area of the rectangle OADC + area of the triangle ABD


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